HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit 94-0535 I..\-O\t".--I h '"' '-' DATE TIME CALLED-IN SCHEDULED (, -20 - q 7 Cj: 30 COMPLETED CV~ I'nNTR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE PERMIT NO. q4- 535 ADDRESS 132.31 OWNER ~ TELEPHONE NO. I.4J 0 FOOTING l.I..: 0 FRAMING (}j 0 INSULATION o P.yP.lL BD, ~ ~NAL 'C( 0 FOUNDATION ;x: 0 DEMOL. ~ 0 FIRE PREY, Li5 :t: COMMENTS: - 1\ ~ {I.,W~ ~ ~ flk ~,'S~ CIJ v I r:x: .... ~ Lt,~ r:x: 5 O...J\ 2.0 t ;>;. \, r:x: .V\R ~ I.U r:x: 'C( r.'.? a5 ~ r:x: :s @ r:x: / / / o u OPLUMBING RI o MECHANICAL o WATER HOOKUP o METER SET/TURN ON o SEWER HOOKUP o SEPTIC INSTALL. o SEPTIC MAl NT. o PLUMBING FINAL OSITE INSPECTION o EXCAV.lGRADINGIFILLlNG o LAKESHORE/WETLANDS o COMPLAINT o FOLLOW-UP o SEPTIC FINAL o FIREPLACE o ~..s 6'V\. c.... ...-'\.L ~f- .ex~ +es-\-- e.t(~y- ~~ ^-*n "S:.o. ,~ o PHOTO TAKEN rs in advance, 44 7-4230 WhilflCopy/ln~fOI"sFile DATE TIME CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE PERMIT NO. CJl{ - 53 S CALLED-IN SCHEDULED COMPLETED 5-/.040 z: 3c ADDRESS '3231 OWNER -. TELEPHONE NO. S 0 FOOTING DPLUMBING RI l.l... 0 FRAMING 0 MECHANICAL ~ 0 INSULATION 0 WATER HOOKUP o fl ~LL BD, 0 METER SETITURN ON :<:~~AL 0 SEWER HOOKUP 'C( 0 FOUNDATION 0 SEPTIC INSTALL. ;t: 0 DEMOL. 0 ~PTIC MAl NT, ~ 0 FIRE PREV, ~LUMBING FINAL J ~ COM~'4TS: 1\.-. (UJ%ts~s !J.l-U l!i~ ~I ~~ ~'-J stYwf ~ ~'~ ~ -_t-~ 62,6"' It7h.- ~ -4J~~ ~ lM CovlA. ~V dfJWh ~S~~,~~ ~ Thr f~~.~? ') ~ ~~ (';IUdu -~ -~~,~S e2pt;tr;-Pi ~ / :- F, p. ft; Crp~ - If v ~ l I I '" ~~Il A......L. ,. - U s ~J~Lwv _ UJc::t-- f '-V-~ ~ Cd....'h-~ ~ ovJ-~rOL fr.,.., ~ lJj ~K SATISFACTORY'PROCEED 0 PHOTO TAKEN o 0 RRECT WORK AND PROCEED o u CORRECT WORK, CALL FOR P.EINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING () 0 CORRECT UNSAFE CONDITION WITHIN HOURS, INSPECTOR WILL RETURN, Lj STOP ORDER POSTED, CALL INSPECTOR. lJ INSPECTION REQUIRED, CALL TO ARRANGE ACCESS, call for the ne~Prlon 24 hours in advance. owner/cont{ rl e , Inspector I) J '---~ i-h.N}....~ C:... CONTR. DSITE INSPECTION o EXCAV.lGRADINGIFILLlNG o LAKESHORElWETLANDS o COMPLAINT o FOLLOW-UP o SEPTIC FINAL o FIREPLACE o __ ~ ~, -?9 p- 44 7-4230 Whit" Copyllnspec/(N'. Filii - CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE PERMIT NO. Cj 4 - -:z;-c /- 5"3 sF I~ ~ "?, l ADDRESS OWNER ~ TELEPHONE NO. UJ 0 FOOTING u.. 0 FRAMING ~ 0 INSULATION o 0 WALL BD, <: 0 FINAL '0:( 0 FOUNDATION :J:: 0 DEMOL. ~ 0 FIRE PREV, <l( ~ COMMENTS: ..... ~ o CI) ~ ~ ~ ~ UJ cx: '0:( ~ ~ ~ cx: s fl cx: UJ ~ WORK SATISFACTORY:PROCEED o 0 CORRECT WORK AND PROCEED o 0 CORRECT WORK, CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING (,) 0 CORRECT UNSAFE CONDITION WITHIN HOURS, INSPECTOR WILL RETURN, [J STOP ORDER POSTED, CALL INSPECTOR. o INSPECTION REQUIRED, CALL TO ARRANGE ACCESS, ok CALLED-IN SCHEDULED COMPLETED J.-!~'^"^-"-lf DPLUMBING RI o MECHANICAL o WATER HOOKUP o METER SETITURN ON o SEWER HOOKUP J3.5EPTIC INSTALL. o SEPTIC MAINT, o PLUMBING FINAL I ~lC ~-\-- L be." l" .["'.' f( Soo 0. ....\. L/ (l<?\ic~. ~..~ ~"^- I () Ol"'l <::II b. I Q "'"RI.-Da SQ. L....... _ \.J .f) I G. r ...P , DATE TIME g. 'l. t.{,qct) II :(;)6 c..,.---- CONTR. DSITE INSPECTION o EXCAV.lGRADINGIFILLlNG o LAKESHORElWETLANDS o COMPLAINT o FOLLOW-UP o SEPTIC FINAL o FIREPLACE n ()nL/ . (\ +w,'u r.o""""l/A.~~ 1-o-LAC o PHOTO TAKEN call for the next inspection 24 hours in advance. Owner/C~ on site Inspect(~ 1/ h Y~~Copy~J/ 447-4230 _eopynnspeclor'.FiIe DATE TIME CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE ~ r PERMIT NO. q4-'- '-J ,::>, . } ::s 2>"'::J ') ~'t V~; yV), I CALLED-IN . . 9:1 ~/qC; , , ( { +c;- SCHEDULED COMPLETED ADDRESS OWNER ~ TELEPHONE NO. LJ.J 0 FOOTING u.. 0 FRAMING ~ 0 INSULATION C) 0 WALL BD, ~ 0 FINAL <( 0 FOUNDATION ::I: 0 DEMOL. !j 0 FIRE'PREV, ~ LU COM"', ENTS: :t: lZtt ..., TJ ~ o ' ~ ' ffi I k' ~l if1f7/{V Q. I 8 3~ i~~ 1tiL- ~ --ut)' . $PA49..~i,bat;h,;n iV}~ LJ.J ~ - v -- v - ,,'. , .Jl..-f' &fI I^ . a: . - I \ 11 rr /J1/IYV\ , ~ J ~ G-(di!'i VVl V. ~ MJ;> ~~L ~' !!; \1 \JlJvUU) 1 v I :::> .' ~ o mLJ.JO LJ.J WORK SATISFACTORY:PROCEED 0 PHOTO TAKEN r ORRECT WORK AND PROCEED o CORRECT WORK, CALL FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING o CORRECT UNSAFE CONDITION WITHIN HOURS, INSPECTOR WILL RETURN, o STOP ORDER POSTED, CALL INSPECTOR. o INSPECTION REQUIRED. CALL TO ARRANGE ACCESS, Cf \rc.