HomeMy WebLinkAbout_05 04 2020 City Council Agenda PacketCity of Prior Lake
General Fund Summary
2020 Projection
Variance from
2020 2020 2020 Amended Budget - % BDGT
Budget Amended Projection Positive (Negative)USED
Taxes 8,953,156 8,953,156 8,818,859 (130,000) 99%
Licenses and Permits 830,464 830,464 813,217 (20,000) 98%
Intergovernmental 2,126,362 2,126,362 1,326,362 (800,000) 62%
Charges for Services 1,808,050 1,808,050 1,478,510 (330,000) 82%
Fines and Forfeitures - - - - n/a
Interest (losses) on investments 102,700 102,700 102,700 - 100%
Other 164,766 164,766 79,766 (90,000) 48%
Transfers in 470,000 470,000 470,000 - 100%
Total Revenues 14,455,498 14,455,498 13,089,414 (1,370,000) 91%
General Government 3,351,744 3,333,515 3,176,164 160,000 95%
Public Safety 6,535,338 6,613,660 6,506,515 110,000 98%
Public Works 2,200,445 2,215,845 2,152,545 60,000 97%
Culture and Recreation 2,166,203 2,214,174 1,654,374 560,000 75%
Transfer to other funds 403,018 403,018 403,018 - 100%
Contingent Reserve - - - - n/a
Total Expenditures 14,656,748 14,780,212 13,892,615 890,000 94%
Net Change (201,250) (324,714) (803,201) (480,000)
Attachment 1 - General Fund Summary - 2020 Projection
City of Prior Lake
General Fund Summary
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
Taxes 8,380,973 8,380,973 8,367,850 (13,123) 100%7,988,125 379,725
Licenses and Permits 642,118 642,118 992,096 349,978 155%994,613 (2,517)
Intergovernmental 1,861,819 1,861,819 1,925,225 63,406 103%1,835,750 89,475
Charges for Services 1,716,170 1,716,170 1,832,895 116,725 107%1,987,982 (155,087)
Fines and Forfeitures - - 996 996 n/a 1,448 (452)
Interest (losses) on investments 87,400 87,400 260,433 173,033 298%54,716 205,717
Other 192,739 192,739 204,305 11,566 106%333,653 (129,348)
Transfers in 456,300 456,300 456,300 - 100%443,000 13,300
Total Revenues 13,337,519 13,337,519 14,040,101 702,582 105%13,639,287 400,814
General Government 3,035,892 3,067,131 3,081,990 (14,859) 100%2,815,389 (266,602)
Public Safety 6,158,109 6,205,080 6,082,647 122,433 98%5,746,524 (336,122)
Public Works 2,060,778 2,066,295 1,961,664 104,631 95%1,882,970 (78,694)
Culture and Recreation 1,964,771 1,981,103 1,889,266 91,837 95%1,850,588 (38,678)
Transfer to other funds 334,769 334,769 334,769 - 100%819,651 484,882
Contingent Reserve - - - - n/a - -
Total Expenditures 13,554,319 13,654,378 13,350,336 304,042 98%13,115,121 (235,214)
Net Change (216,800) (316,859) 689,765 524,166
City of Prior Lake
General Fund Revenues
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive ( Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
101 31010.00 Current Property Taxes - General Purpos 7,460,524 7,460,524 7,422,107 (38,417) 99%7,075,018 347,089
101 31020.00 Delinquent Property Taxes - General Purp - - 42,681 23,782 n/a 37,448 5,232
101 31040.00 Fiscal Disparities 920,449 920,449 902,101 (18,348) 98%874,720 27,381
101 33423.00 Market Value Credit Aid - - 962 962 n/a 940 22
Taxes 8,380,973 8,380,973 8,367,850 (13,123) 100%7,988,125 379,725
Licenses and Permits
101 32100.00 Business Licenses 900 900 945 45 105%600 345
101 32110.00 Liquor Licenses 74,790 74,790 72,615 (2,175) 97%77,115 (4,500)
101 32160.00 Refuse Haulers 4,500 4,500 4,835 335 107%4,790 45
101 32180.00 Cigarette Licenses 2,250 2,250 2,295 45 102%2,250 45
101 32210.00 Building Permits 446,498 446,498 746,713 300,215 167%692,661 54,052
101 32211.00 Retainage Forfeiture - - - - n/a 1,500 (1,500)
101 32215.00 Mechanical Permits 50,833 50,833 81,038 30,205 159%107,559 (26,520)
101 32230.00 Plumbing Permits 42,658 42,658 55,793 13,135 131%80,686 (24,893)
101 32231.00 Sewer/Water Inspection 7,399 7,399 13,007 5,608 176%14,339 (1,332)
101 32232.00 Plumbing Registrations 1,200 1,200 1,880 680 157%1,438 442
101 32240.00 Animal Licenses 3,750 3,750 4,520 770 121%4,170 350
101 32260.00 Burning Permits 4,000 4,000 3,840 3,000 96%4,070 (230)
101 32270.00 Short-term Rental Fee 3,000 3,000 3,485 485 116%2,455 1,030
101 32175.00 Public Private Gathering Permit 240 240 630 390 263%780 (150)
101 32190.00 Community Event Application 100 100 500 400 500%200 300
Licenses and Permits 642,118 642,118 992,096 349,978 155%994,613 (2,517)
101 33160.11 Fed Aids/Grants - Operating Police 17,000 17,000 1,821 (15,179) 11%7,504 (5,683)
101 33401.00 Local Government Aid 11,905 11,905 11,905 - 100%11,905 -
101 33416.01 State Aid - Police Train 10,800 10,800 24,854 14,054 230%23,925 929
101 33416.02 State Police Aid-Ins Prem 215,000 215,000 228,988 13,988 107%217,502 11,486
101 33417.00 State Aid - Fire Training 7,000 7,000 36,631 29,631 523%12,579 24,052
101 33418.00 State Road & Bridge Aid 377,209 377,209 378,807 1,598 100%376,210 2,597
101 33420.00 State Fire Aid-Ins. Prem.220,000 220,000 236,651 16,651 108%225,610 11,041
102 33422.11 State Aids/Grants - Operating Police 3,000 3,000 4,406 1,406 147%2,959 1,447
101 33610.11 County Aids/Grants - Operating Police - - 1,000 1,000 n/a - 1,000
101 33620.00 Township Fire & Resc Aid 314,136 314,136 314,136 - 100%296,559 17,577
101 33621.00 Liaison Aid 49,769 49,769 52,680 2,911 106%48,793 3,887
101 33631.00 Payment in Lieu of Taxes 600,000 600,000 600,000 - 100%570,000 30,000
101 33700.11 Miscellaneous Grants - Operating Police 36,000 36,000 33,346 (2,654) 93%42,204 (8,858)
Intergovernmental 1,861,819 1,861,819 1,925,225 63,406 103%1,835,750 89,475
Charges for Services
101 31810.00 Franchise Taxes 615,000 615,000 639,783 24,783 104%630,932 8,850
101 34103.00 Zoning & Subdivision Fees 20,857 20,857 32,104 11,247 154%39,712 (7,609)
101 34104.00 Plan Check Fees 277,528 277,528 382,837 105,309 138%390,827 (7,990)
101 34105.00 Sale of Maps/Publications - Reports 1,000 1,000 837 (163) 84%510 327
101 34107.00 Assessment Searches - Reports 400 400 675 275 169%490 185
101 34109.00 Project Admin/Eng Fees 263,000 263,000 63,948 (199,052) 24%199,189 (135,242)
101 34203.00 Accident/Warrant Reports - Reports 200 200 90 (110) 45%143 (53)
101 34731.00 Adult League Fees 14,000 14,000 9,794 (4,206) 70%14,237 (4,443)
101 34735.00 Recreation Program Fees 47,000 47,000 42,863 (4,137) 91%42,409 454
101 34735.01 Recreation Program Fees Regular 6,000 6,000 22,427 16,427 374%12,311 10,116
101 34740.00 Concessions - Park Fees 300 300 - (300) 0%822 (822)
101 34760.01 Facility Rental - Regular 35,418 35,418 36,336 918 103%52,217 (15,881)
101 34761.00 Studio/Pavilion Rental 24,000 24,000 20,274 (3,726) 84%19,848 425
101 34762.00 Park Shelter Rental 42,500 42,500 56,145 13,645 132%54,242 1,903
101 34763.13 Facility Usage Fee (not taxable)3,000 3,000 1,200 (1,800) 40%- 1,200
101 34765.01 Tower Leases 291,967 291,967 312,116 20,149 107%290,462 21,653
101 34780.00 Park Admission Fees 24,000 24,000 24,548 548 102%34,861 (10,314)
101 34783.00 City Contract Services 50,000 50,000 177,577 127,577 355%168,925 8,652
101 36220.16 Prof Services Fee Deposit Bldg Inspectio - - 9,342 9,342 n/a 35,841 (26,499)
Charges for Services 1,716,170 1,716,170 1,832,895 116,725 107%1,987,982 (155,087)
Fines and Forfeitures
101 35101.00 County Court Fines - - - - n/a 1,000 (1,000)
101 35104.00 Prosecution Restitution - - 996 996 n/a 448 548
Fines and Forfeitures - - 996 996 n/a 1,448 (452)
Interest (losses) on investments
101 36210.00 Interest Earnings 87,400 87,400 160,461 73,061 184%133,312 27,148
101 36215.00 Amortization - Premium/Discount - - (8,690) (8,690) n/a (20,302) 11,612
101 36225.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - 116,516 116,516 n/a (58,293) 174,809
101 36226.00 Realized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - (7,853) (7,853) n/a - (7,853)
Interest (losses) on investments 87,400 87,400 260,433 173,033 298%54,716 205,717
Other Miscellaneous Revenues
101 36101.00 City Assess. Collection - - 519 519 n/a (2,518) 3,037
101 36102.00 County Assess. Collection 5,000 5,000 (379) (5,379) -8%7,209 (7,589)
101 36211.00 Developer Agreements 158,000 158,000 119,021 (38,979) 75%260,975 (141,954)
101 36212.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 29,739 29,739 56,864 27,125 191%39,285 17,580
101 36230.00 Contributions & Donations - - 18,403 18,403 n/a 25,380 (6,977)
101 39102.00 Sale of Property - - 9,877 9,877 n/a 3,323 6,555
Other Miscellaneous Revenues 192,739 192,739 204,305 11,566 106%333,653 (129,348)
Other financing sources
101 39203.00 Transfer from Other Funds 456,300 456,300 456,300 - 100%443,000 13,300
Other financing sources 456,300 456,300 456,300 - 100%443,000 13,300
Total Revenues 13,337,519 13,337,519 14,040,101 702,582 105%13,639,287 400,814
City of Prior Lake
General Fund Expenditures
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance from
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
Function: General Government
41110.00 MAYOR & COUNCIL 71,866 71,866 70,144 1,722 98%63,173 (6,971)
41130.00 ORDINANCE 7,500 7,500 4,025 3,475 54%7,091 3,066
41320.00 ADMINISTRATION 436,935 437,985 529,001 (91,016) 121%442,163 (86,838)
41330.00 BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 11,765 11,765 8,720 3,045 74%9,811 1,092
41400.00 CITY CLERK 60,550 60,860 83,980 (23,120) 138%- (83,980)
41410.00 ELECTIONS - - - - n/a 20,558 20,558
41520.00 FINANCE 480,310 487,805 480,576 7,229 99%446,862 (33,714)
41540.00 INTERNAL AUDITING 31,300 31,300 37,564 (6,264) 120%30,615 (6,949)
41550.00 ASSESSING 202,600 202,600 202,418 182 100%194,716 (7,702)
41610.00 LEGAL 200,000 200,000 152,275 47,725 76%162,462 10,188
41820.00 HUMAN RESOURCES 188,830 189,450 187,117 2,333 99%194,356 7,239
41830.00 COMMUNICATIONS 128,297 128,607 126,563 2,044 98%116,934 (9,629)
41910.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 348,365 349,694 328,191 21,503 94%329,122 932
41920.00 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 394,650 414,035 402,446 11,589 97%344,208 (58,238)
41940.00 FACILITIES - CITY HALL 472,924 473,664 468,972 4,692 99%453,316 (15,656)
Total - Function General Government 3,035,892 3,067,131 3,081,990 (14,859) 100%2,815,389 (266,602)
Function: Public Safety
42100.00 POLICE 4,586,881 4,631,101 4,505,684 125,417 97%4,172,589 (333,095)
42200.00 FIRE 932,896 933,636 944,350 (10,714) 101%960,918 16,568
42400.00 BUILDING INSPECTION 599,949 601,960 594,465 7,495 99%577,534 (16,931)
42500.00 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 11,935 11,935 9,947 1,988 83%9,083 (864)
42700.00 ANIMAL CONTROL 26,448 26,448 28,200 (1,752) 107%26,400 (1,800)
Total - Function Public Safety 6,158,109 6,205,080 6,082,647 122,433 98%5,746,524 (336,122)
Function: Public Works
43050.00 ENGINEERING 373,844 375,304 348,294 27,010 93%351,133 2,838
43100.00 STREET 1,226,903 1,229,480 1,200,526 28,954 98%1,130,272 (70,254)
43400.00 CENTRAL GARAGE 460,031 461,511 412,844 48,667 89%401,565 (11,279)
Total - Function Public Works 2,060,778 2,066,295 1,961,664 104,631 95%1,882,970 (78,694)
Function: Culture and Recreation
45100.00 RECREATION 416,675 398,525 433,568 (35,043) 109%435,613 2,045
45200.00 PARKS 1,481,141 1,515,623 1,393,652 121,971 92%1,366,193 (27,458)
45500.00 LIBRARIES 66,955 66,955 62,046 4,909 93%48,781 (13,265)
Total - Function Culture and Recreation 1,964,771 1,981,103 1,889,266 91,837 95%1,850,588 (38,678)
00000.00 Transfer to Other Funds 334,769 334,769 334,769 - 100%819,651 484,882
Function: Contingent Reserve
49999.00 CONTINGENT RESERVE - - - - n/a - -
Total - Function Contingent Reserve - - - - n/a - -
Total Expenditures 13,554,319 13,654,378 13,350,336 304,042 98%13,115,121 (235,214)
City of Prior Lake
Expenditures- Payroll Wages Only
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance from
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
Function: General Government
41110.00 MAYOR & COUNCIL 48,216 48,216 48,216 - 100%39,180 (9,036)
41320.00 ADMINISTRATION 279,108 279,108 360,809 (81,701) 129%282,494 (78,315)
41330.00 BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 10,000 10,000 8,100 1,900 81%8,900 800
41400.00 CITY CLERK FUNCTIONS 46,058 46,058 65,529 (19,471) 142%- (65,529)
41410.00 ELECTIONS - - - - n/a 18,043 18,043
41520.00 FINANCE 357,827 357,827 362,334 (4,507) 101%336,905 (25,430)
41820.00 HUMAN RESOURCES 117,024 117,024 124,346 (7,322) 106%114,751 (9,595)
41830.00 COMMUNICATIONS 83,189 83,189 84,254 (1,065) 101%78,990 (5,264)
41910.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 228,629 228,629 231,581 (2,952) 101%224,263 (7,318)
41920.00 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 118,162 118,162 119,372 (1,210) 101%115,847 (3,525)
41940.00 FACILITIES - CITY HALL 61,434 61,434 66,965 (5,531) 109%64,337 (2,628)
Total - Function General Government 1,349,647 1,349,647 1,471,507 (121,860) 109%1,283,710 (187,797)
Function: Public Safety
42100.00 POLICE 3,090,997 3,110,197 3,088,601 21,596 99%2,947,665 (140,936)
42200.00 FIRE 328,855 328,855 327,064 1,791 99%331,068 4,004
42400.00 BUILDING INSPECTION 420,164 420,164 446,837 (26,673) 106%429,955 (16,882)
