HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210719 Council Work Session Presentation - Neighborhood Park Engagement FinalNEIGHBORHOOD PARK RESTORATION PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JULY 19, 2021 GABRIELLE GRINDE PAUL PAIGE 2 AGENDA • Project Scope • Initial draft concepts • Review Exhibits from Prior Lake 2040 Park & Trail System Plan • Discuss Potential Park Conversion • Potential Next Steps 3 PROJECT SCOPE 1. Review current Draft Park & Trail System Plan 2. Develop high level concepts for park restoration and what they might look like 3. Prepare Public Engagement Mailing 4. Facilitate Online Engagement 5. Facilitate in-person meetings at neighborhood parks as a follow up activity to the online engagement 6. OPTIONAL TASK: Revise park concepts 7. Summarize in report form and deliver to City as electronic (PDF) files 4 Prior Lake Neighborhood Park Engagement – City Council Work Session– July 19, 2021 2 Project Scope and Schedule Task May June July August September October 1] Review current Plan 2] Develop concepts 3] Prepare Mailing 4] Online engagement 5] In-person park meetings * OPTIONAL: Revise concepts 6] Summarize in report 1] Review current Draft Park & Trail System Plan May—Kick off Meeting  Review recommendations for Parks that are proposed to be repurposed  Summarize recommendations related to the following parks: o Fish Point Park (and nearby Indian Ridge Park and Green Oaks Park) o Cardinal Ridge (Lawn) o Horkey at Shepherds o North Shore Oaks (Trillium could be considered a replacement for this park) o Sunset Hills Park 2] Develop high level concepts for the repurposed parks and what they might look like  Fish Point – intent is to convert to a more natural park and experience. Develop plan view concept with associated precedent images to share with the neighborhood  Cardinal Ridge (Lawn Area) – intent is to convert to a more natural area with reduced long- term maintenance costs. Consider if this is a full conversion to native prairie or are there some sort of features that can be incorporated in with no real ongoing maintenance costs?  North Shore Oaks – the playground will not be replaced and it should probably come out sooner rather than later based on age and safety conditions. Consider what a repurpose looks like here that reduces ongoing maintenance costs for mowing, etc.?  Horkey at Shepherds – potential amenity improvements, signage, and park identification/delineation  Sunset Hills Park -- repurposing of the park that could possibly include parceling off some/all for residential development July—Meeting to review draft park concept plans and precedent images July/August—Concept revisions 5 PARKS INCLUDED IN PROJECT          CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Section 2: Assessment of Need         2040 Park & Trail System Plan  Page 38            CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Section 2: Assessment of Need         2040 Park & Trail System Plan  Page 39   FISH POINT PARK INDIAN RIDGE PARK GREEN OAKS PARK HORKEY AT SHEPHERDS NORTH SHORE OAKS CARDINAL RIDGE (LAWN) SUNSET HILLS PARK 6 FISH POINT PARK Oak Savanna/Prairie Restoration Overlook Natural Surface Hiking Trail MowedLawn 7 INDIAN RIDGE PARK Nature Play PicnicShelter Basketball Court 8 GREEN OAKS PARK Basketball Court Existing Picnic Shelter Existing Baseball Field Soccer Field 9 CARDINAL RIDGE PARK 2 Oak Savanna/Prairie Restoration Pond with Naturalized Shoreline Pond with Naturalized Shoreline Natural Surface Hiking Trail 10 HORKEY AT SHEPHERD’S PATH Dog Park Boardwalk &Bridge Garden Plots(Church) YMCA Church SeniorLiving 11 NORTH SHORE OAKS PARK MowedLawn NaturePlay 12 SUNSET HILLS PARK Oak Savanna/Prairie Restoration Main Lawn 13 Help us plan the future of What is happening?How can I provide feedback?Next steps: In July or early August, City staff will hold a neighborhood meeting at ______ to share the concept plans, review neighborhood feedback, and be available for questions. You will receive a postcard with the date, time and location of this neighborhood meeting in the near future. We hope you can join us! Questions? https://www.priorlakemn.gov/government/departments/public-works/park-master-plan To view the Parks Master Plan, go to: Contact ______________ at (952)000-0000 or name@priorlake.gov 13 150th St SE F i s h P o i n t R d Fairlawn Shore Trail SEGreen OaksTrail SEFis h P o i n t R d 150th St SE Green Oaks ParkFish Point Park Indian Ridge Park Savage These residents are within the school service area These residents are isolated and lack nearby park access.Lakefront Park Lower Prior Lake Mailing area You are receiving this communication because you live within the service area for Fish Point Park FISH POINT PARK! Existing Playground at Fish Point Park The QR below code leads you to a site where you can provide feedback for Fish Point Park. At this site, you will find draft park concept plans for your review and comment. To enable the site, just position your smart phone camera over the QR code and the link will pop up. In 2019, the City of Prior Lake completed a Parks Master Planning process that assessed our parks and trails system and provided recommendations for the future. Goals of the plan include avoiding duplication of amenities within service areas and providing unique experiences to balance the needs of diverse user groups. As part of this Plan, Fish Point Park was identified as a candidate for evaluation, particularly its amenities and uses. DRAFT FLYER 14          CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Section 2: Assessment of Need         2040 Park & Trail System Plan  Page 32            CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Section 2: Assessment of Need         2040 Park & Trail System Plan  Page 33   FISH POINT PARK INDIAN RIDGE PARK GREEN OAKS PARK HORKEY AT SHEPHERDS NORTH SHORE OAKS CARDINAL RIDGE (LAWN) SUNSET HILLS PARK OVERLAPPING SERVICE AREAS 15         CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Section 2: Assessment of Need         2040 Park & Trail System Plan  Page 28   Sustainability is a broad term and in the context of this plan relates to the city being able to adequately provide and maintain a healthy and high- quality system for the community