HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 10 2025 EDA Agenda Packet Phone 952.447.9800 / www.priorlakemn.gov 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA Monday, February 10, 2025 – 4:00 p.m. Parkview Community Room Reports included with this agenda can be found on the City of Prior Lake website at www.cityofpriorlake.com Please follow this file path: Agendas & Minutes / Economic Development Authority / 2025 / February 10, 2025 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. January 13, 2025 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. Monthly Development Update (1/31/25) 5. PRESENTATIONS A. Cora Project Update with The Beard Group 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of ACC 2025-2029 Strategic Plan i. Funding Request B. ACC Sculpture Historic Date/Event Timeline Review 8. OTHER BUSINESS A. Staff Updates i. City Council Retreat / 2025 Priorities B. Commissioner Comments i. 2025 City Council EDA Appointments 9. ADJOURNMENT PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES Monday, January 13, 2025 – 4:00 p.m. Parkview Conference Room 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Prchal called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. In attendance were Prchal, Marco, Boucher- Hoese and Braid. Absent Briggs. Also present were staff Liaison McCabe, and Deputy City Clerk / Administrative Assistant Kooiman. 2. ELECTION IF OFFICERS The 2025 EDA officers of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Assistant Treasurer were discussed and elected by the EDA Commissioners. MOTION BY MARCO, SECONDED BY BRAID TO CONTINUE WITH THE 2024 ELECTED OFFICERS KIM PRCHAL AS PRESIDENT, MARIE BOUCHER-HOESE AS VICE PRESIDENT, CATHY ERICKSON AS TREASURER, JASON WEDEL AS SECRETARY, AND CASEY MCCABE AS ASSISTANT TREASURER. Ayes by Prchal, Marco, Boucher-Hoese, and Braid. The motion carried 4-0. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY BOUCHER-HOESE, SECONDED BY MARCO TO APPROVE THE AGENDA Ayes by Prchal, Braid, Boucher-Hoese and Marco. The motion carried 4-0. 4. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY MARCO, SECONDED BY BRAID TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 9, 2024, MEETING MINUTES. Ayes by Prchal, Boucher-Hoese Braid and Marco. Boucher-Hoese Abstained. The motion carried 3-0-1. 5. CONSENT AGENDA A. Year-End Development Update (12/31/2024) McCabe: Reviewed the 2024 year-end residential and commercial development activity. B. Year-End EDA Revenue & Expenditure Report (12/31/2024) McCabe: Reviewed the 2024 year-end EDA revenues and expenditures. MOTION BY BRAID, SECONDED BY BOUCHER-HOESE TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. Ayes by Braid, Prchal, Boucher-Hoese and Marco. The motion carried 4-0. 6. REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS None. 7. PRESENTATIONS None. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Downtown Redevelopment Assistance - Chula’s McCabe Introduces the agenda item to consider approval of a resolution approving a business subsidy agreement with Black Hills Properties, LLC related to the redevelopment of a property 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 at 4636 Colorado Street SE. McCabe summarized the costs where the developer is requesting financial assistance as the proposed improvements related to removing a substandard building, relocating public utilities, and expanding the public sidewalk provide benefits to both the development and the public. Commissioners: reviewed the draft business subsidy agreement in the form of a forgivable loan, discussed the proposed improvements and supported EDA financial participation due to the related public benefit. Commissioners suggested a revision to the resolution which would allow for identified improvements to be reimbursed only after a building permit has been issued for the new structure. MOTION BY MARCO, SECONDED BY BOUCHER-HOESE APPROVING A BUSINESS SUBSIDY AGREEMENT TO ASSIST WITH COSTS RELATED TO REDEVELOPMENT OF A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4636 COLORADO STREET SE SUBJECT TO THE INCLUSION OF ADDITIONAL LANGAGE THAT STATES, NO LOAN FUNDS SHALL BE DISTRIBUTED UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW APPROXIMATE 9,500 SQUARE FOOT TWO-STORY MIXED USE COMMERCIAL BUILDING ON THE PROJECT SITE. Ayes by Braid, Prchal, Boucher-Hoese and Marco. The motion carried 4-0. 