HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-002CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO, 87 -02 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4. The Council of the -City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Prior Lake City Code Title 9, Chapter 4, sections 3 -11, are hereby amended to read as follows: 9 -4 -3: CONNECTION TO CITY'S SYSTEM At such time as . Municipal water system becosies available and within a,one year period, property served by a private water system shall make a direct connection,to the public water system, in,."upliance w th'this Chapter. (Ord. ,.� 72-10, CONNECTION PERMITS: _ (A) 11 Permit must tie'o to connect ta., existing water service leads at the stop box.`alhenev i7 the water service { ° connk-- ��tions are q6hn cted to the etc the owner must ` also �imultaneously install the properly'�sised meter. The 1,) Y ' fee for each such psroit.ssued shill determined at,the. 1 discretion -of the City Council,' (1979 Code) u v must reimburse this City for th�"cost of the water ( B) The onex meter. Installation of the meter shall be,done at the expense o!'the owner b y a plumber licensed to make such � installations in the City. (Ord. 72 -10, 10- 16 -71) (C) A connection fee of three hundred fifty 4ollars ($350.00) shall he charged per unit connected sub to an adjustment as determined b'yy the City Council. One -half (1/2) of the fees gollected as unit connection charges .r under this ou bdivision shall be applied towards trunk maintenance and reserve capacity constrviotion of the M_ Municipal system. ThQ remaining ono -hall: (1/3) shall" be placed in the •swer and Mater Fund as revenue to offset ,t € operational expenses. (D) A detached, single - family dwelling shall be considered as a standar& unit. Other users shall be charged in accordance 'x�t with the - number o! units connected and in accordance with the unit charges established by the Metropolitan waste, Contro=l Commission. (1079 Code) ° Any person not &licensed Viumber, desiring to construct or connect a Municipal water systent�to a building k 4 e w th City shall City apply to the Cit Manager for a _l permit for said construction. The, application shall be S submitted on forms furnished by the City Plumbing Inspe,ctpr` and shall be accompanied by a permit and inspection fee -to be determined at the discretion of the City Council. L a A permit shall be required for each separate construction site and job. A permit shall be required for each connection to the Municipal water system if there is more than one on a particular,construetion site or j ob, 2. No permit shall be issued unless the applicant has filed with the City Manager a surety bond in'the face amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) running in favor of the City, saving the City harmless for any loss, 'work damage, cost or expense by reason of any performed under this section or by reason of improper or inadequate performance or compliance with the terms of this Section. 3. subsequent to receiving a permit,,written notice of intent to commence construction uhall be given the City Plumbing Inspector at least twenty -four (24,) hours before commencement of construction. If no notice is given, the applicant may be assessed up to a one hundred dollar ,., ($100.00) administrative charge. 'p 4. It shall be the duty of the City Plumbing Inspector to inspect the construction regulated by this Section and all construction found to be in violation of either''State law or City ordinance shall be,corrected by the applicant and if said connections are not made..within a reasonable time, the City Plumbing Inspector may either removi` i work done she the'cost or correct the violation and he or say chargii correction to the City of said removal or the or of the may effect a partial or complete forfeiture applicant's surety bond to pay said costs. 