HomeMy WebLinkAbout9 23 24 PC Minutes 1 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Monday, September 23, 2024 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance: Chair Tschetter called the Monday, September 23, 2024 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those presents were Commissioners Jason Tschetter, Dan Ringstad, William Kallberg, Doug Johnson, Christian Fenstermacher and Michael Pasquarette. Absent Michael Tennison. Also present were City Council Liaison Victor Lake, Community Development Director Casey McCabe, Planner Paul Moretto, Assistant City Engineer Luke Schwarz and Deputy Clerk / Administrative Assistant Megan Kooiman. 2. Approval of Monday, September 23, 2024 Agenda: MOTION BY FENSTERMACHER SECONDED BY RINGSTAD TO APPROVE THE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA SUBJECT TO MOVING ITEM 5A TO 4A. VOTE: Ayes by Ringstad, Johnson, Fenstermacher, Tschetter, and Kallberg. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Approval of Monday, September 9, 2024, Meeting Minutes: MOTION BY KALLBERG SECONDED BY FENSTERMACHER TO APPROVE THE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2024, PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. VOTE: Ayes by Ringstad, Johnson, Fenstermacher, Tschetter, and Kallberg. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Public Hearings: A. PDEV24-000024 – 13755 and 13855 Crest Ave NE – Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan - Prior Lake Development, LLC is requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan for a development to be known as The Villas at Crest Woods, consisting of 98 single-family, villa and rowhome lots (PID 259240025 and 259240023) Planner Moretto: Introduced the public hearing to consider a request from Prior Lake Development for a Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Planned Unit Development. The PUD Plan proposes 13 lots for single family homes, 16 villa lots, and 69 rowhome lots for a total of 98 units in a low-density residential development at 13855 and 13755 Crest Avenue SE. Moretto explained the current circumstances, physical site characteristics, future outcome, and is recommending a motion. Tschetter: Confirmed the unit per acre requirement for the development excludes the wetland area. Moretto: Yes. Tschetter: Asked about the proposed turning movements at the intersection of 138th Street and CH18. Schwarz: Stated this will be a full intersection with turn lanes on CH18 and 138th St. This will not be a signalized intersection. Kallberg: Questioned what significant differences between this development and the one proposed in 2020. McCabe: Stated the primary difference is the unit county. The street alignments are similar to the previous proposal. The unit county has increased from 61 to 98. The previous submittal included villa and single-family detached homes; this version also includes attached rowhomes. 2 Ringstad: Asked at what point is a signalized intersection considered with traffic counts. Schwarz: Explained a traffic intersection analysis would need to be performed to analyze the need for a signalized intersection when the property to the west develops. Johnson: Questioned how the proposed setbacks compare to standard R-1, Low Density Residential requirements. McCabe: Reviewed the standard R-1 setbacks and what is being requested by the developer. If approved, the proposed setbacks would be approved with the PUD; a separate variance process is not required. Johnson: Asked about the increase from 61 to 98 units, the reason for that, and if there is any benefit from the city perspective with the increase in density. McCabe: The increase in units is primarily related to the feasibility of the development due to infrastructure costs. The developer feels the project is economically viable at this unit count. Fenstermacher: Asked about a requirement to remove single family home driveways from 138th St. and confirmed that was not a requirement of the previous proposal. McCabe: Removing single family driveways from 138th St. was not required with the previous proposal. That was a comment from the Public Works/Engineering staff provided between the first and current version of this subdivision. Pasquarette: Asked if roads going through the development are new or are they all extensions of other roads. Also asked if utilities are sized appropriately to support this development. McCabe: Stated roads shown on the subdivision are all extensions, other than private rowhome lots. Stated utilities are sized appropriately and a lift station upgrade would be needed at the developer’s cost. Tschetter: Asked for clarification of PUD benefits above the road connection. Moretto: Stated preservation of heritage trees and wildlife preservation. Tschetter: Asked about any contribution in this development toward the future cost of the intersection. McCabe: Stated the developer is responsible for the costs of turn lanes on CH18 and within the development. The city does not anticipate a developer contribution beyond that for a future intersection. Tschetter: as we consider PUD benefits, is this development