Total - Function Public Safety 3,840,016 3,859,216 3,862,502 (3,286) 100%3,708,688 (153,814)
Function: Public Works
43050.00 ENGINEERING 233,208 233,208 238,456 (5,248) 102%221,401 (17,055)
43100.00 STREET 314,132 314,132 299,150 14,982 95%292,533 (6,617)
43400.00 CENTRAL GARAGE 170,418 170,418 165,188 5,230 97%153,327 (11,860)
Total - Function Public Works 717,758 717,758 702,794 14,964 98%667,262 (35,532)
Function: Culture and Recreation
45100.00 RECREATION 237,601 218,401 240,106 (21,705) 110%257,627 17,521
45200.00 PARKS 775,214 775,214 751,535 23,679 97%790,327 38,792
Total - Function Culture and Recreation 1,012,815 993,615 991,641 1,974 100%1,047,954 56,313
General Fund Payroll Only Expenditures Total 6,920,236 6,920,236 7,028,444 (108,208) 102%6,707,615 (320,830)
Function: Economic Development
46500.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 97,587 97,587 101,801 (4,214) 104%94,992 (6,809)
EDA Fund Payroll Only Expenditures Total 97,587 97,587 101,801 (4,214) 104%94,992 (6,809)
Function: Water
41520.00 Finance 53,089 53,089 50,741 2,348 96%42,386 (8,355)
49400.00 Water 496,447 496,447 535,166 (38,719) 108%483,212 (51,954)
Water Fund Payroll Only Expenditures Total 549,536 549,536 585,907 (36,371) 107%525,598 (60,309)
Function: Sewer
41520.00 Finance 50,564 50,564 50,737 (173) 100%42,382 (8,354)
49450.00 Sewer 477,722 477,722 486,016 (8,294) 102%446,533 (39,483)
Sewer Fund Payroll Only Expenditures Total 528,286 528,286 536,753 (8,467) 102%488,915 (47,837)
Function: Storm Water
49420.00 Water Quality 225,752 225,752 243,968 (18,216) 108%218,369 (25,599)
Storm Water Fund Payroll Only Expenditures Total 225,752 225,752 243,968 (18,216) 108%218,369 (25,599)
City-Wide Total Payroll Expenditures 8,321,397 8,321,397 8,496,873 (175,476) 102%8,035,489 (461,384)
City of Prior Lake
Debt Service Funds
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
Property Taxes
Current Property Taxes 3,262,770 3,262,770 3,262,770 - 100%3,139,950 122,820
Special Assessments
City Assess. Collections - - 194,959 194,959 n/a 457,725 (262,765)
County Assess. Collection 646,901 646,901 504,953 (141,948) 78%539,559 (34,607)
Interest (losses) on investments
Interest Earnings 33,703 33,703 85,607 51,904 254%68,289 17,318
Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - 61,319 61,319 n/a (24,323) 85,642
Miscellaneous Revenues
Miscellaneous Revenues - - - - n/a - -
Other Financing Sources
Transfer from Other Funds 1,131,409 1,131,409 1,345,090 213,681 119%1,171,696 173,394
Total Revenues 5,074,783 5,074,783 5,454,698 379,915 107%5,352,896 101,802
Debt Service
Principal 4,193,512 4,193,512 4,193,512 (0) 100%3,953,016 (240,496)
Interest and Other 1,146,472 1,146,472 1,146,470 2 100%938,255 (208,215)
Bond Issuance Costs 5,343 5,343 6,090 (747) 114%6,340 250
Refunded Assessment Pmts - - 13,573 (13,573) n/a - (13,573)
Transfers to Other Funds 135,000 135,000 148,164 (13,164) 110%58,024 (90,140)
Total Expenditures 5,480,327 5,480,327 5,507,809 (27,482) 101%4,955,635 (552,174)
Net Change (405,544) (405,544) (53,111) 397,261
City of Prior Lake
Cable Fund
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
Charges for Services
210-41340.00-34304.00 PEG Access Fees 37,133 37,133 28,901 (8,232) 78%36,081 (7,181)
Interest (losses) on investments
210-41340.00-36210.00 Interest Earnings - - 1,648 1,648 n/a 1,698 (50)
210-41340.00-36225.00 Unrealized Inv. Gain (Loss)- - 1,201 1,201 n/a (878) 2,079
Total Revenues 37,133 37,133 31,749 (5,384) 86%36,901 (5,152)
Current Expenditures
210-41340.00-52400.20 Small Equipment - Technology 2,295 2,295 243 2,052 11%4,607 4,364
210-41340.00-54020.00 Software Service Contract 510 510 - 510 0%- -
Capital Outlay
210-41340.00-55570.00 Machinery and Equipment 15,000 15,000 20,020 (5,020) 133%60,530 40,511
Total Expenditures 17,805 17,805 20,262 (2,457) 114%65,137 44,875
Net Change 19,328 19,328 11,487 (28,236)
City of Prior Lake
Capital Park Fund
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
Charges for Services
225-45200.00-34760.01 Facility Rental - Regular 24,000 24,000 18,700 (5,300) 78%20,300 (1,600)
225-45200.00-34791.00 Dedication Fees 450,000 450,000 290,490 (159,510) 65%486,426 (195,936)
Charges for Services 474,000 474,000 309,190 (164,810) 65%506,726 (197,536)
225-45200.00-33700.20 Miscellaneous - Capital Grants - - 100,000 100,000 n/a - 100,000
Intergovernmental - - 100,000 100,000 n/a - 100,000
Interest (losses) on investments
225-00000.00-36210.00 Interest Earnings 24,000 24,000 41,144 17,144 171%33,034 8,110
225-00000.00-36225.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - 29,813 29,813 n/a (13,090) 42,903
Interest (losses) on investments 24,000 24,000 70,956 46,956 296%19,944 51,012
Contributions and donations
225-00000.00-36230.00 Contributions & Donations - - 4,200 4,200 n/a 6,375 (2,175)
Contributions and donations - - 4,200 4,200 n/a 6,375 (2,175)
Total Revenues 498,000 498,000 484,346 (13,654) 97%533,045 (48,699)
54320.00 Miscellaneous - - 917 (917) n/a 7,545 6,628
53810.00 Utilities - Electric - - 156 (156) n/a - (156)
59203.00 Transfers to Other Funds - - - - n/a - -
53100.80 Professional Services-General 50,000 50,000 48,662 1,339 97%49,420 759
55530.00 Infrastructure 420,000 420,000 454,461 (34,461) 108%7,953 (446,508)
Total Expenditures 470,000 470,000 504,195 (34,195) 107%64,918 (439,277)
Net Change 28,000 28,000 (19,849) 468,127
City of Prior Lake
Revolving Equipment Fund
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
410-00000.00-31010.00 Current Property Taxes 600,000 600,000 599,619 (381) 100%549,823 49,796
Taxes 600,000 600,000 599,619 (381) 100%549,823 49,796
410-00000.00-33422.10 State Aids/Grants - Operating Grants - - - - n/a - -
410-00000.00-33633.20 Watershed Dist Grants/Aid-Capital Grants - - - - n/a 10,000 (10,000)
Intergovernmental - - - - - 10,000 (10,000)
Interest (losses) on investments
410-00000.00-36210.00 Interest Earnings 7,775 7,775 24,453 16,678 315%16,224 8,228
410-00000.00-36225.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - 14,566 14,566 n/a (2,484) 17,050
Interest (losses) on investments 7,775 7,775 39,019 31,244 502%13,740 25,278
Sale of assets
410-00000.00-39102.00 Sale of Property - - 8,020 8,020 n/a 19,435 (11,415)
Sale of assets - - 8,020 8,020 n/a 19,435 (11,415)
410-42100.06-39104.00 Forfeiture Property Sales 12,000 12,000 - (12,000) 0%7,195 (7,195)
Other 12,000 12,000 - (12,000) 0%7,195 (7,195)
Transfers in
410-00000.00-39203.00 Transfer from Other Funds 217,600 217,600 160,000 (57,600) 74%155,000 5,000
Transfers in 217,600 217,600 160,000 (57,600) 74%155,000 5,000
Debt Issued
410-00000.00-39310.00 G.O. Bond Proceeds 248,960 248,960 215,000 (33,960) 86%605,000 (390,000)
Premium on debt issued
410-43100.00-55110.00 Projects - Bond Discount/Premium - - 40,040 40,040 n/a 69,562 (29,522)
248,960 248,960 255,040 6,080 102%674,562 (419,522)
Total Revenues 1,086,335 1,086,335 1,061,698 (24,637) 98%1,429,755 (368,057)
Public Safety
410-42100.00-55550.00 Vehicles 99,725 99,725 128,718 (28,993) 129%133,212 4,495
410-42100.00-55570.00 Machinery & Equipment 108,099 154,449 58,374 96,075 38%- (58,374)
410-42200.00-55070.00 Projects - Bond Issuance Costs - - 5,856 (5,856) n/a 8,129 2,273
410-42200.00-55550.00 Vehicles 248,960 613,780 614,294 (514) 100%300,897 (313,397)
Building Inspection
410-42400.00-55550.00 Vehicles 59,410 59,410 30,539 - 51%- (30,539)
Total Public Safety 516,194 927,364 837,781 60,713 90%442,239 (395,542)
Public Works
410-43100.00-55550.00 Vehicles 323,786 323,786 86,376 237,410 27%- (86,376)
410-43100.00-55570.00 Machinery & Equipment 99,096 99,096 91,963 7,133 93%- (91,963)
Central Garage
410-43400.00-55550.00 Vehicles 20,000 20,000 18,739 1,261 94%21,118 2,379
Total Public Works 442,882 442,882 197,078 245,804 44%21,118 (175,959)
Culture and Recreation/Parks
410-45200.00-55550.00 Vehicles - - - - n/a 232,057 232,057
410-45200.00-55570.00 Machinery and Equipment 123,741 123,741 90,835 32,906 73%3,711 (87,124)
Total Culture & Recreation 123,741 123,741 90,835 32,906 73%235,768 144,933
410-49400.00-55570.00 Machinery and Equipment 66,519 66,519 55,549 10,970 84%10,464 (45,085)
Water Quality
410-49420.00-55550.00 Vehicles - - - - n/a 191,303 191,303
Total Utility 66,519 66,519 55,549 10,970 84%201,768 146,219
Total Expenditures 1,149,336 1,560,506 1,181,242 350,393 76%900,892 (280,350)
Net Change (63,001) (474,171) (119,544) 528,862
City of Prior Lake
Revolving Park Equipment Fund
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
430-00000.00-31010.00 Current Property Taxes 289,292 289,292 289,269 (23) 100%238,477 50,792
Taxes 289,292 289,292 289,269 (23) 100%238,477 50,792
Interest (losses) on investments
430-00000.00-36210.00 Interest Earnings 7,310 7,310 18,323 11,013 251%12,305 6,019
430-00000.00-36225.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - 13,084 13,084 n/a (4,764) 17,847
Interest (losses) on investments 7,310 7,310 31,407 24,097 430%7,541 23,866
430-45200.00-36230.00 Contributions & Donations - - - - n/a 10,000 (10,000)
Other - - - - n/a 10,000 (10,000)
Total Revenues 296,602 296,602 320,676 24,074 108%256,018 64,658
Culture and Recreation/Parks
430-45200.00-55530.00 Infrastructure 289,292 355,292 158,797 196,495 45%54,134 (104,663)
Total Culture & Recreation 289,292 355,292 158,797 196,495 45%54,134 (104,663)
Total Expenditures 289,292 355,292 158,797 196,495 45%54,134 (104,663)
Net Change 7,310 (58,690) 161,879 201,885
City of Prior Lake
Facilities Management Fund
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
Interest (losses) on investments
440-00000.00-36210.00 Interest Earnings 4,763 4,763 10,242 5,479 215%10,357 (115)
440-00000.00-36225.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - 7,363 7,363 n/a (4,312) 11,676
Interest (losses) on investments 4,763 4,763 17,606 12,843 370%6,044 11,561
Transfers in
440-00000.00-39203.00 Transfer from Other Funds 94,927 94,927 94,927 - 100%58,350 36,577
Transfers in 94,927 94,927 94,927 - 100%58,350 36,577
Debt Issued
440-42200.00-39310.00 G.O. Bond Proceeds-FIRE - - - - n/a 560,000 (560,000)
440-42200.00-39315.00 Projects-Bond Premium - - - - n/a 69,643
Debt Issued - - - - n/a 629,643 (560,000)
Total Revenues 99,690 99,690 112,533 12,843 113%694,037 (511,862)
Function: General Government
41940-55050.00 Projects Professional Svcs- FACILITIES - CITY HALL - - 10,349 (10,349) n/a 10,048 (301)
Total - Function General Government - - 10,349 (10,349) n/a 10,048 (301)
Function: Public Safety
42200-55070.00 Projects-Bond Inssuance Costs-FIRE - - - - n/a 7,524 7,524
42200-55520.00 Projects-Publication-FIRE - - - - n/a 229 229
42200-55520.00 Building & Building Improvements-FIRE 67,998 67,998 - 67,998 0%422,908 422,908
42200-55570.00 Machinery & Equipment-FIRE - - - - n/a 320,456 320,456
Total - Function Public Safety 67,998 67,998 - 67,998 0%751,118 751,118
Function: Culture and Recreation
45500.00 LIBRARIES 21,965 81,965 32,637 49,328 40%- (32,637)
Total - Function Culture and Recreation 21,965 81,965 32,637 49,328 40%- (32,637)
Function: Water
49400.00 Building & Building Improvements - - 5,940 (5,940) n/a 23,096 17,156
Total - Function Culture and Recreation - - 5,940 (5,940) n/a 23,096 17,156
Total Expenditures 89,963 149,963 48,926 101,037 33%784,262 735,335
Net Change 9,727 (50,273) 63,606 (90,224)
City of Prior Lake
Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
450-00000.00-31010.00 Property Taxes - General Purpose 95,000 95,000 94,862 (138) 100%- 94,862
Taxes 95,000 95,000 94,862 (138) 100%- 94,862
Special Assessments
450-00000.00-36101.00 City Assess. Collections 230,089 230,089 251,576 21,487 109%223,401 28,175
450-00000.00-36102.00 County Assess. Collection - - 108,607 108,607 n/a 46,575 62,033
230,089 230,089 360,184 130,095 157%269,976 90,208
Interest (losses) on investments
450-00000.00-36210.00 Interest Earnings 4,231 4,231 12,482 8,251 295%8,055 4,427
450-00000.00-36225.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - 9,276 9,276 n/a (2,069) 11,345
Interest (losses) on investments 4,231 4,231 21,758 17,527 514%5,986 15,772
Transfers in
450-00000.00-39203.00 Transfer from Other Funds - - - - n/a 148,000 (148,000)
Transfers in - - - - n/a 148,000 (148,000)
Debt Issued
450-00000.00-39310.00 G.O. Bond Proceeds 490,000 490,000 400,000 (90,000) 82%490,000 (90,000)
Debt Issued 490,000 490,000 400,000 (90,000) 82%490,000 (90,000)
450-43100.00-39315.00 Projects - Bond Premium - - 48,709 (48,709) n/a - (48,709)
Total Revenues 819,320 819,320 925,512 8,775 113%913,961 (85,867)
Function: Public Works
450-43100.00-54010.01 STREET 700,000 700,000 664,954 35,046 95%623,378 (41,576)
450-43100.00-55070.00-PIR18-000001 Projects - Bond Issuance Costs - - - - n/a 6,584 6,584
450-43100.00-55070.00-PIR19-000001 Projects - Bond Issuance Costs - - 10,894 (10,894) n/a - (10,894)
450-43100.00-55110.00-PIR18-000001 Projects - Bond Discount/Premium - - - - n/a (34,493) (34,493)
