HomeMy WebLinkAbout_06 01 2020 City Council Agenda PacketCHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 1/5Page: 05/22/2020 11:00 AM
User: Janet
DB: Prior Lake CHECK DATE FROM 05/09/2020 - 05/22/2020
AmountDescriptionVendor NameVendorCheckBankCheck Date
Bank 1 General Bank
122.50 PE License RenewalANDREW BROTZLER000276745928(A)105/15/2020
2,342.00 21/13 ImprovementsBOLTON & MENK INC000026375929(A)105/15/2020
455.00 General Engineering
708.00 DEV19-000017 Haven Ridge 3rd Addn
170.00 Hidden View Pond
1,544.50 DEV19-000006 Meadow of Cleary Lake
354.00 Trillium Cove 2nd Addn Dev18-000018
473.46 Apr 2020 Misc SuppliesCARLSON HARDWARE COMPANY000031255930(A)105/15/2020
7,890.00 May 2020 Facility CleaningCOVERALL000275715931(A)105/15/2020
193.16 472 Strobe lampEMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC000054805932(A)105/15/2020
224.26 1820 Squad supplies
56.98 PartsFASTENAL COMPANY000061405933(A)105/15/2020
530.50 518 Stucci docking station FORCE AMERICA000067735934(A)105/15/2020
955.80 Apr 2020 LocatesGOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC000075255935(A)105/15/2020
1,815.00 Apr 2020 GeneralHOFF BARRY PA000273875936(A)105/15/2020
1,443.75 Apr 2020 COVID-19 Related
82.50 Apr 2020 Data Practices
247.50 Apr 2020 PW/Engineering
206.25 Apr 2020 AT&T at Cedarwood St
247.50 Apr 2020 Comm Dev
123.75 Apr 2020 EDA
866.25 Apr 2020 Development
123.75 Apr 2020 Police
577.50 Apr 2020 Code Pt 3
41.25 Apr 2020 Code Pt 6
1,608.75 Apr 2020 Code Pt 11
46.25 Apr 2020 Litigation
185.00 Apr 2020 Special Assmt Appeal
1,088.42 Apr 2020 UniformsHUEBSCH000275365937(A)105/15/2020
101.56 Chairmat, Phone Message BookINNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS LLC000271495938(A)105/15/2020
105.00 Desk Sign Holders
20.53 Watson - Name Plate
87.50 Desk Sign Holders
316.00 501 Hydaulic oil KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE000024105939(A)105/15/2020
321.70 Grease
81.48 524 Deck repair MTI DISTRIBUTING INC000139515940(A)105/15/2020
121.00 Safety Boots 2020NATHAN BRIESE000028175941(A)105/15/2020
90.63 Purell Floor StandNETWORK SERVICES COMPANY000143815942(A)105/15/2020
91.86 Disinfectant
User: Janet
DB: Prior Lake CHECK DATE FROM 05/09/2020 - 05/22/2020
AmountDescriptionVendor NameVendorCheckBankCheck Date
1,858.00 Apr 2020 Labor & EmploymentNILAN JOHNSON LEWIS000081235943(A)105/15/2020
911.19 Apr 2020 Repair PartsO'REILLY AUTO PARTS000150885944(A)105/15/2020
53.18 SandPENTAGON MATERIALS INC000274265945(A)105/15/2020
130.66 Sand
196.56 Sand
138.45 Coarse Washed Sand
134.75 Coarse Washed Sand
400.00 May 2020 ROWay AppPERRILL000065025946(A)105/15/2020
565.36 Mar 2020 Data & SoftwarePRECISE MOBILE RESOURCE MGMT000165485947(A)105/15/2020
445.11 Apr 2020 Misc SuppliesPRIOR LAKE HARDWARE000166585948(A)105/15/2020
182.03 Rubber Cushion Clamps, GrommetsTERMINAL SUPPLY COMPANY000202705949(A)105/15/2020
394.98 Leak Detection - 16427 Northwood RoadWATER CONSERVATION SVCS INC000232005950(A)105/15/2020
170.31 452 Radiator hose repair WOLF MOTOR CO INC000236755951(A)105/15/2020
34.65 Mtce Center First Aid SuppliesZEE MEDICAL SERVICE000263505952(A)105/15/2020
2,400.00 Apr 2020 Animal Control4 PAWS ANIMAL CONTROL LLC000067985953(A)105/18/2020
372.00 May 2020 HRA Admin FeeMEDICA000133255954(E)105/13/2020
61.52 Carbon DioxideAIRGAS USA LLC000013135955(A)105/22/2020
50.50 Acetylene & Oxygen
955.00 Tow 2005 Nissan Murano #401022ALLEN'S SERVICE INC000013605956(A)105/22/2020
700.00 Risk AssessmentBOLTON & MENK INC000026375957(A)105/22/2020
1,762.50 Jun 2020 Managed ServicesCOMPUTER INTEGRATION TECH000037605958(A)105/22/2020
1,585.00 Dell Latitude, LED Monitor
350.00 LED Monitor
1,125.00 Jun 2020 CIT Managed Backup
345.00 Sonicwall
407.50 IT Support - Install Host Servers
84.75 IT Support - Install Host Servers
2,176.00 IT Support
541.68 Repair PartsCORE & MAIN000273285959(A)105/22/2020
242.29 Repair Parts
556.41 Hose Nozzle
92.75 Cutoff Disc
585.26 Vehicle Decal NumbersGRAFIX SHOPPE000076155960(A)105/22/2020
89.68 429 Tire HART BROS TIRE CO000082375961(A)105/22/2020
124.15 523 Front tire
6,783.78 Water Treatment ChemicalsHAWKINS INC000083125962(A)105/22/2020
22.63 Misc Office SuppliesINNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS LLC000271495963(A)105/22/2020
4.00 Desk Pad Calendar
13.24 Gun Cleaning SuppliesJONATHAN CASSMAN000271045964(A)105/22/2020
User: Janet
DB: Prior Lake CHECK DATE FROM 05/09/2020 - 05/22/2020
AmountDescriptionVendor NameVendorCheckBankCheck Date
425.00 Vactor Discharge Permit FeeMETROPOLITAN COUNCIL000134005965(A)105/22/2020
475.00 WTP Discharge Permit
1,129.33 Repair PartsMTI DISTRIBUTING INC000139515966(A)105/22/2020
91.57 503 Mower belt
47,870.59 ROW Easement - CR 21 Between Duluth and SCOTT COUNTY000192125967(A)105/22/2020
408.90 AsphaltWM MUELLER & SONS INC000236455968(A)105/22/2020
220.11 Asphalt
265.35 Asphalt
640.84 501 Bucket pin actuator ZIEGLER INC000265005969(A)105/22/2020
101.00 2020 Dental ClaimsDELTA DENTAL000272135970(E)105/11/2020
77,977.83 May 2020 Health Insurance PremiumsMEDICA000133255971(E)105/11/2020
1,425.69 2019/2020 HRA Claims
197.37 May 2020 Merchant Card FeesTRANSFIRST000206935972(E)105/11/2020
13,466.64 May 2020 Electric BillsMN VALLEY ELECTRIC000137385973(E)105/15/2020
1,088.27 May 2020 Electric BillsSHAKOPEE PUBLIC UTILITIES000193885974(E)105/15/2020
1,298.93 2020 HRA ClaimsMEDICA000133255975(E)105/18/2020
42.00 Apr 2020 COBRA Admin FeeALERUS000013755976(E)105/20/2020
333.17 Apr 2020 Fuel TaxMN DEPT OF REVENUE000136125977(E)105/20/2020
1,351.00 Apr 2020 Sales Tax
2,107.29 May 2020 Phone BillsNUVERA000193045978(E)105/20/2020
260.00 Equipment RepairALEX AIR APPARATUS INC00001329106031105/15/2020
1,870.00 Office CabinetBERENS CABINETS LLC00002279106032105/15/2020
100.00 Water Efficiency RebateBHARTH KUMAR ARJAREFUND-MSC106033105/15/2020
100.00 Water Efficiency RebateBOB ADAMSREFUND-MSC106034105/15/2020
71.54 May 2020 Mtce Cetner RefuseBUCKINGHAM COMPANIES00002919106035105/15/2020
254.86 Ap 2020 Mtce Center Refuse
156.76 OilC EMERY NELSON INC00003052106036105/15/2020
2,135.38 Asphalt - Pot Hole RepairCITY OF ST PAUL00003521106037105/15/2020
1,867.00 US and State FlagsDISPLAY SALES COMPANY00004493106038105/15/2020
2,500.00 18-1096 3292 Thornton DriveETERNITY HOMESMISC-CD106039105/15/2020
1,435.00 Turf Chemical ApplicationFARMERS MILL & ELEVATOR INC00027632106040105/15/2020
2,413.90 MIU'sFERGUSON WATERWORKS #251600006231106041105/15/2020
1,370.59 Mtce Center Electrical RepairHAYES ELECTRIC INC00008315106043105/15/2020
204.00 DirtHERMAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES00008617106044105/15/2020
19.08 Apr 2020 Misc SuppliesHOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES00008865106045105/15/2020
82.49 Water Efficiency RebateJEFF HOUGLUMREFUND-MSC106046105/15/2020
90.00 Refund - ShelterJESS MEISNERREFUND-REC106047105/15/2020
390.00 FS #2 HVAC RepairKLAMM MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC00026904106048105/15/2020
148.20 Tire RecyclingLIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING LLC00012628106049105/15/2020
90.00 Refund - ShelterLORI FELTONREFUND-REC106050105/15/2020
2.00 Bal Due - Cyberdata IP Push ButtonMARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC00027647106051105/15/2020
User: Janet
DB: Prior Lake CHECK DATE FROM 05/09/2020 - 05/22/2020
AmountDescriptionVendor NameVendorCheckBankCheck Date
415.42 Parks SuppliesMENARDS LUMBER CO00013318106052105/15/2020
5,000.00 Legislative RepresentationMESSERLI & KRAMER00027771106053105/15/2020
132.36 526 Mower deck repair MN EQUIPMENT00026912106054105/15/2020
7,796.00 Unit #523 Cab
5,925.00 #278 Trail Blower
62.00 Pre-Employment ScreeningMN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH00027099106055105/15/2020
2,302.40 Hockey Rink Repair SuppliesMONNENS SUPPLY INC00013909106056105/15/2020
915.55 Apr 2020 Repair PartsNAPA AUTO PARTS00014060106057105/15/2020
5,425.52 Navy Pump RepairPOWERPLAN00022435106058105/15/2020
441.80 PD Card Reader RepairPRO-TECH DESIGN INC00027429106059105/15/2020
100.00 May 2020 Portable ToiletsSPECIALIZED SANITATION00019703106060105/15/2020
1,590.00 Annual Sprinkler InspectionSUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION CO00019949106061105/15/2020
326.81 468 Tarp lock assemblys TOWMASTER00020659106062105/15/2020
135.26 Apr 2020 Misc SuppliesTRACTOR SUPPLY CREDIT PLAN00020663106063105/15/2020
3,750.00 Leak DetectorUSA BLUEBOOK00021882106064105/15/2020
257.86 Electrical SuppliesVIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY00022630106065105/15/2020
787.16 Apr 2020 Mtce Center RefuseBUCKINGHAM COMPANIES00002919106066105/22/2020
296.94 May 2020 Phone BillsCENTURY LINK00021220106067105/22/2020
1,197.00 Custom FlagsDISPLAY SALES COMPANY00004493106068105/22/2020
124.95 Square TubeEARL F ANDERSEN INC00005175106069105/22/2020
111.15 9290 Fire boat batteryFACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY00006020106070105/22/2020
2,740.38 Turf ChemicalsFARMERS MILL & ELEVATOR INC00027632106071105/22/2020
300.00 Refund - PavilionGREGORY WEIGELREFUND-REC106072105/22/2020
596.10 Electrical RepairHAYES ELECTRIC INC00008315106073105/22/2020
274.20 Inspect/Repair Copco Air DryerINDUSTRIAL PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS00027680106074105/22/2020
90.00 Refund - Park ShelterJAMES LARSON00027037106075105/22/2020
300.00 Refund - PavilionKATHY MONNENSREFUND-REC106076105/22/2020
330.00 Refund - PavilionKERI ANDERSONREFUND-REC106077105/22/2020
72.41 Shipping/Insurance - Live Streaming EquiLEIGHTRONIX INC00027805106078105/22/2020
90.00 Refund - ShelterMARY HOLTON-BOYLEYREFUND-REC106079105/22/2020
188.65 Misc SuppliesMENARDS LUMBER CO00013318106080105/22/2020
2,500.00 18-2116 13697 Kensington AvenueMI HOMES OF MINNEAPOLIS LLCMISC-CD106081105/22/2020
23,299.00 2nd Qtr 2020 State SurchargeMN DEPT OF HEALTH00013618106082105/22/2020
54.38 505 hitch partsMN EQUIPMENT00026912106083105/22/2020
276.49 VSQS Hazardous Waste FeeMN POLLUTION CONTROL AGCY00013850106084105/22/2020
79.60 Straw BalesQUEEN BEE'Z INC00027687106085105/22/2020
150.00 2017 Jeep Cherokee #601430SCOTT COUNTY ATTORNEY00019232106086105/22/2020
132.41 Apr 2020 Legal AdsSOUTHWEST NEWSPAPERS00019676106087105/22/2020
87.00 Pistol PouchSTREICHERS00019900106088105/22/2020
49.20 May 2020 Phone BillT-MOBILE00026962106089105/22/2020
115.54 Clasp EnvelopesULINE00021250106090105/22/2020
285.60 Water PumpUNITED RENTALS INC00023195106091105/22/2020
75.00 Adelmann - DMT-G RecertificationUS BANK00002105106092105/22/2020
75.00 Griffin - DMT-G Recertification
395.00 Karfa - On-Line Training
499.30 Mager - EMR/EMS Refresher
4.40 Postage Due
122.50 Wedel - Annual Dues
309.28 Cleaning Supplies
26.54 Pressure Washer Scrubber
125.00 Radio Adapter
118.58 Coffee
108.00 Hand Sanitizer
280.00 AED Pads
68.00 Scheduling Software
123.80 Nitrile Gloves
User: Janet
DB: Prior Lake CHECK DATE FROM 05/09/2020 - 05/22/2020
AmountDescriptionVendor NameVendorCheckBankCheck Date
301.60 Nitrile Gloves
237.46 Face Shields
387.00 Infrared Thermometers
5.00 Frazer - Dues
16.09 May 2020 Video License
379.98 Lobby TV & Bracket
18.91 Counter Cleaning Paper Towels
15.98 SD Card Reader
42.94 Lobby Display Board Fire Stick
23.49 Council Chambers Desktop Microphone
59.98 Webcams
443.73 Disposable Face Masks
20.99 Apr 2020 Adobe Dreamweaver
160.96 Video Conference License
821.50 New Employee Background Screening
171.50 New Employee Background Screening
543.96 Fire Hand Pumps
36.46 Face Mask Sorage Bins
144.00 Hand Sanitizer
0.99 50GB iCloud Storage
37.63 Roto Gloves
229.98 Sanitizer, Convex MirrorUS BANK00002105106093105/22/2020
30.99 Return to E-conolight
148.00 Laptop Docking Station
259.60 1 Gallon Pumps
11.99 Phone Clip
110.42 Brake Chamber Tools
213.64 Shop Light
37.57 Conical Lens
171.79 Shop Light
251.60 Door Foot Pulls
867.38 Rope, Bouys
(78.37)Return Cleaning Supplies
(407.32)Refund - 8/5/2020 Field Trip Cancelled
(258.46)Refund - Wedel Conference Cancelled
(520.00)Cancelled - Young - Conference
(200.00)Cancelled - 8/5/2020 Field Trip
(41.85)Return Supplies
225.00 City Council - city bus tourVOIGT MOTORCOACH TRAVEL INC00027488106094105/22/2020
203.94 Apr 2020 Investigative ServicesWEST PAYMENT CENTER00023420106095105/22/2020
79.00 Annual Log Me In Remote AccessYALE MECHANICAL INC00025010106096105/22/2020
296,505.32 Total of 117 Disbursements:
0.00 Less 0 Void Checks:
296,505.32 Total of 117 Checks:
City of Prior Lake
Treasurers Report
April 2020
Fund 4/1/2020 4/30/2020
Fund Type & Name No.Balance Receipts Disbursements Balance
Business-Type Funds
Water Fund 601 4,317,240.19$ 464,420.17$ 204,220.25$ 4,577,440.11$
Sewer Fund 604 1,751,351.32 514,175.31 238,770.88 2,026,755.75
Water Quality Fund 602 1,467,778.17 167,959.22 34,831.55 1,600,905.84
Total Business-Type Funds 7,536,369.68$ 1,146,554.70$ 477,822.68$ 8,205,101.70$
Governmental-Type Funds
General Fund 101 6,492,937.14$ 342,409.05$ 1,249,038.02$ 5,586,308.17$
Special Revenue Funds
Cable Franchise Fund 210 75,871.23 2,073.76 9,071.00 68,873.99$
Capital Park Fund 225 1,772,572.38 4,773.51 2,246.32 1,775,099.57
Police Forfeiture Fund 235 147,145.21 230.27 0.00 147,375.48
EDA Special Revenue 240 376,853.61 572.89 10,764.43 366,662.07
Econ Dev Federal Revolving Loan Fund 250 129,688.49 202.95 0.00 129,891.44
Econ Dev MN Revolving Loan Fund 255 171.53 0.27 0.00 171.80
Developer Agreement Fund 260 911,296.75 0.00 848.73 910,448.02
Total Special Revenue Funds 3,413,599.20$ 7,853.65$ 22,930.48$ 3,398,522.37$
Capital Project Funds
Tax Increment 402 17,781.94 27.83 0.00 17,809.77$
TIF #1-3 413 106,560.37 166.76 0.00 106,727.13
TIF #3-1 414 164,537.90 257.48 0.00 164,795.38
TIF #5-1 416 9,796.38 15.33 0.00 9,811.71
TIF #6-1 417 385,534.44 603.32 0.00 386,137.76
TIF #1-4 418 1,286.53 2.01 0.00 1,288.54
TIF #1-5 419 16,998.96 26.60 0.00 17,025.56
Revolving Equipment Fund 410 786,214.84 828.71 256,650.22 530,393.33
Revolving Park Equipment Fund 430 902,597.71 1,412.47 0.00 904,010.18
Facilities Management Fund 440 492,832.79 771.23 0.00 493,604.02
Permanent Impr Revolving Fund 450 858,894.33 3,853.60 0.00 862,747.93
Construction Fund 501 3,998,897.34 1,425.25 3,126,227.65 874,094.94
Trunk Reserve Fund 502 3,412,133.83 16,703.32 0.00 3,428,837.15
Street Oversize Fund 503 1,276,983.03 1,998.35 0.00 1,278,981.38
Water Storage Fund 505 358,966.00 8,838.63 0.00 367,804.63
Total Capital Project Funds 12,790,016.39$ 36,930.89$ 3,382,877.87$ 9,444,069.41$
Debt Service Funds
314-351 &
549-573 $ 2,996,943.08 8,021.02$ -$ 3,004,964.10$
Agency Fund 801 1,020,672.50$ 15,000.00$ -$ 1,035,672.50$
Total Governmental Type Funds 26,714,168.31$ 410,214.61$ 4,654,846.37$ 22,469,536.55$
Internal Service Funds 7xx 473,691.29$ 3,180.25$ -$ 476,871.54$
Total All Funds 34,724,229.28$ 1,559,949.56$ 5,132,669.05$ 31,151,509.79$
Investment Pool & Ratio as of 4/30/2020 98.91%30,813,171.13$
This report does not reflect financial obligations from contracts, agreements, purchases, services received, etc.
General Fund - Represents the resources to support general operating budget expenditures of the City. The year-
end fund balance represents dollars that have accumulated over a period of time. The City Council has designated
a minimum of 45% of the current operating budget, for working capital to finance city operations.
Water Fund - For the collection of water billing utility revenue. This enterprise fund balance is allocated for the
operational costs of the Water departments and normally reserved for large capital municipal system expenses.
Sewer Fund - For the collection of sewer billing utility revenue. This enterprise fund balance is allocated for the
operational costs of the Sewer department and normally reserved for large capital municipal system expenses.
Water Quality Fund - An enterprise account funded by the storm water charge that is generated on the bi-monthly
water and sewer utility bills. The funds in the account are dedicated to finance water quality improvements
including departmental administration, storm water maintenance operations and improvement projects related to
water quality.
Cable Franchise Fund - Acts as a clearing house for funds received from the cable franchise company as specified
by ordinance.
Capital Park Fund - Dedicated funds received from developers in accordance with the City’s Park Dedication
requirement when land is platted. Funds are collected for the purpose of developing the City’s neighborhood park
and trail system. These dollars are programmed throughout the course of the City’s Capital Improvement
Police Forfeiture Fund – Special revenue fund created to track criminal and DWI forfeiture revenues and
ED Special Revenue – Reserved and expended at the direction of the Prior Lake Economic Development
Authority for specific economic development activity as allowed by MN Statute. The purpose is to provide
economic incentives for new business expansion within the community.
ED Fed/MN Loan Funds - Accounts for the proceeds of economic development grants received either from the
federal government or the State of Minnesota to provide seed money for a revolving loan account. This provides
economic incentive for new business expansion within the community.
DAG Special Revenue Fund - Special revenue fund related to costs the City incurs in connection with a
subdivision. Fees are paid to the City by the developer when the Development Contract and Final Plat are
approved by City Council. Revenues are used to pay for legal expenses incurred with review and approval of the
plat and inspection services on developer installed-utilities for newly approved subdivisions within Prior Lake.
Water Revenue Bond Fund – PW Bldg - Debt service fund to pay bonds issued to construct the public works
maintenance building. The capital facility charge generated on the utility bill provides the funding for the bond
payments which occur semi-annually. Funds are transferred from Sewer and Water Fund.
Water Revenue Bond Fund – WT Plant - Debt service fund to pay bonds issued to construct the water treatment
plant. Revenue from the utility bills provides the funding for the bond payments which occur semi-annually.
Funds are transferred from Sewer and Water Fund.
Tax Increment Funds - Represents an accumulation of funds such as bond proceeds and project administration
fees charged to companies requesting project write-downs in the form of tax increment financing for new and/or
redevelopment. The TIF district property taxes are then deposited in a number of tax increment funds established
to track their respective revenue.
Revolving Equipment Fund - A regular replacement schedule for equipment needs of the City in excess of $5,000
has been adopted. Periodic fund transfers are appropriated to provide a funding source for the acquisition and
purchase of new and replacement vehicles and equipment.
Revolving Park Equipment Fund – Consists of funds reserved for the replacement of park equipment.
Facilities Management Fund – Established in conjunction with the Facilities Management Plan (FMP). The FMP
provides a schedule of major repairs, replacements and upgrades to all of the City facilities.
Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund – Consists of funds available for annual street mill and overlay projects
with any remaining funds to be used to provide upfront funding for future improvements.
Construction Fund - Represent unexpended bond proceeds that are reserved to pay for improvement projects
approved by the City Council on an annual basis. These dollars are necessary to complete outstanding
construction contracts and related engineering and professional services.
Street Oversize Fund - Consists of dedicated revenue generated by fees associated with new development and
new construction building permits for the funding of pedestrian related improvements i.e., bikeways, sidewalks,
trails plus right of way acquisition along collector streets and occasional collector street links.
Trunk Reserve Fund - Consists of dedicated revenue generated from utility connection permits and acreage fees
assessed at time of sewer and water installation for the recovering of trunk oversizing costs and central municipal
system improvements i.e., wells lift stations, force mains, etc. These dollars are programmed throughout the
course of the City’s capital improvement plan.
Water Storage Fund - Accounts for the water tower fee that is charged and collected on building permits. This
fund balance is 100% reserved for the construction of elevated and ground water storage facilities.
Debt Service Funds - Represents prepayments of special assessments, property tax collections and special levies
needed to pay the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City. This fund balance is 100% reserved for the
payment of bond principal and interest.
Agency Fund - Accounts for the residential building permit deposit that is refunded to the building contractor
upon final inspection. This provides financial assurance that the property site will be adequately cleaned up and
debris free before an occupancy permit is granted.
Severance Compensation Fund – Internal Service Fund established to partially fund the City’s compensated
absence liability associated with the accrued vacation and sick leave for employees upon termination as
recommended by the State Auditor’s Office.
Insurance Fund – Internal Service Fund established to track revenues and expenditures related to insurance funds.
City of Prior Lake
Treasurers Report
April 2020
Fund Type & Name Fund Balance Classification Constraints
Business-Type Funds
Water Fund Unrestricted Identified on utility bill for this purpose
Sewer Fund Unrestricted Identified on utility bill for this purpose
Water Quality Fund Unrestricted Identified on utility bill for this purpose
Governmental-Type Funds
General Fund Unassigned Cash flow, emergencies, one-time opportunities
Special Revenue Funds
Cable Franchise Fund Assigned for communications Statutory obligation to use for PEG access
Capital Park Fund Assigned for capital improvements Contractually obligated; park dedication fees
EDA Special Revenue Assigned for development Economic Development
Econ Dev Federal Revolving Loan Fund Restricted for economic development Economic Development
Econ Dev MN Revolving Loan Fund Restricted for economic development Economic Development
Developer Agreement Fund Assigned for development Contractually obligated;
Capital Project Funds
Tax Increment Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #1-3 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #1-4 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #3-1 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #4-1 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #5-1 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
TIF #6-1 Restricted for tax increment Contractually obligated by tax increment agreements
Revolving Equipment Fund Assigned for capital improvements Identified for equipment replacement
Revolving Park Equipment Fund Assigned for capital improvements Identified for park equipment replacement
Facilities Management Fund Assigned for capital improvements Identified for funding Facilities Management Plan
Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Assigned for capital improvements Identified for funding street improvement projects
Construction Fund Restricted for capital improvements Construction projects in progress
Trunk Reserve Fund Assigned for capital improvements Contractually obligated by developer agreements
Street Oversize Fund Assigned for capital improvements Contractually obligated by developer agreements
Water Storage Fund Assigned for capital improvements Contractually obligated by developer agreements
Debt Service Funds Restricted for Debt Service Reserved for contractually obligated debt service
Agency Fund N/A Escrows to be reimbursed to depositors
Internal Service Funds Unrestricted Identified as payment for severance compensation and insurance
Financial Statements
and Supplemental Information
Year Ended
December 31, 2019
Government-Wide Financial Statements
Statement of Net Position 20
Statement of Activities 21–22
Fund Financial Statements
Governmental Funds
Balance Sheet 23–24
Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Position 25
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances 26–27
Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes
in Fund Balances to the Statement of Activities 28
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances –
General Fund – Budget and Actual 29
Proprietary Funds
Statement of Net Position 30–31
Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position 32–33
Statement of Cash Flows 34–37
Notes to Basic Financial Statements 38–76
PERA – General Employees Retirement Fund
Schedule of City’s and Nonemployer Proportionate Share
of Net Pension Liability 77
Schedule of City Contributions 77
PERA – Public Employees Police and Fire Fund
Schedule of City’s Proportionate Share of Net Pension Liability 78
Schedule of City Contributions 78
Prior Lake Fire Relief Association
Schedule of Changes in the Relief Association’s Net Pension Asset
and Related Ratios 79
Schedule of City Contributions 80
Other Post-Employment Benefits Plan
Schedule of Changes in the City’s Total OPEB Liability
and Related Ratios 81
Notes to Required Supplementary Information 82–88
Table of Contents
Combining and Individual Fund Statements and Schedules
Nonmajor Governmental Funds
Combining Balance Sheet 89
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances 90
Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds
Combining Balance Sheet 91–92
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances 93–94
Nonmajor Capital Projects Funds
Combining Balance Sheet 95–98
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances 99–102
General Fund
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances –
Budget and Actual 103–108
Debt Service Fund
Balance Sheet by Account 109–113
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances by Account 114–118
Internal Service Funds
Combining Statement of Net Position 119
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position 120
Combining Statement of Cash Flows 121
Summary Financial Report
Revenues and Expenditures for General Operations 122
Combined Schedule of Indebtedness 123–124
Bond Schedules 125–130
Debt Service Requirements 131–132
Tax Levies and Collections, and Special Assessment Levies and Collections 133
Schedules of Market Value, Tax Levy, Tax Capacity Values, Tax Capacity Rate,
and Market Value Rate 134
Key Financial Indicators 135
Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and
on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements
Performed in Accordance With Government Auditing Standards 136–137
Independent Auditor’s Report on Minnesota Legal Compliance 138
Table of Contents (continued)
Term Expires
Kirt Briggs Mayor 12/31/2020
Zach Braid Councilmember 12/31/2020
Kevin Burkart Councilmember 12/31/2020
Warren Erickson Councilmember 12/31/2022
Annette Thompson Councilmember 12/31/2022
Jason Wedel City Manager
Cathy Erickson Finance Director
Jason Etter Accounting Manager
Elected and Appointed Officials
As of December 31, 2019
To the City Council and Management
City of Prior Lake, Minnesota
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type
activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Prior Lake,
Minnesota (the City) as of and for the year ended December 31, 2019, and the related notes to the
financial statements, which collectively comprise the City’s basic financial statements as listed in the
table of contents.
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes
the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair
presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit . We conducted
our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and
the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the
Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the
assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error .
In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the City’s preparation
and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in
the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the City’s
internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the
appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our audit opinions.
Thomas A. Karnowski, CPA
Paul A. Radosevich, CPA
William J. Lauer, CPA
James H. Eichten, CPA
Aaron J. Nielsen, CPA
Victoria L. Holinka, CPA/CMA
Jaclyn M. Huegel, CPA
Kalen T. Karnowski, CPA
Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich & Co., P.A.
5353 Wayzata Boulevard • Suite 410 • Minneapolis, MN 55416 • Phone: 952-545-0424 • Fax: 952-545-0569 • www.mmkr.com
Standard Letterhead-r2.qxp_167639 Letterhead-RV1 9/7/18 6:34 PM Page 1
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to on the previous page present fairly, in all material
respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, each
major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City as of December 31, 2019, and the
respective changes in financial position and, where applicable, cash flows thereof, and the budgetary
comparison for the General Fund for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.
Required Supplementary Information
Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the management’s
discussion and analysis and the required supplementary information (RSI), as listed in the table of
contents, be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part
of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who
considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an
appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. We have applied certain limited procedures to
the RSI in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which
consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the
information for consistency with management’s responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements,
and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We do not express an
opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us
with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance.
Other Information
Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively
comprise the City’s basic financial statements. The introductory section, supplemental information, and
other information section, as listed in the table of contents, are presented for purposes of additional
analysis and are not required parts of the basic financial statements.
The supplemental information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates
directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements.
Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial
statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information
directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements or to
the basic financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing
standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the information is fairly
stated, in all material respects, in relation to the basic financial statements as a whole.
The introductory and other information sections have not been subjected to the auditing procedures
applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion or
provide any assurance on them.
Prior Year Comparative Information
We have previously audited the City’s 2018 financial statements, and we expressed unmodified audit
opinions on the respective financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities,
each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information in our report dated May 15, 2019. In our
opinion, the partial comparative information presented herein as of and for the year ended December 31,
2018 is consistent, in all material respects, with the audited financial statements from which it has been
In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated May 18, 2020
on our consideration of the City’s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its
compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, grant agreements, and other matters.
The purpose of that report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial
reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness
of the City’s internal control over financial reporting or on compliance . That report is an integral part of
an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the City’s internal
control over financial reporting and compliance.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 18, 2020
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2019
As the management of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota (the City), we offer readers of the City’s
financial statements this narrative overview and analysis of the financial activities of the City for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2019.
• The assets and deferred outflows of resources of the City exceeded its liabilities and deferred
inflows of resources at the close of the most recent fiscal year by $207,222,292 (net position). Of
this amount, $18,556,026 (unrestricted net position) may be used to meet the government’s
ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors.
• The City’s total net position increased by $10,432,245.
• As of the close of the current fiscal year, the City’s governmental funds reported combined
ending fund balances of $22,962,258, a decrease of $2,032,194 in comparison with the prior year.
• At the end of the current fiscal year, the unrestricted fund balance (which includes committed,
assigned, and unassigned classifications) for the General Fund was $7,903,175, or 53.9 percent,
of budgeted 2020 expenditures, and transfers out of $14,656,748. The total fund balance reflects
an increase of $689,773 from the prior year and an increase of $1,006,632 from the amended
budget. The amended budget reflected the use of fund balance of $316,859 for a city-wide
telephone system, funding a transfer to the Severance Compensation Fund, replenishment of fuel
and ice management materials, and projects carried over from 2018. The increase in fund balance
is primarily due to increased revenues from building permits and fees and expenditures less than
planned, primarily in maintenance, professional services, and utilities.
• Of the total fund balance of $7,903,175, $324,712 is assigned for the 2020 budget for a transfer to
the Economic Development Authority (EDA) for strategic initiatives, city website redesign, and
projects carried over from 2019. The unassigned amount of $7,578,463 is 51.7 percent of
budgeted 2020 expenditures and transfers out of $14,656,748.
This discussion and analysis is intended to serve as an introduction to the City’s basic financial
statements. The City’s basic financial statements include three components: 1) government-wide financial
statements, 2) fund financial statements, and 3) notes to basic financial statements. This report also
contains supplemental information in addition to the basic financial statements themselves.
Government-Wide Financial Statements – The government-wide financial statements are designed to
provide readers with a broad overview of the City’s finances, in a manner similar to a p rivate sector
The Statement of Net Position presents information on all of the City’s assets, deferred outflows of
resources, liabilities, and deferred inflows of resources, with the difference between them reported as net
position. Over time, increases or decreases in net position may serve as a useful indicator of whether the
financial position of the City is improving or deteriorating.
The Statement of Activities presents information showing how the City’s net position changed during the
most recent fiscal year. All changes in net position are reported as soon as the underlying event giving
rise to the change occurs, regardless of the timing of related cash flows . Thus, revenues and expenses are
reported in this statement for some items that will only result in cash flows in future fiscal periods
(e.g., uncollected taxes and earned, but unused, vacation leave).
Both of the government-wide financial statements distinguish functions of the City that are principally
supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues (governmental activities) from other functions that are
intended to recover all or a significant portion of their costs through user fees and charges (business-type
activities). The governmental activities of the City include general government, public safety, public
works, culture and recreation, and economic development. The business-type activities of the City include
water, sewer, and water quality operations.
The government-wide financial statements can be found in the financial section following this report.
Fund Financial Statements – A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control
over resources that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The City, like other state and
local governments, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal
requirements. All of the funds of the City can be divided into two categories: governmental funds and
proprietary funds.
