HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 11PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MAINTENANCE CENTER ....................................................... ..s...!...0.0.......P..'.....m..:. ......................................................... 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes- January 14, 2002 , Old Business a. Year-round Parking at Sand Point Beach b. Review of Parks Advisory Committee Bylaws c. Outfield Signage d. Joint Meeting with City Council . New Business a. Recreational Programs Update b. Senior Social Update 5. Future Meetinq Dates - March 11, 2002 6. Adjournment 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FOR JANUARY 14, 2002 The Parks Advisory Committee meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m., on Monday, January 14, 2002. Members present were Thea Fluhrer, Tom Schutz, Chad Storley and Pat McFadden. Member Lori Helgestad was absent. Also in attendance were Council Liaison Joe Zieska, Public Works Director Bud Osmundson, Parks and Fleet Maintenance Supervisor Al Friedges and Assistant City Manager Susan Walsh. MOTION by Schutz to approve the December 10, 2001 Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Storley. Motion carried. Parking Fees at Sand Point Beach: Discussion was held on the amount of revenue collected each year during the summer months from parking fees. For the summer months of 2001, $24,097 was collected. Staff advised that parking fees go into the city's general fund rather than into an enterprise account that would be used specifically for beach or parking revenues and expenses. Staff will report at the next meeting what the staffing costs are for beach attendants. Discussion was held on the amount of fees that are not collected when vehicles with boat trailers park in the city lot before the beach attendants come on duty at 10 a.m. on weekdays and 7:00 a.m. on weekends. Schutz requested staff to contact cities that operate an honor system for parking. It was also suggested that the beach attendants could collect from drivers when they exit the parking lot if no staff are on duty when they first park their vehicles and trailers. Staff members were directed to research this matter further for discussion at the next meeting. Review Park Portion of Capital Improvement Program: Parks Supervisor Friedges reviewed each of the projects slated for 2002. At the January 22® Council Meeting, he will be seeking Council approval of the plans and specifications and to advertise for bids for lighting on Field 7 at Ponds Park. The plans and specifications will also include optional bids for lighting at Fields 1 and 2. Committee members unanimously agreed bids should be advertised for lighting on all three fields. Storley questioned which organizations that use the fields contribute funds to assist the city with costs. Friedges advised that P.L.A.Y. has contributed funds, and they have committed to match or fund one-half of the costs for the lighting and irrigation on Field 7. McFadden suggested that the city sell signs or rent space on the outfield fence at Memorial Park. Members agreed this would be an ideal location for local businesses to advertise but the signs should be consistent in size. One suggestion was to have the ball teams sell the sign and the city receives a percentage of the proceeds. Staff will look into this and report back. Skateboard Park Discussion: Members discussed the information that was provided to them in the packet. Staff advised that the City Council may want to move this item from the 2003 CIP budget to this year. The amount of $25,000 was budgeted for 2003. Following considerable discussion on this item, the members reached the following consensus: · The users (youth) should provide input on the type of equipment; · The skate park should be designed for 1'1-15 year olds; · The equipment should be classified as Tier l (3 feet or under); · Lakefront Park is the appropriate location; · The site in Lakefront Park was not determined--suggestions included (a) area by the tennis courts, (b) in one of the ice rinks and (c) in the area by upper parking lot; · Staff needs to contact other cities to find out how and why they selected the location (what location works best/what doesn't work); and · There may not be enough time to get skate park up and running in 2002. Therefore, the park should be targeted for 2003. · Vending machines should be installed close by or have the concession stand open during regular hours. Joint Meeting with City Council: Members suggested that the joint meeting include a tour of all the city parks and trails. Review of Bylaws of Parks Advisory Committee: Discussion was held on the current Bylaws. Members agreed that the following changes should be made: · Article 2, Section B-4 and Article 4, Section A (2® Sentence)--Semiannually should be changed to annually, for number of times the Chair shall report to the City Council. · Article 2, Section E -Appointment: term should run from November 1 to October 31. · Article 3, Section A - Regular Meetings: (1) Meetings will start at 6:00 p.m. rather than 6:30 p.m. (2) The word both should be removed from the last sentence of this section. · Article 3, Section B - Change Wednesday to Friday for receipt of packet materials Staff was directed to make the changes and bring them back at the next meeting for final approval by the committee members. MOTION by McFadden to adjourn and Seconded by Schutz. Respectfully submitted, Susan Walsh, Assistant City Manager BYLAWS OF PRIOR LAKE PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Adopted May 16, 1994 Amended January 2, 1996 Amended January 6, 1997 Amended February 16, 1999 Amended December 4, 2000 PREAMBLE The Prior Lake Parks Advisory Committee (PAC) was created in July, 1989 by an act of the Prior Lake City Council to: (1) serve as a liaison between city government and the community, (2) serve as a resource for a new and existing neighborhoods, groups, and civic organizations seeking information concerning the Prior Lake park system, (3) to assist city government in setting open space, land acquisition and development policies, (4) to serve as a body to make recommendations to the city council relating to specific parks and open space development, and, (5) to assist city council in researching a variety of funding sources for the Capital Improvement Program and related park development. ARTICLE 1. NAME Section A. Name - The legal name of the organization is the "Prior Lake Parks Advisory Committee". Section B. Office - The Office of the Prior Lake Parks Advisory Committee is at 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue, S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372. ARTICLE 2. OFFICERS Section A. Officers - The Officers of the Prior Lake Parks Advisory Committee shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary. The City Manager or his/her designee shall serve as Secretary of the Committee. Section B. Chair - The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed from among the Committee's membership for a two year terms in November, by majority vote of the Parks Advisory Committee. The duties of the Chair include: 1. Review and approval of meeting agendas. 2. Presiding at meetings. 3. Participating with the City Council in the selection of Committee members. 4. ~!i;~-~-~',-n, iannual reporting to the City Council. 5. Representation of the Committee as appropriate. Section C. Vice Chair - The Vice-Chair shall be selected annually by the Committee and shall perform the duties of the Chair in his/her absence. The Vice-Chair shall assume such other duties as assigned by the Chair. Section D. Secretary - The City Manager or his/her designee shall act as the Secretary and shall be responsible for recording and compiling a written summary of all official activities of I :\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc Section E. Section F. Section G. Section H. Section I. the Committee. Appointment - The Committee shall consist of five (5) members, appointed by the Prior Lake City Council for a term of three (3) years from ~:~l~t.~?¥~b~;~ .~ ~:::...'~.-'.~ .~ 1 to' ~ -, ~--~. 31 The Committee shall be representative of the citizens who live in Prior 'Lake. Committee members may serve based upon attendance and participation, continued residence in Prior Lake and in accordance with the term limit policy established by the City Council. Vacancies - If the office of Chair becomes vacant the Parks Advisory Committee shall appoint a replacement in accordance with Article 2, Section B. If the Office of Vice- Chair becomes vacant, the Committee shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. Should a member resign, or otherwise vacate a seat on the Committee, Prior Lake City Council shall appoint a replacement to complete the term. The selection of the Chair or Committee member will be filled in accordance with City Council Bylaws. Performance Criteria - Annually the Committee shall perform a written self-evaluation on the following: 1) Implementation of the preamble. 2) Achievement of goals and objectives. 3) Compliance with bylaws. 4) Formulation of proposals and recommendations and overall accomplishments. 5) Visitation of subject sites as applicable. 6) Members personal attendance record. The Committee shall forward this evaluation to a review committee comprised of the staff member assigned to the Committee, City Manager, Mayor, and one member of the City Council. The review Committee shall present this report and any additional comments to the Council by the first week of December for action and recommendation at the annual meeting in accordance with the Council Bylaws. Term Limit - It is the policy of the Prior Lake City Council to impose a two term (or 6 year) service limitation for all appointed positions within the committees and commission. Partial terms do not count toward the term limitation. The purpose of the term limit policy is to encourage resident participation on City advisory bodies and provide community members with the opportunity to participate in their local government. Conflict of Interest - Members with a financial or vested interest with an applicant, application, proposal, policy, or other committee issue shall disclose the relationship' before participating in discussion about the issue. If the conflict is deemed to be significant, the member shall refrain from discussion and voting on