Total - Function Public Works 700,000 700,000 675,848 24,152 97%595,468 (80,379)
Transfers out
450-80000.00-59203.00 Transfers to Other Funds 186,933 186,933 186,933 - 100%75,374 (111,559)
Total Expenditures 886,933 886,933 862,781 24,152 97%670,842 (191,938)
Net Change (67,613) (67,613) 62,731 243,119
City of Prior Lake
Water Fund
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
Operating Revenue
Water Charges
601-49400.00-37100.00 Utility Receipts - Water 3,799,222 3,799,222 3,319,356 (479,866) 87%3,535,919 (216,563)
601-49400.00-37160.00 Penalties - - 19,340 19,340 n/a 22,108 (2,768)
3,799,222 3,799,222 3,338,695 (460,527) 88%3,558,026 (219,331)
Capital Facility charges
601-49400.00-37110.00 Capital Facility Revenue 272,280 272,280 280,532 8,252 103%263,705 16,828
272,280 272,280 280,532 8,252 103%263,705 16,828
Meter Sales
601-49400.00-37170.00 Water Meter Sales 74,350 74,350 124,163 49,813 167%106,138 18,025
601-49400.00-37175.00 Pressure Reducers 27,300 27,300 29,149 1,849 107%31,826 (2,677)
101,650 101,650 153,312 51,662 151%137,964 15,348
Total Operating Revenue 4,173,152 4,173,152 3,772,540 (400,612) 90%3,959,695 (187,155)
Non-Operating Revenue
601-494.00-33610.10 County-City Aids/Grants-Operations - - 573 573 n/a 500 73
573 573 n/a 500 73
Interest (losses) on investments
601-00000.00-36210.00 Interest Earnings 37,250 37,250 106,415 69,165 286%74,954 31,461
601-00000.00-36225.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - 77,662 77,662 n/a (16,238) 93,900
37,250 37,250 184,078 146,828 494%58,716 125,362
Miscellaneous Revenues
601-00000.00-36212.00 Miscellaneous Revenue - - 18,166 18,166 n/a 11,938 6,228
601-00000.00-36102.00 County Assess Collection - - 6,614 6,614 n/a 54,401 (47,787)
601-00000.00-36231.00 PERA Pension Contributions - - 1,010 1,010 n/a 3,333 (2,323)
601-49400.00-37185.00 AMRS Brass Recycling - - 19,815 19,815 n/a 7,983 11,832
601-49400.00-37190.00 Miscellaneous Revenue Adj - - (34) (34) n/a 27 (61)
45,571 45,571 - 77,683 (32,112)
Total Non-Operating Revenue 37,250 37,250 230,221 192,971 618%136,899 93,322
Total Revenues 4,210,402 4,210,402 4,002,761 (207,641) 95%4,096,594 (93,834)
Total Expenditures
Personnel and current expenditures (excluding depreciation)
41520.00 Finance 94,075 94,385 93,084 1,301 99%98,023 4,939
49400.00 Water 1,941,435 1,944,109 1,992,409 (48,300) 102%1,773,554 (218,855)
2,035,510 2,038,494 2,085,493 (46,999) 102%1,871,577 (213,916)
49400.00 Water - - 888,449 804,126 (84,322)
888,449 (888,449) n/a 804,126 (84,322)
49400.00 Water 105,000 105,000 - 105,000 0%- -
105,000 105,000 - 105,000 0%- -
Interest & other
49400.00 Water 78,200 78,200 56,031 22,169 72%42,173 (13,858)
78,200 78,200 56,031 22,169 72%42,173 (13,858)
Capital improvements
55530.00 Infrastructure 2,000,000 2,480,830 2,359,901 120,929 95%3,456 (2,356,445)
55570.00 Machinery and equipment 142,826 144,163 10,158 134,005 7%- (10,158)
55580.00 Software - 17,553 - 17,553 0%- -
2,142,826 2,642,546 2,370,059 272,487 90%3,456 (2,366,603)
57000.00 Loss on Disposal of Assets - - 3,000 (3,000) n/a - (3,000)
Total - Function Sewer - - 3,000 (3,000) n/a - (3,000)
55700.00 Contra Capital Outlay - - (2,360,036) 2,360,036 n/a - 2,360,036
Total Expenditures 4,361,536 4,864,240 3,042,996 1,821,244 2,721,332 (321,664)
Other Financing Sources
Contribution of assets
601-00000.00-37901.00 Contribution (Other Fund)- - 2,537,191 2,537,191 n/a 2,691,005 (153,814)
601-00000.00-37902.00 Contribution (Developers)- - 285,509 285,509 n/a 507,943 (222,434)
2,822,700 2,822,700 n/a 3,198,948 (376,248)
Transfers in
39203.00 Transfer from Other Funds 1,900,000 1,900,000 1,873,151 (26,849) 99%2,608,474 (735,323)
1,900,000 1,900,000 1,873,151 (26,849) 99%2,608,474 (735,323)
Sale of Assets
601-00000.00-39102.00 Sale of Property - - - - n/a 1,185 (1,185)
n/a 1,185 (1,185)
Debt Issued
601-00000.00-39315.00 Projects - Bond Premium - - 16,762 16,762 n/a - 16,762
16,762 16,762 n/a - (16,762)
Total Other Financing Sources 1,900,000 1,900,000 4,712,612 2,812,612 60%5,808,606 (1,129,517)
Other Financing Uses
59203.00 Transfers to other funds 895,495 895,495 995,495 (100,000) 1,622,445 626,950
Total Other Financing Uses 895,495 895,495 995,495 (100,000) 1,622,445 626,950
Net Change 853,371 350,667 4,676,882 883,727 5,561,423 (1,528,637)
City of Prior Lake
Sewer Fund
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
Sewer Charges
604-49450.00-37102.00 Utility Receipts - Sewer 1,932,978 1,932,978 1,823,095 (109,883) 94%1,576,644 246,452
604-49450.00-37104.00 Utility Recpt-Sewer MCES 1,601,700 1,601,700 1,493,306 (108,394) 93%1,405,830 87,475
604-49450.00-37160.00 Penalties 15,000 15,000 25,090 10,090 167%24,340 749
3,549,678 3,549,678 3,341,490 (208,188) 94%3,006,814 334,676
Capital Facility charges
604-49450.00-37110.00 Capital Facility Revenue 272,280 272,280 280,542 8,262 103%263,712 16,830
272,280 272,280 280,542 8,262 103%263,712 16,830
Total Operating Revenue 3,821,958 3,821,958 3,622,033 (199,925) 95%3,270,527 351,506
Non-Operating Revenue
Interest (losses) on investments
604-00000.00-36210.00 Interest Earnings 18,800 18,800 41,187 22,387 219%33,833 7,355
604-00000.00-36225.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - 27,640 27,640 n/a (9,270) 36,910
18,800 18,800 68,827 50,027 366%24,563 44,265
Miscellaneous Revenues
604-00000.00-36102.00 County Assess. Collections - - (3,734) (3,734) n/a - (3,734)
604-00000.00-36212.00 Miscellaneous Revenue - - 934 934 n/a - 934
604-00000.00-36231.00 PERA Pension Contributions - - 954 954 n/a 2,778 (1,824)
1,846) (1,846) n/a 2,778 (4,624)
Total Non-Operating Revenue 18,800 18,800 66,982 48,182 356%27,341 39,641
Total Revenue 3,840,758 3,840,758 3,689,014 (151,744) 96%3,297,868 391,147
Total Expenditures
Personnel and current expenditures (excluding depreciation)
41520.00 Finance 91,341 91,651 92,948 (1,297) 101%97,405 4,457
49450.00 Sewer 2,564,890 2,568,132 2,552,036 16,096 99%2,278,724 (273,312)
2,656,231 2,659,783 2,644,984 14,799 99%2,376,129 (268,855)
49400.00 Sewer - - 563,826 511,909 (51,917)
563,826 (563,826) n/a 511,909 (51,917)
49450.00 Sewer 105,000 105,000 - 105,000 0%- -
105,000 105,000 - 105,000 0%- -
Interest & other
49450.00 Sewer 78,200 78,200 56,031 22,169 72%42,173 (13,858)
78,200 78,200 56,031 22,169 72%42,173 (13,858)
Capital improvements
55530.00 Infrastructure 400,000 880,830 418,886 461,944 48%4,459 (414,427)
55570.00 Machinery and equipment 81,832 83,169 73,011 10,158 88%- (73,011)
55580.00 Software - 17,553 - 17,553 0%- -
481,832 981,552 491,897 489,655 50%4,459 (487,438)
55700.00 Contra Capital Outlay - - (418,886) 418,886 n/a - 418,886
Total Expenditures 3,321,263 3,824,535 3,337,852 486,683 2,934,670 (403,182)
Other Financing Sources
Contribution of assets
604-00000.00-37901.00 Contribution (Other Fund)- - 1,709,980 1,709,980 n/a 576,051 1,133,929
604-00000.00-37902.00 Contribution (Developers)- - 310,986 310,986 n/a 487,277 (176,291)
2,020,966 2,020,966 n/a 1,063,328 957,638
Debt Issued
604-00000.00-39315.00 Projects - Bond Premium - - 16,762 16,762 n/a - 16,762
16,762 16,762 n/a - 16,762
Sale of Property
604-00000.00-39310.00 Sale of Property - - - - n/a 1,185 (1,185)
Transfers in
39203.00 Transfer from Other Funds - - 306,280 306,280 n/a 17,434 288,845
306,280 306,280 n/a 17,434 288,845
Total Other Financing Sources - - 2,344,007 2,344,007 n/a 1,081,947 1,262,060
Other Financing Uses
59203.00 Transfers to other funds 277,147 277,147 527,147 (250,000) 190%1,117,033 589,886
Total Other Financing Uses 277,147 277,147 527,147 (250,000) 190%1,117,033 589,886
Total Expenditures 3,044,116 3,547,388 5,154,712 3,080,690 145%2,899,583 268,992
Net Change 242,348 (260,924) 2,168,023 1,955,580 328,112 1,466,503
City of Prior Lake
Water Quality Fund
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
Storm Water Charges
602-49420.00-37120.00 Storm Water Revenue 978,674 978,674 1,055,564 76,890 108%982,174 73,390
602-49420.00-32250.00 Wetland Application Fee - - 750 750 n/a 900 (150)
978,674 978,674 1,056,314 77,640 108%983,074 73,240
Water Charges
602-49420.00-37160.00 Penalties - - 3,979 3,979 n/a 4,164 (186)
3,979 3,979 n/a 4,164 (186)
Total Operating Revenue 978,674 978,674 1,060,292 81,618 108%987,238 73,054
Non-Operating Revenue
602-00000.00-33422.10 State Aids/Grants - - - - n/a 5,002 (5,002)
602-49420.00-33633.00 Watershed Dist Grants/Aid - - - - n/a 130,000 (130,000)
n/a 135,002 (135,002)
Interest (losses) on investments
602-00000.00-36210.00 Interest Earnings 11,690 11,690 22,661 10,971 194%16,688 5,973
602-00000.00-36225.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - 14,736 14,736 n/a (9,288) 24,024
11,690 11,690 37,397 25,707 320%7,400 29,997
Miscellaneous Revenues
602-00000.00-36212.00 Miscellaneous Revenue - - 12,327 12,327 n/a - 12,327
602-00000.00-36231.00 PERA Pension Contributions - - 387 387 n/a 1,389 (1,002)
12,714 12,714 n/a 1,389 11,325
Total Non-Operating Revenue 11,690 11,690 50,110 38,420 429%143,791 (93,680)
Total Revenues 990,364 990,364 1,110,403 120,039 112%1,131,029 (20,626)
Total Expenditures
Personnel and current expenditures (excluding depreciation)
49420.00 Water Quality 532,642 534,022 442,244 91,778 83%453,726 11,482
532,642 534,022 442,244 91,778 83%453,726 11,482
49400.00 Water Quality - - 134,427 121,889 (12,538)
134,427 (134,427) n/a 121,889 (12,538)
Capital improvements
55530.00 Infrastructure 385,000 385,000 106,551 278,449 28%24,412 (82,139)
385,000 385,000 106,551 278,449 28%24,412 (82,139)
55700.00 Contra Capital Outlay - - (71,569) 71,569 n/a - 71,569
Total Expenditures 917,642 919,022 611,653 307,369 67%600,027 (11,626)
Other Financing Sources
Contribution of assets
602-00000.00-37901.00 Contribution (Other Fund)- - 335,892 335,892 n/a 361,550 (25,658)
602-00000.00-37902.00 Contribution (Developers)- - 17,600 17,600 n/a 66,473 (48,873)
353,492 353,492 n/a 428,023 (74,531)
Transfers in
602-00000.00-39203.00 Transfer from Other Funds - - 267,517 267,517 n/a 143,612 123,905
267,517 267,517 n/a 143,612 123,905
Total Other Financing Sources - - 621,009 621,009 n/a 571,635 49,374
Other Financing Uses
Total Other Financing Sources
59203.00 Transfers to other funds 83,860 83,860 126,760 (42,900) 151%480,666 353,906
Total Other Financing Uses 83,860 83,860 126,760 (42,900) 151%480,666 353,906
Net Change (11,138) (12,518) 992,999 476,578 621,971 (313,532)
City of Prior Lake
Economic Development Authority Special Revenue Fund
As of 12/31/2019
Preliminary & Unaudited)
Variance from Variance
2019 2019 2019 Amended Budget - % BDGT Actual from 2018
Budget Amended Actual Positive (Negative)USED 12/31/2018 Positive (Negative)
240-00000.00-31010.00 Current Property Taxes 150,000 150,000 149,698 (302) 100%139,511 10,187
Taxes 150,000 150,000 149,698 (302) 100%139,511 10,187
Charges for Services
240-46503.00-34760.02 Facility Rental - EDA 7,820 7,820 10,120 2,300 129%8,018 2,103
Charges for Services 7,820 7,820 10,120 2,300 129%8,018 2,103
Interest (losses) on investments
240-00000.00-36210.00 Interest Earnings 3,300 3,300 11,306 8,006 343%8,544 2,762
240-00000.00-36225.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)- - 8,289 8,289 n/a (2,163) 10,453
Interest (losses) on investments 3,300 3,300 19,595 16,295 594%6,380 (13,215)
Contributions and Donations
240-00000.00-36230.00 Contributions and Donations - - 8,600 8,600 n/a - 8,600
Contributions and Donations - - 8,600 8,600 n/a - (8,600)
Transfers In
240-00000.00-39203.00 Transfer from Other Funds - - - - n/a 300,000 (300,000)
Transfers In - - - - n/a 300,000 (300,000)
Total Revenues 161,120 161,120 188,013 26,893 117%453,909 (265,896)
Function: Economic Development
46500.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 145,467 191,887 167,478 24,409 87%145,491 (21,987)
46503.00 TECH VILLAGE INCUBATOR 4,350 4,350 4,076 274 94%4,362 286
Total Expenditures 149,817 196,237 171,554 24,683 87%149,853 (21,701)
Net Change 11,303 (35,117) 16,459 304,056
User: Janet
DB: Prior Lake CHECK DATE FROM 04/11/2020 - 04/24/2020
AmountDescriptionVendor NameVendorCheckBankCheck Date
Bank 1 General Bank
2,569.47 2020 HRA ClaimsMEDICA000133255851(E)104/13/2020
959.12 Apr 2020 Merchant Card FeesTRANSFIRST000206935852(E)104/13/2020
372.00 Apr 2020 HRA Admin FeeMEDICA000133255853(E)104/14/2020
14,067.50 Downtown South ReconstructionBOLTON & MENK INC000026375854(A)104/17/2020
411.04 Mar 2020 Misc SuppliesCARLSON HARDWARE COMPANY000031255855(A)104/17/2020
34,178.00 Dell SAN Storage ArrayCOMPUTER INTEGRATION TECH000037605856(A)104/17/2020
7,890.00 Apr 2020 Facility CleaningCOVERALL000275715857(A)104/17/2020
1,021.99 Apr 2020 Facility Cleaning
1,298.56 Apr 2020 Wavelength Water Bill InsertsCSG SYSTEMS INC000275065858(A)104/17/2020
50.00 Fuel for #465DANIEL BLAKEBOROUGH000024795859(A)104/17/2020
2,112.64 120 New squad supplies EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC000054805860(A)104/17/2020
