HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 25 2018 BEC Agenda Packet FULL Business Engagement Committee Meeting Agenda Thursday, January 25, 2017 7:30 a.m. City Hall, Wagon Bridge Conference Room Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes a. December 7, 2017 3. Old Business a. None 4. New Business a. Prior Lake Business Pages Newsletter b. Business Mentorship Program (verbal report) c. Joint EDA/BEC Meeting, Feb. 12th 5. Other Business a. EDA Meeting Update (Canceled) b. Residential and Commercial Activity Update c. Staff Update i. FAST-TRACK Business Challenge ii. BEC Student Membership d. Member Ideas/Recommendations 6. Next Meeting Date a. Thursday, February 22, 2018 7. Adjourn 1 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES – December 7, 2017 The BEC members and Staff introduced themselves and welcomed Tim Marco to the BEC. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:33 a.m. in the Wagon Bridge Conference Room at Prior Lake City Hall. Members present: Kim Prchal, Wade Larson, Stephanie Carroll, Tim Marco, and EDA Liaison Kirt Briggs. Staff present: Casey McCabe and Amanda Schwabe. a. Election of Officers MOTION BY CARROLL and SECOND BY BRIGGS to elect PRCHAL as the 2018 BEC Chair. Motion adopted unanimously. MOTION BY PRCHAL and SECOND BY LARSON to elect CARROLL as the 2018 BEC Vice-Chair. Motion adopted unanimously. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes a. October 26, 2017 MOTION BY PRCHAL and SECOND BY BRIGGS to approve the October 26, 2017 meeting minutes. Motion adopted unanimously. 3. Old Business a. Talk of the Town Action Items MCCABE provided an overview of the Talk of the Town event on October 12, 2017. MCCABE requested the BEC review the comments received from that event and requested feedback from the group regarding action items for 2018. Transportation improvement action items: • BEC is supportive of communicating with Scott County regarding their CIP and Revere Way improvements. The City of Prior Lake Traffic and Safety Committee will review and work to develop interim solutions with Staff until permanent improvements can be completed by Scott County. • Hwy 13/Franklin Trail bypass lane/turning movements to be reviewed by the City of Prior Lake Traffic and Safety Committee. • Main Ave stop signs; Flashing lights to be reviewed by the City of Prior Lake Traffic and Safety Committee. • Additional parking needed for downtown development o Colorado Street municipal parking lot will be reconstructed; potential future MVTA parking/rider access opportunity. • Multi-use development is needed to justify multi-level parking in downtown. Mixed-use development is permitted by existing ordinance. • New road south of Spring Lake to provide another east/west access would be a Scott County project as the properties are not within the City’s jurisdiction. Development improvement action items: • Fiscal Disparities are established by the Metropolitan Council; City establishes the SAC/WAC fees and reviews amounts annually with other area communities. The City Council discusses how to balance the costs between residents, businesses, and the City. • City has changed requirements over the last 10+ years to allow for additional flexibility. • Diversify downtown businesses with other shops and restaurants. PRCHAL recommended a summary of the HWY13/CR21 project status, and the other items for which feedback was received at that Talk of the Town event, be sent to the downtown area business distribution list. MCCABE stated that Staff will work on preparing an update and will provide to PRCHAL prior to distribution. The BEC discussed the HWY13/CR21 intersection improvement Open House on December 5, 2017 related to project phasing. BRIGGS stated that subcommittees will be created to continue focusing on the phasing, maintaining and promoting the economic strengths of the downtown area and minimizing impacts on the downtown area. BRIGGS commented that a representative from the BEC would be welcomed on the new subcommittee(s). MCCABE commented that the subcommittee(s) will be established on December 18, 2017. Members discussed the business liaison program and current BEC liaison assignments. BRIGGS volunteered to assist with liaison efforts in the South Lake Village area. MARCO will assist as a liaison in the Gateway Business Area. 4. New Business a. Deerfield Business Park Signage MCCABE explained that the Deerfield area is researching sign options for businesses in that area and have involved the City as they also own property in that area. CARROLL stated that a meeting was held recently for interested Deerfield area businesses and that consideration is being given to developing an association to provide for signage, possible rebranding opportunities and marketing initiatives. b. EDA 2018 Goals At the November 