HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA93-19 Young Variance VA 93 - /j PID#~c;-tJlJ(Jt) 21-tJ CITY OF PRIOR LAKE APPLICATION FUR VARma Applicant:~YYIl a....J M Qry l(OUYlQ P-dd:t:ess ~ ~ 4 to c;- , .s J,. (~rt' 'T ro.; I' ' l'r(}~rfy ~I!lr! 'J~Y'''''( Uk) ).Jbi"V VbU.H... Address: 5"'I6C} C;J"CIrl- 'TYAiJ' ' Type of Otmership: Fee L-- Contract Consultant/Contractor: Gec_l' kaz.-ika.. 1 Home Phone:, lj Y. r; - 9 ~ WOtK fhone. 'f11,-f11Z- Yome tlhone: WOrk Phone: 'tY-7-~I75B IVVJry Purchase Agreement Phone: Existing Use I) ,I . of Property: Ke-~ I' oLe-.-. ,ffal Present Zoning: IL I Legal Description of Variance Site: La} q, l3/tJc Ii Z. ^-.>or+h ShUrl- CJre-$f- Variance Requested:~I.iIlJ ". df'-c!r /)J1 ~"II,....J-J" s'iJt- ,,;= hlJfflt Feui...... I a.ke,. Wll--hi'", 7~' t1F !.~"rll".J1e over e-xirfik, pttJ-/b. D~k ,J.. !1;fP-M'f..t"t ::2.IJKi:2- ..v1/h g-lu,i,..va:,/ -lo fJa+"o)7 .' t..A~J.lo~ V'A~IANU I 6' 5AST SlD&,YO. VA-t.t~~.( 'vA: /.f':: Has the app icant previously sought to plat, rezone, obtain a variance or conditional use permit on the subject site or any part of it? Yes X N::> What was requested: When: Disposition: Describe the type of ilnprovements proposed: j:)Ubl'1I SSION !illJl1IREMENI'S: (A)Cornpleted application fonn. (B)Filing fee. (C)Property SUrvey indicating the proposed developnent in relation to property lines and/or ordinary-high-water mark; proposed building elevations and drainage plan. (D) Certified from abstract firm, names and addresses of property owners within 100 feet of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. (E)Complete legal description & Property Identification Number (PID). (F)Deed restrictions or private covenants, if applicable. (G)A parcel map at 1"-20'-50' showing: The site developnent plan, buildings: parking, loading, access, surface drainage, landscaping and utility service. ONLY COMPLBl'E APPLICATIONS SHALL BE AC~J.'.w AND REVIEWED BY "J:t1,t; PLANNI~ <XH1ISSION. To the best of nw knowledge the information presented on this form is correct. In addition, I have read Section 7.6 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance which specifies requirements for variance procedures. I agree to provide information and follow the procedures as outlined in the Ordinance. ~ , ~. 'can can1ts Signature '''/ SUbmitted this I?' day of /!U;'UJ+ 1913 L~ ....- pe ~rs S' atur~ THIS SPACE IS 'ID BE FILLED our BY THE PLANtIDl; DIlW..:.LuR PJ:ANN:OO CXHUSSION I APPRCNID DENIED q/ ?-J q.3 MTE OF HFARIR; W:.L'j, CCXJR:IL APPEAL APPRCNID DENIED " D!\TE OF HFARIR; roNDITIONS:~' e:~1 Yk~O AND ~K' LA~5I10Rf-" VAQIANC-t- ,~((OVW l{) ~N S-nGl1t:f k ulx 12' Qf",CK:. WriH IHlf... C.DNDITIQ N TItAT Tltf/ PL-A-r~OJ(M NfAR tH6 w..if 'w1U. !)e- tiMo'/f.o 0Wor<f~ 5WfiMBf4Z J. ,qqL4-_ , j);; 1t5S0C/ItT~ \5t~. ,g. ,QQ3 Signature 0 the Planning Director fLANNfi- Date I / &JBJEcr ::l.n'~: ~ C1ffAl{ LIWl 5th:; 5HoQ.f --rt2.AIL- J~RRY YDUN~ APPLICANr: OCHEDULE HEARI~ DATE: u:1l:.u<../ ./' DNR w.uCE IF SHORELAND: V Y PREPARE AREA MAP: \./ :- APPLICANr wJ.'.I.CE: V;V PROPuc.I:i CWNERS wJ.'.I.CE: iv/v N..rJ.'.I.CE TO;..,...... - EN:;~N; "V V 1: l~!5~cr~1 0 N S:tNT TD ALL-- SiNT 3!2lf/q3 ~ .... Scott CollI1ty ~ Watershed District cx::MvcrSSION A~'WA PAU\J::iJ.'::l: V staff Memo v Application Fonn v Copy of Public Notice "VARFM" DATE TASK CCMPL~;J.'l::JJ 8/1'6/ 'B ( I ~I ~/q3 N/A MNCOT , Other V Applicable Mar:s V Copy of Parcel Info. Other Applicable Info. SI'AFF Acrrv .J:nES MAIL \J.)~f OF APPLICATION AND REQOIRED CONDITIONS 'ID APPLlCANI': v MAIL OJPY OF APPLI<M'ION AND CONDITIONS TO DNR: v GIVE U)~f OF APPLlCAITON AND CONDITIONS TO BLD. INSPECroR Ii ASSIGN FILE NOMBER: v V / AMEND VARIAOCE SUMMARY ;:'JjJ:;~;.l': ADD PEmIT TO ProPERI'Y MGrI': 0;/3/Q3 ( . 9 ).3 /1') I c; /3/13 I 1 q/a/q8 . . C{ J.J 103 q j 3; q3 . i FILE BY: File t: VAqJ,,'9 Applicant: ~ YoLJN~ t..'