5. Nothing in this Section shall permit installation or . cornec ion o! an,�plumbing within the prertses other than . connection of, or running to the premises, the water main from the Municipal system to the premises. A separate water line from a well, to be used for drinking purposes only, will be allowed. A maximum of one faucet may connected to this line. (F) Any amount due hereunder for water charges say be collected in an action brought for that purpose in the name of the City; or the City Manage= may c to the County Auditor the amounts due for the charges including penalty, together with, legal description of the promises served, and the County Auditor shall thereupon enter such amount with the tax levy of said premises collectible with the taxes with the next ensuing year. (1979 Cods) i„ i1 t -2— �� �� ,� _, .,. „, se+ r�ay.8rocaresasxj*exwrau »'a.'F �b '#�3 wrunxau.,:s.�:exw�t«nc:. -: �',wR� nn �src •:.0 �3t;l;.sf l� W ,. y ti. qr 5� a. 9 -4 -5s PAYMENT -OF PERMIT FEES: It is h4,reby ordained that any x property owner,.of the City who is `obligated;to:pay permit fees under R this Chapter shall have the right to make said payments over.a period of three (3) years, and payments shall be made as follows: " ourth, (A) The first payment shall =be 'lone f (1 /4) of the total amount due under this Chapt and shall be paid at the time the permit is 'sscured. ,1 v (B) The next payment shall be due on August 1 next following x the date issuance of the permit and each August 1 o ! thereafter until all three (3) have been made.; (C) Interest shall be at the rate of eight percent (8a) per y annum on the unpaid balance. (D) In the event of default in any of the payments, .xs prescribed above, it is understood that the entire, d've and owing to the City shall be assessud' upon ; the property taxes the following year subject'to an eight: percent (a!) interest charg A (E) It -is further understood that any person seeking benefit of:; t this time schedule waives the right to any public hearing on the assessment, and said persons shall sign a'waiver oUl ' notice o! bearing of assessment at ,'the, time of application for the permit. residential builder constructing a residential unit or un, ts, which are to be offered for sale on speculation with to City, 1 a designat4d purchaser may, upon application .the receive a defer�ispt -o! Mater and newer availability fees until such time as the waters to be turned on in said residential unit. Then said,builder must pay theentire amount. (Ord: 7'5-1, 2- 10, „ -75); . . 1 9 - - 6 : TAPPING MAINS; C hi: A charge shall be made, and collected for topping water mains where a curb box and lead were not previously installed.” This charge is to be pa at the time of making ; .application and is as follow: I z $200.00 t : service or 1 arger shall be installed by contractor by permit from thety Engineer, i (,) Street Repair Charge: When installation of 'service connection'requires excavation of the street right - way,,, ti a permit shall be saaured from the office the City t Engineer. The fee'for such permit is to be deterained at the discretion of the City Council and the cost for repair � of street surfacing will be determined by the 'City Engineer. 10 -10' 1979 CQdw) (Ord. 72 -10;' t.amd. F ,, -3- t � 4 ` For raising or lowering stop boxes to conform with ground level changes sad ®'by the property owner, a service charge of actual cost will be made. (Ord. 72- 10,,10- 16 -72)` t (;B) Excavation for Tapping: Excavations made foz the purpose of a tap from the City water mains 'shall be so ordered by the Water and Sawer,Superintendent-- Ample clear space shall be; allowed around tba main in;,,all cases to 4 insert the tapping machine. All'4xcavatione for tapping' ,. shall be safely curbed to the satisfaction of -the tappax.. In case the excavation is =not; properly made, suf sc ant clear_ spacoAs not provided, or the excavation is t r improp tly curbed, the tap :.shall not be made until the excavation, clear space and curbing are proper and safe. safe ladder shall be furnished by the plusher for the uae , of the purpose of inspecting the connection to the Citr- Pa> main'. (C) Time for Conn ection :, h!, for any cause, the plumber laying the service pipe should fail to .. have the connection mada e s the axcavvation ready for tapping the main at the 'time specified in his or her 'applliication, notice must'`be'given t to the Nator, and Sewer Department fixing another day on t „which h or she wish*& to make the connection. The notice. must.be given at least two (Z), days previous to the excavation for lainq the service pipe or making a tap and must�`he given der ng noraol working hours. 