HomeMy WebLinkAbout09(A) - Consider Preliminary Plat, Preliminary Planned Unit Development and Rezoning of Property at 6010 170th Street East Report6010 170th Street East Preliminary Plat, Preliminary Planned Unit Development and Rezone 170th St E GraystoneCtSECre d i t R i v e r R d S EIndustrial Cir SEWelcomeAveSE87 21 Three Rivers Park District, Esri, HERE, Garmin, INCREMENT P, NGA, USGS, Scott County GIS 12 77 44 42 27 21 87 16 23 15 18 82 78 17 79 83 14 70 X:\Planning\Location Map\Location Map Template\6010 170th Street.aprx 0 340 680 1,020 1,360 Feet Subject Properties Subject Property 237.26MB960.29PP961.04CP961.81POST960.97POST960.28CULVERT 10''957.91CULVERT 10''954.81CULVERT 10''954.69POST 957.60 POST 957.74 MB958.07CP950.52CP950.64WELL952.71GUY WIRE957.07GUY WIRE957.06GUY WIRE957.26GUY WIRE957.36GUY WIRE956.84CP952.50CP948.92CP952.50CP948.92FES 15955.18FES 15955.89FES 15956.65FES 15956.69957956959962961960959958958959 960 957958959960961962SANINV940.3TNHCPCPPOSTPOSTPOSTPOSTPOSTRW B 957.6 RW 957.2 RW 957.2RW E 956.7 RW B 955.3 RW 955.1 RW E 955.9 9529 5 1 95 0 95 1952953954 95295195094994995095195295395495595595695 7 9499 5 0 9 4 8 947947948949950951952953949 948947946945 944943943944945946946947948948947946945944944945946945945944943943944945946947 943942941959 958 957 956 95 4 95 3 952 95 1 96 1 96 0 959 958 957 956 956 957 958 957962957 956 955 956957 958 959 959 959 958957956 955960960 959 958 957956GATEBITUMINOUS SURFACEBITUMINOUS SURFACEBITUMINOUS SURFACEACCESS EASEMENT OVER THE WEST 20 FEET OF THESOUTH 294.55 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER,PER DOC. NO. 266394945944943942946947948949950951952947 945944944 945 944943942943 944945944946947947B-04B-03B-02B-01B-05B-06B-07B-08BITUMINOUSBITUMINOUS94794894995095195295 3 953954955954946945950951950952953958 957956 960 961960957 BUILDINGHOUSEBUILDING170TH STREET EASTBENCHMARK -CONTROL MON.=954.81EXIST. SAN MHTC=956.1INV=940.3Kiehm Construction, Inc.8415 220th Street WestLakeville, MN 55044952-469-5600TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYAND SITE REMOVALSPL 170TH STREET, LLCPRIOR LAKE, MNPROPERTY DESCRIPTION:The south 1391.13 feet of the west half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Township114, Range 21, Scott County, Minnesota, lying west of the east 366 feet thereof, Exceptthe west 375.75 feet of the east 741.75 feet of the south 1391.13 feet of the west half ofthe Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 114, Range 21, Scott County, Minnesota.FUTURE REVEREEXTENSIONREMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTNORTH OF THIS POINTREMOVE STRUCTURESREMOVE OVERHEADPOWER AND POLESREMOVE BRUSH AND TREESSEAL AND CAP WELLPAVEMENTREMOVAL LIMITES(HATCHED AREA)PAVEMENT TOREMAIN MB960.29CULVERT 10''957.91CULVERT 10''954.81CULVERT 10''954.69MB958.07GUY WIRE957.07GUY WIRE957.06GUY WIRE957.26GUY WIRE957.36GUY WIRE956.84FES 15955.89FES 15956.65FES 15956.69SANINV940.3TNHRW B 957.6 RW 957.2 RW 957.2RW E 956.7 RW B 955.3 RW 955.1 RW E 955.9 ACCESS EASEMENT OVER THE WEST 20 FEET OF THESOUTH 294.55 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER,PER DOC. NO. 26639420' GATE6' DECORATIVE FENCEBITUMINOUSBITUMINOUSVALLEY GUTTER AT 0.40% SLOPEVALLEY GUTTER AT 0.40% SLOPE170TH STREET EAST6' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE ONPROPERTY LINE5OUTLOT ALOT 1BLOCK 1DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTEXIST. SAN MHTC=956.1INV=940.332.150.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 37.2 41.9DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT5 PARALLEL PARKING STALLS6' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE ONPROPERTY LINE AROUND BASINSEXISTING PAVEDENTRANCE TO REMAIN6' DECORATIVE FENCEREPAIR DRIVE AND REPLACECULVERT AFTER UTILITYINSTALLATIONB612 CURBB612 CURBB612 CURBB612 CURB20' SLIDING GATEVEHICLE TURNING MOVEMENT30.6BEGIN CURBEND CURBEND CURBKiehm Construction, Inc.8415 220th Street WestLakeville, MN 55044952-469-5600SITE LAYOUT PLANPL 170TH STREET, LLCPRIOR LAKE, MN MB960.29CULVERT 10''957.91CULVERT 10''954.81CULVERT 10''954.69MB958.07GUY WIRE957.07GUY WIRE957.06GUY WIRE957.26GUY