HomeMy WebLinkAboutBldg Permit 03-1401 (Please type or print and si2ll at bw~~w...) ADDRESS CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE AND UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT 5535' ~hoNL Tro..~\ OWNER I/' \ I~ (Name)h~v:,^-- ~ k~~~ SkV\e.~ (Address) 5535' SkoNL \Ib.~\ ~_ ~ _ BUILDER /!'" \ \. C\ I I (Name)~ -e~\ ~ C'\('C)S_ H-OII'NL-$ (Contact Name) k ~ ~ 12.1'O\. ~ (Address) /SCl6? XS-br\.d Ui.e.w (20 _ N.L0.. TYPE OF WORK. I Permit Valuation I Permit Fee I Plan Check Fee I State Surcharge I Penalty I Plumbing Permit Fee I Mechanical Permit Fee I Sewer & Water Permit Fee I Gas Fireplace Permit Fee 06~ $ ('?# '1// (}.O $ ~h~ 3/ $ ;;;1.'}5,- $ $ $ $ $ /ot),-- /{l:?,-- 35J50 L!/J, - This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved ~ ~ /tJ//'I~~ Building Official . . , Date' Date Rec' d !fJ- J..-03 I PEfWIT NO. 03-/40 ( II I. White File 2. Pink City 3 . Yellow Applicant ~,~ - I Park Support Fee I SAC ~ I Water Meter Size 5/8"(1"; , ) I Pressure Reducer - I City SAC and WAC I Water Tower Fee I Builder's Deposit I Other I TOTAL DUE tJt1M3tJ #' I i #, II " " I' ZONING (office use) I( /SD $ $ $ $ $ $ $ l5"a~ ,dt) $ ,~.o 0 'lOt ()~ - 10 .11.',10.3 $ 4 / tHJ lJfo Receipt No. i~y I Paid II' /~.OIO I Date ' /I).XJ, uJ This is to certify that the request in the above application and accompanying documents is in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinance a4d may proceed as requested. This document when signed by the City Planner constitutes a te"',M..r}' Certificate of Zoning compliance and allows constructi~1 to c~~ce. Bore 1cupancy, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued. .~ -I~izll ~ rEe 'n lO.15.6b .- DNR. perrlll+. 0/'Ie.Y ~'Y)If~ Planning I irec r . l .. Date .. Special Conditi01' if anyW tt I \.. . 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 447-9850, tax (952) 447-4245 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) , r-I,*/~ 810c.k.:;J.. D.V\.6 +k c...ues+ 30' D~ lot I? 8/oc.!;..;:t. Lo-f 16/8'0~;1.,o.r\."b-#&eclS+ZS 0'7 I I Ii, I LOT BLOCK ADDITION to()r-\-"'-S~NL ~rl- 1ID J.5"{)q6-{)d-~-o Ii 'IilS- (Phone) ?fd. -~- Qr;~q ~i'lOf'- l~l~ I' II 'i (Phone) q$-Z -4 I./D --t/9;;. tI (PhOne)(i'! : CIs;). -d-QO'-34f6 -P-('l'Cf' ~~ Ii Ii ,i I, )KI New Construction ~eck OPorch ORe-Roofing ORe-Siding !SLower Level Finish (do) titFireplace OAddition OAIteration Ii OUtility Connection ~Misc. ~~\\sk olo he"',,-L -bc;~11o l\e'-Pig~cOST/VALUE (excluding land) $ ~~"I f) SD I hereby certifY that I have furnished information on this application which is to the best of my knowledge true and corre, . I also certifY that I am the owner or authorized agent for the above-mentioned property and that all construction will conform to all existing state and localla s and will proceed in accordance with submitted plans. I am aware that the building official