HomeMy WebLinkAbout4A 17098 Adelamann St VariancePRip� FV U 4646 Dakota Street SE 'MEWPrior Lake, NW 55372 MESO'Vt PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 4, 2014 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER PRESENTED BY: JEFF MATZKE PUBLIC HEARING: YES AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK FOR A PROPERTY IN THE 1-1 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL) ZONING DISTRICT DISCUSSION: Introduction Dan Stanley and Larry Raasch, on behalf of Stanley & Raasch Properties have applied for a variance to allow for construction of a building on a site located at 17098 Adelmann Street, south of Cottonwood Lane and west of Greystone Court. For the proposed construction of this addition the following variance is required: A 15 foot variance from the minimum 30 foot front yard setback required in the 1-1 District (Section 1102.1405). Current Circumstances The total site is approximately 1.5 acres. The applicant proposes an 8,000 square foot building with approximately 20,000 square feet of outdoor storage area on the site. The property is zoned 1-1 (General Industrial) and guided I -PI (Planned Industrial) on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Map. The applicant is proposing to construct an 8,000 square foot office/warehouse structure on the triangular-shaped site that would lie 15 feet from the front prop- erty line. All other setbacks, including side yards (10 feet) and rear yard set- back (60 feet from residential property) are proposed to be met. ISSUES: This project includes a request for a variance. Section 1108.400 states that the Board of Adjustment may grant a variance from the strict application of the provi- sions of the Zoning Ordinance, provided that: (1) There are practical difficulties in complying with the strict terms of the Ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a Variance, means the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. The triangular shape of the site create a practical difficulty for the prop- erty owner. The rear yard minimum setback of 60 feet is large due to the adjacent residential land use, which further restricts the net useable prop- erty. The radius turns to maneuver of industrial equipment and utilizing dock or unloading areas in the limited buildable area of the triangular lot is problematic without shifting the building site forward on the lot to within 15 feet of the front property line, while maintaining the 60 feet rear yard setback distance. (2) The granting of the Variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the City Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to "prevent overcrowding of land and undue concentration of structures and population by regulating the use of land and buildings and the bulk of buildings in relation to the land surrounding them." This purpose is implemented through required mini- mum setbacks. The proposed variance will allow the addition to utilize the triangular-shaped property while maintaining the required rear set- back of 60 feet from residential property. (3) The practical difficulty is due to circumstances unique to the property not resulting from actions of the owners of the property and is not a mere convenience to the property owner and applicant. Granting the variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the appli- cant, but rather is necessary to alleviate an undue hardship due to the tri- angular shape of the lot of record. (4) The granting of the variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or be detrimental to the health and safety of the public welfare. The granting of the variance will not alter the existing character of the neighborhood. The 60 foot rear setback form residential property will be in compliance. The 15 foot front setback will still allow landscaping in the front yard. The building being closer to Adelmann will not "crowd" the street corridor, nor create any sight issues. Adelmann has a wide 80 foot right- of-way; a sidewalk is located on the south side with planted boulevard trees. The building itself is only subject to the reduced setback, which is 100 feet wide, or 30% of the full lot width of 330 feet. Therefore, 70% of the lot width along Adelmann does not have any visual impact. (5) The granting of the Variance will not result in allowing any use of the property that is not permitted in the zoning district where the subject property is located. The requested construction is for an office/warehouse and storage use which is an allowed use within the 1-1 (General Industrial) Zoning District. Conclusion The strict application of the 30 foot minimum front yard setback creates a practical difficulty for the property owner to maintain a reasonable use on the property. As stated in the attached narrative, City Staff agrees that triangular shape of the parcel and it's adjacency to residential property (with greater 60 foot setback re- quirement) creates a difficulty for radius turns to maneuver industrial equipment and to utilize dock or unloading areas in the limited buildable area of the triangular lot without shifting the building site forward on the lot. Based upon these findings in this report, staff recommends approval of the re- quested variances with the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall record the variance at the Scott County Recorder's Office no later than sixty (60) days after approval. Proof of recording, along with the acknowledged City Assent Form, shall be submitted to the Community & Economic Development Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. The variance is subject to the issuance of required permits from all applicable governmental agencies. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and a second to approve a resolution approving the requested vari- ance or any variance the Planning Commission deems appropriate in these circumstances. 2. Motion and a second to table and/or continue discussion of the item for spe- cific purpose. 3. Motion and a second to deny the variance because the Planning Commis- sion finds a lack of demonstrated practical difficulties under the zoning code criteria. RECOMMENDED Alternative #1. MOTIONS: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 14-XXPC 2. Location Map 3. Site Plan dated July 1, 2014 4. Applicant Narrative dated July 17, 2014 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 RESOLUTION 14-XXPC A RESOLUTION APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK FOR A PROPERTY IN THE 1-1 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL) ZONING DISTRICT Motion By: Second By: WHEREAS, The Prior Lake Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Adjustment conducted a public hearing on August 4, 2014, to consider a request from Dan Stanley and Larry Raasch to approve a variance from the minimum front yard setback to allow construction of an office/warehouse structure on a property in the 1-1 (General Industrial) Zoning District at the following property: 17098 Adelmann Street SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 Lot 1, Block 1, Deerfield Industrial Park 5th Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. (PID 25-444-001-0) WHEREAS, Notice of the public hearing on said variance request was duly published in accordance with the applicable Prior Lake Ordinances; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this variance request, and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the variance request; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission has reviewed the application for the variance as contained in Case #DEV - 2014 -0015 and held a hearing thereon on August 4, 2014. WHEREAS, The Planning Commission has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. The Planning Commission hereby adopts the following findings: a. There are practical difficulties in complying with the strict terms of the Ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a Variance, means the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. Economic considerations alone do not constitute practical difficulties. The triangular shape of the site create a practical difficulty for the property owner. The radius turns to maneuver of industrial equipment and utilizing dock or unloading areas in the limited buildable area of the triangular lot is problematic without shifting the building site forward on the lot to within 15 feet of the front property line, while maintaining the 60 feet rear yard setback distance. b. The granting of the Variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the City Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the Zoning Ordinance is to "prevent overcrowding of land and undue concentration of structures and population by regulating the use of land and buildings and the bulk of buildings in relation to the land surrounding them." This purpose is implemented through required minimum setbacks. The proposed variance will allow the addition to utilize the triangular-shaped property while maintaining the required rear setback of 60 feet from residential property. c. The practical difficulty is due to circumstances unique to the property not resulting from actions of the owners of the property and is not a mere convenience to the property owner and applicant. Granting the variance will not merely serve as a convenience to the applicant, but rather is necessary to alleviate an undue hardship due to the triangular shape of the lot of record. d. The granting of the variance will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood or be detrimental to the health and safety of the public welfare. The granting of the variance will not alter the existing character of the neighborhood. The 60 foot rear setback form residential property will be in compliance. The 15 foot front setback will still allow landscaping in the front yard. The building being closer to Adelmann will not "crowd" the street corridor, nor create any sight issues. Adelmann has a wide 80 foot right-of-way; a sidewalk is located on the south side with planted boulevard trees. The building itself is only subject to the reduced setback, which is 100 feet wide, or 30% of the full lot width of 330 feet. Therefore, 