such issue. If the conflict involves the presiding officer, he/she shall disqualify him/herself from discussion and pass the gavel to the Vice-Chair or a member who has no conflict. He/she may resume the chair once the issue has been dispatched. I:\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc 2 Section J. Code of Conduct- Committee members will adhere to the following: 1. Committee member's opinion pertaining to a function, organization or specific application or issue shall not be given to the public or media unless there is a clear qualification that the opinion is that of the member and not the official opinion of the committee or the City. If a Committee member gives or represents the opinions of the Committee, he/she shall do so only after receiving the official direction from the Committee. 2. The conduct of Committee members shall reflect positively upon the Committee, individual member and city. 3. Committee members shall avoid any actual or apparent impropriety. ARTICLE 3. MEETINGS Section A. Regular Meetinqs - In conformance with the Minnesota Open Meeting Law all meetings of the committee are open to the public. Regular meetings shall be held on the second Monday of each month at ~-: '.'.'i , ~ p.m. at Prior Lake Maintenance Center, 17073 Adelmann Street, Prior Lake, Minnesota. In the event that such a date shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next succeeding day. Regular meetings may be rescheduled, canceled or changed depending upon unique circumstances and subject to the approval and consent of ?:~h the Chair and/or Vice- Chair. Section B. Notification - All regular meetings of the Committee shall be noticed by: 1) Posting at city hall for at least two (2) days prior to the meeting. 2) A copy of the notice, agenda and accompanying materials shall be received by the Committee, City Council, staff and others designated by the City Council, no later than the ~/~:~d~-~.d~v , prior to the Monday meeting and in no case later than two (2) days prior to a special meeting. Section C. Special Meetinqs - Special Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chair, or two (2) members of the Committee for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. Staff may recommend calling a special meeting, but must receive approval from either the chair or two members of the Committee. The call for a special meeting may be delivered prior to the time of the proposed meeting to each Committee member of the Committee at least two (2) days prior to the special meeting. At such meetings, no business shall be considered other than as designated in the call. The notification provisions of Section B of the article shall be followed. Section D. Quorum for Regular and Special Meetinqs - A majority of Committee members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Committee upon a vote of a majority of the Committee present. Section E. Conduct of Business at Meetinqs - The agenda for a regularly scheduled meeting shall include the following in order of business: 1. Call to Order I:\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc 3 Section F. 2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) 3. Old Business 4. Other Business 5. Staff Update 6. New Business 7. Adjournment Voting - All members of the Committee have equal voting authority. ARTICLE 4. Section A. SCOPE OF POWERS AND DUTIES Powers and Duties - The Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Prior Lake City Council and shall advise the City Council on Park matters identified in the preamble or as assigned to the committee .... ~annually, or as otherwise required by the Council, the Committee Chair shall give an accounting of the Committee's activities with respect to its goals and objectives before the city council. Additionally,. specific powers, duties and responsibilities may be assigned to the Committee upon approval of the City Council. Section B. Subcommittees - The Committee may divide its membership into Subcommittees as it deems necessary to implement its goals and objectives. ARTICLE 5. AMENDMENTS Section A. Amendments - These bylaws shall be reviewed by the Committee annually. Committee may recommend revised bylaws to the City Council for final approval. The I:\advbodys\pac\bylaws.doc 4 02/08/2002 11:11 ?15386338S CITY HUDSON PAGE 82 BOAT LAUNC~ ATTENDANTS .. Daily tickets, money for change, a hand held calculator and a fo'tm to be used to summarize daily activity are picked up from the Receptionist at City Hall. Launch/parking fees per day are as follows: $3.00 - cIT~ of Hudson residents only $5.25 - Non-City Wisconsin residents : $8.50 - Non-Wisconsin residents . As people laLlnch, the left hand portion of the ticket stllb is to be dated and checked as to whether it was a $3.00, $5.25 Or $8.50 launch. Other information to be filled in is time, boat ~egistration and vehicle license number. The right, hand portion is to be marked with the date and given to the launcher to. put oh the dashboard of their vehicle so the number can be. seen.'through the. windshield. Please tell them to do this. At the end of your shift, a form .is to be filled out. Count the nnmber of passes for each category and enter. Multiply the numbe~ in each category