can revoke this permit for just cause. Furthermore, I hereby agree I that the city official or a designee may ;ter~:;:::~~ Oooms- 11 (O-Z-o 3 Signature Contractor's License No. II Date ~ #I! #11 I' I I' Building Permit # PID: Address: '55'00 SJto/<t:, TF?AIG Legal: L It> , B f)... Subdivision: NOl<I ti Existing Structure? YES I~ Zoning: < ISD I SJ-tORE ~6br- Existing Nonconforming Structure? YES@ YES II NO CONFORMS TO ZONING ORDINANCE I Yard Setbacks: NA' FAilS' COMPLIES · F ront Yard (can be 20' if avg. w/in 1 SO') · Side Yards · Sidewall exceeding SO' requires additional side 2" setback for every l' over 50' long I. Rear Yard · Patio Door. make certain that a future deck meets minimum required setback · From 100 year flood elevation of wetland/NURP pond · From OHW (Prior or Spring Lake) , Floor Area Ratiol QAILS' COMPLIES I........- I Yard Encroachments: NA' FAILS 'COMPLIES Eaves and Gutters no more than 2 feet in width and no closer than S feet to a lot line (Easements). AlC and other equipment cannot encroach on interior side yards. Tree Preservation: NA 1 FAilS' COMPLIES . Total caliper inches I. Can remove 25% of total I. Caliper Inches Removed I. Caliper Inches Preserved I. Replacement L:\TEMPLA TE\BLDGLIST.DOC Standard 2S' 10'1 25' if abutting a street 10' setback + 2"/1' over 50' 2S' 10' sidel 25' rear 30' 7S' or setback average of adjacent structures, but no less than SO" .30 Maximum Standard 'd( Standard %:1 Ii Ii I' II I' II II Proposed -, ), '1-3 ( 101 10.q..0( r\1C1 nlo..- r\tc(' nlC1 -J:r; { "6Y-' Proposed 1.5' pnk:Ylcwn Proposed 17/ 4:(. ,,-S- L~ l0 I Ij Lll U2S..u ~O \ 1/ -I C:;-:YVhite . BuildiiiQ:::::s .i "'i11lldl Y . engineering !: Pink . Planning The Crnlfor of thf' take ('ountry BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEP,ARTMENT CHEfKLlSI NAME OF APPLICANT ClMd~hJ I! APPLICATION RECEIVED (J / ~- ~ -eJ 3 " The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is propo~/Jat: . Ii r s~35'"- ~~ ~~ ii Accepted Accepted With Corrections /' Denied . r 'i Reviewed By; - ~ ~ Date; /q-1't~ 3' Comments: f ~ aL.I ~ -~ .' Ii ~~ ~ ~ ~, ~J':7-: -I ~ ~~ ~ ~:/J; , .(J %d1GJ~ &iJ 7' J~ ~ ~!i 7S-t' ~ ~ -A, ~CJ'Y . !I ,...... I ~ a-U' ~_ ~~ --.~~~ ~ t1V~ ~ ~~~~{) Ii I "C<r-p~ l~ fl, ~,~ 1.0 ,f~ ~4D (~ ~ I"') r (11~ +0 ~. ii, - - I! i: :: Ii Ii II Ii "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, I~pecifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval!lof, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the j~risdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of ~his code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid.'" " ~ .. 'l Th. C.n.., of lh. I.ak. Country White . ~uUdlng. . C.EIJY . i:~"1'g {' <. '"'15'ii1k - - PlannlnClj. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHEC,:KlIST /",:' (1'~1 (9-f~ ivtfr~' APPLICATION RECEIVED (/ / t?