{.e-- I'nNTR. DPLUMBING RI DSITE INSPECTION o MECHANICAL 0 EXCAV.lGRADINGIFILLlNG o WATER HOOKUP 0 LAKESHORE/WETLANDS o METER SETfTURN ON 0 COMPLAINT o SEWER HOOKUP 0 FOLLOW.UP ~PTlC INSTALL 0 SEPTIC FINAL o SEPTIC MAINT. 0 FIREPLACE ~ D11J.' LU BIN1 FINAL . 10 ,... ~h , 1 ;; s ]I) m J v J!- r7I.!'fA,/ !1Pf/ '--h=f~ J c;~c;~ I I ., , , ~ 6~ call for the next insPEtction 24 ho~rs inJ9vance. . owner'{)Jr. 89, I \ VIU.. JIh (.J,.I{, Ins~ect ,\AA ~ ~~ 'liT Ii ~ l" MIl - YeIlowCopylSite Nol U V 447-4230 White Copylln:Jt>>C/or" File DATE TIME CITY OF PRIOR LAKE INSPECTION NOTICE PERMIT NO. qz,.f-!35'f ADDRESS J 32-3, OWNER ~ TELEPHONE NO. III 0 FOOTING l.l.. 0 FRAMING ~ 0 INSULATION Q 0 WALL BD, ~ 0 FINAL 'C( 0 FOUNDATION ;:x: 0 DEMOL. ~ 0 FIRE PREY, ~ ~ COM,!,ENTS: !J. 4-hr ,,{/\I)'-J!/) <: o ~ 1f. \ (' )')'1\' if) (pTo /(ff fArINA PAR ~ '-/- I v I ~... '.'. A O~7/ (FIlA l)l p h A ) ~ ( li'IN>\ fA)! :>- r'" J '-/ ct . '".... .~. . _', _", _ ,JI ~.f" -:) WTYl(V) UA::;Ct1.1 (jh/t/( YAY III I I ~. . j . -?; " ~ '1It/l/\ C;(IM J \A ;-',)i t ~ ~ '. , ~ (/{ Ni/\,fd /,~'j Jt)J i.r[r~ A .-J!/vvi lfJJtr~1. {"ft-("~ - ~ \!-\-:-1}(11.J \ i/:! (. @rn ! ~ . III 'ORK SATISFACTORY:PROCEED 0 PHOTO TAKEN Q RRECT WORK AND PROCEED o CORRECT WORK, CAll FOR REINSPECTION BEFORE COVERING (,) /0 CORRECT UNSAFE CONDITION WITHIN 1-l0URS, INSPECTOR Will RETURN, o STOP ORDER POSTED, CALL INSPECTOR. o INSPECTION REQUIRED, CALL TO ARRANGE ACCESS. call for the ne 'nspection 24 h~u~s in ad~nce. .,A. C' < Owner/Co tr. on, 'tr \ ' . . \ \ ~/jflf;L(rI1.I/Jrff\ Inspecto ..-- ~ ^ ~ ~t-ti/wl /1/\ 447-4230 I, / I V v - - \ V N I Yellow Copy/Sire Notice I ( ) WIIif8 CcpynnspeclOl'. File \ . CALLED-IN SCHEDULED COMPLETED X!~/is q:()O ~n ; ^q L:>rc. [e.., V CONTR. OPlUMBING RI OSITE INSPECTION o MECHANICAL 0 EXCAV.lGRADINGlFllllNG o WATER HOOKUP 0 LAKESHORE/WETLANDS o METER SET/TURN ON 0 COMPLAINT o SEWER HOOKUP 0 FOllOW-UP ~EPTIC INSTALL. 0 SEPTIC FINAL /[]SEPTIC MAINT, 0 FIREPLACE o PLUMBING FINAL 0 (1~: ! /h {)'M l/77. }.:o'(- J !,{) / --, <;:(:()(> '-to Ie' I iJ\ ),.+; it ! )./1y..{ c; ----- (.Jj~f0(H (Q -/-7;))/ j (' j r,~ R /-r::. R n --. ~ ,", c. J!'~.ll5 ~ ~ i i \>./.-.' ,~- I ~., ~'! U t - L ,. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ ~\i .~ N TV I 5 1994 BUILDING PERMIT, U ~I, .' T :MPOR~~~ r~RTIFICATE OF ZONING COMPLIANCE \ ~ /u LlTY CONNECTION PERMIT ~ ) ~ \. ~ ~ r Permit No. ~N- ~ ~ " DIRECTIONS SPACES NUMBERED 1 THRU 17 MUST BE FILLED IN BEFORE PERMIT IS ISSUED (Please Print or Type and sign at bottom) 2, SITE ADDRESS 13231 Henning Circle 1, DATE Nov 11, 1994 I. While 2, Pink 3. Yellow File City Applicant BUILDING INFORMATION 11, SIZE OF STRUCTURE (Height) (Width) 20' 60' 12, NO, OF STORIES 1 Prior Lake,MN 55372 3, LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION 5 PID 25-0720050 1 BLOCK Titus 1st Addition (Depth) 44 ' (Address) Inc. 14093 Commerce (Address) 13, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION New 14, FLOOR AREA APPORTIONMENT USE 4, OWNER (Name) McKnight & Associates. 5, ARCHITECT (Name) same as above 6, BUILDER (Name) (Address) (Tel. No,) 15, NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS OR SEATS OCCUPANTS 3 same as above 7, TYPE OF WORK Fireplace 0 Septic 0 Heating 0 Plumbing 0 Reroofing 0 Porch 0 SEATS New Construction ~ Alterations 0 Addition 0 Finish Attic 0 Residing 0 Finish Basement 0 16. ESTIM~tD VALUE Chimney 0 Misc, 11 / {)(),f {){J() .()O 8, PROPERTY AREA OR ACRES 9, PROPERTY DIMENSIONS 10, CULVERT SIZE 17, COMPLETION DATE Sq, Ft. 88.947 sa f t Width Depth Yes x No Annrox Fe b 1. 1995 I hereby certify tha,V' have furnished information on this application which is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I also certify that I am the owner or authorized agent for the above.me,nt.ll:ll'l"ed~rOP rtyAfld tha con ion will conform to all existing state and local laws and will proceed in accordance with submitted plans. I am aware that the building Offi~~~~ . 