13, 2017 EDA meeting the proposed 2018 Goals were developed for recommendation to the City Council. The City Council approved the recommended goals listed below at their November 20, 2017 meeting. • Work with downtown stakeholders (residents, current and potential business owners, etc.) toward an integrated construction and financing plan for streetscaping and building construction/remodeling to maintain and encourage the economic vitality of downtown businesses through the TH13/CR21 intersection improvement project and facilitate future downtown development. • Establish a process and plan to target resources for economic opportunities that provide significant benefits to Prior Lake, including those that may include property acquisition and direct support to commercial and industrial development. • Continue to guide the Business Engagement Committee and support the Technology Village Board of Directors as they implement the recommendations of the phase II.5 Technology Village Business Accelerator Plan, including expansion opportunities within Scott County. • Explore opportunities to identify, assist and encourage commercial and industrial development along the CH21 and CH42 commercial corridors. • Conduct an annual meeting with the Scott County CDA First Stop Shop, the Prior Lake City Council, the Prior Lake Planning Commission and Technology Village Board of Directors as well as quarterly joint meetings with the Business Engagement Committee to promote partnerships and collaboration. 5. Other Business a. EDA Meeting Update MCCABE provided a summary of the November 13, 2017 EDA meeting, which included the following discussion items: • EDA Review & Expenditure Report (10/31/17) • Development Update (10/31/17) • Downtown Redevelopment Discussion • CH21 Corridor Alternative Follow-Up • EDA 2017 Accomplishments & 2018 Goals • CH21 Corridor Project Business Impacts (verbal report) • Advisory Committee 2017 Accomplishments & 2018 Goals EDA suggested joint meetings with BEC members on a more frequent basis in 2018 and invited the BEC Chair and members to attend the December 11, 2017 EDA meeting to discuss downtown diversity and promote the economic vitality of the downtown area during the future road improvement projects. b. Residential and Commercial Activity Update BEC members received a copy of the residential and commercial activity update as of November 30, 2017. c. Staff Update MCCABE stated that Bob Hutchins, Building Official, will be retiring in February 2018. Staff is currently interviewing candidates to fill that position. MCCABE shared that approximately 500 acres, known as the Vierling property, along the CR42 corridor is currently being marketed and that the Comprehensive Plan guides the property as a mix of commercial and residential. d. Member Ideas/Recommendations Discussion regarding development of a business report card for the economics of downtown businesses. 6. Next Meeting Date. The next regular meeting of the BEC will be on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 7:30 a.m. 7. Adjourn. MOTION BY PRCHAL and SECOND BY BRIGGS to adjourn the meeting. Motion adopted unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:56 a.m. Submitted by: Amanda Schwabe 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 25, 2018 AGENDA #: 4.a. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: PRIOR LAKE BUSINESS PAGES NEWSLETTER DISCUSSION: Introduction In an effort to increase communication with the business community, the City of Prior Lake BEC has distributed an electronic newsletter (Prior Lake Business Pages). The e-newsletter is a valuable tool to provide information about pending projects, make announcements and keep the public informed about the services provided by the BEC and the City of Prior Lake. History E-newsletters are sent on an ‘as needed’ basis to provide important information, highlight a specific development project(s) or advertise an upcoming event. The e-newsletter is currently distributed to approximately 350 recipients who have specifically requested to receive the Prior Lake Business Pages on the City of Prior Lake website. If interested, anyone can sign up to receive the Prior Lake Business Pages on the City website at http://www.cityofpriorlake.com/e- news.php. Conclusion Below are draft topics for the winter 2018 issue of the e-newsletter. BEC members should review the proposed topics and provide direction, suggestions and/or comments to staff. Talk of the Town Event The Business Engagement Committee (BEC) hosted the Talk of the Town event on Thursday, October 12th at The Wilds Golf Club. The evening event drew approximately 60 attendees in- cluding business owners, residents, and members of the Prior Lake City Council, Economic Development Authority, BEC and city staff. The event provided attendees the opportunity