~_-;;; ..0 '2 NAME OF APPLICANT The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is propos,<<;d,at: ~- .:S 55 - ,,::::r)"o~t e ~~.',~d--/ /~ '- Accepted ~ , ' Denied Reviewed By: (1~~ Comments: Accepted With Corrections #.~ v~ 1Y'<!-Lr\~ ~CJJl ~ ~ to 6L ~~rl. V'~Lf'..91 ~ ~cru.J ~Io~\ ~cL> D- - Df\JT<- ~ p~ Date: (0 'f.03 I pla~(~ ~ , I I Le}I) TDvv-- . ~ 'The issuance or granting of a permit .t approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a perrnit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the lurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." II White - Building ~~ - EnAln~blnC> I, Inl( - Plannln II Th~ ('f'n.~r of th~ '"ake Coun.ry BUIl.DING peRMIT APPLICATION D~RTIVJENT CHEQKLlST ': NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION RECEIVED ~, ~. /'.1 ..:.-i~l fl':"-, ,'. ...,/,,,/ " 4 11'__""'('/ ,... 'i' /'1/..." ,I.., .~!,,'l<l~. ~. l~ ~.:j ."..- I I .' L/ / /-:)- ,1 ""..... - -- (::-") :;:; II The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed I~he building permit application for construction activity which is propo~,~d at' , .-)- .r -:z C _/ / ,.-.:<, Ii /t -' ~ J..J \~:::::r /if (;l- [. t \\<...--<:..../1....t-L.p., ~ !I ........... Accepted )( Accepted With Corrections Denied Reviewed By: .fiff!) Date: If) '-It-t)3 Comments: See Reverse Side for Additional Informationl ~I,/' /f"... IItr iCt 5" 1I,'C. (j f'1Il? -iIi ~/~. r "'0/ fd f ~. ,." '1. See Attachri1ents: 1) Grading Plan, 2) Rrmdon rontroll\deasrP.':'~ liThe issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, ~pecifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval bf, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the JU~I,lSdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of t~is code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. II CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 11..EA TING/ AIR CONDITIONING/~Tl(EPLACE PERMIT Date Rec'd (Please type or print and sip at bottom) ADDRESS ~. ~~n ~~;y I P~,RMIT No.A" ,dI1' 3, Yellow Applicant!i ~ ZONING (office use) 5535 SHORE TRAIL NE LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT BLOCK ADDITION rID OWNER (Name GEROLD BROTHERS (Phone) (Address) APPLICANT (Name) ALLIED FIRESIDE DBA FIRESIDE HEARTH & HOME (Phone) 651-6~3-2561 (Address) .2700 NORTH FAIRVIEW AVENUE (Address) ROSEVILLE (City) 55113 (Zip Code) (Contact Person) BRENDA HUSTON (Phone) 651-63~-2561 APPLICANT SIGNATURE BRfNDA HUSTON DATE 2/11/04 APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW xD NEW CONSTRUCTION 0 REPLACEMENT 0 ALTER!