HomeMy WebLinkAbout091588 MEMORANDUM PUBLIC ACCESS TASK FORCE BILL MANGAN. STAFF LIAISON ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE FIGURES FOR SAND POINT BEACH FROM 1980 TO 1988. SEPTEMBER 15. 1988 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: The following attendance figures are based on Parks and Recreation personnel stationed at Sand Point Beach as Beach Attendants. These figures were compiled from daily estimated attendance taken throughout the summer from June 1 through August 30. While these figures are estimated. they do provide something to work with. YEAR JUNE-1980 JULY 4-1980 JULY-1980 AUG.-1980 JUNE-1981 JULY 4-1981 JULY-1981 AUG.-1981 JUNE-1982 JULY 4-1982 JULY-1982 AUG.-1982 ,a JUNE-1983 JULY 4-1983 JULY-1983 AUG.-1983 JUNE-1984 JULY 4-1984 JULY-1984 AUG.-1984 JUNE-1985 JULY 4-1985 JULY-1985 AUG.-1985 JUNE-1986 JULY 4-1986 JULY-1986 AUG.-1986 WEEK-DAY 150 200 150 100 WEEK-END 400 600 500 300 200 250 225 150 500 800 600 300 100 200 75 50 250 500 150 100 100 150 100 75 300 450 200 150 200 350 250 150 500 750 550 300 300 350 350 250 700 1100 800 400 400 500 400 250 1000 1500 1200 600 JUNE-1987 300 700 JULY 4-1987 400 1200 JULY-1987 350 900 AUG.-1987 250 600 JUNE-1988 600 1100 JULY 4-1988 750 1500 JULY-1988 600 1200 AUG.-1988 400 800 ^^_"'._~W'_""_"'_"_'''''''_-'''''-_______~~,." -"-_h~-~"-~"-"""'--"'-"""--'-----l~--_~-"~_'"__'~'~""'''''''~~~'_..,---~".....,..--.-.-~.,..",.~~^..___..__._'".,.,.".'4_.~...__~__ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT (612) 447.4230 ~ DICK POWELL, CHIEF OF POLICE September IS, 1988 TO: Bill Mangan, Park Direotor FROM: Steve Sohmidt, Lieutenant RE: Polioe Respon.e to Boat Launoh Faoilities I oheoked with the different munioipalities that you had requested and reoeived the following information. I spoke with the ohief of polioe of Hastings and he advised me that Hastings did not have a beaoh next to any type of boat launohing faoilitie.. The type. of oalls that the Hastings Polioe Department re.ponded to at the boat launch inoluded parking oomplaints, intoxicated people, and di.turbing the peaoe. The ohief did not have numbers available but .tated that hi. department re.ponded to two to three oalls a week at the launoh. I oheoked with the Hennepin County Park Rangers who handle calls on Lake Independence. They do not keep traok of oalls to this area and stated that they had not had a lot of oall. to the beaoh or boat launch next to the beaoh. The oalls that they have had inolude traffio, .kiers going into the beaoh area, and .wimmers going outside the de.ignated swimming area. I oheok with the ohief of the White Bear Lake Polioe Department. He advised me that traffio oontrol and oongestion is the bigge.t problem that his department has had. The White Bear Lake Polioe Department responded to forty .even oalls to the beaoh/aooess area between May 1st and September ISth of this year. These oall. were broken down to three theft., one auto theft, one disorderly oonduot, 1 curfew, three aooident., and numerous vehiole lookout and publio assi.t type calls. In ohecking the Prior Lake Polioe Departments calls to the public access located on Dewitte Avenue SW, I found the following oalls that we have re.ponded from April l.t throut August 31st. The polioe department issued thirty .ix parking violations and one citation for expired registration. We al.o re.ponded to two accident., two lost property oalls, two vehicle lockouts, two disturbing the peace, and one laroeny call. 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LA~E, MINNESOTA ~5372 -1 .m__ r