HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 8, 200416200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 PARK. ADVISORY COMMI EE MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 8, 2004 MAINTENANCE CENTER 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Meetinq Minutes a. Approval of January 12, 2004 Meeting Minutes , Old Business a. Sled & Skate Party Wrap Up b. 2004 Attendance/Concessions Warming House Report c. Snow Making Equipment . o New Business a. Report on PLAY Board Meeting (new field reservation form) b. Website Updates - Lakefront Park Pavilion Policy/reservation forms c. School District #719 Collaboration and Cooperative Agreements d. Spring Park Maintenance Projects Future Meeting Date a. April 12, 2004 6. Adjournment www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FOR JANUARY 12, 2004 The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm, on Monday, January 12, 2004, at the Maintenance Facility. Members present were Pat McFadden, Tom Borger, Mike Feriancek, Lori Helgestad, and Ruth Harris. Also in attendance were Council Liaison Chad LeMair, Assistant City Manager Susan Walsh, Public Works Director Bud Osmundson, and Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser. Approval of the December 8, 2003 Meeting Minutes: Motion by Helgestad to approve the December 8, 2003 Meeting Minutes. Second by Harris. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Annual Fee Schedule Update: Assistant City Administrator Walsh reviewed the annual fee schedule approved by the city council at their meeting on January 5. Changes inclUde a reduced fee for skate park admissions from $3 to $2 per day with a $10 one- time membership fee charged to non-residents. The skate park season pass rates were approved to be converted to 5-visit and 10-visit pre-pay punch cards for $8 and $15. Walsh also added that the parking fees at Sand Point Beach were raised for the first time in seven years. Daily admission for cars were increased from $4 to $5 and daily trailer parking was raised from $10 to $15. Season passes for cars only were also raised from $20 resident, $30 non-resident to $25 resident, $35 non-resident. Chair Feriancek recommended annual incremental increases in the future instead of periodic large sum increases. Lakefront Park Ice Rink Update: Public Works Director Osmundson reported that the agreement the city has made with the Prior Lake Hockey Association (PLHA) is working well. The PLHA has requested assistance from city crews to dump water on the rinks once a week because the PLHA Zamboni has been shaving the ice at a greater Cate than water being put down. Osmundson also mentioned that there have been some logistical problems with lights being left on, the Zamboni flooding when skaters are present, and general people in the warming house when city attendants were not present. Recreation Supervisor Esser stated that when concerns have occurred, a city staff member has contacted a representative from the PLHA quickly to address any issues. The communication to date with the PLHA has been good and any concerns have been remedied. Chair Feriancek stated that he has heard from hockey parents that they are excited about the volunteer involvement from the PLHA. Feriancek also offered the PAC's assistance if any concerns were to arise in the future. 2004 ClP Projects: Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects that are scheduled to be approved at the January 20 City Council meeting. Projects for approval on January 20 include park appurtenant equipment and two picnic shelters at Timbercrest Park and Wilds North Park. Council member LeMair inquired about fishing pier plans. Osmundson stated that there is a meeting scheduled at the end of January with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to discuss the Fishing in Your Neighborhood (FIN) program and evaluate fishing pier options for Watzl's Beach and the pond located adjacent to Lakefront Plaza. Election of Vice Chair for 2004: Motion by Harris to nominated Lori Helgestad to serve as Parks Advisory Committee Vice Chair for 2004. Second by Borger. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Changes to Bylaws: Assistant City Administrator Walsh reviewed the changes made to the Parks Advisory Committee By-laws by the city council at their January 5 meeting. The single item changed was the conversion of the bi-annual PAC report to the city council to an annual report. Pat McFadden inquired whether not the PAC in the past assisted with the acquisition and development of land and open space as stated in the preamble of the PAC By-laws. City staff cited examples including the referendum projects and Thomas Ryan Memorial Park. Comprehensive Plan Update: Public Works Director Osmundson distributed an excerpt from the Comprehensive Plan outlining Prior Lake population, household and employment projections. Osumundson commented that current population is estimated at 20,000 residents. Greg Ingraham has been hired to update his original park study to determine what areas of the city and the orderly annexation areas should be included in the overall future park development plan. City staff is continuing to work with the school district to collaborated and not duplicate amenities' in order to meet future needs. A proposal for future needs will be brought back to the PAC at a future meeting. Glynwater Park Meetinq Update: Public Works Director Osmundson reported that two out of the four associations adjacent to Glynwater Park were represented at a meeting held earlier in the day on January 12 to gain input on park development. The consensus was that they do not want to see a basketball court developed at Glynwater Park and advocated for the park and trail system connected to it to remain as passive and natural as possible. Community Sled and Skate Party: Recreation Supervisor Esser distributed a flyer outlining the activities planned for the annual Community Sled and Skate party to be held on February 7, 2004 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Esser stated that Recreation Specialist Heather Carlson has created a great relationship with the 4-H groups of Scott County and they have agreed to come to the Sled and Skate party to provide activities on a volunteer basis similar to their efforts at the Autumn Gathering special event. All activities are free of charge to the public. PAC members recommended renting a snowmaking machine from Buck Hill ski area in the event of no snow for sliding. Esser will check into the cost and logistics if no significant snowfall occurs. Winter Break Proqrams Update: Recreation Supervisor Esser reported the success of the school age programs that occurred during the winter holiday break serving 120 participants in collaboration with Savage Parks and Recreation. Esser also explained on how teen programs are being promoted, however with little success. Two teen trips were planned with a cumulative registration between the two trips of only 9 participants. Esser stated that efforts would continue to program and promote teen activities. Council member LeMair recommended a teen go-cad trip. Fish Point Park Plowinq Request: Public Works Director Osmundson reported that a request was made by a resident to plow trails leading up to Fish Point Park. As outlined by the Winter Maintenance Policy, the trail will not be plowed, however the sidewalk along 150th Street in proximity to the park is currently being plowed as part of the policy. Other Business: Assistant City Administrator Walsh announced that Lakefront Park has been selected to receive a Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association (MRPA) Award of Excellence as an outstanding facility. The award is being granted to only three facilities throughout the state. Of the three, Lakefront Park received the top point ranking by