HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 11PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MAINTENANCE CENTER ....................................................... ~.!...°....0......P..:.....m...:. ......................................................... 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Meetinq Minutes - February 11, 2002 , Old Business a. Parking at Sand Point Beach b. Outfield Signage c. Skate Park Update . New Business a. Park Entrance Signs b. Summer Performance Series 5. Future Meeting Dates - April 8, 2002 6. Adjournment 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 11, 2002 The Parks Advisory Committee meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m., on Monday, February 11, 2002. Members present were Thea Fluhrer, Tom Schutz, Chad Storley, Lori Helgestad and Pat McFadden. Also in attendance were Parks Supervisor Chris Esser and Assistant City Manager Susan Walsh. January 14, 2002 Meetinq Minutes: Committee members reviewed the meeting minutes. Members concurred that the second bullet under the Skateboard Park Discussion on page 2 should be amended to read as follows: The skate park should be designed and targeted for but not limited to 11-15 year olds. MOTION by Schutz to approve the January 14, 2002 minutes subject to the change noted above. Second by McFadden. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Year-round Parkinq at Sand Point Beach: Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser handed out to the members information he received from Hudson, Wisconsin regarding this city's parking fee policy and procedures at their public boat launch. Esser advised Hudson generally hires retired folks who monitor the lot twice a day and empty the fees from a box. This city uses envelope/ticket stubs for parking fees, and the driver of the vehicle deposits the fee in a box and puts the stub on the vehicle dashboard. Residents who don't pay are issued a letter of warning, and the city does not issue citations. Hudson also sets aside ten stalls (out of 48 total) for resident parking only. Residents obtain city-parking stickers from the city hall. Residents may park there on a first come first serve basis. Committee members discussed the above method and agreed they liked how Hudson set aside the parking spaces for residents only. It was suggested that five of the vehicle/trailer spaces be set a side for residents. Discussion also ensued on whether fees should be collected during times that the attendants are not on duty. It was suggested that fees be collected during the entire boating season as opposed to just summer months. Schutz advised additional fees should be collected for future maintenance and expansion of parking lots. Staff members were directed to research the cost to construct a new parking lot with Class 5 at the Crest Avenue water tower. Review of Parks Advisory Committee Bylaws: Discussion was held on the draft changes to the Bylaws. MOTION by Storley to approve the Bylaws with the changes. Seconded by Helgestad. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Outfield Siqna_qe at Memorial Park: Recreation Supervisor Esser reviewed a process used in West St. Paul where a broker out of St. Cloud sells ad space. The city is responsible for the upfront costs and maintenance, and the city does not begin to make a profit until after three years. Esser advised that this city's signs have been prone to vandalism, and the general maintenance can be time consuming and costly. McFadden suggested that the baseball teams could be responsible for selling the fence space and maintaining them. Staff was directed to contact the Mudcats and Jays to see if they would be interested. Joint Meetinq with City Council: Discussion was held on which month the members would like to have their joint meeting with the City Council. The members agreed they would like the joint