HomeMy WebLinkAbout032188 Regular CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ MINUl'ES OF THE CITY COUNCIL March 21, 1988 The Common Council of the City of Pr ior Lake met in regular session on furrlay, March 21, 1988 at 7: 30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilrrernbers Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott, White, City Manager Dave Unrnacht, City Engineer Anderson, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Manager/Econanic Developnent Director Schrnudlach, Finance Director Teschner and City Attorney Brenner. Mayor Andren called the meeting to order and asked everyone to rise for the pledge of allegiance. 'lhe minutes of the March 7, 1988 meeting were reviewed by Council. IDTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO APPROIJE '!HE MAROI 7, 1988 MINUl'ES Minutes AS SUBMI'ITED. Upon a vote taken, ayes Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion carried; Mayor Andren abstained. '!be next order of business was consideration of the Consent Agerrla as follows: a) b) c) d) e) f) g> h) i) j) k) 1) m) Invoices to be Paid Building Permit Report for February Dog Catcher's Report for February Fire and Rescue Reports for January and February Police Report for January Treasurer's Report for February Approve North Shore Sewer Line Televising Approve Lion's Club Request for Pull-Tab Gambling at T.J. Hooligans Approve Church of st. Michael's Request for Temporary 3.2 Peer License Approve Church of St. Michael's Request for Gambling License Approve Abandoned Prop:rty Ordinance 88-05 Approve Agreement #8804, CSAH 42 and CR 83 Signal Lights Approve Joint Powers Agreement for Transit Needs Assessment Resolution 88-12 Approve Appoinbnent of Prior Lake 2000 Community Action Committee Approve Amended Resolution 86-05 street and Alley Vacation - Springlake TOwnsite - Resolution 88-18 Approve Corrlitional Use Permit and Variance for School District Approve Greens Fi rst Addition - Final Plat Approve Titus Fi rst Addition - Final Plat Approve Resolution 80-20 and Approve Participation in 4M Money Market Furrl n) 0) p) q) r) s) (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Consent Invoice~ Bldg. Pel DogCatcl F&Rescm Police Treasur€ North.Sl Lions St.Mike St. Mik€ ORD 880 ~ CSAH42&~ Rs88-12 PL2000 Rs88-18 CU SchOl Greens Titus Rs80-20 Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council March 21, 1988 Councilnanher White requested that item (h) be removed for further discussion. IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY SCOT!', TO APPROIJE '!HE OONSENI' AGENDA (a) Consent THRJ (s) WI'!H '!HE EXCEPI'ION OF ITEM (h). Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott arrl White, the motion passed unanimously. '!he next order of business was discussion of Consent Agerrla Item (h) - Lions Club Request for Pull-Tab Gambling at T.J. Hooligans. Councilmernber White stated that after a discussion with Roger Franke of the Charitable Gambling Board he learned there had been sane changes in the laws with regard to the terms of a lease between the organizations corrlucting the pull-tab operations and the establishment in which the pull-tab operation is being corrlucted. Bob Bailey, a representative for the Prior Lake Lions Club, addressed the Council and advised them of the deletions and changes in the lease terms between The Lions Club and T. J. HoOligans. Another change discussed was the implementation of an ordinance giving the City the authority to collect 3% fran the proceeds of organizations conducting gambling within the City of Prior Lake. Discussion followed regarding an amendment of the City of Prior Lake Gambling Ordinance and other issues p:rtaining to this subject. IDTION MADE BY SCOT!', SEQ)NDED BY WHITE, TO APPRCNE '!HE LIONS CLUB RmUEST FOR A PULIr-TAB GAMBLING LICENSE AT T. J. HCXLIGANS WI'!H OlANGES OR DELETIONS AS PROPOSED BY BOB BAILEY IN '!HE LEASE BE'lWEEN T. J. H<XLIGANS AND THE PRIOR LAKE LIONS CLUB. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. LIONS PULL-tab GAMBLING Hooligan The next order of business was review of the first draft of the Prior Lake Assessme Assessnent Policy 88-03. City Manager Urnnacht briefly discussed the process Policy used by the Assessment Policy Canmittee to draft this Policy. Finance Director 88-03 Teschner and City Manager Urnnacht then reviewed the Policy page by page to allow the Councilmernbers to make cornrnents, suggestions or amerrlrnents. Extensive discussion followed. Council directed Staff to bring the Policy back for further consideration after the City Attorney and Policy Committee have reviewed and revised the sections questioned by Council. A short recess was called. '!he meeting was reconvened at 9: 06 p.m. '!he next order of business was a Public Hearing on the Tax Increment Financing District Plan 1-2. Mayor Andren called the Public Hearing to order at 9: 07 p.m. and read the legal notice as it appeared in the Prior Lake American on March 7 and 14, 1988. City Manager Urunacht summarized the Council alternatives, Staff recomrnerrlations arrl action required by the Council in considering this item, and he reviewed the action taken on February 1, 1988 by the Council. Ed Tschida, a Consultant fran Professional Planning and Developnent Inc., representing the City of Prior Lake reviewed the TIF Plan for Council and ana-lered questions pertaining to the site plans. Lengthy discussion followed. A contemporaneous public hearing for the purpose of considering the Walker Avenue Vacation was called to order at 9:40 p.m. Mayor Andren read the public hearing notice as it app:ared in the Prior Lake American on March 7 and March 14, 1988. City Manager Unrnacht sumnarized 2 TIF PH Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council March 21, 1988 the Vacation in the context of the site plan. City Planner Graser presented drawings of the site plans. After a lengthy discussion regarding the pros and cons of the site plans as presented, Council instructed Staff to negotiate the Tax Increment Financing District Plan 1-2. Engineering Consultant Jim Filippi addressed the Council with regard to site plan 2 and 3 and advised Council that in order for his Client to proceed with the construction plans for the additional buildings on the Amoco site, he would like to see the Walker AvemE Vacation approved as soon as possible. Discussion followed. A short recess was called to allow Staff to discuss the issue. 'n1e meeting was reconvened at 9: 45 p.m. fure discussion followed on action to be taken on the Tax Increment Financing District Plan 1-2. IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY LARSOO, TO APPROIJE '!HE TAX INrnEMENl' TIF FINANCING DISTRICl' PLAN 1-2 SUBJEcr TO IT BEING SELF SUPIORl'ING. ;?L.S,F -;'3 Approved Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. Discussion resumed on details of the proposed Walker Avenue Vacation - Amerrled Resolution 88-21. Mayor Andren read Resolution 88-21 as subnitted by City Manage r Unrnacht. IDTION MADE BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY LARSOO, TO APPROIJE AMENDED RESCLUl'ION RS 88-21 88-21 VACAT~ WALKER AVENUE. Councilmernber White requested legal clarification from City Attorney Brenner regarding the Resolution for vacation of Walker for the 50 feet instead of the 150 feet as originally stated in the public notice. Ms. Brenner stated that as long as the vacation was not broader than stated in the the public notice it was legally acceptable to vote on the vacation of the 50 feet instead of the 150 feet originally intended. Mayor Andren asked comments from the audience. More discussion followed regarding the vacation. Councilrnember Fitzgerald withdrew the above motion. IDTION MADE BY LARSOO, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO ADJaJRN '!HE T.I.F. PUBLIC PH HEARING. Adjounrn Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanirnously. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. Walker Ave PH Continue, IDTION MADE BY WHITE, SECX>NDED BY SCX>'IT, TO CX>NTINUE '!HE PUBLIC HEARING ON WALKER AVENUE VACATION TO 7:50 P.M. ON APRIL 4,1988. IDTION MADE BY LARSON, SECONDED BY FITZGERAID, TO INSTRUcr STAFF TO BEGIN CX>NSIDERATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF ALTERNATIVE 2 AS EXHIBITED BY THE TOVN CENTER DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY CONTINGENT UION SUCCESSFUL NEGGrIATIONS OR IMPLEMENTATION OF '!HE TAX INrnEMENT FINANC~ DISTRICl' PLAN 1-2. TIF 3 Minutes of the Pr ior Lake City Council March 21, 1988 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. A short recess was called. 