the awards committee. Walsh thanked Recreation Supervisor Esser for his preparation of the nomination packet. Assistant City Administrator Walsh announced that Lakefront Park will be host to the MRPA Men's State Boot Hockey Tournament January 17. Recreation Supervisor Esser added that nine teams from around the state would 'be in attendance. The MRPA was so impressed with the Prior Lake facilities during the 2001 State Broomball Tournament that they approached us to host the 2004 Boot Hockey Tournament instead of offering it up for other cities to bid to host the tournament. Another great example of the high quality of our facilities. Captain Jack's restaurant was approached by the MRPA and has agreed to be tournament sponsor. Recreation Supervisor Esser reported that a resident contacted him regarding the regulation of helmets and facemasks at the Lakefront Park skating rinks. Esser advised her that it would be possible to place a sign during the winter season strongly recommending that helmets and facemasks be worn when skating. PAC members agreed and commented that helmets and facemasks should be worn, however it is an inherent risk when using the rinks so it would be up to individuals to realize the risks and protect themselves. Esser agreed to post signs in the Lakefront Pavilion recommending the use of helmets and facemasks. MOTION by McFadden to adjourn. Second by Helgestad. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Christopher J. Esser February 27, 2004 Chris Esser Recreation Supervisor - City of Prior Lake Attn: Concession Operation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 952-447-9822 cesser~cityofpriorlake.com Subject: Concession Operation 2004 - Letter of Intent Dear Chris: P.L.A.Y. is very interested in operating concession stands this spring/summer season at the Pond and Thomas Ryan Memorial Park athletic complexes. The purpose for our interest in to more aggressively engage our association of volunteers into this community program (put more "skin into the game"), generate revenue and continue our long-term partnership with Prior Lake Park and Recreation. What you will be able to receive from us is: Regular staffing of concession stands at The Ponds (both upper and lower concessions) and Thomas Ryan M.P. on weeknights from at least 6 - 8:30 PM. We will be having occasional T-Ball Saturday events with large crowds and will operate the Ponds concessions for that. Finally we are committed to host 7 tournaments throughout the season and will operate all concessions for those events on a scheduled basis. Our concessions labor will be supported through the approximately 100 volunteer team parents in our baseball/softball programs. We will have a person(s) open and close the concessions and rest rooms as scheduled. We would like to request coordination with city employees to handle this function if they are going to be present. In reciprocity of that, we will work toward amicable compensation of that employee(s). Rubbish will be collected near the concessions and rest rooms and disposed of in nearby trash receptacles. P.L.A.Y. will be responsible for beverage and food ordering/delivery/payment independent of the City of Prior Lake's current arrangements. We will try to use the same beverage vender for future negotiation leverage. · We will also determine a fair compensation program for phone and utility invoices shared with the City of Prior Lake. · Funding for continued park improvement projects as discussed and negotiated. What we request from the City: · Notice of the oppOrtunity to service the concession at Pond's wheel by April 1, 2004 · Discussions on how we share financial responsibility for utilities and if choose to use City employee for opening and locking doors at facilities. · Joint planning session Why P.L.A.Y.: We have plans to host 7 tournaments throughout the year that have budgeted concession revenue of $2000.00/per so a projected