70% of the lot width along Adelmann does not have any visual impact. e. The granting of the Variance will not result in allowing any use of the property that is not permitted in the zoning district where the subject property is located. The requested construction is for an office/warehouse and storage use which is an allowed use within the 1-1 (General Industrial) Zoning District. Based upon the findings set forth herein, the Planning Commission hereby approves the following variance to allow a construction of a detached garage on a property in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District: a. A 75 foot variance from the required minimum 30 foot front yard setback (Section 1102.1405) The variance is subject to the following conditions of approval: a. The applicant shall record the variance at the Scott County Recorder's Office no later than sixty (60) days after approval. Proof of recording, along with the acknowledged City Assent Form, shall be submitted to the Community & Economic Development Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. b. The variance is subject to the issuance of required permits from all applicable governmental agencies. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 4th DAY OF AUGUST, 2014. VOTE Phelan Blahnik Hite Larson Sp Aye ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Nay ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Absent ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Abstain ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Dan Rogness, Community & Economic Development Director i�. :. ... b \ \ I LP I � N \ MH / \ --------- r/ 953 (4C)i /44,\ / \ / � / .. \70 944oo LILI \\ \ I I \ \ \ \ � II ILI \� I')`\ 911 \ I I =dl\ I I I I I WETLAND 3AI E T I \I =<I 1\ _ <% EXI5TIN6 fRE51DENTIAL TE I I I II I \ \ \ I V Il 1 1 1 \A \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ SITE PLAN \ \\ \ \ AI.I r=20'-0. `01\ architects www. htg-Architects. corn \ Minneapolis Phoenix Tampa Bismarck \ FT \ \ 9300 Hennepin Town Road \ Minneapolis, MN 55347 Tel: 952.278.8880 \ \ \ 4- \ ,� Fax: 952.278.8822 PROJECT Hyd. \ - — 953_ \ GV STANLEY& WENCL OFFICE REL 0 C TION o \ \ 30 \�FRotir. . \\\ \\.::.. \ NEW BUILDING � II / � I OUTDOOR STORAGE 20,000 5F (APPROX) / P • PAVED / 5GREENED A5 REGUIRED / /0 \R 0e � � � � VACANT PARCEL PROJECT INFO: i / 51TE: / 1.54 AGYRE5 BUILDING: 5,266 5F WAREHOU5E / 5TORA(5E / 1,861 5F FUTURE OFFICE w/ MEZZANINE / 861 5F TENANT LEASE 5PAGE 8,0005F PROP05ED TOTAL / PARKING CALG5: / OFFICE 1:250 5F 2,134 5F /.250 5F = 11 SPACES WAYREHOU5E: 1:1,500 5F / 5,266 5F / 1,500 5F = 4 5PAGE5 OUTDOOR 5TORA(5E: 1:20,000 5F 20,000 5F / 20,000 5F = 15PAGE PARKING REOUhRED PARKING PROVIDED (8.5' X 18' w/ 25' A15LE MIN) (q' X 20' w/ 30' A15LE PROVIDED) M A DEL MANN STREET SE PRIOR LAKE , MINNESOTA ISSUED SET VARIANCE SUBMITTAL -JULY 1, 2014 REVISIONS DATE N0. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED SYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ARCHITECT NAME REG. NO. DATE DRAWN BY: XXX CHECKED BY: XXX Alol 131 XXX SI -141 XXX COPYRIGHT © BY HTG ARCHITECTS July 17, 2014 Community & Economic Development Dept. City of Prior Lake 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Re: Request for Variance 17098 Adelmann Street SE located in Prior Lake, Minnesota To Prior Lake Community & Economic Development Dept.: We submit this letter to you to as a request for a variance in the front yard building setback requirements: The proposed facility will be for a contracting office and yard and will include interior warehouse space. As part of the normal course of business, trucks and trucks with trailers will routinely deliver and pick up materials and equipment to the yard and warehouse. Design standards stipulate a 100'-0 operating radius from any dock or unloading area for trucks with trailers. Because of the shape of the parcel and it's adjacency to a residential area, the requirement for a 60'-0 setback makes it impractical for efficient operation of the yard for the intended use. We have researched a number of design layouts for the yard and building but have been unable to achieve the desired 100'-0 operating radius from our overhead door access under current requirements. After meeting with City of Prior Lake staff to discuss plans and gather input for our project, it became apparent that the most practical solution to achieve project objectives and still maintain the 60'-0 buffer from the adjacent residential development would be to request a variance in the front yard setback. With a front yard setback of 15'-0, it allows for a maneuvering area of 100'-0 for at least part of the radius off of the overhead door access to the new building. The wide boulevard along Adlemann lessens the visual impact of a 15'-0 setback and helps achieve a practical compromise to allow construction of our proposed facility. Resr By: Print By: Prini Exhibit A Legal Description of Property Lot 1, Block 1, Deerfield Industrial Park Fifth Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Scott County, Minnesota. PID:254440010 Torrens Certificate No. 42950