HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 15 1986CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Aimma M ww= Agenda Monday, December 15, 1986 CALL TO ORDER 7:30 p.m. 1 1 Pledge of Allegiance 2 Minutes of the Previous. Meeting and Invoices Scheduled for Payment on masdar,, December 16, 1986 .° � 3. Consider Advance Refunding, of general Obligation Bonds of 1982, 1984 c and 1985 4. Fred Seb maich — Consider Amendment to. Conditional gee Permit <` y 5.. Discuss Acquisition of Lot 15, Block 3, Brooksville Hills 6th Addition � �r for City Well Site 6. Discuss Appointwient to District 14 Metropolitan Council Seat " 7. Consider "Cigarette License Applications for`1987 8. Consider Request from St. Michael's for 3.2 Beer Permit for Nw ` Year's . Rve Duce 9. Consider Monthly Reports for November l 10. Consider Purchase of Scott County Garage 11. Other Business; y . a. b. c. 12. Ann011tl!llts and Correspondence a. Open House for Don Busse, Monday,: December 22, 1986, 7:0"00 b. Oonncil Meeting following Open House. on Mondaay, December 22, 1986 at 8:00 p.m.. � c. 13. Adjonrn.ent 4912447.4M, 'DAKOTA $MEET P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56572 PO �.. t � s w Z • - c, _ _ , t ZfIE FQUTING LIST OF INVOI(TsS ARE SQO;DULED .ROiR PAYlM ON TUBS, DDC. 16, 1986 , MISC. DFITS, St. Paul Book i Statipnery Office Supplies 20.11 V Quill Corp. Office Supplies 250.71 ., Parts Dept. Inc. Misc. Supplies 131.35 Delta Mental Plan Insurance 923.10 Albinson Machine Dental 50.00 ; Scott Rice Teleph re Tvlephune Service 1.040.74 Charles Tooter Professional Services 700.00 Carlson Hardware Co. Disc. Supplies 119.46 C. H. Carpenter Lrsbber Co. Mist: Supplies 177.77 Prior Lake CarQuest Repair Supplies 330.31 , Prior Lake Whicle Repairs 474.90 Prior Lake Inc. Sind S Gravel 303.19 Minnegasoo Uldlities , 792.99 m Valley 8lectiic Co-Op. dtilities 829.73 a.�Q�'iB{11 ncreapelis S+:ar a Tribune Ad :. _ 118.80 Attitude Dwtlopent Consultants , Co■ mu ication nor eWp. -N- - 856.00 Prior Lake Arierican Legal Allications 144.81 Fra *k Nicker:' Profess ional. Services 600.00 Niam"t wtie� ri Supply Dog Tags 37.72 Creative Graphics 9ta4 24.15 Qvx* Arnold, Planning Omimission Salary 575.00 Mike helix Planning Oaiaisaion Salary 25.00 Douglas Larson Planning Coswisreion Salary 550.00 ilrosias Laftiva Planning Ommission Salary 625:00 Dive Ibsitth Planning �kmmission Salary 550.00 a Mary shin Mills Planning 6mmalpsion Salary 475.00 Prior 14M Optimist Club Dues 50.00 z MinneGik "Software Ma ntenence 9*tract 895,00 r Busine'is M aagsment Training 150.00 r q sd► Data 8yst!m: softMare Wstixisation 424.60 - mm* 11 tioeal brlk CO■Ptet pMyytnt 2,714.14 � Amer' Linea Building Mtintenance: 72.46 R i //R Cupet 8eririce Building !t►, terhance.. 27.00 Pil.imy Bwrs Postage 19ac4i "'tie Rental 125.50 1►1c 87stews Beating a RC Off. Balding ',Mai�,it.noe 328.00 Mrror Oouncil Salaries;;. ; 1 1j cbml MoOuirs Car Ally once 300.00 1,i pb Teexdner Car Allcsjanae 75.00 � 0*. is a Mileags 17.60 u Stageber'9 Attorney Fees 3,483.63 `- i I on Numiness Furniture it ' �piies j; ' 43.90. r'( Modern Office �Slnpplies 67.25 Pwlaaster ;Meiling Pexmits 100.00. 1 z Burnsville Printing o. Printed ies 136.51 Noll's fkdlmrk Shop Photo Finishi Deputy Registrar Registration Flee- 75.25 <: Communication Auditors Radio Repair 53.57 Copy Duplicating Products Copier. Rental 60.00 Richard Powell Cyr A1lwance 150.00 j Bob McAllister Animal Control 363.02 , Em Prior Lake Fire Dept. Pension Relief Fund Payment 9,000.00 � Reynolds Welding Supply Co. SLpplies 6.90 MN Cellular Telephone Co. 1lelephone Service 24..36 • Queen of Peace Hospital Deb Refresher Course 480.00 Colusmication specialists, Pager Repair 150.25 City of Shokoy" Building inspections 266.45 8H5�11�liS ' • Copy Rquipient Inc. Supplies = 03.87 ` Casevniation Auditors Radio Repair 42.90 0 of M Conference Registration Fees 135.00' R'IC BT < AMMI PRO 12.00 Jordon True Wlue`%I rdware` Acetylene Supplies _ 21.40 Scott County Audits Land Purchase 123.00 ' Tranapoctation Tich: Transfer Mr. Registration Fee 30.00 f Larry Anderson Cyr Allowance 150.00 lace I"W Car Allowance 150.00 llttro lbre_Lft. *ipsent Rental ,. :; 26.00; M Sl Ocult ion 1".61 I 891depr 8tataap BLvras Ark Program _ Supplies 27.60 Now 9rsguie umber i Recur -mix Co. Pert, maintenance euppi ss U.40 A to f 46" 4ater Trrrcher Rental 86.80 Dill :lrel a, Cat Allowance 150..00 Wv Cis Co. IrP Ctis 270,00 } ai aural Green, Inc. Repairs 90.55 e 1Vblic Militias Utilities 31.38 J. R. Jioiensoa amply Co. C NH Vbllsy ilsotsic 'llMip .hems i Repairs . 