revenue to our program of an estimated $14,000.00. Of that revenue we are able to re-invest that money into program equipment and supplies. We will commit to continued financial support of Park & Rec. capital improvement through P.L.A.Y. Over the past three years, our organization has contributed in excess of $100,000.00.to Park & Rec. improvements! Both organizations have demonstrated an exceptional long-term working relationship. We continue to collaborate on how to improve services/facilities and plan to provide to community benefits. · Last season we successfully operated concessions at The Pond's (upper) and Thomas Ryan. Chris, I will share your results from the letters of intent you receive. I look forward to earning this opportunity for our program. Sincerely, Kevin Six Strategic Planning- P.L.A.Y. 952-447-7148 plsixers~earthlink.net WINTER Budget.XLS PRIOR LAKE PARKS AND RECREATION 2004 WINTER PROGRAMS PROFIT / LOSS BREAKDOWN NAME OF PROGRAM i ~ (#'S) i INCOME ~EXPENSESI PROFIT/(LOSS)! ~ TOTALS ADULT ACTIVITIES ~ , i "MN, It's Not Just for Lutherans" ~i 261 $ 993.00 ,i $ 1,327.50 $ (334.50)1. Chanhassen "The Taffetas" ! 15 $ 440.00 i $800.0015 (360.00) - ~ (73.81),, I Senior Socials (Dec. Jan. Feb) .i 42! $ I $73.81 I $ TOTALS: I '. 83! $ 1,433.00',$ 2,201.31 iS (768.31)i ~$ (768.31) TOT ACTIVITIES i i I Disney On Ice "Mickey & Minnie" ~ i 3115 464.00 ~ $ - , $ 464.00 i I MN Orchestra"Mother Goose" i Cancelled $ _ I$ - !$ - i Sesame Street Live 25! $ 360.00 $ - iS 360.00~, Childrens Theater"Lilly's PPP" i 6 $ 82.00 i $ - l$ 82.00i Childrens Museum I ! 21 $ 136.00! $100.00 $ 36.001 TOTALS: I ! 31 $ 1,042.00i$ 100.00 $ 942.00 I$ 942.00 , !YOUTH ACTIVITIES l Cinema Grill & Skateville i '~ 221 $ 352.00 $ 303.00 $ 49.00 I Xcel & The Grove '; 31 $ 465.00 i $ 375.00 $ 90.00 TOTALS: i ~i 53 $ 817.0015 678.00 $ 139.00 i$ 139.00 TEEN ACTIVITIES t ii II REI Climbing Wall I Cancelled $ _ ' 15 - $ - ~ Hyland Hills Cancelled $ $ - . $ - TOTALS: ! i 0! $ iS - !$ - [ iS FAMILY ACTIVITIES ii i [,I ' Community Sled and Skate Party 400t $ $ 956.09 i $ (956.09) Holidazzle Parade i i 35 $ 130.00i$ 325.00i$ (195.00) Holiday Lights Tour ! .Cance led IS iS - ~$ - ii MN Timberwolves Game i 31 $ 589.00 ~ $ 303.00 $ 286.00 TOTALS: i i 466 $ 719.00i$ 1,584.09 $ (865.09) I$ (865.09) OVERALL TOTALS: i ! 633i $ 4,011.00',$ 4,563.40!$ (552.40)1 iS (552.40) Page 1 CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 3111104 2005 CIP PROJECTS Project Description Project Amount Transit Park & Ride Lot Acquisition 250,000.00 Park Department (Development) 2. Park Entrance Signs 3. Sand Point Beach Curb 4. Pleasure Rink Lights 5. Tree Planting Program 6. Softball Backstops 7. Park Appurtenant Equipment 8. Basketball Courts - Sand Point, Wilds North, Hawk Ridge 9. Ponds Concession Stand Addition/Bathroom Upgrade 10. Gazebo - Woods at the Wilds, Meadow View 11. Picnic Shelters (4) - Cardinal/Northwood/Ponds/Hawk Rdg 12. Playground Equipment - Sand Point Beach, Hawk Ridge (Trails) 13. Hawk Ridge & Jeffers Pond 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 80,000.00 115,000.00 95,000.00 Public Works (Buildings & Plan() 14. Lift Station Telemetry 15. Lift Station Renovation 16. Lift Station - Stemmer Development 17. Lift Station - Meadow View Development 18. Municipal Well (Improvements) 19. Centennial Street Reconstruction 20. Sanitary Sewer Replacement (Franklin Trail) 21. Street Oveday (Northwood area) 22. Trunk Watermain (CSAH 42 from CSAH 83 to W. Limit) 23. Fountain Hills Drive to McKenna thru Jeffers Develop. 