2,112.64 320 New squad equipment
2,112.64 720 New squad equipment
1,212.09 1420 Jeep equipment
1,146.10 1220 Jeep equipment
120.91 Dress UniformGALLS LLC000070755861(A)104/17/2020
399.60 Mar 2020 LocatesGOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC000075255862(A)104/17/2020
108.00 Safety Boots 2020KEVIN KLEIST000114975863(A)104/17/2020
567.00 784 Vactor repair MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC000130545864(A)104/17/2020
1,247.11 503 Wheel motor MTI DISTRIBUTING INC000139515865(A)104/17/2020
1,317.85 T-Shirts - Logo WearNORTH AMERICAN SAFETY000145745866(A)104/17/2020
1,095.42 Safety Green Shirts
817.50 Safety Vests
493.90 Gloves and earplugs
352.22 Mar 2020 Repair PartsO'REILLY AUTO PARTS000150885867(A)104/17/2020
400.00 Apr 2020 ROWay AppPERRILL000065025868(A)104/17/2020
721.38 Feb 2020 Data & SoftwarePRECISE MOBILE RESOURCE MGMT000165485869(A)104/17/2020
297.47 Mar 2020 Misc SuppliesPRIOR LAKE HARDWARE000166585870(A)104/17/2020
119.97 2nd Qtr 2020 Bottled WaterWATERLOGIC AMERICAS LLC000275835871(A)104/17/2020
48.47 756 Hood struts WOLF MOTOR CO INC000236755872(A)104/17/2020
94.95 Mtce Center First Aid SuppliesZEE MEDICAL SERVICE000263505873(A)104/17/2020
3,157.00 78" Land LevelerZIEGLER INC000265005874(A)104/17/2020
13,525.10 Apr 2020 Electric BillsMN VALLEY ELECTRIC000137385876(E)104/15/2020
1,105.04 Apr 2020 Elecrtic BillsSHAKOPEE PUBLIC UTILITIES000193885877(E)104/15/2020
64.60 Apr 2020 Admin FeesFURTHER000135045878(E)104/22/2020
70.00 Mar 2020 COBRA Admin FeeALERUS000013755879(E)104/20/2020
316.44 2020 Dental ClaimsDELTA DENTAL000272135880(E)104/20/2020
9.33 2020 HRA ClaimsMEDICA000133255881(E)104/20/2020
91.49 Mar 2020 Fuel TaxMN DEPT OF REVENUE000136125882(E)104/20/2020
838.00 Mar 2020 Sales Tax
2,145.65 Apr 2020 Phone BillsNUVERA000193045883(E)104/20/2020
225.00 472 Tow sweeper ALLEN'S SERVICE INC000013605884(A)104/24/2020
68.49 5 Ton Cable puller BLUE TARP FINANCIAL INC000025425885(A)104/24/2020
User: Janet
DB: Prior Lake CHECK DATE FROM 04/11/2020 - 04/24/2020
AmountDescriptionVendor NameVendorCheckBankCheck Date
131.00 Shop roller
625.82 1220 Jeep squad supplies EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC000054805886(A)104/24/2020
249.30 Vehicle NumbersGRAFIX SHOPPE000076155887(A)104/24/2020
97.52 Thumb DrivesINNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS LLC000271495888(A)104/24/2020
28.36 Misc Office Supplies
24.89 Letter Pouch
1,691.80 472 Radiator/Oil CoolerMACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC000130545889(A)104/24/2020
187.88 472 Wiper blades and washer bottle
203.54 472 Wiper arm
12,500.00 2019 YE AuditMMKR & CO000137495890(A)104/24/2020
337.15 Lime St Lift Station RepairADVANCED POWER SERVICE INC00027572105872104/17/2020
125.00 RepairALEX AIR APPARATUS INC00001329105873104/17/2020
120.00 Repair
19.74 536 Sprayer nozzle ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC00027400105874104/17/2020
100.32 CoffeeARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES00001772105875104/17/2020
270.00 1st Qtr 2020BCA/STATE OF MINNESOTA00002933105876104/17/2020
544.75 Mar 2020 Mtce Center RefuseBUCKINGHAM COMPANIES00002919105877104/17/2020
1,000.00 10' HoseCITY OF CARVER00027813105878104/17/2020
1,379.94 Apr 2020 Library Carpet CleaningCOMMERCIAL STEAM TEAM00003725105879104/17/2020
3,786.02 Apr 2020 UB BillingCSG SYSTEMS INC00027506105880104/17/2020
96.00 Refund - Club Prior Footcare ApptsDARLENE PICKITREFUND-REC105881104/17/2020
816.14 Hand SanitizerDELTA FOREMOST CHEMICAL CORP00004338105882104/17/2020
146.35 Street SweepingsDEM-CON LANDFILL LLC00004360105883104/17/2020
22.00 Refund - Spring TeaDIANE THOMASREFUND-REC105884104/17/2020
22.00 Refund - Spring TeaDIANE VUREFUND-REC105885104/17/2020
22.00 Refund - Spring TeaDIANNE BACKLUNDREFUND-REC105886104/17/2020
624.94 Water Meter SuppliesFERGUSON WATERWORKS #251600006231105887104/17/2020
123.96 Water Meter Supplies
2,717.00 Water Meter Parts
6,453.20 Water Meters
(2,260.13)Return MIU's
(1,757.84)Return MIU's
389.44 Mtce Center Electrical HAYES ELECTRIC INC00008315105888104/17/2020
25.00 Program RefundJAN MARSHREFUND-REC105889104/17/2020
22.00 Refund - Spring TeaJEANNE HILDEBRANDTREFUND-REC105890104/17/2020
89,961.00 2nd Qtr 2020 WCLEAGUE MN CITIES INS TRUS00012435105891104/17/2020
75.00 Mail Box ReplacementMARVIN SASSREF MAIL B105892104/17/2020
75.00 Mail Box ReplacementMATT ADAIRREF MAIL B105893104/17/2020
3,358.00 EMR, EMT RefresherMDEWAKANTON PUBLIC SAFETY00013287105894104/17/2020
39.34 Misc SuppliesMENARDS LUMBER CO00013318105895104/17/2020
75.00 Mail Box ReplacementMIKE RYANREF MAIL B105896104/17/2020
351.00 Annual DuesMN CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSN00013778105897104/17/2020
797.45 Mar 2020 Random Drug TestingMN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH00027099105898104/17/2020
124.00 Brotzler -Reasonable Suspicion Training
User: Janet
DB: Prior Lake CHECK DATE FROM 04/11/2020 - 04/24/2020
AmountDescriptionVendor NameVendorCheckBankCheck Date
22.00 Refund - Spring TeaNANCY FOSSUMREFUND-REC105899104/17/2020
3,443.42 Mar 2020 Repair PartsNAPA AUTO PARTS00014060105900104/17/2020
1,385.00 Mangen Field SignNORTHLAND MONUMENT CO00027815105901104/17/2020
75.00 Mail Box ReplacementPAUL BUSSEREF MAIL B105902104/17/2020
15.00 Refund - Fire Safety CampPAUL NOWAKREFUND-REC105903104/17/2020
75.00 Mail Box ReplacementRICK YEATESREF MAIL B105904104/17/2020
22.00 Refund - Spring TeaROSE HERMANNREFUND-REC105905104/17/2020
22.00 Refund - Spring TeaROSEMARY LOVELESSREFUND-REC105906104/17/2020
167.65 Club Prior SuppliesSAM'S CLUB00019036105907104/17/2020
74.69 Mar 2020 Legal NoticesSOUTHWEST NEWSPAPERS00019676105908104/17/2020
144.90 Cleaning ProductsSTATE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS00019773105909104/17/2020
22.00 Refund - Spring TeaSUE FULLERREFUND-REC105910104/17/2020
22.00 Refund - Spring TeaSUE SCULLYREFUND-REC105911104/17/2020
151,693.00 #465 Box & Plow ControlsTOWMASTER00020659105912104/17/2020
1,710.00 465 Carbide cutting edges
335.94 Mar 2020 Misc SuppliesTRACTOR SUPPLY CREDIT PLAN00020663105913104/17/2020
22.00 Refund - Spring TeaTRINIDAD LARSONREFUND-REC105914104/17/2020
480.00 Coliform TestingUC LABORATORY00021235105915104/17/2020
155.99 Evidence SuppliesULINE00021250105916104/17/2020
14.95 Dry Erase MarkersUS BANK00002105105917104/17/2020
395.00 On-Line Evidence Training
720.00 POST License Renewals
300.00 Evidence Software Training
21.46 Dry Erase Markers
107.38 Flashlight Batteries
60.20 Agenda Review - JW,LO,AT,KB
258.46 Wedel - Confernce Lodging
160.96 Annual License
11.38 Job Fair Supplies
66.00 Scheduling Software
13.30 Bunny Yoga Ad
226.48 Barstad - Hotel MNFEA Conference
49.99 Cake
309.91 PD Dept Lunch
65.00 Schmidt - Bldg Official Lic Renewal
95.00 Chard - Bldg Official Lic Renewal
100.00 Stefanisko - 2020 Dues
502.80 Downtown Mural Recognition Plaque
17.00 Donuts - Dept Head Mtg
21.45 Clorox Wipes
278.90 Box Lunches - Employee Appreciation
236.39 Lunches
489.83 APC Backup Battery
20.94 iPhone Case
386.99 Staff Box Lunches
451.49 Staff Box Lunches
551.15 Staff Box Lunches
372.00 Annual Renewal
20.99 Mar 2020 Adobe Dreamweaver
48.23 Cavicide Disinfectant
21.97 Cable Ties
55.58 Shotgun Adapters
197.75 Shotgun Sling Adapter
208.81 Duty Boots
User: Janet
DB: Prior Lake CHECK DATE FROM 04/11/2020 - 04/24/2020
AmountDescriptionVendor NameVendorCheckBankCheck Date
47.96 Station Cleaning SuppliesUS BANK00002105105918104/17/2020
449.90 Reciprocating Saw
44.99 Station Cleaning Supplies
1,195.00 Membership Renewal
3.42 Bleach
25.62 EPCRA - Right to Know Fees
332.61 Hand & Surface Wipes
244.99 MSA Calibration Gas Cilinder
75.00 Ryan - Turfgrass Pathology Class
65.00 Ryan - Culvert Mtce Training
139.14 Lanyards
33.82 Flash Drive
91.25 Shop work lamp
314.71 Coffee
643.82 Video Conference Calling
84.94 Club Prior Supplies
163.98 Storage Boxes - Club Prior
43.85 Bingo Supplies
98.43 Club Prior Fish
49.88 Wireless Mouse,Hand Soap
240.38 Council Work Session
47.00 Orlofsky - 2020 Dues
227.13 Employee Appreciation Lunch
50.00 Kallberg - Land Use Training
(990.00)Cancelled - Disney on Ice
(225.63)Cancelled - Hotel Downpmt - Bisek LETG C
(790.20)Cancelled - Hotel - Bisek LETG Conferenc
(85.00)Cancelled - Schmidt - Continuing Ed
(85.00)Cancelled - Chard - Continuing Ed
(58.00)Cancelled - Brotzler - Training
(290.00)Cancelled - Zurbey - Operator School
55.00 Apr 2020 Shredding ServiceVETERAN SHREDDING LLC00027643105919104/17/2020
203.94 Mar 2020 Investigative ServicesWEST PAYMENT CENTER00023420105920104/17/2020
22.00 Refund - Spring TeaYVONNE GUDIMREFUND-REC105921104/17/2020
400.75 Apr 2020 Mtce Center RefuseBUCKINGHAM COMPANIES00002919105922104/24/2020
297.35 Apr 2020 Phone BillsCENTURY LINK00021220105923104/24/2020
725.00 Refund - SoftballCHAD BURNSREFUND-REC105924104/24/2020
27.79 4662 Dakota StreetCITY OF PRIOR LAKE00016810105925104/24/2020
190.82 Memorial Plaque - SimpkinsEXECUTIVE OCEAN00005947105926104/24/2020
363.42 Stock batteriesFACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY00006020105927104/24/2020
100.00 Water Efficiency RebateGERALD RADDATZREFUND-MSC105928104/24/2020
100.00 Water Efficiency RebateKELLY CHARLESREFUND-MSC105930104/24/2020
40.00 Refund - Summer Rec Program KRISTIN DEBOERREFUND-REC105931104/24/2020
118,861.00 1st & 2nd Qtr 2020 Property & CasualtyLEAGUE MN CITIES INS TRUS00012435105932104/24/2020
75.00 Mail Box ReimbursementLISA ARNEREF MAIL B105933104/24/2020
66.20 Misc SuppliesMENARDS LUMBER CO00013318105934104/24/2020
84.57 Misc Parks Supplies
5,000.00 20-0144 5267 Frost Pt CircleOTTING MOVERSMISC-CD105935104/24/2020
15.00 Refund- Summer Rec ProgramPAUL NOWAKREFUND-REC105936104/24/2020
135.69 471 Fuel filters POWERPLAN00022435105937104/24/2020
92.00 Club Prior Dinner Theater TripRICHFIELD BLOOMINGTON CREDIT UNION00027809105938104/24/2020
User: Janet
DB: Prior Lake CHECK DATE FROM 04/11/2020 - 04/24/2020
AmountDescriptionVendor NameVendorCheckBankCheck Date
20,837.30 Mar 2020 Water PurchasesSMSC00019384105939104/24/2020
387.26 Seasonal Employment AdSOUTHWEST NEWSPAPERS00019676105940104/24/2020
289.80 Cleaning ProductsSTATE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS00019773105941104/24/2020
557,436.77 Total of 109 Disbursements:
0.00 Less 0 Void Checks:
557,436.77 Total of 109 Checks:
City of Prior Lake
Treasurers Report
Feb 2020
Fund 2/1/2020 2/29/2020
Fund Type & Name No.Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
Business-Type Funds
Water Fund 601 5,259,068.87$ 508,817.46$ 218,442.22$ 5,549,444.11$
Sewer Fund 604 1,586,172.76 606,076.25 216,543.98 1,975,705.03
Water Quality Fund 602 1,375,774.32 191,975.69 42,008.68 1,525,741.33
Total Business-Type Funds 8,221,015.95$ 1,306,869.40$ 476,994.88$ 9,050,890.47$
Governmental-Type Funds
General Fund 101 7,795,601.47$ 645,439.86$ 1,203,256.53$ 7,237,784.80$
Special Revenue Funds
Cable Franchise Fund 210 75,693.43$ 118.29$ 46.72$ 75,765.00$
Capital Park Fund 225 1,808,395.16 106,709.49 3,484.00 1,911,620.65
Police Forfeiture Fund 235 146,448.09 828.42 967.31 146,309.20
EDA Special Revenue 240 236,003.02 953.11 10,253.84 226,702.29
Econ Dev Federal Revolving Loan Fund 250 129,304.73 202.19 - 129,506.92
Econ Dev MN Revolving Loan Fund 255 171.02 0.27 - 171.29
Developer Agreement Fund 260 901,389.81 - 573.56 900,816.25
Total Special Revenue Funds 3,297,405.26$ 108,811.77$ 15,325.43$ 3,390,891.60$
Capital Project Funds
Tax Increment 402 18,480.49$ 930.16$ 94.01$ 19,316.64$
TIF #1-3 413 106,245.05 166.13 - 106,411.18
TIF #3-1 414 164,051.01 256.52 - 164,307.53
TIF #5-1 416 9,767.39 15.27 - 9,782.66
TIF #6-1 417 384,393.59 601.07 - 384,994.66
TIF #1-4 418 1,282.72 2.01 - 1,284.73
TIF #1-5 419 16,948.66 26.50 - 16,975.16
Revolving Equipment Fund 410 786,636.32 1,153.18 49,154.18 738,635.32
Revolving Park Equipment Fund 430 904,401.94 1,407.19 4,475.12 901,334.01
Facilities Management Fund 440 466,663.08 729.71 - 467,392.79
Permanent Impr Revolving Fund 450 595,742.27 1,945.93 - 597,688.20
Construction Fund 501 4,390,250.97 165,061.61 274,538.82 4,280,773.76
Trunk Reserve Fund 502 3,356,378.78 22,919.14 86.00 3,379,211.92
Street Oversize Fund 503 1,273,204.28 1,990.88 - 1,275,195.16
Water Storage Fund 505 324,470.52 13,409.79 - 337,880.31
Total Capital Project Funds 12,798,917.07$ 210,615.09$ 328,348.13$ 12,681,184.03$
Debt Service Funds
314-351 &
549-573 $ 2,980,141.24 18,377.45$ -$ 2,998,518.69$
Agency Fund 801 968,172.50$ 20,000.00$ -$ 988,172.50$
Total Governmental Type Funds 27,840,237.54$ 1,003,244.17$ 1,546,930.09$ 27,296,551.62$
Internal Service Funds 7xx 467,497.88$ 3,119.62$ -$ 470,617.50$
Total All Funds 36,528,751.37$ 2,313,233.19$ 2,023,924.97$ 36,818,059.59$
Investment Pool & Ratio as of 2/29/2020 98.35%36,209,154.97$
This report does not reflect financial obligations from contracts, agreements, purchases, services received, etc.