-lJ Legal: ~1,., ,U',L Address: ~5 ~t<J::'1"RAJL. .--"-'" ~t8t ~>-r 1t1Af~ ___.,L J l -( ".~~...., FILE ~ <DNrAIN: -- ~ ~ .- / staff Memo ,/ ~ Original Application V --;;;;;' Copy of NJtice to Cwners vj Planning Camn. Minutes V V Other Infonnation Applicable Maps and Documents Copy of Public Notice Corr=!:,,-,ndence Council Minutes if Applicable NOTICE OF HEARING IDR VARIANCE You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: September 2f lc)C)~ at R.; "'0 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a variance application for Jerry Young of 5465 Shore Trail. 5465 Shore Trail, Lot 9, Block 2, North Shore Crest, Scott County, Minnesota. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant proposes to construct a 12' by 20' deck on the south side yard adjacent to Prior Lake. In order to construct the improvement, the following variances are requested: a 31' lake shore setback variance from the 75' setback requirement of the Shoreland District, a 5' east side yard setback variance from the 10' setback requirement, and a 3' west side yard setback variance from the 10' setback requirement. If rou desire to be ~eard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and wntten comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more infonnation, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447-4230. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLDYER Prior Lake Planning Conunission DATE MAILED: August 20, 1993 CORRECTION .VAI9PN. NOTICE OF HEARING .EOR VARIANCE You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held by the Planning Commission in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E. on: September 2, 1991 at 'l;10 P.M. PURPOSE OF HEARING: To consider a variance application for Jerry Young of 5465 Shore Trail. SUBJECT SITE LOCATION: 5465 Shore Trail, Lot 9, Block 2, North Shore Crest, Scott County, Minnesota. REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant proposes to construct a 12' by 20' deck on the south side yard adjacent to Prior Lake. In order to construct the improvement, the following variances are requested:a 38' lakeshore setback variance from the 75' setback requirement of the Shoreland District, and a 5' east side yard setback variance from the 10' setback requirement. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by the Planning Commission. For more information, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447-4230. Prior Lake Planning Commission DATE MAILED: August 24, 1993 4629 Dakota 51. 5.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLDYER 18 -L--~~~ ~ 14\\...L ~D. J~ f'.;;;) CARlZIF\<:lE. , 5385 ~3 ' A ..'-- JEFF J ER~ oN's' FII ' ~ "foP . 0 ,. JJ ~ 5~10 - - 53.5 - a:l If) C\I ~ ;:::::::;;- ~ . I'.j WI \ 8 \ 6 fl/"Z3E:1 ~ J LiZ? I I 2 -l I <l2"t- 1112.52. ~ L1 T ~I 13 U a I r~z5/ I~, 16, I~ZZl) j.<.l21Q A~C~O' . ~ 15 14 0 /,/z5'2 ~ 111%114 ~201\ 14 9 13 \ 17 'I:~:J \ ..~:; \ II \ ,",,",,, \ 16 51170 ,J.I'I,o \ 5S/0 ) 5 IzJ~ :..--- ~1"l0LF.-W'OOO '5'.n5\?~Q5' 54"'1 5'1=-\ I 5.1\'\5 ~91 2 :3 4 3 6 7 8 0-. :; >' .. -, ~ .~ ,'>.~ ,'7'. Z'~ -'-Ci';- ~~ :7 ~ OUTLOl E L ,;:. .J ..u ~ o -:$- Il'\ Ill?3-7 2 ---- CITY OF I: rJ ,t~'~~T CITY OF ~ PRIOR ~ LAKE 1"\ N ; <../ 3.:.jC\ 19 ~ ,'4 4 o # L tr p PRIOR LAKE , 6~VIW ~~ SUBncr Dc ~ "ACtNT ~A.. ADTAcfNT PKOPU<TI&S ~ S'tV n Puz:r,fS ~ - NI1l1 V~ R \A Ntf,S YOUNG VARIANCE- SUBJECT SITE ......... ;-' I. r :-J , ; i '! i . --i I ! I I 1 :f / -....0 C ~ ~, ( ~ ~- ~ FENCE GUlO ' ,,"APP , ' tJ , E POS T LE \ ~.; USfL tJUSH 6" _~ if ,n:. e","' ',) ~ " ~', '" ' - "-1 !YI . 'LOCUS'T if ,"APp _APPLE r' I;~" r" ," Lo ," .., _ '''' ~', c ,~ 'c 0" " ",;---- . ,::>.",,' . , " '. ~ "., '-J '"" ' ~" · U,,, """ 'C,_" ". '" . ,<" " · I ,~,,~.L ,,'",H "C; _ " "",,,,"' - <p"" ~, p 'ffI 45R, C? \:' 3-4" ~::4/" n'" \. mJ&'-U 'H:-_ ", ':; . CO,,,, ..,,, , , - · j j' ,- "," <, " " ' .' (:"" ---s "" ,"",,"'" ,..'J(= 'Ae li'" r.. .,,) , ,<" ,,' ""H irru;.C. -.,,, ' "I ., I."