24. Trunk Watermain (CSAH 18) 25. Prior Lake Outlet Channel Repairs 26. Trunk Sanitary Sewer Replacement (Duluth area N. of TH1 27. CSAH 82 Reconstruction 25,000.00 345,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 500,000.00 75,000.00 95,000.00 100,000.00 125,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 300,000.00 400,000.00 3,625,000.00 28. Fish Point Rd/Fairlawn West Reconstruction 3,535,000.00 Water Resources (Improvements) 29. Undesirable Fish Containment Program 30. Pondweed Removal Program 31. Pleasant Street Drainage Improvements 32. Lake Bank Stabilization 33. Storm Water Pond Dredging 34. Storm Drainage Improvements Financing Source Summary $ Project Tax Levy o.b. Operating Budget u.f. Sewer & Water Utility Fund s.w. Storm Water Utility Fund c.p. Capital Park Fund t.r. Trunk Reserve Fund c.s. Collector Street Fund m.s. Municipal State Aid s.a, Special Assessments i.g. Intergovernmental Totals ... Totals ... 5,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 80.000.00 10,765,000.00 Project Amount 1,300,000.00 100,000.00 2,300,000.00 200,000.00 440,000.00 4,100,000.00 200,000.00 1,000,000.00 875,000.00 250.000.00 10,765,000.00 Financing 250,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10 000.00 10 000.00 10 000.00 15 000.00 20 000.00 35 000.00 40 000.00 80 000.00 115 000.00 95,000.00 25,000.00 345,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 500,000.00 City Cost Tax Impact Dollar Percentag~ I.g. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. u.f. u.f. t.r. t.r. t.r. 75,000.00 s.a. 95,000.00 u.f. 100,000.00 o.b. 125,000.00 t.r. 200,000.00 c.s. 200,000.00 t.r. 300,000.00 t.r. 400,000.00 u.f. 50,000.00 s.w. 1,000,000.00 m.s. 2,575,000.00 t.r. 1,300,000.00 21.40 2.92% 800,000.00 s.a 1,435,000.00 u.f. 5,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 80.000.00 10,765,000.00 Taxlmpact Dollar $21.40 S.W. S.W, S.W. S.W, S.W. S.W, Percentage 2.92% CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 3/11/04 2006 CIP PROJECTS Project Description Project Amount General Government City Hall/Police Station/Community Use Center 13,000,000.00 Park Department (Development.) 2. Park Entrance Signs 3. Pleasure Rink Lights 4. Tree Planting Program 5. Park Appurtenant Equipment 6. Basketball Courts - Cardinal Ridge & Jeffers Pond 7. Picnic Shelters (3) - Westbury/Jeffers/Busacker 8. Playground Equipment- Jeffers Pond & Busacker (Trails.) 9. Fremont Avenue & Busacker Development 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 60,000.00 70,000.00 180,000.00 Public Works (Buildings & Plar~t) 10. Lift Station Telemetry 11. Lift Station Renovation 12. Municipal Well 13. Water Filtration Plant (Imorovements) 14. Street Overlay (Brooksville Hills area) 15. Carriage Hills Parkway (east of Knob Hill) 16. Trunk Sanitary Sewer (annexation area) 17. McKenna Road Realignment 20,000.00 400,000.00 500,000.00 6,000,000.00 100,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 250,000.00 18. Collector Street (Stemmer Development) 19. Shady Beach Street Phase I Reconstruction 250,000.00 1,900,000.00 20. CSAH 12 Reconstruction 3,090,000.00 Water Resources (Irnprovements) 21. Undesirable Fish Containment Program 22. Pondweed Removal Program 23. Lake Bank Stabilization 24. Storm Water Pond Dredging 25. Storm Drainage Improvements Financing 3,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 60,000.00 70,000.00 180,000.00 20,000.00 400,000.00 500,000.00 6,000,000.00 100,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 250,000.00 900,000.00 600,000.00 400,000.00 90,000.00 200,000.00 300,000.O0 1,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 80.000.00 80.000.00 City Cost Tax Impact Dollar Percentage g.f. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. u.f. o.b. c.s. t.r. t.r. C.S. C.S. 14.40 1.91% s.a g.f. C.S. s.a. t.r. m.s. S.W. S.W. S.W. S.W. S.W. Totals ... 