Governmental Funds – Governmental funds are used to account for essentially the same functions
reported as governmental activities in the government-wide financial statements. However, unlike the
government-wide financial statements, governmental fund financial statements focus on near-term
inflows and outflows of spendable resources, as well as on balances of spendable resources available at
the end of the fiscal year. Such information may be useful in evaluating a city’s near-term financing
Because the focus of governmental funds is narrower than that of the government -wide financial
statements, it is useful to compare the information presented for governmental funds with similar
information presented for governmental activities in the government-wide financial statements. By doing
so, readers may better understand the long-term impact of the City’s near-term financing decisions. Both
the governmental funds Balance Sheet and the governmental funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures,
and Changes in Fund Balances provide a reconciliation to facilitate this comparison between
governmental funds and governmental activities.
The City maintains numerous individual governmental funds. Information is presented separately in the
governmental funds Balance Sheet and in the governmental funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures,
and Changes in Fund Balances for the General Fund, Debt Service Fund, and Construction Fund, all of
which are considered major funds. Data from the other governmental funds are combined into a single,
aggregated presentation. Individual fund data for each of these nonmajor governmental funds are
provided in the form of combining statements elsewhere in this report.
The City adopts an annual appropriated budget for its General Fund. A budgetary comparison statement
has been provided for this fund to demonstrate compliance with this budget.
The basic governmental fund financial statements can be found in the financial section of this report
immediately following the government-wide financial statements.
Proprietary Funds – The City maintains two types of proprietary funds. Enterprise funds are used to
report the same functions presented as business-type activities in the government-wide financial
statements. The City uses enterprise funds to account for its water, sewer, and water quality operations.
Proprietary funds provide the same type of information as shown in the government-wide financial
statements, only in more detail. The proprietary fund financial statements provide separate information
for the enterprise funds, all of which are considered to be major funds of the City.
Internal service funds are an accounting device used to accumulate and allocate costs internally among
the City’s various functions. The City uses internal service funds to account for severance compensation
and insurance benefits. All internal service funds are combined into a single, aggregated presentation in
the proprietary fund financial statements, labeled Governmental Activities – Internal Service Funds.
Because these internal service fund activities predominantly benefit governmental rather than
business-type functions, they have been included within governmental activities in the government-wide
financial statements. Individual fund data for the internal service funds is provided in the form of
combining statements elsewhere in this report.
The basic proprietary fund financial statements can be found in the financial section of this report
immediately following the governmental fund statements.
Notes to Basic Financial Statements – The notes to basic financial statements provide additional
information that is essential to a full understanding of the data provided in the government-wide and fund
financial statements. The notes to basic financial statements can be found following the proprietary fund
statements within the financial section of this report.
Other Information – In addition to the basic financial statements and accompanying notes, the financial
section also presents required supplementary information, and the combining and individual fund
statements and schedules (presented as supplemental information) referred to earlier in connection with
nonmajor governmental funds and internal service funds, which are presented immediately following the
basic financial statements.
Further, an other information section has been included as part of the financial statements to facilitate
additional analysis.
As noted earlier, net position may serve over time as a useful indicator of a city’s financial position. In the
case of the City, assets and deferred outflows of resources exceeded liabilities and deferred inflows of
resources by $207,222,292 at the close of the most recent fiscal year.
The City’s investment in capital assets (e.g., land, buildings, and machinery and equipment), less any
related debt used to acquire those assets that is still outstanding, totaled 87.2 percent of total net position.
The City uses these capital assets to provide services to citizens; consequently, these assets are not
available for future spending. Although the City’s investment in its capital assets is reported net of related
debt, it should be noted that the resources needed to repay this debt must be provided from other sources,
since the capital assets themselves cannot be used to liquidate these liabilities.
The following table provides the City’s Summary of Net Position:
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Current and other assets 35,015,361$ 34,335,059$ 10,461,812$ 10,343,542$ 45,477,173$ 44,678,601$
Capital assets 152,157,816 149,257,662 71,130,568 64,672,620 223,288,384 213,930,282
Total assets 187,173,177$ 183,592,721$ 81,592,380$ 75,016,162$ 268,765,557$ 258,608,883$
Deferred outflows of resources
Pension and OPEB plan deferments 3,544,708$ 4,366,049$ 111,916$ 182,120$ 3,656,624$ 4,548,169$
Long-term liabilities 46,988,267$ 48,847,077$ 4,083,650$ 4,210,298$ 51,071,917$ 53,057,375$
Other liabilities 7,256,426 3,819,740 1,846,603 2,986,575 9,103,029 6,806,315
Total liabilities 54,244,693$ 52,666,817$ 5,930,253$ 7,196,873$ 60,174,946$ 59,863,690$
Deferred inflows of resources
Pension and OPEB plan deferments 4,787,351$ 6,200,450$ 237,592$ 302,865$ 5,024,943$ 6,503,315$
Net position
Net investment in
capital assets 112,279,178$ 107,929,953$ 68,398,856$ 61,697,384$ 180,678,034$ 169,627,337$
Restricted 7,988,232 8,491,635 – – 7,988,232 8,491,635
Unrestricted 11,418,431 12,669,915 7,137,595 6,001,160 18,556,026 18,671,075
Total net position 131,685,841$ 129,091,503$ 75,536,451$ 67,698,544$ 207,222,292$ 196,790,047$
Activities Activities Total
Governmental Business-Type
Summary of Net Position
as of December 31, 2019 and 2018
Table 1
An additional portion of the City’s net position ($7,988,232, or 3.9 percent) represents resources that are
subject to external restrictions on how they may be used. The remaining balance of unrestricted net
position, $18,556,026, may be used to meet the government’s ongoing obligations to citizens and
The significant reduction in deferred outflows of resources, long-term liabilities, and deferred inflows of
resources relates to improvements in portfolio earnings in the Public Employees Retirement Association
(PERA) pension plans in 2019. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No.
68 requires the City to recognize its proportionate share of pension benefit obligations.
At the end of the current fiscal year, the City is able to report positive balances in all three categories of
net position, both for the government as a whole, as well as for its separate governmental and
business-type activities. The same situation held true for the prior fiscal year.
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Program revenues
Charges for services 2,552,868$ 2,698,360$ 8,474,649$ 8,225,463$ 11,027,517$ 10,923,823$
Operating grants and
contributions 1,628,053 2,164,590 2,924 15,372 1,630,977 2,179,962
Capital grants and
contributions 8,605,951 9,221,982 616,975 1,246,094 9,222,926 10,468,076
General revenues
Property taxes and tax
increments 13,537,055 12,812,307 – – 13,537,055 12,812,307
Franchise taxes 639,783 630,932 – – 639,783 630,932
Grants and contributions
not restricted to specific
programs 12,867 12,845 – – 12,867 12,845
Investment income 1,094,987 318,751 290,301 90,678 1,385,288 409,429
Miscellaneous 113,489 66,337 31,435 11,938 144,924 78,275
Total revenues 28,185,053 27,926,104 9,416,284 9,589,545 37,601,337 37,515,649
General government 3,582,241 3,346,943 – – 3,582,241 3,346,943
Public safety 6,490,001 6,283,264 – – 6,490,001 6,283,264
Public works 5,700,624 5,393,240 – – 5,700,624 5,393,240
Culture and recreation 2,462,914 2,376,137 – – 2,462,914 2,376,137
Economic development 936,034 825,975 – – 936,034 825,975
Interest on long-term debt 1,038,292 1,010,342 – – 1,038,292 1,010,342
Water – – 3,026,239 2,721,328 3,026,239 2,721,328
Sewer – – 3,321,093 2,934,670 3,321,093 2,934,670
Water quality – – 611,654 600,030 611,654 600,030
Total expenses 20,210,106 19,235,901 6,958,986 6,256,028 27,169,092 25,491,929
Increase in net position
before transfers 7,974,947 8,690,203 2,457,298 3,333,517 10,432,245 12,023,720
Transfers (5,380,609) (3,177,982) 5,380,609 3,177,982 – –
Changes in net position 2,594,338 5,512,221 7,837,907 6,511,499 10,432,245 12,023,720
Net position
Beginning of year 129,091,503 123,579,282 67,698,544 61,187,045 196,790,047 184,766,327
End of year 131,685,841$ 129,091,503$ 75,536,451$ 67,698,544$ 207,222,292$ 196,790,047$
Activities Activities Total
Table 2
Changes in Net Position
for the Years Ended December 31, 2019 and 2018
Governmental Business-Type
Governmental Activities – Governmental activities increased the City’s net position by $2,594,338. Key
elements of this increase are seen in the table above. The increase is due primarily to the investment
earnings of $1,094,987. The cost value of the City’s investment portfolio increased 3 percent in 2019,
while the fair value of the portfolio was up almost 5 percent.
The business-type activities increased the City’s net position in total by $7,837,907, mostly due to
transfers/capital contributions of $5,380,609 from the governmental activities for water and sewer
infrastructure replacement and the joint water treatment facility with the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux
Community (SMSC).
Below are specific graphs that provide comparisons of the governmental activities program revenues and
Public works revenue will vary based on development and transportation projects. In 2019, the City
received about $3.1 million in easement donations from developers and about $1.7 million in
development program trunk/connection fees. Revenue also included about $1.1 million in street project
special assessments.
Public Safety Public Works Culture and
Interest on
Expenses Program Revenues
Governmental Activities – Revenue by Program
Business-Type Activities – Below are graphs showing the business-type activities program revenues and
expense comparisons.
Revenues are collected to fund operations, capital improvements, debt service, and the utility work
completed as part of the street projects identified in the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program.
Water Sewer Water Quality
Expenses Program Revenues
Business-Type Activities – Revenue by Source
As noted earlier, the City uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with
finance-related legal requirements.
Governmental Funds – The focus of the City’s governmental funds is to provide information on
near-term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. Such information is useful in assessing
the City’s financing requirements. In particular, unassigned fund balance may serve as a useful measure
of a government’s net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year.
As of the end of the current fiscal year, the City’s governmental funds reported comb ined ending fund
balances of $22,962,258, a decrease of $2,032,194 in comparison with the prior year.
The General Fund is the chief operating fund of the City. At the end of the recent fiscal year, total fund
balance reached $7,903,175. As a measure of the General Fund’s liquidity, it may be useful to compare
the total fund balance to total fund expenditures. Total fund balance represents about 53.9 percent of total
2020 General Fund budgeted expenditures and transfers out $14,656,748. Of the total fund balance of
$7,903,175, $324,712 is assigned for the 2020 for an operating transfer to the EDA for strategic
initiatives, city website redesign, and projects carried over from fiscal 2019. This leaves an unassigned
fund balance of the General Fund of $7,578,463, or 51.7 percent, of total 2020 General Fund budgeted
expenditures, and transfers out of $14,656,748.
The total fund balance reflects an increase of $689,773 from the prior year and an increase of $1,006,632
from the amended budget. The amended budget reflected the use of fund balance of $316,859 for a
city-wide telephone system, funding a transfer to the Severance Compensation Fund, replenishment of
fuel and ice management materials, and projects carried over from 2018. The increase in fund balance is
primarily due to increased revenues from building permits and fees.
The Debt Service Fund balance decreased by $53,114. The City manages cash flow in all debt service
accounts and ensures adequate resources exist to fund future obligations.
The Construction Fund balance decreased by $2,809,037. This is largely due to the issuance of
2019A general obligation bonds of $1,450,000, net transfers out of $511,282, and offsetting capital outlay
of $6,355,340 for street projects. Capital outlay for the 2019 street improvement project alone was
Proprietary Funds – The City’s proprietary funds provide the same information for the business-type
activities found in the government-wide financial statements, but in more detail.
The City amends its budget at various points during the year. The General Fund budget was amended in
2019 to increase the spending of the fund balance by $100,059, for a health insurance reserve adjustment,
and carryforward of 2018 projects/spending for capital outlay, parks, and police.
Actual revenues were $692,707 over budget in 2019, due primarily to an increase in building permits,
plan check fees, and investment income.
Actual expenditures were $304,048 less than budget in 2019. Many factors impacted expenditures. The
largest variance from budget was in parks being under budget by $121,974. This is primarily due to other
services and charges coming in lower than expected by $84,752 . The City budgeted for landscaping and
trails/sidewalk maintenance but was unable to get all projects completed during the year. The funds will
be carried over to fiscal 2020. Additionally, maintenance expenditures and professional services were less
than planned, primarily due to fewer repairs than expected and negotiating contracts at a lower cost than
Capital Assets – The City’s investment in capital assets for its governmental and business-type activities
as of December 31, 2019 amounts to $223,288,384 (net of accumulated depreciation). This investment in
capital assets includes items such as land, buildings and improvements, machinery and equipment, park
facilities, roads, highways, and bridges.
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Land 33,269,751$ 32,221,249$ –$ –$ 33,269,751$ 32,221,249$
Utility access agreement – – 2,499,970 1,492,167 2,499,970 1,492,167
Easements 48,173,410 47,095,500 218,912 218,912 48,392,322 47,314,412
Construction in progress 3,820,430 10,682,758 3,070 1,283,621 3,823,500 11,966,379
Land improvements 1,067,742 1,079,690 43,968 48,355 1,111,710 1,128,045
Machinery and equipment 2,797,763 2,807,013 565,623 935,532 3,363,386 3,742,545
Vehicles 2,448,016 1,708,031 360,330 4,993 2,808,346 1,713,024
Infrastructure 60,580,704 53,663,421 67,438,695 60,689,040 128,019,399 114,352,461
Total 152,157,816$ 149,257,662$ 71,130,568$ 64,672,620$ 223,288,384$ 213,930,282$
Table 3
Capital Assets
(Net of Depreciation)
Additional information on the City’s capital assets can be found in Note 3 of the note s to basic financial
Long-Term Debt – At the end of the current fiscal year, the City had total bonded debt outstanding,
including premiums of $41,192,426. This amount comprises debt backed by the full faith and credit of the
City. The City’s total long-term liabilities decreased during the current fiscal year, due to scheduled
payments on debt obligations and energy loans payable.
2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
G.O. bonds 12,185,000$ 13,200,000$ –$ –$ 12,185,000$ 13,200,000$
G.O. special assessment bonds 18,465,000 18,905,000 – – 18,465,000 18,905,000
G.O. tax increment bonds 135,000 160,000 – – 135,000 160,000
G.O. revenue bonds 6,245,000 6,630,000 2,430,000 2,640,000 8,675,000 9,270,000
Premium (discount) on bonds payable 1,430,714 1,199,452 301,712 335,236 1,732,426 1,534,688
Energy loan payable 1,552,924 1,816,436 – – 1,552,924 1,816,436
Compensated absences payable 841,031 838,524 200,014 167,619 1,041,045 1,006,143
Net OPEB obligation 654,579 819,780 141,945 86,353 796,524 906,133
Net pension liability – GERF and PEPFF 5,479,019 5,277,885 1,009,979 981,090 6,488,998 6,258,975
Total 46,988,267$ 48,847,077$ 4,083,650$ 4,210,298$ 51,071,917$ 53,057,375$
Table 4
Long-Term Liabilities
Governmental Business-Type
Activities Activities
The City’s statutory debt limit is equal to 3 percent of estimated taxable market value of property located
within the City. The taxable market value totals $3,447,986,900, which calculates to a debt limit of
$103,439,607. Debt financed partially or entirely by special assessments, tax increments, and other
revenue sources is not applied against the City’s debt limit, nor is debt financed by proprietary fund
revenues. Currently, the City has $12,185,000 of general obligation debt outstanding, leaving a debt limit
of $91,254,607.
Additional information on the City’s long-term debt can be found in Note 5 of the notes to basic financial
• The City adopted a general operating budget of $14,656,748 for expenditures and other financing
uses for fiscal 2020, an increase of $1,102,429, or 8.1 percent, from the 2019 original budget.
• Subsequent to year-end 2019, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused
significant volatility in economic conditions. While the true scale of the economic impact of
COVID-19 isn’t known yet, the City is assessing the revenue impacts and making expenditure
adjustments as needed. The City’s Comprehensive Financial Management Policy established a
fund balance policy regarding the minimum unrestricted fund balance for the General Fund. The
policy established that the City will strive to maintain an unrestricted General Fund balance
within a range of 40 to 50 percent of projected expenditures for the subsequent year . In no case
will the reserve be allowed to fall below 40 percent. The fund balance policy is in place to
provide adequate cash flow, offset revenue shortfalls, and insurance for unforeseen catastrophic
events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Growth is robust in the City, with 203 and 198 new single-family residential permits issued in
2019 and 2018, respectively. From 2005 to 2018, the City has ranked in the top 25 in the
Twin Cities metro area in total number of residential units and ranked in the top 20 in the
Twin Cities metro area in total single-family residential units. Source: Metropolitan Council,
Community Profile, Building Permits, Residential, Twin Cities Region (7-county metro area).
Since 2016, the City issued permits for six multi-family residential buildings, with a total of
440 units. The City anticipates issuing permits for two additional multi-family residential
buildings in 2020, with a total of 163 units.
Total commercial and industrial permit valuation (new and addition/alteration) has increased by
an average of 58 percent year-over-year since 2011.
• Continued staged development of land with the 2,000 acres annexed in 2004 from Spring Lake
Township will provide most of the City’s anticipated market value growth over the course of the
next 10 to 15 years.
• The City has planned the addition of a water treatment plant to meet the City’s needs as it
continues to grow. The City faced the prospect of a $15.0 million expenditure to build its own
facility or spend $8.7 million to build the facility in collaboration with the SMSC. In 2017, the
City entered into a Water Purchase and Facility Expansion Agreement with the SMSC. The
SMSC completed construction of the new water treatment plant in 2019. The plant can supply
additional water to the City and will have future expansion available to meet the City’s long-term
needs. This approach provides the City with the flexibility to evaluate the pace and timing of
development in the Orderly Annexation Area before a substantial investment is needed to
construct the expansion of the water treatment plant. The initial improvements, combined with
the long-term water purchase agreement, could provide the City with enough water capacity for
the next 15 to 20 years, depending on the rate of development.
Under the agreement, the initial maximum investment is $3,500,000, which was funded from
Trunk Reserve and Water Storage Funds. The remainder will become due when the second half
of the water treatment plant improvements are installed to make the facility expansion
operational. The City has incorporated these anticipated costs in its Capital Improvement Plan
and the water development trunk fees as part of its 2040 Comprehensive Plan update.
Financial Management Policies
The City has set a goal to establish “Financial Performance Standards” to measure the financial health of
the City. These standards serve multiple purposes:
a) To serve as best practice measures to strengthen the City’s financial position and maximize the
return of the taxpayer dollar.
b) To communicate the fiscal performance and condition of the City to residents in a consistent
c) To facilitate the setting of policy and financial direction by the City Council with resident input.
Objective 1: Aa2 Bond Rating
Maintain or improve current Aa2 Bond Rating – Strong credit rating by Moody’s Investors Service
(Moody’s), provides low cost financing for the City’s general obligation bonds. In April 2010, Moody’s
recalibrated the City’s bond rating to the global rating scale and, therefore, changed the City’s bond rating
from Aa3 to an Aa2. The Aa2 bond rating was reaffirmed with the 2015 bond issuances. The City also
received an initial bond rating of AA+ from S&P in 2015. The AA+ bond rating was reaffirmed with the
2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 bond issuance:
Moody’s S&P
2015 Aa2 AA+
2016 AA+
2017 AA+
2018 AA+
2019 AA+
Objective 2: General Fund Reserve Balance
Maintain a 40 to 50 percent General Fund reserve balance – The Office of the State Auditor recommends
a reserve balance between 35 to 50 percent to provide adequate cash flow, offset revenue shortfalls, and
insurance for unforeseen catastrophic events. The City Council adopted a revision to the Comprehensive
Financial Management Policy, which established a fund balance policy regarding the minimum
unrestricted fund balance for the General Fund. The policy established that the City will strive to maintain
an unrestricted General Fund balance (which includes committed, assigned and unassigned
classifications) within a range from 40 to 50 percent of projected expenditures for the subsequent year.
$12,945,738 $13,070,878 $12,767,768
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Subsequent Year’s Budget Actual Fund Balance
Objective 3: Property Taxes
Maintain or improve property tax rank when compared to a broader list of metro area cities. The favorable
tax rate provides stimulus for growth of residential and commercial property tax base. This date reflects
the tax capacity rate, which is based on the levies approved by the City Council to fund general services,
such as police, fire, street maintenance, parks, recreation, finance, and general administration, as well as
the EDA. The tables do not reflect the market value rate, which is a tax based on market referenda
approved by the City’s voters to finance the construction of two fire stations and improvements to the
City’s parks and library.
Metro Area
City of
Prior Lake
2015 46.90 43.40 31.96
2016 46.96 42.95 31.95
2017 N/A N/A 32.69
2018 N/A N/A 33.04
2019 N/A 41.43 33.02
Source: League of Minnesota Cities and Scott County
2015 0.55
2016 –
2017 –
2018 –
2019 –
N/A – Not Available
Average City Tax Capacity Rate
Average Prior Lake EDA Tax Capacity Rate
Objective 4: Property Taxes/Household
Maintain a level of property taxes on a per household basis, which takes into account the cost of inflation
and community growth. The goal is to have a tax levy per household that is at or below th e rate of
inflation over time. This chart reflects community growth and the cost of inflation using the
Minneapolis-St. Paul Consumer Price Index (CPI).
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Property Tax Levy Per Household
Property Tax Levy/HH Expected Property Tax Levy/HH
Objective 5: General Fund Expenditures/Household
Maintain a level of General Fund operational expenditures on a per household basis, which takes into
account the cost of inflation and community growth. The goal is to maintain General Fund operating
expenditures per household at or below the rate of inflation over time. This chart reflects community
growth and the cost of inflation using the Minneapolis-St. Paul CPI.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
General Fund Total Operating
Expenditures Per Household
Expected Operating Expenditures/HH Operating Expenditures/HH
These financial statements are designed to provide a general overview of the City’s finances for all those
with an interest in the City’s finances. Questions concerning any of the information provided in this report
or requests for additional financial information should be addressed to the office of the City’s Finance
Director at the City of Prior Lake, 4646 Dakota Street Southeast, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714.
Governmental Business-Type
Activities Activities Total
Cash and investments 29,873,634$ 9,172,443$ 39,046,077$
Delinquent taxes 113,333 – 113,333
Accounts 408,968 1,173,750 1,582,718
Special assessments 3,679,437 100,881 3,780,318
Due from other governmental agencies 275,215 14,738 289,953
Restricted assets – temporarily restricted
Cash and investments held in escrow 25,000 – 25,000
Net pension asset – fire relief 639,774 – 639,774
Capital assets not being depreciated 85,263,591 2,721,952 87,985,543
Capital assets net of accumulated depreciation 66,894,225 68,408,616 135,302,841
Total assets 187,173,177 81,592,380 268,765,557
Deferred outflows of resources
Pension plan deferments – GERF and PEPFF 2,959,967 106,852 3,066,819
Pension plan deferments – fire relief 561,383 – 561,383
OPEB plan deferments 23,358 5,064 28,422
Total deferred outflows of resources 3,544,708 111,916 3,656,624
Total assets and deferred outflows of resources 190,717,885$ 81,704,296$ 272,422,181$
Accounts and contracts payable 1,281,767$ 626,772$ 1,908,539$
Accrued salaries and employee benefits payable 516,934 104,491 621,425
Due to other governmental agencies 3,241,869 1,106,302 4,348,171
Deposits payable 1,471,675 4,500 1,476,175
Accrued interest payable 90,696 4,538 95,234
Unearned revenue 653,485 – 653,485
Long-term liabilities
Total OPEB liability – due in more than one year 654,579 141,945 796,524
Net pension liability – GERF and PEPFF – due in more than one year 5,479,019 1,009,979 6,488,998
Due within one year 4,561,408 306,390 4,867,798
Due in more than one year 36,293,261 2,625,336 38,918,597
Total liabilities 54,244,693 5,930,253 60,174,946
Deferred inflows of resources
Pension plan deferments – GERF and PEPFF 4,382,393 212,138 4,594,531
Pension plan deferments – fire relief 287,579 – 287,579
OPEB plan deferments 117,379 25,454 142,833
Total deferred inflows of resources 4,787,351 237,592 5,024,943
Net position
Net investment in capital assets 112,279,178 68,398,856 180,678,034
Restricted for debt service 5,989,862 – 5,989,862
Restricted for net pension asset 913,578 – 913,578
Restricted for other purposes 1,084,792 – 1,084,792
Unrestricted 11,418,431 7,137,595 18,556,026
Total net position 131,685,841 75,536,451 207,222,292
Total liabilities, deferred inflows of resources, and net position 190,717,885$ 81,704,296$ 272,422,181$
Statement of Net Position
as of December 31, 2019
See notes to basic financial statements -20-
Program Revenues
Operating Capital
Charges for Grants and Grants and
Functions/Programs Expenses Services Contributions Contributions
Governmental activities
General government 3,582,241$ 551,710$ 3,248$ 100,000$
Public safety 6,490,001 1,436,811 1,607,605 96,863
Public works 5,700,624 266,959 1,089 8,118,598
Culture and recreation 2,462,914 276,595 15,952 290,490
Economic development 936,034 20,793 159 –
Interest on long-term debt 1,038,292 – – –
Total governmental activities 20,210,106 2,552,868 1,628,053 8,605,951
Business-type activities
Water 3,026,239 3,792,321 1,583 292,123
Sewer 3,321,093 3,622,033 954 307,252
Water quality 611,654 1,060,295 387 17,600
Total business-type activities 6,958,986 8,474,649 2,924 616,975
Total 27,169,092$ 11,027,517$ 1,630,977$ 9,222,926$
General revenues
Property taxes, levied for general purposes
Property taxes, levied for debt service
Franchise taxes
Tax increments
Grants and contributions not restricted
to specific programs
Investment income
Total general revenues and transfers
Change in net position
Net position
Beginning of year
End of year
Statement of Activities
Year Ended December 31, 2019
See notes to basic financial statements -21-
Governmental Business-Type
Activities Activities Total
(2,927,283)$ –$ (2,927,283)$
(3,348,722) – (3,348,722)
2,686,022 – 2,686,022
(1,879,877) – (1,879,877)
(915,082) – (915,082)
(1,038,292) – (1,038,292)
(7,423,234) – (7,423,234)
– 1,059,788 1,059,788
– 609,146 609,146
– 466,628 466,628
– 2,135,562 2,135,562
(7,423,234) 2,135,562 (5,287,672)
9,501,524 – 9,501,524
3,262,774 – 3,262,774
639,783 – 639,783
772,757 – 772,757
12,867 – 12,867
1,094,987 290,301 1,385,288
113,489 31,435 144,924
(5,380,609) 5,380,609 –
10,017,572 5,702,345 15,719,917
2,594,338 7,837,907 10,432,245
129,091,503 67,698,544 196,790,047
131,685,841$ 75,536,451$ 207,222,292$
Changes in Net Position
Net (Expense) Revenues and
General Service Construction
Cash and investments 9,604,268$ 2,979,978$ 4,406,915$
Cash held in escrow – – –
Delinquent taxes 113,235 – –
Accounts 193,058 10,214 5,542
Special assessments
Delinquent 566 33,642 3,463
Deferred 19,833 2,592,099 64,560
Other (Green Acres)– 451,350 –
Due from other governmental agencies 111,226 28,737 26,711
Total assets 10,042,186$ 6,096,020$ 4,507,191$
Liabilities, Deferred Inflows of Resources,
and Fund Balances
Accounts and contracts payable 221,648$ 15,462$ 434,087$
Accrued salaries and employee benefits payable 508,682 – –
Due to other governmental agencies 131,869 – 3,108,869
Deposits payable 1,151,673 – 17,353
Unearned revenue 2,145 – 617,590
Total liabilities 2,016,017 15,462 4,177,899
Deferred inflows of resources
Unavailable revenue from delinquent taxes 113,235 – –
Unavailable revenue from special assessments 9,759 3,077,091 68,023
Total deferred inflows of resources 122,994 3,077,091 68,023
Fund balances
Restricted – 3,003,467 –
Assigned 324,712 – 261,269
Unassigned 7,578,463 – –
Total fund balances 7,903,175 3,003,467 261,269
Total liabilities, deferred inflows
of resources, and fund balances 10,042,186$ 6,096,020$ 4,507,191$
Balance Sheet
Governmental Funds
as of December 31, 2019
See notes to basic financial statements -23-
Nonmajor Total
Governmental Governmental
Funds Funds
12,420,107$ 29,411,268$
25,000 25,000
98 113,333
197,052 405,866
1,285 38,956
512,639 3,189,131
– 451,350
108,541 275,215
13,264,722$ 33,910,119$
610,570$ 1,281,767$
8,252 516,934
1,131 3,241,869
302,649 1,471,675
33,750 653,485
956,352 7,165,730
98 113,333
513,925 3,668,798
514,023 3,782,131
1,084,694 4,088,161
10,709,653 11,295,634
– 7,578,463
11,794,347 22,962,258
13,264,722$ 33,910,119$
Capital assets are included in net position,but are excluded from fund balances because they do
not represent financial resources.
Cost of capital assets 220,268,544
Less accumulated depreciation (68,110,728)
Long-term liabilities are included in net position but are excluded from fund balances until due
and payable.
Bond principal payable (37,030,000)
Energy loan payable (1,552,924)
Total OPEB liability (654,579)
Net pension liability – GERF and PEPFF (5,479,019)
Debt issuance premiums and discounts are excluded from net position until amortized,but are
included in fund balances upon issuance as other financing sources and uses.(1,430,714)
Accrued interest payable on long-term debt is included in net position,but is excluded from fund
balances until due and payable.(90,696)
Internal service funds are used by management to charge certain costs to individual funds.The
assets and liabilities of the internal service funds are included in governmental activities in the
Statement of Net Position.(375,563)
The recognition of certain revenues and expenses/expenditures differ between the full accrual
governmental activities financial statements and the modified accrual governmental fund financial
Delinquent property taxes 113,333
Special assessments 3,668,798
Net pension asset 639,774
Deferred outflows of resources – GERF and PEPFF pension plans 2,959,967
Deferred outflows of resources – fire relief pension plan 561,383
Deferred outflows of resources – OPEB 23,358
Deferred inflows of resources – GERF and PEPFF pension plans (4,382,393)
Deferred inflows of resources – fire relief pension plan (287,579)
Deferred inflows of resources – OPEB (117,379)
Total net position – governmental activities 131,685,841$
Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net Position are different because:
as of December 31, 2019
Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet to the
Statement of Net Position
Governmental Funds
Total fund balances – governmental funds
See notes to basic financial statements -25-
General Service Construction
Taxes 8,367,851$ 3,262,774$ –$
Franchise taxes 639,783 – –
Special assessments 140 699,910 11,920
Licenses and permits 992,096 – –
Intergovernmental 1,925,225 – 2,118,769
Charges for services 1,193,113 – –
Fines and forfeits 996 – –
Interest on investments 260,434 146,926 196,568
Miscellaneous 194,288 – 40,000
Total revenues 13,573,926 4,109,610 2,367,257
General government 3,000,056 – –
Public safety 6,071,462 – –
Public works 1,954,183 – –
Culture and recreation 1,889,264 – –
Economic development – – –
Capital outlay 100,596 – 6,355,340
Debt service
Principal – 4,193,512 –
Interest and other – 1,166,139 39,489
Total expenditures 13,015,561 5,359,651 6,394,829
Excess (deficiency) of revenues
over expenditures 558,365 (1,250,041) (4,027,572)
Other financing sources (uses)
Debt issued – – 1,450,000
Premium on debt issued – – 279,817
Transfers in 456,300 1,345,091 392,900
Transfers out (334,769) (148,164) (904,182)
Sale of capital assets 9,877 – –
Total other financing sources (uses)131,408 1,196,927 1,218,535
Net change in fund balances 689,773 (53,114) (2,809,037)
Fund balances
Beginning of year 7,213,402 3,056,581 3,070,306
End of year 7,903,175$ 3,003,467$ 261,269$
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances
Governmental Funds
Year Ended December 31, 2019
See notes to basic financial statements -26-
Nonmajor Total
Governmental Governmental
Funds Funds
1,906,204$ 13,536,829$
– 639,783
367,378 1,079,348
– 992,096
100,000 4,143,994
2,171,251 3,364,364
– 996
469,630 1,073,558
109,663 343,951
5,124,126 25,174,919
243 3,000,299
115,397 6,186,859
– 1,954,183
49,735 1,938,999
175,749 175,749
3,633,115 10,089,051
– 4,193,512
16,750 1,222,378
3,990,989 28,761,030
1,133,137 (3,586,111)
615,000 2,065,000
88,749 368,566
254,927 2,449,218
(1,959,649) (3,346,764)
8,020 17,897
(992,953) 1,553,917
140,184 (2,032,194)
11,654,163 24,994,452
11,794,347$ 22,962,258$
Capital outlays are recorded in net position and the cost is allocated over their estimated useful lives as depreciation
expense; however, fund balances are reduced for the full cost of capital outlays at the time of purchase.
Capital outlay 7,432,222
Capital contributions 4,583,063
Depreciation expense (4,497,838)
A gain or loss on the disposal of capital assets,including the difference between the carrying value and any related sale
proceeds,is included in the change in net position.However,only the sale proceeds are included in the change in fund
Capital assets constructed in the governmental funds then transferred to the enterprise funds are shown in the
government-wide financial statements but not in the governmental funds statements.(4,583,063)
The amount of debt issued is reported in the governmental funds as a source of financing.Debt obligations are not
revenues in the Statement of Activities,but rather constitute long-term liabilities.Repayment of long-term debt does not
affect the change in net position; however, it reduces fund balances.
Principal repayments 4,193,512
Debt issued (2,065,000)
Premium on debt issued (368,566)
Certain expenses are included in the change in net position,but do not require the use of current funds,and are not
included in the change in fund balances.
Total OPEB liability 165,201
Net pension liability – GERF and PEPFF (201,134)
Interest on long-term debt is included in the change in net position as it accrues,regardless of when the payment is due;
however, it is included in the change in fund balances when due.46,782
Debt issuance premiums and discounts are included in the change in net position as they are amortized over the life of
the debt; however, they are included in the change in fund balances upon issuance as other financing sources and uses. 137,304
Internal service funds are used by management to charge certain costs to individual funds.The net revenue (expense)of
certain activities of the internal service funds is reported with governmental activities in the government-wide financial
The recognition of certain revenues and expenses/expenditures differ between the full accrual governmental activities
financial statements and the modified accrual governmental fund financial statements.