9. NEW BUSINESS None 10. OTHER BUSINESS A. Staff Updates I. Orderly Annexation Area AUAR – EDA Professional Services Funding McCabe provided an update on the work staff is doing to move forward an Alternative Urban Areawide Review and infrastructure study in the orderly annexation area. Commissioners discussed the additional $75,000 in the 2025 EDA Professional Services budget that is intended to be used as matching funds to a Scott County CDA grant to assist with the cost of the AUAR. II. Cora Project Update with The Beard Ground at February Meeting McCabe reminded the commissioners that representatives of the Beard Group will be in attendance at the February meeting to provide an update on the Cora Apartment project proposed for Dakota Street. B. Commissioner Comments None. 11. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY BRAID, SECOND BY MARCO TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Ayes by Braid, Prchal, Boucher-Hoese and Marco. The motion carried 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 5:12 p.m. Submitted by Megan Kooiman 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 10, 2025 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: Development Update DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to review the year to date residential and commercial development update as of January 31, 2025. History EDA Commissioners requested an update of residential and commercial activity at each meeting. Conclusion The attached memorandum provides a summary of the residential and commer- cial development in the City of Prior Lake as of January 31, 2025. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION ATTACHMENT: 1. Motion and a second, under the consent agenda, to accept the development update. 2. Remove this item from the consent agenda for additional discussion. Alternative No. 1 1. Development Update Phone 952.447.9800 / www.priorlakemn.gov Memo Date: February 10, 2025 To: City of Prior Lake Economic Development Authority From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director Subject: Residential & Commercial Activity Update Below is an update of the year to date residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake as of January 31, 2025. Single Family Dwellings 2 $992,990.00 9 $3,666,760.00 Townhouses (# units)0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Multiple Units 0 $0.00 1 $28,733,056.00 New Commercial Industrial & Commercial 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Residential 35 $602,591.94 40 $1,043,715.00 Industrial & Commercial 3 $63,000.00 4 $317,748.00 tMechanical 71 $0.00 80 $0.00 ttMechanical (SF & TH)8 $0.00 36 $0.00 TOTALS 119 $1,658,581.94 170 $33,761,279.00 -95.09% #DIV/0! -42.26% -80.17% n/a n/a 2025 Year to Date 2024 Year to Date New Residential -11.25% -77.78% Number of Permits % Increase / Decrease Increase/Decrease Declared Value % Increase / Decrease -72.92% 100.00% -100.00% t Mechanical permits include but are not limited to furnaces, water heaters, softeners, and fireplaces. They are flat-rate permit fees. tt Mechanical (SF & TH) permits include required plumbing, heating, sewer and water and fireplace permits for new single family residences They are flat-rate permit fees Additions and Alterations Number of Permits Declared Value -77.78% 100.00% -100.00% #DIV/0! -12.50% -25.00% Number of Permits Declared Value -30.00% 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 10, 2025 AGENDA #: 5A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: Cora Project Update – The Beard Group DISCUSSION: Introduction Representatives of The Beard Group will be in attendance to discuss the status of the proposed Cora mixed use apartment project on Dakota Street SE. ALTERNATIVES: Discussion Only. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 10, 2025 AGENDA #: 7A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: Approval of Arts and Culture Committee 2025-2029 Strategic Plan DISCUSSION: Introduction The Arts and Culture Committee (ACC) has updated their five-year Strategic Plan, which provides a framework for the planning and funding of future public art installations throughout the community. Current Circumstances The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to identify specific projects to be completed over the next five years. By approving the Strategic Plan, the EDA is supporting the goals identified by the ACC and authorizing them to pursue the identified projects. The intent of the ACC is to evaluate and update this plan annually as projects are completed and priorities change. The plan will help ensure funds are availa- ble when projects are anticipated. The plan is an important tool to maintain and provide consistent investment in public art in the community and is a critical el- ement of responsible fiscal management. Conclusion The attached 2025-2029 Strategic Plan identifies short-, mid-, and long-term ACC priorities along with anticipated funding needs and funding sources to im- plement the projects. EDA members are encouraged to discuss any projects they do not feel should be identified in the plan and propose ideas for other priorities that may not be included. The attached Strategic Plan does include a funding request for 2025 that will be discussed during the February 10th meeting. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION ATTACHMENT: 1. Motion and a second to approve the Arts and Culture Committee 2025-2029 Strategic Plan. 2. Provide direction to staff and the ACC and defer action on this item to a future meeting date. Alternative No. 1 1. ACC 2025-2029 Strategic Plan ARTS AND CULTURE COMMITTEE (ACC) 2025-2029 STRATEGIC PLAN Adopted January 23, 2025 by the PRIOR LAKE ARTS AND CULTURE COMMITTEE Erin Belanger-Braid, Chair Alejandra Pelinka, Vice Chair Cassandra Bryant, Secretary Jeanine Bigalk Marie Boucher-Hoese Patty Dronen Crystal Dvorak Allison Olson Karin Logerquist Adopted February 10, 2022 by the PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Kim Prchal, Chair Marie Boucher-Hoese, Vice Chair Tim Marco Kirt Briggs Zach Braid 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 Public Art Criteria Page 2 Public Art Procedures Page 5 Short-Term (2025) Strategic Priorities This section provides a brief description of individual projects, identifies anticipated costs and funding sources for each project. Page 7 Mid-Term (2026-2028) Strategic Priorities This section provides a brief description of individual projects, identifies anticipated costs and funding sources for each project. Page 8 Long-Term (2029+) Strategic Priorities This section provides a brief description of individual projects the ACC intends to explore in the future. 2 Public Art Criteria • Artwork should be focused in highly trafficked areas for public viewing with a concentration on downtown plazas, city parks, community gathering spaces and municipal buildings. • Promote public spaces by encouraging a sense of ownership and pride within the community. • Enhance the physical and natural environment and encourage activity, relaxation, or contemplation of nature through the process of creative thought. • Exemplify the highest degree of social awareness, intellectual pursuit, ingenuity, and creative ability the community has to offer. • The artwork should be designed to promote longevity and be maintained within standard City, or appropriate party, maintenance procedures and cycles. Public Art Procedures The following is a process for determining project sites and which projects should receive support from the Arts and Culture Committee and/or EDA Budget. Project and site selection decisions are also contingent upon available staffing and funding. Project Selection • Project brings with it a specific need or an area where artwork is desired. Requests may be made by the private, public, or business community for artwork in specific locations on City property. • Commemorative events or memorials may also initialize projects. • Public Art pieces should be based on a standard set of guidelines including: o Representation – Does the artwork represent a notion or idea valued by sectors of the community? o Historical – Does the artwork have historical value? o Impact – Does the artwork have emotional, inspirational, or intellectual impact? o Budgetary – The purchase price, transportation, installation, and maintenance of the piece must be considered. o Technicality – Is the design technically feasible? o Creativity – Is the design visionary and creative? o Quality – Is the work the highest quality? Site Selection • The appropriateness of the artwork to the site and the site to the artwork are basic considerations. Site location shall be determined by its accessibility to the public. • Proposed sites shall be presented to the Economic Development Authority after receiving contributing opinions from directly related City Departments and their representatives. Artist Selection • Artists are selected with three (3) criteria in mind: o Appropriateness: Artist(s) are selected based on the appropriateness of their proposal to the project. o Communication: The artist(s) must have the ability to clearly communicate concepts both visually and through clearly written materials. o Performance: Does the artist(s) have a good professional history of being able to work cooperatively and finish projects on time? 3 Artist Selection Process • Finding the right artist for a project is the highest priority. The standard artist selection process is designed to ensure only the highest quality, skilled and appropriate professionals are chosen and utilizes a six (6) step process: o The goals of the project must be clearly defined. o Calls to artists are placed on the City of Prior Lake website, local and