HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 3 1997 work session DATE: TO: FROM: RE: January 31, 1997 Mayor and City Council Frank Boyles February 3, 1997 City Council Workshop Attached is the Agenda for the City Council Workshop scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Monday, February 3 at the Fire Station City Council Chambers. In addition to City Councilmembers and Staff, I expect that one or more EDA Commissioners will be in attendance, a representative from the School District, and the owner / developers and their agents of the 270 acres of subject property. As Councilmembers are aware, John Mesenbrink and Larry Gensmer, owners / developers of a 270 acre parcel immediately south of the City's border have requested that the City consider annexing their property. The purpose of the workshop is not to consider the annexation, but instead to discuss potential zoning uses to which the 270 acres could be put. Mr. Mesenbrink and Mr. Gensmer are proposing a multiple Planned Unit Development, wherein approximately 57 acres would be earmarked for industrial purposes, with the remaining property earmarked for R-1, R-2, and R-3 uses. The owner/developers will outline their concept plan in hopes of receiving informal City Council feedback. Attached for Council information are two alternative listings of residential building types and total units which they are considering for the MPUD. I am also including for Council information a letter from Les Sonnabend, Superintendent of Independent School District 719, which confirms the School District's interest in locating a High School on some portion of this 270 acre site. I expect one or more School District representatives to be present monitor the status of this proposal. I have attached a map, which shows the 270 acres to be discussed. Five township residents have requested written notice of any and all public meetings pertaining to annexation. I have provided them with notification of this workshop and the individuals may be present. My notice has advised them that they may act be observers but not participants in the meeting. att. 16200 tta~I~1tM~~lJ:iN!~~:~~'Y;-MH~.<J1<e, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER City CouncillEconomic Development Authority Workshop Monday, February 3, 1997 5:30 p.m. Fire Hall City Council Chambers 1. Presentation from Property Owner / Developers for Multiple Planned Unit Development on 270 Acres. II. Questions III. Adjourn 7:00 p.m. I:\EDA\EDA \llKS.DOC Deerfield Development Sgl Family Homes 48 Sgl Family Detached Patio Homes 20 Twin Home Lots 62 Four Unit Townhome/Condo 36 Quad Townhome/Condo Total Units Deerfield Development Sgl Family Detached Patio Homes 39 Twin Home Lots 25 Four Unit Townhome/Condo 27 Quad Townhome/Condo 55 Eight Unit Townhome/Condo Total Units 55 units 48 units 40 units 248 units 144 units 535 units 92 units 78 units 100 units 108 units 440 units 818 units DISTRICT SERVICES CENTER Fax: (612) 440-1096 Phone: 447-2185 Dr. Les Sonnabend Superintendent Jere Phillips Business Affairs Dr. Jerry Spies Curriculum & Personnel Bob Cully Transportation Jean Winters Food Services & Purchasing Leanne Weyrauch Community Services Fred Blaisdell Special Services SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Dr. Craig Olson, Principal Lori Boynton, Assistant Principal Fax: (612) 440-4036 Phone: 447-4131 Athletic Office 440-4036 Attendance Office (business hours) 447-4131 Attendance Office (after hours) 447-4692 Cable TV/Public Access 447-4131 Counseling Office 440-4033 Swimming Pool Office 447-4687 HIDDEN OAKS MIDDLE SCHOOL Dr. Paula Tetzloff, Principal Fax: (612) 447-2184 Phone: 447-2188 Early Childhood Family Education 447-3233 GRAINWOOD ELEMENTARY Linette Manier, Principal Fax: (612) 440-1095 Phone: 440-1091 FIVE HAWKS ELEMENTARY Darwin Fosse, Principal Fax: (612) 447-4159 Phone: 447-4139 WESTWOOD ELEMENTARY Rickey Ravnholdt, Principal Fax: (612) 447-2139 Phone: 447-2178 PONDS EDGE EARLY LEARNING SCHOOL Cindy Solberg, Intern Principal Fax: (612) 440-2934 Phone: 440-2930 Early Childhood Family Education 440-2940 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 719 5300 WestWood Drive SE PO Box 539 Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 January 29, 1997 City of Prior Lake Frank Boyles 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 iW1 tDtIdllOAID. 966ll ~ dj GINIIIM Frank, the purpose of this letter is to let you know of the sincere interest that the school district has in obtaining land for a future building site. I have attached a diagram that will tentatively outline the 80 acre area that the school district is interested in. In addition, you will note on the diagram, there was a 17 acre parcel to the west of the high school site that showed a potential elementary school as well. At the time that Wold Architects drew up this plan, at the direction of the district, they were requested to slot in both an elementary and a high school site on the diagram. Once again, I have outlined the area of our present interest in red. I want to close this letter by saying how delighted the school district is in finding out the support that the City of Prior Lake has for this project and at least the preliminary indication from the developers that you are very willing to discuss the possibility of the district obtaining this piece of land. I will be in touch with you in the near future to continue our discussions on this project. Sincerely yours, )L. DR. LES SONNABEND Superintendent of Schools LS/kaj F:\USERSIKA THYIAOMIN\LESIMESENBR.DOC Serving Prior Lake. Savage. Spring Lake Township. Cedar Lake Township. Credit River Township. Sand Creek Township - I L ""1 ~ ~ I iHI : '" l ~ ~ L ~~~~ : ..~. A '1 L-.. ~ '" ..... 'It I- U ~ - 0:: l- V> - Cl ...J o o :I: U Vl I- Z UJ o z UJ 0.. UJ o z I , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ zEfj ~ C> . . ~ '1 I I I . " 11 ~ ~- ~. I 'v P/ ~.1 ""..J /-~:~~ (H { ~D--4~ i' ~~'\; f'I! ;. 1 ~~':.::,!,Y! ; ~: ; ;~\. '\' ~ ; ~i /' (;;',,0> ; ?:~---i ~~ ;f--~~' ! ! "-~::. .-. '- ! .... ; r-=---=I~:~~-=",l17_~ "f<',''''''-'fJ ':' "I~- I ,,~ ~. .,,-, ';"";"9':)~1. I I 1.._'__'__"_"1 ORDERLY ANNEXATION I AREA ~ r 0 f ~~;'~cl [ 1"\ .?lk:\). . ~. "'" '.; -'-'-0:"' . "", .,..,.... (.U' '._" ~' ~r .,~'"- -".1_ _ I ...' r. 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