HomeMy WebLinkAbout113-01 fee schedule 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 11 3 - 01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE , MINNESOTA, REVISING SECTION 106.600 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND ES TABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR ALL CITY LICENSE FEES, USER CHARGES AND PERMIT CHARGES PURSUANT TO MINN. S TAT. § 462.351 TO 462.364 The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that Subsection 106.600 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 106. 600 O F S : : The rates for all City license fees, user charges and FFICIAL EE CHEDULE permit charges of the City of Prior Lake shall read as follows: DEVELOPMENT FEES: Park Dedication Fee Residential $3,750.00 / unit Commercial/industrial $6,400.00 / ac. Street Oversize Acreage Charge $4,920.00 / ac. Trunk Sewer Acreage Charge $3,040.00 / ac. Trunk Water Acreage Charge $5,500.00 / ac. Trunk Stormwater Acreage Charge Low density residential (R1,R2,R3) $2,790.00 / ac. High density residential (R4) $4,600.00 / ac. Commercial/industrial $5,78 0.00 / ac. Utility Connection Charge - Sanitary Sewer $9,000.00 Utility Connection Charge - Water $9,000.00 Administration Fee on Development Agreements 4.0% Construction Observation and Professional Service Fee on Development Agreements 5.0% Esc row for Preliminary and Final Plats 3 lots or fewer $1,000.00 4 - 10 lots $2,500.00 11 or more lots $5,000.00 Administrative Charge for No - Notice to Commence Construction for Utility Connections $100.00 Phone 952.447. 9800 / Fax 952.44 7 . 4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com PERMITS: Building Permit 2003 AMM Schedule Change of Occupancy Permit $40.00 Common Home Improvements Fixed valuation fee Re - roofing $74.75 Re - siding $74.75 Windows $74.75 Lower level finish (1 room) $34.75 Lower level fin ish (2 room) $62.25 Lower level finish (3 room) $74.75 Lower level finish (4 room) $87.25 Swimming pool (above ground) $74.75 Swimming pool (below ground) $162.25 Driveway Permit $30.00 Electrical Inspection 2007 State Elect rical Inpection Fee Schedule Excavation & Grading Permits & Escrows Permit for Residential < 1 acre $100.00 Escrow for Residential >= 1 acre $950.00 / month; $250 minimum Security for Residential Restoration $2,000 / acre Esc row for Commercial/Developers $950.00 / month; $250 minimum Security for Commercial/Developer Restoration $2,000 / acre Investigation Fee - for work done without obtaining a permit Amount of permit fee required Plan Review 65% Building Permit Fe e Repetitive Plan Review 32.5% Building Permit Fee Retaining Wall Structural Review Actual cost Plumbing Permits Industrial, commercial, multi - residential 1.0% of cost ($49.50 min.) Residential - new construction (single/two family) $1 49.50 Residential - additions $49.50 Mechanical Permits Industrial, commercial, multi - residential 1.0% of cost ($49.50 min.) Residential - heating/air (single/two family) $149.50 Residential - gas fireplaces $49.50 Res idential - additions $49.50 Moving Permit $50.00 Residential Contractor's Deposit January 1st through February 28th $1,500.00 March 1st through December 31st $2,500.00 Tree Deposit $100 per inch of required replacement; minimum $500 Right - of - Way Permit Yearly Registration Fee for Online ROWAY Program (includes landscaping ROW) $25.00 Right of Way Permit (waived for companies with franchise agreements with City) $250.00 Right of Way Security Boulevards (waived for companies with franchise agreements $500.00 with City) Right of Way Security Streets 125% of restoration estimate Cost Per Agreement Water Tower Access and Modification Fee UTILITY BILLING RATES: Water Rate $3.40/1000 gals. 1st 25,0 00 gals. $4.69/1000 gals. above 25,000 gals. Sewer Rate (City) $1.96/1000 gals. Met Council Sewer Rate (MCES) $2.11/1000 gals. Minimum Charge for Water $2.50 Minimum Charge for Sewer $2.50 Bulk Water Charge $5.00/1000 gals. Capital Facility Charge 10.00/billing cycle Storm Water Charge $11.25 (residential) / $33.75 acre Prepaid Card Initial/Replacement Fee (for bulk water) $5.00 Sewer Rate - for users