HomeMy WebLinkAbout86-015CITE( OF PRIOR LANCE t , 1ESa,Ur.T0N 86 -15 4 RESMUrION ADOPz= ASS FOR PROMr 82 -3, wren SMM TRt W SWR AND WAkWW IN f~� c I *10N BY F� t rrl r3 SEWMM By w, WHEREAS pursuant to.,praper notice duly given as required by ,law, the Council { has met and heard and passed upon -all objections to the proposed ,- assessment for Project 82 -3, North Shore Trunk, Sewer and'Watermain; NOW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY AIL OF PRIOR IM, MMSM —. 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made 3paft, hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute- the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract' of land therein included is. hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improve Mt in the amount of the assessment levied against it. SEE AN 2. Sucja assessment shall be payable in annual equal principal. installments extending over a period of ten (10) years for paving and twenty (20) yrars for sewer and water assessments and shall bear' interest at the rate of 8.5% per annum from, the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution..- 7b the first installment shall be added, interest -,on. the entire. assessment from the date of this resolution until �dDer 31 1987.,: Tb each subsequent installment when due shall be,ad& interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property $,o assessed may, at any time prior to ti :certifcation ,of the assessment to the Count uditor, the assessment on such prop erty, ' to whole of " P P=rtY. with interest accrued to the date of Pa nt, to the City Treasurer, except -that , no +Yteresh shall be Charged if the entire assessment is paid within '30 days from the adoption of this resolution, and he may, at any time thereaafter pay to the County. Treasurer the installment and interest in `process of collection on the current tax' list, and he may' pay the remaining principal balance of the assessment to the City Treasurer. In either oase ayment must be made by December 15 in order to avoid interest through December 31 of the next succeeding year. ) rJ (812) 4474230 4829 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 r va p 4• The City Manager shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of, this assessment roll to the County Auditoi;to he extended on the proper tax r .lists of Countyp and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Passed and adopted this 1511+ day Of. ks+*whar' # , , 1986, Aadren Andten Vet f Council frcm,'Council ifi�gerald Fitzgerald Whiter White f Michael X "NoWire r � , q City O fro ,. o Lake P 1h L 5V Z i t t ( 1 ` � 4: 1 CP • 1 �� a � b F N , � — P..k P`• pN'! Aww +e,N+Fhw+.ewa4n «vaMW+rtW+Ma. war... + cs. a ,ee.+,+.ucAasµ�nµgMgy��. I 1 t DESCRIPTION: Pre ect D2 -3 .North Sherev ASSESSO"T' HEARING 'DATE; Sepienlber 15 ° 19BG av ,+ 4, ASSE'NOWNT RATE: is .9NIff SA 439..5,lff Pavtng ? Qth,(egtAC AB9E88MENT f�llE: sau — 73 NATEt PAVING _ 74 � ' _ C A N — 20 yrs. Paying — 10 yt s. o - ETt 107 ,dav� ° E9u41 ' rOwipal. 'f i PARC£l1liMBElt m ". ADDRESS AGING - ;SEWER WATER deferred frontage clArrerrt PAVING. SEtJER WATER ACREAGE deferred CURRENT PAVING AMOUNT D PA` ING AMOUNT CURRENT SAW AMOUNT DEFERRED SAW AMOUNT j ACREAGE Strandhe 1 8► } r ` I9 ` Avt.n.ad.: "$ 1 11 @� ?3Q L 5� _" 4563:36 11,293.20 (s aD 0 .21' I 975.0@ 4,770.00 2 11976.. @0 4, 770. Qe —a� u ro 1 @ @r 1 00, a . — .42 9540.00 .� 3,552.00 9,515.00 M 601 fier _ r� .24' 2,3`110 i, _ , ►. a ► ��} 1$,157.30 t � ' .Sl 4►663.36 11w293.20 � Ear}'} 4 ►„,,x;98' Lr f � � .. — r 47 , � ti �, r 3, ¢,7E. �- — 9 49x.26 �r, � � 1 X73► (((( J '` — si�iwwt yy . ►�. 7` 1724'tU.� Mw ,,�, -�.` k� 5►11�4.4� "' 14�705.3�1,< ' f ti 49 1, 5 .4x' — =4} 935.1@ — o lt '...," sm- - w7m �, ` w. .i3ir.'�kMMAMG�tilWQilY1M 4 Y ,.�y4� 4 uL.} • � .. � . H a r .; I " LEGAL DESCRIPTIDN PROPT:RTY gWNGR t, ;Gts & rr j . , ! + a a t?