WIRE957.36GUY WIRE956.84FES 15955.89FES 15956.65FES 15956.69SANINV940.3TNHRW B 957.6 RW 957.2 RW 957.2RW E 956.7 RW B 955.3 RW 955.1 RW E 955.9 ACCESS EASEMENT OVER THE WEST 20 FEET OF THESOUTH 294.55 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER,PER DOC. NO. 266394BITUMINOUSBITUMINOUS170TH STREET EASTOUTLOT ALOT 1BLOCK 1DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTEXIST. SAN MHTC=956.1INV=940.3DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTKiehm Construction, Inc.8415 220th Street WestLakeville, MN 55044952-469-5600PRELIMINARY PLATPL 170TH STREET, LLCPRIOR LAKE, MNNOTES1)UTILITIES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE LOCATION. LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES COMPILED FROMVISUAL EVIDENCE (FLAGGING & PAINT MARKS) AND RECORD DRAWINGS (DESIGN & AS-BUILT). CALL GOPHER STATEONE CALL AT 811 FOR ALL UTILITY, GAS LINE, AND ELECTRICAL LINE LOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION.2)BENCHMARK - CONTROL POINT ON WEST SIDE OF PROPERTY, ELEVATION = 954.813)PROPERTY CURRENTLY ZONED R-1 (LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL). WILL BE REZONED TO I-1 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL)SETBACKS:NEXT TO RESIDENTIAL = 60 FEETFRONT = 30 FEETSIDE = 10 FEETREAR =15 FEETLOT AREAS:MIN. LOT AREA =1 ACREMIN. LOT WIDTH = 150 FT.MAXIMUM HEIGHT = 45 FEET4)TOPOGRAPHIC / BOUNDARY SURVEY PERFORMED BY JACOBSON ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS IN JANUARY, 2021.5)AREA OF PROPERTY TO BE PLATTED = 593,988 SQ. FT. = 13.63 ACRESAREA DEDICATED TO ROADS= 17,956 SQ. FT.= 0.41 ACRESAREA OF LOT 1= 438,312 SQ. FT. = 10.06 ACRESAREA OF OUTLOT A= 137,720 SQ. FT. = 3.16 ACRES MB960.29PP963.13PP961.04CP961.81POST960.97POST960.28CULVERT 10''957.91CULVERT 10''954.81CULVERT 10''954.69POST 957.60 POST 957.74 MB958.07CP950.52CP950.64GUY WIRE957.07GUY WIRE957.06GUY WIRE957.26GUY WIRE957.36GUY WIRE956.84CP952.50CP948.92CP952.50CP948.92FES 15955.18FES 15955.89FES 15956.65FES 15956.69960959958957956959962961960959958958959 960 957958959960961962SANINV940.3TNHCPCPPOSTPOSTPOSTPOSTPOSTRW B 957.6 RW 957.2 RW 957.2RW E 956.7 RW B 955.3 RW 955.1 RW E 955.9 9529 5 1 95 0 95 1952953954 95295195094994995095195295395495595595695 7 9499 5 0 9 4 8 947947948949950951952953949 948947946945 944943943944945946946947948948947946945944944945946945945944943943944945946947 943942941959 958 957 956 95 4 95 3 952 95 1 96 1 96 0 959 958 957 956 956 957 958 957962957 956 955 956957 958 959 959 959 958957956 955960960 959 958 957956ACCESS EASEMENT OVER THE WEST 20 FEET OF THESOUTH 294.55 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER,PER DOC. NO. 26639420' GATEFF=955.0FF=955.0FF=954.5FF=954.0FF=953.5FF=953.0FF=952.5FF=952.0FF=951.59 5 5 . 0 950.5 FF=954.5FF=954.0FF=953.5FF=953.0FF=952.5FF=952.0FF=951.5FF=951.5FF=952.0FF=952.5FF=953.0FF=953.5FF=954FF=954.5FF=955.09 5 4 . 2 9 5 5 . 0 950.2 9 5 4 . 5 950.2950.5950.8950.8 6' DECORATIVE FENCEEXIST. GRADEAT PROPERTYLINE = 942.5945944943942946947948949950951952947 945944944 945 944943942943 944945944946947947SHALLOW WETLANDBOTT. = 941.0HWL=944.4 NWL=943.0WETLANDBOTT. = 940.0NWL=943.0HWL=946.1DETENTION/SEDIMENTATIONBASINBOTTOM = 938.0NWL=943.0HWL=946.5FE=943.0FE=942.5FE=943.0B-04B-03B-02B-01B-05B-06B-07B-08BITUMINOUSBITUMINOUSSKIMMER STRUCTUREOVERFLOW=948.015" INV=943.0FE=943.012" CULVERT12" CULVERTTOP OF DETENTIONBASIN=948.5TOP OF INFILTRATIONBASIN=945.094794894995095195295 3 953954955954946945950951950952953958 957956 960 961960957TOP OF WETLANDBASIN=948.5VALLEY GUTTER AT 0.40% SLOPEVALLEY GUTTER AT 0.40% SLOPE170TH STREET EASTFE=943.06' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE ONPROPERTY LINEFE=943.05OUTLOT ALOT 1BLOCK 1DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTBENCHMARK -CONTROL MON.=954.81EXIST. SAN MHTC=956.1INV=940.39 5 2 . 5 9 5 2 . 0 950.0 9 5 3 . 5 9 5 1 . 0 949.7 41.99 5 4 . 3 9 5 4 . 6 9 5 4 . 3 9 5 5 . 0 9 5 4 . 7 9 5 4 . 8 9 5 4 . 0 9 5 3 . 