Delinquent property taxes 1,192
Special assessments (299,261)
Net pension asset (382,201)
Deferred outflows of resources – GERF and PEPFF pension plans (1,105,858)
Deferred outflows of resources – fire relief pension plan 296,772
Deferred outflows of resources – OPEB (12,255)
Deferred inflows of resources – GERF and PEPFF pension plans 1,396,352
Deferred inflows of resources – fire relief pension plan 134,126
Deferred inflows of resources – OPEB (117,379)
2,594,338$ Change in net position – governmental activities
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Governmental Funds
to the Statement of Activities
Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Activities are different because:
Total net change in fund balances – governmental funds
Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances
Reconciliation of the Statement of
See notes to basic financial statements -28-
Actual Variance With
Original Final Amounts Final Budget
Property taxes 8,380,973$ 8,380,973$ 8,367,851$ (13,122)$
Franchise taxes 615,000 615,000 639,783 24,783
Special assessments 5,000 5,000 140 (4,860)
Licenses and permits 642,118 642,118 992,096 349,978
Intergovernmental 1,861,819 1,861,819 1,925,225 63,406
Charges for services 1,101,170 1,101,170 1,193,113 91,943
Fines and forfeits – – 996 996
Investment income 87,400 87,400 260,434 173,034
Miscellaneous 187,739 187,739 194,288 6,549
Total revenues 12,881,219 12,881,219 13,573,926 692,707
General government 2,950,692 2,963,041 3,000,056 37,015
Public safety
Police 4,586,881 4,631,101 4,502,094 (129,007)
Fire and rescue 932,896 933,636 936,755 3,119
Other 638,332 640,343 632,613 (7,730)
Public works 2,060,778 2,066,295 1,954,183 (112,112)
Culture and recreation 1,964,771 1,981,103 1,889,264 (91,839)
Capital outlay 85,200 104,090 100,596 (3,494)
Total expenditures 13,219,550 13,319,609 13,015,561 (304,048)
Excess (deficiency) of revenues
over expenditures (338,331) (438,390) 558,365 996,755
Other financing sources (uses)
Transfers in 456,300 456,300 456,300 –
Transfers out (334,769) (334,769) (334,769) –
Sale of assets – – 9,877 9,877
Total other financing sources (uses)121,531 121,531 131,408 9,877
Net change in fund balances (216,800)$ (316,859)$ 689,773 1,006,632$
Fund balances
Beginning of year 7,213,402
End of year 7,903,175$
Budgeted Amounts
Year Ended December 31, 2019
General Fund
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances
Budget and Actual
See notes to basic financial statements -29-
2019 2018 2019 2018
Current assets
Cash and investments 5,775,364$ 6,471,431$ 1,992,299$ 1,816,230$
Accounts 398,848 426,906 606,549 599,201
Special assessments
Delinquent 49,624 38,431 49,624 38,431
Deferred 1,633 2,731 – –
Due from other governmental agencies 2,231 914 180 172
Total current assets 6,227,700 6,940,413 2,648,652 2,454,034
Noncurrent assets
Capital assets not being depreciated 2,575,270 2,201,760 – 634,293
Depreciable capital assets 51,188,338 46,392,214 34,182,869 31,108,724
Accumulated depreciation (11,068,791) (10,190,444) (8,323,323) (7,759,498)
Total noncurrent assets 42,694,817 38,403,530 25,859,546 23,983,519
Total assets 48,922,517 45,343,943 28,508,198 26,437,553
Deferred outflows of resources
Pension plan deferments – GERF 45,893 77,701 43,362 64,750
OPEB plan deferments 2,247 3,003 1,989 3,003
Total deferred outflows of resources 48,140 80,704 45,351 67,753
Total assets and deferred outflows of resources 48,970,657$ 45,424,647$ 28,553,549$ 26,505,306$
Current liabilities
Accounts and contracts payable 382,909$ 250,311$ 129,511$ 172,745$
Accrued salaries and employee benefits payable 46,270 33,702 42,453 36,042
Due to other governmental agencies 1,098,043 2,240,059 5,848 7,520
Deposits payable 4,500 4,500 – –
Accrued interest payable 2,269 24,438 2,269 24,438
Current portion of compensated absences payable 39,289 32,917 18,618 26,573
Current portion of bonds payable 120,000 105,000 120,000 105,000
Total current liabilities 1,693,280 2,690,927 318,699 372,318
Noncurrent liabilities
Compensated absences payable 77,991 67,411 46,211 26,220
Bonds premium (discount)150,856 167,618 150,856 167,618
Bonds payable 1,095,000 1,215,000 1,095,000 1,215,000
Net pension liability – GERF 433,789 436,041 409,860 363,367
Total OPEB Liability 62,971 35,557 55,755 35,557
Total noncurrent liabilities 1,820,607 1,921,627 1,757,682 1,807,762
Total liabilities 3,513,887 4,612,554 2,076,381 2,180,080
Deferred inflows of resources
Pension plan deferments – GERF 91,114 134,607 86,088 112,172
OPEB plan deferments 11,292 – 9,998 –
Total deferred inflows of resources 102,406 134,607 96,086 112,172
Net position
Net investment in capital assets 41,328,961 36,915,912 24,493,690 22,495,901
Unrestricted 4,025,403 3,761,574 1,887,392 1,717,153
Total net position 45,354,364 40,677,486 26,381,082 24,213,054
Total liabilities, deferred inflows of
resources, and net position 48,970,657$ 45,424,647$ 28,553,549$ 26,505,306$
Statement of Net Position
Proprietary Funds
as of December 31, 2019
Business-Type Activities – Enterprise Funds
Water Sewer
(With Partial Comparative Information as of December 31, 2018)
See notes to basic financial statements -30-
Activities –
Internal Service
2019 2018 2019 2018 Fund
1,404,780$ 796,256$ 9,172,443$ 9,083,917$ 462,366$
168,353 152,839 1,173,750 1,178,946 3,102
– – 99,248 76,862 –
– – 1,633 2,731 –
12,327 – 14,738 1,086 –
1,585,460 949,095 10,461,812 10,343,542 465,468
146,682 158,647 2,721,952 2,994,700 –
3,203,355 2,766,329 88,574,562 80,267,267 –
(773,832) (639,405) (20,165,946) (18,589,347) –
2,576,205 2,285,571 71,130,568 64,672,620 –
4,161,665 3,234,666 81,592,380 75,016,162 465,468
17,597 32,375 106,852 174,826 –
828 1,288 5,064 7,294 –
18,425 33,663 111,916 182,120 –
4,180,090$ 3,268,329$ 81,704,296$ 75,198,282$ 465,468$
114,352$ 35,026$ 626,772$ 458,082$ –$
15,768 12,383 104,491 82,127 –
2,411 145,411 1,106,302 2,392,990 –
– – 4,500 4,500 –
– – 4,538 48,876 –
8,483 9,853 66,390 69,343 362,283
– – 240,000 210,000 –
141,014 202,673 2,152,993 3,265,918 362,283
9,422 4,645 133,624 98,276 478,748
– – 301,712 335,236 –
– – 2,190,000 2,430,000 –
166,330 181,682 1,009,979 981,090 –
23,219 15,239 141,945 86,353 –
198,971 201,566 3,777,260 3,930,955 478,748
339,985 404,239 5,930,253 7,196,873 841,031
34,936 56,086 212,138 302,865 –
4,164 – 25,454 – –
39,100 56,086 237,592 302,865 –
2,576,205 2,285,571 68,398,856 61,697,384 –
1,224,800 522,433 7,137,595 6,001,160 (375,563)
3,801,005 2,808,004 75,536,451 67,698,544 (375,563)
4,180,090$ 3,268,329$ 81,704,296$ 75,198,282$ 465,468$
Water Quality Totals
2019 2018 2019 2018
Operating revenues
Sewer charges –$ –$ 3,341,491$ 3,006,814$
Water charges 3,338,696 3,558,027 – –
Storm water charges – – – –
Capital facility charges 280,532 263,705 280,542 263,212
Meter sales 153,312 137,964 – –
Charges for services 19,781 8,010 – –
Total operating revenues 3,792,321 3,967,706 3,622,033 3,270,026
Operating expenses
Personal services 805,403 693,116 813,914 661,568
Supplies 321,455 381,771 44,624 42,217
Repairs and maintenance 234,088 102,527 123,317 20,826
Other services and charges 166,945 188,812 111,946 156,352
Insurance 36,733 1,516 36,733 17,997
Utilities 530,893 506,412 42,736 40,802
Disposal charges – – 1,544,728 1,440,332
Miscellaneous – 874 – –
Depreciation 888,449 804,126 563,826 511,909
Total operating expenses 2,983,966 2,679,154 3,281,824 2,892,003
Operating income (loss)808,355 1,288,552 340,209 378,023
Nonoperating revenues (expenses)
Intergovernmental 1,583 3,833 954 2,778
Investment income 184,077 58,716 68,827 24,562
Gain (loss) on sale of capital assets (3,000) 1,185 – 1,185
Interest expense (39,273)(42,174) (39,269) (42,174)
Miscellaneous 18,166 11,938 942 –
Total nonoperating revenues 161,553 33,498 31,454 (13,649)
Income (loss) before contributions and transfers 969,908 1,322,050 371,663 364,374
Special assessments 6,614 54,401 – –
Capital grants – – (3,734)–
Capital contributions from other funds 2,537,191 2,691,005 1,709,980 576,051
Capital contributions from developers 285,509 507,943 310,986 487,277
Transfers in 1,873,151 2,608,475 306,280 17,434
Transfers out (995,495) (1,622,445) (527,147) (1,117,033)
Change in net position 4,676,878 5,561,429 2,168,028 328,103
Net position
Beginning of year 40,677,486 35,116,057 24,213,054 23,884,951
End of year 45,354,364$ 40,677,486$ 26,381,082$ 24,213,054$
Business-Type Activities – Enterprise Funds
Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position
Proprietary Funds
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Water Sewer
(With Partial Comparative Information for the Year Ended December 31, 2018)
See notes to basic financial statements -32-
Activities –
Internal Service
2019 2018 2019 2018 Fund
–$ –$ 3,341,491$ 3,006,814$ –$
– – 3,338,696 3,558,027 –
1,060,295 987,238 1,060,295 987,238 –
– – 561,074 526,917 –
– – 153,312 137,964 –
– – 19,781 8,010 31,310
1,060,295 987,238 8,474,649 8,224,970 31,310
304,445 275,481 1,923,762 1,630,165 245,952
18,441 22,999 384,520 446,987 –
115,319 69,289 472,724 192,642 –
39,022 110,372 317,913 455,536 –
– – 73,466 19,513 –
– – 573,629 547,214 –
– – 1,544,728 1,440,332 –
– – – 874 –
134,427 121,889 1,586,702 1,437,924 –
611,654 600,030 6,877,444 6,171,187 245,952
448,641 387,208 1,597,205 2,053,783 (214,642)
387 7,291 2,924 13,902 –
37,397 7,400 290,301 90,678 21,433
– – (3,000) 2,370 –
– – (78,542) (84,348) –
12,327 (900) 31,435 11,038 –
50,111 13,791 243,118 33,640 21,433
498,752 400,999 1,840,323 2,087,423 (193,209)
– – 6,614 54,401 –
– 130,000 (3,734) 130,000 –
335,892 361,550 4,583,063 3,628,606 –
17,600 66,473 614,095 1,061,693 –
267,517 143,612 2,446,948 2,769,521 100,000
(126,760) (480,667) (1,649,402) (3,220,145) –
993,001 621,967 7,837,907 6,511,499 (93,209)
2,808,004 2,186,037 67,698,544 61,187,045 (282,354)
3,801,005$ 2,808,004$ 75,536,451$ 67,698,544$ (375,563)$
Water Quality Totals
2019 2018 2019 2018
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from customers 3,808,967$ 3,949,892$ 3,603,484$ 3,132,049$
Cash payments to suppliers (2,299,532) (965,701) (1,948,990) (1,555,323)
Cash payments to employees (750,358) (685,072) (722,460) (648,560)
Miscellaneous revenue 18,166 11,938 942 –
Net cash flows from operating
activities 777,243 2,311,057 932,976 928,166
Cash flows from noncapital financing activities
Intergovernmental revenue 1,583 3,833 954 2,778
Transfers in 1,873,151 2,608,475 306,280 17,434
Transfers (out)(995,495) (1,622,445) (527,147) (1,117,033)
Net cash flows from noncapital
financing activities 879,239 989,863 (219,913) (1,096,821)
Cash flows from capital and related financing
Special assessments 6,614 54,401 – –
Capital grants – – (3,734) –
Acquisition of capital assets (2,360,036) (1,238,425) (418,887) (726,371)
Proceeds from issuance of debt – 1,487,618 – 1,487,618
Payments on bonds payable (105,000) – (105,000) –
Proceeds from sale of capital assets – 1,185 – 1,185
Interest paid on long-term debt (78,204) (17,736) (78,200) (17,736)
Net cash flows from capital
and related financing activities (2,536,626) 287,043 (605,821) 744,696
Cash flows from investing activities
Interest received 184,077 58,716 68,827 24,562
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash
equivalents (696,067) 3,646,679 176,069 600,603
Cash and cash equivalents, January 1 6,471,431 2,824,752 1,816,230 1,215,627
Cash and cash equivalents, December 31 5,775,364$ 6,471,431$ 1,992,299$ 1,816,230$
Business-Type Activities – Enterprise Funds
Statement of Cash Flows
Proprietary Funds
Year Ended December 31, 2019
(With Partial Comparative Information for the Year Ended December 31, 2018)
Water Sewer
See notes to basic financial statements -34-
Activities –
Internal Service
2019 2018 2019 2018 Fund
1,032,454$ 993,294$ 8,444,905$ 8,075,235$ 31,456$
(236,456) (105,277) (4,484,978) (2,626,301) –
(306,773) (274,567) (1,779,591) (1,608,199) (243,445)
12,327 (900) 31,435 11,038 119
501,552 612,550 2,211,771 3,851,773 (211,870)
387 7,291 2,924 13,902 –
267,517 143,612 2,446,948 2,769,521 100,000
(126,760) (480,667) (1,649,402) (3,220,145) –
141,144 (329,764) 800,470 (436,722) 100,000
– – 6,614 54,401 –
– 130,000 (3,734) 130,000 –
(71,569) (612,177) (2,850,492) (2,576,973) –
– – – 2,975,236 –
– – (210,000) – –
– – – 2,370 –
– – (156,404) (35,472) –
(71,569) (482,177) (3,214,016) 549,562 –
37,397 7,400 290,301 90,678 21,433
608,524 (191,991) 88,526 4,055,291 (90,437)
796,256 988,247 9,083,917 5,028,626 552,803
1,404,780$ 796,256$ 9,172,443$ 9,083,917$ 462,366$
TotalsWater Quality
2019 2018 2019 2018
Reconciliation of operating income (loss) to net
cash flows from operating activities
Operating income (loss)808,355$ 1,288,552$ 340,209$ 378,023$
Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss)
to net cash flows from operating activities
Depreciation 888,449 804,126 563,826 511,909
Miscellaneous revenue 18,166 11,938 942 –
(Increase) decrease in assets
and deferred outflows of resources
Accounts receivable 28,058 (11,351) (7,348) (129,719)
Special assessments receivable (10,095) (7,262) (11,193) (8,226)
Due from other governments (1,317) (701) (8) (32)
Deferred outflows of resources – GERF 31,808 51,948 21,388 43,290
Deferred outflows of resources – OPEB 756 (3,003) 1,014 (3,003)
Increase (decrease) in liabilities
and deferred inflows of resources
Accounts and contracts payable 132,598 193,971 (43,234) 158,203
Accrued salaries and employee benefits payable 12,568 1,247 6,411 10,013
Due to other governmental agencies (1,142,016) 2,225,964 (1,672) 5,000
Deposits payable – 1,500 – –
Compensated absences payable 16,952 14,500 12,036 8,856
Net pension liability – GERF (2,252) (94,081) 46,493 (78,401)
Total OPEB Liability 27,414 6,353 20,198 6,353
Deferred inflows of resources – GERF (43,493) 31,080 (26,084) 25,900
Deferred inflows of resources – OPEB 11,292 – 9,998 –
Net cash flows from operating
activities 777,243$ 4,514,781$ 932,976$ 928,166$
Schedule of noncash activities from capital and
related financing activities
Capital assets contributed from other funds 2,537,191$ 2,691,005$ 1,709,980$ 576,051$
Capital assets contributed by developers 285,509$ 507,943$ 310,986$ 487,277$
Capital assets for due to other governments –$ 2,203,724$ –$ –$
Business-Type Activities – Enterprise Funds
Statement of Cash Flows (continued)
Proprietary Funds
Year Ended December 31, 2019
(With Partial Comparative Information for the Year Ended December 31, 2018)
See notes to basic financial statements -36-
Activities –
Internal Service
2019 2018 2019 2018 Fund
448,641$ 387,208$ 1,597,205$ 2,053,783$ (214,642)$
134,427 121,889 1,586,702 1,437,924 –
12,327 (900) 31,435 11,038 –
(15,514) 5,054 5,196 (136,016) 265
– – (21,288) (15,488) –
(12,327) 1,002 (13,652) 269 –
14,778 21,645 67,974 116,883 –
460 (1,288) 2,230 (7,294) –
79,326 (46,214) 168,690 305,960 –
3,385 1,689 22,364 12,949 –
(143,000) 143,597 (1,286,688) 2,374,561 –
– – - 1,500 –
3,407 2,395 32,395 25,751 2,507
(15,352) (39,201) 28,889 (211,683) –
7,980 2,724 55,592 15,430 –
(21,150) 12,950 (90,727) 69,930 –
4,164 – 25,454 – –
501,552$ 612,550$ 2,211,771$ 6,055,497$ (211,870)$
335,892$ 361,550$ 4,583,063$ 3,628,606$ –$
17,600$ 66,473$ 614,095$ 1,061,693$ –$
–$ –$ –$ 2,203,724$ –$
TotalsWater Quality
Notes to Basic Financial Statements
December 31, 2019
A. Organization
The City of Prior Lake, Minnesota (the City) operates under “Optional Plan B” as defined in Minnesota
Statutes. Under this plan, the government of the City is directed by a City Council composed of an elected
mayor and four elected councilmembers. The City Council exercises legislative authority and determines
all matters of policy. The City Council appoints personnel responsible for the proper administration of all
affairs relating to the City. The City has considered all potential units for which it is financially
accountable, and other organizations for which the nature and significance of their relationship with the
City are such that exclusion would cause the City’s financial statements to be misleading or incomplete.
The accounting policies of the City conform to accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America as applicable to governmental units.
B. Reporting Entity
As required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, these financial
statements include the City (the primary government) and its component units. Component units are
legally separate entities for which the primary government is financially accountable, or for which the
exclusion of the component unit would render the financial statements of the primary government
misleading. The criteria used to determine if the primary government is financially accountable for a
component unit includes whether or not the primary government appoints the voting majority of the
potential component unit’s board, is able to impose its will on the potential component unit, is in a
relationship of financial benefit or burden with the potential component unit, or is fiscally depended upon
by the potential component unit.
As a result of applying these criteria, certain organizations have been included or disclosed in this report
as follows:
Blended Component Unit – The Prior Lake Economic and Development Authority (EDA) was
created pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 469.090 through § 469.108 to carryout economic and
industrial development and redevelopment within the City in accordance with policies established by
the City Council. The five-member Board of Directors consists of two councilmembers and
three members appointed from the community by the City Council. The EDA is reported as a blended
component unit within the EDA Special Revenue Fund. Separate financial statements are not issued
for this component unit. The EDA may not exercise any of the powers enumerated by the authorizing
statutes without prior approval of the City Council.
C. Government-Wide Financial Statements
The government-wide financial statements (Statement of Net Position and Statement of Activities)
display information about the reporting government as a whole. These statements include all of the
financial activities of the City. Governmental activities, which are normally supported by taxes and
intergovernmental revenues, are reported separately from business-type activities, which significantly rely
upon sales, fees, and charges for support.
The Statement of Activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function or
segment are offset by program revenues. Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a
specific function or segment. Program revenues include: 1) charges to customers or applicants who
purchase, use, or directly benefit from goods, services, or privileges provided by a given function or
segment, 2) operating grants and contributions, and 3) capital grants and contributions, including special
assessments that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function
or segment. Taxes and other internally directed revenues are reported as general revenues.
The government-wide financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus
and the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when
a liability is incurred, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Property taxes and special
assessments are recognized as revenues in the fiscal year for which they are certified for levy. Grants and
similar items are recognized when all eligibility requirements imposed by the provider have been met.
As a general rule, the effect of interfund activity has been eliminated from the government -wide financial
statements. However, charges between the City’s enterprise funds and other functions are not eliminated,
as that would distort the direct costs and program revenues reported in those functions. The City applies
restricted resources first when an expense is incurred for which both restricted and unrestricted resources
are available. Depreciation expense is included in the direct expenses of each function. Interest on
long-term debt is considered an indirect expense and is reported separately on the Statement of Activities.
D. Fund Financial Statement Presentation
Separate fund financial statements are provided for governmental and proprietary funds. Major individual
governmental and enterprise funds are reported as separate columns in the fund financial statements.
Aggregated information for the remaining nonmajor governmental funds is reported in a single column in
the fund financial statements.
Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the current financial resources measurement
focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under this basis of accounting, transactions are
recorded in the following manner:
1. Revenue Recognition – Revenue is recognized when it becomes measurable and available.
“Measurable” means the amount of the transaction can be determined and “available” means
collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the
current period. For this purpose, the City considers revenues to be available if they are coll ected
within 60 days after year-end. Only the portion of special assessments receivable due within the
current fiscal period is considered to be susceptible to accrual as revenue of the current period.
Grants and similar items are recognized when all eligibility requirements imposed by the provider
have been met. Proceeds of long-term debt and acquisitions under capital leases are reported as
other financing sources.
Major revenue that is susceptible to accrual includes property taxes, franchise taxes, special
assessments, intergovernmental revenue, charges for services, and interest earned on investments.
Major revenue that is not susceptible to accrual includes licenses and permits, fees, and
miscellaneous revenue. Such revenue is recorded only when received because it is not measurable
until collected.
2. Recording of Expenditures – Expenditures are generally recorded when a liability is incurred,
except for principal and interest on long-term debt, compensated absences, and other long-term
liabilities which are recognized as expenditures to the extent they have matured. Capital asset
acquisitions are reported as capital outlay expenditures in the governmental funds.
Proprietary fund financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus and
the accrual basis of accounting, similar to the government-wide financial statements. Proprietary funds
distinguish operating revenues and expenses from nonoperating items. Operating revenues and expenses
generally result from providing services and producing and delivering goods in connection with a
proprietary fund’s principal ongoing operations. The principal operating revenues of the City’s enterprise
funds and internal service funds are charges to customers for sales and services . The operating expenses
for the enterprise funds and internal service funds include the cost of sales and services, administrative
expenses, and depreciation on capital assets. All revenues and expenses that do not meet this definition
are reported as nonoperating revenues and expenses.
Aggregated information for the internal service funds is reported in a single column in the proprietary
fund financial statements. Because the principal user of the internal services is the City’s governmental
activities, the financial statements of the internal service funds are consolidated into the governmental
column when presented in the government-wide financial statements. The cost of these services is
reported in the appropriate functional activity.
Description of Funds
The City reports the following major governmental funds:
General Fund – This is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial
resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund.
Debt Service Fund – This fund accounts for the resources accumulated to provide repayment of the
City’s general obligation debt.
Construction Capital Project Fund – This fund accounts for the resources accumulated and
payments made for city projects.
The City reports the following major proprietary funds:
Water Fund – This fund is used to account for the operation, maintenance, and improvement of the
City’s water system.
Sewer Fund – This fund is used to account for the operation, maintenance, and improvement of the
City’s sewer collection operations.
Water Quality Fund – This fund accounts for the costs associated with the City’s storm water
The City also reports the following fund type:
Internal Service Funds – Internal service funds account for the financing of goods and services
provided to other departments or agencies of the City on a cost-reimbursement basis. The City utilizes
a Severance Compensation Internal Service Fund and an Insurance Internal Service Fund in managing
city operations.
E. Cash and Investments
1. Deposits and Investments
The City’s cash and cash equivalents are considered to be cash on hand, demand deposits,
government securities, and short-term investments with original maturities of three months or less
from the date of acquisition.
Cash balances from all funds are combined and invested to the extent available in short-term
investments. Earnings from the pooled investments are allocated to the individual funds based on
the average monthly cash and investment balances of the respective funds.
The Minnesota Municipal Money Market (4M) Fund is a customized cash management and
investment program for Minnesota public funds. Sponsored and governed by the League of
Minnesota Cities since 1987, the 4M Fund is a unique investment alternative designed to address
the daily and long-term investment needs of Minnesota cities and other municipal entities.
Allowable under Minnesota Statutes, the 4M Fund is comprised of top quality-related
Investments are generally stated at fair value, except for investments in external investment pools,
which are stated at amortized cost. Short-term, highly liquid debt instruments (including bankers’
acceptance and U.S. treasury and agency obligations) purchased with a remaining maturity of
one year or less may also be reported at amortized cost. Investment income is accrued at the
Balance Sheet date.
Cash held in escrow includes balances held in escrow accounts for future capital projects from
energy loan proceeds. Earnings on these accounts are allocated directly to those funds.
The City categorizes its fair value measurements within the fair value hierarchy established by
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The hi erarchy is based
on the valuation inputs used to measure the fair value of the asset. Level 1 inputs are quoted
prices in active markets for identical assets; Level 2 inputs are significant other observable inputs;
and Level 3 inputs are significant unobservable inputs.
Debt securities classified in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy are valued using a matrix pricing
technique. Matrix pricing is used to value securities based on the securities’ relationship to
benchmark quoted prices.
See Note 2 for the City’s recurring fair value measurements as of year-end.
2. Investment Policy
The City’s investment policy contains the following restrictions:
a) Allowable Investments
The City may invest in any type of security allowed by Minnesota Statutes and may be
amended from time to time. The City has chosen to limit its allowable investments to those
instruments listed below:
1) Bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness, treasury bills, or other securities now or
hereafter issued by the United States of America, its agencies and allowable
2) Interest-bearing checking and savings accounts, or any other investments constituting
direct obligations of any bank.
3) Certificates of deposit at state and federally-chartered institutions that are limited to
the amount of coverage provided by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
4) Money market accounts that are invested in the above referenced government
5) State and local securities, which have at the time of investment one of the
three highest credit ratings by a nationally recognized rating agency.
6) Investments may be made only in those savings banks or savings and loan
associations the shares, or investment certificates, of which are insured by the FDIC.
7) Investment products that are considered as derivatives are specifically excluded from
approved investments.
b) Diversification
It is the policy of the City to diversify its investment portfolio . Investments shall be
diversified to eliminate the risk of loss resulting in over concentration in a specific maturity,
issuers, or class of securities. Diversification strategies shall be determined and revised
periodically by the City’s finance director. The diversification shall be as follows:
1) Up to 100 percent of 2. a) 1), but not less than 10 percent
2) Up to 90 percent of 2. a) 2) and 2. a) 3)
3) Up to 20 percent of 2. a) 4)
4) Up to 20 percent of 2. a) 5)
c) Duration
It is the policy of the City to require that all investment maturities shall not extend beyond
10 years with no more than 20 percent maturing beyond 5 years. Subject to market conditions
and cash flow requirements, it is desirable for the City’s investments to be laddered over time
in an effort to reduce interest rate market risk.
F. Receivables
Accounts receivable include amounts billed for services provided before year-end. The City annually
certifies delinquent water and sewer accounts to the county for collection in the following year.
Therefore, there has been no allowance for doubtful accounts established.
G. Property Taxes
Property tax levies are set by the City Council in December of each year and are certified to Scott County
for collection in the following year. In Minnesota, counties act as collection agents for all property taxes.
The county spreads all levies over taxable property. Such taxes become a lien on January 1 and are
recorded as receivables by the City on that date. Real property taxes may be paid by taxpayers in two
equal installments on May 15 and October 15. Personal property taxes are due in full on May 15. The
county provides tax settlements to cities and other taxing districts three times a year; in July, December,
and January. Taxes which remain unpaid on December 31 are classified as delinquent taxes receivable.
H. Special Assessments
Special assessments represent the financing for public improvements paid for by benefiting property
owners. These assessments are recorded as delinquent (levied but unremitted) or deferred (certified but
not yet levied), or other (Green Acres) special assessments receivable. Deferred contingent special
assessments represent assessments on undeveloped property that will not be levied and collected until the
properties are subdivided or developed.
I. Interfund Receivables and Payables
In the fund financial statements, activity between funds that is representative of lending or borrowing
arrangements is reported as either “due to/from other funds” (current portion) or “advances to/from other
funds.” All other outstanding balances between funds are reported as “due to/from other funds.” Any
residual balances outstanding between the governmental activities and business-type activities are
reported in the government-wide financial statements as “internal balances.”
J. Capital Assets
Capital assets, which include property, buildings, improvements, equipment, infrastructure assets (roads,
bridges, sidewalks, and similar items), and intangible assets such as water access agreements and
easements, are reported in the applicable governmental or business-type activities columns in the
government-wide financial statements. Such assets are capitalized at historical cost, or estimated
historical cost for assets where actual historical cost is not available. Donated assets are recorded as
capital assets at their estimated acquisition value on the date of donation. The City defines capital assets
as those with an initial, individual cost of $5,000 or more with an estimated useful life in excess of one
year. The cost of normal maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or materially
extend asset lives are not capitalized.
In the case of initial capitalization of general infrastructure assets (i.e., those reported by governmental
activities) the City chose to include items dating back to June 30, 1980. The City was able to estimate the
historical cost for the initial reporting of these assets through back-trending (i.e., estimating the current
replacement cost of the infrastructure to be capitalized and using an appropriate price-level index to
deflate the cost to the acquisition year or estimated acquisition year).
Capital assets are recorded in the government-wide and proprietary fund financial statements, but are not
reported in the governmental fund financial statements. Interest incurred during the construction phase of
capital assets for business-type activities is included as part of the capitalized value of the assets
constructed. Property, plant, and equipment of the City are depreciated using the straight-line method
over the following estimated useful lives:
Useful Lives
Assets in Years
Land improvements 5–20
Machinery and equipment 5–30
Vehicles 8–25
Infrastructure 10–65
Land, water access agreements, easements, and construction in progress are not depreciated.
K. Compensated Absences
It is the City’s policy to permit employees to accumulate earned but unused vacation and sick leave. Upon
separation, unused vacation and 50 percent of sick pay are paid to the employee if employed longer than
five years. The majority of separation benefits are paid into a retirement health savings plan.
The City has provided funding for these obligations in the Severance Compensation Internal Service Fund
and enterprise funds.
L. Long-Term Liabilities
In the government-wide and proprietary fund financial statements, long-term debt and other long-term
obligations are reported as liabilities. Bond premiums and discounts are deferred and amortized over the
life of the bonds using the straight-line method.
In the fund financial statements, governmental fund types recognize bond premiums and discounts, as
well as bond issuance costs, during the current period. The face amount of debt issued is reported as other
financing sources. Premiums received on debt issuances are reported as other financing sources , while
discounts on debt issuances are reported as other financing uses.
M. Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB)
Under Minnesota Statutes § 471.61, Subd. 2b, public employers must allow retirees and their dependents
to continue coverage indefinitely in an employer-sponsored healthcare plan, under the following
conditions: 1) retirees must be receiving (or be eligible to receive) an annuity from a Minnesota public
pension plan; 2) coverage must continue in a group plan until age 65, and retirees must pay no more than
the group premium; and 3) retirees may obtain dependent coverage immediately before retirement. All
premiums are funded on a pay-as-you-go basis.
N. State-Wide Pension Plans
For purposes of measuring the net pension liability, deferred outflows/inflows of resourc es, and pension
expense, information about the fiduciary net position of the Public Employees Retirement Association
(PERA) and additions to/deductions from the PERA’s fiduciary net position have been determined on the
same basis as they are reported by the PERA except that the PERA’s fiscal year-end is June 30. For this
purpose, plan contributions are recognized as of employer payroll paid dates and benefit payments and
refunds are recognized when due and payable in accordance with the benefit terms. Investments are
reported at fair value.
The PERA has a special funding situation created by a direct aid contribution made by the state of
Minnesota. The direct aid is a result of the merger of the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund into
the PERA on January 1, 2015.
O. Deferred Outflows/Inflows of Resources
In addition to assets and liabilities, statements of financial position, or balance sheets, will sometimes
report a separate section for deferred outflows and deferred inflows of resources. These separate financial
statement elements represent a consumption or acquisition of net position that applies to future periods
and so will not be recognized as an outflow of resources (expense/expenditure) or an inflow of financial
resources until then.
The City reports deferred outflows and inflows of resources related to pensions and other
post-employment benefits (OPEB) in the government-wide and enterprise funds Statement of Net
Position. These deferred outflows and inflows result from differences between expected and actual
experience, changes in proportion, changes of assumptions, difference between projected and actual
earnings on pension plan investments, and from contributions to the plan subsequent to the measurement
date and before the end of the reporting period. These amounts are deferred and amortized as required
under pension and OPEB standards.
Unavailable revenue, arises only under a modified accrual basis of accounting and, therefore, is only
reported in the governmental funds Balance Sheet. The governmental funds report unavailable revenue
from two sources: property taxes and special assessments. These amounts are deferred and recognized as
an inflow of resources in the period that the amounts become available.
P. Net Position
In the government-wide and proprietary fund financial statements, net position represents the difference
between assets, deferred outflows of resources, liabilities, and deferred inflows of resources. Net position
is displayed in three components:
• Net Investment in Capital Assets – Consists of capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation,
reduced by any outstanding debt attributable to acquire capital assets.
• Restricted Net Position – Consists of net position restricted when there are limitations imposed
on their use through external restrictions imposed by creditors, grantors, or laws or regulations of
other governments.
• Unrestricted Net Position – All other elements of net position that do not meet the definition of
“restricted” or “net investment in capital assets.”
Q. Fund Balance Classifications
In the fund financial statements, governmental funds report fund balance in classifications that disclose
constraints for which amounts in those funds can be spent. These classifications are as follows:
• Nonspendable – Consists of amounts that are not in spendable form, such as prepaid items,
inventory, and other long-term assets.
• Restricted – Consists of amounts related to externally imposed constraints established by
creditors, grantors, or contributors; or constraints imposed by state statutory provisions.
• Committed – Consists of internally imposed constraints that are established by resolution of the
City Council. Those committed amounts cannot be used for any other purpose unless the City
Council removes or changes the specified use by taking the same type of action it employed to
previously commit those amounts.
• Assigned – Consists of internally imposed constraints. These constraints consist of amounts
intended to be used by the City for specific purposes but do not meet the criteria to be classified
as restricted or committed. In governmental funds, assigned amounts represent intended uses
established by the governing body itself or by an official to which the governing body delegates
the authority. Pursuant to City Council resolution, the finance director is authorized to establish
assignments of fund balance.
• Unassigned – The residual classification for the General Fund, which also reflects negative
residual amounts in other funds.
When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the City’s policy to first use
restricted resources, then use unrestricted resources as they are needed. When committed, assigned, or
unassigned resources are available for use, it is the City’s policy to use resources in the following
order: 1) committed, 2) assigned, and 3) unassigned.
R. Comparative Data
The basic financial statements include certain prior year partial comparative information in total, but not
at the level of detail required for a presentation in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America. Accordingly, such information should be read in conjunction
with the City’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2018, from which the summarized
information was derived. Also, certain amounts presented in the prior year data have b een reclassified in
order to be consistent with the current year’s presentation.