to speak to local elected and appointed officials as well as experts regarding the TH13/CH21 in- tersection improvement alternatives. In addition to the CH21 corridor discussion and transpor- tation improvement alternatives, the event was an avenue for attendees to share opportunities, express concerns and propose solutions, as well as ideas on how to make Prior Lake a stronger business community. The BEC has reviewed all comments received during the Talk of the Town event and is working to identify potential action items the committee may be able to address, or forward the comments to the appropriate staff members or committees. Most of comments received at the event related to the TH13/CH21 reconstruction project and the proposed intersection alternatives. These comments were shared with members of the TH13/CH21 Project Management Team (PMT). Other comments received during the event related to desired transportation improvements elsewhere in the community, which some at- 2 tendants felt were needed at CH87/CH21, CH13/Franklin Trail, and CH21/Main Ave. The com- ments related to transportation improvements have been forwarded to the City of Prior Lake Traffic & Safety Committee for consideration. The BEC also received comments related to the need for additional parking in the downtown area and those comments were shared with mem- bers of the Economic Development Authority and City Council. TH13/CH21 Update On November 6, 2017, the City Council of Prior Lake passed a resolution approving the Project Management Team (PMT) Design Recommendation to move forward with the A-2 alternative. The selected alternative includes: • A ¾ access at Duluth with a westbound left turn lane • A roundabout at Arcadia Avenue • A half ¾ access at Main Avenue with an eastbound left turn lane • A roundabout at Trunk Highway (TH) 13 • A northbound left turn lane from TH 13 onto Pleasant Street. For more information about the project and to stay informed, please view the Newsletter or visit movingforward13-21.com. TH13/Duluth Avenue Update The City of Prior Lake is collaborating with MnDOT to improve the traffic flow at the Trunk High- way (TH) 13 / Duluth Avenue intersection by reconfiguring the turn lanes and traffic signals. The project is currently in the design phase where plans and specifications are being prepared. The City of Prior Lake was successful in receiving just over $700,000 from MnDOT as an incentive to complete this TH13 and Duluth Avenue intersection improvement project this year; construc- tion will occur in the summer and fall of 2018. Project completion in 2018 is intended to assure that there is a “backage road” parallel to TH13 to provide access and egress to area businesses and carry traffic from Mushtown Road on the south to CH21 on the north when TH13 is closed for overlay in 2019. For additional information on this project, please contact Public Works Director/City Engineer Jason Wedel at jwedel@cityofpriorlake.com or 952-447-9832. 2017 New Commercial/Industrial Construction 2017 was an exciting year for commercial and industrial development in Prior Lake. In addition to the numerous new businesses who filled existing retail, office and industrial space in the community, Prior Lake had several new construction or significant remodeling projects break ground in 2017. Select Space Storage is constructing a 95,000 SF indoor climate controlled self-storage facility located at 4370 Fountain Hills Drive NE. Downtown Prior Lake is experiencing new investment with Prior Lake Revival’s construction of a 12,366 SF four tenant office building at 16250 Duluth Avenue SE, the 2,700 SF building addi- tion to the new Blahnik, Prchal & Stoll Law Office at 4617 Colorado Street SE, as well as a major remodel of the former Memories on Main building at 16211 Main Avenue SE, which will now be home to Boathouse Brothers Brewing. In addition, PLate on Main, LLC recently announced 3 their plans to construct a 3,500 SF upscale American restaurant at 16323 Main Avenue SE; construction is expected to be completed in the fall of 2018. The Deerfield Business Park / Welcome Avenue Industrial Park area also experienced new development. Versatile Vehicles opened their new 58,000 SF building in the Deerfield Business Park in 2017. The Deerfield area is also seeing construction of a new 10,000 SF building for SDDI Sign Systems at 17125 Adelmann St. SE and a major remodel and 45,000 SF addition to the former Triple Play building for Port City Bakery at 5832 Industrial Lane SE. In addition, Universal Motors constructed a 7,200 SF building at 16720 Welcome Avenue SE. 2017 Residential and Commercial Building Permit Update  Total building permit valuation in 2017 was $82,317,400, which is $4.8 million higher than 2016 and Prior Lake’s largest permit valuation since 2006.  