}\. TlONS FURNACE MAKE AND MODEL FlJEL FLUE SIZE RETURN OPENINGS INPUT OUTPUT TYPE OF SYSTEM DWann Air Plants DGravity o Mechanical DAir Conditioning DVent. System HEATING OR POWER PLANT o Steam o Hot Water o Radiation o Special Devices o Other Devices PLEASE NOTE: Air Conditioner Units Cannot Encroach into Required Side Yard Setbacks FIREPLACE MAKE AND MODEL HEAT N GLO 6000TRI-IPI X 2 Industrial, Commercial & Multi-Family FEE SCHEDULE 1 % of job cost Residential, Gas Fireplace $39,50 minimum $99.50 Residential, Additions & Alteratiorls $64,50 Residential, AC Only $39,50 Residential, Heating & A/C (New Construction) Residential, Heating Only (New Construction) $39.50 $39.50 Estimated Cost $ HEATING PERMIT FEE STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL PERMIT FEE Building Permit # ~ :JW~RMrr (Office Use Only) This Application Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved ,~aajd,:J >.--..J '- ~ ' -] Buildin2 Official Date I ~ 1 2 2004 Receipt No. By \ ' 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 44~-9850. fax (952) 447-4245 FROM :SOUTH MECHANICAL FAX NO. :952 492 2446 Jan. 07 2004 10:51AM Pl CITY OF PRIOR LAKE REA TING/AIR CONDJ J JONINGIFIREPLACE PE~IT Date Rec'd lPlcue tvDe or Drmf and li8D tt bonom) ADDRESS ~ 5.(;36 ,5ha/7e I. '10\ PlI. 2. 0.- ell)' ,. V'lIlN ""U..... -p~fl,. mNO.^"C 14111 - 'i ~T"l/ ,ZONING (oflict \/$C) , / r~~/ /JE LEGAL DESCRtr L .lc)N (otfice UJe only) LOT BLOCK ADDITION ~ OWNER (Name) (Address) i: 'I , (Phone) ~~~-~~-~~ ~~-'"a... Cd' 8ve>Y-G--.s \ /7-e(~ ~~'"f~ ~ APPLICANT (Name~ c..51t7"r~'- (Address) ,?/ ~~5 ~~~-.-'e.~..L (Phone) q7.?--t~P',7-~/~O / I, ?dJ'?~~d ~ ...:.../_. _.4- Jw..-... $"!!;J:501.- (Address) - (City) I (Zip Code) ~~,;- "d (Phone) 4'/2.-~z/-?'P~ h~~ ~~4'~ DATE / -i2',-t!:)r' (Contact Person) APPLICANT SIGNATURE _ i APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW '. , ~EW CONSTRUCTION 0 REPLACEMENT 0 AL!ERA !JON'S FURNACE MAKE AND MODEL ~~........ 90 70 /~ dlJO dn<..~ FLUE SIZE RETIJRN 0 INGS INPUT OUTPUT TYPE OF SYSTEM REA TING OR POWER PLANT , . OWlItfn Air Plants 0 Steam OOrlvit)' 0 Hot Water ~hnnlcal 0 Radialion ~ Canditlonlng 0 Special Dc:"ices )4Yehl. System 0 Other Dc"iccs PLEASE NOTE: Air Conditioner Units Cannot Encroach into Required Side Yard Setbacks . FIREPLACE MAKE AND MODEL _,',' Estimated Cost $ FEE SCHEDULE J..!4 or job cost-- - Residential, Gas Fireplace S39.50 minimum $9950 564.50 tf J-Z I (1b6. CO 539.50 Industrial, Commercial & Multi-Family Residential, Heating & AlC (New Construction) Residential, Heating Only (NelN ConstruC1ion) Residenlial, Additions &. Alterations Residential, AC Only Building Penn it " ().3. l.!/,o I $39.50 S39.50 HEATING PERMIT FEE STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL PERMIT FEE S $ $ PAID WITH ' BUWNG PERMIT (Omet Vir Only) Bulldl"l omclal Dire \~ !Dal~i~ .l.T LUUj I', This Application BecomeJ Your Building PermIt When Approved 2.. hour notice for .Ulnspectlon. (952) ....71'9I5O,(~Jl(952)447-4~..f\o. FAX NO. :952 492 2446 '. CIT\' OF PRIOR LAKE PLUMBING PERMIT Jan. 07 2004 10:52AM P2 lJ.\~ l\..:i\; \& (PleAtc M!e or orint alld den at bnttom) ADDRESS .ff~f' (5.httJh~ ;/;:e~ - / /1/ E LOT LEGAL DESCRIPTION (omce UJe only) BLOCK ADDITION OWNER (Name) (Address) IJ~-L rf. .