S. Budgets and Budgetary Accounting
Annual budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States of America for the General Fund. All annual appropriations lapse at year-end. The City
does not use encumbrance accounting.
In June of each year, all departments of the City submit requests for appropriations to the finance director
so that a budget may be prepared. In September, the proposed budget is presented to the City Council for
review. The City Council holds public hearings and a final budget is prepared and adopted in early
The appropriated budget is prepared by fund, function, and department. The City’s department heads may
make transfers of appropriations within a department. Transfers of appropriations between departments
require the approval of the city manager. The legal level of budgetary control is the fund level.
T. Statement of Cash Flows
For purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, the City considers all highly liquid debt instruments with an
original maturity from the time of purchase by the City of three months or less to be cash equivalents. The
proprietary funds’ portion in the government-wide cash and investment management pool is considered to
be cash equivalent.
U. Risk Management
The City is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts: theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets;
errors and omissions; and natural disasters. The City participates in the League of Minnesota Cities
Insurance Trust (LMCIT), a public entity risk pool for its general property and casualty, workers’
compensation, and other miscellaneous insurance coverages. The LMCIT operates as a common risk
management and insurance program for a large number of cities in Minnesota. The City pays an annual
premium to the LMCIT for insurance coverage. The LMCIT agreement provides that the trust will be
self-sustaining through member premiums and will reinsure through commercial companies for claims in
excess of certain limits. Settled claims did not exceed insurance coverage in the past three fiscal years.
There were no significant reductions in insurance coverage in the current year.
V. Restricted Assets
Restricted assets are cash, investments, and interest accrued thereon; the use of which is limited by
external requirements, such as a bond indenture or trust agreements.
W. Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in
the United States of America, requires management to make estimates and assum ptions that affect
amounts reported in the financial statements during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from
those estimates.
A. Components of Cash and Investments
Cash and investments at year-end consist of the following:
Deposits 866,640$
Investments 38,203,587
Cash on hand 850
Total 39,071,077$
Cash and investments are presented in the financial statements as follows:
Statement of Net Position
Cash and investments 39,046,077$
Restricted assets – temporarily restricted –
cash and investments held in escrow 25,000
Total 39,071,077$
B. Deposits
In accordance with applicable Minnesota Statutes, the City maintains deposits at depository banks
authorized by the City Council, including checking accounts and certificates of deposit.
The following is considered the most significant risk associated with deposits:
Custodial Credit Risk – In the case of deposits, this is the risk that in the event of a bank failure, the
City’s deposits may be lost.
Minnesota Statutes require that all deposits be protected by federal deposit insurance, corporate surety
bond, or collateral. The market value of collateral pledged must equal 110 percent of the deposits not
covered by federal deposit insurance or corporate surety bonds. Authorized collateral includes
treasury bills, notes, and bonds; issues of U.S. government agencies; general obligations rated “A” or
better; revenue obligations rated “AA” or better; irrevocable standard letters of credit issued by the
Federal Home Loan Bank; and certificates of deposit. Minnesota Statutes require that securities
pledged as collateral be held in safekeeping in a restricted account at the Federal Reserve Bank or in
an account at a trust department of a commercial bank or other financial institution that is not owned
or controlled by the financial institution furnishing the collateral. The City has no additional deposit
policies addressing custodial credit risk.
At year-end, the carrying amount of the City’s deposits was $866,640, while the balance on the bank
records was $1,153,704. At December 31, 2019, all deposits were fully covered by federal deposit
insurance, surety bonds, or by collateral held by the City’s agent in the City’s name.
C. Investments
The City has the following investments at year-end:
Fair Value
Investment Type Rating Agency Measurement Less Than 1 1 to 5 Total
U.S. agency securities AA S&P Level 2 1,796,390$ 1,150,115$ 2,946,505$
Local government securities AAA S&P Level 2 545,288 692,697 1,237,985
Local government securities AAA Moody’s Level 2 – 263,097 263,097
Local government securities AA S&P Level 2 989,318 3,067,993 4,057,311
Local government securities AA Moody’s Level 2 – 992,231 992,231
Local government securities A S&P Level 2 – 543,336 543,336
Negotiable certificates of deposit N/R N/A Level 2 2,263,991 13,636,651 15,900,642
5,594,987$ 20,346,120$ 25,941,107
Investment pools/mutual funds
4M Fund N/R N/A Amortized Cost 7,959,253
Federated Trust AAA S&P Amortized Cost 242,858
Western Asset Institutional AAA S&P Amortized Cost 3,998,353
U.S. Government Money Market Fund AAA S&P Amortized Cost 62,016
Total investment pools/mutual funds 12,262,480
Total investments 38,203,587$
N/A – Not Applicable
N/R – Not Rated
Credit Risk
Interest Risk –
Segmented Time Distribution in Years
The City’s investments include investment pools managed by the 4M Fund, which is an external
investment pool regulated by Minnesota Statutes and is not registered with the Securities an d Exchange
Commission. The City’s investments in this investment pool are measured at the net asset value per share
provided by the pools, which are based on amortized cost methods that approximate fair value. There are
no restrictions or limitations on withdrawals from the 4M Fund. The 4M Fund term series portfolios are
intended to be held until maturity; a participant’s withdrawal prior to maturity will require seven-days’
notice of redemption and will likely carry a penalty, which could be substantial in that it would be
intended to allow the term series portfolio to recoup any associated penalties, charges, losses, or other
costs associated with the early redemption of the investments therein.
Investments are subject to various risks, the following of which are considered the most significant:
Custodial Credit Risk – For investments, this is the risk that in the event of a failure of the
counterparty to an investment transaction (typically a broker-dealer) the City would not be able to
recover the value of its investments or collateral securities that are in the possession of an outside
party. The City does not have a formal investment policy addressing this risk, but typically limits its
exposure by purchasing insured or registered investments, or by the control of who holds the
Credit Risk – This is the risk that an issuer or other counterparty to an investment will not fulfill its
obligations. Minnesota Statutes limit the City’s investments to direct obligations or obligations
guaranteed by the United States or its agencies; shares of investment companies registered under the
Federal Investment Company Act of 1940 that receive the highest credit rating, are rated in one of the
two highest rating categories by a statistical rating agency, and all of the investments have a final
maturity of 13 months or less; general obligations rated “A” or better; revenue obligations rated “AA”
or better; general obligations of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency rated “A” or better; bankers’
acceptances of United States banks eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System; commercial
paper issued by United States corporations or their Canadian subsidiaries, rated of the highest quality
category by at least two nationally recognized rating agencies, and maturing in 270 days or less;
Guaranteed Investment Contracts guaranteed by a United States commercial bank, domestic branch of
a foreign bank, or a United States insurance company, and with a credit quality in one of the top two
highest categories; repurchase or reverse purchase agreements and securities lending agreements with
financial institutions qualified as a “depository” by the government entity, with banks that are
members of the Federal Reserve System with capitalization exceeding $10,000,000; that are a
primary reporting dealer in U.S. government securities to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; or
certain Minnesota securities broker-dealers. The City’s investment policy as described in Note 1
addresses credit risk.
Concentration Risk – This is the risk associated with investing a significant portion of the City’s
investment (considered 5.0 percent or more) in the securities of a single issuer, excluding
U.S. guaranteed investments (such as treasuries), investment pools, and mutual funds. The City’s
investment policy as described in Note 1, addresses concentration risk.
Interest Rate Risk – This is the risk of potential variability in the fair value of fixed rate investments
resulting from changes in interest rates (the longer the period for which an interest rate is fixed, the
greater the risk). The City has an investment policy as described in Note 1, which addresses interest
rate risk.
Capital asset activity for the year ended December 31, 2019 was as follows:
A. Changes in Capital Assets Used in Governmental Activities
Beginning and Completed
of Year Additions Deletions Construction End of Year
Capital assets, not depreciated
Land 32,221,249$ 1,048,502$ –$ –$ 33,269,751$
Easements 47,095,500 1,077,910 – – 48,173,410
Construction in progress 10,682,758 6,981,773 – (13,844,101) 3,820,430
Total capital assets, not depreciated 89,999,507 9,108,185 – (13,844,101) 85,263,591
Capital assets, depreciated
Land improvements 2,774,127 58,001 – – 2,832,128
Machinery and equipment 7,086,794 478,228 (137,120) (67,140) 7,360,762
Vehicles 6,137,511 531,289 (335,086) 631,227 6,964,941
Infrastructure 107,310,589 1,839,582 – 8,696,951 117,847,122
Total capital assets, depreciated 123,309,021 2,907,100 (472,206) 9,261,038 135,004,953
Less accumulated depreciation on
Land improvements (1,694,437) (69,949) – – (1,764,386)
Machinery and equipment (4,279,781) (390,382) 107,164 – (4,562,999)
Vehicles (4,429,480) (418,257) 330,812 – (4,516,925)
Infrastructure (53,647,168) (3,619,250) – – (57,266,418)
Total accumulated depreciation (64,050,866) (4,497,838) 437,976 – (68,110,728)
Net capital assets, depreciated 59,258,155 (1,590,738) (34,230) 9,261,038 66,894,225
Total capital assets, net 149,257,662$ 7,517,447$ (34,230)$ (4,583,063)$ 152,157,816$
B. Changes in Capital Assets Used in Business-Type Activities
Beginning and Completed
of Year Additions Deletions Construction End of Year
Capital assets, not depreciated
Utility access agreements 1,492,167$ 1,007,803$ –$ –$ 2,499,970$
Easements 218,912 – – – 218,912
Construction in progress 1,283,621 1,825,513 – (3,106,064) 3,070
Total capital assets, not depreciated 2,994,700 2,833,316 – (3,106,064) 2,721,952
Capital assets, depreciated
Land improvements 87,739 – – – 87,739
Machinery and equipment 1,694,380 – (13,101) (304,972) 1,376,307
Vehicles 93,100 – – 372,113 465,213
Infrastructure 78,392,046 631,271 – 7,621,986 86,645,303
Total capital assets, depreciated 80,267,265 631,271 (13,101) 7,689,127 88,574,562
Less accumulated depreciation on
Land improvements (39,384) (4,387) – – (43,771)
Machinery and equipment (758,848) (61,937) 10,101 – (810,684)
Vehicles (88,107) (16,776) – – (104,883)
Infrastructure (17,703,006) (1,503,602) – – (19,206,608)
Total accumulated depreciation (18,589,345) (1,586,702) 10,101 – (20,165,946)
Net capital assets, depreciated 61,677,920 (955,431) (3,000) 7,689,127 68,408,616
Total capital assets, net 64,672,620$ 1,877,885$ (3,000)$ 4,583,063$ 71,130,568$
C. Depreciation Expense by Function
Depreciation expense for the year ended December 31, 2019 was charged to the following functions:
Governmental activities
General government 534,731$
Public safety 214,520
Public works 3,312,563
Culture and recreation 436,024
Total depreciation expense – governmental activities 4,497,838$
Business-type activities
Water 888,449$
Sewer 563,826
Water quality 134,427
Total depreciation expense – business-type activities 1,586,702$
A schedule of interfund transfers is as follows:
Transfers Out General Debt Service Construction Nonmajor Severance Water Sewer Water Quality Total
Governmental funds
General –$ 234,769$ –$ –$ 100,000$ –$ –$ –$ 334,769$
Debt Service – 148,164 – – – – – – 148,164
Construction – 200,518 – – – 129,867 306,280 267,517 904,182
Nonmajor – 216,365 – – – 1,743,284 – – 1,959,649
Proprietary funds
Water 196,220 545,275 100,000 154,000 – – – – 995,495
Sewer 196,220 – 250,000 80,927 – – – – 527,147
Water Quality 63,860 – 42,900 20,000 – – – – 126,760
456,300$ 1,345,091$ 392,900$ 254,927$ 100,000$ 1,873,151$ 306,280$ 267,517$ 4,996,166$
Transfer In
Governmental Funds ProprietaryFunds
Transfers are used to move revenues from the funds in which they are collected to the funds where they
are to be spent in accordance with statutory, budgetary, or contractual requirements.
A. Components of Long-Term Debt
Final Balance –
Original Issue Interest Rate Issue Date Maturity Date End of Year
Governmental activities
General obligation bonds
Fire Hall Refunding Bonds 2011B 3,500,000$ 2.00–3.40%12/14/2011 12/15/2031 2,820,000$
Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds 2012A 9,825,000$ 2.00–2.70%03/13/2012 12/15/2029 6,440,000
Street Reconstruction Bonds of 2015B 2,330,000$ 1.00–2.25%05/14/2015 12/15/2022 900,000
Street Reconstruction Bonds of 2016A 760,000$ 2.00%05/01/2016 12/15/2026 490,000
Improvement Bonds 2017A 370,000$ 2.00–2.25%06/29/2017 12/15/2027 275,000
Improvement Bonds 2018A 1,165,000$ 4.00–5.00%08/15/2018 12/15/2028 1,045,000
Improvement Bonds 2019A 215,000$ 5.00%06/27/2019 12/15/2028 215,000
Total general obligation bonds 12,185,000
General obligation special assessment bonds
Improvement Bonds of 2010A 1,235,000$ 0.80–3.20%05/26/2010 12/15/2020 130,000
Improvement Bonds of 2011A 2,130,000$ 1.80–2.50%08/31/2011 12/15/2021 445,000
Improvement Bonds of 2011B 2,280,000$ 2.00–2.35%12/14/2011 12/15/2022 730,000
Improvement Bonds of 2013A 3,240,000$ 2.00–2.65%08/15/2013 12/15/2023 1,290,000
Improvement Bonds of 2014A 2,665,000$ 2.00–2.50%09/25/2014 12/15/2024 1,170,000
Improvement Bonds of 2015A 4,640,000$ 2.00–3.00%05/14/2015 12/15/2030 4,640,000
Improvement Bonds of 2015B 160,000$ 1.00–2.25%05/14/2015 12/15/2022 75,000
Improvement Bonds of 2016A 1,105,000$ 2.00%05/01/2016 12/15/2026 770,000
Improvement Bonds of 2017A 4,135,000$ 2.00–2.25%06/29/2017 12/15/2024 3,330,000
Improvement Bonds of 2018A 4,465,000$ 4.00–5.00%08/15/2018 12/15/2028 4,035,000
Improvement Bonds of 2019A 1,850,000$ 5.00%06/27/2019 12/15/2028 1,850,000
Total general obligation special
assessment bonds 18,465,000
Tax increment bonds
Tax Increment Refunding Bonds of 2011A 290,000$ 1.80–3.00%08/31/2011 12/15/2024 135,000
General obligation revenue bonds
General Obligation Improvement
Bonds of 2015A 5,360,000$ 1.00–3.00%05/14/2015 12/15/2031 5,210,000
General Obligation Improvement
Bonds of 2016A 1,640,000$ 2.00%05/01/2016 12/15/2022 1,035,000
Total general obligation revenue bonds 6,245,000
Premium (discount) on bonds payable 1,430,714
Energy loan payable 2,667,924$ 2.12%12/08/2014 06/19/2025 1,552,924
Compensated absences payable 841,031
Total governmental activity long-term liabilities 40,854,669
Business-type activiies
General obligation revenue bonds
General Obligation Improvement
Bonds of 2018A 2,640,000$ 4.00–5.00%08/15/2018 12/15/2028 2,430,000
Premium (discount) on bonds payable 301,712
Compensated absences payable 200,014
Total business-type activity long-term liabilities 2,931,726
Total government-wide long-term liabilities 43,786,395$
B. Changes in Long-Term Debt
Balance –
Beginning Balance –Due Within
of Year Additions Deletions End of Year One Year
Governmental activities
Bonds payable
G.O. bonds 13,200,000$ 215,000$ 1,230,000$ 12,185,000$ 1,155,000$
G.O. special assessment bonds 18,905,000 1,850,000 2,290,000 18,465,000 2,350,000
G.O. tax increment bonds 160,000 – 25,000 135,000 25,000
G.O. revenue bonds 6,630,000 – 385,000 6,245,000 400,000
Premium (discount) on bonds payable 1,199,452 368,566 137,304 1,430,714 –
Total bonds payable, net of premium (discount)40,094,452 2,433,566 4,067,304 38,460,714 3,930,000
Energy loan payable 1,816,436 – 263,512 1,552,924 269,126
Compensated absences payable 838,524 102,945 100,438 841,031 362,282
Governmental activities long-term liabilities 42,749,412$ 2,536,511$ 4,431,254$ 40,854,669$ 4,561,408$
Business-type activities
Bonds payable
G.O. revenue bonds 2,640,000$ –$ 210,000$ 2,430,000$ 240,000$
Premium (discount) on bonds payable 335,236 – 33,524 301,712 –
Total bonds payable, net of premium (discount)2,975,236 – 243,524 2,731,712 240,000
Compensated absences payable 167,619 32,395 – 200,014 66,390
Business-type activities long-term liabilities 3,142,855$ 32,395$ 243,524$ 2,931,726$ 306,390$
C. Minimum Debt Payments
Minimum annual principal and interest payments required to retire long-term debt are as follows:
Year Ending
December 31,Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest Principal Interest
2020 1,155,000$ 326,110$ 2,350,000$ 603,412$ 25,000$ 3,763$ 400,000$ 153,325$ 269,126$ 31,488$ 240,000$ 108,900$
2021 1,290,000 295,048 2,265,000 488,202 25,000 3,175 420,000 145,700 274,859 25,755 240,000 99,300
2022 1,450,000 265,808 2,070,000 433,038 25,000 2,550 440,000 137,675 280,714 19,900 250,000 89,700
2023 1,080,000 232,316 2,165,000 373,318 30,000 1,800 480,000 129,250 286,693 13,920 260,000 79,700
2024 1,070,000 206,591 1,950,000 310,363 30,000 900 495,000 119,650 292,801 7,813 270,000 69,300
2025–2029 5,525,000 584,720 7,095,000 738,939 – – 2,755,000 423,200 148,731 1,576 1,170,000 150,500
2030–2031 615,000 31,620 570,000 17,100 – – 1,255,000 56,850 – – – –
12,185,000$ 1,942,213$ 18,465,000$ 2,964,372$ 135,000$ 12,188$ 6,245,000$ 1,165,650$ 1,552,924$ 100,452$ 2,430,000$ 597,400$
G.O. Revenue Bonds
Business-Type Activities
Energy Loan Payable
Governmental Activities
General Obligation G.O. Special Assessment G.O. Tax Increment Bonds G.O. Revenue Bonds
D. Other Long-Term Liabilities
The City offers a number of benefits to its employees, including severance benefits payable and
compensated absences payable. The details of these various benefit liabilities are discussed elsewhere in
these notes. Such benefits are financed primarily from the General, Enterprise Funds, and Internal Service
E. Descriptions and Restrictions of Long-Term Debt
General Obligation Bonds – The City issues general obligation bonds to provide funds for the
acquisition and construction of major capital facilities. They will be repaid with ad valorem taxes.
General obligation bonds have been issued for general government activities . In addition, general
obligation bonds have been issued to refund bond issues. General obligation bonds are direct obligations
and pledge the full faith and credit of the City. The capital improvement plan bonds were issued on behalf
of the City by Scott County for the City’s share of the County Road 82 improvement.
General Obligation Special Assessment Bonds – Special assessment bonds were issued to finance
various improvements and will be repaid primarily from special assessments levied on the properties
benefiting from the improvements. Some issues, however, are partly financed by ad valorem tax levies.
All special assessment debt is backed by full faith and credit of the City.
General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds – These bonds were issued for downtown redevelopment
projects. The additional tax increments resulting from increased tax capacity of the redeveloped properties
will be used to retire related debt.
General Obligation Revenue Bonds – These bonds were used to finance maintenance and building
improvements. They will be repaid with ad valorem taxes and revenue from the utilities . The bonds are
backed by the full faith and credit of the City.
Compensated Absences – This liability represents vested benefits earned by employees through the end
of the year, which will be paid at termination of employment in future years. The Internal Service Fund
and enterprise funds will be used to liquidate this liability.
Energy Loan Payable – In 2014, the City entered into an energy loan payable for the purpose of
furnishing certain equipment and work designed to reduce energy consumption and operational costs in
the City. In this energy loan payable agreement, the provider guarantees a minimum level of energy and
operational savings in the City. Payments on the loan will be made semiannually in the amount of
$150,307 commencing December 19, 2015 and each June and December 19 thereafter, until final
payment is made on June 19, 2025.
If the City fails to make loan payments specified in this agreement or otherwise defaults on the loan, the
lender may declare the loan fully due and payable, take possession of the equipment identified in this
agreement without terminating the agreement, exclude the City from possession of the equipment and
attempt to sell the equipment identified in the loan, or take legal actions to force the City to comply with
the terms of the loan.
F. Conduit Debt Obligations
Conduit debt obligations are certain limited-obligation revenue bonds or similar instruments issued for the
express purpose of providing capital financing for a specific third party . The City has issued revenue
bonds to provide funding to private sector entities for projects deemed to be in the public interest.
Although these bonds bear the name of the City, the City has no obligation for such debt . Accordingly,
the bonds are not reported as liabilities in the financial statements of the City. The aggregate amount of all
conduit debt outstanding at December 31, 2019 is $4,656,853
G. Revenue Pledged
Future revenue pledged for the payment of long-term debt is as follows:
Percent of Remaining Principal Pledged
Use of Total Term of Principal and Interest Revenue
Bond Issue Proceeds Type Debt Service Pledge and Interest Paid Received
Tax Increment Refunding Street and site Tax increment 100%2011–2024 147,188$ 29,300$ 138,571$
Bonds of 2011A improvements financing
General Obligation Partial refunding Utility charges 100%2015–2031 6,333,450$ 208,375$ 3,792,321$
Bonds of 2015A
General Obligation Partial refunding Utility charges 100%2016–2022 1,077,200$ 336,800$ 3,792,321$
Bonds of 2016A
General Obligation Water and sewer Utility charges 100%2018–2028 3,027,400$ 366,404$ 7,414,354$
Bonds of 2018A improvements
Revenue Pledged Current Year
H. Legal Debt Margin
The City’s statutory debt limit is equal to 3 percent of estimated taxable market value of property located
within the City. The taxable market value totals $3,447,986,900, which calculates to a debt limit of
$103,439,607. Debt financed partially or entirely by special assessments, tax increments, and other
revenue sources, is not applied against the City’s debt limit, nor is debt financed by proprietary fund
revenues. Currently, the City has $12,185,000 of general obligation debt outstanding, leaving a debt
margin of $91,254,607.
A. Classifications
At December 31, 2019, a summary of the City’s governmental fund balance classifications are as follows:
Debt Construction Nonmajor
General Fund Service Fund Fund Funds Total
Future debt service –$ 3,003,467$ –$ –$ 3,003,467$
Economic development – – – 178,317 178,317
Tax increment – – – 764,021 764,021
Forfeiture sales – – – 142,356 142,356
Total restricted – 3,003,467 – 1,084,694 4,088,161
Subsequent year’s budget 324,712 – – – 324,712
Capital improvements – – 261,269 10,106,731 10,368,000
Development – – – 527,756 527,756
Communications – – – 75,166 75,166
Total assigned 324,712 – 261,269 10,709,653 11,295,634
Unassigned 7,578,463 – – – 7,578,463
Total 7,903,175$ 3,003,467$ 261,269$ 11,794,347$ 22,962,258$
B. Minimum Unrestricted Fund Balance Policy
The City Council has formally adopted a fund balance policy regarding the minimum unrestricted fund
balance for the General Fund. The policy establishes that the City will strive to maintain an unrestricted
General Fund balance (which includes committed, assigned, and unassigned classifications) between
40.0 and 50.0 percent of the subsequent year’s General Fund budgeted expenditures. At December 31,
2019, the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund was 53.9 percent of the subsequent year’s
budgeted expenditures and transfers out.
The City Council may consider the judicious use of reserve balances in the following situations:
• to fund an expenditure of long-term benefit or legacy to the community
• to fund a one-time (nonrecurring) expenditure or grant matching opportunity
• to fund a one-time unplanned revenue shortfall
• to fund an unplanned expenditure due to an emergency or disaster
• to moderate property taxes
• to retire existing debt
• to fund policy shifts by other governmental entities having a negative impact on the City
• to provide catch-up funding for long-term obligations not previously recognized
In no case will the unrestricted balance be allowed to fall below 40 percent.
In the event that the year-end unrestricted balance is projected to be less than the target level , due to the
use of unrestricted balances for purposes identified above, a plan must be presented to the City Council at
the time the unrestricted funds are appropriated that will reestablish the target level within 24 to
36 months.
If restoration of the unrestricted balance cannot be accomplished within such period without severe
hardship to the City, then the City Council will establish a different time period.
A. Plan Description
City employees participate in two state-wide cost-sharing, multi-employer defined benefit pension plans
administered by the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) of Minnesota, including the
General Employees Retirement Fund (GERF) and the Public Employees Police and Fire Fund (PEPFF).
The PERA’s defined benefit pension plans are established and administered in accordance with
Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 353 and 356. The PERA’s defined benefit pension plans are tax-qualified
plans under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The following is a summary of the net pension liabilities, deferred outflows and inflows of resources, and
pension expense reported for these plans as of and for the year ended December 31, 2019:
Net Deferred Deferred
Pension Outflows of Inflows of Pension
Pension Plans Liabilities Resources Resources Expense
GERF 3,754,038$ 397,165$ 788,502$ 421,621$
PEPFF 2,734,960 2,669,654 3,806,029 447,147
Total 6,488,998$ 3,066,819$ 4,594,531$ 868,768$
1. General Employees Retirement Fund (GERF)
All full-time and certain part-time employees of the City are covered by the GERF. The GERF
members belong to the Coordinated Plan. Coordinated Plan members are covered by Social
2. Public Employees Police and Fire Fund (PEPFF)
The PEPFF, originally established for police officers and firefighters not covered by a local relief
association, now covers all police officers and firefighters hired since 1980. Effective July 1,
1999, the PEPFF also covers police officers and firefighters belonging to local relief associations
that elected to merge with and transfer assets and administration to the PERA.
B. Benefits Provided
The PERA provides retirement, disability, and death benefits. Benefit provisions are established by state
statutes and can only be modified by the State Legislature. Vested, terminated employees who are entitled
to benefits but are not receiving them yet, are bound by the provisions in effect at the time they last
terminated their public service.
1. GERF Benefits
Benefits are based on a member’s highest average salary for any five success ive years of
allowable service, age, and years of credit at termination of service. Two methods are used to
compute benefits for the PERA’s Coordinated Plan members. Members hired prior to July 1,
1989, receive the higher of Method 1 or Method 2 formulas. Only Method 2 is used for members
hired after June 30, 1989. Under Method 1, the accrual rate for Coordinated Plan members is
1.2 percent of average salary for each of the first 10 years of service, and 1.7 percent of average
salary for each additional year. Under Method 2, the accrual rate for Coordinated Plan members
is 1.7 percent of average salary for all years of service. For members hired prior to July 1, 1989, a
full annuity is available when age plus years of service equal 90, and normal retirement age is 65.
For members hired on or after July 1, 1989, normal retirement age is the age for unreduced Social
Security benefits capped at age 66.
Annuities, disability benefits, and survivor benefits are increased effective every January 1.
Beginning January 1, 2019, the post-retirement increase will be equal to 50.0 percent of the cost
of living adjustment (COLA) announced by the Social Security Administration, with a minimum
increase of at least 1.0 percent and a maximum of 1.5 percent. Recipients that have been
receiving the annuity or benefit for at least a full year as of June 30 before the effective date of
the increase, will receive the full increase. For recipients receiving the annuity or benefit for at
least one month, but less than a full year as of the June 30 before the effective date of the
increase, will receive a reduced prorated increase. For members retiring on January 1, 2024 or
later, the increase will be delayed until normal retirement age (age 65 if hired prior to July 1,
1989, or age 66 for individuals hired on or after July 1, 1989). Members retiring under Rule of 90
are exempt from the delay to normal retirement.
2. PEPFF Benefits
Benefits for the PEPFF members first hired after June 30, 2010 but before July 1, 2014, vest on a
prorated basis from 50 percent after five years, up to 100 percent after 10 years of credited
service. Benefits for the PEPFF members first hired after June 30, 2014 vest on a prorated basis
from 50 percent after 10 years, up to 100 percent after 20 years of credited service. The annuity
accrual rate is 3 percent of average salary for each year of service. A full, unreduc ed pension is
earned when members are age 55 and vested, or for members who were first hired prior to July 1,
1989, when age plus years of service equal at least 90.
Annuities, disability benefits, and survivor benefits are increased effective every Janua ry 1.
Beginning January 1, 2019, the post-retirement increase will be fixed at 1 percent. Recipients that
have been receiving the annuity or benefit for at least 36 months as of the June 30 before the
effective date of the increase, will receive the full increase. For recipients receiving the annuity or
benefit for at least 25 months, but less than 36 months as of the June 30 before the effective date
of the increase, will receive a reduced prorated increase.
C. Contributions
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 353 sets the rates for employer and employee contributions. Contribution
rates can only be modified by the State Legislature. Such benefits are financed by the General Fund and
enterprise funds.
1. GERF Contributions
Coordinated Plan members were required to contribute 6.50 percent of their annual covered
salary in fiscal year 2019. The City was required to contribute 7.50 percent for Coordinated Plan
members. The City’s contributions to the GERF for the year ended December 31, 2019, were
$374,803. The City’s contributions were equal to the required contributions as set by state
2. PEPFF Contributions
Police and fire member’s contribution rates increased from 10.80 percent of pay to 11.30 percent
and employer rates increased from 16.20 percent to 16.95 percent on January 1, 2019. The City’s
contributions to the PEPFF for the year ended December 31, 2019, were $498,625. The City’s
contributions were equal to the required contributions as set by state statutes.
D. Pension Costs
1. GERF Pension Costs
At December 31, 2019, the City reported a liability of $3,754,038 for its proportionate share of
the GERF’s net pension liability. The net pension liability was measured as of June 30, 2019, and
the total pension liability used to calculate the net pension liability was determined by an actuarial
valuation as of that date. The City’s proportion of the net pension liability was based on the City’s
contributions received by the PERA during the measurement period for employer payroll paid
dates from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, relative to the total employer contributions
received from all of the PERA’s participating employers. The City’s proportionate share was
0.0679 percent at the end of the measurement period and 0.0655 percent for the beginning of the
The City’s net pension liability reflected a reduction, due to the state of Minnesota’s contribution
of $16 million to the fund in 2019. The state of Minnesota is considered a nonemployer
contributing entity and the state’s contribution meets the definition of a special funding situation.
The amount recognized by the City as its proportionate share of the net pension liability, the
direct aid, and total portion of the net pension liability that was associated with the City were as
City’s proportionate share of net pension liability 3,754,038$
State’s proportionate share of the net pension liability
associated with the City 116,662$
For the year ended December 31, 2019, the City recognized pension expense of $412,884 for its
proportionate share of the GERF’s pension expense. In addition, the City recognized an
additional $8,737 as pension expense (and grant revenue) for its proportionate share of the state
of Minnesota’s contribution of $16 million to the GERF.
At December 31, 2019, the City reported its proportionate share of the GERF’s deferred outflows
of resources and deferred inflows of resources related to pensions from the following sources:
Deferred Deferred
Outflows Inflows
of Resources of Resources
Differences between expected and actual economic experience 104,844$ –$
Changes in actuarial assumptions – 294,696
Differences between projected and actual investment earnings – 375,705
Changes in proportion 101,886 118,101
Contributions paid to the PERA subsequent to the measurement
date 190,435 –
Total 397,165$ 788,502$
A total of $190,435 reported as deferred outflows of resources related to pensions resulting from
city contributions subsequent to the measurement date that will be recognized as a reduction of
the net pension liability in the year ending December 31, 2020. Other amounts reported as
deferred outflows and deferred inflows of resources related to pensions will be recognized in
pension expense as follows:
Year Ending Expense
December 31,Amount
2020 (221,567)$
2021 (327,167)$
2022 (39,089)$
2023 6,051$
2. PEPFF Pension Costs
At December 31, 2019, the City reported a liability of $2,734,960 for its proportionate share of
the PEPFF’s net pension liability. The net pension liability was measured as of June 30, 2019,
and the total pension liability used to calculate the net pension liability was determined by an
actuarial valuation as of that date. The City’s proportion of the net pension liability was based on
the City’s contributions received by the PERA during the measurement period for employer
payroll paid dates from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, relative to the total employer
contributions received from all of the PERA’s participating employers. The City’s proportionate
share was 0.2569 percent at the end of the measurement period and 0.2463 percent for the
beginning of the period.
For the year ended December 31, 2019, the City recognized pension expense of $412,466 for its
proportionate share of the PEPFF’s pension expense. The City also recognized $34,681 for the
year ended December 31, 2019, as revenue and an offsetting reduction of net pension liability for
its proportionate share of the state of Minnesota’s on-behalf contributions to the PEPFF.
Legislation passed in 2013 required the state of Minnesota to begin contributing $9 million to the
PEPFF each year until the plan is 90 percent funded or until the State Patrol Plan (administered
by the Minnesota State Retirement System) is 90 percent funded, whichever occurs later. In
addition, the state will pay $4.5 million on October 1, 2018 and October 1, 2019 in direct state
aid. Thereafter, by October 1 of each year, the state will pay $9 million until full funding is
reached or July 1, 2048, whichever is earlier.
At December 31, 2019, the City reported its proportionate share of the PEPFF’s deferred outflows
of resources and deferred inflows of resources related to pensions from the following sources:
Deferred Deferred
Outflows Inflows
of Resources of Resources
Differences between expected and actual economic experience 110,693$ 386,401$
Changes in actuarial assumptions 2,102,611 2,827,124
Differences between projected and actual investment earnings – 532,197
Changes in proportion 186,862 60,307
Contributions paid to the PERA subsequent to the measurement
date 269,488 –
Total 2,669,654$ 3,806,029$
A total of $269,488 reported as deferred outflows of resources related to pensions resulting from
city contributions subsequent to the measurement date that will be recognized as a reduction of
the net pension liability in the year ending December 31, 2020. Other amounts reported as
deferred outflows and deferred inflows of resources related to pensions will be recognized in
pension expense as follows:
Year Ending Expense
December 31,Amount
2020 (155,547)$
2021 (330,558)$
2022 (976,334)$
2023 40,060$
2024 16,516$
E. Actuarial Assumptions
The total pension liability in the June 30, 2019 actuarial valuation was determined using an individual
entry-age normal actuarial cost method and the following actuarial assumptions:
Inflation 2.50% per year
Active member payroll growth 3.25% per year
Investment rate of return 7.50%
Salary increases were based on a service-related table. Mortality rates for active members, retirees,
survivors, and disabilitants for all plans were based on RP-2014 tables for males and females, as
appropriate, with slight adjustments to fit the PERA’s experience. Cost of living benefit increases after
retirement for retirees are assumed to be 1.25 percent per year for the GERF, and 1.00 percent per year for
the PEPFF.
Actuarial assumptions used in the June 30, 2019 valuation were based on the results of actuarial
experience studies. The most recent four-year experience study in the GERF was completed in 2019. The
most recent four-year experience study for the PEPFF was completed in 2016. Economic assumptions
were updated in 2018 based on a review of inflation and investment return assumptions.