~' ....;J,S..W/llO l' P" 4"PLU",--- LAC Sus~~PRu8'OIRT 0 _.J :, J j ~ i IN \ \ ,....... "~-~- " 0 " Ccr .,""- ' '0>< ."" ,: <"~~;,, '"~) ~"'~'/' E ,6'B1RCH~" FENCe e,e;'lJf! -, '" m :1 , '" <II f' (JJ z o ;0 -f :r c. (t) C r_ 'C 'J ~ C'6 C@ c.' ~"'- ~'~ - ~3t'. Ci J ' ~ .. .On '''",' ~:> ~ . ". "'''''' , . 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"A E - ......==.-..:: SIGN il . >', LL___ ~ -==.., , Q) --,. ,t, .........-. ' I- ; I o.} .... Q) o 1>.1 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE ADDRESS: PRESE~'l'~R: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4 VARIANCE JERRY AND MARY YOUNG 5465 SHORE TRAIL GINA MITCHELL _YES XNO SEPTEMBER 2, 1993 HISTORYIBACKGROUND: The Planning Department has received a variance application from Jerry and Mary Young of 5465 Shore Trail. The applicant propose.s to construct a 20 f?ot by ~2 foot deck over an existing patio, as per the attached SIte plan. The followmg vanances are requested in order to construct the improvements as proposed. 1. 38' rear yard variance from the 75' Shoreland District setback requirement. , . . 2. 5' East side yard variance from the 10 SIde yard setback reqUIrement. Upon a visit to the site, staff had a conversation with the applicant regarding the proposed deck. The applicant explained that the deck would extend l' beyond an existing patio. After review of the survey and existing conditions, staff determined that a 11' by 20' deck is the the maximum depth allowed in accordance with the variance notification. The applicant's proposal would require a 39' lake shore variance instead of the published 38'. The applicant's measurements were taken from the foundation of the home, rather than from the 2' cantilever to which the deck will be attached. PREVIOUS PROPOSAL.q: There are no previous proposals on file for the subject site. PHYSIOGRAPIIYi The site is relatively flat near the building and slopes sharply downward at the rear of the property which abuts Prior Lake. The total change in elevation is approximately 32' from t~e road to .the shoreline. On the East side of the propert)) adjacent to the property hne, there IS a large Basswood consisting of two, 20" caliper trunks. Along the West property line there is a significant canopy oak tree. These t:e.es, as well as others along the shoreline offer shade and aid in the separation of hVlng space. The property has been excavated to utilize the basement as a walkout and sides retained, as well as an extensively landscaped sidewalk and stairs down 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLDYER to the lakeshore.The excavation and retaining walls have also given the property owner a buffer from its adjacent property owners, and allowed them to actively use their lake shore property. EXiSTING CONDl.110NS The survey indicates the locations of the existing home, ~Ab~, And aArAa~. Th~ sub]~ct si~ m~9.sur~s Qg~' \c)t).~ on th~ W~~t "tl't()'O~n~ \m~ and 2.69' on t~e B,ast property line at tbe 9Q4 contour of 'Prior Lake. The width of the pr~perty IS 5.0., for a total area of approximately 13,750 square feet. The existing home IS not posItIoned parallel to the property lines resulting in varying side and rear yard setbacks. The Southeast corner of the proposed deck is 37' from the 904 contour. The subject property was of North Shore Crest Subdivision which was platted in 1950 within Eagle Creek Township. In 1973, the City of Prior Lake annexed this area. PRECEDENCE: Staff researched and found that 4 variance files exist for the the 5 lots located to the East and 5 lots located to the West of the applicant's property. The attached map indicates the lots which have received variances. Of these lots, two received 5' side yard setback variances, and two received variances to create 