9 -4 - 7 i TAPPING OF KRIN8 PROHIBITED: No � person except author � q agents or employees of tht City shall tap any distributing main - ;or A. pipe of the city wats'r supply Stan or insert stopcocks or ferrules therein. F9 `k ° ' 9 -4 - 8: jr be iss PROPERTY'ASSESSMEM: No ppeermit shal to tap or =r connect with any water main either directly or indirectly from. eny lot or tract o'' and unless: (A) such tract or lot to be by such connection has been assessed !or' the cost -wi . which the connection, is to be made, or no assessment has hero levied for such construction cost, that proceedings for lilvyinq- such :assessment have been made or will be cosrenci in due course, or t s (C) If no assessment has been lev�!Iod end assessment proceedings will be , •cns�plated% in due course, but a sum. equal to 'the cost ` of sad ut'Alties shall have been paid-to -the City as determined by t�Ai City Council, not to exceed ,.. benefit to the `}property. j o , 114 I � . "TCk�\"�!"ft �."�1wwx.a�.*`4� '- ',i.'a'+iil � . 4n•*>" 7" L A u'$t' � w:tt� a ... #. :x- , >s;; r+,r. � ' ' 9 -4 -9: WATER USE RESTRICTIONS: (A) Turning on Water:,, No person, eucept an authorized City agent or employee shall turn on any water supply at the stop box'. No permit will be issued unless the' house number ` as given by the Building Department is prominently displayed, and no such permit shall be giveen anyone but a licensed plumber. (B) S,apply From Service: No more than one house or building shall be supplied from one service connection, except by special_permisaion of the City Engineer. Whenever two (2) or more parties are supplied fro one pipe, . connecting with the distribution main, each building must :• have a separate stop box and a separate motor.' (C) Abandoned Services: All service installations connected to the water system that have been abandoned or have , 10 t been used for three (3) years, or for any reason have ;become useless for further service, shale. be disconnected at the main by the, City unless waived by the City Engi'ne*r, and ry all pipes and appurtenances removed shall become the Q �. • property of the City. When` now buildings are erected on the > fR site of old ones, sand` it is desire& to increase or change " the'old water service, no connections with the mains shall be made until all of the old services shall have boon removed and the main lu ed. If any contractor, workman or p qq employee upon such building shall -cause or allow any service .:p "ipe to be hammered together at the ends to` stop h# the. floe of water,. or to save expense in removing such pipe r .w =frog the main, the• owner such building', such workman and contractor shall, upon conviction thereof, be "`guilty of a misdemeanor, .,and: remove said service -pipe frog'the Agin 1 It he 'or she s*all fail to do so on twenty -four (24) r w hours' notice, he or she shall be obligated to`the City for x cost incurred by it for such removal. (D) Use Confined to Premises: Ito person shall permit water F.. from the City water supply system tto be used for any,.\ x �•.t purpose except upon .his or her own premises. (Ord.. 72 "10, 10- 16 -72 -) z' 9 -4 -10: WATER RATES; HATER TONER CHARGEi''DELINQUENCY: "y (A) Water Rates: The rates for water shall be as 'follows: 1. Effective on January 15, 1965: One dollar forty cents peer one thousand (1, 000') gallons. 2. A'minimux.charge °of live dollars ($5.00) per two (2) month billing•perod per user shall be made for sewer and n water. -5- r t 3. There will be a delinquency charge of ten percent (104) on any bills which are delinquent within the terms of this Chapter. '.+ 4. Residents failIr return their meter reading for two (2) consecutive b lling - periods will be billed a ten dollar- `" ($10.00) service charge and the City will read the meter, ti 5. All water and.,.sewerr'bills are the responsibility of the property owner. (Ord. 84 -15, 11_- 13 -84) (B) Water Tower Charge: 1. The water tower charge shall remain at one hundred w fifty dollars ($150.00) prior to August 1, 1979. 