�1u• ief =�r> e_ PARCki NUMBER ADI)RESL PAVIN5 SU4C,R WAILP PP.L:G taICI . ( +CFCAI'. U C� it +WENT ACkfi3i,C PAVINN AMUUNT I)rf'f RPFD CS1HRrt7X 1 + t ri PAVING AMj4J ^„ t;`A Fiat r Lot 4 @1k 2 f 0 24 040 017 Vaidis'Mut`Sns NO + 30 � 5� nsi Ave S ' +* 4 o akT � - ki Hopkins MN 55343 N• t, a +r, �t 4, :155. v ' Li+t 5 B1,k � ` X25' R4�$818 8 6wa levins ,0l S0 3511 12th Ave 5 Sol S0 . �` „ ° - r s MP1t;. MN 55407' .30 1,376.i? 41395.00 - of B1k 2 �r 0 i Gordon Ncsvig Sol 50+ 68B ist 50+ _ 30 U 4, r ► GJ 11� .Bank PI W %, MN 55"82 1,976.00 qSS. 00 y , b k 2 828 0 T eas SNetka 50! o + 50 6O8 Grand Ave 5a , .31 1;975.00 ^at. PAUL MN 55105 - 5, @20.00 � ot Kk 040 021x•8 Linda WitcAer 50t S0+ 5.453 Shore Trail NE 50+ _ - „ •31 1,976.00. - 5,020.00 Lot' 3 al" omy Young 50� 50+ 50+ S &W Service 475.00 6hore Trait NE - a'0 - 1 976.0 _ 4,995,00 1� dMUr orkolt 50' Sol' 501 ° S. &W Service 1 + e95, 00 >& S475t9h.. TroI NE - .30 _ 1 '976.00. 4 +95.00 \1 " SAW Service +. b t n 5�+ :50 0� 5th ' a � n 5 &W Service s 975, 00 d e aoi4" SiA+ 50 5o�+ _ _ + o .28% _ 1,976.W ` 125+ 8A 12;187.50 .. �� 3} ' 105 1 5 - .46 4 149.60 X ' 8 @t ° No Assessment n i y S13 113 .29 4 +163.75 - 10,318.70 - 310r + 08+ 9 P-40.. 00 w; Mt YNg _ i •30 3,352.80 - '104+' 104+ � - - .31 � •. 9,240.00 4,604.60 la ,.Y EGpL DCSGRIp1Ph PROPERLY OWNER CLtrYlnt i 6'-. Tl'anta,e Dri *.: PARCEL Nett £r Pelt rlc3it'rrel r zr Cli. #.. 17 1Tr(ltRED R C:; rp;x is NUM4 AODRIp PAVING SEWER tdr3T {'9k PAVING SEW�`R 144I MP i +t r^4AFF. is T,`E>wi PAVI'NC MOUNT PAVINii AM0114T SXL3ft -! T T kM0lL1? VO SW 1/4 Com Visions VIIT lost VON Cor C/O Leonard Brooks - f51 :, 9 sf Lot 9 p 's 2521 E Henneppi n Ave lay SW to �'i MPIs. MN 55413 1,c7S.iakt 18,875.00 NN so. he 256,68' �37QI+ NE 508.85' , ) � 95: 4 , 107 08' fs'.'f t� 1 a 1" 4�S '80' ik 1448 r ( a �I,tARRWN NW RoM ° o8i5E 1328 ill x � ''. � ` � 1 02$ ' E Qeorge Aoud 9 @+ 90+ 163 + Govt caM Dogwood - - J . f• ok� x rrisfoNn PA 19401 0 Low it _ r ' , Michard Cushing fEl7ie�B{' ?19113 Beagh.O.t 40 4k1' * ' 4 0' * 31 is 58ti. DQ 775.20 r .. . o Lake f _ No Assassme;t a Y C M 1 Elul. Yvd - Y 4" Na Assessment 1 , t? 26S* a 51= 2.99 il,b^ca.00 2Sy765.30 w �l ,. 683' .31 .15.49 85, 865.66 fit s 5885+ 4668 44.84 211.94 (215,423 52 129,640: !! Saw! Sthvice 1702,741.10 ti, 010, 065. 6 a 245, 12 $tubs + Jz _ 633. E4 1MIP 9t 164 , µ • t4bs a 21,710 00 " andTotai *1i"9 579.88 o 1f N `y T _ ��. � r,� • :, a. �� ,gip'.:, rti � + -' Is 11 1 - CITY OF PRI(DR LAKE XMMMM W RESMUEION 86-15 i RE9(LOrION ADOPTIlG ASSESS{ W FOR PRQJBCT 82 -3, NDRTH SHDRE MM SEWER AND WATT iMAIN TO RIP. ADDED AT THE EM OF IT@I #lt The indefinite deferred assessments for the Cushing ( #25 926 014 " 0) r ' Weiland parcel (#25 926 010 0) kd Griffith, patreel (#25 925 0.27 0) are" removed and it is hereby declared to be the intention of the Council- _to reimburse itself in the future for the portion of the,cost of this' improvement paid for from Umicipal- funds by levying additio V essesaments, on notice and hearing as provided for the assessments her, mix de. or appropriate charges as established from time to em time by the Cif p Council at the property owner's option, °upon any Properties abuttinc,on the improvement but not herein assessed for the improvement when'- - changed, conditions relating to such properties make such assessment feasible. This declaration relates to, but is not necessarily limited in its' application to , the following property; w; Parcel 425 925 027 0 W 1/2 IOW 1/4 25 115: 22, 80 ACRE, DOC t 137232 Parcel #25 926 010 01, 7.75 IN GOVT. IDT 3, EX .4 EX .68 r EX. 41'EX .33 EE .31 EX .5 Parcel 425'926 01,4 0 PART OF GOVT. IDT 3 WBS3 k OP THE EAST 551.35' AMID Eam OF WEST 590.81' Amended thus 6th- . .day of Oct , 1986. = Aiidren from Council it Arrlren from VACwt Council i Busse Alt �IIt. Busse- Fitzgerald' x Fitzgerald i r. Scott , Scott n F y �� a _. x White a Michael A. NoWire City Ranger o City of Prior Lake (612) 447.4230 4629 DlIKOTA,STREET S.E. P.O.8OX'359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA '55372