regional media, and social media accounts. o Staff reviews initial submissions for completeness and provides the Arts and Culture Committee with the most appropriate proposals for their review. o The Arts and Culture Committee reviews and narrows down the selection. o The finalists present a more developed proposal to the Arts and Culture Committee. o The Arts and Culture Committee presents the final selection to the Economic Development Authority for approval. • There are several types of art and artist selection processes: Open competitions, limited competitions, invitational, direct selection, mixed process, and direct purchase. o Open competitions Following public announcement of a project any artist or organization may submit proposals, as indicated by the notification. The competition is a two (2) step process in which initial proposals are submitted and narrowed, then followed by a second request to submit a more developed proposal. o Limited competitions The limited competition is defined by certain parameters. For example, the guidelines may define that the artist or organization must reside within a prescribed number of miles of the City or work only in a specific medium. o Invitational One or more artists may be invited to submit proposals for a specific project. o Direct selection An artist or design team is selected directly for a Public Art project. This process is enacted only during circumstances which deem other processes impractical such as time constraints or very particular project requirements. o Mixed selection This is a two-fold process that combines any two of the previously mentioned processes. o Direct purchase A completed piece of work is purchased for a specific site or project. Permanent Collections • Focus on local artisans. • Artworks in a collection with a reputation for high standards and quality often reflect positively on artists in the collection, local artists working in the community, as well as private citizens in the community. • The EDA and City Council shall approve all artworks proposed to be included in the permanent collection. • Acquisition may be made by purchase, gift, or donation. 4 o Purchase ▪ May be acquired because of an art in public space initiative derived from public or private construction as well as Public Works projects. ▪ May require a signed contract between artist/fabricator, in agreement with the City of Prior Lake. ▪ Typically, a direct purchase, but could also be via open and limited competitions and invitations. o Gift ▪ May be gifted by local, national, and international artists or friends and families of artists who have impacted the community. ▪ A gift shall be accepted by the EDA and City Council. o Donation ▪ Often a donation from outstanding citizens or an organization wanting to share with the community the personal enjoyment a work of art has given them. 5 Short-Term (2025) Strategic Priorities / Recurring The Arts and Culture Committee has identified the following short-term priorities the committee intends to pursue in 2025. Sidewalk Stamping / Etching – The ACC plans to install a minimum of one downtown sidewalk etching in 2024. Quotes have been selected by a community vote and the ACC will identify a contractor to complete the project in 2024. In addition, the ACC will evaluate acquiring a stamp or stamps representative of Prior Lake that can be incorporated in future projects when new sidewalks are poured. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, City Council, Public Works, Potential Donors, Friends of the Arts PL (Jean, Ale, Crystal, Erin) Prior Lake Community Artist Program – The ACC will draft an RFQ to identify a Community Artist to complete and install a public art sculpture in the downtown area related to the history of Prior Lake. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, City Council, Friends of the Arts PL (Ale, Cassy, Karin, Allison) Promotion of Prior Lake Association Photo Contest Winners – In partnership with the Prior Lake Association, work to enhance the annual photo contest through promotion and display of the winning photographs. Potential revenue source for the Prior Lake Friends of the Arts Nonprofit. • Coordination between the ACC, Prior Lake Association (Jean, Patty, Marie, Crystal with assistance from Kathy Dawson and the PL Friends of the Arts nonprofit) Support Community Arts [ChalkFest, Pleasant St. Art Walk, Civic Groups, Music Events, Etc.] – The ACC will support existing community art events, including the Pleasant Street Art Walk, to ensure their continued success. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, City Council, Public Works/Recreation, Potential Donors Supporting Community Arts (Marie, Patty, Karin, Allison) Incorporation of Arts Component in New Construction – ACC members will work with City staff to evaluate options to encourage public art components in new multi-family and commercial construction projects. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, City Council, Community Development Staff, Developers (Ale, Marie, Erin) “Friends of Arts” type Non-Profit Formation – ACC members formalize the establishment of a non-profit organization for the purpose of fundraising and soliciting donations for future public art projects throughout the community. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, Non-Profit Organization (Erin, Jean, Cassy, Allison, Karin) 6 The ACC has a cash balance of $13,753.54 as of 12/31/24. Of this amount, $5,000 has been allocated to the 2024 Community Artist program, leaving a balance of $8,753.54. The ACC anticipated $4,624 of available funds would be used for initial costs to get the Prior Lake Friends of the Arts nonprofit established. The ACC did not receive a formal allocation of funding from the Prior Lake EDA in 2025; however, the EDA expressed support for the ACC and indicated funding may be available for specific projects upon request. Below are the 2025 anticipated expenditures along with the source and use of the funds to accomplish identified strategic priorities. Strategic Priority Est. Cost ACC Fund City of Prior Lake EDA Other / Private Donations 2025 Expenditure Sidewalk Stamps (2) / Etching (1) $4,000 $2,600 $1,400 $4,000 Prior Lake Community Artist Program $15,000 $7,500 $7,500 $15,000 Promotion of Prior Lake Association Photo Contest Winners $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 Support Community Arts TBD $0 Incorporation of Arts Component in New Construction TBD $0 “Friends of Arts” type Non-Profit Formation $4,624 $4,624 $4,624 Total $26,124 $7,224 $7,500 $11,400 $26,124 Funding Source 7 Mid-Term (2026-2028) Strategic Priorities Prior Lake Themed Benches – The ACC will continue its program to have Prior Lake themed benches created and installed throughout the community. Benches will have a nautical or outdoor recreational theme. It is assumed the benches will be privately funded by civic groups or through the city’s memorial bench program. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, City Council, Public Works, Potential Donors, Friends of the Arts PL Educational Signage and Historical Markers (Sand Point and/or Watzl’s Beach/public boat launches) – The ACC will work with the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community and the City of Prior Lake to encourage educational displays around the community that provide historical information and the original Native American names for local points of interest. It is anticipated the initial efforts in this area will focus on Upper and Lower Prior Lake with educational displays at Watzl’s Beach and/or Sand Point Beach and/or public boat launches. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, City Council, Public Works, SMSC or Other Donors CH21 Wagon Bridge Mural – The ACC will utilize the community artist program to identify an artist or artistes to complete a large-scale mural on and under the CH21 Wagon Bridge. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, City Council, Scott County, Potential Donors Downtown Mural/Mosaic – Explore opportunities and locations for a mural, mosaic, or combination mural/mosaic in downtown Prior Lake. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, City Council, Potential Donors Historic Lake Tour – In partnership with the Prior Lake Association or other civic groups, create a database of historic sites on Upper and Lower Prior Lake. This will potentially involve assistance from city staff or an outside organization utilizing GIS and QR Codes so residents and visitors can learn more about history while enjoying our lakes. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, City Council, Prior Lake Association, Kathy Dawson, Potential Donors Public Engagement Art Project – Identify an art project that involves a community engagement component [e. g. paint by numbers mural]. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, City Council, Potential Donors Crosswalk Art – In partnership with the City, identify an artist to replace standard crosswalk striping with a more decorative and eye-catching art piece. • Coordination between the ACC, EDA, City Council, Public Works, Potential Donors 8 Long-Term (2029+) Strategic Priorities In the year 2028 and going forward, the ACC will explore additional public art installments and events, including, but not limited to: Downtown Sculpture – Identify location and funding source for a prominent sculpture in downtown Prior Lake. (Pending in 2025) Cora McQuestion Days – Explore a community event to honor Prior Lake’s first female mayor (Cora McQuestion Spirt of Prior Lake Award). Lakefront Park Art – In partnership with the City, identify future art installment options and locations within Lakefront Park. Community Arts Center – Study the feasibility of a community arts center for Prior Lake. Rotating Sculpture Walk – Establish a rotating sculpture walk program within the community. Community Arts Festival – Explore a community event to promote art and culture in the community. Percent for the Arts Program – Work with the City to identify a percentage of all public street and infrastructure project costs to be used as funding to support future public art projects. Downtown Raised Planters Art – Enhance the new downtown planter beds by incorporating art. Round-A-Bout Art – A public art installation [sculpture, painting, or other] in one or more of the City round- a-bouts. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 10, 2025 AGENDA #: 7B PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: ACC Sculpture Historic Date/Event Timeline Review DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this item is to review and provide EDA feedback on a draft list of historic dates and events to be included on a sculpture in downtown Prior Lake. Current Circumstances The Arts and Culture Committee (ACC) has been working with the 2024 Com- munity Artist on a sculpture that will be placed in downtown Prior Lake. The de- sign reflects the history of Prior Lake and also provides an opportunity to include a timeline of community historic dates and events. The ACC created a draft list of several dozen potential dates and then narrowed their recommendations to the attached list. The ACC would appreciate EDA re- view and comment on the proposed dates/events before finalizing the list and working with the artist to incorporate them in the sculpture. Conclusion The EDA should review the list and provide comments related to whether they agree with the proposed dates/events, whether any should be removed or addi- tional items added. The ACC is limited to 14 to 16 total items to be included. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION ATTACHMENT: 1. Motion and a second to approve the Arts and Culture Committee proposed timeline as presented, or as amended by the EDA. 2. Provide direction to staff and the ACC and defer action on this item to a future meeting date. Alternative No. 1 1. ACC Proposed Timeline Proposed Timeline: Below are the (almost final) dates/events selected by the ACC. 14 dates shown below were those with the most support from the ACC. Pre 1640 DAKOTA PEOPLE CALLED PRIOR LAKE MDE MAYA ṪO ("THE LAKE WITH THE BLUE BANKS") YEAR? FIRST TRAIN ARRIVES IN PRIOR LAKE The ACC wanted to have something railroad related, but we cannot find exact dates. Thinking the year the railroad was completed, or when the first train arrived would be nice. 1891 PRIOR LAKE INCORPORATED AS A VILLAGE (other options are 1872: Prior Lake is Founded, or 1921: Prior Lake Incorporated as a City) There were several comments about a desire to reference Charles Prior. We don’t believe we can fit that many words on this item, maybe include Charles Prior on the train arrival date, or maybe there is a need to add another specific timeline for Charles Prior. 1879 THE GRAINWOOD HOUSE OPENED There was a lot of support for another resort reference, or perhaps removing the Grainwood reference and replacing with a broader “19XX Prior Lake Had XX Resorts” type reference to identify when the number of resorts was at its peak. 1900 POPULATION 148 1907 HIGHEST RECORDED WATER LEVEL: 907.6’ 1926 CORA MCQUESTION ELECTED AS FIRST FEMALE MAYOR 1926 FIRST LIBRARY OPENED 1938 PRIOR LAKE LOWEST RECORDED WATER LEVEL: 883.6’ 1949 DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL PARK 1969 SMSC RECEIVES FEDERAL INDIAN TRIBE RECOGNITION 1982 LITTLE SIX BINGO PALACE OPENS This would be added if the SMSC supports its inclusion on the sculpture. 2000 POPULATION 15,917 ACC also discussed using the 2020 population (27,617) but seemed to support showing the population at the century mark. 2010 LAKEFRONT MUSIC FEST ESTABLISHED If there is room for additional dates/events, the ACC may include a reference to the Prior Lake schools. Options are below. 1969 PRIOR LAKE HIGH SCHOOL OPENED There is no real consensus on what school reference to include. Other options include 1869, School District # 49 was formed and included Prior Lake; 1870, a log school was built; 1898, College Hill School built for Grades 1–8; 1941, Westwood Grade School was built; 1952, Prior Lake opened a school for Grades 1–12.