HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 16, 2009 PARKS ADVISORY COMMII I EE MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 16TH, 2009 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of July Agenda 3. Approval of June meeting minutes 4. Community Garden Naming 5. Ryan Lighting Recommendation Update - AI Friedges 6. Projects/Updates - AI Friedges 7. Recreation Updates - Angie Barstad 8. Future Meeting Date a. August 20th, 2009, at 6pm in the City Council Chambers Adjournment Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 6/10/09 6:02 p.m. -7:25 p.m. Members Present: Kyle Haugen, Mike Feriancek, Eric Spieler, Dan Ruhme, Kelly Loose Members Absent: Kendall Larson, Ron Ceminsky Staff Present: Angie Barstad, Kelly Meyer Public Present: Pam Mikkelson, Mark Schroeder, Mark Peller, Troy Eavzan, Steve Hoeg, Randy Geister, Paul Schons, Marcy Wolf 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:02 pm by Chair Ruhme. 2. APPROVAL OF JUNE AGENDA: Motion to approve the agenda was made by Eric Spieler, Second by Kyle Haugen; motion carried 3. APPROVAL OF MAY MEETING MINUTES: Motion to approve the meeting minutes by Eric Spieler, Second by Kyle Haugen; motion carried 4. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER EXTENSION OF PARK HOURS AT RYAN PARK: Meyer: See attached Committee Report and submitted emails from residents regarding the extension of park hours at Ryan Park. The following people spoke during the Public Hearing: Mark Schroeder: President ofPLABA and former President ofPLA Y. Extension of hours would make it possible for older kids & adult teams to finish their games and reduce wear and tear on Memorial Park. This is not about increasing time for use of alcohol. Mark Pellers: Current President of PLA Y. PLA Y and the City have a great partnership. PLA Y has included a $10 fee per registrant for park improvements. PLAY has contributed several hundred thousand dollars to the park. If hours were extended it would allow more time for teams and fans to get out of the park safely. The extended hours would follow suit with Ponds and Memorial Parks, which are open until 11 pm. Troy Eavzen: Closest neighbor to the park. There is a lot of light spillage despite the installed hoods. He has spent $3,000 on blinds to block out the light. The City sound/noise ordinance is being violated. The sound level is comparable to having a lawn mower running constantly. A noise level test should be conducted. All of this impacts the quality of life of residents in the area. The 10pm curfew for the lights has not been met on several occasions this year. Steve White: PLAY member and lives off of Ponds Park. Family loves the atmosphere of hearing the fans and the sound of the bats hitting the ball. The lights don't bother him or his family. PLAY numbers are increasing. It is more cost affective to extend the park hours then build a new park. Parents should control how much sleep their children receive so the later game hours don't affect school, etc. Randy Geister: PLAY Administrator. Baseball runs May, June, July. Lights will be turned on for games only, no practices. Football runs August, September, October. Lights are used earlier due to the time of year. 5:45 is the earliest a baseball game can start because of travel time needed for opposing teams. This year 11 games have had to stop short of completions because of the 10pm cut off. 23 games finished by 10pm. If the hours are extended there will be time for clean up/pick up after each game. This will reduce the City staff time used for garbage clean up at the park. There are 65 games total on 4 fields for the baseball season where lights may be needed after 10pm. Those games start at 8pm. This is Monday through Thursday, no Saturday or Sundays. 