City of Prior Lake
Treasurers Report
Feb 2020
Fund Type & Name Fund Balance Classification Constraints
Business-Type Funds
Water Fund Unrestricted Identified on utility bill for this purpose
Sewer Fund Unrestricted Identified on utility bill for this purpose
Water Quality Fund Unrestricted Identified on utility bill for this purpose
Governmental-Type Funds
General Fund Unassigned Cash flow, emergencies, one-time opportunities
Special Revenue Funds
Cable Franchise Fund Assigned for communications Statutory obligation to use for PEG access
Capital Park Fund Assigned for capital improvements Contractually obligated; park dedication fees
EDA Special Revenue Assigned for development Economic Development
Econ Dev Federal Revolving Loan Fund Restricted for economic development Economic Development
Econ Dev MN Revolving Loan Fund Restricted for economic development Economic Development
Developer Agreement Fund Assigned for development Contractually obligated;
Capital Project Funds
Tax Increment Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #1-3 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #1-4 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #3-1 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #4-1 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #5-1 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #6-1 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
Revolving Equipment Fund Assigned for capital improvements Identified for equipment replacement
Revolving Park Equipment Fund Assigned for capital improvements Identified for park equipment replacement
Facilities Management Fund Assigned for capital improvements Identified for funding Facilities Management Plan
Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Assigned for capital improvements Identified for funding street improvement projects
Construction Fund Restricted for capital improvements Construction projects in progress
Trunk Reserve Fund Assigned for capital improvements Contractually obligated by developer agreements
Street Oversize Fund Assigned for capital improvements Contractually obligated by developer agreements
Water Storage Fund Assigned for capital improvements Contractually obligated by developer agreements
Debt Service Funds Restricted for Debt Service Reserved for contractually obligated debt service
Agency Fund N/A Escrows to be reimbursed to depositors
Internal Service Funds Unrestricted Identified as payment for severance compensation and insurance
Description CUSIP/Ticker Transaction ID Settlement Date YTM @ Cost Face Amount/Shares Cost Value Book Value Market Value Maturity Date Days To Maturity Accrued Interest % of Portfolio
Cash - Northland Securities Cash CASH5845 02/03/2002 0.000 4,326.36 4,326.36 4,326.36 4,326.36 N/A 1 0.01
Morgan Stanley Cash CASH5089 12/31/2010 0.000 593,386.09 593,386.09 593,386.09 593,386.09 N/A 1 1.75
Oppenheimer Cash MM9905 12/27/2011 0.000 4,759,139.11 4,759,139.11 4,759,139.11 4,759,139.11 N/A 1 14.01
Sub Total / Average Cash 0.000 5,356,851.56 5,356,851.56 5,356,851.56 5,356,851.56 1 0.00 15.77
Allegiance Bank TX 2.2 11/3/2022 01748DAY2 58629 11/03/2017 2.200 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 249,926.95 11/03/2022 947 413.48 0.72
Ally Bank 1.95 10/19/2020 02006L6D0 57803 10/19/2017 1.950 149,000.00 149,000.00 149,000.00 149,727.12 10/19/2020 202 1,305.48 0.44
Alma Bank 1.8 9/11/2023 020080BM8 58424 09/11/2019 1.800 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 247,695.00 09/11/2023 1,259 241.64 0.72
Apex Bank 1.85 4/26/2021 03753XAU4 9176 10/25/2017 1.850 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 246,545.95 04/26/2021 391 74.51 0.72
Bank Baroda New York 3.55 11/30/2023 06062R-7R-7 33681 11/30/2018 3.550 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 263,000.15 11/30/2023 1,339 2,899.17 0.72
Bank of New England 3.25 7/31/2023 06426KAN8 24540 07/31/2018 3.250 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 259,205.10 07/31/2023 1,217 0.00 0.72
Bankers Bank West Denver CO 1.8 9/30/2024 06610T-EE-1 23210 09/30/2019 1.800 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 247,927.75 09/30/2024 1,644 12.08 0.72
Barclays Bk Delaware 2.3 10/18/2022 06740KLD7 57203 10/18/2017 2.300 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 250,473.30 10/18/2022 931 2,547.33 0.72
BMW Bank of NA 1.8 4/11/2022 05580ASR6 35141 10/11/2019 1.800 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 249,203.24 04/11/2022 741 2,095.10 0.73
Capital BK3.15 10/28/2022 139797HC1 34562 10/29/2018 3.150 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 255,799.60 10/28/2022 941 42.29 0.72
Capital One Bank Glen Allen VA 2.25 9/30/2020 140420WD8 33954 09/30/2015 2.250 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 246,484.70 09/30/2020 183 15.10 0.72
Capital One Nat'l Assn McLean 2.1 8/14/2024 14042RMW8 4297 08/14/2019 2.100 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 253,058.91 08/14/2024 1,597 653.70 0.73
Celtic Bank 1.8 8/30/2023 15118RRF6 57056 08/30/2019 1.800 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 247,685.20 08/30/2023 1,247 0.00 0.72
CF Bank 3.15 9/18/2023 15721UCQ0 28263 09/18/2018 3.150 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 258,874.35 09/18/2023 1,266 274.87 0.72
Citibank Sioux Falls 3.15 7/25/2022 17312QP86 7213 07/24/2018 3.150 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 254,863.70 07/25/2022 846 1,416.64 0.72
City National Bank 3.05 8/8/2022 17801GBU2 3814 08/06/2018 3.050 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 254,444.75 08/08/2022 860 511.82 0.72
COMENITY BK SALT LAKE CITY UT 2.6 11/24/2021 20033AJN7 57570 11/26/2014 2.600 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 250,549.25 11/24/2021 603 87.26 0.72
Discover Bank 1.9 5/11/2023 254672YR3 5649 09/17/2019 2.001 245,000.00 244,135.15 244,262.41 248,302.60 05/11/2023 1,136 1,798.23 0.72
Enerbank USA, UT 2.25 8/28/2020 29266NB48 57293 08/28/2014 2.250 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 246,234.80 08/28/2020 150 483.29 0.72
Enterprise Bank & Trust 1.8 11/8/2024 29367SJQ8 27237 11/08/2019 1.800 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 247,937.55 11/08/2024 1,683 277.89 0.72
Enterprise Bank Allison Park PA 1.8 9/27/2024 29367R-LA-2 34786 09/27/2019 1.800 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 247,922.85 09/27/2024 1,641 48.33 0.72
First Farmers 1.85 4/8/2021-18 320165JB0 12839 09/08/2017 1.850 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,049.00 04/08/2021 373 285.61 0.72
First Natl Bank of Albany 1.6 2/28/2025 76T155845 3067 02/28/2020 1.600 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,629.65 02/28/2025 1,795 32.22 0.72
First Source Bank 1.7 10/29/2021 33646CLT9 9087 12/31/2019 1.700 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 246,504.30 10/29/2021 577 1,038.40 0.72
Firstbank Puerto Rico 1.8 9/6/2022 33767GAE8 30387 09/06/2019 1.800 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 247,381.40 09/06/2022 889 302.05 0.72
GE Cap Bk Inc Retail 2.55 7/19/2021 36161TS48 33778 07/18/2014 2.550 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 152,653.50 07/19/2021 475 765.00 0.44
GE Cap Ret BK, Draper UT 2.65 3/29/2021 36157QXM4 27314 03/28/2014 2.650 96,000.00 96,000.00 96,000.00 97,342.08 03/29/2021 363 20.91 0.28
GE CAPITAL, UT 2.6 9/21/2020 36157QQQ3 27314 09/20/2013 2.600 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 150,975.00 09/21/2020 174 117.53 0.44
Goldman Sachs 2.4 9/6/2022 38148PPC5 33124 09/06/2017 2.400 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 250,897.15 09/06/2022 889 402.74 0.72
Harden County 3.1 9/28/2023 412022CJ2 5817 09/28/2018 3.100 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 258,553.40 09/28/2023 1,276 62.42 0.72
Industrial & Coml NY 2.65 2/14/2023 45581EAR2 24387 02/14/2018 2.650 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 253,352.05 02/14/2023 1,050 302.39 0.72
Iowa State Clarksville 3.15 9/28/2023 46256YAY5 15947 09/28/2018 3.150 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 258,960.10 09/28/2023 1,276 63.43 0.72
KS State Bank Manhattan 2.1 5/17/2022 50116CBE8 19899 11/17/2017 2.100 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 248,790.15 05/17/2022 777 197.34 0.72
Lee Bank 2 11/15/2024 523391BC3 33645 11/15/2019 2.000 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,098.00 11/15/2024 1,690 214.79 0.72
Marine Bank 3 1/18/2022 56817TAH4 20250 07/18/2018 3.000 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 252,271.60 01/18/2022 658 261.78 0.72
Marlin Business Bk 1.95 5/17/2021 57116AQG6 58267 11/17/2017 1.950 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 246,888.95 05/17/2021 412 183.25 0.72
Merrick Bank2.2 11/8/2022 59013JD71 34519 11/08/2017 2.200 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 249,944.10 11/08/2022 952 339.64 0.72
Morgan Stanley Bk 2.45 1/25/2021 61747MG96 32992 01/25/2018 2.450 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 247,604.35 01/25/2021 300 1,085.38 0.72
MS Private Bank 3.55 11/8/2023 61760ARS0 34221 11/08/2018 3.550 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 262,110.80 11/08/2023 1,317 3,431.34 0.72
National Cooperative Bank3.4 12/21/2023 635573AL2 323612 12/24/2018 3.400 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 261,936.85 12/21/2023 1,360 2,305.01 0.72
Northwest Bank 2 4/29/2022 66736ABJ7 58752 11/10/2017 2.000 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 248,224.20 04/29/2022 759 0.00 0.72
Pinnacle Bank 1.85 2/26/2021 72345SFT3 35583 08/30/2017 1.850 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 246,440.60 02/26/2021 332 0.00 0.72
Preferred Bank LA Calif 1.95 8/30/2024 740367HR1 33539 08/30/2019 1.950 249,000.00 249,000.00 249,000.00 253,561.68 08/30/2024 1,613 0.00 0.73
Sallie Mae Bank Utah 1.9 9/18/2024 7954504D4 58177 09/18/2019 1.900 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 248,976.35 09/18/2024 1,632 165.79 0.72
Southern Sts Bk 2 4/20/2021 843879BB2 58558 12/20/2017 2.000 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 246,911.00 04/20/2021 385 147.67 0.72
Spring Bank3.25 10/24/2023 849430AY9 58668 10/24/2018 3.250 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 260,069.95 10/24/2023 1,302 152.71 0.72
Investment Portfolio - By Security Type
March 31, 2020
Certificate Of Deposit
Description CUSIP/Ticker Transaction ID Settlement Date YTM @ Cost Face Amount/Shares Cost Value Book Value Market Value Maturity Date Days To Maturity Accrued Interest % of Portfolio
Investment Portfolio - By Security Type
March 31, 2020
STATE BK INDIA NEW YORK NY 2.6 12/6/2021 8562843H5 33682 12/05/2014 2.600 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 250,091.10 12/06/2021 615 2,041.89 0.72
Sterling Bank Poplar Bluff MO 3.1 1/11/2023 85916V-CY-9 57813 01/11/2019 3.100 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 256,132.80 01/11/2023 1,016 1,664.66 0.72
Third Federal Savings 1.9 9/15/2020 88413QBQ0 30012 09/15/2017 1.900 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,975.10 09/15/2020 168 204.05 0.72
TIAA FSB Jacksonville FLA 1.95 8/26/2022 87270LCR2 34775 08/28/2019 1.950 247,000.00 247,000.00 247,000.00 250,260.40 08/26/2022 878 422.27 0.73