26,400,000.00 26,400,000.00 Financing Source Summary $ Project Tax Levy o.b. Operating Budget g.f. General Fund u.f. Sewer & Water Utility Fund s.w. Storm Water Utility Fund c.p. Capital Park Fund t.r. Trunk Reserve Fund c.s. Collector Street Fund m.s. Municipal State Aid s.a. Special Assessments w.r. Water Revenue Bonds b.b.G.O. Building Bonds Totals ... Project Amount 900,000.00 100,000.00 3,090,000.00 820,000.00 130,000.00 360,000.00 1,750,000.00 850,000.00 1,500,000.00 900,000.00 6,000,000.00 26,400,000.00 Taxlmpact Dollar Percentage $14.40 1.91% CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 3/11/04 2007 CIP PROJECTS Project Description Project Amount Fire Department (Buildings & PlarTt) 1. Satellite Fire Station/Il0' Ladder Platform Fire 2,000,000.00 Financing 1,500,000.00 500,000.00 Park Department (Develq~ment) 2. Park Entrance Signs 5,000.00 5,000.00 3. Softball Backstops 5,000.00 5,000.00 4. Basketball Courts- Stemmer Development 5,000.00 5,000.00 5. Pleasure Rink Lights 10,000.00 10,000.00 6. Tree Planting Program 10,000.00 10,000.00 7. Park Appurtenant Equipment 15,000.00 15,000.00 8. Gazebo- Markely Lake 20,000.00 20,000.00 9. Picnic Shelters (3) - Jeffers/Watzl's/Stemmer 60,000.00 60,000.00 10. Hockey Rink w/Lights 65,000.00 65,000.00 11. Playground Equipment- Watzl's & Stemmer 55,000.00 55,000.00 (Trails.) 12. Markley Lake & Stemmer Development 60,000.00 60,000.00 Public Works (Buildings & Plant) 13. Lift Station Telemetry 20,000.00 14. Lift Station Renovation 385,000.00 (Im.~rovement$ ) 15. Street Overlay (Willows area) 100,000.00 16. Collector Street (Stemmer N. to CSAH 82) 250,000.00 17. Fish Point Road extension to CSAH 21 250,000.00 18. Industrial Park Sewer & Water Extension 2,200,000.00 19. CSAH 21 N. Coop Share 790,000.00 20. Shady Beach Street Phase II Reconstruction 1,700,000.00 Water Resources (Im.Drovement~) 21. Undesirable Fish Containment Program 5,000.00 22. Pondweed Removal Program 5,000.00 23. Lake Bank Stabilization 20,000.00 24. Storm Water Pond Dredging 20,000.00 25. Woodside Road Pond 60,000.00 26. Storm Drainage Improvements 80.000.00 20,000.00 385,000.00 City Cost Tax Impact Dollar Percentage r.f. C.). C.). C. 3. C. 3. C.). C.). C. 3. C.). C.). c.p. u.f. 100,000.00 o.b. 250,000.00 c.s. 50,000.00 t.r. 200,000.00 c.s. 200,000.00 t.r. 2,000,000.00 s.a. 90,000.00 g.f. 300,000.00 c.s. 400,000.00 t.r. 800,000.00 12.60 1.64% 500,000.00 s .a 400,000.00 u.f. 5,000.00 s.w. 5,000.00 s.w. 20,000.00 s.w. 20,000.00 s.w. 60,000.00 s.w. 80.000.00 s.w. Financing Source Summary Totals ... 8,195,000.00 Project Amount $ Project Tax Levy 800,000.00 o.b. Operating Budget 100,000.00 g.f. General Fund 90,000.00 u.f. Sewer & Water Utility Fund 805,000.00 s.w. Storm Water Utility Fund 190,000.00 c.p. Capital Park Fund 310,000.00 t.r. Trunk Reserve Fund 650,000.00 c.s. Collector Street Fund 750,000.00 s.a. Special Assessments 2,500,000.00 g.r. Grant Contribution 500,000.00 r.b. G.O. Referendum Bonds 1.500.000,00 Totals ... 8,195,000.00 8,195,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar Percentage $12.60 1.64% 10 Project Description Park Department (Development) 1. Park Entrance Signs 2. Softball Backstops 3. Basketball Courts 4. Pleasure Rink Lights 5. Tree Planting Program 6. Park Appurtenant Equipment 7. Picnic Shelters 8. Sand Point Beach Boat Slips 9. Playground Equipment (Trails) 10. Annexation Area CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 3/11/04 2008 CIP PROJECTS 11. Project Amount $ c.p. t.r. C.S. s.a. i.g. 5 000.00 5 000.00 5 000.00 10 000.00 10 000.00 15 000.00 20 000.00 30 000.00 35 000.00 30,000.00 Public Works (Improvements) Traffic/Feasibility Study (TH 13 & 150th Street) 90,000.00 100,000.00 25O,000.00 340,000.00 1,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 12. Street Overlay (Sand Point area I) 13. Collector Street (Stemmer N. to CSAH 82) 14. CSAH 42 W. Coop Share 15. Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension N. of CSAH 42 16. Credit River/Grainwood Reconstruction Water Resources (Improvements.) 17. Undesirable Fish Containment Program 18. Pondweed Removal Program 19. Lake Bank Stabilization 20. Storm Water Pond Dredging 21. Prior Lake Alum Treatment 22. Storm Drainage Improvements Totals ... Financing Source Summary Project Tax Levy Operating Budget General Fund Sewer & Water Utility Fund Storm Water Utility Fund Capital Park Fund Trunk Reserve Fund Collector Street Fund Special Assessments Intergovernmental Totals ... 