under the following categories. Consolidation Consolidation of amenities to provide more unique experiences while lowering the costs of ongoing maintenance and replacement was a key goal by the community and include:  Avoid over-duplication of amenities / facilities within service areas  Provide more complementary and unique experiences  Balance the needs of diverse user groups Sustainable Practices Specific design, construction and maintenance procedures can result in higher-quality experiences with lower costs related to maintenance and replacement and include:  Provide adequate parking in relation to the development and programming  Program sites appropriately to minimize over-use and conflicts  Allow for flexible spaces to account for future changes and trends  Utilize construction and maintenance techniques that will result in a higher quality, reduced maintenance and longer life-span  Utilize newer methods or technologies to maximize efficiency and/or reduce carbon footprint  Implement a natural resource management plan to aid the resistance of the natural spaces against ongoing pests and diseases and improve pollinator habitats Sustainability SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSOLIDATION GOALS 16 FINDINGS FROM PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT          CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Section 2: Assessment of Need         2040 Park & Trail System Plan  Page 24   2.4 Findings  The engagement process resulted in a list of items that the community desired and valued the most, along with ideas for future improvements and additions. Generally, the community felt that the overall quality of the parks, trails and recreation programs was more important than adding more to the system and community parks ranking higher in priority than neighborhood parks. The feedback was organized into the following guiding themes. Connectivity Quality Sustainability 17 POTENTIAL PARK RESTORATION • Indian Ridge Park »Park is not dedicated parkland; platted as residential lots »Overlaps with Green Oaks park service area • Sunset Hills Park »Park is not dedicated parkland; platted as outlot »Overlaps with South Shore and Willows park service areas »Oakland Beach (outlot) – potential conversion to HOA management • Potentially create a list of criteria that could be used to evaluate parks for future improvements or repurposing »Deeded park land vs. outlot/lots »Used for programming athletics »Overlapping park service areas; etc. • Discussion 18 Help us plan the future of What is happening?How can I provide feedback?Next steps: In July or early August, City staff will hold a neighborhood meeting at ______ to share the concept plans, review neighborhood feedback, and be available for questions. You will receive a postcard with the date, time and location of this neighborhood meeting in the near future. We hope you can join us! Questions? https://www.priorlakemn.gov/government/ departments/public-works/park-master-plan To view the Parks Master Plan, go to: Contact ______________ at (952)000-0000 or name@priorlake.gov 13 150th St SE F i s h P o i n t R d Fairlawn Shore Trail SEGreen OaksTrail SEFis h P o i n t R d 150th St SE Green Oaks Park Fish Point Park Indian Ridge Park Savage These residents are within the school service area These residents are isolated and lack nearby park access.Lakefront Park Lower Prior Lake Mailing area You are receiving this communication because you live within the service area for Fish Point Park FISH POINT PARK! Existing Playground at Fish Point Park The QR below code leads you to a site where you can provide feedback for Fish Point Park. At this site, you will find draft park concept plans for your review and comment. To enable the site, just position your smart phone camera over the QR code and the link will pop up. In 2019, the City of Prior Lake completed a Parks Master Planning process that assessed our parks and trails system and provided recommendations for the future. Goals of the plan include avoiding duplication of amenities within service areas and providing unique experiences to balance the needs of diverse user groups. As part of this Plan, Fish Point Park was identified as a candidate for evaluation, particularly its amenities and uses. INDIAN RIDGE PARK 19 Help us plan the future of What is happening?How can I provide feedback?Next steps: In July or early August, City staff will hold a neighborhood meeting at ______ to share the concept plans, review neighborhood feedback, and be available for questions. You will receive a postcard with the date, time and location of this neighborhood meeting in the near future. We hope you can join us! Questions? https://www.priorlakemn.gov/government/ departments/public-works/park-master-plan To view the Parks Master Plan, go to: Contact ______________ at (952)000-0000 or name@priorlake.govSunrise Ave SWSunset Trail SWBalsam Street SW 12 13 Sunset Hills Park Rice Lake Park Northwood Park Mailing area Willows Park Playground Stonebriar Park Playground These residents are within the Rice Lake Park service area Playground South Shore Park Playground These residents are within the South Shore Park service area You are receiving this communication because you live within the service area for Sunset Hills Park Existing Playground at Sunset Hills Park SUNSET HILLS PARK! The QR below code leads you to a site where you can provide feedback for Sunset Hills Park. At this site, you will find draft park concept plans for your review and comment. To enable the site, just position your smart phone camera over the QR code and the link will pop up. In 2019, the City of Prior Lake completed a Parks Master Planning process that assessed our parks and trails system and provided recommendations for the future. Goals of the plan include avoiding duplication of amenities within service areas and providing unique experiences to balance the needs of diverse user groups. As part of this Plan, Sunset Hills Park was identified as a candidate for evaluation, particularly its amenities and uses. SUNSET HILLS PARK 20 POTENTIAL NEXT STEPS • Recommendations for Amendments/Revisions to the Draft Park & Trail System Plan? • Move forward with engagement process for one of the five parks?