75' lots. No lake shore variances were given. This is a well established neighborhood of single family homes and cabins which are situated at various setbacks from all property lines. These homes, with the exception of two, which received variances for 75' wide'lots, were built from the mid 1950's to the early 1970's. They are all long lots with homes that were mostly built near the lake, closer than the 75' lake shore setback. There will be minimal, if any, impact on the surrounding area due to the fact that the addition of the proposed deck will be above an existing patio at an elevation consistent to that of the adjacent properties. ALTERNATIVESl 1. Deny the application submitted by the applicant. Approve the application as staffhas recommended. 2. 3. Table or continue the variance for specific reasons. Deny the application based upon findings and facts relative to the hardship criteria of the Zoning Ordinance, inconsistency with precedent or, other purposes related to the Zoning Code. HARDSHIP CRItERIA:, 4, 1. ~teral enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship WIth respect to the propert~ ~s property ,!as .platted and developed in Eagle Creek 1bwnship pnor to annexation Into the City of Prior Lake. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. Rationale for granting the variance is that permitting the proposea deck will be in harmony with the character of the neighborhood by iHMlItAifli111 th~ ~lnvgtinft ~nngigtQnt to thgt of thQ adjacent Droperty ~ '.. ~_ers. 'E~gh'\. o~ the '\.en. adiacen.t lots in t.he area are older h.omes that have been built close to the lakeshore. As conversions are made on these long, narrow lots, upgrading may cause infringement on the lake. The proposed deck will provide an opportunity conducive to lake shore living. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of persons presently having an interest in the property. The side and rear yard hardships are not the result of the applicant nor the City of Prior Lake, but the result of the former platting and zoning standards of Eagle Creek Township. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice, and is not contrary to the public interest. The proposed improvements observe the spirit and intent of the Ordinance by allowing the applicant to improve a lakeshore property with a deck attached to the home. Substantial justice would be realized by allowing the owners of the property that is substandard in width and rear yard setbacks, due to previous platting and zoning requirements of Eagle Creek Township, to improve their property. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative number 2 due to the fact that the applicant's request for a 12' x 20' deck is not in accordance with the variance notification. p ~ C/JJJv q / I 'C(3 , V(0 PctvL5' Fr{)fn: Vef)JL!l,V I20bbi ns 5++5 Shore Jrl. (2 prop, 1--0 W) /' qg rus rIj uN K rq:JDrt- /OPp05tS decJUit shcl dta~jS up. CljJI-I/qJvJoi:f frf)'r'rG Ed /v7a-CfJrkel/ (adj~ Tv <V ~ 5175 6hDre- I rJ. ,/ (10 prohlem 8/zro /93 ~ I "-~ ~ ; ~ ') c..c.~",,; '" ; c "-' c....\'\-l c~ Prio.- Lo.~e... D<<..A^- 'S,.;.- : ~~s \~ \:) ).-- r~~~~<<.... -\--.::. -\-h~ S.~r~b~ G I C)C,3 \)o.......i~c.~ h~...i) ~r- --Sca.r....'1 '\-- Y'V""'Io...-, ~c'-'n~ ~ b~,-,d (A. J~I'- c..,...,. -\-he:... \c....i::.e- $l-d<e:..-o-\:. -+h~;.- hoVV\~ As-\- ~<L i .- \('""I~; <J '"' \0.:>.-- ~ ~ ~'<... \......JQ,~ -\- :r.. --+ u.. \\ I S \..-\~.--t- -\-\.--e..,.- p-ropcs,<'l-\ ~ b\A\\d a.-. &c..l<-. a...s. )'Y)J);c..o..~J) ) V'.- ~~fl- ~Q:.p.ri""'j Y"'o-\.;+;<=-P--\-;..w,-_ -=S-~r...'1 ~J vY)o....., h~\J~ pI-UU"-- ~ 6~ ~~O~ Y\<<:..\)~bo"'s ~....- Y'y"'Io,,,",\ ~~o.....s o....,d.I -+)-'-'.50+ -Rl2.;'- d~cJL jV"\^F..-o~vv-~,",+ Wl-l\ b~ 0... S ~v-...s.I4-;u \') S{~)~J) \'Y'Y')r~\J~~~+ ~ -th.~ \a..t.~S.k;:r<L e~v;\--ClI'..\(V"\~~+- \Y'\ Ou..- ~\--~~. >\ "'-c.~.... e. \ '"1. ) ~W/~ Linci4 W/~~ 5C/55 Sh0re.