HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-003... ),.: CITY.OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO, 87 -03'' «?? AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE TITLE 9, CHAPTER 5. The Council,of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: J Prior Lake City Cod• Title 9, Chapter 5,,Soctions 3 -8, are hereby amended to read .as follows: 9 -5 -3 SEWAGE DISPOSAL: ('A) It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner upon Public or private property within the City or in any area under the j urisdiction of th City;, any human or animal excrem garbage or other obje-z-tionable waste.'' ' 4 (B) any _ It shall be unlawful to discharge into an natural'-outlet within the City or in any,area 'under the u of the City, any sanitary sewage,rrindustrial wastes, or other polluted water*.>" (C) Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful toy construct or maintain any privy,oprivy. vault`. septic tank, � ° cesspool or.other facility intended or used for the disposal of savage. ' / (D) The owners o! all houses, buildings or properties `us•d` for human occupancy,, employment, tocreation or other purpose, Jf situated within the City and abutting on any street; alley i or right of way in which there is now, located or may in f the Lure bs" looat•d a public sanitary sewn of the City be reby regnir•d at their •xponss to install a suitable toilet facility therein, and.to connect` such °facilities /` directly with ,the. proper public sever in accordance Kith i m} the pravisions „o! this Chapter, within ninety (9C,) %days arter the date o! official notice o to do. =9, _(ord:'72 10- 16 -72) ' 9-5-4: COMNZCTXOK TO CITY SYSTZK: - At such tip as a ltunicipah sewer system >_becomes available and within a one, ear period,-pproperty served by tl` a private septic system shall make edirect connection to the public sewer system, in compliance with this Chapter., (Ord. 72 =10 10- 16 -72) 9-5-5: J. CONNECTION PLrAUTS <. J (A).-: _e An arson ;� � Any .p erson , not a licensed plumber, desiring to construct i - -° a ;septic tank systou('and%or make a connection between a ,1 Municipaln"sewer system and a previously installed sewer facilityf /in a building within , ,:%6ity shall 'apply to the City Manager tor.a permit for said construction. The A41 �N R ,* i3'�''er + pis ' «” � � p • application shall be submitted on forms furnished '�y the City Plumbing Inspector and shall be accompanied b a permit and inspection fee to be determined at the, discretion of the City Council. (Ord. 73 -8, 5 -7 -73; amd. 1979 Code) (B) A connection fee of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) K shall be charged per unit connected subject to an adjustment as determined by the City Council. One -halt . „F (1/2) of the fees collected an unit connection charge: }. under this subdivision shall be applied towards trunk Maintenance and reserve capacity construction of the municipal system. The remaining one -half (1/2) shall be placed in th sewer a nd Mater fund as revenue to offset operational expenses. (C) A detached single - family dwelling shall be considered as the standard unit. Other users shall be charged in . accordance with the number of units connected and in °4 accordance with the unit charges established by Metropolitan. Waste Control Commission. (1979 Code) , (D) No permit shall be issued unless the applicant has filed with' the .City ,,Manager a Qsurety bond in the face amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) running in favor of the City, saving the,Cty haraless for any loss,. damage, ,cost or expense by reason of any work performed under this Section or by reason of improper or inadequate performance or compliance with the terms of this ,Section. *' (E)' Subsequent to receiving a permit, written notice of intent to commerco.construction shallbe given to the City a . Plumbing Inspector at last twenty -lour (2e) hours before commenceant of construction. If no notice i s given, the applicant nay be, assessed up to a one hundred dollar ,w ($100.00) administrative obarge. (F-) It sball be tbe of the plumbing Inspector to inspect the construction regulated by this Section and all construction found to be in violation of either State law ` or City ordtinance shall be corrected by the applicant and if the corrections are not made within a reasonablR- time, the Plumbing Inspector say either remove the work done or correct the violations and he or shy may charge the costs of said removal or correction to the applicant, or