HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 12PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2001 MAINTENANCE CENTER 6:30 p.m. , , . Call to Order Approval of Meeting Minutes a. October 9, 2000 Minutes b. December 11,2000 Minutes Staff Reports ao do Park and Trail Study - Approved by City Council on February 5, 2001 Band Shelter Update Entry Monuments at VFW Memorial Park, Lions Sand Pointe Beach Park, Thomas Ryan Memorial Park, Lakefront Park, Ponds 2001 Park & Recreation Capital Improvement Purchases Sledding Party and Winter Program Update 4. Old Business 5 New Business 6. Future Meeting Dates - March 12, 2001 7. Adjournment 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 2000 The Parks Advisory Committee meeting was called to order by Ron Ceminsky at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, December 11, 2000. Members present were Ron Ceminsky, Thea Fluhrer, Pat Heaney and Kathy Smith. Members absent were Chad Storley and Tom Schutz. Also in attendance were Public Works Director Bud Osmundson, Assistant City Manager Susan Walsh, Parks Supervisor Al Friedges, Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser and Councilmember Jim Ericson. October 9, 2000 Park Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes: Assistant City Manager Walsh advised that City Manager Boyles will not assign a secretary to take the minutes at the committee's meetings. She also advised she was not able to locate a tape recorder for this meeting but will bring one to the next meeting. Cathy Smith requested that the minutes reflect that this is the second request from the committee for a tape recorder. Pat Heaney read a prepared statement that he felt should be attached or all or part of its contents included in the October 9, 2000 minutes. Members were provided copies of this statement. Upon further discussion the members reached a consensus that members should review Heaney's comments for possible incorporation into the October 9, 2000 minutes. Chair Ceminsky advised the October 9, 2000 minutes would be reviewed at the January 2001 meeting and requested that members be prepared to recommend how the minutes should be changed. Based on changes discussed at the January meeting, final approval of the minutes would be on the February 2001 agenda. November 13, 2000 Park Advisory Committee Minutes: Thea Fluhrer requested that the words, "on a tape recorder" be added to the second sentence of the second paragraph. MOTION BY FLUHRER, SECONDED BY SMITH TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 13, 2000 MEETING MINUTES WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. Motion carried unanimously. Park Fee Study: Committee members reviewed the latest drawings of the Park System Master Plan and Trail Plan that were prepared by Greg Ingraham, the consultant who is assisting the City with the development of a park fee study. Public Works Director Osmundson advised the consultant and city staff are currently working on determining land valuations for future park areas. Final adoption by the City Council of the park fee study is scheduled for the January 8, 2001. Committee members agreed with the proposed plans but requested that they have the opportunity to review the final fee study before it goes to the City Council. Staff advised that when it is available that they will forward copies to the committee members. Knob Hill Park Neighborhood Meeting: Staff reported on a recent meeting they had with approximately 20 residents who wanted to discuss the development of their park. The park will include a shelter, playground equipment, half basketball court and an open green space. The neighbors liked the proposed plans for the park but requested that it be completed as soon as possible. Members agreed it would be appropriate to complete this park in 2001. Band Shelter Update: Parks Supervisor Friedges advised that the building permit was just issued to Cannon Construction. The contractor intends on building the shelter this winter. Ceminsky requested that the doors for the storage shed be on the interior side of the shed. Friedges felt this could be accomplished and will discuss it with the contractor. Lakefront Park Entrance Monument: The monument is done and will be installed as soon as weather permits. Wilds Park: Public Works Director Osmundson reviewed the layout of the park with the members advising the preliminary plat will be submitted this week by the developer. Discussion was held on whether or not the shelter should be attached to the well house, and it was agreed that staff could determine what works best when the park is being developed. Park Referendum Update: Committee members reviewed the park referendum tracking form that is produced by the finance director each month. Discussion was held on the incomplete or open projects that include Lakefront Park, Library and Ryan Memorial Park. The members agreed that upon completion of all the projects, the funds should be transferred to the park capital fund. Cathy Smith requested that PAC members continue to receive this form on a monthly basis. Discussion was held at this time on the dance studio. Staff advised that revenues and expenses are tracked and are the basis for establishing the next year's budget. Members of the committee expressed concerns if the dance program was privatized, and it was suggested that the City Council receive input from this committee, the dance committee and other sources before any action was taken to change the status of the program. Recreation Program Update: Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser informed the ice and hockey rinks will be ready on December 18th and most of the warming house attendants