HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-015� � � � � � � � � 5L. :� { Y1 �� ( 7•�q )' CITY OF PRIOR Lhn ORDINUCE W , 87 - 1111 ARDINl1iiCE ANEIIDING PRIOR Li1= CITY CODE TITLE 1, C>n1PTER I.' The Council o! the City `;o! Prior Lake does hereby oi+dain:. " k Titls a 1, . Chapter 1 0! Prior Laki City Coda"' s her eby asand d to mad as fo -heat u 3-1!!-4,u Pam 6IONS Ole STATS y TAW ADOPT=t ThiV provisions of' xisanasott: ststutas, Chapter 1` 011, w ith retarenc a to . 1. diiinition ; c! tarns, applications for`lioanses, granting'-of licenses, conditions o! licenses, rastriotions on co�isna�pton, ' pronrisicns on aaiatr;," 'Viability insurance..,- hours of sale and all: 'other aattari 1o ningGto the distribution and consuaption of -alcoholic .,bsriragas are herby adopted' and ,made, a part o! this Chapter as if fully sit `Ont Lorain. y 3 -1 =Y r D WLUM As' dalinld " by M. f# . A. soft 14011.101 "in and aaa,wtod' this Chapter ,,the following tarn shall Aaw the`" lol:arinq �ailtsgsa °(A) "711Qoh ►l o . is' y bavirags aorta ninq, sore than 4 „ oiw -bal! o!' .oeN p t 0 ' 3s ) a'oohol vol O Y •tnto�dcatiiq'I'3quor•'in "ethyl alcohol, fermented, . ,.: spisituoys, �rinons ,and 'Malt bwrages 'oontaininq more than 1. �t b! " a"lobi�ol 'bf►► �qht,_. C) Mltcn3atceiaataq salt "1 "gno;N"is any Galt liquor oontainnq not ' o x Y ' o�a��alP o b ona y'a ps t J0. 50) alcohol by voluaa nor �. �� ( 7•�q y , - - • S REQ UIRED: No rson , t. wholesalers or 3 1 3. LICEN REQ pe , e xcep t. manufacturers to "the extent authorised und er State , license, shall directly or indirectly, on any pretense or by any _ device, sell, barter, keep for sale, or otherwise dispose of alcoholic beverages as part of a ` commercial transaction, without firwt having obtained a license so to do,as provided in this Chapter. This section shall not apply to (1) medicines intended for therapeutic ' purposes and not intended as a beveriget (Z) industrial alcohol designed for mechanical, chemical, scientific, pharmaceutical, or . industrial purpossat or (3) nonpotab,a compounds or preparations containing alcohol. - 3 -1 -4: NOWINTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSES: The City shall" issue both off - sale °and on -sale licenses for the sale of nonintoxicating malt liquor. Any 'person licensed to sell _ intoxicating liquor at on - sale req u ired shall not bit fired to obtain a n on - sale °license under this secticn, and may sell nonintoxicating malt beverages at on - sale without further license. Any person licensed to -sell intoxicating liquor at "of! -sale sha not be required to obtain an off -sale lice=* under this section, and may sell nonintoxicating aIt beverages at off - sale °without further license. On -sale nonintoxicaiing malt liquor licenses may only be issued to drug s"toras, restaurants, hotels, clubs, bawling and establishments: used exclusively, for the sale nonintoxicating malt liquorwith� the incidental sale of tobacco and soft drinks. (A) 'Temporary on -sale nonintoxi�catinq malt liquor licenses may, be- issued to qualified clubs or charitable, religious or " oft organisations for temporary stands, booths and counters used at pianios, oslebrations and similar events. (s) The fee for a nonintoxicating malt liquor ,`license shall be fixed by the City Council in an ::amount. not to excited the maximum allow" under State law,; "so established. - 3 -1 -5: tIITOXICl1�l'IMt LIQUOR LIfNSEBt (A) On -sale intoxicating liquor licenses may be issued'to hotels, f' restaurants, bowling centers, qualified clubs and exclusive liquor stores. ,. Temporary on =sate intoxii?itinq liquor licenses may be .issued to ' qualffied" clubs' or charitable religious, or fit in with in ' organisati one; connsctidi social events the City „ sponsored .by the licenses. The license may authorise on- sales,, on premises' other than 'premises the lice"" owns or per anentlr occupies. 