5,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 80.000.00 4,625,000.00 Project Amount 1,000,000.00 100,000.00 90,000.00 800,000.00 180,000.00 165,000.00 1,000,000.00 530,000.00 700,000.00 60.000.00 4,625,000.00 Financing 5 000.00 5 000.00 5 000.00 10.000.00 10.000.00 15 000.00 2O 000.00 30 000.00 35 000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 60,000.00 100,000.00 250,000.00 90,000.00 250,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 700,000.00 800,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 80.000.00 4,625,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar $15.40 City Cost Tax Impact Dollar Percentage C. 3. C. 3. C. 3. C. 3. C. 3. C.;). C.~). C.;). c.p. C.S. 15.40 s.a u.f. 1.98% S.W. S.W. S.W. S.W. S.W. S.W. Percentage 1.98% 11 $ o.b. u.f. S.W. c.p. t.r. C.S. s.a. r.b. Project Description Economic Development Authority Downtown Redevelopment CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 3111104 2009 CIP PROJECTS Project Amount 1,400,000.00 Park Department (Develo.~)ment) 2. Park Entrance Signs 3. Basketball Courts 4. Tree Planting Program 5. Park Appurtenant Equipment 6. Picnic Shelters- Spring Lake parks 7. Playground Equipment- Spring Lake parks 8. Athletic Field Complex (Trails.) 9. Annexation Area Public Works (Buildings & Plant.) 10. Municipal Well (improvements,) 11. Lord's Street Bridge Rehabilitation 12. Street Overlay (Sand Point II area) 13. Martinson Island Street Reconstruction 5,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 3,000,000.00 30,000.00 500,000.00 75,000.00 100,000.00 2,500,000.00 Water Resources (Improvements,I 14. Undesirable Fish Containment Program 15. Pondweed Removal Program 16. Lake Bank Stabilization 17. Storm Water Pond Dredging 18. Storm Drainage Improvements Totals ... Financing Source Summary Project Tax Levy Operating Budget Sewer & Water Utility Fund Storm Water Utility Fund Capital Park Fund Trunk Reserve Fund Collector Street Fund Special Assessments G.O. Referendum Bonds Totals ... 5,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 80.000.00 7,870,000.00 Project Amount 1,200,000.00 100,000.00 700,000.00 130,000.00 165,000.00 500,000.00 800,000.00 1,275,000.00 7,870,000.00 Financing 200,000.00 400,000.00 800,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 50,OOO.00 3,000,000.00 30,000.00 500,000.00 75,000.00 100,000.00 1,200,000.00 800,000.00 500,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 80.000.00 7,870,000.00 Taxlmpact Dollar $18.20 City Cost Tax Impact Dollar Percentage u.f. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. r.f. c.p. t.r. s.a, o.b. 18.20 s.a u.f. 2.30% S.W. S.W. S.W. S.W. S.W. Percentage 2.30% 12 CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 3/11104 2005-09 CIP PROJECT FINANCING SOURCE TOTALS Financing Source Amount $ Project Tax Levy 5,200,000.00 o.b. General Fund Operating Budget 500,000.00 g.f. General Fund Balance 3,270,000.00 u.f. Sewer & Water Utility Fund 5,425,000.00 s.w. Storm Water Utility Fund 830,000.00 c.p. Capital Park Fund 1,440,000.00 t.r. Trunk Reserve Fund 8,000,000.00 c.s. Collector Street Fund 3,130,000.00 m.s. Municipal State Aid Fund 2,500,000.00 s.a. Special Assessments 6,250,000.00 g.r. Grant/Contributions 500,000.00 J.g. Intergovernmental 310,000.00 g.o. G.O. Referendum Bonds 4,500,000.00 w.r. Water Revenue Bonds 6,000,000.00 g.o. G.O. Building Bonds 10,000,000.00 Totals ... 