The following changes in actuarial assumptions and plan provisions occurred in 2019:
• The mortality projection scale was changed from MP-2017 to MP-2018.
• The employer supplemental contribution was changed prospectively, decreasing from $31.0 million to
$21.0 million per year. The state’s special funding contribution was changed prospectively, requiring
$16.0 million due per year through 2031.
• The mortality projection scale was changed from MP-2017 to MP-2018.
The Minnesota State Board of Investment, which manages the investments of the PERA, prepares an
analysis of the reasonableness of the long-term expected rate of return on a regular basis using a
building-block method in which best-estimate ranges of expected future rates of return are developed for
each major asset class. These ranges are combined to produce an expected long-term rate of return by
weighting the expected future rates of return by the target asset allocation percentages. The target
allocation and best-estimates of geometric real rates of return for each major asset class are summarized
in the following table:
Asset Class
Domestic equity 35.5 %5.10 %
Private markets 25.0 5.90 %
Fixed income 20.0 0.75 %
International equity 17.5 5.90 %
Cash equivalents 2.0 – %
Total 100.0 %
Real Rate of Return
Long-Term Expected
F. Discount Rate
The discount rate used to measure the total pension liability in 2019 was 7.50 percent. The projection of
cash flows used to determine the discount rate assumed that contributions from plan members and
employers will be made at rates set in Minnesota Statutes. Based on these assumptions, the fiduciary net
positions of the GERF and the PEPFF were projected to be available to make all projected future benefit
payments of current plan members. Therefore, the long-term expected rate of return on pension plan
investments was applied to all periods of projected benefit payments to determine the total pension
G. Pension Liability Sensitivity
The following presents the City’s proportionate share of the net pension liability for all plans it
participates in, calculated using the discount rate disclosed in the preceding paragraph, as well as what the
City’s proportionate share of the net pension liability would be if it were calculated using a discount rate
1 percentage point lower or 1 percentage point higher than the current discount rate:
1% Decrease in 1% Increase in
Discount Rate Discount Rate Discount Rate
City’s proportionate share of the
GERF net pension liability 6,171,438$ 3,754,038$ 1,757,996$
City’s proportionate share of the
PEPFF net pension liability 5,978,114$ 2,734,960$ 52,924$
H. Pension Plan Fiduciary Net Position
Detailed information about each pension plan’s fiduciary net position is available in a separately issued
PERA financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary information. That
report may be obtained on the PERA website at www.mnpera.org; by writing to the PERA at
60 Empire Drive, Suite 200, St. Paul, Minnesota 55103; or by calling (651) 296-7460 or (800) 652-9026.
A. Plan Description
All members of the Prior Lake Fire Department (the Department) are covered by a defined benefit plan
administered by the Prior Lake Fire Department Relief Association (the Association). As of December 31,
2018, the plan covered 43 active firefighters and 12 vested terminated firefighters whose pension benefits
are deferred. The plan was established November 1, 1957, and the Association operates under the
provisions of Minnesota Laws 1965, Chapter 446, as amended and Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 69 and
424A. It is governed by a Board of Trustees (the Board) made up of six members elected by the members
of the Association for three-year terms, and the mayor, city manager, and fire chief, who serve as
ex officio voting members of the Board of Trustees.
The Association maintains a separate Special Fund to accumulate assets to fund the retirement benefits
earned by the Department’s membership. Funding for the Association is derived from an insurance
premium tax in accordance with the Volunteer Firefighter’s Relief Association Financing Guidelines Act
of 1971 (Chapter 261 as amended by Chapter 509 of Minnesota Statutes 1980). Funds are also derived
from investment income.
B. Benefits Provided
Retirement Benefits
According to the bylaws of the Association and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 424A.02,
Subdivisions 2 and 4, the Association pays to each member who has served as an active firefighter in the
Department for a period of 20 years or more to his/her resignation, and who has reached the age of
50 years or more, $8,000 per year of service for lump sum. A member who has served in the Department
for at least 20 years but has not reached the age of 50, may retire and be placed on the deferred pension
roll until he/she reaches the age of 50. Members who retire with less than 20 years of service, have
reached the age of 50, and have completed at least 10 years of active membership are entitled to a reduced
service pension.
Disability Benefits
If a member of the Association becomes totally or permanently disabled, the Association shall pay to such
members the lump sum of $8,000 for each year that they have served as an active member of the
Death Benefit
Upon the death of any member of the Association who is in good standing at the time of their death, the
Association shall pay to the surviving spouse, if any, and if there is no surviving spouse, to surviving
child or children, if any, and if no child or children survive, to the estate of such deceased member under
10 years of service, the sum of $8,000 for each year that they served as an acti ve member of the
C. Contributions
Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 424 and 424A authorize pension benefits for volunteer fire relief
associations. The plan is funded by fire state aid, investment earnings, and, if necessary, employer
contributions as specified in Minnesota Statutes and voluntary city contributions (if applicable). The state
of Minnesota contributed $234,651 in fire state aid to the plan on behalf of the Department for the year
ended December 31, 2019, which was recorded as a revenue. Required employer contributions are
calculated annually based on statutory provisions. The City’s statutorily-required contributions to the plan
for the year ended December 31, 2019 were $232,651. The City’s contributions were equal to the required
contributions as set by state statutes. The City made a $20,000 voluntary contribution to the plan in the
year ended December 31, 2019. Furthermore, firefighters have no obligation to contribute to the plan.
D. Pension Costs
At December 31, 2019, the City reported a net pension liability (asset) of $639,774 for the plan. The net
pension liability (asset) was measured as of December 31, 2018. The total pension liability used to
calculate the net pension liability (asset) in accordance with GASB Statement No. 68 was determined by
applying an actuarial formula to specific census data certified by the Department as of December 31,
For the year ended December 31, 2019, the City recognized a pension expense of $267,697. The City also
recognized $227,610 as revenue for the state of Minnesota’s on-behalf contributions to the Department.
The following table presents the changes in net pension liability (asset) during the year:
Total Pension Plan Fiduciary Net Pension
Liability Net Position Liability (Asset)
Beginning balance – January 1, 2019 3,876,642$ 4,898,617$ (1,021,975)$
Changes for the year
Service cost 151,350 – 151,350
Interest on pension liability (asset)220,949 – 220,949
Assumption changes 53,174 – 53,174
Projected investment earnings – 280,535 (280,535)
Contributions (employer)– 20,000 (20,000)
Contributions (state)– 227,610 (227,610)
Asset (gain) loss (60,490) (542,719) 482,229
Benefit payments (691,031) (691,031) –
Administrative costs – (2,644) 2,644
Total net changes (326,048) (708,249) 382,201
Ending balance – December 31, 2019 3,550,594$ 4,190,368$ (639,774)$
At December 31, 2019, the City reported deferred inflows of resources and deferred outflows of resources
related to the pension from the following sources:
Deferred Deferred
Outflows Inflows
of Resources of Resources
Net difference between projected and actual earnings on
plan investments 244,705$ –$
Changes in actuarial assumptions 46,527 –
Difference between expected and actual economic experience 17,500 52,928
State aid to the City subsequent to the measurement date – 234,651
Contributions from the City subsequent to the measurement date 252,651 –
Total 561,383$ 287,579$
Deferred outflows of resources totaling $252,651 related to pensions resulting from the City’s
contributions to the plan subsequent to the measurement date will be recognized as a reduction of the net
pension liability in the year ending December 31, 2020. Deferred inflows of resources totaling $234,651
related to state aid received subsequent to the measurement date will be recognized for its impact on the
net pension liability in the year ending December 31, 2020. Other amounts reported as deferred outflows
and inflows of resources related to the plan will be recognized in pension expense as follows:
Year Ending Expense
December 31,Amount
2020 94,605$
2021 15,453
2022 33,859
2023 111,129
2024 2,584
Thereafter (1,826)
E. Actuarial Assumptions
The total pension liability at December 31, 2019 was determined using the entry-age normal actuarial cost
method and the following actuarial assumptions:
Retirement eligibility at 100 percent service pension at age 50 with 20 years of service, early
vested retirement at age 50 with 10 years of servicen vested at 60 percent and increased by
4 percent for each additional year of service, up to 20 and eligibility for deferred service
pension payable at age 50 with 20 years of service
Salary increases 2.50%
Investment rate of return 5.50%
20-year municipal bond yield 3.50%
The 5.50 percent long-term expected rate of return on pension plan investments was determined using a
building-block method in which best-estimates for expected future real rates of return (expected returns,
net of inflation) were developed for each asset class using the plan’s target investm ent allocation. along
with long-term return expectations by asset class. Inflation expectations were applied to derive the
nominal rate of return for the portfolio.
The target allocation and best-estimates of geometric real rates of return for each major asset class are
summarized in the following table:
Asset Class
Cash 11.00 %2.25 %
Fixed income 34.00 3.75 %
Equities 55.00 7.25 %
Other – 6.00 %
Total 100.00 %
F. Discount Rate
The discount rate used to measure the total pension liability was 5.5 percent. The projection of cash flows
used to determine the discount rate assumed that contributions to the plan will be made as specified in
state statutes. Based on that assumption and considering the funding ratio of the plan, the fiduciary net
position was projected to be available to make all projected future benefit payments of current active and
inactive members. Therefore, the long-term expected rate of return on pension plan investments was
applied to all periods of projected benefit payments to determine the total pension liability.
G. Pension Liability (Asset) Sensitivity
The following presents the City’s net pension liability (asset) for the plan, calculated using the discount
rate disclosed in the preceding paragraph, as well as what the City’s net pension liability (asset) would be
if it were calculated using a discount rate 1 percent lower or 1 percent higher than the current discount
1% Decrease Discount Rate 1% Increase
Net pension liability (asset)(528,430)$ (639,774)$ (744,541)$
H. Pension Plan Fiduciary Net Position
The Association issues a publicly available financial report. This report may be obtained by writing to the
Prior Lake Fire Relief Association, 5316 Hampton Street, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372.
I. Assumption Changes
The discount rate was changed from 6.00 percent to 5.50 percent.
A. Plan Description
The City provides post-employment insurance benefits to certain eligible employees through its OPEB
Plan, a single-employer defined benefit plan administered by the City. All post-employment benefits are
based on contractual agreements with employee groups. Eligibility for these benefits is based on years of
service and/or minimum age requirements. These contractual agreements do not include any specific
contribution or funding requirements. The Plan does not issue a publicly available financial report. No
plan assets are accumulated in a trust that meets the criteria in paragraph 4 of GASB Statement No. 75.
B. Benefits Provided
All retirees of the City upon retirement have the option under state law to continue their medical
insurance coverage through the City. For members of certain employee groups, the City pays for all or
part of the eligible retiree’s premiums for medical and/or dental insurance from the time of retirement
until the employee reaches the age of eligibility for Medicare. Benefits paid by the City differ by
bargaining unit and date of hire, with some contracts specifying a certain dollar amount per month, and
some covering premium costs as defined within each collective bargaining agreement. Retirees not
eligible for these City-paid premium benefits must pay the full city premium rate for their coverage.
The City is legally required to include any retirees for whom it provides health insurance coverage in the
same insurance pool as its active employees until the retiree reaches Medicare eligibility, whether the
premiums are paid by the City or the retiree. Consequently, participating retirees are considered to receive
a secondary benefit known as an “implicit rate subsidy.” This benefit relates to the assumption that the
retiree is receiving a more favorable premium rate than they would otherwise be able to obtain if
purchasing insurance on their own, due to being included in the same pool with the City’s younger and
statistically healthier active employees.
C. Contributions
The required contribution is based on projected pay-as-you-go financing requirements, with additional
amounts to prefund benefits as determined periodically by the City. The City’s current year required
pay-as-you-go contributions to finance the benefits described in the previous section totaled $28,422.
Contributions for OPEB are be paid by the General Fund and enterprise funds.
D. Membership
Membership in the Plan consisted of the following as of the latest actuarial valuation:
Retirees and beneficiaries receiving benefits 6
Active plan members 94
Total members 100
E. Total OPEB Liability of the City
The City’s total OPEB liability of $796,524 as of year-end was measured as of January 1, 2019, and was
determined by an actuarial valuation as of that date.
F. Actuarial Methods and Assumptions
The total OPEB liability was determined by an actuarial valuation as of January 1, 2019, using the
entry-age, level percentage of pay actuarial method and the following actuarial assumptions, applied to all
periods included in the measurement, unless otherwise specified:
Discount rate 3.80%
20-year municipal bond yield 3.80%
Inflation rate 2.50%
Salary increases 3.00%
Healthcare trend rate 6.50%, grading to 5.00% over 6 years
The actuarial assumptions used in the latest valuation were based on those used to value pension liabilities
for Minnesota city employees. The state pension plans base their assumptions on periodic experience
studies. Economic assumptions are based on input from a variety of published sources of historical and
projected future financial data. Each assumption was reviewed for reasonableness with the source
information as well as for consistency with the other economic assumptions.
Since the Plan is not funded by an irrevocable trust, the discount rate is equal to the 20-year municipal
bond yield rate of 3.80 percent, which was set by considering published rate information for 20-year high
quality, tax-exempt, general obligation municipal bonds as of the measurement date. The City discount
rate used in the prior measurement date was 3.30 percent.
Mortality rates were based on the RP-2014 White Collar Mortality Tables with MP-2018 Generational
Improvement Scale (with Blue Collar adjustment for Police and Fire Personnel). The mortality rates used
in the previous study were based on the RP-2014 adjusted to MP-2016 Generational Improvement Scale
(Blue Collar Tables for Police and Fire Personnel). Healthcare costs trend rates were also changed from
the previous study to better anticipate short-term and long-term medical increases.
Future retirees electing coverage is assumed to be 50 percent when a pre-age 65 subsidy is not available.
Married future retirees electing spouse coverage is assumed to be 25 percent when a pre-age 65 subsidy is
not available.
G. Changes in the Total OPEB Liability
Total OPEB
Beginning balance – January 1, 2019 906,133$
Changes for the year
Service cost 62,717
Interest 31,270
Assumption Changes (37,343)
Difference between expected and actual experience (123,346)
Benefit payments – employer-financed (42,907)
Total net changes (109,609)
Ending balance – December 31, 2019 796,524$
Assumption changes since the prior measurement date include the following:
• The healthcare trend rates were changed from 6.25 percent grading to 5.00 percent over 5 years,
to 6.50 percent grading to 5.00 percent over 6 years.
• The mortality tables were updated to meet current actuarial standards
• The discount rate was changed from 3.30 percent to 3.80 percent.
H. Total OPEB Liability Sensitivity to Discount and Healthcare Cost Trend Rate Changes
The following presents the total OPEB liability of the City, as well as what the City’s total OPEB liability
would be if it were calculated using a discount rate that is 1 percentage point lower or 1 percentage point
higher than the current discount rate:
OPEB discount rate 3.80%
Total OPEB liability 859,316$ 737,989$
1% Decrease in 1% Increase in
Discount Rate Discount Rate
The following presents the net OPEB liability of the City, as well as what the City’s total OPEB liability
would be if it were calculated using healthcare cost trend rates that are 1 percentage point lower or
1 percentage point higher than the current healthcare cost trend rates:
OPEB healthcare trend rate
Total OPEB liability 713,907$ 893,610$
4.00% over 6 years 6.00% over 6 years5.00% over 6 years
1% Decrease in 1% Increase in
Rate Rate
5.50% decreasing to 7.50% decreasing to
Healthcare Trend
6.50% decreasing to
Healthcare Trend Healthcare Trend
I. OPEB Expense and Related Deferred Outflows of Resources and Deferred Inflows of Resources
For the current year ended, the City recognized OPEB expense of $47,710. As of year-end, the City
reported deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources related to OPEB from the
following sources:
Deferred Deferred
Outflows Inflows
of Resources of Resources
Changes in actuarial assumptions –$ 109,640$
Difference between expected and actual economic experience – 33,193
Contributions from the City subsequent to the measurement date 28,422 –
28,422$ 142,833$
Deferred outflows of resources totaling $28,422 related to pensions resulting from city contributions to
the Plan subsequent to the measurement date will be recognized as a reduction of the net pension liability
in the year ending December 31, 2020. Other amounts reported as deferred outflows and inflows of
resources related to the plan will be recognized in pension expense as follows:
Year Ending Expense
June 30,Amount
2020 (17,856)$
2021 (17,856)$
2022 (17,856)$
2023 (17,856)$
2024 (17,856)$
Thereafter (53,553)$
Deficit Net Position
As of December 31, 2019, the Severance Compensation Internal Service Fund had a deficit net position of
$480,946. This deficit will be eliminated by future charges for services.
The City, in order to spur economic development and redevelopment, has entered into private
development and redevelopment agreements to encourage a developer to construct, expand, or improve
new or existing properties and buildings or clean-up and redevelop blighted areas. The City currently has
six agreements that would be considered tax abatements.
Amount Principal Date of
Abated During Balance Required
Name Purpose the Fiscal Year at Year-End Decertification
1-3 Lakefront
1-4 River Valley Vet
3-1 Creekside Estates 54-unit senior housing facility 44,321$ 2,255$ 12/31/2029
5-1 Premier Dance
1-5 Gateway Center
9,371$ 17,558$ 12/31/2022
2,933,914$ 12/31/2034
14,559$ 12/31/2034
80-unit owner-occupied senior housing facility
and 12,000 square feet of retail space and
related improvements 12/31/2029903,011$ 103,929$
7,000 square foot addition to the existing
veterinary clinic facility
6-1 Shepherds Path
Acquisition,construction and equipping of a
170-unit multi-family senior housing
80.03 acres,including 442 senior housing
units,a YMCA facility,youth center,medical
office/clinic,bank,park area,trails,and
companion uses to the existing church 305,401$
166,209$ 1,504,450$
10,000 square foot commercial facility to be
used as a dance studio
The City is authorized to create a tax increment financing plan under Minnesota Statutes,
Chapter 469.175. The criteria that must be met under the state statutes are that, in the opinion of the
• The proposed development or redevelopment would not reasonably be expected to occur solely
through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future;
• The increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use
of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result
from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments
for the maximum duration of the district permitted by the plan. The requirements of this item do
not apply if the district is a housing district;
• The tax increment financing plan conforms to the general plan for the development or
redevelopment of the municipality as a whole; and
• The tax increment financing plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound
needs of the municipality as a whole, for the development or redevelopment of the project by
private enterprise.
The City has entered into private development agreements regarding certain tax increment properties. The
vehicle used for this reimbursement is called a tax increment revenue note.
These notes provide for the payment of principal, equal to the developer’s costs, plus interest at a set rate.
Payments on the loan will be made at the lesser of the note payment or the actual net tax increment
received (or a reduced percentage received in certain cases) during specific yea rs as stated in the
agreement. Payments are first applied to accrued interest and then to the principal balance. The note is
canceled at the end of the agreement term, whether or not the note has been repaid. Any additional tax
increments received in years following the term are retained by the City.
The outstanding principal balances as of December 31, 2019 for these agreements are listed on the
previous page. These amounts are not included in long-term debt because the nature of these notes is that
repayment is required only if sufficient tax increments are received. The City’s position is that these are
obligations to assign future and uncertain revenue sources and, as such, is not actual debt in substance.
A. Federal and State Funding
Amounts received or receivable from federal and state agencies are subject to agency audit and
adjustment. Any disallowed claims, including amounts already collected, may constitute a liability of the
applicable funds. The amount, if any, of funds that may be disallowed by the agencies cannot be
determined at this time although the City expects such amounts, if any, to be immaterial.
B. Legal Claims
The City has the usual and customary type of miscellaneous legal claims pending at year-end. Although
the outcome of these lawsuits is not presently determinable, the City’s management believes that the City
will not incur any material monetary loss resulting from these claims. No loss has been recor ded on the
City’s financial statements relating to these claims.
C. Construction Contracts
During fiscal 2019, the City awarded contracts for various construction and remodeling projects. The
City’s commitment for uncompleted work on these contracts at December 31, 2019 is $403,640.
D. Tax Increment Districts
The City’s tax increment districts are subject to review by the Office of the State Auditor. Any disallowed
claims or misuse of tax increments could become a liability of the applicable fund. Management has
indicated that they are not aware of any instances of noncompliance, which would have a material effect
on the financial statements.
The City generally reports its investments at fair value based on standards described earlier in these notes.
Subsequent to year-end, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused significant volatility in
economic conditions, including substantial reductions in the quoted active-market prices of some
investments. The City’s portfolio consists primarily of shorter-term investments, many with guaranteed
maturity values. The City does not expect any losses ultimately realized from this market decline to be
material. However, the potential negative impact could be heightened if increased demand on City
resources and/or a sustained economic downturn hampers the City’s ability to hold such investments to
maturity as planned. The potential future impact of these conditions on the fair value of the City’s
investment portfolio is not determinable at this time.
Share of the
City’s Net Pension
Proportionate Liability and City’s
Share of the the City’s Proportionate Plan Fiduciary
State of Share of the Share of the Net Position
City’s City’s Minnesota’s State of Net Pension as a
PERA Fiscal Proportion Proportionate Proportionate Minnesota’s Liability as a Percentage
Year-End Date of the Net Share of the Share of the Share of the City’s Percentage of of the Total
(Measurement Pension Net Pension Net Pension Net Pension Covered Covered Pension
Date)Liability Liability Liability Liability Payroll Payroll Liability
06/30/2015 0.0719% 3,726,231$ –$ 3,726,231$ 4,189,768$ 88.94% 78.20%
06/30/2016 0.0691% 5,610,578$ 73,274$ 5,683,852$ 4,285,600$ 130.92% 68.90%
06/30/2017 0.0692% 4,417,682$ 55,547$ 4,473,229$ 4,457,941$ 99.10% 75.90%
06/30/2018 0.0655% 3,633,671$ 119,282$ 3,752,953$ 4,405,847$ 82.47% 79.50%
06/30/2019 0.0679% 3,754,038$ 116,662$ 3,870,700$ 4,803,433$ 78.15% 80.20%
Contributions Contributions
in Relation to as a
Statutorily the Statutorily Contribution Percentage
Required Required Deficiency Covered of Covered
Contributions Contributions (Excess)Payroll Payroll
314,233$ 314,233$ –$ 4,189,768$ 7.50%
332,258$ 332,258$ –$ 4,430,122$ 7.50%
328,001$ 328,001$ –$ 4,373,614$ 7.50%
344,234$ 344,234$ –$ 4,589,776$ 7.50%
374,803$ 374,803$ –$ 4,999,585$ 7.50%
Note:The City implemented GASB Statement No.68 in fiscal 2015 (using a June 30,2015 measurement date).This schedule is intended to present
10-year trend information. Additional years will be added as they become available.
Year-End Date
PERA – General Employees Retirement Fund
Schedule of City’s and Nonemployer Proportionate Share of Net Pension Liability
PERA – General Employees Retirement Fund
Schedule of City Contributions
City Fiscal
Year-End Date
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Year Ended December 31, 2019
City Fiscal
Proportionate Plan Fiduciary
Share of the Net Position
City’s City’s Net Pension as a
PERA Fiscal Proportion Proportionate Liability as a Percentage
Year-End Date of the Net Share of the City’s Percentage of of the Total
(Measurement Pension Net Pension Covered Covered Pension
Date)Liability Liability Payroll Payroll Liability
06/30/2015 0.2400% 2,726,962$ 2,244,215$ 121.51% 86.60%
06/30/2016 0.2380% 9,551,354$ 2,294,383$ 416.29% 63.90%
06/30/2017 0.2360% 3,186,282$ 2,425,426$ 131.37% 85.40%
06/30/2018 0.2463% 2,625,304$ 2,595,948$ 101.13% 88.80%
06/30/2019 0.2569% 2,734,960$ 2,713,440$ 100.79% 89.30%
Contributions Contributions
in Relation to as a
Statutorily the Statutorily Contribution Percentage
Required Required Deficiency Covered of Covered
Contributions Contributions (Excess)Payroll Payroll
363,525$ 363,525$ –$ 2,244,215$ 16.20%
377,586$ 377,586$ –$ 2,337,729$ 16.15%
400,549$ 400,549$ –$ 2,472,531$ 16.20%
431,541$ 431,541$ –$ 2,666,989$ 16.18%
498,625$ 498,625$ –$ 2,941,707$ 16.95%
The City implemented GASB Statement No.68 in fiscal 2015 (using a June 30,2015 measurement date).This
schedule is intended to present 10-year trend information. Additional years will be added as they become available.
City Fiscal
PERA – Public Employees Police and Fire Fund
Schedule of City’s Proportionate Share of Net Pension Liability
PERA – Public Employees Police and Fire Fund
Schedule of City Contributions
City Fiscal
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Year Ended December 31, 2019
City fiscal year-end dated December 31,2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Measurement period – December 31,2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Total pension liability
Service cost 106,719$ 109,387$ 110,441$ 132,893$ 151,350$
Interest 148,718 164,204 192,181 208,100 220,949
Asset (gain) loss – – 28,006 – (60,490)
Benefit payments – – (34,403) (209,373) (691,031)
Assumption changes – – – – 53,174
Plan changes – 99,450 34,110 304,902 -
Net change in total pension liability 255,437 373,041 330,335 436,522 (326,048)
Total pension liability – beginning 2,481,307 2,736,744 3,109,785 3,440,120 3,876,642
Total pension liability – ending 2,736,744$ 3,109,785$ 3,440,120$ 3,876,642$ 3,550,594$
Plan fiduciary net position
Contributions (state and local)215,194$ 228,087$ 235,891$ 237,182$ 247,610$
Net investment income 154,856 (169,276) 320,811 640,986 (262,184)
Benefit payments – – (34,403) (209,373) (691,031)
Administrative costs (6,647) (6,640) (9,160) (120) (2,644)
Net change in plan fiduciary net position 363,403 52,171 513,139 668,675 (708,249)
Total pension liability – beginning 3,301,229 3,664,632 3,716,803 4,229,942 4,898,617
Total pension liability – ending 3,664,632$ 3,716,803$ 4,229,942$ 4,898,617$ 4,190,368$
Net pension liability (asset) – ending (927,888)$ (607,018)$ (789,822)$ (1,021,975)$ (639,774)$
Plan fiduciary net position as a percentage
of the total pension liability 133.90%119.52%122.96%126.36%118.02%
The City implemented GASB Statement No.68 in fiscal 2015 (using a December 31,2014 measurement date).This
information is not available for previous years.
Prior Lake Fire Relief Association
Schedule of Changes in the Relief Association’s
Net Pension Asset and Related Ratios
(Last Ten Years)
Contributions in
Relation to the
Statutorily Statutorily Contribution Voluntary
Required Required Deficiency City
Contributions Contributions (Excess)Contribution
208,087$ 208,087$ –$ 20,000$
215,891$ 215,891$ –$ 20,000$
217,182$ 217,182$ –$ 20,000$
225,610$ 225,610$ –$ 20,000$
234,651$ 234,651$ –$ 20,000$
Note:The City implemented GASB Statement No.68 in fiscal 2015 (using a December 31,2014 measurement date).This
information is not available for previous years.
City Fiscal
Year-End Date
Prior Lake Fire Relief Association
Schedule of City Contributions
Year Ended December 31, 2019
(Last Ten Years)
2018 2019
Total OPEB liability
Service cost 61,214$ 62,717$
Interest 29,555 31,270
Changes of assumptions – (37,343)
Differences between expected and actual experiences – (123,346)
Benefit payments (37,688) (42,907)
Net change in total OPEB liability 53,081 (109,609)
Total OPEB liability – beginning of year 853,052 906,133
Total OPEB liability – end of year 906,133$ 796,524$
Covered payroll 6,560,761$ 7,134,065$
Total OPEB liability as a percentage of covered payroll 13.81%11.17%
Note:The City implemented GASB Statement No.75 in fiscal 2018.This schedule is intended to present
10-year trend information. Additional years will be added as they become available.
Other Post-Employment Benefits Plan
Schedule of Changes in the City’s Total
OPEB Liability and Related Ratios
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Notes to Required Supplementary Information
December 31, 2019
• The mortality projection scale was changed from MP-2017 to MP-2018.
• The employer supplemental contribution was changed prospectively, decreasing from
$31.0 million to $21.0 million per year. The state’s special funding contribution was changed
prospectively, requiring $16.0 million due per year through 2031.
• The mortality projection scale was changed from MP-2015 to MP-2017.
• The assumed benefit increase was changed from 1.00 percent per year through 2044, and
2.50 percent per year thereafter, to 1.25 percent per year.
• The augmentation adjustment in early retirement factors is eliminated over a five-year period
starting July 1, 2019, resulting in actuarial equivalence after June 30, 2024.
• Interest credited on member contributions decreased from 4.00 percent to 3.00 percent,
beginning July 1, 2018.
• Deferred augmentation was changed to zero percent, effective January 1, 2019. Augmentation
that has already accrued for deferred members will still apply.
• Contribution stabilizer provisions were repealed.
• Post-retirement benefit increases were changed from 1.00 percent per year with a provision to
increase to 2.50 percent upon attainment of 90.00 percent funding ratio to 50.00 percent of the
Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment, not less than 1.00 percent and not more than
1.50 percent, beginning January 1, 2019.
• For retirements on or after January 1, 2024, the first benefit increase is delayed until the retiree
reaches normal retirement age; does not apply to Rule of 90 retirees, disability benefit
recipients, or survivors.
• Actuarial equivalent factors were updated to reflect revised mortality and interest assumptions.
Notes to Required Supplementary Information (continued)
December 31, 2019
• The Combined Service Annuity (CSA) loads were changed from 0.80 percent for active
members and 60.00 percent for vested and nonvested deferred members. The revised CSA
loads are now zero percent for active member liability, 15.00 percent for vested deferred
member liability, and 3.00 percent for nonvested deferred member liability.
• The assumed post-retirement benefit increase rate was changed from 1.00 percent per year for
all years, to 1.00 percent per year through 2044, and 2.50 percent per year thereafter.
• The state’s contribution for the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund equals $16.0 million
in 2017 and 2018, and $6.0 million thereafter.
• The Employer Supplemental Contribution for the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund
changed from $21.0 million to $31.0 million in calendar years 2019 to 2031. The state’s
contribution changed from $16.0 million to $6.0 million in calendar years 2019 to 2031.
• The assumed post-retirement benefit increase rate was changed from 1.00 percent per year
through 2035 and 2.50 percent per year thereafter, to 1.00 percent per year for all years.
• The assumed investment return was changed from 7.90 percent to 7.50 percent. The single
discount rate changed from 7.90 percent to 7.50 percent.
• Other assumptions were changed pursuant to the experience study June 30, 2015. The assumed
future salary increases, payroll growth, and inflation were decreased by 0.25 percent to
3.25 percent for payroll growth, and 2.50 percent for inflation.
Notes to Required Supplementary Information
December 31, 2019
• The assumed post-retirement benefit increase rate was changed from 1.00 percent per year
through 2030 and 2.50 percent per year thereafter, to 1.00 percent per year through 2035, and
2.50 percent per year thereafter.
• On January 1, 2015, the Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund was merged into the General
Employees Fund, which increased the total pension liability by $1.1 billion and increased the
fiduciary plan net position by $892.0 million. Upon consolidation, state and employer
contributions were revised; the state’s contribution of $6.0 million, which meets the special
funding situation definition, was due September 2015.
Notes to Required Supplementary Information (continued)
December 31, 2019
• The mortality projection scale was changed from MP-2017 to MP-2018.
• The mortality projection scale was changed from MP-2016 to MP-2017.
• Post-retirement benefit increases were changed to 1.00 percent for all years, with no trigger.
• An end date of July 1, 2048 was added to the existing $9.0 million state contribution.
• New annual state aid will equal $4.5 million in fiscal years 2019 and 2020, and $9.0 million
thereafter, until the plan reaches 100.00 percent funding, or July 1, 2048, if earlier.
• Member contributions were changed from 10.80 percent to 11.30 percent of pay, effective
January 1, 2019, and 11.80 percent of pay, effective January 1, 2020.
• Employer contributions were changed from 16.20 percent to 16.95 percent of pay, effective
January 1, 2019, and 17.70 percent of pay, effective January 1, 2020.
• Interest credited on member contributions decreased from 4.00 percent to 3.00 percent,
beginning July 1, 2018.
• Deferred augmentation was changed to zero percent, effective January 1, 2019. Augmentation
that has already accrued for deferred members will still apply.
• Actuarial equivalent factors were updated to reflect revised mortality and interest assumptions.
Notes to Required Supplementary Information (continued)
December 31, 2019
• Assumed salary increases were changed as recommended in the June 30, 2016 experience
study. The net effect is proposed rates that average 0.34 percent lower than the previous rates.
• Assumed rates of retirement were changed, resulting in fewer retirements.
• The CSA load was 30.00 percent for vested and nonvested deferred members. The CSA has
been changed to 33.00 percent for vested members, and 2.00 percent for nonvested members.
• The base mortality table for healthy annuitants was changed from the RP-2000 Fully
Generational Table to the RP-2014 Fully Generational Table (with a base year of 2006), with
male rates adjusted by a factor of 0.96. The mortality improvement scale was changed from
Scale AA to Scale MP-2016. The base mortality table for disabled annuitants was changed
from the RP-2000 Disabled Mortality Table to the mortality tables assumed for healthy retirees.
• Assumed termination rates were decreased to 3.00 percent for the first three years of service.
Rates beyond the select period of three years were adjusted, resulting in more expected
terminations overall.
• Assumed percentage of married female members was decreased from 65.00 percent to
60.00 percent.
• Assumed age difference was changed from separate assumptions for male members (wives
assumed to be three years younger) and female members (husbands assumed to be four years
older) to the assumption that males are two years older than females.
• The assumed percentage of female members electing joint and survivor annuities was
• The assumed post-retirement benefit increase rate was changed from 1.00 percent for all years,
to 1.00 percent per year through 2064, and 2.50 percent thereafter.
• The single discount rate was changed from 5.60 percent per annum to 7.50 percent per annum.
Notes to Required Supplementary Information (continued)
December 31, 2019
• The assumed post-retirement benefit increase rate was changed from 1.00 percent per year
through 2037, and 2.50 percent per year thereafter, to 1.00 percent per year for all future years.
• The assumed investment return was changed from 7.90 percent to 7.50 percent.
• The single discount rate changed from 7.90 percent to 5.60 percent.
• The assumed future salary increases, payroll growth, and inflation were decreased by
0.25 percent to 3.25 percent for payroll growth, and 2.50 percent for inflation.
• The assumed post-retirement benefit increase rate was changed from 1.00 percent per year
through 2030, and 2.50 percent per year thereafter, to 1.00 percent per year through 2037, and
2.50 percent per year thereafter.
• The post-retirement benefit increase to be paid after attainment of the 90.00 percent funding
threshold was changed from inflation up to 2.50 percent, to a fixed rate of 2.50 percent.
Notes to Required Supplementary Information (continued)
December 31, 2019
The discount rate was changed from 6.00 percent to 5.50 percent for 2019.
