HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 19, 2009 PARKS ADVISORY COMMII I EE MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 2009 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of November Agenda 3. Approval of October meeting minutes 4. Advisory Committee Bylaw Amendment 5. E.A.B Grant - AI Friedges 6. Proposed Picnic Shelter Relocation - AI Friedges 7. Proposed Memorial Field Upgrades - AI Friedges 8. Projects/Updates - AI Friedges 9. Recreation Updates - Angie Barstad 10. Future Meeting Date a. December 1ih, 6pm in the City Council Chambers Adjournment Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 10/22/09 6:0 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 6:04 pm by Chair Ruhme Members Present: Kyle Haugen, Mike Feriancek, Eric Spieler, Dan Ruhme, Kendall Larson, Kelly Loose Members Absent: Ron Ceminsky Staff Present: Angie Barstad, Al Friedges 2. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER AGENDA: Dan Ruhme added discussion offield closures under Al Friedges' projects/updates. Motion to approve the agenda with this addition was made by Kyle Haugen, Second by Eric Spieler; motion carried 3. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER MEETING MINUTES: Motion to approve the meeting minutes by Mike Feriancek, Second by Kendall Larson; motion carried 4. FACILITY FEES REPORT: Barstad: A report was given discussing the review of open and enclosed shelter fees in Prior Lake. See attached report and Fee Comparison chart of what surrounding communities charge. Feriancek: Rented the Lakefront Pavilion this year and would have paid more for the facility because of the high quality and location of the facility. The non-resident fee for the pavilion should be increased from $85 per hour to $90 per hour Ruhme: A possible suggestion would be to consider different rates on the weekend vs. weekday. I will support an increase of $5 - $10 on all shelters/pavilion. The high quality of all the City shelters and pavilion would warrant this. K. Haugen: I do not believe we should increase the rates on the shelters or pavilion at this time but we should review again in a couple years. I agree the City has excellent shelters and pavilion facilities. Loose: I believe we should charge $100 for non residents for rental of the pavilion Spieler: Maybe we should go to a daily rate vs. hourly at the pavilion. Larson: I agree that we should raise the non-resident fee for the pavilion only Ruhme: I believe we should keep the hourly rate vs. going to a daily rate. Feriancek: Made a motion to increase only the non-resident fee for the Lakefront Pavilion 5% - 15%. Second by Kelly Loose, motion carried. 5. LAKEFRONT DAYS PRESENTATION Barstad: Played Lakefront Days video and informed the PAC that in 20 I 0 the Lakefront Days event will go from 4 days down to 2 because of budget cuts. Spieler: Sad to see it go down to only 2 days. K. Haugen: The City staff always does a great job with the community events. AI's staff are positive, friendly and very helpful. Larson: Sad to see it go down to 2 days because it is the one time of year Prior Lake has the opportunity to showcase itself. No suggestions for changing event. No action required 6. TRAIL & SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT & REPAIR POLICY Friedges: Discussed the reason for implementing a policy and why it should be included in our Public Works Design Manuel. Friedges explained that the goal of the policy is for the pedestrian circulation of the sidewalk and trail systems provide a safe area for walking, jogging, rollerblading and biking. The following are the procedures that staff is recommending as part of the policy. . Identify areas that have the potential for trips and falls as a result of heaving, settling, cracking, and spalling. . Maintenance or replacement criteria for sidewalks and trails including nature of repair, severity, location, cost, time and employee availability. . Trail and sidewalk inspection schedules K. Haugen: Made a motion to include the trails/sidewalks policy in the Public Works Design Manual. Second by Mike Feriancek, motion carried. 7. PROJECTSIUPDATES Friedges: Here are some of the projects that the maintenance department is working on: . Winterizing concession stands and public buildings not used during the winter months . Blowout irrigation systems . Remove ropes/buoys/fishing piers/boat slips from lake . Burm up neighborhood park baseball in fields to prepare for ice rinks . Remove nets from all City fields . Replace stairs at Ponds going down to fields . Install a rain water garden at the Jeffers Park parking lot . Move trees from the City nursery into the City park system (when it dries out) . Haul compost out of the City/SMSC site and use for top dressing in City parks . Install posts and footings for the shelters that will be built this winter at the South Shore and Raymond Ave. parks. Ruhme: What are the field closure policies? They looked playable this week when they were closed. Friedges: They may have looked playable but they were saturated and football/soccer would have tom up the fields had they been able to play on them earlier in the week. It is my responsibility to protect the turf in our parks. It would help if we had more fields to rotate use. We wouldn't need to close the fields as often. But since we don't have that options we have to protect the fields we have from excessive damage. No action required 8. RECREATION UPDATES Barstad: The Autumn Gathering attendance was down this year due to the weather. We still had 200 - 300 people attend and fun was had by all. We have several tot classes and teen hang out days coming up. Check the website for further information and a list of programs at www.oriorlakerecreation.com We had a successful Square Dance today at Club Prior for the seniors. We will try to plan another one in the future. No action required .9. FUTURE MEETING DATE - November 19th. 2009 at 60m in the City Council Chambers. Motion to adjourn was made by Mike Feriancek, Second by Kendall Larson, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Submitted by Angie Barstad, Recreation Coordinator 4646 Dakota Street SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 Committee Report To: Parks Advisory Committee Members DaIBc October 22, 2009 Agenda Title: Discussion - Facility Fee Rental Report PrepanNI By: Angie Barstad, Recreation Coordinator o Presentation, No Action Required o Requires Discussion and Direction to Staff o Final Review / Prepare Recommendation to City Council History: During the budget work sessions held with City Council in August, the Council suggested to staff that the fees for shelters and the pavilion be re-evaluated and compared to other communities around Prior Lake to see if an increase is warranted to cover expenses involved with operating these facilities. Discussion Items: The attached fee table shows what Prior Lake currently charges and what other communities around Prior Lake charge for open and enclosed shelters. As you can see Prior Lake is in line with other communities in our area. The cost of having staff open/close these facilities is recouped in the current rental fees. Alternatives: A. Direct staff to increase the rental rates for shelters and the pavilion. B. Take no action and keep the current fee structure in place. 'Enclosed Shelters Apple Valley I ResidenUNon Resident $60 per day lakeville $65 per day/$90 per day $90 per day/$140 per day (with $150 damage deposit) Private Business Burnsville $62 per day/$86 per day $124 per day/$149 per day Weekdays Weekends Shako pee No enclosed shelters Savage No enclosed shelters Cleary lake (3 Rivers) $350 + tax per day (with a 25% damage deposit) Prior lake $50/$85 per hour with a 2 hour minimum on weekdays & 4 hour minimum on weekends 1 hour FREE for set up (with a $200 damage deposit) ,Open Shelters Apple Valley I ResidenUNon Resident $40 per day for small shelter $60 per day for large shelter lakeville $50 per day/$75 per day $100-$150 per day/$175-$275 per day Private Business (depending on size of group) Burnsville $51.50 per day/$72 per day $92 per day/$113.50 per day Weekdays Weekends Shakopee $42.60 per day/$69.23 per day Savage $50 per day/$75 per day Cleary lake (3 Rivers) No open shelters Prior lake $50/$100 per day Figure 3L- Faulting Yz-I" Figure 3M - Faulting 1-2" Figure 3H - Faulting >2" Figure 3P - Patched Fault -7- -13- Figure SN - Non-faulted Linear Crack Figure SL - Low Severity Linear Crack -11- Figure 5L - Low Severity Joint Spalling -5- Figure 2M - Medium Severity "D" Cracking Figure 2H - High Severity "D" Cracking