52.00 � mammas Ammin Library Cleaning 155.00 ° �4wR.,Deap Supplies 8.37 Iaerlea its Go. Bus Charter 82 -I -, Cads Ptorlis _tuna " - S 00 Red.tkrl , : Park Porgra 63.48 Fbslarter - 456.33 I f . Briggs i 14Drgan Expenses 168.88 pixie PetmQas+ Ctamicala 157.95 14M Haters G Rogers awmicala 312.20 Layne lliruwaota Repair'- Syppiies 359.93 ., r _Klingberg Rwavating Dquipbent Rental 320.00 INOC MC Charges 39,501.00 INOC - Inatlallwant 29.569.x9 J. P. Mwer, `inc. SwAv Repai 3,661.50 Park 14dUmleyy ftwr Service Seem �irSuppliea 100.00 Preferred ftving, " Inc. ftt. lip. 6 6148146 1divin 8nadwy Ooat 1 0%ner Expense 216.56 • tio■a�issioner 211.50• WilcY Kruse Qmissioner Expmm 200.00 �altloe• Bopp, Odl t a MaFarlin ltgineeriig row 7.777.16 Istti xaona llt. lb. 10 i9,2S2S0 ' t�l_ rgi� neerieg l�eea D Charlea Tooter � sun - careaaL Pr 8etvicea ,� 700.00 M-1014 , 310A you. Debt Service 5,757..00 j Secret Heck ". j , Dft , Saicvioe 62.157.10 . linrt !coat D3bt eervioa 1,394.25' maxim atianal Sank &". Debt service 22,200.36' r W U C` l ' ` i CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Nn=ES OF THE CITY OOUNCIL Decker 15, 1986 The Common Council. of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, Pecenber 15, 1986 at 7;30 p.m. in the City Council Clambers. Pr went were Mayor , ' Andren, Council rs Fitzgerald, Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Menager/Eoonanic Development Director Umacht, and City Attorney Ressel. City Engineer Anderson arrived at 8 :00 P.M. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the Deoember 8, 1986 meeting Were reviewed by Council. Mayor Andren stated that on page 5. paragraph 4, the last word •unanimously should be emitted. (612) 447.4230 4M DAKOTA STREET S.E. lDTION MRS HUM BY WK M, SBCOMED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE T MINUTES OF DBCElBSR 8 1986 AS AMEMED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by zge Andren, Fit raid, Scott, and White, the action i passed unanimously. The Council then reviewed the invoices scheduled for nt. payme t t lDTMN MRS MM BY SOO T,„ SBCONDl6D BY FITZGEPALD, TO APPROVE THE IMMCES SCHEDULED FOR PAYMMV ON. 7UESIM, DECEMBER 16, 1986. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next item on the agenda was to consider advance refunding of General Obligation Bonds of 1982, 1984 and 1985. Mayor Wren stated that Staff �� Q1 OD Bmds requested time to acquire additional information on this item, therefore, it was tdAmd tabled and will be rescheduled on the agenda When the information is received. I* Council then considered an amendment to the conditional use permit for Freddie's >on the Lake Restaurant. City Planner Cramer informed the Council that Fred 8cbmich was requesting to expand the restaurant in accordance with the third phase of a previously approved conditional use permit. 7his expansion would be the final phase in the development program which called for the � addition of 2,700 square feet. With this expansion 55 parking sp es would be {` needmd and the restaurant currently has 54 spaces. 'limp Planning Commission considered the request at their December 11 meeting and recommended approval of the expension of the conditional use permit with eight contingencies. i P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 1 the project aid specifying the exterior material to be used. Councilmembe Fitzgerald made'the following amendment to the motion: Add to item! #10: . im MW AREA CSAINDP BE IIO?Ii = POR PUBLIC use UNTIL SUCH TIM AS Addit a� =m =AMITMOWL PAMING : ARE AVAILABLE AM A �DITIOOL uSC PERM HAS Alp B111N FILED AND APPROVED. Oaed.Use' . Peat- R+eddes Add to item #7s AND 4M E)MERIOR NAMMAK BE PRINCIPALLY'OF A ROUGE CBDEIR OR RIDIOOD. ,. Discussion followed and it was pointed out that i brick accent could be 'used also. Cbuncilmombers White )-And Soott agreed to the amendment. 