HomeMy WebLinkAbout 6C 2016 Nov Treasurer Report4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: JANUARY 9, 2017 AGENDA #: 6C PREPARED BY: JASON ETTER, ACCOUNTANT PRESENTED BY: DON URAM, FINANCE DIRECTOR AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 2016 TREASURER’S REPORT DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is for the Council to consider approval of the monthly Treasurer’s Report for November, 2016. This information is being provided in a format which categorizes the balances by fund type. A second page is included to provide the Fund Balance Classification for each of the funds as well as the restrictions placed upon their usage. Even though the business-type funds may have an “unrestricted” fund balance and the General Fund may have an “unassigned” fund balance, it does not necessarily mean that the balance is available to appropriate to other funds for other uses. There are constraints in place due to the type of fund or based on the City’s fund balance policy. Current Circumstances Staff has prepared a preliminary summary of the activity in the funds for the month of November, 2016. The Treasurer’s Report reflects beginning cash balance, receipts, disbursements, and the ending cash balance for each fund. As shown on the November Treasurer’s Report, the balance of cash and investments, is $26.4M. Of this balance, $26.1M is investments and $261K is cash. The Report is preliminary, unaudited and will change. The attached memorandum provides a summary of the fund descriptions. ALTERNATIVES: 1. A motion and second as part of the consent agenda to approve the November, 2016 Treasurer’s Report as submitted. 2.Take no action and provide the staff with specific direction. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative #1. ATTACHMENTS: 1. November 2016 Treasurer’s Report 2.Treasurer’s Report Fund Descriptions TREASURER’S REPORT FUND DESCRIPTIONS General Fund - Represents the resources to support general operating budget expenditures of the City. The year - end fund balance represents dollars that have accumulated over a period of time. The City Council has designated a minimum of 45% of the current operating budget, for working capital to finance city operations. Water Fund - For the collection of water billing utility revenue. This enterprise fund balance is allocated for the operational costs of the Water departments and normally reserved for large capital municipal system expenses. Sewer Fund - For the collection of sewer billing utility revenue. This enterprise fund balance is allocated for the operational costs of the Sewer department and normally reserved for large capital municipal system expenses. Water Quality Fund - An enterprise account funded by the storm water charge that is generated on the bi-monthly water and sewer utility bills. The funds in the account are dedicated to finance water quality improvements including departmental administration, storm water maintenance operations and improvement projects related to water quality. Cable Franchise Fund - Acts as a clearing house for funds received from the cable franchise company as specified by ordinance. Capital Park Fund - Dedicated funds received from developers in accordance with the City’s Park Dedication requirement when land is platted. Funds are collected for the purpose of developing the City’s neighborhood park and trail system. These dollars are programmed throughout the course of the City’s Capital Improvement Program. ED Special Revenue – Reserved and expended at the direction of the Prior Lake Economic Development Authority for specific economic development activity as allowed by MN Statute. The purpose is to provide economic incentives for new business expansion within the community. ED Fed/MN Loan Funds - Accounts for the proceeds of economic development grants received either from the federal government or the State of Minnesota to provide seed money for a revolving loan account. This provides economic incentive for new business expansion within the community. DAG Special Revenue Fund - Special revenue fund related to costs the City incurs in connection with a subdivision. Fees are paid to the City by the developer when the Development Contract and Final Plat are approved by City Council. Revenues are used to pay for legal expenses incurred with review and approval of the plat and inspection services on developer installed-utilities for newly approved subdivisions within Prior Lake. Water Revenue Bond Fund – PW Bldg - Debt service fund to pay bonds issued to construct the public works maintenance building. The capital facility charge generated on the utility bill provides the funding for the bond payments which occur semi-annually. Funds are transferred from Sewer and Water Fund. Water Revenue Bond Fund – WT Plant - Debt service fund to pay bonds issued to construct the water treatment plant. Revenue from the utility bills provides the funding for the bond payments which occur semi-annually. Funds are transferred from Sewer and Water Fund. Tax Increment Funds - Represents an accumulation of funds such as bond proceeds and project administration fees charged to companies requesting project write-downs in the form of tax increment financing for new and/or redevelopment. The TIF district property taxes are then deposited in a number of tax increment funds established to track their respective revenue. Revolving Equipment Fund - A regular replacement schedule for equipment needs of the City in excess of $5,000 has been adopted. Periodic fund transfers are appropriated to provide a funding source for the acquisition and purchase of new and replacement vehicles and equipment. Revolving Park Equipment Fund – Consists of funds reserved for the replacement of park equipment. Facilities Management Fund – Established in conjunction with the Facilities Management Plan (FMP). The FMP provides a schedule of major repairs, replacements and upgrades to all of the City facilities. Construction Fund - Represent unexpended bond proceeds that are reserved to pay for improvement projects approved by the City Council on an annual basis. These dollars are necessary to complete outstanding construction contracts and related engineering and professional services. Street Oversize Fund - Consists of dedicated revenue generated by fees associated with new development and new construction building permits for the funding of pedestrian related improvements i.e., bikeways, sidewalks, trails plus right of way acquisition along collector streets and occasional collector street links. Trunk Reserve Fund - Consists of dedicated revenue generated from utility connection permits and acreage fees assessed at time of sewer and water installation for the recovering of trunk oversizing costs and central municipal system improvements i.e., wells lift stations, force mains, etc. These dollars are programmed throughout the course of the City’s capital improvement plan. Water Storage Fund - Accounts for the water tower fee that is charged and collected on building permits. This fund balance is 100% reserved for the construction of elevated and ground water storage facilities. Debt Service Funds - Represents prepayments of special assessments, property tax collections and special levies needed to pay the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City. This fund balance is 100% reserved for the payment of bond principal and interest. Agency Fund - Accounts for the residential building permit deposit that is refunded to the building contractor upon final inspection. This provides financial assurance that the property site will be adequately cleaned up and debris free before an occupancy permit is granted. Severance Compensation Fund – Internal Service Fund established to partially fund the City’s compensated absence liability associated with the accrued vacation and sick leave for employees upon termination as recommended by the State Auditor’s Office.