0B612 CURB AT 0.46% SLOPEDRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTFE=943.0FE=942.05 PARALLEL PARKING STALLS6' HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE ONPROPERTY LINE AROUND BASINSEXISTING PAVEDENTRANCE TO REMAIN6' DECORATIVE FENCESILT FENCE ALONG PROPERTY LINES5 C.Y. RIP-RAP5 C.Y. RIP-RAP4 C.Y. RIP-RAP3 C.Y. RIP-RAPREPAIR DRIVE AND REPLACECULVERT AFTER UTILITYINSTALLATIONB612 CURBB612 CURBB612 CURBB612 CURBALL SLOPES AROUND PONDS ANDWETLANDS ARE 3:1 OR LESSEOF=947.5EOF=947.5EOF=946.5BASIN TO BE EXCAVATED FOR TEMPORARYSEDIMENT BASIN DURING MASS GRADINGTHE ENTIRE SITE WITHIN THE PROPERTY LINE WILLBE CLEARED OF ALL VEGETATION AND RE-GRADED.FUTURE CONTOURS WHEN170TH STREET IS UPGRADEDEOF=950.7EOF=950.7EOF=950.2BEGIN CURBEND CURBEND CURBKiehm Construction, Inc.8415 220th Street WestLakeville, MN 55044952-469-5600GRADING AND DRAINAGEPLANPL 170TH STREET, LLCPRIOR LAKE, MNSITE DISCHARGE: DESIGN OF STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM IS TO DRASTICALLY LOWER POST FLOWS:EXISTING FLOWPROPOSED FLOWHWL (RETENTION)HWL (WETLAND)HWL (SHALLOW WETLAND)2-YR3.13 CFS1.31 CFS10-YR8.89 CFS2.06 CFS100-YR27.04 CFS3.17 CFS946.5946.1944.4FUTURE REVEREEXTENSION L:\21 FILES\21 SUBDIVISIONS\PRELIMINARY PLAT\Kiehm Development 170th Street\PC Report 08.09.21\6010 170th Street Report_Attach6.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: Nick Monserud, Project Engineer Pete Young, Water Resources Engineer From: Kris Keller, Dustin Simonson, Laura Kivisto - WSB Date: July 19, 2021 Re: PL 170th Street City Project No. DEV21-000007 WSB Project No. 10704-000 We have reviewed the updated preliminary plat documents submitted for the PL 170th Street site dated July 12, 2021 as prepared by Jacobson Engineering and Surveyors. The following documents were received: • 220049 CIVIL SET 71221.pdf • Annotated Comments 71221.pdf Comments are provided within this Memorandum and in the corresponding redlined plan set. Please note that not all comments within the plan set are in the Memorandum. We have the following comments with regards to stormwater management and engineering. General 1. Submit for and provide copies to the City of all required permits from regulatory agencies (MCES, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Health, NPDES, etc.) Applicant acknowledged 2. An NPDES permit is required as the site exceeds 1 acre of disturbance Applicant acknowledged Plat 1. Additional right of way and easements may be necessary as part of the 170th Street reconstruction project which may impact the extents of the proposed site and parking area on the south side. a. The City will provide additional information regarding needed right of way and easements when it is known later this month. i. Provide temporary construction easement abutting 170th Street/Credit River Road to accommodate proposed grading b. Additional discussions may be needed regarding the elevation of the site and how it will match into the proposed 170th Street project profile and cross sections at that time. PL 170th Street July 19, 2021 Page 2 L:\21 FILES\21 SUBDIVISIONS\PRELIMINARY PLAT\Kiehm Development 170th Street\PC Report 08.09.21\6010 170th Street Report_Attach6.docx Stormwater Management Abstraction volume credits may not be claimed from the wetlands as currently designed. Reasons include the presence of D soils and a depth from the bottom of the basins to the outlet elevation that exceeds 1-foot and would therefore not draw down within 48-hours as required for soils with an infiltration rate of 0.25 in/hr. 1. Rate Control a. Adherence to the rate control requirement may not be verified until all drainage area and modeling comments are completed. 2. Volume Control a. Because this area is tributary to landlocked Markley Lake, the following restricted volume control is required for that tributary area: i. Volume shall be reduced in the proposed conditions by a volume equal to or greater than 1.0 inches over all new impervious surfaces. ii. Extended duration detention is required such that the volume discharging offsite in the proposed condition not exceed the volume discharging offsite in the existing conditions in the 24-hour period following the peak of the 100-year, 24-hour rainfall event. iii. The City of Prior Lake design manual states that constructed wetlands may be used to abstract volume. The applicant must work with the City to determine the amount of volume control credit to be applied. 