HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 01 1986I -' ■ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE - W. P' I December 1, 1986 { the Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, December 1, 1986. at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present, were Mayor Andren, Councilmenbers Fitzgerald, Scott, White, City Menager McGuire, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Hanager/Eooncmic Developeent Director anmncht, ; Assistant City Planner Garross and City Attorney Kessel. Myor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the 0 pledge of,allegiance. fhe minutes of the November 24, 1986 meeting were reviewed by Council. Councilmeeober White called the Coun&-il's attention to the discussion regarding . the proposed downtown development project. The developer did state at the meeting that they would - be investing $87,000, during phase one of the development, however, a different amount was "stated in the letter: presented to the CaWrr - at the sleeting. 19 WH WAS P" BY SODTT, 39MNM BY WHITE, TO APFFdNE THE RIIaA.'SS OF tVM!! M Mid 24 1986 AS.SU*IITTV. Uj= a vote taken, ayes by Andreas, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion, passed UMAImcwsly. The Council then rev iewed the invoices scheduled for payment. Councilmember 1 ° White asked that a report. be given to the Council on the televising of the j sanitary sewer lines. !QMH WAS MIIDB Br 9Q3TP, SAID BY WHITE, 70 APPIa M THS INmicES S=)%itU Inw�ices _ POR PAYMM ON UESD)►Y, D®CSMM I, 1986. [Ip a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion pes ed , unanimonaly. The nUt item on the agenda eras to continue Consideration of Oak Ridge Court 2nd Addition. Preliminary Plat.. This itennowas tabled at the Rxember 17 meeting. Sine that time, the developer had presented Alternate A to the preliminary plat •Which divided Outlot A into three lots With 90 foot frontage and moved the easement to the paling area farther south. Assistant City- Planner Garross , stated that no oovenents Were'oni record for the Oak Ridge dge Court Subdivision. Ms. "'Garross further stated that since the City already had an easement for the ponaing area, any filling or excavating in this area Mould require City approval.; therefore, it Would make no difference if the City converted the easement to fee ownership. (MM X474230 4M DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 i - Il, .r MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAM CITY COUNCIL December 1, 1986 Mary Eggum, the developer, addressed the Council stating that he did i^.ave a1 meeting with the neighborhood. Consents were also made by members of the a neighborhood who felt Outlot A was intended to be a park area when the _ subdivision was originally approved _and they wanted it to remain that way. Assistant City Planner Garross stated that City records,_ did` show a, park dedication fee of $2,500 was paid by the developer at the time the hardshell was n approved', and no records indicated Outlot A was to be a park area. Discussion by Council followed. It was the consensus that lots with larger front 'footage would be better, but with the current Zoning Ordinance, there was no basis to deny approvailof the preliminary plat. There was further discussion ° regarding the realigning of the easement for the pording area. City Planner o Graver stated if Alternate A Was 'approved, a quit claim deed would be filed for the present easement prior to filing,the hardshell of the plat. The new easement would be rededicated in the plat." lDTTON WAS MADE BY FITZGE1K D, SEO MM BY sam,' TO APPROVE M PRELII+O OM PLAT OAR COURT 2ND ALTERAATE "A" SZBJBCT TO THE' FC[d0MG: Oak Ridge 4 _ RIDGE ,:ADDITION, Oaa t 2r d 1. THE DEVELOPER BEIM RESPONSIBLE FOR UTMITY STIRS TO LOT 1. Additim 