57,855,000.00 13 Financing Source Request General Fund Sewer/Water Utility Fund Storm Water Utility Fund $ Capital Park Fund Trunk Reserve Fund Collector Street Fund Municipal State Aid Fund -$ Project Tax Levy Special Assessments Grants/Contributions Intergovernmental G.O. Referendum Bonds Water Revenue Bonds G.O. Building Bonds TOTALS... $ FOOTNOTES: CIP Expenditures;: *Construction demands ... FINANCING FUNDS PROJECTIONS 3/11104 (Needs vs. Available Dollars) 2004-2009 3/1/04 Fund Six-Year Revenue CIP Construction 1/1/09 Projected Balances Projection Demands* Cash Balances $ 3,410,000.00 $ 1,500,000.00 $ 3,875,000.00 $ 1,035,000.00 $ 3,858,000.00 $ 3,000,000.00 $ 7,333,000.00 -$ 475,000.00 83,000.00 $ 1,953,000.00 $ 2,035,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,480,000.00 $ 2,306,000.00 $ 2,715,000.00 $ 1,071,000.00 $ 2,699,000.00 $ 8,204,000.00 $ 8,155,000.00 $ 2,748,000.00 $ 1,005,000.00 $ 5,298,000.00 $ 7,249,000.00 -$ 946,000.00 2,650,000.00 $ 2,600,000.00 $ 2,500,000.00 -$ 2,550,000.00 $ 6,618,000.00 $ 6,618,000.00 $ 7,663,000.00 $ 7,663,000.00 $ 515,000.00 $ 515,000.00 $ 310,000.00 $ 310,000.00 $ 4,500,000.00 $ 4,500,000.00 $ 6,000,000.00 $ 6,000,000.00 $ 10,000,000.00 $ 10,000,000.00 9,885,000.00 $ 60,467,000.00 $ 69,468,000.00 $ 884,000.00 includes Yr. 2004 CIP plus encumbered water tower, lift station & Ring Road projects includes operating 2004-09 budget estimate of $990,000 for Water Quality Revenue Growth Assumptions (six years): General Fund ... S/W Utility Fund... Stormwater Utility Fund ... Capital Park ... Trunk Reserve Fund ... Collector Street Fund ... MSA Fund ... 3/1/04 fund balance plus $1,500,000 3/1/04 fund balance plus $3,000,000 3/1/04 fund balance plus $300,000/yr. + $10,800 annual increment increases (300 permits) 3/1/04 fund balance + 200 permits ~ $850.00 and 800 new lots (adj. for land dedication) ~ $2,670.00 3/1/04 fund balance plus 600 ac. @ $7130/ac. & $2943/ac. + 1800 permits ~ $1200.00 3/1/04 fund balance plus 600 ac. @ $1500/ac. plus $270,000 tif bond & $900,000 MSA [Downtown] plus $378,000 MNDOT, $700,000 County & $2,150,000 MSA [Ring Road] 3/1/04 Construction balance of-$2,650,000 + $350,000 advance borrowing + $450,000 annual 14 Year 2005 Proiect Description CSAH 82 Reconstruction MSA Projects 3/11/04 (Funded) Proiect Amount MSA Portion $ 3,000,000.00 $ 1,000,000.00 2006 CSAH 12 Reconstmction $ 3,000,000.00 $ 1,500,000.00 Total MSA Needs ... Total MSA Dollars ... BALANCE ... $ 2,500,000.00 $ 2,600,000.00 $ 100,000.00 MSA Projects 3/11/04 (Unfunded) Proiect Description Prelect Amount MSA Portion TH 13: Oakland Beach not incl. in CIP $ 500,000.00 TH 13: 150th Street not incl. in CIP $ 750,000.00 CSAH 21 Comdor Improvements not incl. in CIP $ 1,750,000.00 Total unfunded MSA Needs ... $ 3,000,000.00 15 Maintenance Center 17073 Adelmann Street S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 DATE: TO: FROM: February 18, 2004 ~_~o9/~,o/ Al Friedges Parks & ~eet Maintenance Fritz Shimota Parks Maintenance Lead Person SUBJECT: Snow Making Equipment Al, I have checked with various vendors and operators, such as Dave Thomas with Three Rivers Park District, Joe Cousins from Torrent Engineering, Chicago, Illinois, and Track Inc from Bloomington, to get numbers for snowmaking equipment. From my discussions with the vendors and operators I have come up with two options to equip Lakefront Park sledding hill with snowmaking equipment. They are as follows: Option 1 Engineering finn to design plan New Piston Bulley (needed for pushing snow and grooming) Used Piston Bulley Two snow guns with fans and compressors Pumping station using either the pond or hydrant Power supply estimate $3,000-$6,000 $135,000 $50,000-$60,000 $50,000 $20,000* $5,000 *The City would have to install the hydrant on top of Lakefront Hill near the light pole for hydrant use if we can not use the Pond for water supply. Option 2 Rely on Mother Nature and buy a 4-wheeler with tracks and cab with an 84" Ginzugroomer for a total cost of $21,000'* **With this option, if we don't get any snow, we have no sledding hill. If we made snow we could have various types of snowboarding competition and also with the type of equipment we would be purchasing, the possibility of having cross-country skiing trails in Prior Lake would be possible. www.cityofprioflake.com Phone 952.440.9675 / Fax 952.440.9678