addressing city challenges with managing the sanitary sewer system in the area. McCabe: A lift station was installed in the subdivision to the north. When the property to the west develops the lift station will be removed and this area will be served with gravity sewer to Pike Lake Trail. Adam Seraphine, Applicant: NHH Properties, 7455 France Ave. S, Edina MN. Thanked the Commission and staff. Tough project economically speaking and engineering wise. Seven street connections and significant utility costs. Worked to develop a plan that is economically viable. Happy to take questions from the Commission. Tschetter: Asked for more detailed description of the type of housing product proposed. Seraphine: Three product types; single family home, villa and rowhome. Some opportunity for single family and villas to have walkouts. Provided anticipated square foot size and price point. Rowhomes will be two stories attached on sides with front and back yards. Tschetter: Asked for description of characteristics of homes. Seraphine: Middle market offering. Provided more detail of interior finishing. Ringstad: Asked if a builder has been selected Seraphine: Not yet. Working with one builder as a consultant but they have not been selected at this time. Ringstad: Questioned when building would start Seraphine: start site work in late 2024 and under construction in 2025 Tschetter: What is anticipated timeline for construction completion. Seraphine: Anticipates from 36 months for construction and 48 to 60 months for punch list items. Tschetter: Asked if an HOA will be included. 3 Seraphine: Anticipates single family will stand on their own and rowhomes and villas will be part of an HOA. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECONDED BY JOHNSON TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4A AT 6:26 P.M. VOTE: Ayes, Ringstad, Johnson, Fenstermacher, Tschetter, and Kallberg. Motion carried 5-0. Public Comment: Paul Aryes, 5661 Jarett Ct. NE: Feels 90+ units is too dense for this area. Bob Kodelka, 5653 Jarett CT NE: Shared concerns with the number of units increasing from the previous proposal, concerned with the number of proposed rowhomes, and concern with potential impacts to property values. Feels rowhomes are too tall and not a good fit with surrounding neighborhoods. Not in favor of the development. Russ Synder, 13658 Crownline Dr. NE: Shared Concerned with density and rowhouses. Asked a question about Outlot C ghost plat. Asked about intentions for that area. McCabe: explained the outlot was platted as part of Haven Ridge and three lots were anticipated for future development; however, the homes were not constructed because there was no street access. With this development, street access would be provided but that outlot is not owned by this developer and not proposed for this development. Assumption is the owner of that outlot would request final approval to construct three homes on that property if this is approved. Harold Tilstra, 5597 Jarett Ct. NE: Asked about the width of proposed 138th St. Schwarz: 138th will be constructed to collector street standards which is 36 ft. wide. Tschetter: asked if parking was allowed on a collector street. Schwarz: stated staff would need to evaluate if on-street parking should be allowed. Tilstra: commented about families anticipated to occupy the rowhomes and asked if there was a need for a playground or greenspace. McCabe: states this development would connect by trail to the existing neighborhood park in the southeast portion of the development. Explained that the applicant would be able to speak more on the height of building. Tilstra: expressed concern with height of rowhomes and density of the development. Tschetter: stated the detached homes and rowhomes are proposed at two stories tall. Mark Bloom, 5621 Jarett Ct. NE: Expressed concern about rowhouse and the number of stories, feeling they were three story, not two-story. Commented on a low area behind his property and concerned about fill in that area raising the height of homes. Joel Lauterbach, 5783 138th St.: discussed concerns with property value due to the view from the rear of his property adjacent to rowhomes. Did not agree with the position to eliminate driveways from 138th Street as there are already many driveways on this street. Rowhome design disrupts the vibe of the existing community. Commented on wetland buffer needing to be addressed. Transition from one housing type to another is important. Encouraged a buffer of single-family homes between the existing homes and the rowhomes. Jane White, 13674 Crownline Dr. NE: Commented on setbacks and distance between homes and asked why have setbacks if you are just going to change them. Larry Scherber, 13645 Crownline Dr. NE: Commented on traffic along Crownline Dr. and asked that construction traffic not utilize Crownline Dr. during construction activities. McCabe: commented on the city’s traffic and safety committee and process to request stop signs or other traffic modifications. Construction traffic has not been evaluated, but generally the construction traffic will enter from the county highway, not