2. LOW' SAB FOR HOMS ON LOTS 1 -3. BE AT OR HICHER THAN 958.4 ELEVATION. Plat a vote taken, ayes by Andrea, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was a public hearing for the James Skinner alley , V vacation. NMor Anaren called the public hearing to order at 8 :11 p.m. and read ,." for the record the public notice as it appeared in the Prior Lake Amrican,oiv Nmeober 24 and December 1, 1986. The tape recording will be koppt on file in the Office of the City Manager as the official record of the public hearing. V Assistant Planner Garross presented the request to vacate approximately 16 x 2W feet of unimproved alley located in Block 33 of Spring Lake mxftite. "Northern` States Power does have utility lines located in the west part of „- the,.alley - and representatives stated they would be opposed to the vacation unless neoeseary easements could - be provided for service to their lines. Because the petitioner, ' it ;James. Skinner, does not own the property adjacent to the west part of the alley and granting of the easements could not be assured, Staff recommended vacating �i only the east part of the alley abutting Lots 2, 3 and 4. if Disccussion was opened to,,the audienee�,and comments were made by James Skinner and adjacent property owners. Discussion by the Council followed. MOTION WAS NAM ``'BY WHTTE, SBOOMM BY 904TT, TO ADOPT RESOLUTJON 86 -22 A Jaen RESMUTION PROVIDING FOR THE VACATDON OF THAT PART OF THE ALIl37C IN BLOCK 33, Samw SPRING LAM SITS. AS DESCRIBED IN THE RESOLUTION. Alley Vac. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Anaren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. MOTION WAS !LADE BY FITSGEMM SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO AWOURN THE PUBLIC HEARING. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Anaren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and” White, the motion passed unanimously. The public hearing adjourned at 8 :23 p.m. 2 KINUTES OF THE PRIOR LILM CITY COUWII December 1, 1986 A five minute recess was called. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 8:30 p.m. The Council then moved to Item #9 on the agenda and reviewed the proposed Sewer Construction and Maintenance Agreement With the Shakopee Maewakanton Sioux Community. City Attorney Ressel introduced John Jacobson, attorney representing the Sioux Community and Who was involved in the negotiations of the agreement. msa�ss Bill Thompson, Tribal Administrator for the Sioux Community, and Ron RSbinette, Sirlaopee Executive Director of the Minnesota Dakota Housing Authority, were also present. Nkmh ntm Mr. Jacobson presented a revised copy of the Sewer Construction and maintenance &au 0=6 Agreement and also presented copies of the proposed Sanitary Sewer Ordinance of Ammmment the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Commmity and a proposed Resolution approving the far Smitan Siknitary,Sewer Ordinance. Mr. Jacobsen reviewed in detail the revisions in the Seww agreement and asked for action by the Council at this meetingb theSioux Community may lose their 'Housing and Urban Developent funding if they did not received a signed contract by Deeerber 15. Discussion by Council followed regarding the agreement. Mr. Jacobson asked that City Manager McGuire provide a letter to Mr. Thompson clarifying the charges of the sewer.user fees, explaining that at this time there are no administrative costs included in the charges and that in the future that may change.