HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17 Architectural Standards 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 04-17 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1107.2200 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that: 1. Section 1107.2200 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: 1107.2201 Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to serve the public interest by requiring development in the City to meet certain minimum architectural design standards. Through a comprehensive review of both functional and aesthetic aspects of new or intensified developments, the! City needs to accomplish all of the following objectives: ~ Implement the goals and policies set out in its Comprehensive Plan; ~ Preserve the character of residential neighborhoods and the City's commercial and industrial areas; ~ Maintain and improve the- City tax base; ~ Reduce the impacts of dissimilar land uses; ~ Promote orderly and safe flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic; ~ Discourage the development of identical and similar building facades which detract from the character and appearance of the neighborhood; ~ Preserve the natural and built environment; and ~ Minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties from buildings which are or may become unsightly. 1107.2202 Standards. The provisions in subsection 1107.2202 apply to commercial, industrial, multi-family residential (projects of 3 or more dwelling units per building), public and institutional uses. (1) The visual impact of rooftop equipment shall be minimized using one of the following methods: ~ A parapet wall. ~ A fence or screen, the height of which extends at least 1 foot above the top of the rooftop equipment and incorporates the architectural features of the building. ~ The rooftop equipment shall be painted to match the roof facing material of building. (2) The development must locate the noise-producing portions of the development, such as loading docks, outside storage and outside activity away from adjacent residential areas. R:\ORDINANC\2004\04-17.doc www.cityofItiorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 I Fax 952.447.4245 (3) All outside storage areas shall be screened to minimize off-site views using a bufferyard type "C" or greater, as defined by Section 1107.2005. (4) Utility service structures such as utility meters, utility lines, transformers, above ground tanks, refuse handling, loading docks, maintenance structures, and other ancillary equipment must be inside a building or be entirely screened from off-site views. (5) All utility services shall be under ground except as provided elsewhere in this Ordinance. (6) Exterior surface materials of buildings shall be subject to the following regulations: a. Classes of Materials: For the purpose of this subsection, materials shall be divided into Class I, Class la, Class II and Class III categories as follows: Class I: Brick, marble, granite or other natural stone, textured cement or synthetic stucco, copper, porcelain, and Hlass are Class I exterior building materials on buildings other than those used as dwellings which contain few: eiaht or fewer dwelling units. Synthetic stucco shall be installed a minimum of four feet above the foundation of the buildina. 'Nood, fiber cement or hiaher impact rated vinyl siding (at least .044 inches in thickness) and prefinished metal are Class I materials on residential buildings containing feijf eiaht or fewer dwelling units in addition to the other Class I materials listed in this subsection. Class la: Fiber cement sidina. Class II: Exposed aggregate concrete panels, burnished concrete block, integral colored split face (rock face) and exposed aggregate concrete block, cast-in-place concrete, Jrtiflcial stucco (such as: EIFS), artificial stone, and prefinished metal. Class III: Unpainted or surface' painted concrete block (scored or unscored), unpainted or surface painted plain or ribbed concrete panels, and unfinished or surface painted metal. b. Minimum Use of Class I Materials Required. At least 60% of each building face visible from off-site must be constructed with Class I materials except as permitted by subsection 1107.2202 &...Ql below. Where Class la materials are used in combination with Class I materials the sum of the Class I and Class la materials shall be equal to or areater than 60% and at least 30% of the buildina face must be Class I materials. Class la materials are credited at .75 square feet for each 1 square foot. c. Maximum Use of Class III Materials Permitted. Not more than 10% of each building face visible from off.