1111 salsa , of liquor, by such ' estaDlisbments, shall be. in a000rdance' -with X.S.A. section ` 340A.404. The license must be. approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety. The fee for an on - sale intoxicating liquor license shall be fixed 'by :the City in an amount not, to exoeed the maximum allowed under State law, if so established. in -1- n� ,wyws'a a„ lCu. Asaw,.rE'i .'C'.`• ': ... :, h'R j ., '°"N�M'�ss✓vmMG+�te. +4rc; " .,u a.' 1+vn'N'.!?•.T 'nM4114:x?+`jw M •4sm' A ��$,''� °V y ` , t t z �, V, J an applicant for such a license shall pay an investigation fee not to exceed the a►aximum allowed. under state m.� addition, law. (8) on -sale wine licenses may be issued to restaurants having facilities for seating; at least twenty -live (2's) guests at one time and shall permit the sale of wine of up to fourteen percent (.14 %) alcohol by volume for consumption with the sale of`food A wine license authorises th sale of wine on all days of the week. The license must be approved by the Ccmaissioner of Public safety. The annul fee for a wine license shall be fixed by the ;city council in an amount not to exceed the maximum allowed under State law,. if, so established. (e) off -sale intoxicating liquor licenses say be issued to < exclusive liquor stores. No more than one off; -seals intoxicating liquor license may be directly.or indirectly issued to any one person or for any one place in the City. 6ff -sale licensees say provide samples of wince, liqueurs, and cordials which t currently has in stock -and is ,i ioenses offering -,sale to general public without cbtaininnq an ` ,for additiorul L oensa,..provided the wins, liqueur, and cord al q samples are dispensed at no charge and consumed on the licensed r Praises during the peraitted,hours of off -sale in a quantity less than fifty (50) milliliters of mine per v per customer, and. twenty -live, (25) ,,�milliliters< o! liqueur - or c=ordial per ,variety per customer: ° The `fie f an otf -sale' license shall be fixed. by the City Council in an t nOtLI to eXceed the maximum al lam* under � state law,, !'established. (D) An `ofl -sale and, on -sale intoxicating liquor license may be issued t6 same licensee or in Lieu of issuing on -sale and rately to a off -sale licenses sepa licensee, a combination ; .otz- =sale and elf =sale license may be is 9 - 1 -6s spacin CONSUMPS L AND DISPLUY "P2RWMs No business establishment "or club which doss:not hold an on -sale intoxicating Liquor license may directly or indirectly allow the. display, of intoxicat�i l iquor or knowingly serve any C consumption and , liquid for tho purpose of mixing with`, toxicat nq Liquor without first'havinq'obtaSned apermit :. S bottle club permits may be issued. only to such bus_ mass.astashments or clubs as meet the requirements of M.S.k. section 340U.414, and, shall permit the consumption and display of intoxicating liquor on the premises. This pamit does not authorise,the sale of intoxicating liquor. _ !$.' Special.,orie -day consumption and display pGrR its may , issued to nonprofit. organisations in conjunction with social aativiti+s.in the t. city sponsored by those organizations. The permit shall allow the ° -3- "E •daNCUwtr+�+411k:'` I AA E� L,�1•'` 1»ti.r.uC<+i C liquor the but`','' consumption and display of intoxicating on premises, shall not alloti the sale of Intoxicating liquor. The permit spot be approved by the Comngissicn*.r of public.Safety and is valid only for the day indicated on. the permit. v The fees for special consumption and display permits shall be fixed by the city. Council in an amount not to exceed the aaxisua allowed under 'State law, if so established. 