HomeMy WebLinkAboutBldg Permit 01-1120 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BUILDING PERMIT, TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE AND UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT Date Rec' d tf-:J5- I - 112-0 I I. White File 2. Pink City 3. Yellow Applicant I PERMIT NO. (Please type or print and sign at bottom) ADDRESS TJ-- Jt-A//Va !;"!.,// j r. _ J~_. " j / ~ J } -- c?d o...,;~ ~.~ PIDdS-GX't-0070 (Phone) h(.J.-:J.l/:;2--/tJ?a- LEGAL DESCRIPTION (office use only) LOT qcl-'~OCK I ADDITION AI/AA:/.. /)~ . OWNER /" ~ (Name) c:::r /J 0/ (Address) ~ BUILDER (Name) (Contact Name) (Address) (Phone) (Phone) TYPE OF WORK o New Construction o Deck Ol?orch OAddition ORe-~oofing ORe-Siding O . o Lower Level Finish , . ~Jud Gr~ I 1 - o Fireplace OAlteration OUtiIity Connection ~ROJECT COST /V ALUE (excluding land) $ o Misc. I hereby certify that I have furnished information on this application which is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I also certify that I am the owner or .utl,on"'- ~ lb, "" .bov~m'uti~d prop"", md that .n ,oo,troctioo will '00_ to 011 <xUting ,t", md locol Ia." "'" will """",d m """""'" with submitted pia I am aware that the building official can revoke this permit for just cause. Furthermore, I hereby agree that the city official or a designee may ;ter upon th ~;;;;o perD.ne7M J/ 2- ~ /:J-of) r . II Signaturt" Contractor's License No. / Uate ,- I Permit Valuation I Permit Fee I Plan Check Fee I State Surcharge I Penalty I Plumbing Permit Fee I Mechanical Permit Fee I Sewer & Water Permit Fee I Gas Fireplace Permit Fee _ ~ / } /1 (/ l~. ]::-::;:'28;;; Building 0 Date I I Park Support Fee # I SAC # I Water Meter Size 5/8"; I"; I Pressure Reducer I Sewer/Water Connection Fee # I Water Tower Fee # I Builder's Deposit I Other ITOTALDUE~~LJ 10.9-01 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 351 . 2(P J~,~.Of2 2;"q . 7<:- - - I g I~ . fl , ~ . (!)O $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~;ceZ:;o. J3 ~ cj () U . .~ ~ I~ d-!a (1)-10- 0 I I Paid I Date This is to certify that the request in the above application and accompanying documents is in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinance and may proceed as requested. This document when signed by the City Planner constitutes a temporary Certificate of Zoning compliance and allows construction to commence. Before occupancy, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued tfJ/DLtll9 \ 4e~1 ~,,(/~al.oc.n d.J~ ~f' rh. a e · ~tlons, I any 24 hour notice for all inspections (952) 447-9850, fax (952) 447-4245 .-- ~~ White - Building Canary - Engineering Pink - Planning The ('en I.. nr the Lok. Cnunlry BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT GJ-a-rt I N etJ kL:/ I APPLICATION RECEIVED c;-d_ S--o) , . The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: /foG 1/ ~~ / y- X Accepted Accepted With Corrections Denied n)/J'----/- Reviewed B~?7f0.~ Date: 7~Z9 ..?oo/ Comments: ~ GC)~ ~~-\-~ ~ \o-Q~~ .QXccd.A1Tc)A, ~ (PS I - qScf - fJOD'2- "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." Th. Cml., nf th. Like Cnunlry White - Building Canary - Engineering Pink - Planning BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST ,,--.. NAME OF APPLICANT (-1) r l / I APPLICATION RECEIVED /- ,,~ , // .~,'. A/I( (...-/ ,'" -/.)J. ) \/ The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: / .. ,,' I 1/ i J < /' :f//j~ (j y Accepted ~ Accepted With Corrections Denied -r-:. Reviewed BY:~ ~~~~.JI_ Comments: Date: ----'D/l/ tcll (~J/c:$-. Jv~ ~J~'I. '1.n P~~~'i ~ ~w~~l w,aLtJ . ~ ~ 2-'-1 A- ~' ~~ p;-~t--lA.i.