HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 22 1986a , a , A CITY OF PRIOR LAKE M=VPES:OF THE CITY COUNCIL December 22,, 1986 An open house was held for former Councilmember, Don Busse in the Council chambers from 7 :00 to 8 :00 p.m. The Common Council of the City of Prior Lake met in regular session on Monday, December 22, 1986 at ';8':15 p.m.. in the City Council Cumbers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Scott, White, City Manager McGuire, Assistant City Menager/Econaaic Development Director Uaoacht, and City Attorney Nelson, Councilmimber Fitzgerald arrived 8 :22 p.m. r �. z Mayor Andren called the meeting to,order and asked everyone to rise for the pled9e of allegiance. The minutes of the December 15 meeting were reviewed by Council. MOTMN MADB BY WHITE, , SDOONM BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE' ME' MINIJM OF THE DECSIIBSR Mkutes 15, 1986 MIIMM AS SIBMITTBD Appvred Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Scott, and White, Fitzgerald absent, the motion passed. The Council then considered the Downtown Development Proposal as ` Assistant, City Manager/Boonomic Development Director tk . tkawlat reviewed the revised Staff Analysis of the proposal page by page and distributed to Council. 7he'analysis consisted of the following: Project Participation - -.Teem L Players, Cit zen and Property Owwr .+elation, Contracts, Planning Concerns, Market Research, Utility Concerns, Tax Increment, Projec+t Preliminary Work Timetable, Cost Analysis Source/Use, Prior Lake 2000 Survey, City Council Action Ampasted. MN= BY , SBOO m BY FITZGE M D TO ACCEPT THE , - — ONMF NORTTON CF THE Dom► BOOINIKIC DEVKDPMENT C1OM1IWf 'EE AS PRBSENl'E BY STAFF AND APPF40VE THE STAFF Noxmc Rl TIOI AS OUTLn= IN THE , STAFF. ANRLYSIS. De�elgnwt licareoc� Discussion followed regarding the Economic Development' Committee Recommendations amass which are as follows: ; 1. AecaMiend unanimous motion'to support full or partial funding of the Market Aeseareh including the right of City to retain ownership of the report, City retain selection right of firm and establish the prooess for on -going relationship. (61.3)'447.4230. 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 959 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA "372 r , MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL 1980 e 2. lwcommend unanimous nation to a Joint Review Committee with the review and recommendation authority on this Project. Membership to include the FAmncmic Development Committee, Planning Commission, Staff and a Council Liaison; commercial property owner with the Project and residential property owner within the Municipal Development District. r Discussion followed regarding funding responsibility and retention of all market data information. It was a consensus of the Council that the Developer have the Municipal Financing Application completed and available to Councilmembers, prior to the January 5, 1987 Council Meeting for consideration of the Contract. 9 Rick Schmitz and Larry Smith were present as representatives of LakeR dge Development Corp and Arvid Elness Architects respectively. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott and White, the motion panaed, unanimously. The next item on the agenda was to consider Group Health Insurance Benefits. This was tabled until further information was.obtained. The next item on the Agenda was to consider an appointment to the City Council to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Councilmember Don Busse. MM MADE BY WHITE,,, SBCOMEE BY SODTT THAT' THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF DON BUSSE BE Sim tan FILLED BY DWG LML90N be filled ty Upon a roll call vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. A five minute recess was called. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Andren at 9:00 p.m. at which time - she extended her Christmas greetings to Council and individuals in attendance at the meeting ,Coun•.citmembei White - requested the Council Members to have City Manager, MoGuire's perfornanoe appraisal to him•or Councilmember Scott by the January 5, 1987 Council Meeting. A, copy of the third update of the Scott County Coalition was distributed by Assistant City Manager Unmacht. The next Council<meeting,will be Monday, January, 5, at 7:30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. by,. general nnmmn* of *Ni elivnvi l '- Michael A. McGuire City Manager 1 r THE Fa MINE LIST OF INVOICES ARE SC MWLED FOR PAYMtiNr ON TUES, JAN. 06, 1986' MISC: DEM. _ w Principal Mutual. Life(Bankers) Insurance 4,961.77 Q T Northern States Plower Co. utilities 2,574.91 Catherine-z- Jim Veit Settlement „ 1.000.00 Coast to Coast Stores Misc. Supplies 77.82 � Albinson Machine Rental 50.00 Weetside Equipment Install Storage Tanks 10,289.68 St. Paul Book a Stationery Co. Office Supplies 5.60 Copy `Equipment Co. Planning Supplies 11495 Big Sky Data Systems Support Services 37.50 Postage ''1,200.00 Copy Duplicating Systems Copier Rental a Supplies 278.56 r rint Sp .