by the rate, and enter the dollars for each, Total all three categories and enter. Count the money you have, and it should equal this total plus the change you received from the Receptionist. If not, double check the ticket stubs; .and make any corrections required. If difference make a note· of'it aod an explanat ion. ' '. .: Ticket stubs, money and summary form are to be turned in' to .the · Receptionist on Monday or the next day after you have been an attendant. GENERAL INFORMATION: There are 48 parking stalls in the lot across from the launch. Ten stalls are signed for City of ~udson residents only with a permit. The permit can be obtained at City Hall from the Receptionist on the third floor. Thei~ boat registration and proof of residency is required, and the permit·is free except they still pay each time they launch. The City resident permits for 2001 are red, and these are suppose. to be on the trailer so that you can see it when they are backing into the launch. ' '. When the lot is full, the launch is closed. 4126/96 - Rev 97/98/99/01 11:11 7153863385 CITY HUDSON · .? . ~ ' . ' ../. ~.: '~' ,... .' '~i,,'. '"? · .'.. ,¢ .!.'.~.' :..'-::.... ,., · .. . . ., ... '.~ ......?., ,: 1'. PLA, vi AND/0F(!' 4. TI ONLY :"' ': :."'?:""; · , HU PAGE 08 ,,. ., :,:ii" .,? ~.. ,.~ ., .,. .. ...% :',. ,; , .4,'. '.[ <.' :';2 ... ".E' '.~'~ ,... . ' <, ,.. '.: :.' , "'.,' ~,,' ,. ., ,... , ,. . :, :[,.. . .~:: ~ ,: ?, , ,,:~' :. ,'.. .~" .': ..:.. '..j , . ,, ..,, 11:11 ?153863385 CITY HUDSON PAGE ,, ,:. ,'~ ',. ,, 02/0~/2002 11'11 ?15SBGS3@5 CITY HUDSON .. ,, ..,:. .. .., .(:2..: " .i. ,. ·..; ~' . . .~. : 02/08/2002 11:11 ?i53863385 CITY HUDSON PAGE 83 .. BOAT LAUNCH/PARKING IDENTIFICATION STIC R REGISTERED OWNER- -_ ' Address ! .: Phone . ' :.. , Exp± Re9 No. & ration Date: : ::.. . ~',.'.i :". or Application N0L &:"'D e:.'" . '?:" "'" ,. ..,,. ., .. , , :" ...:... /~,,'. ,.' '. ::'. ' ",' '.. i.. :: ' ": ' ::"'" ! A CITY OF HU .So ESZ E T X BOXT .:,,:. :... .,. .~..::.'. .' .. IDENTIFICATION STICKER. ,:. ':" " '.' ,,___ .. :.<' .:. $ I GNATLrR~. DATE ~ ':' -- "~-- ":' " :: ~,,~ .': . ..,,.. i': :'::!' ,i., .. ~: .' .. ~:' :,, ::':", ':ii", · ' .'i~.. :i~ '~:"' ....... · . :~.,: ., /PARKING IDE/TTI FI CF~ER ' '" '"~ ": '?': .'. BOAT LAUNCH CATION STI · ~':': "'." '.: '?. ,:' " ,.'3 , :::!." , :i.'. '"':'. , · ::; "!"' ,' 'ii:i?' "'" " " .... "; ' RW, GIST~,RED OWNER: .'.'i ::ii .;:.  ""' .' Addr ss :...:!.: .. ::!:.! :::',: .. ~ ~ ' ,:::,.!. Phone ':.:. ,:.::~ ... .. :'" ": ',. :. , . :' . . : , . . ....' Re9 No. & Expiration Date: or Application No i':i& b'at~.~: '":" :'""' - ,,'.' . :'!, ,.: ". .'~: · .,":':... '. ,.. '.' .....:., _ .: · ~: .... · :.~!.. .:.. ,, , :., ,'>,, ,'!~ '> :. : ! AM A CITY OF HTJDSON RESIDENT RECEIVING-A BOAT' H/P~ IDENTIFICATION STICKER d K ' . S I ~NATURE DATE 'NO:!;. '"' . .".:!' '., !; : ::: '.:;~. ..' '. ..,. ~:: BOAT LAUNCH/PARKING IDENTIFICATION STICKER ':"~: :"' :. .':. " ..... · .' . REGISTERED OWNER: ., ..' Address :., ..,!.:. ,.. ,.;: Phone . :.., ?:. .. ?: ... ' ' .. .,,j' '. Re9 No. & Expiration Date ".' or Application No &~ ,,, , -, .. ~:~ :' ~., :,': ·. :: . .: · ::.. .... .. .::. ,::. I A~ A CITY OF HUDSON RESIDENT RECEIVING A BOAT LAL~."CH/PA~.'k ::.' .'"".' " . IDENTIFICATION STICKER. I " :i:.';." ': : ' ! '":: ''" '.'.,". ? ' · .: . .': ~' . ':.::,., SiGNATURE DATE "' ":NO',:' ~ .~. .~.:.. · ,. :' :: ,.. ..: , .'] . . : .... :: '1"' ":":~ ' i..'i "'::' ". 02/08/2002 11'11 7153863385 CITY HUDSON PAGE 04 CITY OF HUDSON PARKS & REC DEPARTMENT BOAT LAUNCH The boat launch sticker you are receiving is for the current boating season only. It is being issued in an effort to assist attendants on duty with .identification of city residents for the .purpoSe 'of fee collection. Also, there are ten parking spaces signed for CitY' Residents Only; and this sticker must be in place for you to use.one of these spaces. Please put the sticker on your boat trailer on the (passenger) side where the attendant can see it when you are backing in to launch~ Have a safe and happy boating season. CITY OF HUDSON PARKS & REC DEPARTMENT BOAT LAUNCH The boat launch sticker you are receiving is for the current boating.. season only. It is bein9 issued in an effort to assist atte'ndantsi~'on~ duty with identification of city residents for the Purpose of .fee' collection. Also, there are ten parkin9 spaces signed for City Residents Only; and this sticker must be in place for you to use 'one of these spaces, · Please put the sticker on your boat trailer on the (passenger) side' where the attendant can see it when you are backin9 in to launch. Have a safe and happy boating season. CITY OF HUDSON PARKS & REC DEPARTMENT BOAT LAUNCH The boat launch sticker you are receiving is for the current boati~9 season only. It is being issued in an effort to assist attendants on duty with identification of city residents for the purpose of fee collection. Also, there are ten parkin9 spaces signed for City Residents 0nly; and this sticker must be in place for you to use one of these spaces. Please put the sticker on your boat trailer on the (passenger) side where the attendant can see it when you are backing in to launch. .. Have a safe and happy boatin9 season.