meeting to include a tour of the city parks and trails. Walsh said one of the Laker Lines buses could be used. Members concurred to having the meeting on May 13th. Recreational Programs Update: Recreation Supervisor Esser gave an update on the winter and spring programs. Senior Social Update: Esser advised that the first city sponsored Senior Social was a success with 38 people in attendance. This was an organizational meeting, and those in attendance indicated they would like the monthly meetings to be half structured with programs and the other half of the time to play cards, socialize, etc. MOTION by Storley to adjourn. Seconded by Helgestad. Ayes: 5., Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Susan Walsh, Assistant City Manager MEMO UM TO: SUBJECT: March 8, 2002 Parks Advisory Committee Members Skate Park Attached for your review is a Council Agenda Report from City Manager Frank Boyles with regards to amending the 2002/2003 Capital Improvements Budget for a skate park. This item was discussed at the March 6th City Council meeting. Following discussion of this matter, the Council passed a motion to direct staff and Park Advisory Committee members to come back to the City Council with recommendations for a specific site and design criteria as well as the other issues addressed in the report. The Council would like us to move forward with this project for completion this year. For our meeting on Monday evening, I would like to suggest that we review each of the 8 issues set out in City Manager Boyles' agenda report. Chris Esser and I will provide you with additional information at the meeting. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: March 6, 2002 9B Frank Boyles, City Manager AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE 2002-2003 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM RELATING TO A SKATE / BMX PARK. DISCUSSION: History: For some years, the City has adopted a five-year Capital Improvement Program. The purpose of the program is to act as the City's primary financial planning tool for capital projects to be undertaken in the next five years. To keep the document up-to-date, the Council adopts a new program in late May of each year. Current Circumstances: Attached are two summary pages from the 2002-2006 Capital Improvement Program. The summary pages presently show the construction of a Skate/BMX park slated for 2003. The total anticipated cost of such a facility is expected to be $25,000. This corresponds with the $25,000 gifted to the City by the Prior Lake Optimists Club. Conclusion: The Council should determine if the construction of the Skate/BMX park should be moved from 2003 to 2002. ISSUES' Over the last two years, I have received a considerable number of written and oral inquiries regarding the City's intent to build a Skate/BMX facility. The inquiries have come both from parents and youth. It appears that Councilmembers have received similar questions as they have inquired to me from time to time about the construction plans. I have also received concerns from Downtown business owners about skateboarders using public sidewalks, parking lots, steps and hand rails for skateboarding purposes. We have also observed a considerable amount of damage at Lakefront Park from skateboarders who use hand rails, steps, sidewalks and benches. I believe that the justification exists to move the construction of the Skate/BMX park from 2003 to 2002 by amending the Capital Improvement Program. In addition to moving up the construction schedule, I recommend that the City Council set some parameters for planning of the Skate/BMX park. The following issues should be addressed: . Cost: $25,000 was earmarked for this facility. This equals the Optimist contribution. The Council may wish to consider making a matching contribution so the facility planning could contemplate a $50,000 total expenditure. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 I:\COUNCIL~,GNRPTS~.002\SKATE PARK.D~-CEQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: , , . Site: In planning this facility, location is a driving factor. The site should be central to most potential users and accessible by trail or sidewalk. The site should also be readily supervised by police officers and other City personnel. Finally, the site location criteria should also consider how much money will be required to make the site ready for the park. Every dollar invested in site preparation is one less available for the equipment. Tier: An evaluation of whether equipment should be Tier I or Tier II or both should be included based upon the clientele that the park is intended to serve. Supervision Costs: An evaluation of costs to supervise and insure the facility should also be included. o Cooperation: Consideration should be given to whether or not this effort can be conducted all or in part with the cooperation of other parties, such as the School District, other service organizations, or the City of Savage. , User Input: The Council should require that the likely users of the facility be integrally involved in the planning of the facility and the regulations associated with its operation. It should be a forgone conclusion that if the park is built, skateboarders, in-line skaters and BMX users will use the park, rather than damage other park property not intended for such usage. , Timeline: The Council should determine the acceptable time period within which a final recommendation is desired recognizing that installation would not occur for at least six weeks after the equipment is ordered. (1) Amend the 2002-2006 Capital Improvement Program to move the Skate Park facility from 2003 to 2002. (2) Direct the staff and Park Advisory Committee to complete the planning process for the facility subject to the suggestions contained in this memo or as amended by the City Council. Both Alternatives (1) and (2). I:\COU NCI L~AGN RPTS~.002\SKATE PARK.DOC -...., Project Description Economic Development. Authoi-ity .Community Redevelopment - o .. CAPSULE.PROJECT SUMMARY . 5/2.1/01 2003,CIP PROJECTS Project Amount "TBD" .Park Department -. . f_DeveloDmentJ - ..,: .. : .. . :.'.:Basketball Court'B°udins ' -.' .... 'c'. . ; " ' ' '.'.' ' ' 91000.00 ~3':;:.i!.:'Batting Cage- Memorial Park...... ' ' ' 10,000.00 .-.. .?,..:i::.:?ark Entrance Signs - . "- ~ 10,000100 Equipment . ' · .- . - - . 15,000..00 iP0rtable Bleachers ' . · .' 15,0'001.00 Bike.-Facilizy -.,.-'.. ;... . .......:.. "-"" '- · .... . .- 2'5,000.00 Gazei:)o - Lakefr0nt. Par. k ...i~-'.' .' "30,0.,00.00. -." :. 9.~;..i'."PicniC'Shelters (3)'-'Jeffers ' - ':', - ' "" '.:.' ".60,00.0.00 - ~g Lot Lightir~g" Lakefrorit Park .... ' ' ~ ~o,ooo:oo .... :;" r'/'raitsj .,: (....!... :' .?,.:',. . : .:. '..:'.'· ... ,..._'..:..... . ::i:i Jeffers Pond De(,el0pme~:t' , .... ..'. .... · :...-- . .... 75,000.00 :i:. '::. '.,'..'. :"~'.<;.' .-:'";:"" . '-: '(:.i.::. .... '"~: "":'" ' .... ~' '"' :i':"?'.-::;'i';;' ,.': ",":":' 'i'. ' ' c' W.or~s-:..':..?.:::-..;i';::':.":.... ": :."'~;,i '! .... .-':" ...' .... ' .. ,. .... '. -' · .:' · ' · al Photography.'Update ........ : .... - ' -': 30,000.00.- .:;:"Lift Station Renovation- · .i.'- . . '. ' ' · · .~ '., . - .-' --.-' .. 120,000.00' ;;;-'.;:! 4,;':.'-..Water Tower Interior P~inti~g' (c~e~t"A v~. ) 290,000.00 - :.Water Meter Change-out Program -". -.. . . .... .... 425,000.00 ?.':'. ~lm.~rovernen~$J .... .. Financing "%BD" · City Cost Tax Impact 9.,000.00 10,000.00 ~ 0,000..00 15,000.00 - 25,.000:00 '. 30,00'0.00 '60,0'00,00"" 110,000'..0'0 · o. . 75,000:00': . . . . ''.~ 30;000,00 - 120,000.00 290,000.00 425.000.00. .c.p. c.p. .c.p. 'c.p. c.p. c.p. c.p. :"c.p. · ?'7/ - "', .... ',;':' ";. . .. "'. .....". 'i':'.."" .'" .: :'.:~. ' .... ' ....... ";; "' .: .. '( ';.,"." .'