HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-14 Water Oriented Accessory CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 02-14 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1101.400 AND 1104.308 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE The City Council ofthe City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that: 1. Section 11010400 of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as follows: Water-Oriented Accessory Structure. A building of 120 square feet or less located on lakeshore lots, which because of the relationship of its use to a surface water feature reasonably needs to be located closer to the lakeshore ordinary high water mark (OHW) than the normal structural setback requirement. Examples of such structures include structures used to store boating accessories and equipment, gazebos and screen houses. 2. Section 1104.308 (4) of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as follows: (4) Water-Oriented Accessory Structures: One water-oriented accessory structure may be allowed per lot on General Development (GD) lakes that have Municipal sewer and water, provided a building permit is obtained from the City and the following criteria are met: a. On riparian lots containing, a slope equal to or greater than 20% measured from the front of the principal structure to the ordinary high water mark and verified by a certificate of survey prepared by a registered surveyor, one water-oriented structure meeting the criteria listed in paragraphs c-i of this subsection is permitted with a setback of not less than 10 feet from the ordinary high water mark; and b. On riparian lots containing slopes less than 20 percent, one water-oriented accessory structure meeting the criteria listed in paragraphs c-i of this subsection is permitted with a setback of not less than 50 feet from the Ordinary High Water Elevation. c. The structure shall not occupy an area greater than 120 square feet, and the maximum height of the structure must not exceed 10 feet, including the roof; and d. The structure shall be located in the most visually inconspicuous portion of the lot as viewed from the surface of the lake, assuming summer, leaf-on conditions. e. The structure shall not be designed or used for human habitation and shall not contain water supply or sewage treatment facilities. However, the structure may contain electrical and mechanical systems; and f. The structure shall be constructed of treated materials compatible with the principal structure and designed to reduce visibility as viewed from public waters and adjacent r:\ordinanc\2002\02-14.doc PAGE 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER shorelands by vegetation, topography, increased setbacks or color, assuming summer, leaf-on conditions; and g. If the proposed structure will be located below the regulatory flood plain elevation, the structure shall be built compliant with applicable flood-proofing requirements of the Building Code and Section 1105 of this Ordinance; and h. Trees that are 4 inches in caliper or larger should not be removed for the erection of a water-oriented accessory structure. If removal is necessary, replacement with like trees shall be made with the approval of the Zoning Administrator. Erosion control measures shall be implemented and all disturbed vegetation replaced with sod or suitable landscaping materials; and 1. The structure shall be attached to a permanent foundation so as to be immovable from its approved location. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 3'd day of September, 2002. ATTffJ Ji--- City Manager ?ff~ Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the 14th day of September, 2002. Drafted By: City of Prior Lake Planning Department 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 r:\ordinanc\2002\02-14.doc PAGE 2 CITY OF PRlOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 02-14 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1101.400 AND 1104.308 OF THE PRlORLAKE CITY CODE The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that: Section 1101.400 of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as fuI1ows: Water-OrientedAccessory Strnctnre. Abni1dirigofJ20sqnarefeetor less located on lakeshore lots, whicb because o( the relationship of its use to a surface water feature reasonably needa to be located closerto theJakesboreordinary high water mark (OHW) than the nonnal strnctnral se\back requirement. Examples of such strnctnres inclode sttuctnres used to store boating . acc~ssC)riesand equipment, gazebos and screen houses. SectionlI04.308(4)ofthePriorLake Ci&y Code is hereby amended as follows: Water-Oriented Accessory Strnctnres: One water-oriented. accessory structure mIly be allowed per lot on General Development (GO') lakes tbat bave Mllnicipal sewer and water, provided a bnildirig permit is obtain.ed from the City and the followirig criteria are met: On riparian Ints containirig,.a slope equal to or greatel'than 20"10 measured from the front of the priricipal strncture to the ordiriary high watermark and verified by a certificate of snrvey prepared by a registered. surveyor, onewater-oriented strncture meeting the criteria listed iri paragrapbs c-j of this subsection is permitted with a setback of not less than 10feetfrom the ordinary high wtitermark; and " OnripariAJll^+SOllV' '.'a1oPea1ess tIiiIt,20 penal, .. _-oriented !SF -- \be crilIria a_ __--.'111111l1'18 '" ,:'- I . 1Ii:,rofnotless than 50 feetfromtheOrdinary High WaterElevation. The ~tructure shall not ocoupy an area greater than 120 sqnare feet, and the maximnm height of the strnctnre must not exceed 10 feet, includirig the roof; and The strncture sball be located iri ,the most visually inconspicuous portion of the lot as viewed from the surface of the lake, assuming swnmer, leaf-onconditions. The structure shall not be designed or nsed for human habitation and shall not contain water supply ar sewage treatment facilities. However, the ,structure may contain electrical and mechanical systems; and The strncture shall be constrncted of treated materials compatible with the principal strnctUre and designed to reduce visibility as viewed from public waters and adjacent shore lands by vegetation, topography, iricreased setbacks or color, assuming summer, leaf-on conditions; and If the propOsedstrncture will be located below the regulatory flood plain elevation, the strnctnre sha11 be built compliant with applicable flood-proofing requirements of the Buildirig Code and Section 11 05 of this Ordinance; and Treesthatare4 inches incaliperor larger should not be removed for the erection of a water-onent,ed aecesaery' st:=ture. If . .',{!?J:> ,(Oll SJOlle~~ palepOS Affidavit of Publication Southwest Suburban Publishing State of Minnesota) )SS. County of Scott ) Stan Rolfsrud, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is the publisher or the authorized agent of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Shakopee Valley News, Iordan Independent, Prior Lake Amencan and Savage Pacer, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (A) These newspap~rs have c?mplied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as proVided by Mmnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The ~rinted public notice that is att~ched to this Affidavit and identified as No.1 '1 ~S was.put;>hshed o~ the date or dates and 10 the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said Notice IS hereby Incorporated as part of this Affidavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of the newspaper specified. 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