will be returning from last year. Esser reported on the three trips planned during Christmas break and that the Prior Lake Arts Society will be creating snow sculptures in front of city hall in February weather permitting. Esser advised that he and the secretarial staff are being trained on scheduling software the city purchased. Skateboard Park: Assistant City Manager Walsh updated the committee on a request from Bev Keith, at the December 4, 2000 City Council Forum, for the Council to consider having a skateboard park in the City. The city manager is in the process of communicating with Ms. Keith and she will be informed that her request will be reviewed when staff and Council consider the five-year CIP budget next May. The committee members discussed possible sites for the skateboard park. Staff will keep the committee informed on this matter as further information is obtained. Thea Fluhrer noted that the city had received a donation from the Optimist Club and asked that staff provide an update on how the funds from this donation have been designated. New Business: Thea Fluhrer advised a resident has expressed concerns about snow blowing across Mushtown Road and asked that staff look into this matter. Friedges noted that next year a fence will be installed along the road which would help prevent snow from blowing onto the street. Playground Equipment: Councilmember Ericson requested input from the members on how the specifications should be written for playground equipment bids. He proposed that specifications list the number and types of events the committee members would like to see in the city's playgrounds and the bid award would go to the lowest bidder. It was agreed that this would be difficult to do since the vendors, in this case, are the ones who know what specific events are popular with the children and will remain so during the life of the equipment. Concerns were also expressed that if the specifications were too generic, by listing two slides or two overhead activities, for example, then the vendors may come in with the least expensive and most generic event in order to keep the bid Iow. The committee members felt that the last two methods used for purchasing equipment provided the best number and types of equipment for the money. Discussion was held on having a work session meeting with the Council on this matter and Walsh was asked to discuss scheduling this with the city manager. Future Meeting Dates: Members agreed that due to the Council meeting being held on the same date as the Parks Advisory Committee meeting (January 8th), the next PAC meeting would be held on January 4, 2001, at 6:00 p.m. at the Maintenance Center. The items for the agenda will be (a) October 9, 2000 Minutes and (b) Park Dedication Fee Study. If the study is not completed by January 4th, staff will notify Chair Ceminsky. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Susp~n W~/~ssiStant City Manager Minnesota Recreation and Park Association · 3954 Bryant Avenue South · Minneapolis, Minnesota 5~109 Phone: 612/82~-~00 · Fax 612/82~-6201. Toll Free: 800/862-3659 December 5, 2000 Mr. Chris Esser Prior Lake Parks and Recreation 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 Dear Chris, Congratulations! On behalf of the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association, I would like to inform you that you haVe been selected by your peers in the Programming Section to receive a Meritorious Award due to your outstanding individual leadership and commitment to the section's activities throughout the year. Each year one deserving individual from each Section and/or Committee is selected to receive a Meritorious Award. Tracy Peterson, who submitted your nomination on b~half of the Committee, states: "Chris Esser exemplifies the essence of our profession, the parks and recreation field and the programming section. He is a tree leader who brings new and creative ideas, enthusiasm and a dedicated work ethic to our programming section and the MRPA. Chris is always willing to deal with challenges, opportunities and issues that face the section in a professional and positive manner." .. Your Meritorious Award will be presented to you by President Roy Sutherland at the MRPA Annual Meeting on Friday, January 19. The Annual Meeting will be held in the morning and will precede the annual Awards and Student Scholarship Luncheon at noon. Please plan to join us for the entire day ! This event will be held at the Brooklyn Park Senior Center, located at the Brooklyn Park Community Acivity Center, 5600 85th Avenue. Information about making reservations for the luncheon will be included in the January Keeping Up newsletter. Again, congratulations on a job well done! Congratulations from all the members of the MRPA Awards Committee. Sincerely, __ Jan Ficken, CLP Award Committee Chair Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association CCi Paul Hokeness, Director Parks and Recreation Tracy Petersen, Youth Services Specialist Osseo Area Schools [1Printed on recycled paper with soy based ink. M mo To: From: Parks Advisory Committee Members Sue Walsh, Assistant City Manager Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director Chris Esser, Recreation Supervisor A! Friedges, Park Supervisor 2/2/01 Park Fee Study Council Meeting The purpose of this memo is to invite you to the February 5, 2001 City Council meeting. At the meeting, Greg Ingraham will be presenting the results of the park fee study and the council will consider approval of the park fee study report and authorization of a new park dedication fee. Both City Council agenda reports are enclosed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on Monday at 447-9802.