** Concern was expressed by the Council that they had not had adequate tine to thoroughly ag reement and did not feel �9�y review the a g they they could. act. on it at this meeting. It wes the consensus of the.Council that(thre agreement should be scheduled on the agenda, for the December 8 meeting ;k action could be taken at that time. .. **See pace 3 -a for addition. A five minute recess was calle&1 %yor. Andren- called the meeting back to order e at 10 :36 .p.s. :�O* next item do the agenda was to consider a Joint Powers Agreement with the Prior Lake /Wing Lake Watershed District. City Manager W-Gaire presented the Nunbwmwe agraement and stand that the Watershed District was requesting Samna minor mainte on the. outlet and it was advised that the. City enter into the rdth - Ryan Agreement to provide the services. B Ialae iYee� 'lDTM MRS N= BY WHt18, S8OMM BY FITL=ALD, TO APPltt7ilE Tom; CITY ME= shm �• IIaQ = JOW POMM AGPJMNW TO PROV= SB[t{tICB.S WITH TO PRIOR LAWSPRM LAIQ3' 03IMSM DISWCT. qwn a vote token aym bl► Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and white, the motion peeled ummninwAdy. f ftL out item on the agenda was to consider an amendment to the City (lode 6lmction 3- 5-6(C) regarding the Personai Service license to practice massage. City MwmWr McGuire presented the amendment stating that a public hearing is required to m the license under the current, City Code. The amendment re=Awm and by Staff would require a public hearing only if complaints have been received prior to granting renewal of the license. NNM WAS MADE BY FITiG'BI#M, SBO N= BY' SODTr, TD, A"T OFOIIOlWE 86-08 W. 86-96 ;ale; Tr= 3, SBMMU 3 -5-6 (C) CF' TAE CITY COGB. Arad Sec. Upm a vote taken, es by Andren, Fit c 3-5-6 (C) wpm t �ooia, and:. white,; the motion Passed unanimously. 3 a m@ltT1m or To PRIOR um, CITY AIL December 1, 1986 ' There was a discussion on Why paYsent in lieu of tans was not included in the agrement. ' Mr. Jacobson indicated that the Sioux Co■ mdty is sensitive to, the fact that there are costs Which t`* City is experiencing. lac. Thompson stated,, 'ire is a real. willingness to have other issues presented both by the C mumity avid the City and to have other agreements arranged. I 'think I was one of them that identified that the payment in lieu of texas- was certainly a question the Tribe would undertake. I think that our feeling on the sewer \ was that that Was a singular focus project that really did rat enompm `�tbe broader iss in lieu tams." 1 Mr. Thompson further indicated ue of payment of t►gat they would be willing to begin discussions and,mgotiations on payment in liaiu�f tamli. k y 1 i MINUTES OF 7M PRIOR: LAKE CITY OMWIL December 1, 1986 The Council then reviewed the ftmicipal Financing Assistance Aq lication. �x Economic Developnent Director Ur nacht presented the application explaining that this form Was prepared to be used for Revenue Bond and Tax Increment pro jects and is a more detailed and complete form than had been used inthe past. Staff ` Was recmmnding that a $500.00 fee accompany the application for processing. Discussion by the Council followed. It was the consensus that this fee should be established by the Council at the beginning of each year as the other City he for fees were. F mnci m 1VTPON WAS MADE BY WHITE,, SNOOD BY TO ESTABLISH; A FEE OF $500:00 FOR Awistwm in APPLICAimm OF 7m MSJNIIam Fnawni ASSLSTANCT. A Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andrea, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanisoualy. The next item on the agenda was to consider the sale of tax forfeited land. City Manager NoWire stated that the Omwil must approve the sale of all tax forfeited land within ,Prior Lake. Scott�County km notified the City of' the sale of two parcels of land -- two lots located on Manitou Road and a parcel located at the intersection of Sunray Circle, Sunset Trail and Highway 13. The City has first option to purchase the parcels. After Staff Ia review of both psroels, it was recownended that the two lots on Manitou Road had no public interest but that the parcel at Sunray Circle, Sunset