through adjacent residential subdivisions. John: Concern with construction route. Offering an alternative route. Questions on parking situation. John Lahti, 5729 Apex Way NE: Concerns with construction traffic; doubts contractors will comply with construction traffic routes. Concerns about on-street parking options in the rowhome area. McCabe: reviewed where the developer is proposing to include on-street parking in the rowhome area. 4 Dan Brown, 2792 Hawk Ridge Rd.: Asked for a picture showing parking requirements are being met. McCabe: Reviewed the parking requirements for the city and explained how each unit is required to provide two parking stalls per unit; the developer is proposing a minimum of four stalls per unit. Valarie Blech, 5787 Apex Way NE: Commented on the lack of parking for the rowhome area and expressed concern with the one access point and the chance of blocking that entrance and related public safety concerns. MOTION BY KALLBERG, SECONDED BY JOHNSON TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4A AT 6:49 P.M. VOTE: Ayes, Ringstad, Johnson, Fenstermacher, Tschetter, and Kallberg. Motion carried 5-0. Seraphine: stated the townhomes are two story units that will be slab on grade. Single-family homes west of Lupine will be walkouts. Villa homes at NW corner of site plan have an opportunity for walkout. Proposing 11 to 12 feet per story plus another approximate 8 feet for the roofline. Parking is a management issue. Generally implement guidelines that require garage parking, then driveway parking and no on-street parking unless garage and driveway are occupied with cars. Every rowhome unit will have the ability to park two cars in the driveway. Sidewalks are included throughout the property. Tschetter: Asked about design considerations when siting home styles adjacent to an existing neighborhood. Seraphine: stated this development does a nice job of site design. Discussed earlier plan concepts that had all housing types along 138th St. Fenstermacher: commented on an opportunity for additional screening along south side of 138th at NE corner of the development. Seraphine: there is room for more tree coverage in that area. Fenstermacher: asked if developer considered transition between townhomes and villas north of 138th to isolate villas from townhome style. Transition from one property type to another along Wildflower. Seraphine: commented on a grade change in that location and rooflines will be closer than they appear on the plan. Johnson: clarification on roof heights. Will a rowhome at two levels be the same height as a single family or villa at two levels. Seraphine: the single family will be the tallest at two levels. Commissioner Comments: Kallberg: commented on reviewing a proposal on this site four years ago. Commented on tree removal being part of most development proposals, traffic would be mostly coming from CH18 to 138th. Density is within the same range as other adjacent developments. Ringstad: Has concern with 69 rowhomes. Acknowledged the developer needs to make a profit but is not convinced this is the best plan currently. Thanked the public for their comments. This property will be developed but the density of 69 rowhomes seems like the driving force for this development. Johnson: thanked the public for their comments. Echo previous comments that density calculations look similar. Strive to create harmony between neighborhoods. From a density standpoint it looks similar but has concern with the impact of the number of rowhomes. Appears to be tight on paper and looks like we are trying to do too much with too little. Fenstermacher: Appreciated everyone’s comments and hears the concern about density. Understands the desire to remove driveways from 138th St. Pasquarette: Echo the previous comments. Challenging property to develop. The development seems consistent with the rest of the neighborhood when looking at density but from an aerial view it presents challenges. Thanked residents for their comments. Tschetter: Density and pedestrian and traffic movements through development seem challenging. 138th has always been envisioned as a critical connector to complete the corner of CH18 and CH42. Getting it 5 right is important. Economics is important to understand as well. Does see an opportunity to reflect on comments and understand where adjustments can be made to address concerns. In terms of next step, would entertain tabling of this item for discussion at a future meeting. Developer is encouraged to work with staff to address comments and present a revised proposal. MOTION BY JOHNSON, SECONDED BY RINGSTAD TO TABLE THE REQUEST FOR A PRELIMINARY PLAT AND A PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A DEVELOPMENT TO BE KNOW AS THE VILLAS AND CRESTWOODS AT 13755 AND 13855 CREST AVE NE FOR A FUTURE MEETING. VOTE: Ayes Ringstad, Johnson, Fenstermacher, Tschetter, and Kallberg. Motion carried 5-0. B. PDEV24-000028 – 13780 McKenna RD NW – Planned Unit Development Major Amendment - The Scott County Community Development Agency is requesting a Planned Unit Development Plan Amendment to split a parcel located at 13780 