-site may be of Class III materials. Metal aaraae doors on residential structures may not exceed 20% of the buildina face. Portions of buildings not visible from off the~ site may be constructed of greater percentages R:\ORDINANC\2004\04-17.doc 2 of Class II or Class III materials if the structure otherwise conforms to all City Ordinances. The mixture of building materials must be compatibly integrated. ET. d. Buildings in the General Industrial Use District: Class I materials may be reduced to a minimum of 250Ic, for buildings in the 1-1 Use District which are not located on a principal arterial, minor arterial, major collector, or adjacent to or across from any "R" Use District, provided that the remaining materials are functionally and durably equal to a Class I material as certified by the developer's architect or the manufacturer. Class I materials may be reduced to a minimum of 25% for building walls in the "1- 1" Use District facing on a principal arterial, minor arterial or major collector, or adjacent to or across from any "R" Use District, provided that the remaining materials are functionally and durably equal to a Class I material as certified by the developer's architect or the product manufacturer and that the architectural design and site plan meet the following minimum criteria: >> The exposed height of the building wall shall not exceed 15 feet. >> The number of required plants shall be increased by 20% or the size of 20% of the overstory trees installed shall be increased to 3 1/2 caliper inches. >> A minimum of 10% of the building facade must be windows or glass spandrels. e. Use of Non-Listed Materials: Staff may permit an exterior surface material not identified in subsection 1107.2202 (6) provided the material: >> Is a result of new technoloqv; and >> Is equal to or better in Qualitv and durabilitv than those materials identified. The applicant must submit the manufacturer's warranty of the non-listed material. This subsection does not intend to reduce the percentaae of required materials. (7) In addition to the minimum criteria, the following additional architectural design elements may be considered in determining whether to permit the reduced use of Class I materials: building bulk, general massing, roof treatment, proportion of openings, facade design elements and variation, fenestration, compatibility of materials, color, and texture. Site plan design elements which will be considered in determining whether to reduce the Class I building material requirement include quantity, quality, variation, compatibility, and size of plant materials, landscape berms and screening walls. Also considered will be the overall harmony and unity of the various elements of the architectural design and site plan within the site and also within the larger context of the area or corridor. Generally, buildings of lower height, lesser bulk, pitched or gabled roofs, variations in facade, and numerous fenestrations and openings will be considered eligible for a reduction in the use of Class I materials. Generally, site plans with increased amount, variation and size of landscape materials and higher landscape berms and screening walls will be considered eligible for Class I material reduction. R:\ORDINANC\2004\04-17.doc 3 (8) Building design shall be consistent with the following requirements: a. The height, bulk, general massing, roof treatment, materials, colors, textures, major divisions, and proportions of a new or remodeled building shall be compatible in design style and character with that of other buildings on the site and on adjacent sites. b. No unbroken building wall may exceed a 4:1 ratio of wall length to wall height, and each building wall deviation at the 4: 1 ratio shall be a minimum depth of 4 feet; where a maximum 3:1 wall length to wall height ratio is used, the minimum depth of each building wall deviation may be reduced to 3 feet; where a maximum 2:1 wall length to wall height ratio is used, the minimum depth of each building wall deviation may be reduced to 2 feet. c. No building may display more than 5% of any elevation surface in bright, pure accent colors. d. Design review shall be done by the Planning Department. e. The site lighting shall provide adequate light for the safety and welfare of persons using the site but shaU not present a nuisance or hazard and shall otherwise comply with Section 1107.1800. f. For projects within all Use Districts where the lot area exceeds 50,000 square feet, at least 1 % of the lot area shall be devoted to pedestrian use such as plazas or walks. g. New additions, alterations, or accessory buildings: The exterior wall surface materials, roof treatment, colors, textures, major divisions, proportion, rhythm of openings, and general architectural character, including horizontal or vertical emphasis, scale, stylistic: features of additions, exterior alterations, and new accessory buildings shall conform to the original architectural design and general appearance of the principal building(s) on the site and shall comply with the requirements of this subsection. h. The relationship of the building to the site and adjacent property, including site access and pedestrian movement shall be complementary. i. In any instance where the Zoning Administrator denies a permit or a request for preliminary approvall of building materials or building design, the applicant may submit an appeal of the interpretation, based upon the plans and other papers on file in the office of the Zoning Administrator, to the Board of Adjustment without payment of additional filing fees of any kind. Appeals shall be considered according to the procedure outlined in Section 1109.300. R:\ORDINANC\2004\04-17.doc 4 1107.2203 Architectural Standards ADDlvina to One and Two