A benefit level increase from $7,200 to $8,000 was reflected in the pension liability for 2018.
A benefit level increase from $7,100 to $7,200 was reflected in the pension liability for 2017.
A benefit level increase from $6,800 to $7,100 was reflected in the pension liability for 2016.
The healthcare trend rates were changed from 6.25 percent, grading to 5.00 percent over
five years, to 6.50 percent, grading to 5.00 percent over six years.
The mortality tables were updated to meet current actuarial standards.
The discount rate was changed from 3.30 percent to 3.80 percent.
The healthcare trend rates were changed from 6.50 percent, grading to 5.00 percent over
six years, to 6.25 percent, grading to 5.00 percent over five years.
The mortality table was updated from RP-2014 adjusted to 2006 White Collar Mortality Tables
with MP-2016 Generational Improvement Scale, to RF-2014 White Collar with MP-2016
Generational Improvement Scale.
The actuarial cost method was changed from entry-age normal level dollar to entry-age level
percent of pay.
The discount rate was changed from 3.50 percent to 3.30 percent.
Revenue Capital Projects Total
Cash and investments 3,698,420$ 8,721,687$ 12,420,107$
Cash held in escrow 25,000 – 25,000
Delinquent taxes 98 – 98
Accounts 58,337 138,715 197,052
Special assessments
Delinquent – 1,285 1,285
Deferred – 512,639 512,639
Due from other governmental agencies 100,748 7,793 108,541
Total assets 3,882,603$ 9,382,119$ 13,264,722$
Accounts and contracts payable 258,684$ 351,886$ 610,570$
Accrued salaries and employee benefits payable 8,252 – 8,252
Due to other governmental agencies 1,131 – 1,131
Deposits payable 186,149 116,500 302,649
Unearned revenue 33,750 – 33,750
Total liabilities 487,966 468,386 956,352
Deferred inflows of resources
Unavailable revenue from delinquent taxes 98 – 98
Unavailable revenue from special assessments – 513,925 513,925
Total deferred inflows of resources 98 513,925 514,023
Fund balances
Restricted 320,673 764,021 1,084,694
Assigned 3,073,866 7,635,787 10,709,653
Total fund balances 3,394,539 8,399,808 11,794,347
Total liabilities, deferred inflows
of resources, and fund balances 3,882,603$ 9,382,119$ 13,264,722$
Nonmajor Governmental Funds
Combining Balance Sheet
as of December 31, 2019
Revenue Capital Projects Total
Taxes 149,698$ 1,756,506$ 1,906,204$
Special assessments – 367,378 367,378
Intergovernmental 100,000 – 100,000
Charges for services 615,170 1,556,081 2,171,251
Investment income 106,530 363,100 469,630
Contributions and donations 12,800 – 12,800
Other 96,863 – 96,863
Total revenue 1,081,061 4,043,065 5,124,126
General government 243 – 243
Public safety 115,397 – 115,397
Economic development 171,553 4,196 175,749
Culture and recreation 49,735 – 49,735
Capital outlay 804,847 2,828,268 3,633,115
Debt service
Interest and other – 16,750 16,750
Total expenditures 1,141,775 2,849,214 3,990,989
Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (60,714) 1,193,851 1,133,137
Other financing sources (uses)
Debt issued – 615,000 615,000
Premium on debt issued – 88,749 88,749
Transfers in – 254,927 254,927
Transfers out – (1,959,649) (1,959,649)
Sale of capital assets – 8,020 8,020
Total other financing sources (uses)– (992,953) (992,953)
Net change in fund balances (60,714) 200,898 140,184
Fund balances
Beginning of year 3,455,253 8,198,910 11,654,163
End of year 3,394,539$ 8,399,808$ 11,794,347$
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Nonmajor Governmental Funds
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances
Capital ED Revolving Revolving
Park Loan Loan
Cash and investments 1,814,074$ 129,896$ 658$
Cash held in escrow – – –
Delinquent taxes – – –
Accounts 3,186 616 347
Due from other governmental agencies 100,000 – –
Total assets 1,917,260$ 130,512$ 1,005$
Accounts and contracts payable 152,817$ –$ –$
Accrued salaries and employee benefits payable – – –
Due to other governmental agencies – – –
Deposits payable – – –
Unearned revenue 33,750 – –
Total liabilities 186,567 – –
Deferred inflows of resources
Unavailable revenue from delinquent taxes – – –
Fund balances
Restricted for economic development – 130,512 1,005
Restricted for forfeiture sales – – –
Assigned for capital improvements 1,730,693 – –
Assigned for development – – –
Assigned for communications – – –
Total fund balances 1,730,693 130,512 1,005
Total liabilities, deferred inflows
of resources, and fund balances 1,917,260$ 130,512$ 1,005$
as of December 31, 2019
Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds
Combining Balance Sheet
Cable Police
Franchise EDA Forfeiture DAG Total
68,135$ 538,644$ 199,892$ 947,121$ 3,698,420$
25,000 – – – 25,000
– 98 – – 98
7,031 46,881 276 – 58,337
– 748 – – 100,748
100,166$ 586,371$ 200,168$ 947,121$ 3,882,603$
–$ 2,334$ 57,812$ 45,721$ 258,684$
– 8,252 – – 8,252
– 1,131 – – 1,131
25,000 – – 161,149 186,149
– – – – 33,750
25,000 11,717 57,812 206,870 487,966
– 98 – – 98
– 46,800 – – 178,317
– – 142,356 – 142,356
– – – 740,251 2,470,944
– 527,756 – – 527,756
75,166 – – – 75,166
75,166 574,556 142,356 740,251 3,394,539
100,166$ 586,371$ 200,168$ 947,121$ 3,882,603$
Capital ED Revolving Revolving
Park Loan Loan
Taxes –$ –$ –$
Intergovernmental 100,000 – –
Charges for services 309,190 – –
Investment income 70,957 5,058 7
Contributions and donations 4,200 – –
Other – – –
Total revenues 484,347 5,058 7
General government – – –
Public safety – – –
Economic development – – –
Culture and recreation 49,735 – –
Capital outlay 454,462 – 95,000
Total expenditures 504,197 – 95,000
Net change in fund balances (19,850) 5,058 (94,993)
Fund balances
Beginning of year 1,750,543 125,454 95,998
End of year 1,730,693$ 130,512$ 1,005$
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures,
and Changes in Fund Balances
Cable Police
Franchise EDA Forfeiture DAG Total
–$ 149,698$ –$ –$ 149,698$
– – – – 100,000
28,901 10,120 – 266,959 615,170
2,849 19,595 8,064 – 106,530
– 8,600 – – 12,800
– – 96,863 – 96,863
31,750 188,013 104,927 266,959 1,081,061
243 – – – 243
– – 115,397 – 115,397
– 171,553 – – 171,553
– – – – 49,735
20,020 – 29,081 206,284 804,847
20,263 171,553 144,478 206,284 1,141,775
11,487 16,460 (39,551) 60,675 (60,714)
63,679 558,096 181,907 679,576 3,455,253
75,166$ 574,556$ 142,356$ 740,251$ 3,394,539$
Tax Revolving Trunk
Increment Equipment Reserve
Cash and investments 15,528$ 823,388$ 3,337,679$
Accounts 70,997 5,614 29,870
Special assessments
Delinquent – – 398
Deferred – – 6,158
Due from other governmental agencies – 3,204 –
Total assets 86,525$ 832,206$ 3,374,105$
Accounts and contracts payable –$ 4,163$ 3,647$
Deposits payable – – –
Total liabilities – 4,163 3,647
Deferred inflows of resources
Unavailable revenue from special assessments – – 6,556
Fund balances
Restricted for tax increment 86,525 – –
Assigned for capital improvements – 828,043 3,363,902
Total fund balances 86,525 828,043 3,363,902
Total liabilities, deferred inflows
of resources, and fund balances 86,525$ 832,206$ 3,374,105$
Nonmajor Capital Projects Funds
Combining Balance Sheet
as of December 31, 2019
Tax Tax
Street Water Increment 1-3 Increment 3-1
Oversizing Storage Lakefront Creekside
1,286,836$ 301,177$ 148,627$ 166,359$
4,036 19,761 733 444
– 306 – –
– 3,180 – –
– – 1,920 –
1,290,872$ 324,424$ 151,280$ 166,803$
–$ –$ 45,734$ 2,335$
116,500 – – –
116,500 – 45,734 2,335
– 3,487 – –
– – 105,546 164,468
1,174,372 320,937 – –
1,174,372 320,937 105,546 164,468
1,290,872$ 324,424$ 151,280$ 166,803$
Tax Tax Tax
Increment 5-1 Increment 6-1 Increment 1-4
Premiere Shepard’s Path River Vet
Cash and investments 16,723$ 530,457$ 5,938$
Accounts 42 1,284 1
Special assessments
Delinquent – – –
Deferred – – –
Due from other governmental agencies – – –
Total assets 16,765$ 531,741$ 5,939$
Accounts and contracts payable 7,280$ 152,701$ 4,686$
Deposits payable – – –
Total liabilities 7,280 152,701 4,686
Deferred inflows of resources
Unavailable revenue from special assessments – – –
Fund balances
Restricted for tax increment 9,485 379,040 1,253
Assigned for capital improvements – – –
Total fund balances 9,485 379,040 1,253
Total liabilities, deferred inflows
of resources, and fund balances 16,765$ 531,741$ 5,939$
as of December 31, 2019
Nonmajor Capital Projects Funds
Combining Balance Sheet (continued)
Tax Revolving Permanent
Increment 1-5 Park Facility Improvement
Gateway Ctr Equipment Management Revolving Total
100,778$ 917,009$ 474,636$ 596,552$ 8,721,687$
29 1,878 3,826 200 138,715
– – – 581 1,285
– – – 503,301 512,639
– 1,546 – 1,123 7,793
100,807$ 920,433$ 478,462$ 1,101,757$ 9,382,119$
83,103$ 14,989$ –$ 33,248$ 351,886$
– – – – 116,500
83,103 14,989 – 33,248 468,386
– – – 503,882 513,925
17,704 – – – 764,021
– 905,444 478,462 564,627 7,635,787
17,704 905,444 478,462 564,627 8,399,808
100,807$ 920,433$ 478,462$ 1,101,757$ 9,382,119$
Tax Revolving Trunk
Increment Equipment Reserve
Taxes –$ 599,619$ –$
Special assessments – – 4,738
Charges for services 10,673 – 1,147,660
Investment income 628 39,019 136,297
Total revenues 11,301 638,638 1,288,695
Economic development 4,196 – –
Capital outlay 9,967 1,175,387 84,124
Debt service
Interest and other – 5,856 –
Total expenditures 14,163 1,181,243 84,124
Excess (deficiency) of revenues
over expenditures (2,862) (542,605) 1,204,571
Other financing sources (uses)
Debt issued – 215,000 –
Premium on debt issued – 40,040 –
Transfers in – 160,000 –
Transfers out – – (735,480)
Sale of capital assets – 8,020 –
Total other financing sources (uses)– 423,060 (735,480)
Net change in fund balances (2,862) (119,545) 469,091
Fund balances
Beginning of year 89,387 947,588 2,894,811
End of year 86,525$ 828,043$ 3,363,902$
Nonmajor Capital Projects Funds
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures,
and Changes in Fund Balances
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Tax Tax
Street Water Increment 1-3 Increment 3-1
Oversizing Storage Lakefront Creekside
–$ –$ 138,571$ 93,305$
– 2,457 – –
54,802 342,946 – –
46,110 42,695 4,894 5,080
100,912 388,098 143,465 98,385
– – – –
34,564 – 106,639 45,331
– – – –
34,564 – 106,639 45,331
66,348 388,098 36,826 53,054
– – – –
– – – –
– – – –
– (1,007,804) (29,432) –
– – – –
– (1,007,804) (29,432) –
66,348 (619,706) 7,394 53,054
1,108,024 940,643 98,152 111,414
1,174,372$ 320,937$ 105,546$ 164,468$
Tax Tax Tax
Increment 5-1 Increment 6-1 Increment 1-4
Premiere Shepard’s Path River Vet
Taxes 16,177$ 339,335$ 10,412$
Special assessments – – –
Charges for services – – –
Investment income 439 15,739 97
Total revenues 16,616 355,074 10,509
Economic development – – –
Capital outlay 15,589 306,391 10,381
Debt service
Interest and other – – –
Total expenditures 15,589 306,391 10,381
Excess (deficiency) of revenues
over expenditures 1,027 48,683 128
Other financing sources (uses)
Debt issued – – –
Premium on debt issued – – –
Transfers in – – –
Transfers out – – –
Sale of capital assets – – –
Total other financing sources (uses)– – –
Net change in fund balances 1,027 48,683 128
Fund balances
Beginning of year 8,458 330,357 1,125
End of year 9,485$ 379,040$ 1,253$
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Nonmajor Capital Projects Funds
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures,
and Changes in Fund Balances (continued)
Tax Revolving Permanent
Increment 1-5 Park Facility Improvement
Gateway Ctr Equipment Management Revolving Total
174,956$ 289,269$ –$ 94,862$ 1,756,506$
– – – 360,183 367,378
– – – – 1,556,081
1,332 31,407 17,605 21,758 363,100
176,288 320,676 17,605 476,803 4,043,065
– – – – 4,196
167,219 158,797 48,925 664,954 2,828,268
– – – 10,894 16,750
167,219 158,797 48,925 675,848 2,849,214
9,069 161,879 (31,320) (199,045) 1,193,851
– – – 400,000 615,000
– – – 48,709 88,749
– – 94,927 – 254,927
– – – (186,933) (1,959,649)
– – – – 8,020
– – 94,927 261,776 (992,953)
9,069 161,879 63,607 62,731 200,898
8,635 743,565 414,855 501,896 8,198,910
17,704$ 905,444$ 478,462$ 564,627$ 8,399,808$
Variance With
Original Final Actual Final Budget Actual
Property taxes 8,380,973$ 8,380,973$ 8,367,851$ (13,122)$ 7,988,125$
Franchise taxes 615,000 615,000 639,783 24,783 630,932
Total taxes 8,995,973 8,995,973 9,007,634 11,661 8,619,057
Special assessments 5,000 5,000 140 (4,860) 4,691
Licenses and permits
Business 82,680 82,680 81,320 (1,360) 85,535
Nonbusiness 559,438 559,438 910,776 351,338 909,078
Total licenses and permits 642,118 642,118 992,096 349,978 994,613
Federal grants 17,000 17,000 1,821 (15,179) 7,504
Road and bridge aid 377,209 377,209 378,807 1,598 376,210
Fire relief aid 227,000 227,000 273,282 46,282 238,189
Police aid 264,800 264,800 291,594 26,794 286,590
Other state aids 11,905 11,905 11,905 – 11,905
County and local
Township fire and rescue aid 314,136 314,136 314,136 – 296,559
Liaison aid 49,769 49,769 52,680 2,911 48,793
Other local aids – – 1,000 1,000 –
Payment in lieu of taxes 600,000 600,000 600,000 – 570,000
Total intergovernmental 1,861,819 1,861,819 1,925,225 63,406 1,835,750
Charges for services
Zoning fees 20,857 20,857 32,104 11,247 39,712
Plan check fees 277,528 277,528 382,837 105,309 390,830
Park fees 74,300 74,300 202,125 127,825 204,608
Project fees 263,000 263,000 73,290 (189,710) 235,030
Park program revenue 67,000 67,000 75,084 8,084 68,957
Tower leases 291,967 291,967 312,116 20,149 290,462
Park admission/rent 66,500 69,500 76,419 6,919 74,090
Facility rental 38,418 35,418 37,536 2,118 52,217
Reports 1,600 1,600 1,602 2 1,143
Total charges for services 1,101,170 1,101,170 1,193,113 91,943 1,357,049
General Fund
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and
Changes in Fund Balances – Budget and Actual
Year Ended December 31, 2019
(With Comparative Actual Amounts for the Year Ended December 31, 2018)
Budgeted Amounts
Variance With
Original Final Actual Final Budget Actual
Revenues (continued)
Fines and forfeits – – 996 996 1,448
Investment income
Interest earnings 87,400 87,400 152,608 65,208 133,312
Amortization – premium/discount – – (8,690) (8,690) (20,302)
Unrealized gain (loss)– – 116,516 116,516 (58,293)
Total investment income 87,400 87,400 260,434 173,034 54,717
Other 29,739 29,739 56,864 27,125 39,285
Contributions and donations – – 18,403 18,403 25,380
Developers’ agreements 158,000 158,000 119,021 (38,979) 260,974
Total miscellaneous 187,739 187,739 194,288 6,549 325,639
Total revenues 12,881,219 12,881,219 13,573,926 692,707 13,192,964
Current expenditures
General government
Mayor and City Council
Personal services 61,216 61,216 63,060 1,844 55,690
Supplies 300 300 311 11 522
Other services and charges 10,350 10,350 6,773 (3,577) 6,961
Total Mayor and City Council 71,866 71,866 70,144 (1,722) 63,173
Other services and charges 7,500 7,500 4,025 (3,475) 7,091
Personal services 371,664 372,714 464,153 91,439 364,416
Supplies 6,000 6,000 6,983 983 6,482
Other services and charges 59,271 59,271 57,863 (1,408) 71,265
Total administration 436,935 437,985 528,999 91,014 442,163
Boards and commissions
Personal services 10,765 10,765 8,719 (2,046) 9,581
Other services and charges 1,000 1,000 – (1,000) 231
Total boards and commissions 11,765 11,765 8,719 (3,046) 9,812
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and
Budgeted Amounts
General Fund
Changes in Fund Balances – Budget and Actual (continued)
Year Ended December 31, 2019
(With Comparative Actual Amounts for the Year Ended December 31, 2018)
Variance With
Original Final Actual Final Budget Actual
Expenditures (continued)
Current expenditures (continued)
General government (continued)
City Clerk
Personal services 60,550 60,860 81,824 20,964 –
Supplies – – 179 179 –
Other services and charges – – 1,977 1,977 –
Total City Clerk 60,550 60,860 83,980 23,120 –
Personal services – – – – 18,103
Supplies – – – – 1,911
Other services and charges – – – – 543
Total election – – – – 20,557
Personal services 462,310 464,410 465,968 1,558 430,368
Supplies 1,650 1,650 485 (1,165) 1,251
Other services and charges 16,350 21,745 14,122 (7,623) 15,247
Total finance 480,310 487,805 480,575 (7,230) 446,866
Other services and charges 31,300 31,300 37,564 6,264 30,615
Other services and charges 202,600 202,600 202,418 (182) 194,716
Legal services
Other services and charges 200,000 200,000 152,275 (47,725) 162,462
Personal services 144,380 145,000 154,461 9,461 141,197
Supplies 250 250 69 (181) –
Other services and charges 44,200 44,200 32,588 (11,612) 53,159
Total personnel 188,830 189,450 187,118 (2,332) 194,356
Personal services 104,947 105,257 106,378 1,121 99,485
Supplies 300 300 – (300) 43
Other services and charges 23,050 23,050 20,183 (2,867) 17,406
Total communications 128,297 128,607 126,561 (2,046) 116,934
General Fund
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Changes in Fund Balances – Budget and Actual (continued)
(With Comparative Actual Amounts for the Year Ended December 31, 2018)
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and
Budgeted Amounts
Variance With
Original Final Actual Final Budget Actual
Expenditures (continued)
Current expenditures (continued)
General government (continued)
Community development
Personal services 295,533 296,862 299,211 2,349 286,888
Supplies 2,500 2,500 1,530 (970) 940
Other services and charges 44,932 44,932 27,449 (17,483) 41,291
Total community development 342,965 344,294 328,190 (16,104) 329,119
Personal services 149,360 149,855 150,439 584 145,204
Supplies 41,120 41,120 43,069 1,949 41,586
Other services and charges 129,370 129,370 134,730 5,360 101,136
Total technology 319,850 320,345 328,238 7,893 287,926
Buildings and plant
Personal services 87,616 88,356 95,013 6,657 88,495
Supplies 8,000 8,000 8,388 388 7,484
Other services and charges 372,308 372,308 357,849 (14,459) 353,598
Total buildings and plant 467,924 468,664 461,250 (7,414) 449,577
Total general government 2,950,692 2,963,041 3,000,056 37,015 2,755,367
Public safety
Personal services 4,126,665 4,160,395 4,126,264 (34,131) 3,818,418
Supplies 144,348 144,348 145,362 1,014 123,662
Other services and charges 315,868 326,358 230,468 (95,890) 230,513
Total police 4,586,881 4,631,101 4,502,094 (129,007) 4,172,593
Fire and rescue
Personal services 665,413 666,153 691,220 25,067 673,258
Supplies 103,665 103,665 91,345 (12,320) 111,391
Other services and charges 163,818 163,818 154,190 (9,628) 176,265
Total fire and rescue 932,896 933,636 936,755 3,119 960,914
Building inspections
Personal services 542,383 544,394 562,078 17,684 540,879
Supplies 17,800 17,800 14,713 (3,087) 7,745
Other services and charges 39,766 39,766 17,675 (22,091) 28,910
Total building inspections 599,949 601,960 594,466 (7,494) 577,534
Emergency management
Other services and charges 11,935 11,935 9,947 (1,988) 9,083
Year Ended December 31, 2019
(With Comparative Actual Amounts for the Year Ended December 31, 2018)
Budgeted Amounts
General Fund
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and
Changes in Fund Balances – Budget and Actual (continued)
Variance With
Original Final Actual Final Budget Actual
Expenditures (continued)
Current expenditures (continued)
Public safety (continued)
Animal control
Other services and charges 26,448 26,448 28,200 1,752 26,400
Total public safety 6,158,109 6,205,080 6,071,462 (133,618) 5,746,524
Public works
Personal services 297,946 299,406 303,932 4,526 281,211
Supplies 10,540 10,540 6,693 (3,847) 10,827
Other services and charges 65,358 65,358 37,671 (27,687) 59,086
Total engineering 373,844 375,304 348,296 (27,008) 351,124
Central garage
Personal services 231,711 233,191 225,463 (7,728) 205,565
Supplies 182,410 182,410 144,447 (37,963) 151,544
Other services and charges 45,910 45,910 42,934 (2,976) 44,458
Total central garage 460,031 461,511 412,844 (48,667) 401,567
Personal services 442,497 445,074 422,174 (22,900) 398,353
Supplies 309,072 309,072 332,140 23,068 253,454
Other services and charges 475,334 475,334 438,729 (36,605) 478,473
Total streets 1,226,903 1,229,480 1,193,043 (36,437) 1,130,280
Total public works 2,060,778 2,066,295 1,954,183 (112,112) 1,882,971
Culture and recreation
Personal services 301,246 283,096 304,211 21,115 316,831
Supplies 80,552 80,552 103,307 22,755 92,716
Other services and charges 34,877 34,877 26,050 (8,827) 26,067
Total recreation 416,675 398,525 433,568 35,043 435,614
Personal services 1,008,916 1,013,338 990,650 (22,688) 1,002,580
Supplies 158,125 158,125 143,591 (14,534) 159,200
Other services and charges 314,100 344,160 259,408 (84,752) 204,412
Total parks 1,481,141 1,515,623 1,393,649 (121,974) 1,366,192
Budgeted Amounts
Year Ended December 31, 2019
(With Comparative Actual Amounts for the Year Ended December 31, 2018)
Changes in Fund Balances – Budget and Actual (continued)
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and
General Fund
Variance With
Original Final Actual Final Budget Actual
Expenditures (continued)
Current expenditures (continued)
Culture and recreation (continued)
Supplies 5,000 5,000 10,449 5,449 3,615
Other services and charges 61,955 61,955 51,598 (10,357) 45,166
Total libraries 66,955 66,955 62,047 (4,908) 48,781
Total culture and recreation 1,964,771 1,981,103 1,889,264 (91,839) 1,850,587
Total current expenditures 13,134,350 13,215,519 12,914,965 (300,554) 12,235,449
Capital outlay
Community development 5,400 5,400 – (5,400) –
Technology 74,800 93,690 74,206 (19,484) 56,283
Police – – 3,588 3,588 –
Fire – – 7,595 7,595 –
Streets – – 7,485 7,485 –
Buildings and plant 5,000 5,000 7,722 2,722 3,738
Total capital outlay 85,200 104,090 100,596 (3,494) 60,021
Total expenditures 13,219,550 13,319,609 13,015,561 (304,048) 12,295,470
Excess (deficiency) of revenues
over expenditures (338,331) (438,390) 558,365 996,755 897,494
Other financing sources (uses)
Transfers in 456,300 456,300 456,300 – 443,000
Transfers out (334,769) (334,769) (334,769) – (819,651)
Sale of assets – – 9,877 9,877 3,323
Total other financing
sources (uses)121,531 121,531 131,408 9,877 (373,328)
Net change in fund balances (216,800)$ (316,859)$ 689,773 1,006,632$ 524,166
Fund balances
Beginning of year 7,213,402 6,689,236
End of year 7,903,175$ 7,213,402$
General Fund
Budgeted Amounts
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and
Changes in Fund Balances – Budget and Actual (continued)
Year Ended December 31, 2019
(With Comparative Actual Amounts for the Year Ended December 31, 2018)
Water Tax
City Hall Fire Treatment Increment
2005 Station #2 Plant 2004
Cash and investments 16,788$ 147$ 1,312$ 28,927$
Accounts 192 – – 135
Special assessments
Delinquent – – – –
Deferred – – – –
Other (Green Acres)– – – –
Due from other governmental agencies 3,436 – – –
Total assets 20,416$ 147$ 1,312$ 29,062$
Accounts and contracts payable 178$ 89$ –$ 63$
Deferred inflows of resources
Unavailable revenue from
special assessments – – – –
Fund balances
Restricted for debt service 20,238 58 1,312 28,999
Total liabilities, deferred inflows
of resources, and fund balances 20,416$ 147$ 1,312$ 29,062$
Debt Service Fund
Balance Sheet by Account
as of December 31, 2019
Brooksville CR 12 and
Fish Hills II/Maple 2010 Boudin Boudin Welcome,
Point Glen 2nd Reconstruction Phase I Phase II CR 12, Sunset
–$ –$ 36,373$ 116,315$ 179,009$ 458,690$
– – 2,352 1,498 1,065 3,978
– – – – – 12,274
30,112 – 29,018 60,169 63,203 355,200
451,350 – – – – –
– – 640 1,173 1,452 982
481,462$ –$ 68,383$ 179,155$ 244,729$ 831,124$
–$ –$ 1$ 63$ 90$ 173$
481,462 – 29,018 60,169 63,203 367,474
– – 39,364 118,923 181,436 463,477
481,462$ –$ 68,383$ 179,155$ 244,729$ 831,124$
-110 (continued)
CSAH 44,Street TH 13, 150th
Crest,Reconstruction Street 2015
Maplewood GESP Lease 2015 Reconstruction
Cash and investments 273,268$ 2,491$ 375,302$ 411,776$
Accounts 263 42 792 (59)
Special assessments
Delinquent – – 14,417 –
Deferred 25,385 – 629,535 –
Other (Green Acres)– – – –
Due from other governmental agencies 2,328 – 1,749 2,021
Total assets 301,244$ 2,533$ 1,021,795$ 413,738$
Accounts and contracts payable 175$ –$ 13,749$ 175$
Deferred inflows of resources
Unavailable revenue from
special assessments 25,385 – 643,952 –
Fund balances
Restricted for debt service 275,684 2,533 364,094 413,563
Total liabilities, deferred inflows
of resources, and fund balances 301,244$ 2,533$ 1,021,795$ 413,738$
Balance Sheet by Account (continued)
Debt Service Fund
as of December 31, 2019
Cates, Balsam,
Franklin Trail,
Sycamore Trail,
Maintenance 2017 2018
TH 13, 150th Center Roof Mill and Franklin,
Manitou Road Street 2016 Equipment Improvements Overlay Huron,
Improvement Reconstruction 2016 2017 Improvements Woodside
151,294$ 7,071$ 10,728$ 515,904$ 4,307$ 270,119$
(114) 2 2 170 – (93)
3,645 – – 2,699 – 607
146,733 – – 720,435 – 520,579
– – – – – –
413 232 369 10,369 13 3,529
301,971$ 7,305$ 11,099$ 1,249,577$ 4,320$ 794,741$
61$ 60$ 58$ 138$ 40$ 138$
150,377 – – 723,135 – 521,186
151,533 7,245 11,041 526,304 4,280 273,417
301,971$ 7,305$ 11,099$ 1,249,577$ 4,320$ 794,741$
-112 (continued)
2018 Street
Street Overlay Improvements Total
Cash and investments 5,877$ 114,280$ 2,979,978$
Accounts – (11) 10,214
Special assessments
Delinquent – – 33,642
Deferred – 11,730 2,592,099
Other (Green Acres)– – 451,350
Due from other governmental agencies 31 – 28,737
Total assets 5,908$ 125,999$ 6,096,020$
Accounts and contracts payable 37$ 174$ 15,462$
Deferred inflows of resources
Unavailable revenue from
special assessments – 11,730 3,077,091
Fund balances
Restricted for debt service 5,871 114,095 3,003,467
Total liabilities, deferred inflows
of resources, and fund balances 5,908$ 125,999$ 6,096,020$
Debt Service Fund
Balance Sheet by Account (continued)
as of December 31, 2019
Water Tax
City Hall Fire Treatment Increment
2005 Station #2 Plant 2004
Taxes 642,951$ –$ –$ –$
Special assessments – – – –
Investment income 5,042 – – 1,071
Total revenues 647,993 – – 1,071
Debt service
Principal 485,000 150,000 385,000 25,000
Interest and other 158,528 84,769 161,025 4,407
Total expenditures 643,528 234,769 546,025 29,407
Excess (deficiency) of revenues
over expenditures 4,465 (234,769) (546,025) (28,336)
Other financing sources (uses)
Transfers in – 234,769 545,275 29,432
Transfers out – – – –
Total other financing sources (uses)– 234,769 545,275 29,432
Net change in fund balances 4,465 – (750) 1,096
Fund balances
Beginning of year 15,773 58 2,062 27,903
End of year 20,238$ 58$ 1,312$ 28,999$
Year Ended December 31, 2019
and Changes in Fund Balances by Account
Debt Service Fund
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures,
Brooksville CR 12 and
Fish Hills II/Maple 2010 Boudin Boudin Welcome,
Point Glen 2nd Reconstruction Phase I Phase II CR 12, Sunset
–$ 126,482$ 113,600$ 132,338$ 175,670$ 183,868$
– 18,351 12,536 41,712 46,799 61,016
– 3,276 2,799 8,547 10,150 22,634
– 148,109 128,935 182,597 232,619 267,518
– 175,000 130,000 220,000 230,000 325,000
– 6,125 8,685 16,039 20,988 37,950
– 181,125 138,685 236,039 250,988 362,950
– (33,016) (9,750) (53,442) (18,369) (95,432)
– – – – – –
– (13,164)– – – –
– (13,164) – – – –
– (46,180) (9,750) (53,442) (18,369) (95,432)
– 46,180 49,114 172,365 199,805 558,909
–$ –$ 39,364$ 118,923$ 181,436$ 463,477$
CSAH 44,Street TH 13, 150th
Crest,Reconstruction Street 2015
Maplewood GESP Lease 2015 Reconstruction
Taxes 199,191$ 236,470$ –$ 275,216$
Special assessments 6,298 – 48,271 124,727
Investment income 13,947 2,053 20,677 13,437
Total revenues 219,436 238,523 68,948 413,380
Debt service
Principal 220,000 263,512 – 355,000
Interest and other 30,375 37,102 130,068 27,080
Total expenditures 250,375 300,614 130,068 382,080
Excess (deficiency) of revenues
over expenditures (30,939) (62,091) (61,120) 31,300
Other financing sources (uses)
Transfers in – – 31,759 135,000
Transfers out – – (135,000)–
Total other financing sources (uses)– – (103,241) 135,000
Net change in fund balances (30,939) (62,091) (164,361) 166,300
Fund balances
Beginning of year 306,623 64,624 528,455 247,263
End of year 275,684$ 2,533$ 364,094$ 413,563$
and Changes in Fund Balances by Account (continued)
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Debt Service Fund
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures,
Cates, Balsam,
Franklin Trail,
Sycamore Trail,
Maintenance 2017 2018
TH 13, 150th Center Roof Mill and Franklin,
Manitou Road Street 2016 Equipment Improvements Overlay Huron,
Improvement Reconstruction 2016 2017 Improvements Woodside
77,295$ 43,332$ 69,097$ 318,548$ 2,342$ 660,518$
26,077 – – 187,637 – 92,438
7,489 495 833 19,270 90 14,776
110,861 43,827 69,930 525,455 2,432 767,732
110,000 35,000 60,000 405,000 70,000 465,000
17,659 5,758 6,058 78,001 5,838 303,338
127,659 40,758 66,058 483,001 75,838 768,338
(16,798) 3,069 3,872 42,454 (73,406) (606)
– – – 101,988 75,800 –
– – – – – –
– – – 101,988 75,800 –
(16,798) 3,069 3,872 144,442 2,394 (606)
168,331 4,176 7,169 381,862 1,886 274,023
151,533$ 7,245$ 11,041$ 526,304$ 4,280$ 273,417$
2018 Street
Street Overlay Improvements Total
Taxes 5,856$ –$ 3,262,774$
Special assessments – 34,048 699,910
Investment income 53 287 146,926
Total revenues 5,909 34,335 4,109,610
Debt service
Principal 85,000 – 4,193,512
Interest and other 26,171 175 1,166,139
Total expenditures 111,171 175 5,359,651
Excess (deficiency) of revenues
over expenditures (105,262) 34,160 (1,250,041)
Other financing sources (uses)
Transfers in 111,133 79,935 1,345,091
Transfers out (148,164)
Total other financing sources (uses)111,133 79,935 1,196,927
Net change in fund balances 5,871 114,095 (53,114)
Fund balances
Beginning of year – – 3,056,581
End of year 5,871$ 114,095$ 3,003,467$
Debt Service Fund
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures,
and Changes in Fund Balances by Account (continued)
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Compensation Insurance Total
Cash and investments 357,210$ 105,156$ 462,366$
Accounts 2,875 227 3,102
Total assets 360,085$ 105,383$ 465,468$
Current liabilities
Current portion of compensated absences payable 362,283$ –$ 362,283$
Noncurrent liabilities
Compensated absences payable 478,748 – 478,748
Total liabilities 841,031 – 841,031
Net position (deficit)
Unrestricted (480,946) 105,383 (375,563)
Total liabilities and net position 360,085$ 105,383$ 465,468$
Internal Service Funds
Combining Statement of Net Position
as of December 31, 2019
Compensation Insurance Total
Operating revenues
Charges for services 31,310$ –$ 31,310$
Operating expenses
Personal services 58,897 187,055 245,952
Operating income (loss)(27,587) (187,055) (214,642)
Nonoperating revenues
Investment income 11,777 9,656 21,433
Income (loss) before transfers (15,810) (177,399) (193,209)
Transfers in 100,000 – 100,000
Change in net position 84,190 (177,399) (93,209)
Net position
Beginning of year (565,136) 282,782 (282,354)
End of year (480,946)$ 105,383$ (375,563)$
Internal Service Funds
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Compensation Insurance Total
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash received from customers 31,456$ –$ 31,456$
Cash payments to employees (56,390) (187,055) (243,445)
Miscellaneous revenue – 119 119
Net cash flows from operating activities (24,934) (186,936) (211,870)
Cash flows from non-capital financing activities
Transfers in 100,000 – 100,000
Cash flows from investing activities
Interest received on cash and investments 11,777 9,656 21,433
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 86,843 (177,280) (90,437)
Cash and cash equivalents, January 1 270,367 282,436 552,803
Cash and cash equivalents, December 31 357,210$ 105,156$ 462,366$
Reconciliation of operating income (loss) to net
cash flows from operating activities
Operating income (loss)(27,587)$ (187,055)$ (214,642)$
Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss)
to net cash flows from operating activities
(Increase) decrease in assets
Accounts receivable 146 119 265
Increase (decrease) in liabilities
Compensated absences payable 2,507 – 2,507
Net cash flows from operating activities (24,934)$ (186,936)$ (211,870)$
Internal Service Funds
Combining Statement of Cash Flows
Year Ended December 31, 2019
2019 2018 (Decrease)
Taxes 13,536,829$ 12,806,046$ 5.7%
Franchise taxes 639,783 630,932 1.4%
Special assessments 1,079,348 1,340,085 (19.5%)
Licenses and permits 992,096 994,613 (0.3%)
Intergovernmental 4,143,994 1,864,964 122.2%
Charges for services 3,364,364 4,401,009 (23.6%)
Fines and forfeits 996 1,448 (31.2%)
Interest on investments 1,073,558 312,320 243.7%
Miscellaneous 343,951 412,650 (16.6%)
Total revenues 25,174,919$ 22,764,067$ 10.6%
Per capita 938$ 869$ 7.9%
General government 3,000,299$ 2,759,974$ 8.7%
Public safety 6,186,859 5,813,331 6.4%
Public works 1,954,183 1,882,971 3.8%
Culture and recreation 1,938,999 1,907,552 1.6%
Economic development 175,749 149,852 17.3%
Capital outlay 10,089,051 9,057,805 11.4%
Debt service
Principal 4,193,512 3,953,016 6.1%
Interest and other charges 1,222,378 1,020,244 19.8%
Total disbursements 28,761,030$ 26,544,745$ 8.3%
Per capita 1,071$ 1,013$ 5.8%
Total long-term bonded indebtedness 37,030,000$ 38,895,000$ (4.8%)
Per capita 1,379$ 1,484$ (7.1%)
General Fund balance – December 31 7,903,175$ 7,213,402$ 9.6%
Per capita 294$ 275$ 6.9%
The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of financial information concerning the City to interested citizens.The
complete financial statements may be examined at City Hall,4646 Dakota Street Southeast,Prior Lake,Minnesota 55372.