'lhe meeting reconvened at 11: 05 p.m. The next order of business was a Public Hearing called to order by Mayor Andren at 11: 06 p.m. to discuss the Cable Television Franchise Transfer fran North American Cable to Star Midwest, Inc. Representatives fran North American were present. Financial COnsultant Kevin Cattoor and Attorney TOm Creighton representing City of Prior Lake, addressed the Council with regard to the legal qualifications, technical qualifications standards and financial analysis of Star Midwest, Inc. Lengthy discussion followed. Mayor Andren asked for comnents from the audience. Prior Lake resident Sue Eiken expressed concern over the type of programming that would be allowed on the cable stations when the transfer occurred. Attorney Creighton stated his legal opinion on the matter. Mayor Andren read into the record a letter fran Gregory ~ad, a representative from the Prior Lake Indeperrlent School District, regarding fees paid for an operator during the taping of school activities. A letter from another resident, Ms. Marlene Rowe expressing concern regarding the type of programming allowed on the cable stations was also read into the record. Discussion followed. IDTION MADE BY SCOT!', SECONDED BY LARSrn, TO APPROIJE '!HE CABLE TELEVISION FRANanSE TRANSFER OF NOR'lli AMERICAN <DMMUNICATIONS, INC. TO STAR MlIMEST, INC. CONI'INGENT UPON srAR MmvEsr, INC.' S AGREEMENT TO ASSUME ALL EXISTING FRANanSE OBLIGATIONS AND THAT THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE BE REIlJBURSED FOR ALL COSTS INaJRRED RmARDING '!HE TRANSFER. STAR MJIMEST, INC. IS UffiED BY COUOCIL TO CONI'ACI' '!HE PRIOR LAKE SClICXL DISTRICl' REGARDIN:; OPERATOR FEES. CABLE TV TRANSFER Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. IDTION MADE BY LARSCN, SEXX>NDED BY FI'l'ZGERALD, ro ADJaJRN '!HE PUBLIC HEARING. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Larson, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. The next order of business was to be Consideration of Secorrl Draft of Concert CONCERT Ordinance 88-03, however, this item was removed from the agerrla at the request ORD. of City Manager Unmacht. 88-03 '!he next order of business was to review the proposed concept for a City City Newsletter. Assistant City Manager Schrnudlach explained the concept of a City Newslet1 Newsletter and presented the proposed format. Dave Miller, a representative from the Econanic Developnent COmmittee was present to cannent or answer any 4 Minutes of the Pr ior Lake City Council March 21, 1988 questions if necessary. Mr. Miller had collaborated on the format with Ms. Schmudlach. Ms. Schrnudlach stated that the purpose of the Newsletter would be to inform the citizens of events and happ:nings p:rtaining to City Government and community events. CanIrents regarding the pros and cons of the Newsletter and who would be sul::mitting the news were discussed. Council directed Staff to return with further details and suggested titles for the Newsletter. The next order of business was the discussion of two proposed conununity events, (1) Cities Week and (2) "Earth Day". City Manager Urnnacht discussed the purpose of presenting the proposed plan for Cities Week. Assistant City Manager/Economic Development Director Schmudlach presented the details. Discussion followed regarding the proposed schedule of events and plans for "Earth Day". Ms. Schrnudlach stated that the Economic Developnent Committee will be coordinating the Cities Week - "Earth Day" activities. Discussion followed. No action was requi red by the Council at this time. The next order of business was a presentation of the Preliminary County Road 21 Improvements by City Engineer Anderson. Anderson displayed a map of the proposed CR 21, proposed frontage roads and intersection Highway 13 intersection. Discussions occurred on utility construction, water lines, sewer lift stations and methods of financing available. Discussion followed on the details presented by City Engineer Anderson. No action was required at this tine. City Manager Urnnacht announced that Staff is working on updating the Policies and Procedures Manual in order to create a functional and efficient document. Councilmernber Scott raised the subject that a review of the City Manager's salary is due. Mayor Andren and Councilmernber Fitzgerald are to present their recornrnerrlations on this subject at the next Council meeting. The next Council meeting will be Morrlay, Apr il 4, 1988 at 7: 30 p.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1: 15 a.m. by general consent of the Council. Dee Bi rch Recording Secretary 5