17 of those 65 games are held during the school year. Paul Schons: PLAY member and lives by Ryan Park. Lights and noise are not an issue at his house. The teams can't go earlier then 5:45pm because of travel times for teams outside of Prior Lake. There are safety concerns when the lights are shut off at 10pm. People attending and players can hardly see when they are trying to find their way to their cars. Due to increasing enrollment, PLA Y does not want to eliminate teams because of the 10pm light cut off. Pam Mikkelson: Lives right off of Ryan Park. The noise of people screaming, the sound of bats hitting balls, lights lighting up her whole backyard and the decrease in the quality of life in the neighborhood is not something they chose when they bought their house 18 years ago. There needs to be a stopping point. First it was development of the park then the lights now an extension of the hours of the lights. Perhaps the City could install smaller lights for safety when people are leaving the park. Kids are losing sleep by playing these late games. She sees a lot of tardy students at her job at Twin Oaks Middle School because they were up late playing a baseball game and couldn't wake up in time for school that morning. By extending the park hours is there anything that is gained? Before considering the extension of park hours consider the whole impact on the neighborhood and not just on PLAY. Marcy Wolf: Shares her driveway with Ryan Park. Strongly opposes the extension of park hours. The lights shine in her house all the time and they light up her whole yard. This has a significant impact to her home. There is littering, parking, & trespassing problems on her property. She loves the PLAY program but enough is enough. Give them an inch they will take a foot. The Public Hearing was closed by Chair Ruhme at 6:42 P.M. Feriancek: What are football schedules? Geister: 6pm - 9:30pm, Monday through Thursday for 10 weeks. 65 games/34 nights Kent Deavers: Start time for baseball is 5:45 with no inning beginning after 7:40pm and 9:40pm for shut down at 9:55pm Feriancek: Employee hours increased? Meyer: Seasonals open and close the park. The City may have to pay an employee more for longer hours. Feriancek: What costs has Mr. Eavzan incurred? What has he done to lessen the noise? Eavzan: Cost to upgrade blind to block out more light. Other then closing windows there are nothing else that can be done to block out the noise. He picks up debris in his yard each morning following a night game at Ryan Park. Wolf: Trespassers come over to their house and picnic on their property and dump trash. Loose: Per a resident's email regarding the Ryan Park hours it was mentioned that there would be additional costs if the park hours were extended. How will the City deal with that additional expense? Meyer: Can't tell what amount of money per hour the additional, if any, expense there will be. Kyle Haugen: Would the football schedule change if lights were on longer? Geister: Not at this time Kyle Haugen: Would the no new inning rule after 9:40 be changed ifthe lighting hours were extended? Kent Deavers: It would possibly be moved to 10:05 or 10: 1 0 and the game would end at 10:20 - 10:30pm. Schroeder: Not sure about what time changes would be for PLABA Kyle Haugen: How many late games for PLAY are there currently? Geister: 12-15 year olds have 1-2 late game nights per week at home Kyle Haugen: Are lights independently controlled so that all of them don't need to be on ifthere are not games at all the fields? Meyer: That could occur if we had staff there. Spieler: Concerned about the quality of life in the neighborhood. He would like the City and the sports organizations and the neighbors to find a compromise that would help everyone. Perhaps PLAY should use fields outside of Prior Lake. Ruhme: Would not like to add 15 minutes, etc. because it will keep getting added on to and on to, etc. It's not bad if it is for 3 months only. The City needs to enforce and assure that the lights are off when they are supposed to be off. It is a tough decision to