UBS Bank USA 3.25 10/17/2022 90348JEG1 57565 10/17/2018 3.250 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 256,304.30 10/17/2022 930 305.41 0.72
Washington Federal 1.95 8/28/2024 938828BN9 28088 08/28/2019 1.950 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 249,485.95 08/28/2024 1,611 39.27 0.72
Webster 5 Cnts 1.55 9/17/2021-17 94789PBV5 90297 03/18/2016 1.550 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,075.95 09/17/2021 535 135.25 0.72
Wells Fargo BK NA Sioux Falls 2.75 5/17/2024 949763-B6-2 3511 06/11/2019 2.650 200,000.00 200,924.00 200,773.25 208,172.00 05/17/2024 1,508 210.96 0.59
Wells Fargo Natl Bk West 1.8 12/13/2022 949495AA3 27389 12/13/2019 1.800 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 247,464.70 12/13/2022 987 217.48 0.72
Wex Bank 2.7 4/23/2020 92937CHR2 34697 07/23/2018 2.700 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,271.95 04/23/2020 23 1,232.38 0.72
Sub Total / Average Certificate Of Deposit 2.365 13,250,000.00 13,250,059.15 13,250,035.66 13,556,223.28 942 33,549.23 39.00
FHLMC 2 11/30/2020 3134G3VF4 05/30/2012 2.000 1,790,000.00 1,790,000.00 1,790,000.00 1,807,273.50 11/30/2020 244 11,933.33 5.27
Sub Total / Average FHLMC Bond 2.000 1,790,000.00 1,790,000.00 1,790,000.00 1,807,273.50 244 11,933.33 5.27
League of Minnesota Cities - 4M Fund LGIP LGIP5101M 11/30/2010 1.150 99,024.19 99,024.19 99,024.19 99,024.19 N/A 1 0.29
League of Minnesota Cities - 4M LGIP LGIP5204M2017A Good Faith Deposit 06/13/2017 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 1 0.00
League of Minnesota Cities - 4M Plus Fund LGIP LGIP5101MP 11/30/2010 1.270 3,622,592.91 3,622,592.91 3,622,592.91 3,622,592.91 N/A 1 10.66
League of MN Cities LGIP LGIP52064M Phone Wire Purchase 06/04/2019 1.150 1,220,115.52 1,220,115.52 1,220,115.52 1,220,115.52 N/A 1 3.59
League of Mn Cities LGIP LGIP52054M Good Faith Deposit 07/17/2018 1.150 38,217.95 38,217.95 38,217.95 38,217.95 N/A 1 0.11
Sub Total / Average Local Government Investment Pool 1.237 4,979,950.57 4,979,950.57 4,979,950.57 4,979,950.57 1 0.00 14.66
Ansonia CT Bds 4 2/1/2021 036519PR1 02/01/2018 2.550 210,000.00 218,740.20 212,448.21 213,246.60 02/01/2021 307 1,400.00 0.62
Armada Mich Area Schools Ref Bond 2.712 5/1/2022 042105MG8 08/29/2019 1.750 400,000.00 409,996.00 407,794.01 412,416.00 05/01/2022 761 4,520.00 1.18
Canadian Cnty Okla Indpt Sch Dist 2 11/1/2024 135537-GT-9 Dated Date 11/1/20 1st Coupon 11/07/2019 2.000 285,000.00 285,000.00 285,000.00 288,770.55 11/01/2024 1,676 2,375.00 0.84
Columbus Ohio2.333 12/1/2022 199492-CT-4 08/26/2019 1.750 100,000.00 101,840.00 101,503.77 103,238.00 12/01/2022 975 777.67 0.29
Columbus Ohio City Sch Dist 2.036 12/1/2022 199507-6K-5 10/17/2019 1.901 135,000.00 135,552.15 135,471.82 137,641.95 12/01/2022 975 916.20 0.40
Desert Sands CA ISD 2.852 6/1/2021 250433QJ1 02/01/2018 2.578 1,165,000.00 1,175,100.55 1,168,546.82 1,186,261.25 06/01/2021 427 11,075.27 3.43
Edgewood Ohio City 5 12/1/2023 280455ET9 12/19/2019 2.101 215,000.00 238,512.40 236,834.11 240,081.90 12/01/2023 1,340 3,045.83 0.63
Federal Way Wash2.2 12/1/2024 314031-HH-1 12/11/2019 2.150 475,000.00 476,111.50 476,043.60 488,988.75 12/01/2024 1,706 3,193.06 1.40
Iowa Westn Comm2.8 6/1/2023 462612SE3 02/12/2018 2.800 195,000.00 195,000.00 195,000.00 202,772.70 06/01/2023 1,157 1,820.00 0.57
Kentucky Assn of Cntys 2.5 2/1/2021 491196YV7 11/30/2017 2.051 465,000.00 471,379.80 466,689.90 469,440.75 02/01/2021 307 1,937.50 1.37
Maricopa Cnty Ariz 5 7/1/2022 567389UY5 03/19/2020 1.700 500,000.00 536,785.00 536,255.72 542,800.00 07/01/2022 822 6,250.00 1.47
Massachusetts St Dev 2.785 5/1/2024 57584FEM8 12/20/2019 1.920 240,000.00 248,647.20 248,093.87 253,860.00 05/01/2024 1,492 2,785.00 0.71
Medallion Bk Salt Lake City 3.4 12/7/2022 58404D-CX-7 57449 12/07/2018 3.400 245,000.00 245,000.00 245,000.00 257,786.55 12/07/2022 981 555.33 0.72
Minnetonka ISD 276 3 2/1/2021 604195YF8 12/18/2017 2.150 260,000.00 266,627.40 261,783.18 263,920.80 02/01/2021 307 1,300.00 0.77
Monmouth OR Bds 2.9 4/1/2023 609694FZ2 01/30/2018 2.900 255,000.00 255,000.00 255,000.00 266,426.55 04/01/2023 1,096 3,697.50 0.75
Monona Wis Ref 3 10/1/2022 610100XT1 09/18/2018 3.000 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 206,984.00 10/01/2022 914 3,000.00 0.59
Nebraska State 3 12/15/2021 63968HE55 03/18/2020 1.651 370,000.00 378,532.20 378,358.07 381,125.90 12/15/2021 624 2,898.33 1.09
Northwest Local Sch District Hamilton & Butler 667712CF8 11/15/2019 2.069 360,000.00 376,408.80 374,886.79 383,148.00 12/01/2023 1,340 4,420.00 1.06
Northwest Local Sch District Hamilton & Butler 667712CG6 11/15/2019 2.169 370,000.00 389,010.60 387,597.44 398,142.20 12/01/2024 1,706 4,542.78 1.09
Oak Creek WIS 4 10/1/2023 671137-YP-6 11/27/2018 3.402 280,000.00 287,434.00 285,374.84 306,006.40 10/01/2023 1,279 5,600.00 0.82
Oklahoma Cnty Okla Metro 2.65 6/1/2024 67869T-AD-7 07/15/2019 2.286 500,000.00 508,255.00 507,051.24 519,020.00 06/01/2024 1,523 11,041.67 1.47
Papio-Missouri Riv 4 12/15/2021 698874DQ4 03/18/2020 1.750 140,000.00 145,376.00 145,266.29 146,925.80 12/15/2021 624 1,648.89 0.41
Rhode IS Infrastructure Bk 2.18 10/1/2023 7622F-DD-7 06/27/2019 2.151 435,000.00 435,522.00 435,428.80 446,601.45 10/01/2023 1,279 4,741.50 1.28
San Antonio TX ISD 5.033 8/15/2020 796269TX6 12/06/2019 1.751 150,000.00 153,366.00 151,822.70 152,289.00 08/15/2020 137 964.66 0.44
South Lyon MI 2.69 5/1/2022 838736VU7 10/23/2017 2.250 250,000.00 254,702.50 252,167.54 257,490.00 05/01/2022 761 2,802.08 0.74
St. Charles County MO Francis Howell School Distri 787642-4F-1 08/07/2019 2.531 200,000.00 209,956.00 208,143.73 208,486.00 03/01/2023 1,065 666.67 0.59
Univ of North Carolina NC 1.778 12/1/2021 914713N24 12/20/2019 1.800 200,000.00 199,914.00 199,926.32 201,370.00 12/01/2021 610 1,185.33 0.59
Sub Total / Average Municipal Bond 2.254 8,600,000.00 8,797,769.30 8,757,488.77 8,935,241.10 959 89,160.27 25.31
Total / Average 1.780 33,976,802.13 34,174,630.58 34,134,326.56 34,635,540.01 623 134,642.83 100
Local Government Investment Pool
Municipal Bond
Cost Cost Value
Days to
% of
0-1 Month 0.645 10,581,802 2 30.96%
3-6 Months 2.112 793,366 158 2.32%
6-9 Months 2.025 2,184,000 234 6.39%
9-12 Months 2.208 1,542,747 313 4.51%
1-2 Years 2.194 4,253,923 502 12.45%
2-3 Years 2.372 6,272,832 898 18.36%
3-4 Years 2.739 4,227,012 1,278 12.37%
4-5 Years 2.029 4,318,948 1,635 12.64%
Total / Average 1.781 34,174,630 625 100.00%
Investment Portfolio - Diversification, by Maturity Range
March 31, 2020
City of Prior Lake - Quarterly Investment Report
Cost Cost Value
Days to
% of
Cash - 5,356,852 1 15.67%
Certificate of Deposit 2.365 13,250,059 942 38.78%
FHLMC Bond 2.000 1,790,000 244 5.24%
LGIP 1.237 4,979,950 1 14.57%
Municipal Bond 2.250 8,797,769 960 25.74%
Total / Average 1.781 34,174,630 625 100.00%
Investment Portfolio - Diversification, by Security Type
March 31, 2020
City of Prior Lake - Quarterly Investment Report
from one
3/31/2019 6/30/2019 9/30/2019 12/31/2019 3/31/2020 year prior
Market Value 5,559,979 13,668,660 10,371,851 12,567,010 10,336,802 4,776,823
1 1 1 1 1 0
2.07% 1.95% 1.71% 0.91% 0.60%-1.47%
Fixed Income Assets
26,207,580 25,631,026 26,844,156 25,705,148 23,837,828 (2,369,752)
26,145,555 25,752,883 27,109,395 25,941,106 24,298,738 (1,846,817)
870 841 903 931 895 25
678 642 720 861 887 209
2.36% 2.37% 2.33% 2.32% 2.30%-0.07%
Total Portfolio Value
31,767,559 39,299,686 37,216,007 38,272,158 34,174,630 2,407,071
31,705,534 39,421,544 37,481,246 38,508,116 34,635,540 2,930,006
120,321 111,297 119,459 112,473 134,643 14,322
(62,025)121,857 265,239 235,958 460,909 522,934
718 549 651 630 623 (95)
559 419 519 582 617 58
2.31% 2.22% 2.16% 1.87% 1.78% -0.53%
90 Day T-Bill 2.40% 2.12% 1.88% 1.55% 0.11% -2.29%
Weighted Average Yield
to Maturity @ Cost
6 Month Treasury
1 Year Treasury
Cost Value
Market Value
Accrued Interest
Unrealized Gain / Loss
WAM (1) in Days
WAM / Callable (1) in Days
Weighted Average Yield to
Maturity @ Cost
Quarterly Investment Report
March 31, 2020
Local Government
Investment Pools / Money
WAM (1) in DaysWeighted Average Yield to
Cost Value
Market Value
WAM (1) in Days
WAM / Callable (1) in Days
City of Prior Lake - Quarterly Investment Report
City of Prior Lake
Cartegraph Software
and Services Contract
Cartegraph Systems LLC
3600 Digital Drive
Dubuque, IA 52003
800 688.2656
563 556.8120
Fax 563 556.8149
City of Prior Lake, MN | 4/24/2020
Purchase Agreement
Cartegraph is pleased to present this Purchase Agreement for the implementation of world class
technology solutions. This Purchase Agreement is made and entered into between City of Prior
Lake (hereinafter referred to as Customer) and Cartegraph Systems LLC (hereinafter referred
to as Cartegraph). In the case that any terms or conditions provided in the Cartegraph Solutions
Agreement different from, are provided in more detail by, or are made irrelevant by the terms and
conditions provided in this Purchase Agreement, the terms in this Purchase Agreement shall control.
For all terms and conditions not addressed by this Purchase Agreement, the Cartegraph Solutions
Agreement shall control.
City of Prior Lake
4646 Dakota St SE
Prior Lake, MN
City of Prior Lake
4646 Dakota St SE
Prior Lake, MN
Investment Summary
The addendums attached here to include:
Addendum A - Support Services
Addendum B - Field Services
Page 2 of 9
City of Prior Lake, MN | 4/24/2020
Product Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
OMS Plus Quantity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Price USD 5,500.00 USD 8,000.00 USD 8,000.00 USD 8,000.00
Facilities Quantity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Price USD 0.00 USD 2,500.00 USD 2,500.00 USD 2,500.00
Parks &
Quantity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Price USD 0.00 USD 1,100.00 USD 1,100.00 USD 1,100.00
Sanitary Sewer
Quantity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Price USD 0.00 USD 2,500.00 USD 2,500.00 USD 2,500.00
Quantity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Price USD 0.00 USD 2,500.00 USD 2,500.00 USD 2,500.00
Transpor tation
Quantity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Price USD 0.00 USD 2,000.00 USD 2,000.00 USD 2,000.00
Quantity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Price USD 0.00 USD 45.00 USD 45.00 USD 45.00
Water Distribution
Quantity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Price USD 0.00 USD 2,500.00 USD 2,500.00 USD 2,500.00
Asset Builder Quantity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Price USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00
OMS User Quantity 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
Page 3 of 9
City of Prior Lake, MN | 4/24/2020
Product Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Price USD 0.00 USD
TOTAL:USD 5,500.00 USD
Product Quantity Price
Implementation Services OMS 1.00 USD 24,400.00
TOTAL:USD 24,400.00
•The pricing listed above does not include applicable sales tax.
•The Cartegraph OMS pricing listed above does not include Esri ArcGIS licenses.
•Hosting includes 250GB of available file storage. If additional storage is required, the
Organization can purchase in 1TB increments.