McKenna Rd. NW, Prior Lake, MN and construct a 14-unit multi-family residential building (PID 254520010) Planner Moretto: Introduced the public hearing to consider a request from Scott County CDA for an amendment to the Planned Unit Development (PUD) known as Shepherds Path. Moretto provided an overview of the request, explained the current circumstances, and physical site characteristics. Tschetter: Clarified the property was included in the original PUD and was platted but never developed fully and is consistent with that guidance. McCabe: Stated the parcel was included in the Shepherds Path PUD plan. The specific use for this lot was youth and supportive services due to the use on the site at the time. The proposed use was not intended at the time of original PUD approval but is complimentary to the guidance for this parcel. Tschetter: asked if there are new PUD benefits being proposed. McCabe: there are no new PUD benefits being proposed, the City received the PUD benefits at initial approval. Johnson: Asked about the 20 ft. front yard setback and reasoning for the setback request. Moretto: Stated the setback provides a better flow, access to utilities on the west side of the lot and having the parking lot where it is helps ensure sufficient parking for both uses. Paquette: Confirmed this is not affecting Passageways and is in addition to it. Moretto: Correct. It is complimentary. Applicant Steve Dunbar, Ivy Properties, 323 Washington Ave. N. Minneapolis: Introduced partners in attendance including Scott County CDA, Scott County, Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church, and Urban Works Architecture. Thanked staff and are available to answer questions the commissioner may have. Kallberg: asked if the facility is associated with Shepherd of the Lake. Dunbar: County has been working in partnership with Shepard of the Lake. Tschetter: asked the applicant to describe the services of the facility. Barb Dahl, Health and Human Services Director, Scott County: Intent is to work with individuals and families experiencing housing instability. Tschetter: asked for clarification on the services proposed. Dahl: Housing instability in school age children within the county has doubled over the last two school years. Provide a service for families experiencing homelessness. County board identifies housing as an objective and the partnership with Shepherd of the Lake has been beneficial. 6 Ensuring youth become productive members of the community. Opportunity to bring many partners together to address this issue and create a supportive environment. Tschetter: Are other services provided on site in addition to housing? Dahl: Yes, Conference room space is available for a space to have meals together. Applicants will be screened and Scott County will provide other services related to employment and housing. Hopefully people will be moved into a more stable situation. Tschetter: asked about a safety plan. Dahl: A safety plan will ensure residents and the surrounding community remain safe. Tschetter: Asked about staffing levels. Dahl: Still evaluating staffing hours. Looking at an option for an onsite overnight staff member. Ringstad: Questioned the average length of stay one family would have. Dahl: Hopefully within a few months but potentially longer. MOTION BY RINGSTAD, SECONDED BY FENSTERMACHER TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4B AT 7:19 P.M. VOTE: Ayes, Ringstad, Johnson, Fenstermacher, Tschetter, and Kallberg. Motion carried 5-0. Public Comment: None. MOTION BY KALLBERG, SECONDED BY JOHNSON TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 4B AT 7:20 P.M. VOTE: Ayes, Ringstad, Johnson, Fenstermacher, Tschetter, and Kallberg. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Comments: Kallberg: It seems like a need. The County has identified a need and is proud Prior Lake will be the first facility of this kind in the county. Ringstad: Looks like a great fit. Will be supporting. Johnson: Thanked the applicants for their efforts and supported the request. Fenstermacher: Appreciated the effort and has pride that this is happening in our community. Acknowledged the need for this service in our county and will be a great amenity in our community. Will be supporting. Pasquarette: Very good fit along with Shepherd of the Lake and the services they provide. Johnson: Applaud the efforts. Tschetter: No Concerns, Echo fellow commissioner’s comments. MOTION BY FENSTERMACHER, SECONDED BY JOHNSON RECCOMMENING APPROVING OF THE MAJOR AMENDMENTS TO THE SHEPHERDS PATH PUD SUBJECT TO THE LISTED CONDITIONS. VOTE: Ayes Ringstad, Johnson, Fenstermacher, Tschetter, and Kallberg. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Old Business: None. 6. New Business: None. 7. Announcements & Adjournment: None. 7 MOTION BY KALLBERG, SECONDED BY JOHNSON TO ADJOURN THE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2024, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AT 7:26 P.M. VOTE: Ayes, Ringstad, Johnson, Fenstermacher, Tschetter, and Kallberg. Motion carried 5-0. Respectfully submitted, Megan Kooiman, Deputy Clerk / Administrative Assistant