ask the neighbors around Ryan Park to sacrifice for the good of all. The City needs to look at all enforcement issues at the park. Spieler: What is lost if the light hours are not extended? Pellers: PLAY is currently turning kids away from the program. Kyle Haugen: Believes the extension is for the better of the community as a whole. Feriancek: Does not believe 11 pm is appropriate. Suggested 10: 15 or 10:30pm. This would give people enough time to clean up after the games and leave the park. PLA Y should also try to address the trespass and garbage issues with the neighbors. Perhaps have volunteers walk the park perimeter. Motion by Kelly Loose to extend Ryan Park hours to 10: 15pm; second by Eric Spieler. Kyle Haugen: Would not support the 1O:15pm time. Proposed 10:30pm. Ruhme: Asked PLAY & Eavzan about 1 0:30pm extension time. Geister: 10:30pm would work Eavzan: Does not approve the extension at all. The property values would go down and the City noise violation will still be occurring. He would support a smaller set of lights for cleanup and safety. V ote on 10: 15 motion: 2 approve (Loose, Spieler); 3 opposed (Ruhme, Haugen, Feriancek); Motion failed Motion by Kyle Haugen to extend Ryan Park hours to I 0:30pm with a 5 minute warning to players and spectators as to when the lights will be turned off; second by Mike F eriancek. 3 approve (Ruhme, Haugen, Feriancek); 2 opposed (Loose, Spieler); Motion carried 5. RECREATION UPDATE Barstad: Concerts in the Park began 6/4. There were 100 - 150 people in attendance. The next concert is 6/11 at 7pm with a kids craft table from 5:30 - 6:30 at Lakefront Park before the concert begins. Summer Supremo begins 6/22/09 at Lakefront Park. There are still openings in all our programs and trips for this summer. Tot lot has the highest numbers so far with playground having the lowest numbers. Go to www.oriorlakerecreation.com to sign up and check out what we have to offer. No formal action required 6. FUTURE MEETING DATE - Julv 16th. 2009 at 60m in the City Council Chambers. Motion to adjourn was made by Kyle Haugen, Second by Mike Feriancek, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Submitted by Angie Barstad, Recreation Coordinator 4646 Dakota Street SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 Committee Report To: Parks Advisory Committee Members Dale: July 16, 2009 Agenda Item: 4 Agenda Title: Community Garden Naming Prepared By: Angie Barstad, Recreation Coordinator o Presentation, No Action Required o Requires Discussion and Direction to Staff o Final Review I Prepare Recommendation to City Council History: Per the City Council direction, the City staff solicited the community for possible names of the new community garden area located at Lakefront Park. Per the Park Naming Policy guidelines, over the past 30 days staff solicited names by placing ads in the local papers, City Website, City News Wire and local cable channel Discussion Items: These are the 3 names that were submitted for consideration from the community for the garden area: 1. Kop Family Community Garden: 2. John & Meda Kop Community Garden: 3. Kop Community Gardens All above names were submitted due to the significant contributions the Kop family has made to the City over the years. The PAC may choose one of the names above for the community garden area or come up with another name not listed above. Alternatives: A. Choose one name to present to the City Council for approval. B. Take no action. 06/19/2009 13:26 FAX 9524453335 I4I 0001/0002 . FAX a27 g....ch.ff Road' . Post.Offlce,Box.... Shakopee, ........Ot..a5378 , , . Phone: (952) 445-3333 .Fax: (9S2l445.~5' . .,",' . RepresenUng.these Jlewspapers: Charihassen.VIUager.Chasfca:Hei'aldaeden Pralrr. HeWs .. Jordan Independent . Prior Lake AmerIcan II Savsge Pacer.'ShaJcopee Varfey News.So~ Saturday .. To: . . Kel U;, ~if C c . .qS~ - qLf 7 ~ Lfd-Lfy rf~ ~~ Fax'#: From: Numbe~ of-pages (incJuding:cover sheet): Message: Kel U, /~ fh ~ Pov ffvL ~ ~/'MA~ frv ~-n~~ . 