Questions about this report should be directed to the Finance Director at (952) 447-9841.
Governmental Funds
Years Ended December 31, 2019 and 2018
Summary Financial Report
Revenues and Expenditures for General Operations
Issue Maturity
Date Date
Bonded indebtedness
General obligation special assessment bonds
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2009A 1.10–3.50 %05/15/2009 12/15/2019
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2010A 0.80–3.20 05/26/2010 12/15/2020
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2011A 1.80–2.50 08/31/2011 12/15/2021
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2011B 2.00–2.35 12/14/2011 12/15/2022
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2013A 2.00–2.65 08/15/2013 12/15/2023
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2014A 2.00–2.50 09/25/2014 12/15/2024
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2015A 2.00–3.00 05/14/2015 12/15/2030
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2015B 1.00–2.25 05/14/2015 12/15/2022
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2016A 2.00 05/01/2016 12/15/2026
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2017A 2.00–2.25 06/29/2017 12/15/2027
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2018A 4.00–5.00 08/15/2018 12/15/2028
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2019A 5.00 06/27/2019 12/15/2029
Total general obligation special assessment bonds
General obligation tax increment bonds
G.O. Tax Increment Refunding Bonds of 2011A 1.80–3.00 08/31/2011 12/15/2024
General obligation bonds
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2011B 2.00–3.40 12/14/2011 12/15/2031
G.O. Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds of 2012A 2.00–2.70 03/13/2012 12/15/2029
G.O. Street Reconstruction Bonds of 2015B 1.00–2.25 05/14/2015 12/15/2022
G.O. Street Reconstruction Bonds of 2016A 2.00 05/01/2016 12/15/2026
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2017A 2.00–2.25 06/29/2017 12/15/2024
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2018A 4.00-5.00 08/15/2018 12/15/2028
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2019A 5.00 06/27/2019 12/15/2028
Total general obligation bonds
General obligation revenue bonds
G.O. Improvement Refunding Bonds of 2015A 1.00–3.00 05/14/2015 12/15/2031
G.O. Improvement Refunding Bonds of 2016A 2.00 05/01/2016 12/15/2022
G.O. Improvement Bonds of 2018A 4.00–5.00 08/15/2018 12/15/2028
Total general obligation revenue bonds
Total bonded indebtedness
Combined Schedule of Indebtedness
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Outstanding Issued Outstanding
Authorized January 1 (Retired)December 31 Principal Interest
1,700,000$ 175,000$ (175,000)$ –$ –$ –$
1,235,000 260,000 (130,000) 130,000 130,000 4,160
2,130,000 665,000 (220,000) 445,000 220,000 10,795
2,280,000 960,000 (230,000) 730,000 240,000 16,061
3,240,000 1,615,000 (325,000) 1,290,000 325,000 30,780
2,170,000 1,390,000 (220,000) 1,170,000 225,000 25,800
4,640,000 4,640,000 – 4,640,000 – 115,825
160,000 100,000 (25,000) 75,000 25,000 1,563
1,105,000 880,000 (110,000) 770,000 110,000 15,400
4,135,000 3,755,000 (425,000) 3,330,000 435,000 68,663
4,465,000 4,465,000 (430,000) 4,035,000 490,000 178,700
1,850,000 – 1,850,000 1,850,000 150,000 135,665
29,110,000 18,905,000 (440,000) 18,465,000 2,350,000 603,412
290,000 160,000 (25,000) 135,000 25,000 3,763
3,500,000 2,970,000 (150,000) 2,820,000 160,000 81,418
9,825,000 6,925,000 (485,000) 6,440,000 515,000 148,158
2,330,000 1,230,000 (330,000) 900,000 185,000 19,168
760,000 585,000 (95,000) 490,000 95,000 9,800
370,000 325,000 (50,000) 275,000 55,000 5,500
1,165,000 1,165,000 (120,000) 1,045,000 130,000 46,300
215,000 – 215,000 215,000 15,000 15,766
18,165,000 13,200,000 (1,015,000) 12,185,000 1,155,000 326,110
5,360,000 5,285,000 (75,000) 5,210,000 75,000 132,625
1,640,000 1,345,000 (310,000) 1,035,000 325,000 20,700
2,640,000 2,640,000 (210,000) 2,430,000 240,000 108,900
9,640,000 9,270,000 (595,000) 8,675,000 640,000 262,225
57,205,000$ 41,535,000$ (2,075,000)$ 39,460,000$ 4,170,000$ 1,195,510$
Due in 2020
Issue Maturity
Date Date Principal
General obligation
special assessment bonds
$1,235,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2010A 05/26/2010 3.50 %12/15/2020 130,000$
$2,130,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2011A 08/31/2011 2.35 %12/15/2020 220,000
2.50 12/15/2021 225,000
Total 445,000
$2,280,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2011B 12/14/2011 2.35 %12/15/2020 240,000
2.50 12/15/2021 245,000
3.00 12/15/2022 245,000
Total 730,000
$3,240,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2013A 08/15/2013 2.10 %12/15/2020 325,000
2.30 12/15/2021 325,000
2.50 12/15/2022 320,000
2.65 12/15/2023 320,000
Total 1,290,000
$2,170,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2014A 09/25/2014 2.00 %12/15/2020 225,000
2.00 12/15/2021 230,000
2.00 12/15/2022 235,000
2.50 12/15/2023 235,000
2.50 12/15/2024 245,000
Total 1,170,000
Bond Schedules
December 31, 2019
Issue Maturity
Date Date Principal
General obligation
special assessment bonds (continued)
$4,640,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2015A 05/14/2015 2.00 %12/15/2023 405,000
2.00 12/15/2024 575,000
2.00 12/15/2025 775,000
2.50 12/15/2026 610,000
2.50 12/15/2027 555,000
3.00 12/15/2028 550,000
3.00 12/15/2029 600,000
3.00 12/15/2030 570,000
Total 4,640,000
$160,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2015B 05/14/2015 1.90 %12/15/2020 25,000
2.10 12/15/2021 25,000
2.25 12/15/2022 25,000
Total 75,000
$1,105,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A 05/01/2016 2.00 %12/15/2020 110,000
2.00 12/15/2021 110,000
2.00 12/15/2022 110,000
2.00 12/15/2023 110,000
2.00 12/15/2024 110,000
2.00 12/15/2025 110,000
2.00 12/15/2026 110,000
Total 770,000
$4,135,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2017A 06/29/2017 2.00 %12/15/2020 435,000
2.00 12/15/2021 445,000
2.00 12/15/2022 450,000
2.00 12/15/2023 385,000
2.00 12/15/2024 390,000
2.00 12/15/2025 400,000
2.25 12/15/2026 410,000
2.25 12/15/2027 415,000
Total 3,330,000
Bond Schedules (continued)
December 31, 2019
Issue Maturity
Date Date Principal
General obligation
special assessment bonds (continued)
$4,465,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2018A 08/15/2018 4.00 %12/15/2020 490,000
4.00 12/15/2021 455,000
4.00 12/15/2022 475,000
4.00 12/15/2023 490,000
4.00 12/15/2024 395,000
5.00 12/15/2025 410,000
5.00 12/15/2026 420,000
5.00 12/15/2027 440,000
5.00 12/15/2028 460,000
Total 4,035,000
$1,850,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2019A 06/27/2019 5.00 %12/15/2020 150,000
5.00 12/15/2021 205,000
5.00 12/15/2022 210,000
5.00 12/15/2023 220,000
5.00 12/15/2024 235,000
5.00 12/15/2025 150,000
5.00 12/15/2026 160,000
5.00 12/15/2027 165,000
5.00 12/15/2028 175,000
5.00 12/15/2029 180,000
Total 1,850,000
Total general obligation special assessment bonds 18,465,000$
General obligation
tax increment bonds
$290,000 Tax Increment Refunding
Bonds, Series 2011A 08/31/2011 2.35 %12/15/2020 25,000
2.50 12/15/2021 25,000
3.00 12/15/2022 25,000
3.00 12/15/2023 30,000
3.00 12/15/2024 30,000
Total general obligation tax increment bonds 135,000$
Bond Schedules (continued)
December 31, 2019
Issue Maturity
Date Date Principal
General obligation bonds
$3,500,000 General Obligation Improvement
Bonds, Series 2011B 12/14/2011 2.05 %12/15/2020 160,000
2.20 12/15/2021 175,000
2.35 12/15/2022 180,000
2.50 12/15/2023 195,000
2.65 12/15/2024 215,000
2.75 12/15/2025 230,000
2.85 12/15/2026 240,000
3.00 12/15/2027 255,000
3.20 12/15/2028 270,000
3.20 12/15/2029 285,000
3.40 12/15/2030 300,000
3.40 12/15/2031 315,000
Total 2,820,000
$9,825,000 General Obligation Capital
Improvement Refunding Bonds of 2012A 03/13/2012 2.00 %12/15/2020 515,000
2.00 12/15/2021 545,000
2.00 12/15/2022 565,000
2.00 12/15/2023 590,000
2.15 12/15/2024 615,000
2.30 12/15/2025 645,000
2.40 12/15/2026 685,000
2.50 12/15/2027 720,000
2.60 12/15/2028 760,000
2.70 12/15/2029 800,000
Total 6,440,000
$2,330,000 General Obligation
Street Reconstruction Bonds, Series 2015B 05/14/2015 1.90 %12/15/2020 185,000
2.10 12/15/2021 290,000
2.25 12/15/2022 425,000
Total 900,000
$760,000 General Obligation
Street Reconstruction Bonds, Series 2016A 05/01/2016 2.00 %12/15/2020 95,000
2.00 12/15/2021 95,000
2.00 12/15/2022 95,000
2.00 12/15/2023 95,000
2.00 12/15/2024 35,000
2.00 12/15/2025 35,000
2.00 12/15/2026 40,000
Total 490,000
Bond Schedules (continued)
December 31, 2019
Issue Maturity
Date Date Principal
General obligation bonds (continued)
$370,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds of 2017A 06/29/2017 2.00 %12/15/2020 55,000
2.00 12/15/2021 55,000
2.00 12/15/2022 55,000
2.00 12/15/2023 55,000
2.00 12/15/2024 55,000
Total 275,000
$1,165,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2018A 08/15/2018 4.00 %12/15/2020 130,000
4.00 12/15/2021 110,000
4.00 12/15/2022 110,000
4.00 12/15/2023 120,000
4.00 12/15/2024 125,000
5.00 12/15/2025 125,000
5.00 12/15/2026 130,000
5.00 12/15/2027 130,000
5.00 12/15/2028 65,000
Total 1,045,000
$215,000 General Obligation
Improvement Bonds, Series 2019A 06/27/2019 5.00 %12/15/2020 15,000
5.00 12/15/2021 20,000
5.00 12/15/2022 20,000
5.00 12/15/2023 25,000
5.00 12/15/2024 25,000
5.00 12/15/2025 25,000
5.00 12/15/2026 25,000
5.00 12/15/2027 30,000
5.00 12/15/2028 30,000
Total 215,000
Total general obligation bonds 12,185,000$
Bond Schedules (continued)
December 31, 2019
Issue Maturity
Date Date Principal
General obligation revenue bonds
$5,360,000 General Obligation Improvement
Refunding Bonds, Series 2015A 05/14/2015 1.50 %12/15/2020 75,000
1.50 12/15/2021 75,000
1.50 12/15/2022 75,000
2.00 12/15/2023 480,000
2.00 12/15/2024 495,000
2.00 12/15/2025 515,000
2.50 12/15/2026 530,000
2.50 12/15/2027 550,000
3.00 12/15/2028 570,000
3.00 12/15/2029 590,000
3.00 12/15/2030 615,000
3.00 12/15/2031 640,000
Total 5,210,000
$1,640,000 General Obligation Improvement
Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A 05/01/2016 2.00 %12/15/2020 325,000
2.00 12/15/2021 345,000
2.00 12/15/2022 365,000
Total 1,035,000
$2,640,000 General Obligation Improvement
Bonds, Series 2018A 08/15/2018 4.00 %12/15/2020 240,000
4.00 12/15/2021 240,000
4.00 12/15/2022 250,000
4.00 12/15/2023 260,000
4.00 12/15/2024 270,000
5.00 12/15/2025 270,000
5.00 12/15/2026 280,000
5.00 12/15/2027 300,000
5.00 12/15/2028 320,000
Total 2,430,000
Total general obligation revenue bonds 8,675,000$
December 31, 2019
Bond Schedules (continued)
Year Principal Interest Principal Interest
2020 1,155,000$ 326,110$ 2,350,000$ 603,412$
2021 1,290,000 295,048 2,265,000 488,202
2022 1,450,000 265,808 2,070,000 433,038
2023 1,080,000 232,316 2,165,000 373,318
2024 1,070,000 206,591 1,950,000 310,363
2025 1,060,000 179,620 1,845,000 255,188
2026 1,120,000 150,260 1,710,000 201,488
2027 1,135,000 118,430 1,575,000 145,813
2028 1,125,000 84,780 1,185,000 92,350
2029 1,085,000 51,630 780,000 44,100
2030 300,000 20,910 570,000 17,100
2031 315,000 10,710 – –
Total 12,185,000$ 1,942,213$ 18,465,000$ 2,964,372$
Debt Service Requirements
December 31, 2019
General Obligation
General Obligation Bonds Special Assessment Bonds
Principal Interest Principal Interest
25,000$ 3,763$ 640,000$ 262,225$
25,000 3,175 660,000 245,000
25,000 2,550 690,000 227,375
30,000 1,800 740,000 208,950
30,000 900 765,000 188,950
– – 785,000 168,250
– – 810,000 144,450
– – 850,000 117,200
– – 890,000 88,450
– – 590,000 55,350
– – 615,000 37,650
– – 640,000 19,200
135,000$ 12,188$ 8,675,000$ 1,763,050$
Revenue Bonds
General ObligationGeneral Obligation
Tax Increment Bonds
Collection Collections
Total of Current of Prior Total
Year Levy Year Levy Years’ Levy Collections
2010 10,079,186$ 10,079,186$ 100.00 %*235,004$ 9,999,856$ 99.21 %
2011 10,114,124 10,114,124 100.00 *148,029 10,262,153 101.46
2012 9,414,124 9,414,124 100.00 132,726 9,546,850 101.41
2013 9,414,124 9,414,124 100.00 79,901 9,494,025 100.85
2014 9,448,918 9,448,918 100.00 86,180 9,535,098 100.91
2015 10,394,086 10,394,086 100.00 48,336 10,442,422 100.47
2016 11,078,361 11,034,353 99.60 68,478 11,102,831 100.22
2017 11,568,155 11,520,353 99.59 12,692 11,533,045 99.70
2018 12,077,538 11,994,082 99.31 61,762 12,055,844 99.82
2019 12,778,035 12,697,865 99.37 65,150 12,763,015 99.88
*Market value credit was withheld by the state of Minnesota
Collection Collections
Total of Current of Prior Total
Year Levy Year Levy**Years’ Levy Collections
2010 441,066$ 435,017$ 98.63 %3,522$ 438,539$ 99.43 %
2011 347,795 345,533 99.35 6,113 351,646 101.11
2012 385,017 384,144 99.77 4,477 388,621 100.94
2013 393,347 391,132 99.44 5,606 396,738 100.86
2014 526,584 460,800 87.51 4,946 465,746 88.45
2015 354,412 365,481 103.12 11,655 377,136 106.41
2016 453,962 475,376 104.72 2,611 477,987 105.29
2017 504,420 474,936 94.15 7,331 482,267 95.61
2018 657,443 635,553 96.67 34,485 670,038 101.92
2019 728,099 699,440 96.06 13,554 712,994 97.93
**Excludes prepaid assessment collections
Collectionsof Levy
of Total
of Total
to Levy
Tax Levies and Collections, and
Special Assessment Levies and Collections
Special Assessment Levies and Collections
Prior Ten Years
Tax Levies and Collections
of Levy
Collected to Levy
2017 2018 2019
Taxable market value 3,030,449,778$ 3,261,128,200$ 3,447,986,900$
Tax levy 11,568,155$ 12,077,538$ 12,778,035$
Tax capacity, net of fiscal disparities,
and tax increment 29,819,702$ 33,172,374$ 35,200,266$
Tax capacity rate 32.685% 33.040% 33.020%
Market value rate 0.034% 0.007% 0.007%
EDA tax capacity rate 0.434% 0.390% 0.395%
Schedules of Market Value, Tax Levy, Tax Capacity Values,
Tax Capacity Rate, and Market Value Rate
Prior Three Years
2017 2018 2019
Current population 26,053 26,207 26,849
Tax capacity, net of fiscal disparities,
and tax increment 29,819,702$ 33,172,374$ 35,200,266$
Percent of current property taxes collected 99.59% 99.31% 99.37%
City revenues per capita (governmental funds)872$ 869$ 938$
City expenditures per capita (governmental funds)1,101$ 1,013$ 1,071$
Ratio of bonded debt to tax capacity 114.30% 108.36% 103.88%
Bond rating AA+ (S&P)AA+ (S&P)AA+ (S&P)
Prior Three Years
Key Financial Indicators
To the City Council and Management
City of Prior Lake, Minnesota
We have audited, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of
America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards,
issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the financial statements of the governmental
activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of
the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota (the City) as of and for the year ended December 31, 2019, and the
related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the City’s basic financial statements,
and have issued our report thereon dated May 18, 2020.
In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements, we considered the City’s internal control
over financial reporting (internal control) to determine the audit procedures that are appropriate in the
circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements, but not for the
purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the City’s internal control. Accordingly, we do
not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the City’s internal control.
A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow
management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or
detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination
of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement
of the City’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. A
significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less
severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with
Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this
section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material
weaknesses or significant deficiencies. Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any
deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses
may exist that have not been identified.
Thomas A. Karnowski, CPA
Paul A. Radosevich, CPA
William J. Lauer, CPA
James H. Eichten, CPA
Aaron J. Nielsen, CPA
Victoria L. Holinka, CPA/CMA
Jaclyn M. Huegel, CPA
Kalen T. Karnowski, CPA
Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich & Co., P.A.
5353 Wayzata Boulevard • Suite 410 • Minneapolis, MN 55416 • Phone: 952-545-0424 • Fax: 952-545-0569 • www.mmkr.com
Standard Letterhead-r2.qxp_167639 Letterhead-RV1 9/7/18 6:34 PM Page 1
As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the City’s financial statements are free from
material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations,
contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the
determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those
provisions was not an objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The
results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be
reported under Government Auditing Standards.
The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance
and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the City’s internal
control or on compliance. This report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with
Government Auditing Standards in considering the City’s internal control and compliance. Accordingly,
this report is not suitable for any other purpose.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 18, 2020
To the City Council and Management
City of Prior Lake, Minnesota
We have audited, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of
America, and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards,
issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the financial statements of the governmental
activities, the business-type activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of
the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota (the City) as of and for the year ended December 31, 2019, and the
related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the City’s basic financial statements,
and have issued our report thereon dated May 18, 2020.
In connection with our audit, nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that the City failed to
comply with the provisions of the contracting and bidding, deposits and investments, conflicts of interest,
public indebtedness, claims and disbursements, miscellaneous provisions, and tax increment financing
sections of the Minnesota Legal Compliance Audit Guide for Cities, promulgated by the State Auditor
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 6.65, insofar as they relate to accounting matters. However, our audit
was not directed primarily toward obtaining knowledge of such noncompliance. Accordingly, had we
performed additional procedures, other matters may have come to our attention regarding the City’s
noncompliance with the above referenced provisions, insofar as they relate to accounting matters.
The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of compliance and the results of
that testing, and not to provide an opinion on compliance. Accordingly, this report is not suitable for any
other purpose.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 18, 2020
Thomas A. Karnowski, CPA
Paul A. Radosevich, CPA
William J. Lauer, CPA
James H. Eichten, CPA
Aaron J. Nielsen, CPA
Victoria L. Holinka, CPA/CMA
Jaclyn M. Huegel, CPA
Kalen T. Karnowski, CPA
Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich & Co., P.A.
5353 Wayzata Boulevard • Suite 410 • Minneapolis, MN 55416 • Phone: 952-545-0424 • Fax: 952-545-0569 • www.mmkr.com
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Management Report
City of Prior Lake, Minnesota
December 31, 2019
To the City Council and Management
City of Prior Lake, Minnesota
We have prepared this management report in conjunction with our audit of the City of Prior Lake,
Minnesota’s (the City) financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019. We have organized
this report into the following sections:
•Audit Summary
•Governmental Funds Overview
•Enterprise Funds Overview
•Government-Wide Financial Statements
•Legislative Updates
•Accounting and Auditing Updates
We would be pleased to further discuss any of the information contained in this report or any other
concerns that you would like us to address. We would also like to express our thanks for the courtesy and
assistance extended to us during the course of our audit.
The purpose of this report is solely to provide those charged with governance of the City, mana gement,
and those who have responsibility for oversight of the financial reporting process comments resulting
from our audit process and information relevant to city finances in Minnesota. Accordingly, this report is
not suitable for any other purpose.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 18, 2020
Thomas A. Karnowski, CPA
Paul A. Radosevich, CPA
William J. Lauer, CPA
James H. Eichten, CPA
Aaron J. Nielsen, CPA
Victoria L. Holinka, CPA/CMA
Jaclyn M. Huegel, CPA
Kalen T. Karnowski, CPA
Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich & Co., P.A.
5353 Wayzata Boulevard • Suite 410 • Minneapolis, MN 55416 • Phone: 952-545-0424 • Fax: 952-545-0569 • www.mmkr.com
Standard Letterhead-r2.qxp_167639 Letterhead-RV1 9/7/18 6:34 PM Page 1
The following is a summary of our audit work, key conclusions, and other information that we consider
important or that is required to be communicated to the City Council, administration, or those charged
with governance of the City.
We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, each
major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City as of and for the year ended
December 31, 2019. Professional standards require that we provide you with information about our
responsibilities under auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and
Government Auditing Standards, as well as certain information related to the planned scope and timing of
our audit. We have communicated such information to you verbally and in our audit engagement letter.
Professional standards also require that we communicate the following information related to our audit.
We performed the audit according to the planned scope and timing previously discussed and coordinated
in order to obtain sufficient audit evidence and complete an effective audit.
Based on our audit of the City’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019:
• We have issued an unmodified opinion on the City’s basic financial statements.
• We reported no deficiencies in the City’s internal control over financial reporting that we
considered to be material weaknesses.
• The results of our testing disclosed no instances of noncompliance required to be reported under
Government Auditing Standards.
• We reported no findings based on our testing of the City’s compliance with Minnesota laws and
As a part of our audit of the City’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019, we
performed procedures to follow-up on the findings and recommendations that resulted from our prior year
audit. We reported the following findings that were corrected by the City in the current year:
• Minnesota Statutes § 423A.022, Subd. 2 states that annually, the commissioner of revenue shall
allocate police and firefighter retirement supplemental state aid. Of the total amount appropriated
as supplemental state aid, a percentage is paid to the executive director of the Public Employees
Retirement Association (PERA) for deposit in the Public Employees Police and Fire Retirement
Fund. A percentage is then paid to municipalities that qualify to receive fire sta te aid in that
calendar year. For municipalities that are allocated amounts for fire departments participating in
the voluntary state-wide lump sum volunteer firefighter retirement plans, this balance is required
to be paid to the treasurer of each municipality for transmittal within 30 days of receipt to the
treasurer of the applicable volunteer firefighter relief association for deposit in its Special Fund.
For the 2019 allocation of this aid to the City, the City paid the fire relief association within t he
30-day period set by Minnesota Statutes.
Impact of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Shortly after the end of the 2019 fiscal year, the onset of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
caused substantial volatility in economic conditions and tremendous disruption in the way governments,
businesses, and individuals function. Minnesota cities may experience the impact of this pandemic in a
myriad of financial areas, such as: declines in investment rates of return, cash flow issues, increased
utility billing and property tax delinquencies, significant increases in the number and frequency of
employees working remotely, challenges in processing general and payroll disbursements, disruption of
prescribed internal control procedures, delays in internal and external financial reporting, and new
compliance requirements attached to potential federal relief subsidies. As your city adapts to the new
normal of municipal operations in a post-COVID-19 world, the assessment of and responses to new risks
that may accompany operational changes will be critical to the safeguarding of city resources and sound
financial stewardship. We encourage management and governance to include a robust financial risk
assessment process when planning responses to these challenges, and to reassess and adapt internal
controls over financial transactions and reporting to align with significant changes made to daily
operations, even those intended to be temporary.
Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. The significant
accounting policies used by the City are described in Note 1 of the notes to basic financial statements.
No new accounting policies were adopted and the application of existing policies was not changed during
the year ended December 31, 2019; however, the City implemented the following governmental
accounting standards during the fiscal year:
• Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 83, Certain Asset Retirement
Obligations, which addressed accounting and financial reporting for certain asset retirement
obligations, which are legally enforceable liabilities associated with the retirement of a tangible
capital asset.
• GASB Statement No. 84, Fiduciary Activities, which established new criteria for identifying and
reporting fiduciary activities.
• GASB Statement No. 88, Certain Disclosures Related to Debt, Including Direct Borrowings and
Direct Placements, which improved and clarified the information to be disclosed in notes to
government financial statements related to debt, including direct borrowings and direct
• GASB Statement No. 90, Majority Equity Interest—an Amendment of GASB Statements No. 14
and No. 61, which improved the consistency and comparability of reporting a government’s
majority equity interest in a legally separate organization and the relevance of financial statement
information for certain component units.
We noted no transactions entered into by the City during the year for which there is a lack of authoritative
guidance or consensus. All significant transactions have been recognized in the financial statements in the
proper period.
Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are
based on management’s knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about
future events. Certain accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to the
financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ
significantly from those expected. The most sensitive estimates affecting the financial statements were:
• Depreciation – Management’s estimates of depreciation expense are based on the estimated
useful lives of the assets.
• Compensated Absences – Estimates for compensated absences payable are based on current sick
and vacation leave balances.
• Total Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) and Net Pension Liabilities – The City has
recorded liabilities and activity for pension benefits and OPEB. These obligations are calculated
using actuarial methodologies described in GASB Statement Nos. 68 and 75. These actuarial
calculations include significant assumptions, including projected changes, healthcare insurance
costs, investment returns, retirement ages, proportionate share, and employee turnover.
We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used by management to develop these estimates in
determining that they are reasonable in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.
Certain financial statement disclosures are particularly sensitive because of their significance to financial
statement users. The disclosures included in the notes to the basic financial statements related to OPEB
and pension benefits are particularly sensitive, due to the materiality of the liabilities, and the large and
complex estimates involved in determining the disclosures.
The financial statement disclosures are neutral, consistent, and clear.
We encountered no significant difficulties in dealing with management in performing and completing our
Professional standards require us to accumulate all known and likely misstatements identified during the
audit, other than those that are clearly trivial, and communicate them to the appropriate level of
management. There were no misstatements detected as a result of audit procedures that were material,
either individually or in the aggregate, to each opinion unit’s financial statements taken as a whole.
For purposes of this report, a disagreement with management is a financial accounting, reporting, or
auditing matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, that could be significant to the financial
statements or the auditor’s report. We are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the
course of our audit.
We have requested certain representations from management that are included in the management
representation letter dated May 18, 2020.
In some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting
matters, similar to obtaining a “second opinion” on certain situations. If a consultation involves
application of an accounting principle to the City’s financial statements or a determination of the type of
auditor’s opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards require the
consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our
knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants.
We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing
standards, with management each year prior to retention as the City’s auditors. However, these
discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a
condition to our retention.
We applied certain limited procedures to the management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) and the
pension and OPEB-related required supplementary information (RSI) that supplements the basic financial
statements. Our procedures consisted of inquiries of management regarding the methods of preparing the
information and comparing the information for consistency with management’s responses to our
inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic
financial statements. We did not audit the RSI and do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on
the RSI.
We were engaged to report on the supplemental information accompanying the financial statements,
which is not RSI. With respect to this supplemental information, we made certain inquiries of
management and evaluated the form, content, and methods of preparing the information to determine that
the information complies with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America,
the method of preparing it has not changed from the prior period, and the information is appropriate and
complete in relation to our audit of the financial statements. We compared and reconciled the
supplemental information to the underlying accounting records used to prepare the financial statements or
to the financial statements themselves.
We were not engaged to report on the introductory and other information sections, which accompany the
financial statements, but are not RSI. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures
applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, accordingly, we do not express an opinion or
provide any assurance on it.
This section of the report provides you with an overview of the financial trends and activities of the City’s
governmental funds, which includes the General, special revenue, debt service, and capital project funds.
These funds are used to account for the basic services the City provides t o all of its citizens, which are
financed primarily with property taxes. The governmental fund information in the City’s financial
statements focuses on budgetary compliance and the sufficiency of each governmental fund’s current
assets to finance its current liabilities.
Minnesota cities rely heavily on local property tax levies to support their governmental fund activities.
For the 2018 fiscal year, local ad valorem property tax levies provided 41.5 percent of the total
governmental fund revenues for cities over 2,500 in population, and 36.7 percent for cities under 2,500 in
population. Total property taxes levied by all Minnesota cities for taxes payable in 2019 increased
5.6 percent from the prior year.
The total tax capacity value of property in Minnesota cities increased about 7.1 percent for the 2019 levy
year. The tax capacity values used for levying property taxes are based on the assessed market values for
the previous fiscal year (e.g., tax capacity values for taxes levied in 2019 were based on assessed market
values as of January 1, 2018), so the trend of change in these tax capacity values lags somewhat behind
the housing market and economy in general.
The City’s taxable market value increased 7.6 percent for taxes payable in 2018 and 5.7 percent for taxes
payable in 2019. The following graph shows the City’s changes in taxable market value over the past
10 years:
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Taxable Market Value
Tax capacity is considered the actual base available for taxation. It is calculated by applying the state’s
property classification system to each property’s market value. Each property classification, such as
commercial or residential, has a different calculation and uses different rates. Consequently, a city’s total
tax capacity will change at a different rate than its total market value, as tax capacity is affected by the
proportion of its tax base that is in each property classification from year -to-year, as well as legislative
changes to tax rates. The City’s tax capacity increased 11.2 percent and 6.1 percent for taxes payable in
2018 and 2019, respectively.
The following graph shows the City’s change in tax capacities over the past 10 years:
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Local Net Tax Capacity
The following table presents the average tax rates applied to city residents for each of the last three levy
2017 2018 2019
Average tax rate
City 32.7 33.0 33.0
County 35.9 35.1 33.8
School 30.6 33.0 31.7
Special taxing 7.8 8.7 7.8
Total 107.0 109.8 106.3
City of Prior Lake
Rates Expressed as a Percentage of Net Tax Capacity
The City’s portion of the tax rate has been consistent over the past three years.
The following table summarizes the changes in the fund balances of the City’s governmental funds during
the year ended December 31, 2019, presented both by fund balance classification and by major fund:
2019 2018 Change
Fund balances of governmental funds
Total by classification
Restricted 4,088,161$ 4,154,268$ (66,107)$
Assigned 11,295,634 13,908,417 (2,612,783)
Unassigned 7,578,463 6,931,767 646,696
Total governmental funds 22,962,258$ 24,994,452$ (2,032,194)$
Total by fund
General 7,903,175$ 7,213,402$ 689,773$
Debt Service 3,003,467 3,056,581 (53,114)
Construction 261,269 3,070,306 (2,809,037)
Special revenue nonmajor funds 3,394,539 3,455,253 (60,714)
Capital projects nonmajor funds 8,399,808 8,198,910 200,898
Total governmental funds 22,962,258$ 24,994,452$ (2,032,194)$
Governmental Funds Change in Fund Balance
Fund Balance
as of December 31,
In total, the fund balances of the City’s governmental funds decreased by $2,032,194 during the year
ended December 31, 2019. The decrease in the assigned balance mostly relates to the decrease in assigned
balances for capital improvements as expenditures for construction projects exceeded intergovernmental
aid and other revenue sources by $2,809,037 in 2019.
The following table presents the per capita revenue of the City’s governmental funds for the past
three years, along with state-wide averages.