not connected to the Municipal Water System $25.00 Odd - Even Sprinkling Ban Penaltie s: First Offense Warning Second Offense $50.00 Third Offense $100.00 Each Subsequent Offense Shall Double Bulk Water Meter Rental Administrative Fee $100.00 Meter Deposits < 1 1/2 inch - $500.00 >or = 1 1/2 inch - $1,500.00 Meter Tampering Penalty $100.00 SERVICE CHARGES: Assessment Search 20.00 NSF Charge 28.00 Delinquent Assessment Administration Charge 30.00 Water Shut - off Charge (Day/Night) 45.00/95.00 Late License Processing Charge 5 0.00 Delinquent Utility Account - Door Hanger Charge 25.00 Plumbing Registration 25.00 Customer Lists (annual charge) 50.00 POLICE, FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE CHARGES: Burning Permit $25.00 False Alarms (effective upon 4th false alarm each year ) $100.00 / $150.00 / $200.00 / $250.00 Police Accident Reports $5.00 Police Contracted Overtime $80/ hour LIQUOR LICENSES: Club License $650.00 Consumption & Display License (Temporary) $25.00 Consumption & Display Licen se $550.00 Off Sale Intoxicating $380.00 w/100.00 credit available for training Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor $100.00 On Sale Intoxicating $6,300.00 On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor $500.00 On Sale Sunday Liquor $200.00 Temporary On Sale & Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor (1 - 3 days) $75.00 On Sale Wine License $2,000.00 Investigation Fee - On/Off Sale Intoxicating $500 min./actual cost up to $10,000 max. Investigation Fee - On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor $100.00 Investigation Fee - Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor $50.00 Refund Retainage Fee - On Sale Intoxicating $400.00 Late Fee for License Renewals $50.00 MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES & PERMITS: Animal License (Cats and Dogs) Spayed/Neutered Pets $15.00 Non - Spayed/Neutered Pets $25.00 Temp orary Gambling Permit $10.00 Gambling Premise Permit $100.00 Cigarette License $250.00 Dog Boarding Fees $10.00 Dog Impoundment Fines 1st licensed/unlicensed - $25.00/$50.00 2nd offense - $50.00 3rd offense - $100.00 Dangerous Dog Annual Re gistration $50.00 Kennel License $50.00 Massage Therapy License $100.00 Investigation Fee actual cost up to $500 max. Outdoor Concert Permit/(clean - up deposit): wedding/private reception $50.00/$200.00 commercial ev ents $200.00/$500.00 Refuse Haulers License 1st truck - $250.00 each additional truck - $50.00 Peddler's Permit $50.00 Taxi Cab License $100.00/$50.00 each additional cab Golf Cart Permit $25.00 Special Hunting Permit $25.00 CON NECTION PERMIT CHARGES: Frost Plates $7.50 MCES Direct Interceptor Connect Permit Review Charge $1,000.00 MCES Metro Sewer Availability Charge $2,435.00 Pressure Reducer cost plus 15% Sewer Connection Charge $600.00 Water Connection Charge $9 00.00 Water Meter - residential 5/8" cost plus 15% Water Tower Charge $1,000.00 Water Inspection Industrial, commercial, multi - residential 1.0% of cost (25.50 min.) Residential 25.50 Sewer Inspection Industrial, commercial, m ulti - residential 1.0% of cost (25.50 min.) Residential 25.50 PARK FACILITY RENTALS: Boat slip rental Resident/non - resident - weekday (Monday noon through Friday 10:00 a.m.) 60.00/80.00 Resident/non - resident - weekend (Friday noon t hrough Monday 10:00 a.m.) 75.00/105.00 Canoe/Kayak Rack rental (Sandpoint) - Seasonal (05/01 - 09/30) Resident 50.00 Non - Resident 100.00 Canoe rental (Watzl's) 3.00 / hour Picnic Shelter/Band Shell/Gazebo Rental (Community Parks) Resident/non - resident 50.00 - 100.00/day PriorLake Lions Club (Sand Point Beach Only) No Charge School District #719, Youth Organizations, Non - Profit Civic Groups, Churches and No Charge - Monday through Friday Governmental Agencies Lakefront Park Pavilion Rental: Resident Group (private) 300.00/day, 200.00 damage deposit Non - Resident* Group (private, public or business) 450.00/day, 200.00 damage deposit *Outside of corporate city limits of Prior Lake School Dist rict #719, Prior Lake youth organizations, Prior Lake non - profit civic groups & Prior Lake Churches (Mon - Friday, 2 hr min. w/ 1hr. setup at no charge) 25.00/hour (Sat., Sun. & City Holidays) 300.00/day Club Prior Rental: Resident 25 .00/hour, 200.00 damage deposit (Mon - Fri, 2 hr. min./Sat, Sun, City Holidays 4 hr. min) Non - Resident 45.00/hr, 200.00 damage deposit (Mon - Fri, 2 hr. min./Sat, Sun, City Holidays 4 hr. min) Community Garden (05/01 - 10/31) R ental - Resident/Nonresident Cost Per Agreement FIELD RESERVATIONS: Cost Per Agreement SOFTBALL TOURNAMENTS: Cost Per Agreement PARK PERMITS Boat Trailer Parking (Sand Point Beach) - Saturday, Sunday & Holidays $20.00/day Daily Admission (Sand Point Beach) - Saturday, Sunday & Holidays $5.00/day Season Park Sticker (resident/non - resident) $25.00 / $50.00 Park Program Surcharge (non - resident) $5.00/person, per program Picnic Table Moves (minimum 4 tables) $15.00 / table B each Groups (over 25 people) $20.00 / bus Barricades (minimum 2 barricades) $10.00 / barricade Garbage Barrels (minimum 2 barrels) $10.00 / barrel ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES: Administrative Plat Fee $150.00 CIC Plat Fee $150.00 Comprehensive Plan Amendment $500 + $10/ac. Concept Plan $200.00 Conditional Use Fee $350.00 Conditional Use Major Amendment $200.00 Fence Permit n/c Final Plat Application Fee $150.00 + $5/lot Final Plat Major Modification $200.00 GIS final plat fee $25. 00 + $10/lot Home Occupation Permit $10.00 Letter of Credit (residential building relocation) $5,000.00 Metes & Bounds Subdivision $150.00 P.U.D. (new) 500.00 + 10/acre P.U.D. (final) $200.00 P.U.D. Minor Amendment $200.00 P.U.D. Major Amendm ent $500.00 Preliminary Plat Application Fee $500.00 + $10/lot Preliminary/Final Plat Combination Fee $200.00 + $5/lot Registered Land Survey $150.00 Rezoning $300.00 + $10/ac. Sidewalk Sales Permit $100.00 Sign Permit (permanent) - Single Te nant Buildings $35.00 - 1st 40 sq. ft. plus .25/sq. ft. thereafter Sign Permit (permanent) - Multiple Tenant Buildings $45.00 - 1st 40 sq. ft. plus .25/sq. ft. thereafter Sign Permit (temporary) $35.00 Sign Permit Deposit (temporary) $100.00 Site P lan $300.00 Survey Waiver $50.00 Tree Preservation Lot Deposit $100 per inch of required replacement; minimum $500 Vacation Fee $200.00 Variance Fee (Other) $200.00 Variance Fee (Single Family Residential) $150.00 Variance Fee (Subdivision Ordi nance) $200.00 Zoning Code Amendment $350.00 Zoning Appeal (Administrative & Planning Commission) $75.00 Zoning Verification Letter $35.00 MUNICIPAL FINANCING APPLICATION FEES: TIF Reassignment Cost Annexation Filing Fee (plus city expen ses) $500.00 Preliminary TIF Application Fee (plus city expenses) $2,500.00 TIF Application Fee Escrow Deposit(based upon expenses incurred) $12,000.00 Conduit bond financing origination fee $50,000.00 PUBLICATIONS: (many are available online at no charge) Audit Booklet $10.00 Budget Booklet $15.00 CIP Booklet $15.00 City Code Book (purchase/update) - $100.00/$25.00 Comprehensive Plan $50.00 Comprehensive Utility Plans (each) $25.00 Public Works Design Manual $10.00 Subdivision/Zo ning Ordinance Booklet $25.00 MAPS: (many are available online at no charge) Aerial Maps (small/regular/large) $5.00 / $10.00 / $15.00 Plan Copies (regular/large) $5.00 / $10.00 Developers will be given 1 set of S&W asbuilts at no charge - addnl prints will be charged above rate City Maps (small/regular/large) $1.00 / $5.00 / $10.00 Topo Maps (small/regular/large) $10.00/ $15.00 / $25.00 GIS data files (cd format) 2 - ft contours, planimetric data $12.00/ac. parce ls only $.05/parcel custom data $50.00/hr. MISCELLANEOUS: Copy charge per page $.25 ea. DVD/VHS copies $5.00 Sand bags (Actual cost) Wetland marker signs $5.00 Memorial plaques $200.00 Memorial trees $250.00 Memorial benches: 6' metal coated $850.00 Street standard plates (cd format) $5.00 This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. th Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 7 Day of January 201 3 . ATTEST: ________ _________________ __________________________ City Manager Mayor Summary Ordinance p ublished in the Prior Lake American on the 12th day of January, 201 3 .