1. Requirements and recommendations laid out in the Minnesota Stormwater Manual shall be followed. iv. Provide documentation of all modeling and credits claimed. 3. Water Quality a. Provide modeling to show that the ponds and wetlands will result in a 60% reduction in TP and a 90% reduction in TSS from the proposed development area draining to the pond. 4. Drainage Areas a. Update the drainage area maps to include the additional offsite drainage from the east and west that enters the site. b. The eastern building and impervious area will drain east and off the site. Modify the drainage areas to reflect this. Consider adding storm sewer to pick up the water and route it to the detention basin. 5. HydroCAD Modeling a. Update the areas to reflect the drainage area map updates. b. The total modeled existing drainage area must be equal to the proposed modeled drainage area for an accurate comparison. c. The minimum allowable time of concentration value is 7 minutes (update 2P). d. The net new impervious area in the modeling (proposed minus existing) is 8.3 acres which is different from the value listed in the stormwater management report. Modify the modeling and stormwater management report to have a consistent net new impervious area value. e. Modify the outlet pipe from the detention pond to match the pipe size, slope, and length shown in the plans. PL 170th Street July 19, 2021 Page 3 L:\21 FILES\21 SUBDIVISIONS\PRELIMINARY PLAT\Kiehm Development 170th Street\PC Report 08.09.21\6010 170th Street Report_Attach6.docx f. Modify the outlet pipe from the wetland to match the pipe size, slope, and length shown in the plans. g. The starting elevations of the wetland and shallow wetland must be set at the outlet pipe elevations because the basins will function as ponds with dead storage (unless soil amendments are provided to facilitate infiltration and the basins can drawdown within 48-hours to function as an infiltration or filtration basin). h. Ensure that the HWL does not exceed the provided storage in the HydroCAD model. i. Account for the preexisting swale through the site in the existing conditions model. 6. Basin Design a. Provide Walker calculations to show that the basin has been designed with an adequate permanent pool volume (Public Works Design Manual, Section 7). b. A 10-foot wide aquatic bench with a slope of 10:1 is required below the outlet elevation of the pond. Provide cross section details to illustrate. c. The top of the berm must be 2 feet higher than the 100 -year HWL and must be modified for the shallow wetland. 7. General Drainage a. The maximum allowable length of a drainage swale is 200-feet. Modify site to meet requirements. b. Define maintenance access routes to all stormwater infrastructure and ponding areas (maximum grade of 8%, maximum 2% cross slope, minimum of 10’ wide). General Comments 1. Show wetland buffer, buffer signage, and tree preservation signage on the grading plan. [PWDM PII.2.18] Grading 1. Provide inlet or rim elevations for all catch basins on grading plan a. Provide associated EOFs 2. Verify drainage on the southern side of the westernmost building (955.0 to 955.0) a. Modify spot elevations as necessary 3. Note EOFs for the northern curbline catch basins will overflow to each other first before overflowing the curb of the westernmost catch basin. Utilities 1. Maintenance agreements between the property owner and the City will need to be provided that define the ownership and responsibilities of the utilit y services from the utility mains to the buildings. a. Owner would be responsible for the sanitary sewer service from the connection with SAN MH-S1 and for the water service from the connection with the 8” gate valve in the front drainage and utility easement. 