We have included the most recent comparative state-wide averages available from the Office of the State
Auditor to provide a benchmark for interpreting the City’s data. The amounts received from the typical
major sources of governmental fund revenue will naturally vary between cities based on factors , such as a
city’s stage of development, location, size and density of its population, property values, services it
provides, and other attributes. It will also differ from year -to-year, due to the effect of inflation and
changes in its operation. Also, certain data in these tables may be classified differently than how they
appear in the City’s financial statements in order to be more comparable to the state-wide information,
particularly in separating capital expenditures from current expenditures.
We have designed this section of our management report using per capita data in order to better id entify
unique or unusual trends and activities of the City. We intend for this type of comparative and trend
information to complement, rather than duplicate, information in the MD&A. An inherent difficulty in
presenting per capita information is the accuracy of the population count, which for most years is based
on estimates.
Year 2017 2018 2019
Population 2,500–10,000 10,000–20,000 20,000–100,000 26,053 26,207 26,849
Property taxes 495$ 472$ 493$ 442$ 460$ 475$
Tax increments 28 27 43 20 29 29
Franchise and other taxes 41 48 50 24 24 24
Special assessments 53 40 57 57 51 40
Licenses and permits 38 35 47 31 38 37
Intergovernmental revenues 303 271 157 65 71 154
Charges for services 130 102 112 202 168 125
Other 97 78 49 31 28 54
Total revenue 1,185$ 1,073$ 1,008$ 872$ 869$ 938$
December 31, 2018
City of Prior LakeState-Wide
Governmental Funds Revenue per Capita
With State-Wide Averages by Population Class
In total, the City’s governmental fund revenues for 2019 were $25,174,919, an increase of $2,410,852
(10.6 percent) from the prior year. On a per capita basis, the City received $938 in governmental fund
revenue for 2019, an increase of $69 from the prior year. Intergovernmental revenues increased $83 per
capita, due to additional state road aid received in 2019. In general, the City has generated less
governmental fund revenue per capita than the state-wide averages.
The expenditures of governmental funds will also vary from state -wide averages and from year-to-year,
based on the City’s circumstances. Expenditures are classified into three types as follows:
• Current – These are typically the general operating type expenditures occurring on an annual
basis, and are primarily funded by general sources, such as taxes and intergovernmental revenues.
• Capital Outlay and Construction – These expenditures do not occur on a consistent basis, more
typically fluctuating significantly from year-to-year. Many of these expenditures are
project-oriented, and are often funded by specific sources that have benefited from the
expenditure, such as special assessment improvement projects.
• Debt Service – Although the expenditures for debt service may be relatively consistent over the
term of the respective debt, the funding source is the important factor. Some debt may be repaid
through specific sources, such as special assessments or redevelopment funding, while other debt
may be repaid with general property taxes.
The City’s expenditures per capita of its governmental funds for the past three years, together with
comparative state-wide averages, are presented in the following table:
Year 2017 2018 2019
Population 2,500–10,000 10,000–20,000 20,000–100,000 26,053 26,207 26,849
150$ 121$ 104$ 105$ 105$ 112
286 272 294 205 222 230
135 125 106 69 72 73
96 115 104 64 73 72
75 74 78 4 6 7
742 707 686 447 478 494
Capital outlay
and construction 417 351 307 451 345 375
Debt service
178 153 109 153 151 156
41 39 29 50 39 46
219 192 138 203 190 202
Total expenditures 1,378$ 1,250$ 1,131$ 1,101$ 1,013$ 1,071$
Interest and fiscal charges
Public safety
Streets and highways
Culture and recreation
All other
General government
Governmental Funds Expenditures per Capita
With State-Wide Averages by Population Class
December 31, 2018
City of Prior LakeState-Wide
Total expenditures in the City’s governmental funds for 2019 were $28,761,030, an increase of
$2,216,285 (8.3 percent) from the prior year. On a per capita basis, the City expended a total of $1,071 in
2019. Capital outlay expenditures increased $30 per capita from the prior year, due to more construction
related expenditures in 2019.
The City’s General Fund accounts for the financial activity of the basic services provided to the
community. The primary services included within this fund are the administration of the municipal
operation, police and fire protection, building inspection, streets and highway maintenance, and culture
and recreation. The graph below illustrates the change in the General Fund financial position over the last
five years. We have also included a line representing annual expenditures and transfers out to reflect the
change in the size of the General Fund operation over the same period.
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Fund Balance $6,124,751 $6,684,920 $6,840,928 $7,213,402 $7,903,175
Cash and Inv (Net of Borrowing)$6,902,926 $7,211,301 $8,306,654 $8,938,262 $9,604,268
Expenditures and Transfers Out $12,343,815 $12,417,787 $13,208,933 $13,115,121 $13,350,330
General Fund Financial Position
Year Ended December 31,
The City’s General Fund cash and investments balance increased $666,006 during the current year. Total
fund balance increased $689,773 from the prior year.
As the graph illustrates, the City has generally been able to maintain healthy cash and fund balance levels
as the volume of financial activity has grown. This is an important factor because a government, like any
organization, requires a certain amount of equity to operate. A healthy financial position allows the City
to avoid volatility in tax rates; helps minimize the impact of state funding changes; allows for the
adequate and consistent funding of services, repairs, and unexpected costs; and is a factor in determining
the City’s bond rating and resulting interest costs. Maintaining an adequate fund balance has become
increasingly important given the fluctuations in state funding for cities in recent years.
The City has formally adopted a fund balance policy regarding the minimum unrestricted fund balance for
the General Fund. The policy establishes that the City will strive to maintain an unrestricted General Fund
balance (which includes committed, assigned, and unassigned classifications) between 40.0 and
50.0 percent of the subsequent year’s General Fund budgeted expenditures. At December 31, 2019, the
unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund was 53.9 percent of the subsequent year’s budgeted
expenditures and transfers out.
The following graph reflects the City’s General Fund revenue sources for 2019 compared to budget:
All Other
Fines and Forfeits
Charges for Services
Licenses and Permits
General Fund Revenue
Budget and Actual
Actual Budget
General Fund revenue for 2019 was $13,573,926, which was $692,707 (5.4 percent) more than budget,
mainly due to the City having more development than expected, leading to more building permits and
charges for services. Investment income, included in “all other” in the graph above, also exceeded
budgeted amounts by $173,034 as earnings exceeded conservative projected amounts.
The following graph presents the City’s General Fund revenue by source for the last five years. The graph
reflects the City’s increased reliance on property tax revenue in recent years.
All Other
2015 $8,692,425 $587,464 $1,573,865 $1,048,564 $1,390 $425,561
2016 $8,886,211 $751,824 $1,581,752 $1,132,504 $4,743 $248,153
2017 $8,779,030 $820,433 $1,657,988 $1,346,676 $2,250 $324,924
2018 $8,619,057 $994,613 $1,835,750 $1,357,049 $1,448 $385,047
2019 $9,007,634 $992,096 $1,925,225 $1,193,113 $996 $454,862
General Fund Revenue by Source
Year Ended December 31,
Total General Fund revenue for 2019 was $380,962 (2.9 percent) higher than last year. Tax revenue
increased by $388,577, or 4.5 percent. Charges for services decreased $163,936, mainly in project fees as
the number of building permits declined in 2019.
The following graph illustrates the components of General Fund spending for 2019 compared to budget:
All Other
Culture and Recreation
Public Works
Public Safety
General Government
General Fund Expenditures
Budget and Actual
Actual Budget
Total General Fund expenditures for 2019 were $13,015,561, which was $304,048 (2.3 percent) under
budget. Public safety expenditures were $133,618 under budget, mainly in other services and charges,
including training, employee development, and small equipment for police. Public works was also under
budget by $112,112. This amount includes amounts favorable to budget in a number of areas, including
engineering, central garage, and streets.
The following graph presents the City’s General Fund expenditures by function for the last five years:
Government Public Safety Public Works Culture and
Recreation All Other
2015 $2,568,472 $4,821,150 $2,078,309 $1,600,071 $239,568
2016 $2,531,266 $5,034,978 $1,875,534 $1,593,975 $222,808
2017 $2,741,278 $5,239,456 $1,798,918 $1,677,597 $115,563
2018 $2,755,367 $5,746,524 $1,882,971 $1,850,587 $60,021
2019 $3,000,056 $6,071,462 $1,954,183 $1,889,264 $100,596
General Fund Expenditures by Function
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Total General Fund expenditures for 2019 were $720,091 (5.9 percent) greater than the previous year.
Public safety expenditures increased $324,938, due to wages and benefits for additional police officers,
cost of living adjustments in the current year, increased overtime costs, and increased state fire relief
pension pass-through contributions. Expenditures were also higher in general government by $244,689.
This includes salary and benefit increases for the city manager’s office, city clerk‘s office, and
information technology services.
The City maintains a number of enterprise funds to account for services the City provides that are
financed primarily through fees charged to those utilizing the service. This section of the report provides
you with an overview of the financial trends and activities of the City’s enterprise funds, which includes
the Water, Sewer, and Water Quality Funds.
The following table summarizes the changes in the financial position of the City’s enterprise funds during
the year ended December 31, 2019, presented by both classification and by fund:
2019 2018 Change
Net position of enterprise funds
Total by classification
Investment in capital assets 68,398,856$ 61,697,384$ 6,701,472$
Unrestricted 7,137,595 6,001,160 1,136,435
Total enterprise funds 75,536,451$ 67,698,544$ 7,837,907$
Total by fund
Water 45,354,364$ 40,677,486$ 4,676,878$
Sewer 26,381,082 24,213,054 2,168,028
Water Quality 3,801,005 2,808,004 993,001
Total enterprise funds 75,536,451$ 67,698,544$ 7,837,907$
Enterprise Funds Change in Financial Position
Net Position
as of December 31,
The City has established a Compensated Absences Internal Service Fund to finance the compensated
absence obligations of the governmental funds of the City. At December 31, 2019, this fund had assets
totaling $360,085, while liabilities totaled $841,031, leaving a deficit net position balance of ($480,946).
We recommend that the City continue to include the financing of these obligations as part of its
long-range financial plans.
The City also has established an Insurance Internal Service Fund to account for risk management
activities, including workers’ compensation, volunteer accident, and property/casualty insurance. At
December 31, 2019, this fund had assets totaling $105,383 and no liabilities, leading to a net position
balance of $105,383.
The following graph presents five years of comparative operating results for the City’s Water Fund:
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Oper Revenue $3,390,052 $3,674,099 $3,796,097 $3,967,706 $3,792,321
Oper Expenses $2,347,154 $2,493,541 $2,621,448 $2,679,154 $2,983,966
Oper Income (Loss)$1,042,898 $1,180,558 $1,174,649 $1,288,552 $808,355
Inc Before Depr $1,700,029 $1,870,854 $1,912,281 $2,092,678 $1,696,804
Water Enterprise Fund
Year Ended December 31,
The Water Fund ended 2019 with net position of $45,354,364, an increase of $4,676,878 from the prior
year. Of this, $41,328,961 represents the investment in capital assets, leaving $4,025,403 in unrestricted
net position. The Water Fund had transfers out totaling $995,495 in 2019 to support other funds, pay debt
service, and provide for construction projects.
Operating revenue in the Water Fund decreased $175,385 (4.4 percent) from the prior year. This decrease
was due to decreased usage in the current year.
Water Fund operating expenses for 2019 increased $304,812 (11.4 percent) from the previous year. This
increase includes increases in salaries and benefits and repairs and maintenance.
State and federal grants, interest revenue and expenses, miscellaneous income, and loss on sale of capital
assets, which are not included in the graph above, totaled $161,553 in 2019. After including these
revenues and expenses, the Water Fund reflected income before contributions and transfers of $969,908.
The following graph presents five years of comparative operating results for the City’s Sewer Fund:
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Oper Revenue $2,432,925 $2,741,578 $3,090,773 $3,270,026 $3,622,033
Oper Expenses $2,468,932 $2,635,304 $2,771,143 $2,892,003 $3,281,824
Oper Income (Loss)$(36,007)$106,274 $319,630 $378,023 $340,209
Inc Before Depr $371,068 $530,299 $789,288 $889,932 $904,035
Sewer Enterprise Fund
Year Ended December 31,
The Sewer Fund ended 2019 with net position of $26,381,082, an increase of $2,168,028 from the prior
year. Of this, $24,493,690 represents the City’s investment in capital assets, leaving $1,887,392 in
unrestricted net position. The Sewer Fund had transfers out totaling $527,147 in 2019 to support other
funds, pay debt service, and provide for construction projects.
Operating revenue in the Sewer Fund increased $352,007 (10.8 percent) from the prior year, mainly
related to increased rates in 2019. Sewer Fund operating expenses for 2019 increased $389,821
(13.5 percent) from the previous year. These increases include increases in salaries and benefits, repairs
and maintenance, and disposal charges.
State and federal grants, interest revenue and expenses, and miscellaneous revenues, which are not
included in the graph above, totaled $31,454 in 2019. After including these revenues and expenses, the
Sewer Fund reflected income before contributions and transfers of $371,663.
The following graph presents five years of comparative operating results for the City’s Water Quality
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Oper Revenue $865,244 $920,128 $925,988 $986,338 $1,060,295
Oper Expenses $560,820 $598,972 $633,557 $600,030 $611,654
Oper Income (Loss)$304,424 $321,156 $292,431 $386,308 $448,641
Inc Before Depr $396,392 $427,648 $402,799 $508,197 $583,068
Water Quality Enterprise Fund
Year Ended December 31,
The Water Quality Fund ended 2019 with net position of $3,801,005, an increase of $993,001 from the
prior year. Of this, $2,576,205 represents the investment in capital assets, leaving $1,224,800 in
unrestricted net position.
Operating revenue in the Water Quality Fund increased $73,957 (7.4 percent) from the prior year, due to
an increase in the rates in 2019. Water Quality Fund operating expenses for 2019 increased $11,624
(1.9 percent) from the previous year.
In addition to fund-based information, the current reporting model for governmental entities also requires
the inclusion of two government-wide financial statements designed to present a clear picture of the City
as a single, unified entity. These government-wide financial statements provide information on the total
cost of delivering services, including capital assets and long-term liabilities.
The Statement of Net Position essentially tells you what the City owns and owes at a given point in time,
the last day of the fiscal year. Theoretically, net position represents the resources the City has leftover to
use for providing services after its debts are settled. However, those resources are not always in spendable
form, or there may be restrictions on how some of those resources can be used. Therefore, net position is
divided into three components: net investment in capital assets, restricted, and unrestricted.
The following table presents the components of the City’s net position as of December 31, 2019 and
2018, for governmental activities and business-type activities:
2019 2018 Change
Net position
Governmental activities
Net investment in capital assets 112,279,178$ 107,929,953$ 4,349,225$
Restricted 7,988,232 8,491,635 (503,403)
Unrestricted 11,418,431 12,669,915 (1,251,484)
Total governmental activities 131,685,841 129,091,503 2,594,338
Business-type activities
Net investment in capital assets 68,398,856 61,697,384 6,701,472
Unrestricted 7,137,595 6,001,160 1,136,435
Total business-type activities 75,536,451 67,698,544 7,837,907
Total net position 207,222,292$ 196,790,047$ 10,432,245$
As of December 31,
The City’s total net position at December 31, 2019 was $10,432,245 higher than the total net position
reported at the previous year-end. The increase in the net investment in capital assets balance was mostly
due to capital outlay and capital contribution activity during fiscal 2019.
At the end of the current fiscal year, the City is able to present positive balances in all categories of net
position, both for the government as a whole, as well as for its separate governmental and business-type
activities. The same situation held true for the prior year.
The Statement of Activities tracks the City’s yearly revenues and expenses, as well as any other
transactions that increase or reduce total net position. These amounts repr esent the full cost of providing
services. The Statement of Activities provides a more comprehensive measure than just the amount of
cash that changed hands, as reflected in the fund-based financial statements. This statement includes the
cost of supplies used, depreciation of long-lived capital assets, and other accrual-based expenses.
The following table presents the change in the net position of the City for the years ended December 31,
2019 and 2018:
Expenses Revenues Net Change Net Change
Governmental activities
General government 3,582,241$ 654,958$ (2,927,283)$ (2,658,353)$
Public safety 6,490,001 3,141,279 (3,348,722) (2,626,653)
Public works 5,700,624 8,386,646 2,686,022 3,525,751
Culture and recreation 2,462,914 583,037 (1,879,877) (1,573,870)
Economic development 936,034 20,952 (915,082) (807,502)
Interest on long-term debt 1,038,292 – (1,038,292) (1,010,342)
Business-type activities
Water 3,026,239 4,086,027 1,059,788 1,813,739
Sewer 3,321,093 3,930,239 609,146 827,090
Water quality 611,654 1,078,282 466,628 590,072
27,169,092$ 21,881,420$ (5,287,672) (1,920,068)
General revenues
Taxes 14,176,838 13,443,239
Unrestricted grants and contributions 12,867 12,845
Investment income 1,385,288 409,429
Miscellaneous 144,924 78,275
Total general revenues 15,719,917 13,943,788
10,432,245$ 12,023,720$
Total net (expense) revenue
Change in net position
Net (expense) revenue
One of the goals of this statement is to provide a side-by-side comparison to illustrate the difference in the
way the City’s governmental and business-type operations are financed. The table clearly illustrates the
dependence of the City’s governmental operations on general revenues, such as property taxes and
unrestricted grants. It also shows that the City’s business-type activities are generating sufficient program
revenues (service charges and program-specific grants) to cover expenses. This is critical given the
current downward pressures on the general revenue sources.
The 2019 legislative session began with a projected state general fund surplus of $1.052 billion. The
legislative agenda was primarily focused on setting an operating budget for the state’s fiscal
2020-2021 biennium. At the end of the regular session, only a higher education budget bill had been
completed. However, after a special session, the Legislature was able to address the 11 remaining budget
bills, as well as pass an omnibus tax bill and small pension bill. The following is a brief summary of
specific legislative changes from the 2019 session or previous legislative sessions potentially impacting
Minnesota cities.
Local Government Aid (LGA) – An additional $26 million was added to the appropriation for the city
LGA formula beginning in fiscal 2020, bringing the total state-wide appropriation to $560.4 million. An
additional $4 million was added to the appropriation beginning in fiscal 2021. The LGA distribution
formula for 2020 was altered to provide that a city’s 2020 LGA may not be less than its 2019 aid, and the
cap on maximum aid losses in any year thereafter was modified.
Bonding Bill – The 2019 bonding bill provided financing for approximately $102 million of projects and
funding authorized by the 2018 omnibus bonding bill, which had been legally challenged due to their
reliance on the use of the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund to generate appropriation
bonds. The 2019 Legislature changed the funding source for these projects to general obligation bonds,
clearing the way for the projects to go forward. Included in this was $59 million earmarked for city water
and wastewater projects through the state Public Facilities Authority.
Local Option Sales Tax Process – Effective May 1, 2019, the process for cities to enact a local option
sales tax have been modified, requiring special legislation prior to a local referendum vote. Cities must
now adopt a resolution specifying the proposed sales tax rate and time frame for the sales tax. The
resolution must also include a detailed description of the project or projects (up to five) to be funded by
the sales tax, the amount to be raised for each project, and documentation of the regional significance of
each project. The resolution must be submitted to the House and Senate tax committee chairs by
January 31st to be considered for special legislation by the State Legislature. If special legislation is
approved, voter approval must be obtained by referendum at a general election within two years of
legislative approval.
Wage Theft – The Legislature enacted a number of changes in employment law aimed at reducing wage
theft by employers. The changes require employers to provide written notice to new employees of specific
wage information including rate of pay, allowances, paid leave, deductions, days in a pay period, and the
employer’s legal name, address, and phone number. Employers must also provide an earnings statement
that includes similar information. The changes also create new requirements for employer recordkeeping
for hours worked each day and each workweek, and imposes penalties for failure to do so and for refusal
to make the records available for inspection by the Department of Labor.
Written Estimates of Consulting Fees – Effective August 1, 2019, upon request by applicants for a
permit, license, or other approval relating to real estate development or construction, cities are required to
provide a written, nonbinding estimate of consulting fees to be charged to the applicant based on
information available at that time. The related application will not be considered complete until the city
has provided the estimate, received the required application fees, and received the applicant’s signed
acceptance of the fee estimate along with a signed statement that the applicant has not relied on the fee
estimate in its decision to proceed with the application.
Contract Retainage – Effective for contracts entered into August 1, 2019 or later, contract retainage
must be released no later than 60 days after the related construction project reaches substantial completion
as defined by statute. After substantial completion, cities can still withhold amounts equal to,
1) 250 percent of the cost to correct or complete work known at the time of substantial completion, and
2) the greater of $500 or 1 percent of the value of the contract pending the completion of “final
paperwork,” including documents required to fulfill contractual obligations such as operating manuals,
payroll documents for projects subject to prevailing wage requirements, and contractor payroll tax
withholding affidavits. Any resulting reduction in retainage must be passed from the contractor to all
subcontractors at the same rate.
Driver and Vehicle Registration System (VTRS) – The Legislature selected VTRS, a third party vendor
system, to replace the failed Minnesota Licensing and Registration System (MNLARS). Fees from
driver’s licenses, license plates, and filing fees were increased and a technology surcharge imposed on
vehicle registration renewals to pay for the implementation of VTRS, the decommissioning of MNLARS,
and to temporarily increase the capacity of Driver and Vehicle Services to meet public service needs.
Included in this is $13 million appropriated in 2019 for reimbursement grants to deputy registrars for
costs related to MNLARS. The grants, which would be determined by formula, would require the deputy
registrar accepting the grant to release the state from any further liability or claims related to MNLARS.
Vaping Ordinance Authority – Effective July 1, 2019, cities are allowed to enact and enforce
ordinances with more stringent measures than the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act to protect individuals
from involuntary exposure to aerosol or vapor from electronic delivery devices.
Water Connection Fees – Effective January 1, 2020, the annual water connection fees cities are required
to collect on behalf of the Minnesota Department of Health for water testing and support has been
increased from $6.36 to $9.72.
Military Exception to Open Meeting Law – Effective August 1, 2019, members of a public body that
are in the military will be allowed to participate in public meetings via interactive television when they
are at a required drill, deployed, or on active duty. The member may participate under this exception up to
three times a year.
Pension Plan Changes – The 2019 pension bill included several changes to the various pension plans
throughout the state:
• Changes to plans administered by the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA)
o The rights of PERA General Employees Retirement Fund (GERF) plan and Public
Employees Police and Fire Fund (PEPFF) plan members to purchase service credit for
periods of military leave were expanded. This gives plan members the right to purchase up to
five years of service credit for military service leave that is not federally protected because
the service occurred prior to public employment or the member did not meet the payment
deadlines applicable to federally protected leave service credit purchases.
o The Phased Retirement Option (PRO) program, which gives cities an opportunity to retain
potentially retiring employees that are GERF plan members aged 62 or over, was altered and
made permanent. Under a PRO arrangement, an employee would begin collecting a
retirement annuity, but could continue working for their current employer for up to five years
if they agree to a work schedule that represents a reduction of at least 25 percent each pay
period from their current schedule, up to a maximum of 1,044 hours per year. Employees
would not be allowed to contribute to a pension benefit plan or accrue additional service time
while working under a PRO.
o A process was established for municipalities and joint powers entities to terminate
participation in the PERA Statewide Volunteer Firefighter (SVF) plan if, 1) the entity has
either eliminated its fire department or ceased using the services of all departing firefighters
and any other noncareer or volunteer firefighters, and 2) the entity’s account has assets
sufficient to cover all liabilities including the fully vested liabilities for all departing
firefighters and administrative expenses.
• Changes impacting volunteer firefighter relief associations (VRFAs) included:
o Effective January 1, 2020, vesting schedules for defined contribution plans cannot require
that a member have more than 20 years of active service to become 100 percent vested in the
member’s account, or provide for a larger vesting percentage with respect to the completed
years of service than as provided in the statutory schedule.
o Effective January 1, 2020, the permitted graded vesting schedule for defined benefit pension
plans is reduced from 20 years to 10 years for full vesting. Also, plans cannot require that a
member have more than 20 years of active service to become 100 percent vested in the
member’s accrued service pension, or provide for a larger vesting percentage with respect to
the completed years of service than as provided in the statutory schedule.
o Effective January 1, 2020, supplemental benefits are allowed to be paid to designated
beneficiaries or estates when plan members have no surviving spouse or children.
The following is a summary of GASB standards expected to be implemented in the next few years. Due
to the COVID-19 outbreak, the GASB has delayed the original implementation dates of these and other
standards as described below.
A lease is a contract that transfers control of the right to use another entity’s nonfinancial asset as
specified in the contract for a period of time in an exchange or exchange -like transaction. Examples of
nonfinancial assets include buildings, land, vehicles, and equipment. Any contract that meets this
definition should be accounted for under the leases guidance, unless specifically excluded in this
Governments enter into leases for many types of assets. Under the previous guidance, leases were
classified as either capital or operating depending on whether the lease met any of the four tests. In many
cases, the previous guidance resulted in reporting lease transactions differently than similar nonlease
financing transactions.
The goal of this statement is to better meet the information needs of users by im proving accounting and
financial reporting for leases by governments. It establishes a single model for lease accounting based on
the principle that leases are financings of the right to use an underlying asset. This statement increases the
usefulness of financial statements by requiring recognition of certain lease assets and liabilities for leases
that previously were classified as operating leases and recognized as inflows of resources or outflows of
resources based on the payment provisions of the contract.
Under this statement, a lessee is required to recognize a lease liability and an intangible right to use lease
asset, and a lessor is required to recognize a lease receivable and a deferred inflow of resources, thereby
enhancing the relevance and consistency of information about governments’ leasing activities.
To reduce the cost of implementation, this statement includes an exception for short -term leases, defined
as a lease that, at the commencement of the lease term, has a maximum possible term under the lease
contract of 12 months (or less), including any options to extend, regardless of their probability of being
exercised. Lessees and lessors should recognize short-term lease payments as outflows of resources or
inflows of resources, respectively, based on the payment provisions of the lease contract. The
requirements of this statement were originally effective for reporting periods beginning after
December 15, 2019 and are now effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2021.
The primary objectives of this statement are to provide a single method of reporting conduit debt
obligations by issuers and eliminate diversity in practice associated with (1) commitments extended by
issuers, (2) arrangements associated with conduit debt obligations, and (3) related note disclosures. This
statement achieves those objectives by clarifying the existing definition of a conduit debt obligation;
establishing that a conduit debt obligation is not a liability of the issuer; establishing standards for
accounting and financial reporting of additional commitments and voluntary commitments extended by
issuers and arrangements associated with conduit debt obligations; and improving required note
A conduit debt obligation is defined as a debt instrument having all of the following characteristics:
• There are at least three parties involved: (1) an issuer, (2) a third party obligor, and (3) a debt
holder or a debt trustee.
• The issuer and the third party obligor are not within the same financial reporting entity.
• The debt obligation is not a parity bond of the issuer, nor is it cross -collateralized with other debt
of the issuer.
• The third party obligor or its agent, not the issuer, ultimately receives the proceeds from the debt
• The third party obligor, not the issuer, is primarily obligated for the payment of all amounts
associated with the debt obligation (debt service payments).
This statement also addresses arrangements, often characterized as leases, that are associated with conduit
debt obligations. In those arrangements, capital assets are constructed or acquired with the proceeds of a
conduit debt obligation and used by third party obligors in the course of their activities.
This statement requires issuers to disclose general information about their conduit debt obligations,
organized by type of commitment, including the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the issuers’
conduit debt obligations and a description of each type of commitment. Issuers that recognize liabilities
related to supporting the debt service of conduit debt obligations also should disclose information about
the amount recognized and how the liabilities changed during the reporting period.
The requirements of this statement were originally effective for reporting periods beginning after
December 15, 2020 and are not effective after December 15, 2021. Earlier application is encouraged.
James H. Eichten, CPA
Opinion on Financial Statements
▪Financial statements are fairly presented in
accordance with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America
Testing of Internal Controls and Compliance
▪Internal controls over financial reporting
▪Compliance with laws and regulations related to
financial reporting
State Laws and Regulations
▪Compliance with Minnesota laws and regulations
Single Audit of Federal Awards
▪Not required for calendar 2019
Audit Summary
▪Planned scope and timing of audit
▪Audit opinions and findings
Financial Report
▪Unmodified or Clean Opinion
Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting
▪No Findings
Legal Compliance Audit Findings
▪No Findings
Audit Summary
Governmental Funds Overview
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Taxable Market Value
Tax Rates
2017 2018 2019
Average tax rate
City 32.7 33.0 33.0
County 35.9 35.1 33.8
School 30.6 33.0 31.7
Special taxing 7.8 8.7 7.8
Total 107.0 109.8 106.3
City of Prior Lake
Rates Expressed as a Percentage of Net Tax Capacity
Year 2017 2018 2019
Population 2,500–10,000 10,000–20,000 20,000–100,000 26,053 26,207 26,849
Property taxes 495$ 472$ 493$ 442$ 460$ 475$
Tax increments 28 27 43 20 29 29
Franchise and other taxes 41 48 50 24 24 24
Special assessments 53 40 57 57 51 40
Licenses and permits 38 35 47 31 38 37
Intergovernmental revenues 303 271 157 65 71 154
Charges for services 130 102 112 202 168 125
Other 97 78 49 31 28 54
Total revenue 1,185$ 1,073$ 1,008$ 872$ 869$ 938$
December 31, 2018
City of Prior LakeState-Wide
Governmental Funds Revenue per Capita
With State-Wide Averages by Population Class
Year 2017 2018 2019
Population 2,500–10,000 10,000–20,000 20,000–100,000 26,053 26,207 26,849
150$ 121$ 104$ 105$ 105$ 112
286 272 294 205 222 230
135 125 106 69 72 73
96 115 104 64 73 72
75 74 78 4 6 7
742 707 686 447 478 494
Capital outlay
and construction 417 351 307 451 345 375
Debt service
178 153 109 153 151 156
41 39 29 50 39 46
219 192 138 203 190 202
Total expenditures 1,378$ 1,250$ 1,131$ 1,101$ 1,013$ 1,071$
General government
Governmental Funds Expenditures per Capita
With State-Wide Averages by Population Class
December 31, 2018
City of Prior LakeState-Wide
Interest and fiscal charges
Public safety
Streets and highways
Culture and recreation
All other
2019 2018 (Decrease)
Fund balances of governmental funds
Total by classification
Restricted 4,088,161$ 4,154,268$ (66,107)$
Assigned 11,295,634 13,908,417 (2,612,783)
Unassigned 7,578,463 6,931,767 646,696
Total governmental funds 22,962,258$ 24,994,452$ (2,032,194)$
Total by fund
General 7,903,175$ 7,213,402$ 689,773$
Debt Service 3,003,467 3,056,581 (53,114)
Construction 261,269 3,070,306 (2,809,037)
Special revenue nonmajor funds 3,394,539 3,455,253 (60,714)
Capital projects nonmajor funds 8,399,808 8,198,910 200,898
Total governmental funds 22,962,258$ 24,994,452$ (2,032,194)$
Governmental Funds Change in Fund Balance
Fund Balance
as of December 31,
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Fund Balance $6,124,751 $6,684,920 $6,840,928 $7,213,402 $7,903,175
Cash and Inv (Net of Borrowing)$6,902,926 $7,211,301 $8,306,654 $8,938,262 $9,604,268
Expenditures and Transfers Out $12,343,815 $12,417,787 $13,208,933 $13,115,121 $13,350,330
General Fund Financial Position
Year Ended December 31,
Permits Intergovernmental
All Other
2015 $8,692,425 $587,464 $1,573,865 $1,048,564 $1,390 $425,561
2016 $8,886,211 $751,824 $1,581,752 $1,132,504 $4,743 $248,153
2017 $8,779,030 $820,433 $1,657,988 $1,346,676 $2,250 $324,924
2018 $8,619,057 $994,613 $1,835,750 $1,357,049 $1,448 $385,047
2019 $9,007,634 $992,096 $1,925,225 $1,193,113 $996 $454,862
General Fund Revenue by Source
Year Ended December 31,
Government Public Safety Public Works Culture and
Recreation All Other
2015 $2,568,472 $4,821,150 $2,078,309 $1,600,071 $239,568
2016 $2,531,266 $5,034,978 $1,875,534 $1,593,975 $222,808
2017 $2,741,278 $5,239,456 $1,798,918 $1,677,597 $115,563
2018 $2,755,367 $5,746,524 $1,882,971 $1,850,587 $60,021
2019 $3,000,056 $6,071,462 $1,954,183 $1,889,264 $100,596
General Fund Expenditures by Function
Year Ended December 31, 2019
Audit Summary
Governmental Funds Overview
Enterprise Funds Overview
2019 2018 (Decrease)
Net position of enterprise funds
Total by classification
Investment in capital assets 68,398,856$ 61,697,384$ 6,701,472$
Unrestricted 7,137,595 6,001,160 1,136,435
Total enterprise funds 75,536,451$ 67,698,544$ 7,837,907$
Total by fund
Water 45,354,364$ 40,677,486$ 4,676,878$
Sewer 26,381,082 24,213,054 2,168,028
Water Quality 3,801,005 2,808,004 993,001
Total enterprise funds 75,536,451$ 67,698,544$ 7,837,907$
Enterprise Funds Change in Financial Position
Net Position
as of December 31,
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Oper Revenue $3,390,052 $3,674,099 $3,796,097 $3,967,706 $3,792,321
Oper Expenses $2,347,154 $2,493,541 $2,621,448 $2,679,154 $2,983,966
Oper Income (Loss)$1,042,898 $1,180,558 $1,174,649 $1,288,552 $808,355
Inc Before Depr $1,700,029 $1,870,854 $1,912,281 $2,092,678 $1,696,804
Water Enterprise Fund
Year Ended December 31,
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Oper Revenue $2,432,925 $2,741,578 $3,090,773 $3,270,026 $3,622,033
Oper Expenses $2,468,932 $2,635,304 $2,771,143 $2,892,003 $3,281,824
Oper Income (Loss)$(36,007)$106,274 $319,630 $378,023 $340,209
Inc Before Depr $371,068 $530,299 $789,288 $889,932 $904,035
Sewer Enterprise Fund
Year Ended December 31,
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Oper Revenue $865,244 $920,128 $925,988 $986,338 $1,060,295
Oper Expenses $560,820 $598,972 $633,557 $600,030 $611,654
Oper Income (Loss)$304,424 $321,156 $292,431 $386,308 $448,641
Inc Before Depr $396,392 $427,648 $402,799 $508,197 $583,068
Water Quality Enterprise Fund
Year Ended December 31,
Audit Summary
Governmental Funds Overview
Enterprise Funds Overview
Legislative Updates
Accounting and Auditing Updates
Clean Opinion on Financial Statements
No Findings Reported
Improved General Fund Financial Results
Improved Enterprise Fund Financial Results
Continued Ongoing Assessment of
Financial Projections and Results Including
General, Other Operational and Enterprise
Fund Activities