2. A charge of two hundred dollars ($200.00) per unit 3 shall, be made for all connections to the City water system from August 1, 1979 through December 31, 1982. Said two hundred dollars ($200.00) per unit may be paid in five (5) equal annual installments at an eight percent (8%) 'interest rate. Said two hundred dollar ($200.00) connection fee per ; unit shall be planed in a !?find maintained' by the City in Y order to accumulate funds fair the coiiitruction of future ; water stcraga facilities and' needed future walls. a` 3 A charge of two hundred tiny dollars ($250.00) per unit shall be made for all connections to the City water system affective January 1, 1993. Said two hundred fifty ' dollars,.( =250 00) per unit shall be paid upon issuance of a builds permit or at the time the Cit y "turns on the water %- ' a for said user. Said two hutarad =fifty dollars `($25.,0.00) per f "° unit charge shall be paid into a fund maintained °by.the {= City to accumulate necessary lands for future grater storage facilities and Luture- weile. (ord. 94 - 05,, 2- 6 94)` > � (C) 9slinquency: Said water system usage bill is delinquent if not paid within ten (10) days o! the date of billing, and f the eater sexvioe of any user may be terminated by the City whenever any water bill •shall ' rMain del for a s, period of ten' (10), dayw or sore. if water service is -terminated by the City for delinquency, ?; in the payment of a water usage bill or for any other reason, a fes�of fifteen dollars ($15.00) wili'be made for turning on said vatar service, payable in advance. If said water service is turned on during a time other than normal business hours, a_!e'e of dollars ($50.00) shall be charged'to cover the City's expense for call -back time. r If a eater usage bill remains unpaid for a period of ninety . (90) days, after it becomes delinquent, the same shall r ? constitute a lien on the real estate subject to an interest rata of sight percent (at) per annum and the City Manaqer , r r i s i x • � .._.�yY.r':ansuat.r . :_, ..� ... -. +,ttr. ;..fib a.. .... _. ...btW y{;'„4 v A _ # r ), shall forthwith fili a lien against the real estate for the unpaid amount of the bill, notifying by _mail the owner of v„ " the real estate of said fact. In the event that it tecomes necessary for the City Manager to file such a lien on the {` real estate, then and in that event, an additional fee of' „ ten dollarr ($10.00) shall be charged and added to the bill and the lien when filed. (O 74 -1, 1 -7 -74) ;fir ' The following sections of Prior Lake City Code Title 9, Chapter 4, shall remain unchanged but are hereby renumbered as follows: ; 9 -4 -12, SERVICE PIPES, is renumbered 9 -4 -11 9 -4 -13, REPAID OF LEAKS, is renumbered 9 -4 -12_ 9 -4 -14, XZTER REPAIR OR RRPLKCEMENT, is renumbered 9 -4 -13' 9 -4 -15, DEFICIENCY OF'WATER AND SHUTTING OFF WATER, is ' renumbered 9 -4 -14 9 -4 -16, RESTRICTED HOURS FOR SPRINKLING, is renumbered a 9 -4-=15 ` 9-4-17, USE OF FIRE HYDRANTS, is renumbored`9 -4 -16 ; f N» Prior Lake City Code Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 9 -4 -18 is hereby' renumbered and amended to read as follows: # 9 -4 -17: PRIVATE WATER S.UPPLIES': No water pipe of the City water ' supply, system shall be connected with any pump, well or tank that is connected, with any source of water supply and when such are found, the Inspector shall notify the owner to disconnect the same, and °if '.4 not done immediately, the public water supply shall be turned off. 4 Before any new connection to the City system is permitted, the :' Inspector shall.'ascertain that no cross con nectione will exist when =r• the new connection Is made. It is to be specifically understood that , water from private sources, when a public supply is 'available, cannot be used for any purpose within the city limits, except for outside.r' uses and one faucet per residential dwelling unit. (Ord. 77 - 11, E1 t, 1- 9-78) _ The .following sections of Prior Lake City,Code Title 9, Chapter 4 shall remainunchanged�-_and are hereby renumbered as follows: 9 -4 -19, DISCONTINUANCE`OF SERVICE FOR VIO,?4AT O I W3, is renumbered 9 -4 -18 ,, 9 -4 -20, PENALTY, is renumbered 9 -4 -19, This ordinance 'shall become effective from and after its passage and Publication. u z t` -7- j I e 1Rni 2ikd�v� -,��