0 ~cl. cfe+ ~ iL/Wu) if ~.. . ~ OMM'ttuf14- .~, 'U U' 06/19/2009 13:26 FAX 9524453335 I4I 0002/0002 Page 1 of2 Laurie Hartmann ',"""_"._.._V-"~'~'-"-"'~"~''''''-^'''_''''''''"'''''''''''T,""""",,o..,......,.,.n"....,..."......,.__.__.__..~_,_~~._,~."'.~...._.__.^"~..._,,,~..,_.~.,._....'.M_._.M...._'~__,.,._'^..'_~_..,.__.....,_,.....~_.._.__,_".._...~.__,~.."_._....N..~._~~.....__~...__..."..,,_,....,~,..__..."~~._.,...--~..,_.^.~,--_._._'"._. From: Kelly Meyer [KMeyer@CityofPRIORLAKE,com] Sent: Thursday, June 18,20093:32 PM To: Laurie Hartmann Subject: Community Garden Naming Application Hi Laurie! Frank said you wanted to submit a name for the Community Garden. Below is the application that you can fill out and sent back to me, It's short, THANKS for your interest! Kelly, APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A STREET, PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE Applicant Name: _ul,~.wrie Hartma.nn __....--..._ Address:~~ ~__.. City/State/Zip Code: Prior LaK~_,MN.553J2 Phone: ~ 5;1.- 5tfs -lo~ 1K - (Please check one) I I RE-NAME EXISTING Current Name:.. Proposed Name: 1. 2. X NAMING NEW Location:__Community_Garden - Lakefront Park_d___ Proposed Name 1 ~-Aa.ml~ ~f ~ Please describe ratlOn:I:~s~d name or re-n~ of =~~~=rn, or public place: J~ cUull?S, ~ W- rntdlt 4p_.~ ~~ -tkt ~thU ot fJt.i<>( JoJu,. Sbt itl *,-r~ ~r:~me~os~tn +h~+ ~ r;:~~ ~~~~ ~ilib~;a:ad~i~~s~~e:itb1( ~ /1 (\/"1 \f)O J tK ~ e--. d. 6l.... oil.. /J.l-.,-", 11 1..1 A . Applicant Name: APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A STREET, PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK, ) OR PUBLIC PLACE , ~ , 1).//( /~'E/2/~I{iE fc tll JD iL''-H'U.-~<---J 0,;- d .~.~[ . AI City/State/Zip Code: ~/ Phone: C;S? - L/c.'s. c 7..17 Address: (Please check one) , I RE-NAME EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. 2. 1.\::rNAMING NEW " ' ._ LocatiO~/ ;;;,/~ (} f-J't". i ,,-.~t, C;,,-,cL,~.~~ Proposed Name: 1. K)/./ Cf7-'L/I-! u. 1/ / ~I 61f/~? 2. Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street within a park, or public place: ~ ~~'~~"?Iv !{{td /tL~-Lfr. ~/?'~,~ ~ ~,:( {#-?~/t-{~~L;t~< ;;;j {It:. f1~i:_:I) J7L. tOe '/~e..f --U<L<?Y'';?e lfitl/ 5 e~~~ t/ / (attach additional forms, if needed) Please return completed application to: City of Prior Lake A TTN: Kelly Meyer 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 M:ICity PolicieslPark and Street Naming Policy,doc 3 4646 Dakota Street S.E, Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 109-09 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 702.400 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE RELATED TO THE CLOSING TIME FOR THOMAS RYAN JR. MEMORIAL PARK. The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that: 1. Sections 702.400 of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended as shown below: 702.400: PARK HOURS: With the exception of Memorial Park, Ponds Park and Thomas Ryan Memorial Park, all parks will close at 10:00 p,m. each day and shall remain closed until 5:00 a,m, on the following day. · Memorial Park and Ponds Park will close at 11 :00 p.m. and shall remain closed until 5:00 a.m. on the following day. · Thomas Ryan Memorial park will close no later than 11 p.m. Field lights shall be turned off at each field 15 minutes after the completion of scheduled games or 11:00 p,m., whichever is earlier, and the park shall be closed, No inning shall start after 10:30 p.m. The park shall remain closed until 8:00 a,m. on the following day. NttJ , (g,J)' This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 15th day of June, 2009. ATTEST: vhl-- City M~el ~d:4~ May~ u Published in the Prior Lake American on the 20th day of June, 2009. C:\Documents and Settings\cgreen\Loca~~f9~~rI!8met Files\OLK5A\Ordinance Ryan Park I-jGu.rs..dG~ 1 Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 _J,_ ~ . _.L 2.