Prior Lake issued 100 permits for single-family and townhome construction in 2017 with an average valuation of $297,780; compared to 112 permits with an average valuation of $337,848 in 2016.  Over the past two years, Prior Lake issued permits for six multi-family residential buildings with a total of 440 units (218 units in 2017). Prior to 2016, Prior Lake had not issued a multi- family residential permit since 2006.  New commercial and industrial permit valuation was $13,433,500 in 2017, a 139% increase over 2016. Partner with Us The City of Prior Lake Recreation Sponsorship Program offers the opportunity to develop a relationship with the City of Prior Lake that can complement or enhance a sponsor’s marketing efforts. By participating, sponsors contribute to a public service and reduce the need for tax- payer dollars while reaching their target audience with a positive image and message. The City of Prior Lake is seeking support from local businesses to enhance our bi-annual Penny Carnival. The 2018 event will be held on Friday, June 15th from 4-7pm at Lakefront Park. The Penny Carnival is a great event for families to attend where children can spend their own money playing games and participating in activities. Historically, the City of Prior Lake has charged 2- 6 pennies per game and the event has averaged approximately 500 attendants. The City of Prior Lake is looking for businesses to operate games, provide prizes and more, see details here. Looking for more ways to get involved with City of Prior Lake Recreation events? Sponsor a movie, beach party, provide entertainment at the Spring-A-Ding and more. Forms can be re- turned to the Recreation Department at recreation@cityofpriorlake.com ISSUES: Staff anticipates sending the winter 2018 Prior Lake Business Pages by the end of January. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: 1. Approve the newsletter as proposed, or with revisions, and request city staff to finalize and send the winter 2018 issue of the Prior Lake Business Pages. 2. Take no action and continue discussion at a future meeting. Alternative #1. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 25, 2018 AGENDA #: 4.c. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: JOINT EDA/BEC MEETING, FEBRUARY 12TH DISCUSSION: ISSUES: ALTERNATIVES: ATTACHMENT: Introduction The EDA has invited the BEC to a joint meeting of the two committees on Monday, February 12th to review and update the Prior Lake community profile marketing material. History The BEC has created and updated a City of Prior Lake community profile brochure multiple times over the years; most recently was an electronic brochure update in August 2016 (attached). Current Circumstances One of the EDA’s goals for 2018 is to increase engagement with other committees, including the BEC, to promote partnerships and collaboration. The EDA felt the first joint meeting between the two committees this year could be used to review and update the community profile. Conclusion The joint EDA/BEC meeting will begin at 4:00 pm on Monday, February 12th in the Parkview Con- ference Room. EDA members are hopeful that many BEC members can attend. City staff will work to update parts of the brochure, including the community statistics, prior to the joint meeting. The BEC had previously printed the community profile; the current version is only available elec- tronically. One of the discussion topics at the joint meeting will be whether the latest update is available electronically, hard copy or both. Information only. 1. Prior Lake Community Profile DEMOGRAPHIC DATA FINANCING & INCENTIVES The Prior Lake City Council and Economic Development Authority (EDA) participate in and have access to the following programs which provide economic assistance to business and industry locating or expanding in the city: • Tax Increment Financing • Conduit Bonds • Sewer & Water Fee Deferral Program • EDA Revolving Loan Fund • Scott County CDA Open to Business • Tax Abatement • MN Department of Employment & Economic Development (DEED) Loans and Grants 2015 Population Prior Lake 25,049 Scott County 140,898 Population Trends 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 Prior Lake 11,482 15,917 22,796 27,500 32,500 37,600 Scott County 57,846 89,498 129,928 153,750 176,260 199,520 Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, State and County QuickFacts and the Metropolitan Council 2040 Regional Plan. 