." :.' '.t (.:.: ., ~ ...... , ,f., .; .. '~-. ,' · . . · . .'.'., .. ., ..... : . . ... .-;.~. .o . L.~,, :.."-' -...-.z., .. '." -. -'. - - . . u.f: · . 150th Street Overlay'(west"secti0n)..'.":::: ....t'":':i~!';'-:'" "'~i5'0°°':0'0 ';'" "-;' 7°.oi~o.oo "'' ": 1.62...'-'; ..--' 0,21%" '":'::" i'-: ',,.:-, '.'.' '-i'?':: .' .'. i::;,"'~.'. , ." '.:..' "' 4 5,oOo.oo.-'.'.~ .:::' ;.' ' s.a." ":,' .. ' ........ ' '::':'!: ';,""'?~ 'i':";'":". ::.:." :..:':,:i{:::::.'.:..'~.:::',..~..!:~.'.:' :...: '::.'. :,... i :::..::."'ii."~.' ..:.:: :,:'.': ..' "' :'i '.:': ,',:;: "i' ".--'.':': 'ca ',Jape Hi~IS Parkway. b0~nectJ~n to Sand 'PL'i:: '?'.: :."' 20Cj',000.0'0'".: ...~-" .. ".'200 00Cl,.00;.." .:".'~ ..'....'c. :~:. :..:.,.. ;:. ;., ,.::...,.:.:.-: :.. ....... i!i~,i'.!-.F.ish Point Road we'st.Reconstruction' "":' ;._:.. :..' '7.?'.":.. :'"":'"i '00"'"'"'~' ";-'~-" "'"'" '~?.h..'." ..: ........ .-..:-......': ... , .,....- ..... ..;.........:.,¥;.... .... u,uuu.u.u..!,.. -:- "-.. 480,000;00 ........ 11.07." ::':!;;"'{'41'%. '" : .... ' '.. .;: ..'",: ..~... ".' .' ''. ...... '"'. .' t '. "-.' '-':' · ' ' ' ,-:.. · '...: '' ' . ". .,. ' : *., :.; . · --,. .... . ...' ..... '"' '"'"'"' ~". .... ''". ". :' · ", "'- '"'". "" '.."' ?!i!i:";!:":'{:~'.['.'i'13'.'-:;:".i':C'.i',:':''':''' ?'.?;:."' ."v~;.~" '- ': : ..'.' ".:.:, '...-'1.'' .:'~' :'-. ".':.": 'i:'!' !'%":: :-.'.~ ""'.":.: '.".i .:.,..'. L: Water .ReSourCes "'!.'.. * ... ,.??'-'~'.'.:! ....,: .:.;;- .,'.. ?.. '....,:,? ,.,:... ::..:...: ;:..., '7:: ~.i:'. ": · ??. . ":?'i;?:l[L~a'ro~,ements~':. .. '.. L':"::? ...:.]'..' ..' .... !,, ..?; .:...-:.. ,:.... '-:.:.. :.[;: ;.;.; ......:..: 2 .' :.'.:? ..;;.;:.';....... (... Storm Water Pond Dredging "' .'-:'' .. ',."". '" ........ .. 20,000,'00 20,000..00' - s..w,· ' ' : ' :'"":' · .·'Lake Bank Stabi~izati.on 30,000.00 30,000.00 ~.w, : .. ,. -......, 1':'. ~'St0rm Drainage Improvements ::": ': .... ' ' '- ""' '" ' .¢_q,.0.Q2,P..Q ' "60..o00.of) S.w: -. .... ': ::., ":.,......-.,-.....'..." z:". - ...... ._... .. , . """ ...... " . .. -.. "' " ~ .... .,,'.. ..... i'!.-' '.'." · ":" ' i:'000.'0'0 ' " ' '"'" ' ': "'""':;"'- ' -- '~' Totals 2:649 2,649,000:00 ~i:! -: ' ...... ' "' ;:' 'Financing Source Summa~ '"' ' ' '" ' ' .... ' ': ' ' -.. Project Amount' roject Tax Levy Sewer & Water Utility Fur~d .s:~v .Storm Water. Utility Fund !'."~:.P.' Capital Park Fund '- -. · T. runk Rese'rve Fund c.s. .Collector Streez Fund Special Assessments '." ".' '." .;?.'; ~. '4:' '" _' Totals ... 550,000:00 7 ~.5,ooo.o0 110.000.00 359,000.00 350,000.00- 200,000.00. 365.000:0~ 2,549,000..00 Tax Impact ' ' ', "~D-PJJgz .Percenta_q~ -'"" $12~69 .-1.62%. -.- · .;' . _ ., · , $ u.f. t.r. m.s, $.a, ti'i.e. Project Des'cription CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY .'.',' :.'".::' -:. 5/21701 .... 200'2'CIP PROJECTS. . . .) · . - Sand Point, Wilds & Lords Street . · -' ' "' :.' ' :,:.... ;... ,.:: .... ...:.,. i.;II ;i., :.' ' 'Public Works "' Economic Development Authority 1. Downtown Reconstrucuon of Mare Avenue -. Park Department' fDeveloDmez'l~ : 2. Outfield Fencing- Memorial Park 3. Park Entrance Signs - .' . 4. Park Appurtenant Equipment 5. Picnic Shelter: Wiles Park $. Basket. ball Cour[- Deerfieid/Wilds Park, 7. Parking Lot- Wilds F~ark :: .'- 8.. Portable Bleachers ' 9.: Parking Lot Lighting - Pond-~ Park 10. Playgrounds - Deerfield, Fairway Hgr~ts 1.1. Ponds Park.- Lighting & h:rigation (Field #7) (Trails) ' ' ' ' '" ':' 12. ·.. Lords Street Bridge Safety Renovati~h '" Lift Station SCADA Telemetry System ' Lift Station .Renovation · 'i. ' ' Water Meter. Change-out Program ' --....." - v:'. 13. 14. .,15. '/.18, Project Amount "TOD" City Cost Financing Tax Impact ]:~_¢.E~qL Percentaae "TBD" 10,000,00 10,000.00 t5,000.00 1.5,000.00 18,000.00. 20,000.00 35,000.00 4O',OOO.O0 60,000:00 150,000'.00 ,. , . 10,000.00 10~000;00 1'5..000.00 1'5,000.00. 