- /ri:A;/ ,ILIc:- PYiVyUJcfL tnN S53/~ II STATE OF ~~~~@U~ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Metro Waters, 1200 Warner Rd., st. Paul, MN 55106 UWDN~ND, ~'~-'~1~ ~t~~~, August 30, 1993 Mr. Horst Graser City of Prior Lake 4629 Dakota street S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 RE: Setback Variance Application, 5465 Shore Trail Dear Mr. Graser: I have reviewed the materials which accompanied the notice of hearing for variance at Lot 9, Block 2, North Shore Crest. Please incorporate these comments into the hearing record for the proposed variance. The Department of Natural Resources is opposed to the variance as proposed. Currently, the existing home and utility shed do not meet current setback standards. Revised shoreland rules require a 75' structure setback from the 904' contour around Prior Lake. The rules would allow for a single water-oriented accessory structure to encroach within the structure setback. Without the proposed deck both the home and shed already encroach. In addition, there is what appears to be a concrete slab within approximately 10 feet of the 904' contour. Bear in mind, the applicant is required to provide evidence of hardship when pursuing a variance from zoning standards. The North Shore Crest area has many narrow development not meeting current standards. nature simply exacerbate the crowding and shoreline development. lots with existing Proposals of this visual impacts of Because the property currently contains multiple structures not meeting the required setback, and because two patio-type slabs exist for outdoor use and lake-viewing opportunity, the DNR recommends denial of the variance as proposed. If the applicant adequately demonstrates hardship, and the city chooses to grant the variance despite DNR objection 'it is recommended that as a requirement of the variance, the' utility shed near the shore be removed before construction of the deck. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Mr. Yors~ Craser City of Prior Lake August 30, 1993 Page (2) Please send me a copy of the minutes of ,the variance proceedings following Planning commission and City Council action on the matter. I am interested in reviewing Planning commission and City Council discussion regarding hardship and any other issues related to the variance process. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment. Please call me at 772-7910, if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~~~~' {/atrick J. Lynch Area Hydrologist r PJL/cl .. VI UNIVERSAL TITLE 327 Marschall Road, Suite 250 Shakopee, MN 55379 (612) 445.7949 August 18, 1993 Jerry & Mary Young 5465 Shore Trail Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: 100 FOOT RADIUS SEARCH FOR THE LANDS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Lot 9, Block 2, North Shore Crest. Dear Mr. & Mrs. Young, We have examined the records in the Office of the County Recorder, Scott County, Minnesota, and have found the following persons to have an interest in property within a 100 foot radius of the aforesaid described property: 1. Eric M. Davis & Jeannie L. Robbins 5445 Shore Trail NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Parcel #25-040020-0 - Lot 7, Block 2 and PIO Lot 6, Block 2, North Shore Crest, lying E of a line com at pt on W line 25' E of NW cor, S to shore line and there terminating. 2. Linda Jeanne Wiecher 5455 Shore Trail NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Parcel #25-040021-0 - Lot 8, Block 2, North Shore Crest. 3. Edmund J. & Alice McCorkell 5475 Shore Trail NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Parcel #25-040023-0 - Lot 10, Block 2, North Shore Crest. 4. James L. Thornton Jr. and wife 5485 Shore Trail NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Parcel 025-040024-0 - Lot 11, Block 2, North Shore Crest. 