'or J~, Fu~ rmore $r by agree that the city official or a designee may enter upon the property to perform needed inspections, X '---/;/.q:~'. I J~t1 ~, OOOL..ORL.. -.Nffir 11, 1 qqL.. , ~ 'Signature'" \. License No, Date' (Tel. No,) Ave NE (Tel. No,) 440-7100 FOR ADMINISTRATIVE USE SETBACKS: Required Actual Front Side MATERIAL FILED WITH APPLICATION SOIL TESTS 0 ENERGY DATA * PERCOLATION TESTS 'f1J". Water Tap ................................... $ Builder's Deposit ............................ $ ~" , ~~ Other ......................................... $ i. Total Due .............................. $~ C\ '"'!:::. ""'2-. ~7 Paid Ij. fJ.. iJ J.j. f Receipt No. .' --(). 00 ' Issued , Date I/JzJlJ4,j. Bv This ~'s ~rf that the. request in the above application and accompanyin~ocuments is in accordance with the City Zoning Ordina~ce and may proceed as sig~ B ity Planner c~~utes a temporary Certificate of ZOJli9g;:q liance and allows construction to commence, Before occupancy, a Certificate 0 A\ K', 1{..../~'c , ~ City Pi-anner Date Special Conditions ~ any 24 Hour notice for all inspections 447.42309:00 a,m, '10:00 a,m, Back Side PROPOSED GRADE FOUNDATION IN RELATION TO CURB OR CROWN OF STREET USE OF BUILDING PILING LOGS 0 PLANS & SPECS 9- SURVEY OFF STREET PARKING SPACES REO, SPACES ON PLAN ~\~G:.. \=.t...:__~~ 6 ?-- / S' 2-.. 4') r"). ~ PLOT PLAN 0 PERMIT VALUATION TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: I II III IV ([) Occupancy Group A BEl H ~ Division 1 ~ City: Amount Brought FOlWard .................. $ Park Support Fee ........................... $ SAC .............H..\~.................. $ vJ ~\ \ . ~ ('* , ~.... ~~r ~. <: . ...:.>, ..;, 'l z.s::., C> ~ S ~ Cc.. z..s:: I 6, z.. "-I Collective Street Fee ....................... $ SewerTap ................................... $ License Check Fee ......................... $ Pressure Reducer .......................... $ Meter Horn ................................... $ Water Meter ................................. $ Sewer & Water Connection Fee t:!. ./k.. $ Water Tower Fee ...........f.:!J~...... $ Permit Fee................................... $ Plan Checking Fee ......................... $ State Surcharge............................. $ Penalty ....................................... $ Septic System ............................... $ Other ......................................... $ Check if Deferred o o (2J~'7 - 41 eco, as Your Building Permit When Approved. I Date /1-/1-9~ Certificate of Occupancy SETS COPIES "2- 143..7,4; tp~, l~" ~:::D I ~~ ~ q~, C)~ r q L/ --J~'--~" '~. " CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ,~ DEe 2 7 _DA~Or~ STREET S.E. Permit No. q ~ - .5 ~ ( ) PRIOR ilA)1 E, MN 55372 , / HE~n;G J ,;(JfATION I ':.ERMIT Date /2 - 20.. '-1 PID # J-,. 67L- (JAr- -lJ Site Address / .3 "2 3/ Iff" AlAI/AI b {, / J: ctE Lot _ Block Addition Owner's Name, II? ell IV I birr I1NI) Address / 'IIF! 3 ('OM tI1 /!/?c(: Heating Contractor t' C AI TR 0 u. E,) Address .~OCf 2 #1> Sf. LIfO", (,022 Telephone # Furnace Make & Model /!k/:CJ;fl t,,?r; Model Size G /I I / '2 0 /1-02 Cl Conn. Load Fuel )/ j}Tl/)? IN.. Flue Size t it Supply Openings 2. 0 Return Openings , Input / z..o/ oav Output 9 tj O{!t) Edr. Cfm. //150C. lit/iS 1111<- F/I /?f11tri/{. ratV', :::;5'0:2 if TYPE OF SYSTEM Warm Air Plants Gravity Mechanical _ r()f{c;.;;D HI R Air Conditioning (' [.N'fR t+i,. M/2.. Vent. System HEATING OR POWER PLANT Steam Hot Water Radiation Special Devices Other Devices Alterations Replacement TYPE OF WORK New Construction V'. Repair Est. Cost $ (0305 I Est. Comp. Date q t.f - ~S0J- HEATING PERMIT FEE $ STATE SURCHARGE $ TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ Building Permit # Jb .2: 5' .50 ~. 