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com • A location in the heart of one of the fastest growing counties in Minnesota. • A great transportation network in close proximity to I-35 and U.S. 169. • Access to the Scott County fiber optic network which spans 300 miles. • Land development options, new and established industrial parks and quality infrastructure. • The lowest city tax rate of the seven communities in Scott County. • Superior quality of life, offering residents and visitors a wide variety of parks, trails, lakes and wetlands; as well as a charming downtown and abundant entertainment options. • A housing stock with great diversity for families and individuals of all ages and incomes. • A community committed to growing its business relationships. • A business-friendly Economic Development Authority (EDA), Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) and Chamber of Commerce to promote and grow business. Prior Lake Offers: Dan Rogness Community & Economic Director City of Prior Lake 4646 Dakota St. SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 drogness@cityofpriorlake.com (952) 447-9813 Stacy Crakes, P.E. Business Development Manager Scott County CDA - First Stop Shop 200 4th Avenue W Shakopee, MN 55379 scrakes@scottfss.org (952) 496-8613 Sandi Fleck President Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce 4785 Dakota St. Prior Lake, MN 55372 sandi@priorlakechamber.com (952) 440-1000 A Wonderful Place to Live,Work and Play for a Lifetime. Prior Lake Community Profile Prior Lake, located in Scott County at the southwest edge of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, is known for its beautiful lakes, numerous outdoor amenities, recreation opportunities, entertainment venues, outstanding schools and high-quality neighborhoods. l Leadership: school board, superintendent and administration. l Providing a high-quality education. l Meeting the learning needs of students. l Teaching and support staff. l Communicating important issues and decisions. Source: Decision Resources, 2010 survey analysis Prior Lake’s labor force is extremely well educated with more than 40% of its residents earning a bachelor’s degree or higher. High School Graduate or Higher (age 25+) Prior Lake 96.1% Scott County 94.6% Minnesota 92.3% Bachelor’s Degree or Higher (age 25+) Prior Lake 43.3% Scott County 38.3% Minnesota 33.2% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, State & County QuickFacts WORKFORCE Entities (estimate) Employees (estimate) Professional/Business Services 109 403 Trade, Transportation and Utilities 85 545 Construction 80 480 Financial Activities 64 219 Education and Health Services 54 1,201 Other Services 57 566 Leisure and Hospitality 29 3,423 Public Administration 4 917 Total / All Industries 482 7,754 A flourishing community that has grown from a population of 15,917 in 2000 to 25,049 in 2015, an increase of 59%. The population of Prior Lake is expected to reach nearly 38,000 by 2040. Positioned for continued commercial development with more than 70 acres of pad-ready commercial, business park and industrial land. Growing, with more than 2,500 additional acres of commercial and residential land within an orderly annexation area that will become available for development in the near future. Home to hundreds of successful businesses, including Mystic Lake Casino Hotel which is Scott County’s largest employer. Source: MN DEED Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Quarter 4, 2015 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com Prior Lake-Savage Area School District 719 serves Prior Lake, Savage and surrounding townships. Within the district there are six elementary schools, two middle schools and a high school. In addition, Prior Lake is home to several private schools. Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools is TOP 10 in the Twin Cities in... l Prior Lake is... Industries l l l LOCATION & TRANSPORTATION It is conveniently located with easy access to major transportation corridors. Its transportation system includes major roadways such as State Hwy. 13, County Hwy. 42, County Hwy. 21 and numerous others that provide convenient access to the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area and Greater Minnesota. County Hwy. 21 is a four-lane roadway which connects I-35 (7 miles) and US Hwy. 169 (1.5 miles) through the center of the city. Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVTA) provides transit services to and from other municipalities within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area which bring customers and employees to support community businesses and expands the employment options for southwest metro residents. MSP International Airport is approximately 25 minutes away and easily accessible via I-494 from I-35 or US Hwy. 169. PRIOR LAKE 21 MSP Minneapolis St. Paul 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com l l l l l Prior Lake is an ideal community for new and expanding business because... PARKS, RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com Prior Lake is a premiere recreational community, featuring... More than 100 miles of trails and sidewalks and 55 city parks encompassing approximately 1,050 acres. Cleary