&,.~,s- Ak t.-v /l-;if. r t.-<. ~ . = - . APPLICANT (Name) (: ~t.c,'-:L- ~~~~ Z/t;JO?' ~y.,<;;d "~ (Address) ~07'l~ cd /?~'?ey (Address) (Contac[ Per$on) ~. ~!~ ~~lia~1 I PEiIT NO.~ ZONING (oftlee UIt) p~o ~(Phone) "4'-~vo-~~ (phone) ~?:?~~- ,7''YC; J prd"'-- ~. S>_~,;z.... (City) (Zip Code) (phone) k/Z,-Z~- .:fi9.<?~ ~,~ DATE I-i!~ -0 L( APPLICANT SIGNA 1'tJRE Quantity ;- ( / t, / I / I tI Type of Fixture Bath Tub with or without shower Dishwasher Floor Drain Lavatory (Bathroom Sink) Laundry Tray (J or 2 compartment sink Shower 8tl\11 Sinks Bar Sink . Water Cloget (Toilet) QUAntity APPLICANT PLEASE COMPLETE BELOW , ~ LL SCHEDULE Indu~lrial, Commercial &. Muhi.famil)' 1% nfjob cost wilh a $39.S0 minimum (omet lJle Only) .I Ty~e of Fixturo Rough-ins Water Heater Water Softner Stand Pipe (Wa$hing Machine) Sewage Ejector Ii Backflow Aggerpbly Backtlow Asse$bly Test Lawn Sprinkler r, I Other / Residential, New One &. :rrwo.Family Residential, Additions &'!Alterations ~II ~ ".._~n~~1 E!itimated Cost $ /~I tJtJO~ Building Pennit fI ~ PLUMBING PERMIT FEE $ ST ATE SURCHARGE $ TOTAL PERMIT FEE S $99,'0 $39.S0 PAI.Q)WITH IIUILOING P~RMIT Thi~ Applieation Becomes Your Building Permit When Approved -..-.- .--.----.------- ..-- ~, I \ I Receipt N \ Ii rD~"N O. 7 2003 \ ij \ By Dalt I ' ' -'1\' 14 hour notice tor aUlnspecllo"s (951) 4~7~';~O, tn e9g) 447-4104.~~ \, __ 'o! __.._....:.__._.___.._--" Bvlldlnc Omtlal PRIOR LAKE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND INSPECTION INSPECTION RECORD .'\ SITEADDRESS S5~S ...PHtJ# IIlA/L It/,I, ,e- NATURE OF WORK ~14J ClJNS~G~ USE OF BUILDING S.~ D. .' PERMIT NO. OJ - /4-() / DATE ISSUED 16I1cfiJ, ,: ., CONTRACTOR ~UJ ~S. ~ P~z. -ZIO-.JC.SC. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PERMIT FOR ANY OF THE INSPEtPTIONS BELOW 'J THE PERMIT IS ~Y SEPARATE DOCUMENT ,J~1I4 CJ~ ~ ~r[2c-f~ "~l!t~~R DATE ~ FOOTING LA) /L le{~t>J~ T~ I tlrw/t0 I I' , FOUNDATION (Prior to Backfill) I ~~ I ~ l jJ.Ot't5 I PLACE NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGH - INS , SEWER I WATER I SEPTIC FRAMING U Ir ./ INSULATION ELECTRICAL ~ PLUMBING 44. II t~ I~ HEATING (if requir~ ,~.r,~. ! '. 4;;I,L-,' i211,~ I~ . FIREPLACr:<~~ ~~~ ~ ~/ I$/d-f . GAS LINE AII~-TEil( ~.~ i::b:. ~~~ I, ~\ ~~ ~ ~A t)'< 'z"I.~/L;if COVER NOWcrRK UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN S'IIGNED ~ . '1(,A1N~ ICII~ru~1 I FINALSN6 VlN/ ~ tJ '2../18 lot.! 3.-2.,"1 . ~ . GRADING (Prior to Sodding) BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING HEATING DO NOT OCCUpy ,f" -' I' {) ,~ .U) S4/~~\ fdJ y.