2. Provide why the bulkheaded 15” storm sewer pipe in the eastern aisle is not terminated at the same point as the bulkheaded 27” storm sewer pipe in the center aisle. The 15” PL 170th Street July 19, 2021 Page 4 L:\21 FILES\21 SUBDIVISIONS\PRELIMINARY PLAT\Kiehm Development 170th Street\PC Report 08.09.21\6010 170th Street Report_Attach6.docx pipe is terminated at the last storm lead while the 27” is extended to the southern curb line before being bulkheaded. a. Consider using CBs or cleanouts for access, maintenance, and flushing of proposed storm sewer pipes 3. Fire official to review revised hydrant spacing for fire coverage of the buildings. a. Provide additional hydrants (maximum 300’ spacing for commercial) 4. The nearest soil boring (B-08) reports groundwater at ~944. Public sanitary sewer is proposed to be installed from around 940 to 941. a. Dewatering may be necessary and will need to follow the requirements of any water appropriation permits from the DNR. Applicant acknowledged 5. Provide all invert elevations to MH-S1 a. Label stub pipe in profile b. Label invert and plug end of stub in profile Roadway/Parking Area 1. Fire official to review revised emergency access. a. Provide turning movements for southeast corner of site. b. Show how vehicles can achieve a counter-clockwise turning direction after entering the site to be able to exit. i. The vehicle turning movement provided entering the gate does not match the type of vehicle shown in turning movements around the buildings ii. Applicant indicated that any large vehicle will have to traverse the site and exit from north going south 2. Label all curb beginnings/ends on the plan a. Provide where D412 (surmountable) curb is used on the plan or remove detail 3. Identify areas of proposed/replaced bituminous and existing bituminous to remain due to site and utility construction. a. Show full pavement removals on Site Removals Sheet (C-1) and limits on utility sheets. The full width of the road will need to be removed where disturbed. b. Update areas of existing bituminous to remain based on the additional areas to be removed due to utility installation. c. Street restoration in the 170th Street right of way will need to match the existing street section. d. Note, the geotechnical report recommends 10” aggregate base under 4” bituminous for the pavement design. The proposed bituminous pavement section has 8” aggregate base under 4”. 4. Note, typical sliding gates are 1.5 times the span they are blocking and require additional anchored posts to support the gate in the fully opened and closed positions causing potential conflicts with turning movements and traffic flow. Applicant acknowledged 5. Include concrete area around buildings and existing sanitary facilities as part of removals. PL 170th Street July 19, 2021 Page 5 L:\21 FILES\21 SUBDIVISIONS\PRELIMINARY PLAT\Kiehm Development 170th Street\PC Report 08.09.21\6010 170th Street Report_Attach6.docx SWPPP 1. Include the location of the following BMPs on the ESC plan: a. Inlet protection b. Rock construction entrance c. Perimeter control around basins Wetland 1. The development has an approved wetland delineation boundary. Based on the approved wetland delineation, the site has type 2 and 3 wetlands present within OUTLOT A. Wetlands also occur within the building site. Wetland alteration within OUTLOT A, including but not limited to grading and/or additional water will need to be approved under WCA. Wetland impacts will need to be approved under WCA prior to impacts. a. Applicant indicated that this was in process. At this time, no application has been received by the City as the LGU. The City will need to see a proposed wetland impact application that can reasonably meet WCA requirements prior to approving any overall site, grading or utility plans. 2. 7/16/21 Wetland Meeting Notes/Comments a. Meeting Attendees: Tony Kaster (Wenck/Stantec), Garry Tupy, Marty Keihm (Keihm Construction), Collin Schonecker (SWCD), Pete Young (City of Prior Lake), Nick Monserud (City of Prior Lake), Alison Harwood (WSB) b. Purpose of Project: i. Provide economic development opportunities in area ii. Provide flood storage benefit 1. Data provided does not show that there is any flood reduction benefit – no volume data provided. c. Sequencing flexibility request i. Not supported for this project as a whole 1. Wetlands are not degraded enough. 