•Contract term dates:
•7/16/2020 - 4/14/2021
•4/15/2021 - 4/14/2022
•4/15/2022 - 4/14/2023
•4/15/2023 - 4/14/2024
Page 4 of 9
City of Prior Lake, MN | 4/24/2020
-Payment Terms and Conditions
In consideration for the Solutions and Services provided by Cartegraph to Customer, Customer agrees
to pay Cartegraph the Fees in U.S. Dollars as described below:
Customer shall be provided with the ability to access and use the Solutions upon execution of this
Purchase Agreement. If applicable, Services will be scheduled and delivered upon your acceptance of
this Purchase Agreement, which will be considered as your notification to proceed.
Customer agrees to work with Cartegraph to schedule Services in a timely manner. All undelivered
Services shall expire 365 days from the signing of this Purchase Agreement.
The fee for solutions will be due in annual installments 15 days prior to the anniversary of the initial
term as follows:
1.$5,500.00 due upon execution of the Purchase Agreement.
2.$37,145.00 due 15 days prior to 1st year anniversary of term start date.
3.$37,145.00 due 15 days prior to 2nd year anniversary of term start date.
4.$37,145.00 due 15 days prior to 3rd year anniversary of term start date.
Invoicing for the Field Services fee shall occur upon the acceptance of this Purchase Agreement and
shall be invoiced as follows:
1.25% upon execution of the Purchase Agreement
2.25% at the completion of the assessment/delivery, or 3 months from execution of
Purchase Agreement, whichever is sooner
3.25% at the completion of the test deployment, or 4 months from execution of Purchase
Agreement, whichever is sooner
4.25% at the completion production deployment, or 6 months from execution of Purchase
Agreement, whichever is sooner
In providing the services included in this Purchase Agreement, Cartegraph shall be reimbursed for any
reasonable out-of-pocket costs, including, but not limited to, travel, lodging, and meals. Out-of-pocket
expenses are billed based on actual costs incurred and are due separately.
Page 5 of 9
City of Prior Lake, MN | 4/24/2020
All payments are due Net 30 days from start date of invoice.
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City of Prior Lake, MN | 4/24/2020
SOLUTIONS AGREEMENT, WHICH CAN BE REVIEWED AT: https://www.car tegraph.com/solutions-
Cartegraph Systems LLC City of Prior Lake
By: By:
(Signature) (Signature)
Mitch Bradley
(Type or Print Name) (Type or Print Name)
Title:SVP of Sales & Marketing Title:
Date: Date:
Page 7 of 9
City of Prior Lake, MN | 4/24/2020
Cartegraph Systems LLC
Addendum A - Support Services
Cartegraph Suppor t and Training Services – Scope of Work
The Suppor t Services listed in the Investment Summary of the Purchase Agreement are specific
Cartegraph Services which will be delivered to the Customer based on the descriptions below and on
the terms and conditions and subject to the limitations set forth in this Addendum A, the applicable
Purchase Agreement, and the Car tegraph Solutions Agreement. Cartegraph will coordinate with the
Customer on service delivery expectations and timeframes.
As part of Customer’s subscription to access and use of the Cartegraph Solutions, Customer will
1. Support Services
a. Campus – www.campus.cartegraph.com
Our User Assistance area is a convenient and easily-shareable resource designed to help you and your co-
workers better understand the functions and capabilities of your Cartegraph Solutions. Instantly access user
tips, step-by-step instructions, videos, and more.
b. Dedicated, Unlimited, Toll-free Phone Support - 877.647.3050 and Live Chat
When questions need answers and difficulties arise, count on our industry-leading Support team to provide the
guidance and assistance you need. Reach us as often as you need Monday-Friday, 7:00 am-7:00 pm CT. Live
Chat is available within the product or through Campus.
c. Support via Case Submittal or Email
If a phone call or live chat is not your best option, you can always request support via our online case submittal
form available in Campus or via email. Email support is available at support@cartegraph.com.
2. Training & Education Services
a. Convenient Online Resources:
All the information you need, one click away. Take advantage of online training opportunities, tutorial videos,
upcoming event information, and more.
b. Customer Led User Groups
: Meet and network with similar Cartegraph users in your region. Customer led User Groups allow you to find out
what other organizations are doing to get more from their Cartegraph solutions and services.
3. Releases & Upgrades
a. New Releases:
Cartegraph is continuously innovating and enhancing the Cartegraph OMS collection of products. As a customer
with an active subscription, you will receive each new release of the software.
i. Cloud-hosted customers: Your cloud-hosted site will be upgraded by our Cartegraph System Consultants after
the release is available.
On-premise customers: For your on-premises installation, our Technical Consultants will work with your
organization’s IT staff to deliver the latest software release. Software will be made available after installation to
the Cartegraph cloud-hosted customers.
b. Service Packs:
A Service Pack consists of lower-severity bug fixes and/or small platform updates.
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City of Prior Lake, MN | 4/24/2020
If required, cloud-hosted sites will receive Service Packs as needed. These Service Packs are installed by the
Cartegraph System Consultants.
ii. On-premises customers that contacted Cartegraph Technical Support about an issue that is resolved with the
Service Pack, will be provided the service pack for installation. These on-premises customers can then schedule
a time to install the Service Pack with our Technical Support team
c. Hot Fixes:
If an issue is determined to be a defect and falls outside the standard release cycle, Cartegraph will issue a hot
fix and provide application specialists with detailed levels of product knowledge to work with you in achieving a
timely and effective resolution
Cartegraph will provide the Support Services only to Customer, provided that Cartegraph reserves the right to
contact any third party as necessary to facilitate the delivery of Support Services or other services relating to
the Solutions. Said support applies only to the most current version of the product and the previous version in
All Support Services are dependent upon the use by Customer of the Solutions in accordance with Cartegraph’s
documentation and specifications. Cartegraph is under no obligation to modify the Solutions so that the
modified Solutions would depart from Cartegraph’s published documentation and specifications for such
Page 9 of 9
Addendum B
• Cartegraph Systems LLC
Addendum B - Field Services (Fee for Service)
Cartegraph Field Services – Scope of Work
• The Field Services listed in the Investment Summary of the Purchase Agreement are specific Cartegraph
Services which will be delivered to the Customer based on the descriptions below and on the terms and
conditions and subject to the limitations set forth in this Addendum B, the applicable Purchase
Agreement, and the Cartegraph Solutions Agreement. Cartegraph will coordinate with the Customer on
service delivery expectations and timeframes.
Cartegraph OMS – Implementation Scope of Work
Implementation of the Operations Management System (OMS) includes the following professional services:
• Cartegraph will setup a hosted, test and production OMS environment.
• Cartegraph will provide an overview, up to two (2) hours, of Cartegraph and ArcGIS Online user -based
logins and User/Role functionality.
• Cartegraph will provide a template file to be utilized by your staff to populate Roles and Users to be
utilized for OMS.
• Cartegraph will utilize the template to create users and roles in OMS. (Note: Subsequent User and/or Role
changes will be your administrator’s responsibility.)
• Cartegraph will provide documentation and guidance, up to four (4) hours, for your technical GIS staff to
configure Esri Basemap Services for OMS integration. Guidance will be geared towards OMS/Esri
integration functionality and requirements.
• Cartegraph will setup the OMS Platform, including the Request, Work, Resource, and Asset Management
areas of the software. Asset Management solutions will be setup for all solutions referenced in the Assets
section of the scope unless otherwise noted.
• Cartegraph will provide up to four (4) remote requirement gathering workshops, a total of eight (8) hours,
to increase our understanding of your business and functional goals. Through workshops and interviews,
Cartegraph will identify best fit scenarios for OMS and provide a brief including any challenges as well as
recommendations for OMS best practices relevant to your implementation.
• Cartegraph will provide up to twelve (12) hours for Champion training. The deliverables will be defined,
and agreed upon, by both your and Cartegraph’s project managers. Topics may include any of the
o Project or implementation consulting
o System configuration for your current products
o Champion Training
Addendum B
Go-Live Support
• Cartegraph will provide up to two (2) remote web conferences (not to exceed 4 hours total) to be utilized
for Go-Live Support. The agenda will be defined, and agreed upon, by both your and Cartegraph’s project
managers. Topics may include any of the following:
o Refresher training for items listed in the scope of work
o Field, Layout, and Report configuration guidance, if applicable
Data Services
• Cartegraph will provide one test and one production data load service through standard import/export
functionality. Cartegraph will provide template documents for data population. Once populated by your
staff, Cartegraph will load the data into your test or production OMS environment. Data loads may include
data such as:
o Parent level asset records
o Asset location (spatial x/y) attributes
o Parent level resource (Labor, Equipment Material, Vendor) records
o Resource Rate (Labor, Equipment, Material) records
o Standard system libraries
• Cartegraph will provide one test and one production Standard Data Conversion service to assist with your
migration from the latest version of Cartegraph Navigator to Cartegraph OMS. The Standard Data
Conversion service includes the following:
o Assets
▪ Parent records and associated parent-level attributes
▪ Child records and associated child-level attributes
▪ Inspection records, including:
• Date
• Condition Category and Index records
• Note: Cartegraph OMS does not support Bridge NBI or Storm/Sewer NASSCO inspection
methodology. This data is not included in the Standard Data Conversion service.
▪ Work events in Navigator’s Asset Event table
o Work Orders
o Requests
o Resources (Labor, Equipment, Material)
▪ Parent record and associated parent-level attributes
▪ Current Default Rate record
• Note: Customer is responsible for creating additional rate records to account for
overtime, overhead, and/or FEMA rates, if applicable
▪ Equipment
• Fleet Events, if applicable
▪ Material
• Current Quantity-on-Hand
• Vendor Price Quotes
▪ Vendor
• Parent record and associated parent-level attributes
• Contacts
o Libraries
Addendum B
▪ Standard and custom library data – not specifically excluded below
o Attachment Paths
▪ The file paths for Attachments will be updated to refer to the OMS project home. Your internal
staff will be responsible for physically relocating files to the project home folder structure
required for OMS. Cartegraph will transfer attachment files to the project home folder structure
for hosted customers. However, files must be provided in the previously mentioned OMS project
home folder structure.
o Standard Conversion Exclusions
▪ Labor, Equipment, Material Logs
▪ Worksheets
▪ Citizen data
▪ Assets:
• Bridge: NBI inspection data
• Storm/Sewer: NASSCO inspection data
• Pavement: Detailed Distress inspection data
▪ PAVEMENTview Plus: Budgets, Scenarios, Models, and associated settings
▪ Libraries:
• Overall Ratings
• Condition Category Ratings
▪ Attachment Files
▪ Custom attachment fields or tables
Asset implementation includes the following professional services:
• Cartegraph will provide installation and training on the following twenty-four (24) asset types:
o Transportation (3)
▪ Pavement; Sign; Support
o Sewer (3)
▪ Sewer Main; Sewer Manhole; Sewer Pump
o Water Distribution (4)
▪ Water Hydrant; Water Lateral; Water Main; Water Valve
o Storm (5)
▪ Storm Basin; Storm Inlet; Storm Manhole; Storm Outlet; Storm Pipe
o Parks & Rec (3)
▪ Park; Playground; Tree
o Fleet (1)
▪ Fleet
o Facilities (2)
▪ Facilities; HVAC Equipment
• Cartegraph will provide up to five (5) field configurations for each asset type listed above.
Addendum B
Cartegraph will provide all services remotely via audio, video, and web conferences unless otherwise noted.
The following service items are not included in the scope of this project:
• Implementation of any custom modification or integration developed by Cartegraph, your internal staff, or
any third-party is not included in the scope of this project unless specifically listed above.
• Data conversion services from other software system(s) or sources (including Cartegraph Navigator
databases) are not included in the scope of this project unless specifically listed above.
• Any service items discussed during demonstrations, conference calls, or other events are not included in
the scope of this project unless specifically listed above.
Customer/Cartegraph Responsibilities
Project representatives from Customer and Cartegraph accepts responsibility for all aspects of project planning,
management, and execution not specifically identified as the responsibility of Cartegraph in the Agreement or in
the Purchase Agreement. Ongoing management of the day-to-day allocation of Customer and Cartegraph
resources and management of project tasks is the responsibility of the Customer and Cartegraph project
representatives. Customer and Cartegraph project representatives will provide overall guid ance and direction for
the project and will direct the project accordingly. Further, and with regard to the Cartegraph obligations listed in
this Purchase Agreement, Customer understands that it is vital to the success of the project that Customer
provides assistance in the following matters:
1. For those services listed under Field Services, Cartegraph personnel will conduct information gathering and
evaluation sessions with various Customer Users and management. While Cartegraph respects the time and
workload of Customer staff, dedicated time on the part of the appropriate Customer resources is necessary to
complete these exercises.
2. The installation process requires the assistance of Customer personnel and suitable access to hardware and
systems (e.g., security clearance). Customer is required to supervise the installation process while systems are
accessible to Cartegraph. All hardware and software, for both personal computers and servers, is expected to be
available, installed, and operating as specified in Cartegraph’s system requirements documentation such that
delivery and execution of Cartegraph Field Services will not be impeded.
3. Customer and Cartegraph understand that the successful performance of Field Services depends upon Customer
fulfilling its responsibilities. The Project assumes that Customer will provide all personnel required to achieve a
successful implementation, including a dedicated project manager responsible for reviewing the implementation
scope of work, ensuring all attended meetings are attended by invited staff, and providing leadership and insight
on all relevant internal issues such as policy/procedure, organizational structure, project stakeholders, technical
architecture, data, and current systems. Customer responsibility also includes internal documentation, intern al
change management, task completion, staff coordination and schedule commitment.
4. Customer will provide Internet access and IT staff support as required. For those services that are web -based,
Cartegraph utilizes WebEx Meeting (or similar) technology.
5. Customer shall ensure that their workstation platform and database meet Cartegraph system requirements as
specified in the Cartegraph System Requirements documentation. Solutions will be supported within new
versions of these workstation platforms and databases within a reasonable period of time from their release from
their manufacturer. Cartegraph will discontinue support of its Solutions within older versions of these
workstation platforms and databases as their support is discontinued by their manufacturers.
6. Customer agrees to work with Cartegraph to schedule Field Services in a timely manner. All undelivered Field
Services shall expire 365 days from the execution of this Purchase Agreement, unless noted differently in
Services Scope listed above. Upon expiration of services, the project may be cancelled at Cartegraph’s discretion.
Addendum B
Not-to-Exceed Purchase Agreement
Cartegraph will not exceed the total included in this Purchase Agreement without written approval from
Customer. In the event it becomes apparent to Cartegraph that additional Service will be needed due to any
changes in the scope of this Purchase Agreement, Cartegraph will notify Customer prior to exceeding the
approved efforts and obtain written approval if additional Services are required.
Business Regulations
Prior Lake
315.100: PURPOSE
315.200: SCOPE
315.800: APPEAL
315.900: POSTING
315.1000: COMPLIANCE
315.1100900: PENALTY
315.100: PURPOSE: The purpose of this Section is to ensure that the short-term rental of dwelling
units in the City’s Residential Use Districts is conducted, operated, and maintained so as
not to become a nuisance to the surrounding neighborhood or an influence that fosters
blight and deterioration or creates a disincentive to reinvest in the community.
315.200 SCOPE: This section applies to the short-term rental of all dwelling units located in the
City’s Residential Use Districts.