18;000.00' 20.000:00 35,000.00 40,000.O0 60,000.00 75~000.00 ' 75',000.00 50.,000.00 .50,000.00 30.0'00~00 "':" ' 30,000.00 "'m.$. 50,000.00 ' 50,000.00 . t.r. "120;000.00 ' ;i-" i" .... 120;000.00 .t.r. : C.pi'c 'L "CD. ¢.p.. · C:p.. : C.p. C.p'. c.p. m.C. · _. '425;000.00 ' '425,000.00· - u.fo -- '- ' - " ' ' '" '-' "' . ..' ' '7 ' -'"' -"'" ~ ~-:' .... --' 1.7.. Water Tower P~ nting (Tower St.)' . ......... · ,- 550.,000'.00 ':":': 550,000.00 ' .. u.f.-. . · ;"i ...". ':' ' ':' ' ;' " "'"'" '"'.." ~:";':.,.i ."' ;'"-":.:-'.~'2,:i".,."' '.;"-"::-.1"-~,: .:. :':-: .... '" :." .-'.':. - ' (Irnorovements~ ' .: .... ' '. '" ': 1.8..Trunk Watermain(Fountain Hills)· :>" '-' 30,006.'60 :'"'" .:'-.':..."'30 0hd.00'''. ' "':'" ! '-' :" i " '19.' Trunk.Watermain(CSAH'2.1 northo~'Carriage~ms) ' 125,000.00 ':'"'" :' 'i25;000i'00 "".:"".:'.'t.'i'....': "' '::":' ( i i'":." :-:' " 20. Tru'nk Watermain (csAH 83 south of CSAH 42) 145,000.00 . 145,000.00 . t.r,' ... ,-.-: .... .:.' .. . . .~ . ... : :' . .: . '; : 21. McKenna Road Street Construction 200,000;00' ' .. 200.000.00 m.s. " , · · ' " 22. Fountain Hills'Drive ex~e~slon (thru Jeffers proD.) 200,000.00 ' ' · 200,000.00 ' m.s. " 23. Trunk S&WMain (CSAH 42 west of CSAH 21 to83) ' 700,000.00 :' 700',000.00 .~":'-:t.r : ,:~ :".. '.: .... 24. Pxie Point-Green Oaks Street Reconstruction .1,265,000.00 '- ','.'. ' 5.640',000.00. -., 14.84 :~.'L93% f..i.:....':"!, :i". ".- ::~ ..: ....,,. . -.- ', .... : ' :i ': L.'..' '".'""' ":..-."~"425,000.00 :- ., ' " . ......... ,_ ".-7 '"ii.-' .-;.'i.'::;~ i 200,000~'00 :::." :','.'.'. t.r.... .,.',. ;.~. : '. '. 25. 'Ring Road ~onstructi~n (Pha$.e.1)-' ,. ".;. ,.. . ::,....2'100'000-00":";'"'!':.-"1'125,0~.~0''-'' ;'" t.r..: . .: ~: !:'ii ~ ::;i" i...L, i': ..~ ,-7.:, 200.000.00 . . s.a.- - ... . · .:" 27o.ooo:oo- ~. c.s.. :..: ' ... :.':';. ,~":. ::.: -. : ..... '- : . i., .... ... ' . : ......... ~. ',",~', .... ' ......... "": · ':' ... ":'::' 575;ooo;oo ,,, .'u~i.. '- '' :.:~./ .!'.'.,i:": .."-.' ' .... '"';' '.:':.5 ...:-';',' ':" ': ' " ' .'-.":" i :,"- ' · ' ' Water Resources ! ..... '-.-..., ........ '.: - .. :....930,000.00.,..,.. · . m.s. - ' '.' :. ~ .... · :'"'.-::' :. ' '. " ' ' [Jm~rovements2 "'"' ':':.,...-"'" ..-.':': "' '" ' .... : ....' - ".. '.:, . .. ....... ., :: 'i:.' ' ii : i: ':/..' "". '-' 26.. Lake Bank Stabilization'(lsJan'd viev~i" :' "":':' :":'" 20.000.00 '"' ;"" 20.000.00.' s..w; "; ':' ":7 '':'?':' "'"'::" ..'." '7...'..' v.,. , · :' ';1:..,.. 28.27' StormCre~ksideDraina.ge Impr°vementsCircle ChannerS~abilization... . -:'..,... .... ..... - ..... · '40,000.0d :. '::..'.."i..'. ' ' .... ~'0'000'0'0':¢'~:' s.w:S'w' .,.....'L.:: .::':i,.i..' :.i.,:. :'.:. ::~:...::'.- '..'::..' '..' Financing So~J~:ce summary,' · . Project Tax'Levy Sewer & Water Utilil:y F.und Storm Wa[er Utility Fund Capital Park Fund Trunk.Reserve Fund- Collector Street Fund Municipal State Aid Special Assessments Matcm~g Contribution .-. POssible construction ~n 200~ Totals ... Totals ... 80. 000.0/'~ ...... 80~000 LO_O_ ., ...... :.,' . .: .' 6,503,000.00: :"~ 6,503,000.00 ... Project Amount Tax ImPact ' ": · . . . 840,0'00.00 $14.84, 1.93% 1,550;000,00 140,000.00 348,000.30 1,495,000.00 - 270,000:00 1.360,000.00 625,000:00 6.503,000..00 Memo To: From: CC: Date: Re: Parks Advisory Committee Members Chris Esser, Recreation Supervisor,~__~ Sue Walsh, Assistant City Manager Bud Osmundson, Public Works Director Al Friedges, Park Supervisor 3/11/02 Skate Park Information The March 6, 2002 meeting, the City Council approved an amendment to the 2002 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to include the construction of a skate park. This project was originally contained in the CIP for 2003. As the skate park project accelerates, the Parks Advisory Committee assistance will be key to making the skate park a reality this year. For education and discussion purposes, I have outlined