75- 00. Receipt # ;;l.s?71 TYPE OF STRUCTURE 1. Pink File 2, Green City 3. Yellow Contractor Single Family V' , Multi-Family Other Two-Family Commercial Public Industrial JOB V ALUA TION b %1.') $0 - $1,000 FEE 2% of job value, min. $20.00 ./ $1,001-$10,000 61o.'J..i;. $20.00 for the first $1,000 plus $1.25 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof to and including $10,000. $132.50 for the first $10,000 plus $1.00 for each addi- tional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000. $10,001 - $50,000 $50,001 and over $532.50 for the first $50,000 plus $7.50 for each addi- tional $1,000 or fraction thereof. The price of your heating permit includes one rough-in and one final inspection. Additional inspections will be billed at $25.00 each. House Heating Test Record must be submitted with buildina oermit number before build- ing certificate of occupancy will be issued. HFAT CALCULATIONS REQUIRED with number of supply and return openings listed per room with CFM's per opening. New structures or additions send floor plan with sup- ply and return locations shown. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS, PAYMENT AND APPLICATIONS MAY BE MAILED TO THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, 4629 Dakota St. S.E. Prior Lake, MN. 55372. City Hall business hours are 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ALL WORK MUST BE INSPECTED (ROUGH-IN AND FINAL) - CALL CITY HALL 447-4230. I hereby apply for mechanical systems permit and I acknowledge that the information above is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordi- nances and codes of the city and with the state building/mechanical codes; that this form does not become a permit until signed by the BUILDING OFFICIAL; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of all work which requires review and approval of ~s. /7L4 ~ - j~ -20 If AI ~Iicant'~ignature A:~~ l BUil9lKg Official's Signature Date )2 - '2Cf -?y' Date Quantity ;). I ~ Jj J J I ,J .If J ell v OF PRIOR LAKE PLUMBING PERMIT Applicant: iAJ:.L S / 0 ~ /'A 06 (. ... Hfi Address: .J:i 'I" f ;ll/'J ,jJ,.J~/",AvE S u Signature: "?1J . J ,k"~ Legal Description: 'Lei "Block Site Address: J 3 tit,] /' Pt~~//V C; C:./I'{ Building Permit # 'I '1- ~S&> PID # J iJ--/) 1.1... - (] D b -0 NOTE: This permit will not be processed without complete information. Phone: 1. Blue 2 Gold 3. Yellow File City Applicant # qlj-2!J (('5/Y . /~/D Sub: \ ~ i ~ t!~!.-/ FIXTURE UNITS Type of Fixture Unit Amount Bath Tub with or without shower Dishwasher Floor Drain $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 $25.00 $10.00 $25.00 $ 6.00 $25.00 SURCHARGE Lavatory (bathroom sink) Laundry Tray (1 or 2 compartment sink) Shower Stall Sinks: Bar Sink Water Closet (toilet) Rough-ins Water Heater Water Softner Stand Pipe (washing machine) Sewage Ejector Backflow Assembly (RPZ, Double Check, PVB) Backflow Assembly Test Lawn Sprinkler Other Minimum Fee Total ./,/. be I-.JO /gJ. t.V '?'I.H' "'. tv /~. ~() (. . e:J /~.tV c?'1.Jt...l ~ _t~ .50 GRAND TOTAL $ / dC',) b This permit is granted upon the express condition that said contractor, shall comply in all respects with the ordinances of the State Plumbing Code and the amendments thereof. ,JJ;l.S..J RECEWf NO. ).Li.i.()~ DATE . /1 f'/1 , AITEST Call for all insPtftitns 24 hours in advance. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / FAX (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPWYER White - Building Canary - Engineering Pink - Planning Tho Conlo' of Iho L.ko Coonlry BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT /,;'/ i" ~' , 1,0 \1- .~ /./ . APPLICATION RECEIVED i / Ii' ./ lvi The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction actiyity which is proposed at: , , /,.." ,i / '. Accepted ,./"/ Accepted With Corrections Denied \9!_1 Date: II - / J- CfLj Reviewed By: Comments: 'The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." White - Building Canary - Engineering Pink - Planning The Ctnlrr of the Lake Country BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT ~ D >/- ~. APPLICATION RECEIVED ;//;!) /9'-1 The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction actiyity which is proposed at: /3j,j/ 1J/)V~1J-~/__ tvLc/ d Accepted Accepted With Corrections -!-- ::::::ed B~ --- Comments: 3-, j::::.~4...I'V'~~....e,~ ~ ~ Gl..:>~\~ ~~-~A.,,~. (Z:(~ . Date: ~ ) 1-IY-4~ tl7( J- lJ.cL L-r -",..:'l ~, . * \. . c:::::.:..~<:-_'''''"',~ ~ ~'''''~ \--..::.~ - Q,(?~~ r~Q_ ~ h l.:C (J..... ~'c- z..4.' (L-c.S \..--~(..,\ ~ ~ d, E,e "" ~,,~ Gf'-a'\'T~l 12.) , \ __ I-;'/~~u, ~ ~\ --4. r ~ +Le:.. t-k:~ ~~' 'G-..;;;;;.~ c- , r. . \ ~ ~,\ , ' f'~ -\ f:-' "-=:;." ~~ ~ " ~...