315.300 DEFINITIONS: The following words and terms when used in this Section shall have the
following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Bedroom: A habitable room within a single-family dwelling which is used, or intended to
be used, primarily for the purpose of sleeping, but shall not include any kitchen, dining
room, or living room.
Code Enforcement Officer: An employee of the City designated as the Code
Enforcement Officer. The term Code Enforcement Officer also includes all City employees
authorized by City Code Section 104.400 to issue citations.
Dwelling unit: One or more rooms physically arranged so as to create an independent
housekeeping establishment for occupancy by one family with separate toilets and facilities
for cooking and sleeping.
Occupant: Any person who occupies a dwelling unit or part of the same.
Owner: A person having legal or equitable interest in the dwelling unit or its premises.
Off-street parking space: An area on the permitted premises or within a building on the
permitted premises intended for the use of temporary parking of a motor vehicle which has
a means of access to a public street. An area on a private street or easement may be
considered an off-street parking space for purposes of this Section at the discretion of the
Business Regulations
Prior Lake
City Manager only in the following circumstances: (i) the area is dedicated solely for the use
of the permitted premises; (ii) the area is contiguous to the permitted premises; (iii)
confirmation of the dedicated parking is provided to the City and is signed by a person with
authority over the private street or easement; and (iv) use of the area for parking will not
interfere with the use of the private street or easement.
(Amd. Ord. 116-19, publ. 09/17/2016)
Permitted Premises: The platted lot or part of such lot or unplatted parcel of land on
which a dwelling unit permitted as a short-term rental is located.
Public waters: Any waters as defined in Minnesota Statutes § 103G.005, Subd. 15.
Residential Use District: The land-use districts identified in City Code Section 1102,
Subsections 1102.100 through 1102.700.
Short-term rental: The rental or lease of a dwelling unit in whole or in part for a period of
at least 60 days but no more than 180 days. 30 days or less. The rental or lease of a
dwelling unit for less than 60 days is prohibited in all Residential Use Districts.
Short-term rental permit: The permit issued by the City for the rental or lease of a
dwelling unit for short-term rental.in whole or in part for 30 days or less.
Tenant: Any person who is occupying a dwelling unit under any agreement, lease, or
contract, whether oral or written, which requires the payment of money as rent for the use
of the dwelling unit.
Watercraft: Any vessel, boat, canoe, raft, barge, sailboard, or any similar device used or
useable for carrying and transporting persons on the public waters.
315.400 PERMIT REQUIRED: No personowner shall undertake the short-term rental of any dwelling
unit, or advertise such dwelling unit for rental, to a tenant or tenants unless properly
permitted as hereinafter provided.
315.401 Application: An personowner desiring to undertake or allow the short-term rental of a
dwelling unit in one of the City’s Residential Use Districts shall apply to the Code
Enforcement Officer for a short-term rental permit. The application shall by submitted by the
owner. The permit application shall be on a form prescribed by the City and include all
required information.
315.402 Permit Fee: Each application shall be accompanied by payment in full of the required
permit fee. The annual permit fee shall be determined by the City Council and set forth in
the City fee schedule. The fee shall not be prorated.
315.403 Issuance of Short-Term Rental Permit:
(1) If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that an applicant has met the requirements for
issuance of a short-term rental permit, the Code Enforcement Officer shall issue the
applicant a short-term rental permit.
(2) If the Code Enforcement Officer determines that an applicant has not met the requirements
for issuance of a short-term rental permit, the Code Enforcement Officer shall endorse on
Business Regulations
Prior Lake
such application his/her disapproval and his/her reasons for the same and provide the
application and recommendation for denial to the City Manager. The City Manager may
either: (i) deny the application and return the endorsed application to the applicant to notify
the applicant that his/her application is denied and that no permit will be issued; or (ii) direct
the Code Enforcement Officer to issue the applicant a short-term rental permit.
315.404 Expiration of Permit: Except as otherwise provided in this Section, all short-term rental
permits shall expire annually on December 31 of each year unless suspended or revoked
315.405 Renewal of Permit: Applications for renewal of an existing short-term rental permit shall
be made at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the current short-term rental
permit. All such applications shall be submitted to the Code Enforcement Officer on forms
provided by the City and shall be accompanied by the required fee.
315.406 Permit Not Transferable: No short-term rental permit shall be transferable to another
person or to another dwelling unit. Every person holding a short-term rental permit shall
give notice in writing to the Code Enforcement Officer within five (5) business days after
having legally transferred or otherwise disposed of the legal control of any dwelling unit for
which a short-term rental permit has been issued. Such notice shall include the name and
address of the person succeeding to the ownership or control of such dwelling unit.
315.407 Resident Agent Required: No short-term rental permit shall be issued without the
designation of a local agent. The agent must live and work within 30 miles of the dwelling
unit. The Agent may, but is not required to be, the owner. One person may be the agent
for multiple dwelling units. At all times, the agent shall have on file with the Code
Enforcement Officer a primary and a secondary phone number as well as a current
address. The agent or a representative of the agent shall be available 24 hours a day
during all times that the dwelling unit is being rented at the primary or secondary phone
number to respond immediately to complaints and contacts relating to the dwelling unit.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall be notified in writing within two (2) business days of
any change of agent. The agent shall be responsible for the activities of the tenants and
maintenance and upkeep of the dwelling unit and shall be authorized and empowered to
receive service of notice of violation of the provisions of City ordinances and state law, to
receive orders, and to institute remedial action to effect such orders, and to accept all
service of process pursuant to law.
315.408 Denial of Short-Term Rental Permit: Any applicant aggrieved by the denial of a short-
term rental permit or the non-renewal of an existing permit may appeal to the City Council.
Such appeal shall be taken by filing with the City Manager within ten (10) days after the
date of issuance of the written denial, a written statement requesting a hearing before the
City Council and setting forth fully the grounds for the appeal. A hearing shall be held
within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request. Notice of the hearing shall be given by the
City Manager in writing, setting forth the time and place of hearing. Such notice shall be
mailed, postage prepaid, to the applicant at his/her last known address at least five (5) days
prior to the date set for hearing.
315.500 RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNERS: No owner shall undertake or allow the short-term rental of a
dwelling unit in a Residential Use District that does not comply with all applicable City
ordinances, the laws of the State of Minnesota, and this Section. It shall be the owner’s
responsibility to ensure that all tenants, occupants, and guests comply with the following:
Business Regulations
Prior Lake
315.501 Maximum Overnight Occupancy: The number of overnight occupants allowed for a
short-term rental shall be limited as set out below. Children under three (3) years of age
are not be counted toward the limit.
For lots of ½ acre or more if the livable square footage of the primary building is:
under 1,500 square feet: 6 occupants
1,500 square feet to less than 2,000 square feet: 8 occupants
2,000 square feet or more: 12 occupants
For lots of less than ½ acre:
under 1,500 square feet: 4 occupants
1,500 square feet to less than 2,000 square feet: 6 occupants
2,000 square feet or more: 8 occupants
315.502 Off-Street Parking: The permitted premises shall contain off-street parking spaces equal
in number to the number of bedrooms contained in the dwelling unit. The off-street parking
requirement for a short-term rental permit on Twin Island shall be satisfied if: (i) the parking
requirement in City Code Section 1104.309 (3) is met for the permitted premises; and (ii)
the number of on-land parking spaces equal in number the number of bedrooms contained
in the dwelling unit.
(Amd. Ord. 116-19, publ. 09/17/2016)
315.503 Storage of Watercraft: No watercraft shall be permanently or temporarily placed or stored
within the side yard setback of the permitted premises, as prescribed for the relevant
zoning district by City Code Section 1102.
315.504 Maintenance Standards: Every dwelling unit used for short-term rental shall conform to
all building and zoning requirements of the City Code, special permits issued by the City,
and the laws of the State of Minnesota.
315.505 Rental Limit: No dwelling unit shall be rented for a period of less than 60 days. No dwelling
unit shall be rented out under more than one lease at a time.out more than 5 times per
calendar month.
315.506 Occupants: The agent shall maintain a fully executed lease for all tenants and a list of all
current occupants of each dwelling unit. The agent shall make the lease and list available
to City staff and/or law enforcement upon request. In addition, a copy of the fully executed
lease shall be kept available at the dwelling unit at all times during the lease term.
315.601 Disorderly Conduct Prohibited: Disorderly conduct is prohibited on all permitted
premises. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to ensure that all tenants occupying the
permitted premises and their guests conduct themselves in such a manner as not to cause
the permitted premises to be disorderly. For purposes of this Section, disorderly conduct
includes but is not limited to, a violation of any of the following statutes or ordinances:
(1) Minn. Stat. §§ 609.75–609.76, which prohibit gambling;
(2) Minn. Stat. §§ 609.321–609.324, which prohibit prostitution and acts relating thereto;
Business Regulations
Prior Lake
(3) Minn. Stat. §§ 152.01–152.027, which prohibit the unlawful sale or possession of controlled
(4) Minn. Stat. § 340A.401, which prohibits the unlawful sale of alcoholic beverages;
(5) Minn. Stat. § 340A.503, which prohibits the underage consumption of alcoholic beverages;
(6) Minn. Stat. § 609.595, which prohibits damage to property;
(7) Minn. Stat. §§ 97B.021, 97B.045, 609.66–609.67, and 624.712–624.716, and City Code
Section 804, which prohibit the unlawful possession, transportation, sale, or use of a
(8) Minn. Stat. § 609.72, which prohibits disorderly conduct, when the violation disturbs the
peace and quiet of the other occupants of the permitted premises or other surrounding
(9) Minn. Stat. § 152.027, subd. 4, which prohibits the unlawful sale or possession of small
amounts of marijuana;
(10) Minn. Stat. § 152.092, which prohibits the unlawful possession or use of drug paraphernalia;
(11) City Code Section 605, which prohibits public nuisances;
(12) City Code Sections 803.200 and 803.300, which prohibit public drunkenness and disturbing
the peace’
(13) City Code Sections 601.201 and 601.600, which prohibits littering on private or
public property;
(14) City Code Sections 802.901-802.903, which prohibits pets from running at large
and requires immediate waste removal;
(15) City Code Section 1102.700, which prohibits parking vehicles on required yard or
landscape areas;
(16) City Code Section 605.1006, which prohibits nuisance noise including additional
restrictions between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.;
(17) Minnesota State Fire Code 302 and 307-307.5, which limit recreational fires to no
larger than 3’X3’ feet, natural wood only, attended until extinguished, conditions
permitting; and
(18) Minn. Stat. §§ 624.20-624.21 which prohibits exploding fireworks.
315.602 Determination of Disorderly Conduct:
(1) A determination that the permitted premises has been used in a disorderly manner as
described in subsection 315.601 shall be made by the Code Enforcement Officer upon
evidence to support such a determination. It shall not be necessary that criminal charges
are brought to support a determination of disorderly use, nor shall the fact of dismissal or
Business Regulations
Prior Lake
acquittal of such a criminal charge operate as a bar to adverse permit action under this
(2) Upon determination by the Code Enforcement Officer that a permitted premises was used
in a disorderly manner, as described in subsection 315.601, the Code Enforcement Officer
shall notify the owner and agent by certified mail of the violation and direct the owner and/or
agent to take appropriate action to prevent further violations.
(3) If a second instance of disorderly use of the permitted premises occurs within one year of
an incident for which notice in subsection 315.602(2) was given, the Code Enforcement
Officer shall notify the owner and agent by certified mail of the violation and shall also
require the owner and agent to submit within 15 days a written report of the actions taken,
and proposed to be taken, by the owner and/or agent to prevent further disorderly use of
the permitted premises.
(4) If a third incident of disorderly use of the permitted premises occurs within one year after
the second of any two previous instances of disorderly use for which notices were sent to
the owner and agent pursuant to this subsection, the short-term rental permit may be
revoked, suspended, or not renewed. An action to revoke, suspend, or not renew a permit
under this subsection 315.600 shall be initiated by the Code Enforcement Officer in the
manner described below.
315.701 Procedure:
(1) Every short-term rental permit issued under this Section is subject to suspension or
revocation by the City Manager for any violation of this Section or any other ordinance of
the City or the law of the state.
(2) The Code Enforcement Officer may recommend suspension or revocation of a short-term
rental permit to the City Manager. The City Manager shall review the recommendation and
the reasons supporting the recommendation and may suspend or revoke the permit. The
City Manager shall provide written notice to the owner and agent of the suspension or
revocation. The notice shall inform the owner and agent of the right to appeal the decision
of the City Manager to the City Council.
(3) Any applicant aggrieved by the suspension or revocation of a short-term rental permit may
appeal to the City Council. Such appeal shall be taken by filing with the City Manager
within ten (10) days after date of issuance of the written suspension or revocation notice, a
written statement requesting a hearing before the City Council and setting forth fully the
grounds for the appeal. A hearing shall be held within thirty (30) days of receipt of the
request. Notice of the hearing shall be given by the City Manager in writing, setting forth
the time and place of hearing. Such notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the
applicant at his/her last known address at least five (5) days prior to the date set for
315.702 Effect of Suspension or Revocation: If a short-term rental permit is suspended or
revoked, it shall be unlawful for anyone to thereafter allow any new short-term rental
occupancies of the dwelling until such time as a valid short-term rental permit is restored by
the City.
Business Regulations
Prior Lake
315.703 Effect of Revocation: No person who has had a permit revoked under this Section shall
be issued a short term rental permit for one year from the date of revocation.
315.800 APPEAL: The decision of the City Council to deny, suspend, or revoke a short-term rental
permit following a hearing as provided for in subsections 315.408 or 315.701 can be
appealed by petitioning the Minnesota Court of Appeals by a writ of certiorari.
315.900 Posting: The following language shall be posted at or near the entrance of every short
term rental dwelling unit. The posting shall be printed in a minimum 18 point font.
All short term rental of dwelling units shall comply with City Code Section 315.
These posted regulations are a summary of a portion of the short term rental
regulations. For additional information please refer to City Code Section 315 or
contact City Hall.
• No person shall undertake the short-term rental of any dwelling unit without a
City permit.
• The property lines of this unit are marked or identified as
• Every permitted premises shall have an agent within 30 miles available during
all times the unit is rented, 24 hours a day at the following phone numbers:
_____________ and/or________________ to respond immediately to
complaints and contacts relating to the dwelling unit.
• A copy of the lease shall be available at the dwelling unit at all times during the
lease term.
• The Maximum Overnight Occupancy for this dwelling unit is: _________
occupants. Not counting children under three (3) years of age.
• No watercraft shall be permanently or temporarily placed or stored within the
side yard setback of the permitted premises.
• Disorderly conduct is prohibited. All disorderly conduct will be reported to the
property’s agent and the Prior Lake Police Department.
• Increased noise regulations are in place between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7
• Littering is prohibited.
• Recreational fires are limited. Please check with the City to determine what
prohibitions exist for current conditions.
• Any violation of this Section shall constitute a misdemeanor.
315.1000 Compliance. If the City has reason to believe that any provisions in this Section are not
being complied with, the City has the authority to require the submittal of an executed
lease or other information needed to establish compliance.
315.11000: PENALTY: Any person who undertakes or allows any violation of this Section shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine or by
imprisonment, or both, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota State Statutes.
Business Regulations
Prior Lake
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