2 > x I j 14INUM OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL December 15, 1986 Fred Schweich was present and addressed the Council stating he would like to expand the restaurant more than 2,700 square feet if possible to put _a basement under the kitchen and square off the corner of the addition rather than having it at an angle. It -was pointed out that if the square footage was increased, the perking spaces would also have to be increased. Nr. Schweich stated that he was in the process of acquiring a 75 foot lot adjacent to his present parking lot that could be used for additional parking. s Discussion by the Council followed regarding the amendment to the conditional use permit, if the expansion should be limited to an additional 2,700 square feet and the parking requirements. NOTION WAS NAM BY WHITE,. SBOO[DED BY SOOTT, TO ACCEP!P THE FLAMM 00141ISSIONARRvad RIl00l -N OMTION TO APPROVE ME ANGNOFGNTP TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONTINGENT Areidaett UPON TW FOL ICHING: W OQd. 4, use piendt'fw rr 1. CEMIN PLANTING ON WEST BE DENSE AND NATURE AND APPAW® BY SZRFF. Freddies en Labe 2. _APPROPRIATE SOUND AND VISUAL RMERS FOR ROOF? FANS. 3. PLANT INM DE NODIFICRTION OF PROPOSED DECK So NOT VISUAL AND BMW PliUOF' TO N NEIGHBOR. #. SONE FENCING TO -XEEF` PEOPLE OFF THIS ROOF. 5. F= M MY DISC PLANTINGS DURING WAVATION ON 7HE SOUM. 6. PAASS III MCMMTB AT LEAST 55 TAMING SPACES. I 7. $X'1SRIOR N AERIALS UNIIFIOM FOR . ENTIRE . STR1(VUR s AND ARCHITHCTURALM IIF1'EGRAT� , 8 PAM 1 - 3 BE PEAT OF EXHIBIT. 9. ME BUILDING , SEWN+ CONFORM! WM ALL SIDE YARD SIS'18AM (10 VOW MM SINGLE FAY, HOES TO ME WEST) 10. PINT A FM L BASENIN1' UNDER 7HE KITCHEN AREA FOR STOMM USE ONLY. Diacussion of the motion'followed regarding putting a deadline on completion of the project aid specifying the exterior material to be used. Councilmembe Fitzgerald made'the following amendment to the motion: Add to item! #10: . im MW AREA CSAINDP BE IIO?Ii = POR PUBLIC use UNTIL SUCH TIM AS Addit a� =m =AMITMOWL PAMING : ARE AVAILABLE AM A �DITIOOL uSC PERM HAS Alp B111N FILED AND APPROVED. Oaed.Use' . Peat- R+eddes Add to item #7s AND 4M E)MERIOR NAMMAK BE PRINCIPALLY'OF A ROUGE CBDEIR OR RIDIOOD. ,. Discussion followed and it was pointed out that i brick accent could be 'used also. Cbuncilmombers White )-And Soott agreed to the amendment. 2 > x I Con ES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL December 15, 1986 Upon a vote taken on the amendment to the motion, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. t Upon a vote taken on the amelxW motion, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and f "" white, the motion passed unanimously. A five minute recess was called. Mayor Andren called the meeting back to order at 8:48 p.m. r The next item on the agenda was to discuss the acquisition of Lot 15, Block 3, - Brooksville Hills 6th Addition for a City well site. This item Was tabled at the last meeting to allow Staff the opportunity to determine additional pumping costs if a new well mas:•located adjacent to the new eater tower versus at the existing well Rites. City Engineer Anderson informed the Council that the difference in: .costs would be minimal. However, to keep the option open for a future treatment Plant, it is recommended that the well be .located raear the existing well sites: Discussion by Cotuicil followed. M T= MS MADE BY SOn1T, SWMM BY FITSOMM, 70 AOQ DIRE WT 15, BWCK 3, f Cit ai 4 : BIMSVILLE HILIS 6TH ADDITMN FOR = CITY WELL SIZE AT AN ARM NOT 10 BISED *n Site. $19,500, Discussion of the motion followed. City Engineer Anderson requested that the following be added to the motion and. Ccuncilmembers Scott and Fitzgerald I agreed: � CMaM=' UPON APPi MUO . BY THE PhANNIIM 0M4 MISSION OF A COWITIOML USE \� PERMIT FOR A PUBLIC UTILMY BUILDING To BE ommmam ON THB SINGLE F&Kw I-1 LOT AND ISSMM OF A VARIBNM' FNX THE 15,000 MARE FWr MINIMUM LOT SIZE. Upon a vote taken, ayes by .Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and white, the motion passed unaniawuely. The next item on the agenda was to discuss the appointment for the District 14 Mme ow d Metropolitan Council seat. City Manager MoG'uire informed the Council of two Arc. to public meetings that have been scheduled to hear statements from candidates for lfet:Owndl the positions. Ray Joachim, the current representative for District 14, is interested in being reappointed and Mayor Andren stated that letter was n a received - from Mr. Joachim asking the Council to endorse him. Discussion by the. Council followed. It was the consensus that Councilaiber White should attend the meetings and then the Council Would decide if they would endorse a candidate. The next item on the a g enda wars "to consider the cigarette rette license applications for 1987. City MmagerMe0uire stated that/ the applications for the 1987° ° liceness have been reoeiv d and Staff approval of the licenses recommended contingent upon the fees being paid. r 3 i1. MINU!= OF THE PRIOR LAKE Cl'TT COUNCIL, December 15, 1986 MOTION WAS MW BY FITSG'ERALD,. +SBOONDED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE THE 1987 CIGARETTE LICENSES FOR THE EaAMING OONMAMW UPON PAYMENT OF THE $15.00 FEE: (�plrette Liaerse . B & D BAR & RESTAURANP JUNCTION LI D R for 1987 apwed B & D BD77M SHOP LANCERS RASTAURANP, INC. BIG B' S GETS AND GOODS LONE PINE COUNTRY CLUB MlO= LIQUOR P.D.Q. STORE CRCWN COOD (E & STOP STORE) PRIOR LAKE UNION 1 76 EXPRESS GAS -N- GROCERY PRIOR PLACE F EXTRA, IN?0QS R &'R RESTAURANT'S, INC.. (ANCHOR INN) b FRJIE' S ON THE LAKE RADEFMACITEUER'S RED OIL CAST'S WINE AND SPIRITS 54 Ulik MW STORES, INC. HAUSER' S IGA OSCAR SCLHEID ('JOE'S PIZZA) n HOLIDAY 8198 TOM THQrB HC[, IWOCD'INN DRHL40D MUSIC (VEW CLUB) k T.J. I3OMIGAN' S PM,, & GRUB vnaNG' LIQUOR Upon a vote taken, ayes by,Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion. Passed unanimously. = The Council then considered a request fr(m St. Michael's for a 3.2 Beer Permit. F City Manager McGuire presented the request from St, Michael's for the 3.2 beer permit for their "New'Year's Eve Dance to be held on December 31, 1986 and stated than the'S1A.0C- pernit fee had been paid. PVTPON WAS MADE BY 94TE, SBOOMED BY 90aRT, TO ,APPRC 1VE THE 3.2 BEER PERTLY FOR 3.2 Beer STS MICHAM I S NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE ON DECEMBER 31. 1986. lioa e for St. M Upon a rote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the motion passed unanimously. fte O=Cn r then reviewed "the Building Permit Report, Dog Catcher's Report, Fire M and Rescue Report, Police Report and Treasurer's report for November. llrt p monthly reports were approved by general consent. affmv dffar Nor fto next its. on the agenda. was to consider the purchase of the Scott " minty ,ittot►/ garage. City !Tanager Dire stated that the County would be accepting bids C3ient the county garage . located in Prior Lake and the Council you ld.'need to dec� ' if ftiiim , they wanted to submit a bid. mm wAs N= EEY WHITE, SOCCO BD BY FITBCELD, 70 MDVE ,TO. AN AT1CF'Y /MIENS SaSS[On I102MIAMY APT$R THE LIFE W TO DISCUSS THE PURCHASE OF THE SCbRT ' (UOVM GhRAGE FtfiWMR., ` Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott, and White, the nation passed unenimasly., Qx=i1amber Scott ciammented'on the letter received frcu a Prior Lake resident, Michael Zinn, and commended employees, Ray Johnson and Al Friedges, on a job " 5 well. done An, helping Mr. Zinn with a water leakage problem.. City Engineer Anderson distriiiuted copies of a .list recapping the status the assessment and oordeanation appeals for Project 82 -3, North Shore Truci'c Sewer and Netter andL Project. 86-12, Cates Street. �\ 8 J� yg ( ; � � •; R`4'6!R9 `: Yi a } � �, Vii'• +x, b y °! , ,r ` { ! � ! u '''' '"` y i � `Y