the ` City may effect a partial or couplete. of the applicant's surety bond to pay said cots. '(Ord. 73 -8, 5 - 7 -73) (G 11r►yy amount due Hereunder for sewage chaff gem may be .' collected in an action brought for thatI: purpose in the name of'tho City, or the-.,City Manager may certify to the County ]Auditor the amounts due for sewar, hargee - including �:. penalty, together with the legal description on,the premises served, and the. County thereupon enter such amount wiht the tax levy on pr.eaises 1� collectible with the taxes for the neap. ensuing ,year. ;.. x (1979 Code) It ,... t -, -2- _I -- 9 SEWER SERVICE AVAILABILITY AND SAC CHARGES: (A) Unused Capacity Reserve: The Metropolitan Sewer Board has determined to reserve unused capacity in the metropolitan disposal system each year commencing in 1973 for local q A, Y government units in which new buildings to be connected to k the system and now connections to the system are commenced ' during each year, and to allocate the debt service costs' of such unused capacity for the year among sµch local kj ,g government units as•provided in Exhibit "A" adopted herein by_raterence, a};:d on vile in the office of the City Manager. in order for the City to pay such costs allocated a to it each rear, it will be necessary to establish sewer service availability and connectioin charges for all buildings.to ba constructed or connected to the metropolitan disposal system on or after January ,l,• 1973. (B) Establishment of Charg For the purpose of paying costs � of reserve capacity allocated to the city each year by the Metropolitan ewer Board, there,,is ,;ho% .established a charge fors 1.`' The availability of treatment works and interceptors r comprising the metropolitan disposal yet"; and 2. Connection, direct and indirect, to the metropolitan ; disposal system. The charge -is imposed on each builidnq or 4tructurain the city, and each connection to ° the metropolitan disposal system directly or through the City's system, inside any ewer service area established by the Mtropolitan sewer Board,, con struction of wh ich - ii - oOm on: or after b• la u - n the Mall January 1, 1973. "The char" psYn ' isswnoe of }a building permit or a connection persmit, aw the class may be, but no cha=fe shall be dae upon the , issuawn of .a osmnso tion permit if ,a nlarpe Vas ,, paid open issrswe+e' fait s �1Ydi�p_�t� i!. �'Shc obar� '!xvr building or mtsuotnre shall be p:aal :;lo the it p r. of units of.. volume which it will discharge, multiplied •" by the follov $275 for 1973 $4 25 for 1901 { =300 for 1974 ;423 for 1902 $325 for 1975 $425 for 1993 , $350 for 1974 $425 for 1904 u $17S for 1977 $475 for 1905 =400 for 1970 =4�5 for 1901 M4 =425 for 1979 $525 for 1907 9425 for 1900 The following sections of Prior'Lake City Code Title.9, Chapter - , '�5 z shall remain unchanged but are, hereby renuatbered as follows., ,x. sp a , x , 9 -5 -6: PAYMENT OF PERMIT FEES: It.,s hereby ordained that any property owner of the City who is obligated to pay permit fees under this Chapter shall have the right to make said payments over a period of three (3) years, and payments shall be made as follows: (A) First payment shall be one - fourth (1/4) of the total amount due under this Chapter, and shall be paid at the time the permit is secured. (B) The next payment shall be due on August 1 next following the date of issuance of the permit and each August 1 thereafter until all three (3) payments have boon made. (C) Interest shall be at the rats of eight percent (0 %) per annum,, the unp balance. pa (D) In the event of default in any of the payments, as ,,. prescribed above, it is understood that the entire balance 'upon due and owing' to the City shall be assessed the, property taxes the following year subject to an eight percent (8_) interest charge. t (E) It is further understood that any person seeking benefit, of,this time schedule waives the right to any public hearing on the assessment, and said persons shall sign a waiver of notice of hearing of assessment at,, the tires' = of application for the permit. LR F An residential builder constructs a residential unit or units, vhich are to, be. offered for sale on speculation with a designated pwrchaser may, upon application to the city, receive a deferment of water and semer availability fees until such time as the water is to »e turmed'on in ` said residential unit. Than said builder must pay the entire amount. (Ord. 75 -1, 2- 10 -75) TA"JW Mang; C AWAM; A charge shall. be made and ' collected fate ' war maims �rLere a sesv I*" le Was net previously ,insta ed. This char" is to be paid at the time of making ,application end is. as follower >�« service ..................... ..,........... =100.00 °service, or larger shall be 6 " installed by contractor by permit from the City WW sneer 9 -5 -8: PROPEft'PY A88E88VZNT8: No permit shall be issued to tip of ' � connect with any sever gain either directly `or indiroctl.y free. any 4� f lot" or' tract of land - unless: (]�) such lacact or lot to be served by such connection, has been assessed for the cost with ; which the connection, is to be ° made,- or (`s) if no assessment has been levied for such construction. ,.► ;cost, that proceedings for levying such assessment have . „, been made or- will be commenced in due course, or -3- Wim Om (C) If no assessment has been levied, and no assessment proceedings will be completed in due course, but a sum equal to the cost of said utility improvements shall have been paid to the City as determined by the City Council, not to exceed benefit to the property. 9 - -9: SEWER USE RJNTES; DELINQUENCY: The rates of sanitary sewer for two systems shall,bi- as.folloWs# and said rates shall be a (2) month period And are applicable to those users connected to bath ag Municipal water and sanitary sewer system: (A) Rates: Effective as of January 15, 1985 - a billing charge of one dollar forty cents ($1.40) Per one thousand (1,000) gallons of water consumption during said period, not to exceed one hundred fifty percent (150 %) of the average for the December through June billings, shall be charged. There will be a delinquency charge of ten percent (10 %) on { any bills which are delinquent within term's of the Section. : . The rates for sanitary sewer system usage will be twenty n +' . dollars ($15.00) per two (2) month period for th owe users not connected to the Municipal water system.` All water and sewer bills are the responsibility of the property owner. + ON Delinquency: Said sanitary sewer system usage is-'. delinquent if not paid within ten (10) days of the date of, . L billing, and the water services of any user may be terminated by the City whenever any water or sanitarryy sewer usage bill shall remain delinquint, for a pariad of ten (lo) days or sore. If a ewer usage bill remains unpaid for a . period of ninety (90) days, after it bps," "li uant; thd, same 1 shall GwAtitute a lien c h - 1, Mw rral . Ntal 4ect to an interest rate of eight percent,;(89 ?, °per annum and the City _ w E Manager shall forthwith £i +e a lien r a9ainst the , 'real estate for„ the unpaid a��t of the `Mill, ttiet'�`yitq by << mail the owner of the reel estate of said fact -. In the a, event that it becorss:n ; pessary for the City Mlsnagar to file such a lien on the real estate,'then in that y" event an additional ffe of tan dollars ($10.00) shall be„ charged` and added to the bill and the lien whew filed. t. (C) Separate Metering: affective as of January 15, 1995, in "industrial the'evint any commercial or cue omer_ located ' within the City has its own water souroe separate from the City system, said commercial and /or industrial customer sh be permitted to install a separate meter for, measuring the ;'sanitary sewer system usage. The ch4'rges for said usage shill be one dollar forty cents ($1.40), per one Y thousand (1, 000)�gallons swage,, flow during the period nw set forth above. (Ord. 84 -15, 11- 13 -44) _sd<zL+'.o.'+. -^:7 Ui,.e3wf "ry .$,Y.^.i'ti«,�..m iaC%+tC$:�z` .° iry .n , 9 -5 -9, PERMITS, LICZNSES, FELLS, BOND AND INSURANCE, is renumbered 9 -4 -11 ..` 9 -5 -10, PRIVATE'SEN DISPOSAL, is renumbered 9 „5 -12 9 -5 -11, INDZPENDZNT Y$TlNS, is ssnuaibsrad 1 -5 -13 9` -5 -1Z, TYPU OF 14Bl1'M PWRIBITZD, is rrnUNb*rad 9 -5-14 DIXCYwGZ OF SURFACZ MAT W PZOMIBITRD, it', renumbered 9 -5 -15' .; ! -5 -14, CZRTAIN CONNZCTIONi .PR4![IZZTZO, is renumbered ; 9 -S' -1i 9 -5 -15, TANPZRING WITH SENZR BYSTZit, is renumbered 9- 5 -171� 9- 5 -16 , ENTRY UPON PRIVAT= PROPZRTY, is renumbered 9 -5 -16 9 -5 -17, , PUBLIC RIGHT OF NAY RZVZ R ;D, is renumbered.9 -S -19 di 9 -S -18, INDUSTRIAL USZR ,XZM M STRSKa'PM CHMM, is renumbered 9- 5 -19,, 9 -20, VARZAMS is rsnsabarad 9 -5 -21 SALTY, 1s 'rsnuUWred -5 9 -5 -22 This ordinance shall bsco�,%e effective from and after its passage,;and publication. t�assad by the Council this QaY Of 1947. ' ATTEST: Published in the-Prior take ' Awarican on the hY of 2947. t+essm Itelooes, Cola i Sta berg, P.A. 1ti�spol +ik, ximmsota 55603. � ) ` •T k 1 C • c r r l