~;J. /...,d . 'I f. IZ}I--kv1"1 ~ ~~~ Or g&e: I ~'-"'~~L -4 te ~-t..... ~( ';":/'s/."j ,ill/54 r,4-e/c./"'i-~ J'/J r:.itJl- ~ . ,4.s fiLe.... .'s- ,twA4, ft ~I.'-.'<.- Hu..f..r,.r ,U/~<;. HEl~ tJ~J;;..jli.- 10 ~ ~ ~~,.".: ~S/~Hf- IWPU.T- Af- ~ cr;;.ve: ,s-~ (!~. He/l!-f-r..:; ~ J"tblt.,. ...~ , MP,t()~....b --10 t!~9 jL- ~ tz'll.s~ oflAp.c. ~ ~ e J f ...... -r-o. ~ :;> r / 0 ~diZ- .J- +-1h~t.L ~-.J-- t4-u-~ ~ d,v1Z- r.AJ1ZLl.. ? .+.tP-s PeJ).1- ~~ I) tA-,/..- ,IJ"r. ~r / .hI.z:<EJL -t" tJ s.t.J-1- 1'-10" I&',.., j -U.<: ~wf~ . SCOTT COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GOVERNMENT CENTER 114.200 FOURTH AVENUE WEST. SHAKOPEE, MN 55379c1220 (952) 496-8475 . Fax (952) 496-8496 . Web WWW.co.scott.mn,us Preliminary Outline for EAB Readiness and Response Plan: July 13,2009 \... . ----r f _.-. ____ The following outline is for discussion. It includes both topic headings and some preliminary thoughts on content. It also includes some potentially controvers~al topics. These are included . so that they are discussed, however, at this time there are no preferences nor have decisions been made. ~o~..s 1) Education and Awareness a. ~DA/Extensi,?n have the most robust program on this and we should rely on them. b:' fImtide links c~m local websites to the _I\IIDAfExtension sites.. (A~/J 7. j.) c. Inform policy makers d. Get articles.iA See,u: and other local news letter with information on where to learn more e. Educate (train) contractors, staff 2) Inquiry, Detection, and Verification 1\ a. Rely on First Detector program by ~on ~k. Ve~.f- k ' b. Recruit more volunteers for the Extension training and pr6gram (called state there are 4 listed in Scott County) 3) Prevention and Preparation a. Develop policies i. Consider Ifself imposed" moratorium on live ash materiats or ash . .. firewood. ~ "" ~ ii. Determine prioriti"~s _ .. '. ~.~. . QIT. Resource sharing: $, people, an~resources)g.~ 't iv. What assistance if any to provide private lands?' .' v. Public relations arid communications policies and hierarchies (migh~ think about using Incident Command System as a model) b. Inventory " ;>t-. Get a handle on number of ash and ultimate cost of removal and replanting ~ ii. Legacy trees to "save" or treat ". iii. .--Ex~el"tbe dvallable /' k iv. Equipment available' \0,) ." /tj t l v. Budgets e:? v[ ,/ -7<. Rev~~~:~~~~:~~:;ant/funding sources ~ )W'{j)t-"il"~ :'I i. Tree ordinances (remove ash from specs or .plan~ing listsCj)OIL~ ii-:----Re\;.::." VI 'C.II;~C .....;.>o......e-v',.J;..o.rtes or tree oralnances d. Establish removal contracts and get resource sharing agreements in place ~ )o~t'S Co~+- orlooLV^-o""J.. i -r~pj., ~o€~.....,.,.... J)o-t ~'$ ~ An Equal Opportunity/Safety Aware Employer ~ SCO I I COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT , , --.-----............--...-.--..-.---...- ~ .,.~.~.- _.._-.~.-.~~_...,_......-- GOVERNMENT CENTER 114.200 FOURTH AVENUE WEST. SHAKOPEE, MN 55379-1220 (952) 496- . Fax (952) 496-8496 . Web WWW.co.scott.mn.us e, Ash reductio 'tr gies (needed or desired?) i. Stop planting ash:"" remove from contract specs and planting lists ,ii. Replace poor quality, high maintenance ash (Look for opportunities to replace ash with something else sooner - iO..Gases 'with i lot nf tiP;'II'iwood Of--uRclc.,'vv;resf, . iii. ~ cti /attritio -10 for portu I, ies in, s for am e i c st cion ro c ill .' . row of O' r , sacrifice the as 4) Response a. Develop policies b. Response Procedures' i. How, where when (get to know existi.!llZ MDA ~dures !or Quarantines ~nd reSD~ develop local' detaifs; are there different respor:lses for woodland versus Blvd, etc; learn about treatment options ) ii. Identify roles/authorities Hi. What do we do with the wood -disposal sites and wood utilization ~trategies 0';""- LA ~u 1;; 11c-4-~ +kf- ~. $~ A~ l~ iv. Permits and approvals needed ' c. Reforestation An Equal Opportunity/Safety Aware Employer