-.e. t- 'i1'IJf< ') ~if~~ ~~~- - 41:- vQ lO,L-) <f/\ liThe issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permifs presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." / ." Th. ('.n'ff nr lh. Lib Country White - Building Canary - Engineering Pink - Planning BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DefARTMENT CHECKUSI NAME OF APPLICANT Q a}-I I ( APPLICATION RECEIVED The Building. Engineering. and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction _activity which is proposed at: /foro II AA/Mi'A ~ -/}- / ' Accepted )( Accepted With Corrections Denied Reviewed By: A#)B Date: /o-g-Of Comments: ... See Reverse Side for Additional Information! , Df" I' V r.. "'It;" ~ 1M //!,f t,,,, v--(. r -rr/l(,.. ,41J~{)Y\ f'"OM S,'J~~ I K. rJ-o -I't:>~d . ~ee Attachments: 1) Grading Plan. 2) Erosion Control Measures 3) Erosion Control Plan "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION RECORD DEPARTMENT OF BlJlLDING AND INSPECTION SITE ADDRESS JL11' A VlfllU,. <-, t-. NATURE OF WORK ~ USE OF BUILDING D2~ (?r,>o.of- PERMIT NO. .. 0/- //2.0 DATE ISSUED CONTRACTOR st~ YI \<Q... PHONE ~1'2""~4d - J f)~ ') NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PERMIT FOR ANY OF THE INSPECTIONS BELOW THE PERMIT IS BY SEPARATE DOCUMENT 1///7/1>/ . I I PLACE NO CONCRETE UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED ROUGH - INS .,)L I fh- ",SPECTOO DATE I FOOTING j FRAMING INSULATION ELECTRICAL t!h, Izfz%l COVER NO WORK UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED I I FINALS BUILDING ELECTRICAL WfP \ - 0/"2 G, -- DO NOT OCCUpy UNTIL ABOVE HAS BEEN SIGNED NOTICE This card must be posted near an electrical service cabinet prior to rough-in inspections and maintained until all inspections have been approved. On buildings and additions where no service cabinet is available. card shall be pl~ced near main entrance. Call between 8:00 and 9:00 A.M. for all inspections FOR ALL INSPECTIONS (952) 447-9850 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE ADDRESS /(~ul( OWNER PHONE NO. o FOOTING o FOUNDATION o FRAMING ....~ULATION ~~~AL o SITE INSPECTION COMMENTS: DATE TIME SCHEDULED 4-7(,- J1VlIAA. ~ CONTR. PERMIT NO. Of - L1..W o PLUMBING RI o MECH RI o WATER HOOKUP o SEWER HOOKUP o PLUMBING FINAL o MECH FINAL o EXIGRADIFILLlNG o COMPLAINT o FIREPLACE RI o FIREPLACE FINAL o GASLlNE AIR TST o ~. ~RK SATISFACTORY, PROCEED o CORRECT ACTION AND PROCEED o CORREC OR LL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING Inspecto Owner/Contr: o FOR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. ~ QUlREMENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH & SAFETY! INSNOTl DATE TIME CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE SCHEDULED ~-~~ ADDRESS t~// AI?J1c, wi OWNER CONTR. PHONE NO. PERMIT NO. rY/- //20 o FOOTING o FOUNDATION o FRAMING JJ )NSULA TION ~AL o SITE INSPECTION o PLUMBING RI o MECH RI o WATER HOOKUP o SEWER HOOKUP o PLUMBING FINAL o MECH FINAL COMMENTS: ( I"~ 0/',( /) /JrOi.I' '1 I v\ I ..f} /"VV . \ ,0::::> _J U- ~ WORK SATISFACTORY, PROCEED o CORRECT ACTION AND PROCEED o CORRECT WORK, CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING InSpector:4'tr ~ .~ Owner/Contr: CALL 447-9850 FOR THE NEXT INSPECTION 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE. CODE REQUIREMENTS ARE FOR YOUR PERSONAL HEALTH &: SAFETY! INSNOTI