Familv Residential Uses. Individuals, builders or groups of builders shall not construct a house design which has identical front elevations to any house or proposed house where a building permit has been issued with the following exceptions: a. Identical front elevations may be allowed on no more than 25% of platted lots within a block. However, identical front elevations shall not be allowed on adjacent lots or in cul-de-sac turnarounds. b. The provisions of this subsection apply to Planned Unit Developments and Conditional Use Permits, but may be modified with the consent of the City Council. c. To determine compliance with this subsection, the Zoning Administrator may require the permit applicant to submit exterior elevations of the proposed structure, and photographs of the front exterior of neighboring houses, in addition to all required materials for a building permit application listed in subsection 1109.501. A list of exterior finish materials and colors may also be required. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 5th day of April, 2004. A TTE~ A ISI ~~ City Manager _/SI Mayor w:~ R:\ORDINANC\2004\04-17.doc &:; ....1 _......... _... 4 ..."............" ~....~....~ ORDINANCE NO. 04-17 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1107.2200 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that: 1. Section 1107.2200 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: 1107.2201 ~. The purpose ofthis Section is to serve the public interest by reqUiring development in the City to meet certain minimum architect\i,ral design standards. Through a comprehensive review of both functional and aesthetic aspects of 1 cerfll'le(fOy-ure developer'sa.rcIiIfeCt (or the product manufacturer and that I fthe architectural design and site plan! meet the following minimum criteria:! ] 0 The exposed height of the: ] building wall shall not exceed 15 feet. o The number of required 1 plants shall be increased by 20% or t the size of 20% of the overs tory trees ; installed shall be increased to 3 1/2 caliper inches. I I A minimum oflO% ofthe bUilding! facade must be windows or glass: , spandrels. Use of Non-Listed Materials: Staff · mav nermit an exterior surface ~- ~. ,.J...._~.:~prl ':.D-A:lJ~at.i.on..\ upon the plans and other papers 'on I ,file in the office of the Zoning: , Administrator, to the Board of! Adjustment without payment of; additional filing fees of any kind. i Appeals shall be considered according : to the procedure outlined in Section; 1109.300. Affidavit of Publication Southwest Suburban Publishing State of Minnesota) )SS. County of Scott ) Laurie A. Hartmann, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the publisher or the authorized agent of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Shakop:e Valley News, Jordan Indepen- dent, Prior Lake American and Savage Pacer, and has full kno",ledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 33IA.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified as No. ?~7 was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size of type used in the composition and publication of the Notice: Architectural w Individuals, i bu' ers of builders shall. not construct a house design which' has identical front elevations to anYI house or proposed house where a building permit has been issued with the following exceptions: : a. Identical front elevationsl may be allowed on no more than '25 % ~ of platted lots within a block.: Howeyer, identical front elevations! shall notbe allowed on adjacent 10ts1 or in cul-de-sac turnarounds. } b. The provisions of thisl subsection apply to Planned Unit~ Developments and Conditional Use~ Permits, but may be modified with~ the consent of the City Council. ; c. To determine compliancei, with this subsection, the Zoning Administrator may require the permit applicant to submit exterior' elevations of the proposed structure,> and photographs of the front exterior~. of neighboring houses, in addition to.' all required . Is for a building~, pIca n listed in- subsection 1109.50 list of exterior:! fini a colors may also l be required. ~ This ordinance shall become:, effective from and after its passage~: and publication. : Passed by the City Council of the l: City of Prior Lake this 5th day of I April, 2004. ATTEST: Frank Boyle Jack Haugen (Published in the Prior Lake American on Saturday, April 17, 2004; !' No. 7457) I aql qnM. .raqw301 'Joa.raq13uTsH.raApti aql JO pm~ ales PIes JO sasuadx~ aq1 JO aATsnl:>xa 'ales PTes JO AeI'\ '~"',T ::>n, '" n::>,nifntn~8lpn"T\ ""'12(""'''4 e al{Bl 01 .10 '3e1 asua:>H e Haj.Ialuno:J olldwane .10 naj.laluno:>,ol IllJM.elun aq rreqs H 'Oo'g$ aq neqs 3el all~:>Hdnp e ~uTuTelqo .1oJ aaJ aq.L 'lsol sT 3elle:J .10 ~op leuI~po aql JT .1a~euew AH8 :\In ~n n~n~~T ~n ~mn ~P.1 ''''~ Tn stnr Subscribed and sworn before me on ,2004 GWEN M. RADllENZ NOTARY F'UBLIC MINNESOTA My Commission ~iRlS Jan. 31, 2005 RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... $22.00 per column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter................................. $22.00 per column inch Rate actually charged for the above matter.............................................. $10.85 per column inch