~o r- VVV/ UNTIL ABOVE HAS NOTICE G" / G-o '1 BEEN SIGNED This card must be posted near an electrical service cabinet prior to rough~in inspections and maintained until all inspections have been approved. On buildings I.nd additions where no service cabinet is available, card shall be placed near main entranc.,. FOR ALL INSPECTIONS (952) 447-9850 QIerfifitaft of (0trnpantlZ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~tpartmtnt nf ~1til~ing Jlnsptttinn ~ Final Permitted D Conditional C.O. Expires This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 307 of the Uniform Buildiflg Code certifying that at the time of'tssuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances Id the City of Prior Lake regulating building construction or use. For the following: Use Classification . SINGLE FAMILY . Bldg. Permit No.~-l An 1 Occupancy lype R3 _ lype Construction VN Fire Zone N / A Zoning District --B.l..SJ1 Legal DescriptioJ.2T 16, BLOCK 2, AND THE E. 25' OF LOT 15. B2. lIT .30' OF 1. 1 7, 'R2 Owner of Building _ Site Address 5535 SHORE TRl\IT. lif. F. Contractor'sName.&Address GEROLD BROS.. 15967 ISLAND VIEW RQAILN.W.. PRIOR T.AK'F. ~5372 ROBERT D. HUTCHINS . City Planner. DON RYF. . ) r:/ Building Official Date: ---j1/ 7-2J..j)5 Date: ~"f:"~:' :;';II''';~''';t-')../;:~'r;,,,,,i.!~, :" 'iiitlt '~irill"~ I;~i~~l ';~.: ~~;f.l,r:l'.l,,;~ \ :,~_.:~~j~;r'~"Ll;~':-;':':; ;j;~",,j"w~:,,'~~)i,' ,11.." :~ ~~"":k':,~ ; L1~:H)i,> '~, L;~"2i,:'. ~ ~,~~~ ~,,,;,~; J.,;,".;~;.,~i'-'.;\oI,~.J;;,..!c';';,;, i:..X ,:;;./iJ.';,~.~~.;~L.'t"";":;:!L' :l~~t";:r','~'.;.'~' " DATE nilE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE SCHEDULED ~ -g,oS PHONE NO. SS!$" Short- Tr~,,1 CONTR. ~I"DV BrooS. PERMIT NO. 03-/'-101 ADDRESS OWNER [J FOOTING [J FOUNDATION [J FRAMING o INSULATION j(FINAL [J SITE INSPECTION o PLUMBING RI o MECH RI o WATER HOOKUP o SEWER HOOKUP o PLUMBING FINAL o MECH FINAL 'it... ~ILLlNGI o COMPLAINT o FIREPLACE RI o FIREPLACE FINA"- o GASLlNE AIR T81 o COMMENTS: 6Trt~- OfC-, wfb ~$~ (:) K- ~ORK SATISFACTORY, PROCEED o CORRECT ACTION AND PROCEED o CORRECT WORK, CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector:.t?1~ Owner/Contr: CALL 447-9850 FOR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH & SAJ'ZH J'/ o. I..~ I, j J DATE TIME CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE SCHEDULED t( - '30 ADDRESS 553>5 Sko~ .I t OWNER CONTR. PHONE NO. D FOOTING D FOUNDATION o FRAMING ~NSULATION FINAL lYE INSPECTION PERMIT NO. 3 -/401 D PLUMBING RI o MECH RI o WATER HOOKUP D SEWER HOOKUP \!iYPLUMBING FINAL YD"MECH FINAL D EXIGRADlFILUNG o COMPLAINT D FIREPLACE RI D FIREPLACE FINAL ~r:i~ I COMMENTS: t.~~ ':i v 0.~ .t=-c,ot- 'M TU 4/<./ 7 - 'B ~ e s. () ""f f~ J& "t.' ~ < 0...0 VLU.~.l...~..,\ ... ~RKSAnSFACTORy.PROCEED 1(CORRECT ACTION AND PROCEED o CORRECTJ<<5R}. CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspector: ( / r Owner/Contr: I 1 CALLf7-98 ~O FbR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. CODE REQUl ~ENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH at SAFETY/ / msNOTl