5. Donald I. & Sharon Iverson 5495 Shore Trail Prior Lake, MN 55372 Parcel #25-040025-0 - Lot 12, Block 2, North Shore Crest. (CONTINUED) Page 1 .. ,. 6. Arnis & Stephanie L. Ozols 14548 Shore Lane Prior Lake, MN 55372 Parcel #25-215104-0 - Lot 3, Block 8, Sand Pointe 4th Addition. 7. Gary L. & Marie A. Grenz 14549 Shore Lane Prior Lake, MN 55372 Parcel #25-215097-0 - Lot 3, Block 7, Sand Pointe 4th Addition. 8. Nancy M. & Danny D. Ellingson - CONTRACT FOR DEED PURCHASERS 5500 Shore Trail NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Parcel #25-215098-0 - Lot 4, Block 7, Sand Pointe 4th Addition. Kjell D. & Amy S. Erickson - FEE OWNERS [NO ADDRESS AVAILABLE.] UNIVERSAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By: 0:3w-- ,JClo0~ Authorized Signature ~ Page 2 On this 18th Day of August, 1993. blw UNIVERSAL TIllE INSURANCE COMPANY c-:I. LICENSED ABO) I t1ACTOR U, STATE OF MINNESOTA RECEIPT DATE K-18-f~ '~~21785 CITV OF , ~ ~ ~ _ A _( : 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E,. PRIOR LAKE. MN 55372 Rece i ved of 9<-)-) JvC.l. A whose addresS~d/or le~1 19scriPtion~ LJ . the sum of ~"'J rU.NJ)JhA~ " for the pu;pose of A' /;~~~ ~ ~ - ,/"tj( ij.Y tf ' ~~~llars' '~ ~, $ ;ls-.. O~ Reference Invoice No._ A )f;~1:/~ I J' l - "- Receipt Clerk for the City of Prior Lake - SCOTT COUNTY COMPLETE TAX REPORT +------------------------------------------------------------------------------; : PID # : 250400220 PROPERTY TYPE: 10 I - ---------------------------------------------+ tp;;;;;t;-i~f;;;;ti~~----------- - : ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------, PRIOR LAKE MN 725 TWP- 25 9 - 2 NORTH SHORE CRES T +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ :Owner Information +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ OWNER NAME: YOUNG JERRY W & MARY L JT OWNER ADDRESS LOCATION PROP CITY : CITY/TWN LEGAL DESC: 5465 SHORE TRL ZIP CODE: 55372 ACRES 1. 87 TAXPAYER JERRY W & MARY L YOUNG ADDRESS 5465 SHORE TRAIL PRIOR LAKE MN : 55372 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ MARKET VALUE: 110,800 BASE TAX TAX w/ASSMT : 1,973 3,001 Effective '93 HOMESTEAD : Y +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXISTING DECK IS A LEGAL NON-CONFORMING STRUClURE, THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION WOULD NOT ENCROACH ANY FURTHER INTO THE CURRENT SETBACK, THE HARDSHIP WAS CAUSED BY A CHANGE IN THE CODE BY THE Lll -{ OF PRIOR LAKE AND NOT 1HE APPLICANT, AND IT WOULD NOT BE D~l I<lMENTAL TO THE REALTII AND WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY. VL1t~ tH~n gignifl~d ayeg by LDftug, Greenfield, Roseth, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. A recess was called at 7:50 P.M. as the next scheduled item was for 8:00 P.M., at which time the meeting was reconvened. ITEM III - JOHN BEAUPRE- VARIANCE John Beaupre-5504 Candy Cove Trail stated he has a purchase agreement on property located at 15271 Fairbanks Trail and as there is not a garage on the site now, is requesting a 5 foot variance in order to build. The sale is contingent on the approval of a variance. Horst Graser presented the information as per memo of September 2, 1993. The request is for a 5 foot west sideyard setback variance from the 10 foot sideyard setback requirement. Previous variances granted to the subject site were for a 5 foot east sideyard variance for a house addition in 1984 and a 5 foot east sideyard variance for a porch and deck in 1991, The subject site is flat near the building pad and slopes sharply down to the rear and is approximately 50 X 150 feet. There has been precedence set of variances granted in the neighborhood. The proposed construction goes beyond any previously established variance perimeters. The Planning Commission has never issued two 5 foot sideyard variances. The maximum side yard variances have been 5 feet and 3 feet. The