~.- r~~~" "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." White - Building Canary - Engineering Pink - Planning The Center of the Like Country BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT CHECKLIST NAME OF APPLICANT 7tr./'~,',Jl:" Y- /1,)--.)!iL/.. APPLICATION RECEIVED //J;~ /1/1./ The Building, Engineering, and Planning Departments have reviewed the building permit application for construction activity which is proposed at: ^ . ,J I . /, /' 7 'l;') J -1/ (' ....J ,(, 'J /vI)" ,Ih (v j Ii I {t./ if - Accepted ,/ Accepted With Corrections "The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the jurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid." By: Date: o N - SIT E E V A L U A T ION ~ Soil Borings ~ Percolation Test ~ Sept i c System Des i gn o For: Existing Individual Sewage Treatment System Evaluation (Name) .M,. kYL~ ,l~~ (Address) I LfOq..~ (!f}Mm~~ Av~ Prt;t"- Wr. ivLIt) <<;;C;372-. / (Phone),H: W: '-f-'-l-ZJ -7100 Lf-5 T; ru<: 5(!,O if Property location: (if other than above) 8/t?d<,7 Isf- ~ (20 . Jim Spieker 14226 Ash Circle N.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 Telephone: 445-8569 II/to /q4- J Desiqn Information Number of Bedrooms 3 Percolation Rates (MPI) I ~, 5":5" L ;2.. Type Classification (I, II, III, or IV) Depth to Restricting Layer Slope ~ ~ Water Using Appliances Desiqn Reauirements Septic Tank Size (without garbage disposal) Septic Tank Size (with garbage disposal) LOOD /':)00 ga 11 ons ga 11 ons Type of System: n LJ :j"." ,', :',}:: Pressu rized \Mound, o Gravity Mound D . . Seepage;;Bed~"';""i',; ~ ,:,...c' ',,';."" L::f Trench '., o Trench with Curtain Drain Other Requirements: ~~ 5 Lcd - -PQu-~ ~f) ~ -0Y' ~J~ -Lo/j~~ 0 S F t).?) f v- r: S:J.d, ? ~ -Po V' A <<J f.. iJ fC> Ir,. r c:J;;; , I LaRs of Soil BO~~~~6 Location or Project AJI'~ k n /~k'f- Borings made.hy J:~" s~jJ<"',.. Date ll/~ !qi/- Classification System: AASRO ; USDA-SCS . Unified ; other . Auger used (check two): Hand v< or Power . Flight . or Bucket v""; other . Depth. in feet Boring number A J Surface elevation Depth. in feet Boring number ' . . B .1. Surface elevation o o dc.....v-ll,....oc.-''t. ~ . s- - 1-1 -I ~~ cd A.,'" k fa,.., tP I\. L... O~ b"'DcV-'\ Lo4U4.v 1 (",-"!.- LptUW 2- r~~ 6f"ow~ eke lo~ 2 -0 .~ :- '11 ~~ h :'w'1, ~: (-I- Ga...w~,ctb1) . 3- b 3 s-We ~ "'u..~t- '1.01 . 4- ~~ l" a..~ '1 V'-~ ~/ITze..:s ~ L 4- 5- 5- , I A. v.. '5"'A:..~ '[ Lo a-\iM. 6- 6- , '7 - 7- 8- 8- End of boring at s-= 0 f~kt. Standing vater table: , . ~esend at feet of de~th, \ hours after bor1~g. Not present in boring ho~e . 't/' . End of boring at ~ 0 feed Standing ~ater table: Present a~ feet of dePth~' I : I hours after boring.! Not present in bori.ng hole ~. , Mottled soil: Observed at t./:. J.-. I feet of depth. Not present in boring hole Observati.ons and comments: Mottled soil: Observed at .;( - 0 feet of depth. Not present in boring hole Observations and comments: LO~8 of S011 Bo~~~~s Location or Project M.~_ k;.. ,.;~t- Borings made' by :r~ s:f\j<....,.. Classification System: AASHO ; USDA-SCS Auger used (check two): Hand v, or Power Depth, in feet Bor:1.ng number R 4- Surface elevation o d""'rk.. b I'\.OWI\ L!>.....~ .3 1- Lrh.f.. broc.N~ c.l.a'-r Lo~ ."6 2- Ll1t...f. 6 V-~(,.(Jh L OP...v..., yo CA..'d- z. (", , I J V'A., t\4J ~ '1--0" 3- .S- 4- 5- 6- '7 - 8- --- , End of boring at '3, 5' feet. Standing water table: Pt'esent' at feet of depth, hours after bori~g. Not present in boring hole 't/'" Mottled soil: Observed at '3, ~ feet of depth. Not present in boring hole Observations and comments: Date 11// (') /9-/- ; Unified ; other ; Flight , or Bucket V : other Depth, in feet Boring number Surface elevation o 1- 2- 3- 4 5- 6 - , 7 - 8 - End of boring at Standing water table: Present at _ feet~ Not present i feet of dePth~ hours after boring. i in boring hole Mottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. Not present in boring hole Observations and comments: Lo~8 of ~~~l. Bo~~~~a Location or Project Ma-/( y\',::' ~'f- Borings made- hy X'.M... S::r(CO_t!.