3-1 -7: 71ppLICKiIOK FOR LICENSES n ;. (A)' Every application for , a license to sell liquor shall be verified 'and filed /'Mith, the City Manager. 1►pplioations !or' liownses and pGr*Its shall state the lull name, residence address `'and telephone number of the applicants the applicant's data ` o! ', birth t% x4presentat•ions as to the applicant • s° cAaracter, with such references as me y be required the applicants , of appiied for: l icense being the citizenship`s the tyyppe business in connection with which the proposed license will opera and its location and' tolspLona number and such 'other information as the Council may fros ti" to _time require. sacb applicant shall also provide proof of e*nership{or tbe terms of the manaysent agreement for the busioyss in connection with '' Which the, license is, being sought. All information except naaei"' G and addresses ° of applicants shall'be.00nsidered private data in accordance with M.B.A. section , 13.41 %, subd. 2. (H) rn addition tor'containing the Infokmation required by .this section, very application Lfor license shall be in the fora c prescribed by, the Commissioner of Public safety, and shall p comply with -the requirements of N.S.A. section 340A.412..,No r` � person shall m"s .;k itlee" stateWt An an , applioatic .• z> (C) the ;City Council shal c ause.the . Pri or Lake'Police,De net to is i ~ st all also cause' the Prior lake ice, artsent Count conduct baokgrqund and financial investigationsof all applicants for licensee in for cn -sale intoxicating liq a000rdanx with N.S.A. Section 34011.412. unity shall given =to any person: to be Heard for or against tM 'granting a! ` the license. 7litwr such investigation and beariniq. ' the City I t; l Counoil'shall grant or refuse the application in � disoretton. No`glf -sal sw e license -shall beco effective until it, together *j - .th e bond furnished by the applicant, bas been approved by the ' Comaisaioner 'of Public Safety. ° � LFASILITY ` INSrtIR11NCE -n ° Y' o :.(1►) :Each application. {for the issuance `or r newal of a license shall be' `accompanied': by proof. of financial r�spoluibilitYY with rgard• Ito l aDilYty imposed by�N.S.A. section 3.40A. 01. Financial 'i-er'pon�iibliity -; way `be dssonstratedby filing with the City !o lice Manager. 4 certificate that there is in' of feet r them w ' period an houranoe policy or surety bond with voverages. "equal : -4 -. s , r • rf,..+rxr:.w%.ka,{��'3,�h' 4•et�«.:opFQ �aYa^.vauy- r to or greater than thW amounts specified in .Minnesota Statutes, section; 340x1.409,; or a certificate of the State sr"$u"r that license bas deposited cash or oaurties; with the f;�.ate Treasurer in an amount equal t6.,, or greater than the amount ; specified in M.B.A. sectioni 340]1.409. The amount Of insurance or bond ooverage or the amount of oash,or seourities;to be t . deposited shall be spooifird by the City Council. <, The liability insuran 'policy required hereunder met prwide'..� that it say not be canoelled for any Daum. br either tit insured or the - insurer unless the: cancelling .party has Brit �` given tan (1;0) days notice 'in„ writing to the City 'Manager of ii2lint cancel the policy. �) This section dace not apply, to on -sale nonintO><ieatipg salt" 'li..quor liquor licensees with sales o f.nonintoxicatinq' malt of less th&a. $lo,000 of nonintoxicating malt liquor for the prycs�_41 q ,year, or to-off-sale nonintoxicatibq, malt, liquor le►seu' with. sales Of nonintonicatinq malt liquor. of joss tban $20,0,00 for the preceding year, or to,holden of on -sale wins 1loenses with sales of than► $10,000 for. vine for th "less, preceding year. An affidavit of the licenineo ahali be roquirad ,w to establish, thin exeation;. (C) Ali proofs of - financial responsibility and exesption a`ftidavits filed with the City under this section shall be submitted by tbal CitY `to the cciaiissioner, of liublio Safety. ; 3 - 1 -9 2 DpND,, R�Q�TZRN'1';2 (]1) application, oar, an. intoxicating 'liquor license shall, be each » a000mpaieied ft- an appraved'suraty 'bond, cash, or On fed'' states gav�rn=" bonds ,,o!" equivalent market valueI?as provided p x.SA* emotion ,340A.412, sued. al. Such surety bond or, other security, shah :be in -an amount to. be, "specified by 04 City nannail subject to the minimum and maximum amounts specified in 1[.11.]►. ;Section► 340L.41Z. (,Z)- The security otfered under this ,seaticn: , "all be approved, by the Ctty Council and: in•the case b! apppp licants !or olfrsal" 1 licenses, by the, City Attorney. Operatioin of such off- sale.or oen -sal"' li boinwsses "without hawing on file at; all " times quor with the City ofleatiwry bond or, othir security. as required " ,an hssein hall be grounds !or ianaediate r• ;vocation of the license. „^4, 3- 1 -10,n PAYJ%W 91F I"=I T>ZR1t. 01 LICWS t ,< (�) each application for a license shall -be a000anipanied by receipt, from the. City finance ' Director for payment in lull 'o! 1 r"Utrod tees for'. the lice Al j :fear small be :paid int th e requisUpon hind o! the., Cit re jection o! ate; appl; oat on the l Y �n otor shall. refund:, on1 th `for. 4 the city hinanoe Y e ,license:, license nine. OtherviN,. no 'refund. ot° any :iioen" !N shall° be - 5 - permitted except as authorised under M.S.A. section 34011..408. F No refund of any other fees investigation fweal shall be permitted at any time., t (B) 1;11 licenses othor than special "temporary" licenses 'and special' "onc{ day Consumption and display" peraits''sha21 oxp re . on the lash' e day 'in'`June of each year. Each lioenst shall be issued for a period of one, year except that if a portion of °the. r• license year has "elapsed when the application is made, ; a jail on" aay�be, issued for the remainder the year for a pro ., r to fee. =n oomputinv such ! ",'any unoxpirod traction of a month ,"all I be' ted an one month. special "temporary" lcensas%,shaaned for not more than three (3) aonseoutiw days. Special "one -dsy consusption and display" permits shall be.i tor, -a period of one ,(1) day only.• -fir =ISSUANCE Oh LICENSES; TRANSFER: Each licenss .shall ba isssod .to the applicant onl Each A cansi shall be y ' issued only: for the preaisas desaribd in the application. No license say b� transferred to another Person or to another place without = approval fl, City° Counno 1. ;' 3 -1 -11 s,; ROMMS IMLIGIWA FM LICENSS! xNo liquor lic ense shall be issued ;toe (11) a rson not ,a citizen of, the United states or a resident °, al Nt• (ij a pbsaan undsr I years o! age. (C) a. perf"L,vbo within five , years ol.,tha liven" appl cation has begin ooavioted Of a villfuil violation of a, federal os,atate law or any,.oity- ordinance, includnq this ordinance,,, "gaysrtiuq the �aaiWagot are sale distribution, or ppoosssses3ion for ssle or I d stribut on o! nto2cating or nonidtoxioat nv malt liquors. d (D), � �' perso n has bad an i toxicating liquor or nonintoocicait nv lquor. revoked, lives years of the license 4 appilaatioa, or to any person Who at the: ti�i� . o! l�ae violation cNMns auY,intersst,.whether . as a holder of sore than !iw -n p roam of the ital 'stock o! a oorporatiod.lioansee; is a pa�ctn r or othe se in the premiMM or in tbi bvaness Iondhiotid "thereon, or to 4 corporation,- - p artnershipp, 'enterprise, ainsoaatioa, buiinss , or such prtreop is in .any, canner intereated. (E) a person not of good ra I character and repute. (>!