some factors the PAC must consider: Site: A decision on location of the skate park is crucial to jump starting the entire process. It is feasible to locate the skate park at Lakefront Park within one of the two paved hockey dnks. The other option is to construct a new stand-alone site. An estimated cost for preparation only of a new site is $35,000. Putting it at Lakefront Park in one of the existing dnks would provide a central location and more funding to purchase skate park ramps and features. At the May, 2001 meeting, the PAC discussed the pros and cons of five different skate park locations, three at Lakefront Park and two at The Ponds. The location options should be thoroughly discussed. Tier: The PAC has also discussed the Tier I and II options. To reiterate, a Tier I facility has ramps and features that do not exceed three feet in height. A Tier I facility does not need to carry supplemental insurance and does not require secured access or supervision. A Tier II facility has ramps and features over three feet in height. A Tier II facility requires; supplemental insurance ($2,500-$5,000 annually), gated access, supervision, participant safety equipment and parental liability waivers. User input and age group of the majority of users will assist in determining between Tier I and I1. Equipment: The majority of parks and recreation agencies around the Twin Cities and central Minnesota have used one of two companies for equipment, True Ride and Skatewave. True Ride is based in Duluth, MN and sells wood based ramps. Skatewave ramps are sold by EFA, based in Delano, MN and are steel based and modular in construction. Both ramps have excellent reputations and can be moved after initial installation. Additional fencing will be required to any existing facility or newly constructed site. Supervision: Supervision is required, per insurance guidelines, for Tier II and not for Tier I. The majority of other parks and recreation agencies we have surveyed staff their facility regardless of it being Tier I or II. If the city provides staff it will most likely limit the season length and hours of operation. Cooperation: We have been in contact with Savage Parks and Recreation to research possible collaboration. Savage is currently constructing a $20,000 Tier I facility at O'Connell Park. They have expressed an interest in future collaboration. We have not yet contacted the school district. User Input: As this process continues, we will be soliciting input from not only the PAC, but also community groups with an interest in the skate park. Community members will include the potential users of the park, their parents, community service organizations, regular patrons of the existing park, neighbors, etc. Our initial plans include an information-gathering meeting followed by a skate park design meeting.~ Location and budget have to be determined before we can proceed with the design meeting. Timeline: The timeline for completing this project has already been set in motion. Reasonable objectives and deadlines must be set to keep the project on course to be completed for use this summer. Installation of equipment can occur anywhere from three to six weeks after the equipment has been ordered. It may be necessary for the PAC to conduct additional meetings outside the regular schedule to meet the goals and objectives of this project. Cost: $25,000 has been donated by the Prior Lake Optimist Club to be dedicated to the skate park. The City Council discussed allocating more funding for the project. A recommendation for project funding cannot be determined until the skate park site is confirmed. As you can see, there are many issues to discuss and evaluate in a relatively short period of time. If you know of anyone that would be interested in helping us out with this project, please forward them to me at City Hall, 447- 9822. Thanks for your assistance. · Page 2