-,... Classification System:.AASRO Auger used (check two): Hand Date /( I <8 [ Cf1-- ; USDA-SCS v-; or Power Depth. in feet Boring number B '"3 Surface elevation o .5, 1- i l~ Lo"'w ' b Y-PWI1. $./t~ ~IL-Hv 2 - c.- 3- r-f) 4- 1\1tJ-1o~pw)~ CI~i ~4-Uv 5- 6- ~ '''~ ", -7 - 8- ; , , End of boring at "3. S- Stand1n:g water, table: hesent! at feet of . f~~t. Not present . de~th. , i hours after boririg. in boring ho~e ' v' . Mottled soil: Observed at 3 r 0 feet of depth. Not present in boring hole Obs(:rvations and comments: ; Unified ; other ; Flight . or Bucket ~: other Depth. in feet Boring number B ~ Surface elevation . 0 1-[ bl~ <:::.uJ'( L&~ 2- d~y.l ~ 't{)w~ S~7 LJP4.-~ 3 i I I I ~7 4 5- Ilf,~f- bv--pwl\, ~It,J r7 6 , 7- 8- End of boring at ~ ~ 7 Standing yater table: feed j feet of depthr, hours after boring. i Not present in boring hole ~ Present a~ ! Mottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. Not present in boring hole / Observations and comments: Location or Project M~):l'Il~~f- Borings made- by :r:- M... <;S::i}(("""" Classification System: AASHO Auger used (check two): Hand ~ DePt~. in; feet i Boring number e. 4- Surface elevation o . d~,,",k. .b v-~w" Lo6l..~ .J 1- Il1 ~f. b r"w~ C ~ L.v4,~' " V' t...t,:s +- stu ""'\" 2..'" II Lr~+- ~ r"w~ L()~ j 1-""( k,...;tti.~r - 4:-0 I{ . (5 ~ 2- 3- .S- 4- 5- 6- "7 - i i \ 8-'- End of boring at '3 . S- fe'et. Standing water table: ~esent at feet of dep,th. ; hours after boring. Not present in boring h01e . V"" Mottled soil: Observed at '3 . 3 feet of depth. Not present in boring hole Observations and comments: Lo~8 of Soil Borin~s " \ Date It ((,0 (9 'f- ; USDA-SCS or Power ; Unified ; other ; Flight , or Bucket ../; other Depth. in feet Boring number Surface elevation o 1- 2- 3- 4 5- 6 - '- 7 - 8 - End of boring at Standing water table: feet~ i Present at feet of dePth~ hours after boring. i Not present in boring hole Mottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. Not present in boring hole Observations and comments: LO~8 of ~~!l, BO~~~~B Location or Project tA,..r 1\.1 hi- Bor:lngs made- by :-r~ Sf'((OJ<(Or- Classification System: AASHO Auger used (check two): Hand, v-: Depth. in feet Boring number R~ Surface elevation o h~.J.. 'S~J LD~ 1- p Date II / 1;/7''1- ; Un1.fied; other ; Flight . or Bucket /: ; USDA-SCS or Power 2- d~ k.. 1 f'8 tt1~ 5 ~{ L<<I A.4tv 3- , J 4- 5- llr~+- bY'bW~ <;~ 6- c' -7 - , 8- ,I End of boring at to fe~t. Standing water ,table: kesend at feet of de~th. , , I ' , hours after bor~g. Not present in boring hol.e ' ',/ Mottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. Not present in boring hole ,/. Observations and comments: other Depth. in feet Bor:1.ng number B 7 Surface elevation , 0 1- iJW S~r. G~ 2- Ja..~~ ~ V'-o~v- ~A-~{ Ga..~ 3 + S1P~~~ ,~ , 4 5- Il1t+ hy.pC;Vl\ 5t:t-~, 6- '- . ' 7- 8- End of boring at ~ feet~ Standing 'fater table: Present a; feet of depth:, i hours after boring. j Not present 1.n boring hole ' ~ Mottled 501.1: Observed at feet of depth. ~. Not present in boring hole Observat1.ons and comments: LORS of ~~~l, BO~~~~B Location or Project !lilt" f/l\.{4 ~,i- I Borings made- by :T;-wv Sfcel<(Or' Classification System: AASHO Auger used (check two): Hand ~ ; USDA-SCS or Power Date II! 8/9 Lf- ; Unified ; other ; Flight . or Bucket ~: other Depth,. :in feet Boring number A R' Surface elevation Depth,. in feet Boring number Bq Surface elevation o . 0 1- biwi- 5~ '( LoiUiv .'8 2- .6 r-"Dl()k. :;~t l..,c,~ 3- 0 . 4- 1 Y" W,}t., c; vJr LJlA:,,~ t 7 +. ~-r;~e~ 5- I[{h-+- hV'IWIf. 5~ 6- ,,8 -7 - 8- .cg 1- .6 {~ 5~j r Lt7~ 2- ~ V'-ow~ St<-Jt L~/J-w.v 3- 4 ~ h9Wt{, L)P-Jy l,.~lH.. t- ~(~A.e.s (7 '5- 6 -C I~ li- k ~"WK. Sa,~r -~~ \. 7- 8- ; . End of boring at S-. ? f~~t. Stand~g water table: Pt'esen~ at feet of dep;th. l ~ , hours after bori~g. Not present in boring hol.e ' 'v/' End of boring at b feet~ Standing water table: Present a~ feet of dePth~' ! hours after boring.! Not present in bor1ng hole ~ Mottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. Not present in boring hole / . Obs~rvat1ons and comments: Mottled soil: Observed at feet of depth. ~ Not present in bor1ng hole Observations and comments: 4! ~rn4 :S~-!e- B-39 PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET 1) Test hole locati.on /\Ac.