� any, ; other parson - ineligibe' for sash license - by, state. law. a pppp ant unless 'be ' or she is the actual Owner of the i"a to which. the,licenss is- required, r. or'the manage of prsm ithin said presds+as,.' and - is a resident of -the `state, and resides. - i► a, fifty (SO)-. mile radiw of the City Hall o! the City. `j 7 , {„ . r �_ r �; „ t s �� _ .. ' � ..tr,� (C) No sale shall be made to obviously intoxicated persons., (D) Any peace officer shall have the unqualified rigqht to enter and inspect the prsmis".of the licensee during' business hours and following business hours as long as employees remain 'on the 'Promises to determine vhether'any of the provisions of this Chapter are being violated. (E) - A11 iicansees shall conspicuously post their licenses in their place of business. -1 —lss HOURS AM DAYS OP' SALE: (T No sale of nonintoxicating salt shall be made between 1 :00.A.M. and 8:00 A.M. on the days of Monday through Saturday, nor between 1 :00 A.M. and 12100 noon on Sunday. (8) No on -sale of intoxicating liquor shall be cads between 1:00 A.M, and 6:00 A.M. on the days of Tuesday through Saturday, between 12:00 midnight and,8:00 A.M. on Monday, after 1 :00 A.M. on Sundays (except as provided in this, chapter) and between 8:00 P.M. on December 3e and,a :00 A.M. on December ZS. (C) No off -sale olintoxicating liquor shall be made on Sundays, before 8:00. A.M. on- Monday through Saturday, after ts'00 p.M. on Monday.through-Thursday and alter 1010,0 P.M. on lriday and Saturday. ;Wo off -sale of intoxicating liquor shall`be lade on lent Yearn Day, January 1t on Independence Day, July 4; on ?hanksgiv i on Christias Day, December 15Z or after s:oo ,Days P.K. on Chri Lw, Dsoeabor 24'. Off Go of intoxicating liquor may be`:made until 10:00 P.K. on December 31 and July 3. unless;othsrvs. prohibited`. (D) 'No "tab lishment holdirW a bottle club pernit'.shall permit a person to consume or display intoxicating liquor, and no. person hall gonsttse or displ'iy intoxicating liquor between 1:00 A.M. and lZi00 noon on Sundays, and between 1:00 A.M. and :00 11.M.. on Monday: hrough Saturday- 3-1-16: SONDi1Y LIQUOR SALES Notwithstanding anything he in to ° the contrary ,'upon application to the City, Council, such eatabl shxsnts as meat the requirement* Of M.S.A. section 34o'.504,. and having' paid an additional-lee, not exceeding the maxisua allayed � tinder State 1awj, say :secure a, license `to -self li quor on Sunday'in acaordanoe with ' M.S.A. section 340A.594. li Amcatioat for Sunday licenses shall made to. the � governing body , of the City in the same manner as application for other licenses to scll.'intoxiioatinq liquors Is made. L ens shall be isiiued pursuant to M.B.A. section 340A.504 ° hotols .rostaurants,'bowling canters or club& which have facilities for serving not less than thirty (30) guests at one `tims,.and they say serve intoxicating liquor between the hours of twelve o'clock h F Y k " a 3�4r; l �e 3 -1 -19t OBSCENITY AND NUDITYt No liquor licensee shells � F ' (A) employ or use ani person in the sale or service o! alcoholic beverages or as employees,,lor the purpose <ol staging any nature of 'lingerie. showO in or upon the licens9d premises whilsach ': ,person,is unclothed or in such attire, costume or clothing to *expose to view any portion of the ;wale breast below the., r top of ;the areola or of any portion of the pubic hair, anus, cleft of the buttocks, or genitals ;_ (e) employ or use the services of any hostess while such hostess is s` unclothed or in such attire, costume or clothing as described in subsection (A) above; P (C) encourage or permit any person on the licensed premises t46 touch, caress or.