2. Future offsite development can’t be assumed to substantially degrade the wetlands – parcel to east no longer available for annexation to City of Prior Lake; any future offsite development would also need to provide sequencing for wetlands. 3. May be able to request sequencing flexibility for individual wetlands in the site – provide more information to support request. d. No Loss requests i. Not applicable for wetland #3 – swale being created through the wetland, which will remove hydrology. ii. Provide more information to support the No Loss request for wetland #1 1. Proposal shows this area as an infiltration basin. How will hydrology be maintained? PL 170th Street July 19, 2021 Page 6 L:\21 FILES\21 SUBDIVISIONS\PRELIMINARY PLAT\Kiehm Development 170th Street\PC Report 08.09.21\6010 170th Street Report_Attach6.docx 2. How will area be restored (provide exhibit) 3. How will area be maintained into the future to ensure the functions/values are improved over the current conditions? 4. Meeting from December 2020 discussed regional stormwater BMPs, providing benefit to this site and also accounting for stormwater from surrounding areas – this current proposal is site-specific. Below were the TEP comments from December 2020 with regard to applicability of the No Loss: a. Excavation is allowed in Type 2, 5, and the semi- permanently flooded areas of Type 3. b. Pretreatment would be required for it to fall into the No Loss category (2-cell system) c. Still need to show avoidance/minimization d. Design should also include elements that would make it more natural (gradual slopes, undulating bottom, native seeding, etc.) 5. Avoidance/minimization has not been shown – the plan involves the grading of the entire wetland. e. Consider offsite impacts i. Will there be secondary impacts to the offsite portions of Wetlands 1, 3, or 4? If so, those areas need to be mitigated for. ii. Show those areas on impact exhibit and provide a discussion. f. Provide alternatives that reduce impacts/impact minimization efforts: i. Can sedimentation basin/unit layout be revised to avoid or minimize impacts to wetland #2? ii. Can infiltration methods be provided in an alternative location to minimize impacts to wetland #1? Infiltration will not be allowed on type D soils within existing wetlands – this comment has been provided multiple times during our engineering review. Find a more suitable location for infiltration BMPs on the site. City will work with applicant/engineer to look at alternatives to meet stormwater requirements. g. Next steps: i. Provide additional information to TEP related to the items discussed above: 1. Flood reduction benefit a. Volume requirements need to be met as it relates to stormwater design. Unless the proposed design is going above and beyond the stormwater requirements, this is not a benefit. b. Rate control reduction is not a flood reduction benefit. 2. Inclusion of No Loss impacts in purchased mitigation calculation PL 170th Street July 19, 2021 Page 7 L:\21 FILES\21 SUBDIVISIONS\PRELIMINARY PLAT\Kiehm Development 170th Street\PC Report 08.09.21\6010 170th Street Report_Attach6.docx 3. Provide more information regarding the applicability of the No Loss for wetland 1, or if not feasible add those impacts to purchased mitigation calculation 4. Account for offsite impacts or provide data supporting that offsite impacts will not occur (wetlands 1, 3, and 4) 5. Avoidance/impact minimization alternatives ii. City will notice the application (expected week of 7/19) 1. Note: replacement plans require Council approval Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Memo The Community Development Department has reviewed the Preliminary Plat and PUD plans for the subject project with a Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor signature date of July 12, 2021 and we have the following comments. General ➢ Development Fees – The following development fees, based on a total net acreage of 10.06 acres, are to be collected prior to recording of any approved 