-~~~~lJ Hole number PI Date test hole was prepared ~Il /"? (er't- ~ Depth of hole bottom, /'8 inches. .- Diameter of hole~ b inches. Soil data from test hole: Depth~ i.nches Soil texture <) /', J ( loa...~ 0-/'8 Method of scratchin~ ,sidewall Depth of pea-sized gravel in bottom of hole, LlI <? ~~Hlf,e.... ~- inches. Date and hour of initial water filling Depth of initial water fill~ng, I:L inches above hole bottom. Method used to maintain at least 12 inches of water depth in hole for at least 4 'hours N~ f- M~I'~,-<:L~-j - ~5 ti.LU~r 1e.'S~ rt;:-11. It) k.<.1~ I Percflation test readings made by --J;:wt.. ~Pl~ ' on II (q . starting at ~):2.1 ~:'\n'. Maximum water depth above hole bottom (date) I... "v.m.J during test, <6.0 inches. ) \. Time Percolation Time Interval, Measurement~ Drop in water rate, Remarks Minutes inches level~ 'inches minutes per inch :2.,':2. I I t.,15 ;)...,~? ~ I :2..0 I,D ;).. .. -<. Lf I -~.o ~ .':] (, ;t I I, OX" I. I ~ ~.o . -1 ;-.;1. 7 ;f..: ~ 'i' .2 I I. &. , I 3 ..2.:3 0 I t,.D )....' ) ).. :l I /. b I, ~ ,.2: 3 ? I /",,0 .2.:3 S :;2 I I. (, I. i I ,/ I I I ) Percolation rate = / minutes per inch. PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET B-39 ~ Test hole location Date test hole was J\;\,,-k I. IlL+- prepared II / 8 / '1' Lf h inches. Hole number Depth of hole bottom, Pd.- / '8 inches. Diameter of hole, Soil data from test hole: Depth, inches to -/ ~ Soil texture 54~l1..dw LOCLkv .. ( Method of scratchin~ ,sidewall Depth of pea-sized gravel in bottom of hole, /l/-o ~c.ar/~e.- ;l. inches. Date and hour of initial water filling L/-- -'0 tJ tJ J-l;v / Depth of initial water fill~ng, I:L inches above hole bottom. Method used to maintain at least 12 inches of water depth in hole for at least 4 ,hours Aut" ~'II. Percolation 11/'1 (date) during test, test readings made by :r;'m- S"PP1~ on 'starting ,at /15"7" ~ a.-m. . Maximum water depth above hole bottom ~ ) 'ir. D inches. \. Time Percolation Time Interval, Measurement, Drop in water rate, Remarks Minutes inches level, 'inches minutes per inch ';~7 (p.o j: b J. .) 2, 3 2.J- d'o3 b.o .:2'0 ~ S J~ 2. =s ;z~C) er ~.o ;l..: / 'f '5 ,<.,;l.. ;<.3 ,/ I ,/ I I I Percolation rate = :A- minutes per inch. B-39 PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET ) Test hole location fi\~ l,^ \f~t- Date test hole was prepared t l / ~ / ? L(- Diameter of hole, h inches. Soil data from test hole: Hole number -P :s , Depth of hole bottom, I~ inches. Depth, inches Soil texture Sa.. J v LI"::7C.f..,IAA..- J (')-/<6 Method of scratchin~ .sidewall "'!\~lf,efro Depth of pea-sized gravel in bottom of hole, Date and hour of initial water filling II / 1? Depth of initial water fill~ng, IJ-.. ~- 4- (j 1M.; . inches. inches above hole bottom. Method used to maintain at least 12 inches of water depth in hole for at least 4 ,hours AlA10 F;' [( Percolation III cr (date) during test, test readings made by :T:"m.- sp',~ on , starting at I ;..r:;.,- a.~.. Maximum water depth above hole bottom ('p.m,,) <6. () inches. ) Time Time Interval, Measurement, Minutes inches '- Drop in water level, 'inches Percolation rate, minutes per inch Remarks }- 59 I J.. :0 Lf I S- ';;:2~o~ I ;;<',') 0 j s: ;).;{/ I ;).. / /'" I S" I I I I I I I I I ,I I , I I ) I j l I Percolation rate = 1 minutes per inch. . INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM WORKSHEET A. FLOW 4-(:;0 gpd x 1.5 = gpd SEPTIC TANK VOLUME gallons Estimated measured B. C. D. E. F. SOILS (Site evaluation data) Depth to restricting layer = S; S feet Maximum depth of system C - 3 ft = .;?, S- feet U~ ~ I ~ " Percolation rate I - ~ MPl Lbe sAMdI{ LcP4.