neighborhood is in a period of transition and development. Mr. Graser suggested a change in the garage design and a 3 foot variance be granted instead of the 5 foot as requested. John Beaupre stated the change suggested would not be practical or aesthetically pleasing to the existing construction, Comments from the Commissioners were: Commissioners Greenfield read the hardship findings into the record and with that interpretation, does not approve of the variance. Commissioners Roseth voiced concerns on starting a precedence if a double variance was granted for the property. Commissioner Loftus stated the lot is substandard, felt if a variance is granted it should be as the applicant requested, rather than reducing the request to 3 feet. Commissioner Arnold stated that granting a variance would set a precedence. MOTION BY GREENl'lt.LD, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO DENY THE REQUESTED VARIANCE FOR 15271 FAIRBANKS TRAll.., Llll.NG THAT THE APPLICANT HAS NOT PROVEN HARDSHIP FINDINGS 1 TO 4 AS OUTLINED IN THE STAFF REPORT AND THE APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL OF AN AESTIIETICALLY PLEASING DESIGN IS NOT RECOGNIZED AS CRITERIA FOR GRANTIN;G A VARIANCE. Vote taken signified ayes by Greenfield, Roseth, and Arnold. Nay by Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. Variance was denied. ' '- ITEM IV . .TERRY V~G . VARIANCE ..... Jerry Young-5465 Shore Trail, stated he wishes to construct a deck over an existing patio and is requesting a rear yard and east sideyard variance. PLANNING COMMISSION September 2.1993 Page 2 Associate Planner Gina Mitchell, presented information as per planning report of September 2, 1993, The application as submitted was for a 20 X 12 foot deck over an existing patio. The variance requested is a 38 foot rearyard variance from the Shoreland District setback requirement and a 5 foot east sideyard variance from the 10 foot sideyard setback requirement After review of the survey and existing conditions, Staff detennined that a 10 X 20 deck is the maximum depth allowed in accordance with the variance notification. The subject site is 50 X 286 and is in a well egfubllghed glngle fam11y nelghborhood that has been granted variM1ces. The side and rear yard hardships are not the result of the applicant nor the City of Prior Lake, but the result of actions of a previous governing body. Comments from the DNR stated they are opposed to the variance and the utility shed located on the property by the lakeshore should be removed prior to construction. Comments from Ed McCorkel of 5475 Shore Trail were in support of the variance and a letter from Linda Weicher of 5455 Shore Trail also supported the request. A phone call from Jeannie Robbins was of the same opinion as the DNR in regards to removing the shed. Comments from the Commissioners were on: site line of deck, and the existing slab and shed should be removed. Mr, Young stated he plans to remove the slab but cannot do so because of the cost at this time and the utility shed is needed for their life style. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO APPROVE A 38 FOOT REARYARD VARIANCE FROM THE 75 FOOT SHORELAND DISTRICf SETBACK REQUIREMENT AND 5 FOOT EAST SIDEYARD VARIANCE FROM THE 10 FOOT SIDEYARD REQUIREMENT REQUIREMENT, CO~ llNGENT UPON THE REMOVAL OF THE EXISTING SLAB BEFORE CONSTRUCTION. RATIONAL BEING LI1 ~KAL ENFORCEMENT OF THE ORDINANCE WOULD BRING ABOUT A HARDSHIP, PRECEDENCE HAS BEEN SET, AND THE SUBJECf SITE WAS PLA11~1J UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF A PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT. After discussion on the contingency, a friendly amendment was made as follows: THE SLAB SHALL BE REMOVED BY SEPTEMBER 1, 1994. This was agreeable with the applicant. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Roseth, Arnold, and Greenfield. MOTION CARRIED. A brief recess was called at 9:00 P.M. and reconvened at 9:02 P,M. ITEM V - PI1Ill,T(; HEARING - THE WILDS pno - REZONING The Public Hearing was called to order at 9:02 P,M. by Chairman Arnold. The public was in attendance and a sign-up sheet was circulated. Mr. Graser presented the information as per memorandum of September 2, 1993. The objective of this hearing is to consolidate the commercial district of The Wilds Planned Unit Development under one PUD Zoning. Prior Lake Development L.P. has consented to the consolidation of the entire 580.4 acres under one PUD. Only under a PUD concept can a City deviate from standards of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance. Robert Hoffman, Counsel Consultant, suggested an amendment to the PUD section of the ZOfling Ordinance. John Q'Loughlin-2988 Valley View Road, Shakopee, MN - stated he is pleased with The Wilds development and what has been done. " Discussion by the Commissioners followed on the issue and what procedure to follow on the resolution. PLANNING COMMISSION September 2.1993 Page 3 .."""" / 5" ~ 6 5" 5' 'ffo1.E: 'J"Jqe}tY 0-/ 'f/lh-Y rf(/t:PL 't! ()1I tJ (J ..... t--... t ~..,.- .l".. I '\ (- \.......~ '_.J \...j T l ',> lJ Y)f p. 7\ -,,- " F,I -- ---,-,~ ft/) vI 1- , f ' \. t..--... ..... ---.-,.. '-..--..---..,.,,- , " .,.. ,,,_. r) /}.. ,( """,..., \,.~. .;.. "'...1/ ',' ---.----~'-- --~'--r..-'. .,--.-,.. , , I I I I I : i ! f ......, I I I I' I I ,. ,I f r " ~:,~_. I ._..1 I i I \3"1 ..... t /' i I I; I ..~..._F'/./'7, ./ /7..,~,~~-,L).;L}{:._r~/--1,/( // . // ./ / ,;7"7'''/ ,/ ,- / ,/ ,,/ .// /. I .../ .' ,/ .../' >.'/ /' // ,/) ././ / / /' / /j / "' ,nO;t)SJi~/> / / ////~ / /YJ}i.c/'f ,AA!~ . / , / -s-~~Af/ / CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY ~,,7p -. . 3; 11 - . (}p! 93650 SHORE c #c C(J~8_ ~ SUk.lJov^!771~5'-E---~'!f5f7tJ8 ) _____~, ,- - '820552 l7;h,</b) N 50.00 _ . J -- _ ~-:>r"/\ ~ ~ (95-$<IV/ \ - - '--1"(,93590 I ; , \ TRA\ L PCt'pi'l.cp.d foc: JERRY YOUNG 8r;rv,N1lN'otlS !J;;..'/y& PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lot 9, Block 2, NORTH SHORE CREST, according to the recorded plat thereof, Scott County, Minnesota. :z.z, ;: ." 'J" ~ '}-:./ 1:\) FIZAJV!.E / ~ qJ1KAcqE' N1 / <D to ]~ I : =~ : 1 ~~\ \ _ en <;too" ION I ~I I Z \" I I '" , t -4 l'- to 10 N C\I I \ 1 I _W 1-10 ...\ rt') --<;t ~IO I 0 " (f) 0 Denotes lron monument set, se note . Denotes lron monument found I Denotes concrete slab a (J36,9/1 Denotes existing elevation y '(- Denotes chain link fence 5;ucGO 6ARACjc' OIJE 5TVRY 57vCL-O DW}":LL.lf./q # ~'15:5 (? ;./ e ,v S;p/ty \J\ FIZA /V1 G ~' DIA/Gt.1-IHCf ':' WAt..JL-ouT I \ , j JP ,16G 1 I , ,5-r \ ! \ lFi-oof(J1ZI.f3~. J \ I II," _ ~ '), ,~\' , 'A,\' ::i~; rr'i~5 ~ 1tft92:/b~ ~\1DI- \\ I 149,,,, ~ S 850\2'08 W I Q , C CoJ.JC 8LY.. <;\ '::: '\-\ " /t771fT>' B/.Pq, ~l\ ~3: ~/ ~ (9/101'>7 i" \ ~7 \'. '. \ : l,i '~:III\ ': '''1, 10.98) 1./ "- - ~ - .--' E?>6TE PF WOOD ,..vAL /-L ~ Q-ptIN/H'~ j-V/9LL /7" 90t! &.7t'?V,cLy... ~ 't ~ \...~ ~ qo3' Iq!> 8/1;:;' r Note : Proposed deck to be located above concrete slab adjacent to the south face of dwelling. 1 -" , / (I.<lJ5 5/0 r<:Y p<:;.I;y1E I Dy./5tt-lNt'/ .p 6<11'3 At the request of Mary Young the timber retaining walls and stairways between the house and the lake were not located. . - FRAME A,<;D, C(JJv'c f2..~E l3 L.O C f<. {1iJe-"Q' C07P'~G //~ ...;:;;:;;- ~ ---- ~\O~ f!.~-.f" r> r-,A &P 3uJL I ~- RENCHM^RK Tron monument at the northwest corner Of Lot 8, Rlock 2, NORTH SHORE CREST. EJp.vation 936.50 N.G.V.D. SCALE ~ II o 15 IN .' 30 FEET ~ 60 14243 Mitoka Circle N.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 612-445-9154 I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ~t:~ adiffies E)jBoerhave RLS Date /7LJ4fIL~/ /1}; /.i...1!J Reg. No. 709S . t BOERHAVE LAND SURVEYING, INC. ..