Trail and Highway 13 be purchsaid for potential road (, NX7M MS 'MADE (BY FIT=GEIa M, SMOME ED BY WHITE, TO APPIt M THE SALE OF THE TAX Appme P01MIT11D LAM ON NAN17M l41DAD LYnG WITHIN SECTION 26, TCNNMP 115, ' PAM 22. Sale ct 'Ta Fk felt Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion Iaod passed unanwously. MDT1GN MS NM BY PIT&MMLD, SNQMEM BY G SM T, TW THE CITY SHOM, =CM Nrc2mse �` ITS OQ' M TO RASE THE UX POMEITED LAND AT THE I OF SMWM TOM lbefeit�v CM U, St]N6 T TliH1IL AM RIGOM 13 (P/b NW ,1/'4 SM 1/6 N a W OF HIGl9W 13 LYING Iaod ; NVIRIN..SBMMN 10, TMMMIP 114, RMME 22) FOR THE APPRA M VALM OF $100.00. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andrea►, Fitzgerald, Scott, and white, the motion , gassed unaniwously. Councilaesber White, briefly discussed inforwation on topic ideas to be discussed by the 1m q* of Niwmmta Cities Conference Committee that war given to the Council. Nr., %bite stated that if the Council had certain topics they were � interested in, they should let him know.` The next Council meeting will be Monday, December 8, 1986 at 7:30 p.w. There being no furtho-r—basiness the meting adjourned at 10 :53 p.m. by general consent of the Council. Michael A. NoWire city Manager Loretta M. Lame Recording Secretary 4 4fiMSw' AYA'1H .$e Ti,TY�... j, . a. J i THE POU01IM LIST OF INVOICES ARE 9C3MULED FOR PAYMNr ON TIES, DEC. 2, 1986 1 z. Loretta Lane Reiab. for expenses s Mileage ' 22.59 ' B. R. Bart Office Supplies 1,250.30 a' The Drawing. Hoard, Office Supplies 104.32 . Coast to Coast Stores Misc. Supplies 67.62 'Creative Graphics Office, Supplies 233.20 SL. Paul Hoak a Stationery Co. Officx Supplies 33.46 is Star Tribune Ad 118.80 Prior Lake American Ad 96.00 Michael 'McGuire Aeiab. for Boom Expense 241.98 4arts Illustrated Ae WMI 53.46 18iwsweek Ber wal 39.79 Teri -Jo's Floral Plant, 20.00 Immen, Nelson, Cole a Stageberg Attorney Flees 1.270.01 0* Bauipeent Plaaming Supplies 20.65 .. : ........ 11 l*y Engineering Professional Services 45.00 , ftw oev Data Products Supplies 47.60 big Sk y Data Syatrs - System Support Services 349.60 ltinnetek.- computer Maintenance Contract 895.00 - print 'Telephone Service 70.97 ' 3 i D Carpet Cleaning Building Mnintenanoe 100.00 Gopy Duplicating Products Copier Rental a. Supplies 304:27 smisom Semen City . Ball Cleaning 700.00 Scott Canty Auditor Election Scanning Equipment . Deborah Garross Mileage a Meiab. for Expense 45.80 Petty Cash Postage a Hiisc. Supplies 39.84 surrwille Printing Co. Printed - Supplies 62.10 s Herald's Locksmith Service Repairs 105.00 r 8eott County Sheriff Radio Maim. Cloetract 289.60 OaiZDM Qr imitad ' Small '!bola i Hquipeent 25.00 I� ecott County Sheriff Radio Mint. Contract 318.80. 8aott- f►rver Air Aisn. — AwA al Dues 100.00 Qotawiy Fire i, Safety Co. Clothing Supplies. 150.00 Catoo, Repo rs 177.20 , SEEM �. Lisa Brandt bark Program Instructor 49.50 Rarer Stwigohr Park Program Instructor' 99.00 Maureen Jandorf Park Progrm, Instructor 1,063.00 Imam Bus Co. Bus Charter 1240 Natural Green Inc. Bquipsient Maintenance 85.00" Crescent Electric Supply Co. .Wire 233.53 arv's Auto Body ` �� Aepaiiis 621.35 w- Alberta Anderson Park Progra,Aefund 9.00 Gladys Mahoney \� Park' Program AG�Eund s .00 Betty Ansel \ Park Program Railund 9.00 a . Beverly Bolmetrbwt Park Program Refund Sl 9.00 x ftem ary- Nelson Park Program Refund 9.00 ' Viola Frerk Park Program Flefund 9.00 Adeline IjN= Park Program Aefurd 9.00 Midi loop Senior Citizens 75.00 Citisens 10 09 0 0 sleeting Bgwnse 4:00 i MC Dept. of Libor i Ldustry CSM Penalty 150.00 Prior take Upektop, Inc. Street, Patching 11.200.00 8itr+oo. Laboratory Analysis 24.00 Greta. Lakes '1'V 8ta1 i Jetting `Sever Ttlevisirig. 3,305.82 r, Law n,,, Mel=on. Cale i Stageberg Attorney Pees 3,698.75 l , , 6 , i r , , t