HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 12, 200416200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2004 MAINTENANCE CENTER 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes a. Approval of March 8, 2004 Meeting Minutes , Old Business a. FiN Program b. Concession Agreement C. 4. New Business . a. Lakefront Egg Hunt and Registration Night Report b. Tot Trips: ECFE Collaboration c. Laker Lines Circulator Route d. PAC Parks and Trail Tour e. Future Meeting Date a. May 10, 2004 6. Adjournment www. cityofpriorlake, com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FOR MARCH 8, 2004 The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm, on Monday, March 8, 2004, at the Maintenance Facility. Members present were Pat McFadden, Tom Borger, Mike Feriancek, and Ruth Harris. Also in attendance were Assistant City Manager Susan Walsh, Parks and Fleet Supervisor Al Friedges, and Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser. Approval of the January 12, 2003 Meetinq Minute~: Motion by McFadden to approve the January 12, 2004 Meeting Minutes. Second by Harris. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Community Sled and Skate Party Wrap Up: Recreation Supervisor Esser reviewed the details of the annual Community Sled and Skate party that took place on February 7, 2004 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at Lakefront Park. There were approximately 400 people in attendance. Esser stated that the volunteer efforts of the Scott County 4-H, set up by Recreation Specialist Heather Carlson, has created great new features to theses community events and gives the 4-H youth an opportunity to showcase their organization and skills. Esser also announced the plans for the first Lakefront Egg Hunt community event taking place Saturday, April 3 at Lakefront Park. The event will feature an egg and candy hunt, divided up into three age groups, along with the Grammie Goose petting zoo/presentation, an appearance by Ms. Bunny in costume for families to take photos, and the Scott County 4-Hers showcasing their award winning rabbits. 2004 Attendance/Concession Warminq House Report: Recreation Supervisor Esser distributed the estimated attendance numbers and concession numbers from the 2003- 04 Lakefront Park Warming House season. Total attendance recorded by warming house staff was 10,943 visitors, averaging 206 visitors a day. The warming house was open a total of 53 days this season from December 26, 2003- February 22, 2004. It was closed four days due to the cold weather in accordance with the cold weather policy. Chair Feriancek asked if the attendance numbers reflected skaters only or if it included visitors on the sliding hill. Esser replied that the attendance figures reflect who is on the three ice rinks every hour, on the hour. Feriancek also asked if there is any way to track the amount of concessions purchased by the Prior Lake-Savage Hockey Association at the warming house. Esser replied that consistently some coaches will buy hot chocolate or another treat for an entire team after a game or practice, however the attendants do not record that specifically. Snow Making Equipment: Public Works Director Osmundson, after the January PAC meeting, directed members of the staff to research the cost for purchasing snowmaking and grooming equipment for the sliding hill at Lakefront Park. Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges distributed a handout showing the estimated costs for snowmaking and grooming equipment. The research conducted involved three different organizations: Three Rivers Park District, Torrent Engineering, and Track Inc. Two options were outlined in the handout. Option one included estimated expenses for a snow making design plan, Piston Bully (grooming machine), snow guns with compressors, pumping stations, and power supply for a total of $141,000. Friedges explained that there is not currently any equipment in the vehicle fleet capable of doing what this equipment is needed to do. Option two included an 84" Ginzugroomer at a cost of $21,000. This option would rely on natural snowfall but would allow for the sliding hill to be groomed for more sliding days out of the season. Friedges explain that currently the sliding hill is closed more that it is open during a regular season due to safety guidelines prescribed by the League of Minnesota Cities. This piece of equipment would provide grooming that would make the hill safe according to the guidelines more often. Friedges added that he has been in contact with the City of Savage and that they may be interested in sharing the cost if we go further with the process. Pat McFadden added that this potential enhancement to Lakefront Park ties in with the 2020 vision elements showcasing the park and relating to more people downtown along with a potential collaboration with a neighboring community.' Motion by Feriancek directing staff to gather more information on both options by possibly presenting a video showing the capabilities of both options and presenting the findings next month. Second by McFadden. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Friedges offered to check with other organizations before next meeting to see if anyone else currently does the process and uses the products presented in the two options. Report on PLAY Board Meeting: Recreation Supervisor Esser reported that he and Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges separately attended the Prior Lake Athletic for Youth (PLAY) Board of Directors meetings in January and February in a continuing effort to communicate with the organization on future needs and city services. Both staff members reported a positive experience with Esser adding that he presented the PLAY Board with the new Field Reservation Form that will become the new standard for user groups to reserve city athletic fields. The PLAY Board provided constructive feedback and notified Esser that only four members of the PLAY organization will be in contact with City Hall to reserve fields as opposed to the respective coaches and directors that make up the entire organization. Esser added that having only four people from PLAY in charge of field scheduling would make the process less complicated, hopefully avoiding scheduling conflicts and mistakes made by both parties in the scheduling process. Esser also asked the PLAY Board about for-profit sport camps that they offer. The PLAY Board stated that they no longer schedule or financially sponsor any sport camps. The only PLAY involvement may be verbal support or distribution of flyers for such a camp or clinic. Esser notified the PAC that this point needed to be clarified because a new policy will soon be drafted requiring private sport camps to notify the city and rent athletic fields according to the park ordinance. In the past there have been private for-profit camps taking place at city fields that have forced the alteration of maintenance schedules and field preparation because the private groups did not provide notification. This policy will require these camps/clinics to notify the city and the maintenance crews in turn will be aware and can maintain the fields for all additional user groups accordingly. The PLAY Board supported the proposal. Friedges added that he is currently working on a planning guide with PLAY and the School District in an effort to outline future facility wants and needs. This will avoid last-minute projects and the duplication of facilities. ,, Website updates- Lakefront Park Pavilion Policy/Reservation forms: Recreation Supervisor Esser distributed copies and reviewed the new updates to the City of Prior Lake website pertaining to the reservation of park shelters, the Lakefront Park Pavilion, and athletic fields. The information is located under the "reservation" portion 'of the "recreation activities" page on the site. The packet included new or revised forms of the: picnic reservation form, Lakefront Pavilion reservation form, Lakefront Pavilion reservation policy, athletic field reservation form, and field numbering maps of Thomas Ryan Memorial Park and The Ponds athletic complexes. Esser added that the web site has become a primary tool for residents to access city information; these forms are frequently requested items and are now on-line. School District #719 Collaboration: Recreation Supervisor Esser explained past and present collaboration efforts with School District #719 in support of the 2020 vision. Esser reviewed elements of a reCent meeting with Mary Haugen and Daryl Borchardt from the school district involving athletic field and facility use and the ordering of supplies. Currently the school district uses three full-size city owned baseball fields at Memorial, Thomas Ryan and the Ponds Parks. All four of the high school teams need the city fields to host their schedules. New this year, the school district requested the use of Cardinal Ridge Park for Lacrosse. The City of Prior Lake in turn uses the tennis courts owned by the school district to conduct tennis lessons. Both organizations over time have shared in the cost of maintaining these mutually used facilities. The partnership has started to also include methods for the school district and the city to cooperatively purchase items we similarly use, like field paint and grass seed for example. The partnership remains strong and vital to both organizations and the communication has been great. Spring Maintenance Projects: Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges reviewed projects planned for the spring including: Rainwater Garden development. Construction of roofs on player benches at The Ponds and Thomas Ryan Memorial Parks. Lakefront Park reforestation project. Shoreline Habitat Grant improvements at Sand Point Beach to combat erosion. FiN Program fountain installation and shoreline improvements. NURP (National Urban Runoff Program) pond cleaning, Planting of 300 trees throughout the park system. In-house sub-grade work of trails and basketball courts. New tree inventory plan to track plantings, age, diseases, etc. Other Business: Pat McFadden requested the cleaning of the pond located west of city hall on CR 21/Eagle Creek Avenue. Parks and Fleet Supervisor Friedges explained that the pond is most likely a runoff pond that would require consultation from Pat Lynch of the DNR in order to pursue any action. Friedges will report back at a future meeting. Ruth Harris asked the city to consider conducting a tree sale to residents in conjunction with Arbor Day or another spring event. Harris commented that residents that are required to plant trees may not be following through and that more trees in the city would be aesthetically pleasing and environmentally beneficial. Friedges commented that the sale Savage conducts is an annual success. Friedges offered to gather more information to discuss at a future meeting. MOTION by Borger to adjourn. Second by Harris. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Christopher J. Esser 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior ~ke, MN 55372-1714 Adopted September 5, 2000 Revised June, 2002 INTRODUCTION POLICY FOR THE RENAMING OF CITY STREETS, AND THE NAMING AND RENAMING OF PARKS, FACILITIES, STREETS WITHIN PARKS, AND PUBLIC PLACES The City desires that the selection of a proper name for City streets, parks, facilities, streets within a park or public place be done through a thoughtful process by which all submissions will receive careful consideration. For this reason, the procedures and guidelines contained herein have been adopted. RESPONSIBILITY The renaming of City streets, naming or renaming of a park, facility, street within a park, or public place is the responsibility of the City Council. The City Council will normally act on a recommendation that has been considered by a subcommittee consisting of two City Council members appointed by the Council, and one Park Advisory Committee member selected by the Committee. RENAMING OF STREETS WITHIN THE CITY The renaming pertains to streets within the City of Prior Lake. It does not pertain to the extension of existing streets or those proposed to be connected later. Streets in the latter category shall take on the name of the current street. EXISTING PARKS, FACILITIES, STREETS WITHIN PARKS AND PUBLIC PLACES Any park, facility, street within a park, or public place named prior to the approval of this policy shall retain the name previously given, unless renamed in accordance with this policy. The renaming of any such facility is expected to remain in effect for a minimum of five years. PARKS, FACILITIES, STREETS WITHIN PARKS AND PUBLIC PLACES Prior to the completion of a park development or comprehensive redevelopment, a working name may be used to label a park, street within a park, or public space for identification and reference purposes. Parks, facilities, streets within parks, and public places shall be named in accordance with this policy. Normally, once a park, facility, street within a park, or public place is renamed in accordance with this policy, it will retain that name. PROCEDURE The following procedure will be followed for the renaming of City streets, naming parks, streets within parks and public places: (1) The City staff, City Council, Advisory Body or City resident may request the naming of a street, park, facility, street(s) within a park, or public place. (2) Residents, neighborhood groups and developers are asked to submit proposals for naming- using the notification process and submission guidelines contained herein. (3) City staff collects a list of potential names by soliciting input from neighborhood groups, residents and developers of newly constructed projects. This list will be formulated based on the criteria contained herein. (4) The subcommittee established in accordance with this policy will review the list of potential names. The subcommittee will discuss each name and its relative merits. Potential names www.cityofpriorlake.¢om Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 (5) Adopted September 5, 2000 Revised June, 2002 may be added or eliminated from the list at this time. A decision may be made at this or any subsequent meeting called by the subcommittee. The recommended name together With the rationale therefore, will be provided in a report for placement on the next City Council meeting agenda. If the City Council does not approve the recommended name, it shall refer the question back to the subcommittee with direction. NAMING CRITERIA Listed below are the criteria which will be used to generate a list of potential names for parks, facilities, streets within parks, and public places: (1) Consideration may be given to naming of a City street, park, facility, street within a park or public place after the major subdivision in which the street, park or public place is contained or which it is to serve. (2) Name selection may acknowledge local historical events, persons or significant benefactors. (3) If a park, facility, street within a park or public place is to be named after an individual, living or deceased, the person shall have obtained local or national prominence via significant contribution in any field or endeavor. (4) Consideration of a name may acknowledge major financial contributions which made acquisition or property and/or development possible. RENAMING CRITERIA The renaming of a City street, park, facility, street within a park and a public place will be considered if one of the following criteria is met: (1) The name of the park is the working name for the park assigned prior to or during development. (2) The neighborhood changes and the primary users have submitted a petition for a name change that contains at least 51% of the households within a % mile radius. (3) An individual or organization contributed a significant portion of the costs of renovation of a park facility or area. (4) Renaming can occur for an individual living or dead who has significantly served the community. In order to be considered for such an honor, the person should have completed at least ten years of service. There should be a waiting period of at least six months from termination of service, or six months from the death of the individual. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Submission of names for City streets, parks, facilities and public places will be made on forms provided for that purpose. The completed forms should be returned to staff within the timeline set forth in the notification. NOTIFICATION PROCESS Before the subcommittee meets for the first time, notification should be given in the following manner: · Notification in the City's official newspaper and posting at City Hall. FINAL DETERMINATION The City Council reserves all rights in the naming or renaming of all City streets, parks, facilities, streets within parks, and public places. - Adopted September 5, 2000 Revised June, 2.002 APPLICATION FOR NAMING OR RE-NAMING A PARK, FACILITY, STREET WITHIN A PARK, OR PUBLIC PLACE Applicant Name: Address: City/State/Zip Code: Phone: (Please check one) ~ RE-NAMING EXISTING Current Name: Proposed Name: 1. , ~ NAMING NEW Location: Proposed Name: 1. . Please describe rationale for proposed name or re-naming of this park, facility, street within a park, or public place: (attach additional forms, if needed) Please return completed application to: City of Prior Lake Attn: Assistant City Manager 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue NE Prior Lake, MN 55372