2021 final plat application: o Park Dedication ($9,000/net acre) = $90,540 o Trunk Water ($3,840/net acre) = $38,630.40 o Trunk Sanitary Sewer ($4,700/net acre) = $47,282 o Trunk Storm Sewer ($8,615/net acre) = $86,666.90 o 6% administrative fee and 8% construction observation escrow amounts are unknown currently. These costs will be based on public construction costs (which include landscaping, streets, public trails, and public utilities) ➢ Warranty Deeds – Submit draft warranty deeds for any future public ownership Outlots with Final Plat application. Preliminary Plat / PUD Plan ➢ Zoning Modifications – Applicant requested PUD zoning modification to the typical I-1, General Industrial zoning requirement in the following area: o Building setback adjacent to residentially zoned property: ▪ Minimum required – 60 feet ▪ Minimum proposed – 20 feet ➢ Self-Service Storage is a use permitted with conditions in the I -1, General Industrial district. Conditions include: a. No compartment doors shall be allowed on a building façade which faces property in a residential zoning district. b. No areas on site shall be utilized as residential living units c. Maximum building height shall be two (2) stories or 35 feet, whichever is less. d. If the proposed building(s) are within 100 feet of an abutting property which is used or zoned residential, a minimum six (6) foot tall fence, wall, or berm shall screen the buildings from the adjacent residential use. Screening shall be 100% opacity in the form of a fence, wall, or berm along any area visible from any property in a residential Zoning District. Privacy slats, wind screening or other fence inserts, commonly used with chain link fencing, shall not be used to achieve this screening requirement. Date: August 5, 2021 To: Kiehm Construction, Inc. - Marty Kiehm, Pat Pollard From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director Subject: 6010 170th Street East Preliminary Plat, PUD, and Rezoning City Project #PDEV21-000002 e. No outdoor storage is permitted on site, including but not limited to vehicles, recreational vehicles, portable storage units, and construction materials. f. No storage of hazardous, explosive, of flammable materials is permitted. g. No servicing of motor vehicles, boats, lawn mowers, or similar equipment is permitted on site. h. Amplified music/sound, auctions, wholesale, retail sales and garage sales are not permitted. i. Exterior materials shall be in accordance with the design requirements of the Zoning Code. Building colors shall consist of subtle, neutral, muted colors with low reflectance which complement the principal materials. No more than five (5) percent of each building façade can consist of bright or franchise colors. j. All self-service storage facility buildings must be located a minimum of 300 feet from a state highway or county-state aid highway. Grading Plan • The developer shall obtain a grading permit from the City Engineering Department prior to any grading or tree removal on the site. The developer shall address all grading, stormwater and wetland comments in the July 19, 2021 City Engineering & Public Works Department Memorandum to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to any site work or issuance of a grading permit for the property. • Proposed pavement within drainage and utility easement on west side of the property will need to be further evaluated related to parking setback and drainage path. Tree Preservation / Landscape Plan ➢ A landscaping plan, which conforms to Section 1145.300 (Landscaping and Screening) of Prior Lake City Code shall be prepared and certified by a registered landscape architect and submitted with the Final Plat and Final PUD application. ➢ A Tree Preservation and Restoration Plan, which conforms to Section 1145.500 (Tree Preservation and Restoration) of Prior Lake City Code shall be prepared and submitted with the Final Plat and Final PUD application. Building Elevations ➢ Building design and materials will need to conform with Multi-Family, Commercial and Industrial Standards in Subsection 1144.200 of Prior Lake City Code.