�londle the breast, buttocks, anus or genitals of any other person; z (D) - ,permit4hy employee or person to wear or use any device or � L, covering exposed to view, which simulates, the breast, genitals, anus, pubic hair or 'any portion thereof; ,(E) permit any- person; to pertora. act& (or acts which,sisulate)s �a 1: With or upon .another person, •sexual intorcoursb IsoQay, l oral • copulation] . tlagellation or. any sexual acts Minch . am s ' parobibited. Z, mastuxbation or bestiality; G 3. With or upon another person the touching, caressing or 6; . t .londlinq an the buttocks, as"o, genitals - or female,kseasts; r e. `the <disp ayir4l of the pubic.,, hair, anus, genitals or female; s breaste beloav the top of the .areola; (y):' permit any''person to., use artificial devices or inanimate .. to depict any of the prohibited. activities desarhed ' M , .permit any person remain �a or upon the premises who exposes to public view any portioe =of his or her or anus: genitals ' (II) permit the showing of film, still pictures, electronic ;. reprodnotion, 'or other visual; reproductions ice : ing� 16 ap" or' simulated. acts of" sexual ntercowme,, masturbation, sodomy,. bestiality, oral copulation, legollation or any sexual acte;.+dsioh;• ass prohibited by fns Z: any parson being touched, caressed "or fondled on the °breast, Lattocks, .,anus' or genitals f -10- Aµ"g', . r 3. scenes wherein a parson displays the vulva or the anus Or the q�"enitalst 4 scones wherein any artifici devices or inan imate ob jects are employed to portray, .� are saployed to depict, or drawings `of��the "prohibited:activities desc ribed abovet j any (1) �Perait `any type of " lingerie show" or similar exhibition in any a 'estAblishstnt other than on a raised li censed ; portion� stage a suitable distance apart from th area generally t c reserved, for the seating o! pa trons. 3 C01N_0PERATED DW1CZS s Coin - operated sausen"t available in establishments licensed may not be made icating liquor. solely, for thq off -sale Of intox An establish nt license which sakes holding a combination on -sale and off-sale operated'devicss available sbaSl keep such devices to the where Coin- greatest extant pscticable in that area of the establistusent -sales are made. ,on 3= i -.Zis REMpG1TZON 0r LICZKSZ: The.City, Council may suspend for "to (60) days or" revoke any liquor. license or J uP sixt line as prov in. N.a.A. meatier o 3 40A . 415 permit l a ispose a civil n !or violation amp revision or cw ition o! this Cbaptor or any or State law relating to alcoholiia beverages. � � R t Other City ordinance 71n revocation or •uspsnsioe by the Corms l shall. shall to the licensee and. "a pu hearin9 The notice ' err tten notice t p the 41', at •aces` ten (10) days' notice of the time and place, of Ube K;. a gainst. , hie and ahall state the nature o! the ahargss 3 -1 -22: VI6LhT1QM: , It vela a gross misdeieancrt to sell an alcoholic beverage without a license author 21M the :> rshi or corporaiian to knowingly have ary p• (a) for person, Pam r than or possess aireot.or indireat intereatin mots the City: o =!-salt intoxicating liquor laensa its M procure ` for another' . to sell, g furnish, or in Any Y use of a�i ob�riously intOSieated (C) P for the p alcoholic beverages , u86 parson. (D) to violate the provisions o! Section 3 -1 -1A (A) or (s),. (g)' to ewes °laYsely ,concerning matter stated under Oath - l► violation o! any other provision dZfthis Chapter is a =• }F 3 2 - 23 s. 16 pELg1LTYs X Any a n m isdemeano r guilty o! a gross' m isdemeanor' shall, upon t ) by !ice o! not nacre than `Three coon, be com punished , ,a Gl 7,7 7771 '��Y.. �. •� ^r n 1 .a7 G� L f� U i<'i' c aj L t� i n �g l l \�� <�; �: t � +' t � 5. ^w.,� � ct. c.v rr+e +.+,� ��'':'�;��.�,. ,+,'� �S3.�= t:<�."x+'�. r «w'F�„u�h�''u',x '�r µua��,nSn� bs�'�k��9aax.�r��a�. �'. *rt.�r"'��.s;,.'"Vr —_ =