-Ji,.., Soil Sizing Factor sq ft/ gpd (See table 3) I TRENCH BOTTOM AREA H. For trenches with 6 inches of rock below the pipe: A x 'F = x = sq ft of bottom area I. For trenches with 12 inches of rock below the pipe: A x FxO.8=~x ''':;1.7>< 0.8 =Wsq ftofbottomarea J. For trenches with 18 inches of rock below the pipe: A x F x 0.66 = x x 0.66 = sq ft of bottom area K. For trenches with 24 inches of rock below the pipe: A x F x 0.6 = x x 0.6 = sq fl of bottom area BED BOTTOM AREA L. For seepage beds with 6 or 12 inches of rock below the pipe; 15 x A x F= 15 x x =_sq ft of bottom area M. ROCK VOLUME IN CU FT . Rock depth below distribution pipe plus 05 foot times bottom arca: M =Rock depth (ft) + 6 inches x Area (H, I, J, Lor K) L..L ft + 05 ft) x m = ..Iz1.k.. eu ft ROCK VOLUME IN CU YDS Volume in cu ft divided by 27 M +27=euyds_ +27 ~ :<'5" eu yds ROCK WEIGHT Cubic yards times 1.4 = tons N x 1.4 = tons , N. , o. x 1.4~~ tons DISTRIBUTION (Check one based on slope) Bed (less than 6% slope) Trenches ~ Drop boxes (any slope) Distribution box (level to slightly sloping) TRENCH ,LENGTH P. Select trench width = 3 ft 'Q. Divide bottom area by trcnch width: (H, I, J, or K) + P = lincal feet 'iSl.. + L = J..i.l.lineal feet d t;; I 3 ' "l rzf~~~ - 3 <:'''l.. LA WN AREA R. Select trench spacing, center to center = ~ f<.-ct S. Multiply trench spacing by lineal feet R x Q = sq ft of lawn area x = sq ft LA YOUT (Use other side) 1. Select an appropriate scale; one square = 30 feel. 2. Show pertinent property boundaries, right-of-way, casements. 3. Show location of house, garage, driveway, and all other improvements, existing or proposed 4. Show location and layout of sewage treatment system. S. Show location of water supply well. ESlimaled Sewage Flows in Gallons per day (gpd) . Number of Type I Type II Type III Typ.: Bedrooms I V 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 , ':1 I (;t,lun.,,- I 225 300 375 450 525 600 675 180 218 256 294 332 370 408 (,0', or UI\' v;ilul"' in 1>['<1 I:". Septic Tank C"P'IC,itiCS, in !:..lIons Number of Minimum Liquid I Liquid capacil)' Will Bedrooms Capacity garbage di~pos~i 2 or less J or4 4or6 7.8 or 9 over 9 750 }(XX) 1500 2O:XJ 1125 15lXl 2250 3<XXI SoU Ch:&raclerl,1ia and Required Areas for Sewa!:e Treatment l'c:co~tion Rale in Minutes per Inch (MI'I) Squan: Soil TCAlUn: f_ per gaU"" per day GoI:lIon\ p..'f <I. j' p'" 'Gu~n.: in.... FaslCrlhan 0.1. Coarse Sand 0.1105 Sand 0.83 1.20 0.1105 fine ,.nd .. 1.67 (l,W 610 15 Sandy Loam 1.27 0,79 161030 Loam 1.67 0,(,0 311045 Sill Loam 2.00 0,50 .6 10 60 Clay Loam 2.20 0.45 Slower than 60 ... Clay :.~.;:;::;:...:;:;::.~.:.:;:...:.;:;:;~- I .~.~.,.,.,.,.~.,.~.~.~.~.,. . ~.~'~'~.~.~.~.~........""'''''' 2 Inch Covcr . '.. ...... ........ ... .... ...... '., ....... t -::.::::::.-::.0-::.-::......-:.:...::::.-::.-:.:-:. ~.~.~.~.~. ~.~.~.~.~. .,.~.~.,. ~.~.,.~.~ ~.~.~.~. .~.~.,.~. ;":;":;:';': ':::;':."":;'; 4 inch Pipe ............ ...........~ ............ ............~ .~.~.,.,. ~.~.~.~.. ~.~.~.~.~. ~.~.~.,.~ .~.,.~.~.~. ~.~.~.~.~.._- ~.~.~.,.~.~.,.~.,.~.~.~.~.~. .~.,.,.,.,.~.~.,.~.,.~.~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. .~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. .~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.,.~.,.~.,.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. ;":...":;":;.:;":;":;":;":;":....:;":...:....":...; 6.24 inch ;''':;'':.'''':;''':;'':;'':;:';''':;'':.'''':.'':.'''':;'':;'; Rock nclow the Pi; .,.~.~.,.,.,.,.,.,.~.~.,.~.~ ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. .,.~.,.,.,.~.~".~.~.~.,.,.~ ,.~.,.~.,.~.~.,.~.~.~.~.,.~. ".~,',',~,~.,,',~,~,~.,.,.~ ~.~.~.~.~.,.,.,.~.,.,.~.,.,. .'..'-"-.'-.'-.'-.'-.'-.'- .'-.' .'-.- .'~ @B7,P3 @B8 Elevation Settings Lowest Floor - 83,8' Septic Tank (enter) - 82,0 Drop Box # 1 - 56,3' Drop Box # 2 - 54,3' Drop Box # 3 - 53,1' Drop Box # 4 - 51,6' z-< \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ..\ ~\ , ~\ '6\ &-\ "< \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Alternate Site @a9 38' "'" (gJ B6,P2 a 51,S' 1530' BS,P1(Q) ,) 54,2' b (\') ~I C1l ro o en o Bur Oak Drip Line ~o'Vse se6. <?~090 \'\U\l o @Well Q<\...,je ---- O~IGINAL GRADE fT"'. ~_;XIMUM TRENCH DEPTH 'OF Z-. INCF:ES ......./ . TRENCH CROSS-SeCTION ~INISc~D GR~~E INCHES OF BACKFILL OVE2 ROCK GEOTEXTILE CLOTH or 4 II COMPACTEREW'iog~sp~~~RAN~ 2 INCHES ROCK.OVE~ PIPE o ' 3/4 INCH TO 2 1/2 INCH - WASHED SEWER ROCK ./ " 3C::. INCHES TRENCH WIDTH ...... / - OP.IGINAL GRA0E ."", FILL SOIL TO ;.. HINIMur1 OF 6 INCHES OVER ROCK '\/ /\ 211 ROCK OVE~ PIPE ~ ~l.-"" . ., 4" DISTRIBUTION PI?::: ~ }~. INCHES OF ROCK BELOW DIST~IBUTION PIPE '\../ '~~<L.J... .~. *,""",.~,.._.,a..... ;,',.:K