� Telephone Service 71.29 Bosom Hennen 1.,, City Hall Cleaning 700.00. ' Debbie Garross, 11 Expense Aeinbureement l9 S3 B. R Hart Clompany Priinted Forms 129.20/f Americans for Generational Equity Conference Fee 200.00` Starr Office Services Supplies 57.20 i ageberg Attorney Fees 3, 754.99_ Lamm,-, Nelson, f? le, & St Atto must= Rolor Vehicle Repairs 295.20 Prior Lake Electric Co Building Aepairs 121.33 Bonnie Peck Reinta. for Education i20.90 Robert Mertens Fire �Narshall Salary 300.00 e � Lyle Anderson Asst: Fire Marshall a Civ.Def. 300.00 tanifonis Mlinited Clothing Supplies 100.00 Electric Service Inc. Siren;,Aepair 329.80 MN Cellular Telephone Telephone Service 16.74 = City of Shakopee Building Inspections 341.72 North Stan: Chapter ICBO Annual, Due 25.00 ^: Ken 9me Plan Awielvs 6.,073.57 4 BECK 1. Buirnswille Tire a Auto Service Tires _ 139.28 MN Blueprint Hiigineer'ing Supplies ` 35.34 Andy's South Whicl`e° Naint. Supplies - 244.00 Earl F. Anderson a Assoc. signs, � u�" 58.90 f Wrest Meld Suppli 95.30 ErOs Auto_ Body Vlehic]; Repairs 744.20 4 � Jerry s Frame, Inc. VEhiclO` Repairs 500.:00 ` lUremer'� Co. VEhicle!; Repairs - ~ 182.24 IV PAMIS AND RECREATION Maureer. Jandorf Park Program. Instructor 855.00 Lisa Brandt Park Program .Instructor 49.50 Karen Stangohr Park Program Instructor 99.00 Tammy Doyle Mileage 19.40 West Weld Supplies 98.42 Creative Graphics Printed Supplies 75.90 Ruffridge- Johnson Bquipwnt Inc. Repair E%pplies , 215.30 Target Supplies` 151.33 Astleford International Repair:'Supplies 129.85 y M-V Gas Co. Utilities 1,020.00 , Mwmens.Supply Supplies 245.27 Meda Kop Senior Citizens 75.00 David Uhwacht Mileage a Expenses 64.54 ,n � w�nru rrrTV:rr Dixie FetroChea Chemicals. 157.95 Layne Minnesota Repair L,%rlies 20.00 Seroo Lab Analysis 40.00 American Water Works Assn. Dues 54.00 .SMSlrII�I'1Y: . State Treasurer Examination Fees 30.00 MM-Pollution Contraol Agency :Wastanter School 150.00` Carlson's Lake State`Bquipment Sewer Repair Supplies 840044 ° S Soott tbunty Treasurer Bid Security Deposi 2.245.00; fi A {J 4. Braun Engineering Engineering Fees 1.214.44 =° OAfi Engineering 17,877.25 ' ; M ili g imil R N Y i t h RFVrIInI 19 FIT", Am_c . i The following two bids were submitted for fuel in 1987: Muelken Oil. Q=pany Regular Gas 70.2 Unleaded Gas . . 69.7 Premium Diesel Fuel . . . 57.5 65.8 �y &wkopee 031 Ccopany Regular Gas . 73:2 pleaded Gas . 73.2. Premium Diesel Fuel'.. . . 574 67.9 , [ ML aboft Prices are based upc current cyst bidding and are wbject to price fluctuations d the year. Staff would "` - j raoarrrnd awaa, ding the 1981 fuels bid to Muelken Oil Canpany. - i i i a p j Consider Group Insurance Benefits Bids } Y" jj ,MMON• Minnesota Statute 471.616 requires all,municipalities . of 25 or . more, employees to follow competitive bidding, procedures to purchase group insurance for its employees. Lowest bid is determined by aggregate value of benefits which shall not be less than those provided by the preexisting contract.,No contract need be submitted to bid more frequently than once every 4 years. R y BMClOG =I D: The City had renewed its group insurance contract with Banker's Life for the period 9 -15-86 to 9 -15-87 at anannual premium cost of $59,541.24 with tr the understanding that the City would be advertising for bids sametirfe in December.. This would -allag the City the option and flexibility to continue coverage with Banker's Life for -1987 if no favorable bids were submitted. The folidwing bids were received by the City: Group Insurance Benefits Bid Tabulation o j e f Insurance �amnnv Bid_ Bond . - &te Health Life g Di s hhi� i t! ACI Financial Co rp /Mutual Service Life x 135.27 50,139.60 5,052.00 55,191.60 Blw Cioss/B1ue:,Shield x 15$.20 59,041.44 4,686.72, .l 63,728.16 {` vat rs Associates/Banker's Life x 162.99 61,869.96 4,631.40 66,501.36 Health Inc. x 177.83 67,585.20 - 72,556.32* [ledoenters'Health'Plan x 178.53 67;869.96 - 72,841.08 *' 1f �Fireman's Fund: No Bid not aclmowledged Mutual Benefit.Lifel x 12.18 _ 4,971.12 }< * bid combined with Mutual Benefit Life bid = - Current CDverage .until 9-1.5-07, ... $ 59,541.24 " Ocsaposite.Rate (Ave. employee. cost) ... $ 145.93 /employee, DIBCUSSLON: An rants V.wld turn out, Banker's Life submitted a bid that was approxiiately $7;000i00 higher than their original renewal quote due to an ircreaoed r�iting experienoe: Based upon aggregate /Value, the bid of,, Mutual sbrvioe Life was more` cost effective and than those of Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Banker's Life. -VNMTMN: Award group insurance bid to ACI- Financial Corporation. BMGST D WACT The apaount appropriated within the 1987' Operating Budget for * health insurance is $66,215.00. Therefore a savings in excess of $8500.0!8 d be realised.