Lake Regional Park (1,186 acres) and Spring Lake Regional Park (373 acres) border the city and provide additional recreational opportunities. Two large athletic complexes, band shelter, pavilion, fishing piers, boat slips, swimming beaches, winter skating rinks and sledding hills. Prior Lake is home to 15 lakes, including Upper and Lower Prior Lake which total 1,340 acres and 590-acre Spring Lake. Prior Lake is considered one of the most popular lakes in the seven-county metropolitan area for boating, skiing and fishing. Abundant golfing opportunities with the Wild’s Golf Club, Legends Golf Club, Heritage Links Golf Club, Cleary Lake Golf Course, Stonebrook Golf Club and the Meadows at Mystic Lake Golf Course. RiverSouth: Land of Big Fun is a promotional partnership of Canterbury Park, Mystic Lake Hotel Casino, the Renaissance Festival, Valleyfair, the Cities of Shakopee and Prior Lake and the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (www.riversouthmn.com). l l l l l 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: January 25, 2018 AGENDA #: 5.b. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY UPDATE DISCUSSION: Introduction Staff has prepared a year-end development update as of December 31, 2017, for BEC review. The attached memorandum provides a summary of commercial and industrial development and residen- tial construction in the City of Prior Lake. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE: ATTACHMENT: Information Only. Information Only. 1. Development Update Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Memo Date: January 19, 2018 To: City of Prior Lake Business Engagement Committee From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director Subject: Residential & Commercial Activity Update Below is an update of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake as of Dec. 31, 2017. Name Address Type (New/Relocation/Expansion) Previous Tenant/Owner gg Boutique 16180 Hastings Ave. SE Relocated Business Giggle Gals The Magnolia Shop 4773 Dakota St. SE New Business gg Boutique Trademark Title Services 16268 Eagle Creek Ave. SE New Business ReMax Olive Moon 4775 Dakota St. SE Relocated Business Finder's Fee Whitmer Crafts 4646 Colorado St. SE New Business Vacant Lease Space Canvas Tattoo 6880 Boudin St. NE Relocated Business Verizon Edward Jones - Scott Pierce 16154 Main Ave. SE, Suite 110B Relocated Business Wensmann Office - Lakefront Plaza Edward Jones - Christy McCoy 4719 Park Nicollet Ave. Suite 260 New Business/Tenant Build-Out Vacant Lease Space Luxury Laser Edu 14070 Commerce Ave. NE Ste. 200 New Business Kids Talk Childrens Therapy Boathouse Brothers Brewing 16211 Main Ave. SE New Business/Major Remodel Memories on Main Sweet Nautical 16228 Main Ave. SE, Ste 101 New Business Lakes Area Realty Blahnik Law Office 4617 Colorado St. SE Relocated Business/Major Addition Former SF Residential Fountain Hills Self-Storage 4400 Fountain Hills Dr. NE New Construction Vacant Land Prior Lake Revival SW corner of Duluth Ave/CH21 New Construction Vacant Land SDDI Sign Systems 5702 Graystone Ct. SE New Construction Vacant Land Advantage Chiropractic 16197 Main Ave. SE New Business Prior Lake Spine Port City Bakery 5832 Industrial Lane SE New Business/Major Addition Triple Play (Building Add'n) Universal Motors 16720 Welcome Ave. SE New Construction Universal Motors (2nd Bldg.) Home Time Real Estate 16154 Main Ave. SE, Suite 110C Relocated Business/Tenant Build-Out Wensmann Office (Lakefront Plaza) Bongo's Closet 15981 Jordan Ave. Suite 2 New Business Vacant Pure Joy Pilates 16186 Main Ave. SE New Business Vacant Kumon Math & Reading Center 14180 Commerce Ave NE, Suite 104 New Business Indigital 2017 Prior Lake Commercial Activity Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits % Increase / (% Decrease) Declared Value % Increase / (% Decrease) Single Family Dwellings 80 $26,138,000.00 108 $37,163,000.00 (25.93)(29.67) Townhouses (# units)20 $3,640,000.00 4 $676,000.00 400.00 438.46 Multiple Units 5 (218 units)$34,716,000.00 3 (222 units)$28,672,000.00 (1.80)21.08 New Commercial Industrial & Commercial 11 $13,433,500.00 4 $5,622,000.00 175.00 138.95 Residential 226 $2,820,500.00 692 $4,914,700.00 n/a (42.61) Industrial & Commercial 25 $1,569,400.00 17 $457,000.00 n/a 243.41 Mechanical 392 $0.00 751 $0.00 n/a n/a Mechanical (SF & TH)400 $0.00 448 $0.00 n/a n/a TOTALS 1074 $82,317,400.00 2022 $77,504,700.00 n/a 6.21 Increase / (Decrease)  Mechanical permits include but are not limited to furnaces, water heaters, softeners, and fireplaces. They are flat-rate tt Mechanical (SF & TH) permits include required plumbing, heating, sewer and water and fireplace permits for new single family residences. They are flat-rate permit fees. 2017 Year to Date 2016 Year to Date New Residential Additions and Alterations