HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 14PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 14, 2002 FIRE STATION NO. 1 16776 FISH POINT ROAD 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm -- 2020 VISION AND STRATEGIC PLAN PRESENTATION TO PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE, PLANNING COMMISSION, LAKE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND DANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (LIGHT DINNER WILL BE SERVED) 7:00 pm - REGULAR PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - FIRE STATION 1. Ca!! t_n Order 2. A,n,nrova! of Meeting _M_in_ute$ a. September 9, 2002 , O!d _R~!~ine~ a. Skate Park 2002 Attendance Numbers/2003 Fee Discussion b. PAC Vacancies c. Library Floor and Wall Project d. PLAY Donation e. . New _Rl_!$ine$$ a. Park Construction Update at Wilds Park and Lakefront Park b. Lighting for Ponds Park Parking Lots 5. F~_m_~re Meeting Date a. November 11, 2002 6. Adjo,Jrn_men_t 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (952) 447-4230 / Fax (952) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 9, 2002 Chair Thea Fluhrer called the meeting to order at 6:55 p.m., on Monday, September 9th, 2002. Members present were Lori Helgestad, Pat McFadden and Thea Fluhrer. Also in attendance were Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser, Public Works Director Bud Osmundson, Recreation Intern Kent Kloster, Council Liaison Joe Zieska and Recreation Specialist Heather Carlson. April 8~ 2002 Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting was reviewed. MOTION by Helgestad to approve the April 8, 2002 minutes. Second by McFadden. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. May 13, 2002 Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting was reviewed. MOTION by Helgestad to'approve the May 13, 2002 minutes. Second by McFadden. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Skate Park Update: Recreation Supervisor Esser reviewed the skate park season. The skate park will stay open through Saturday, September 29th. Attendance has been good with an average of 15 participants at the park on an hourly basis and over 200 participants over the summer. Approximately 60 season passes have been sold. Skate Park hours during school is Monday through Friday from 3 to 7 p.m. and Saturday and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Committee member McFadden inquired if there has been any noise concerns from the residents near the skate park. Recreation Supervisor Esser said there was a few concerns in the beginning of the season and insulation may be recommended from the company to quiet this. Council Member Zieska suggested the PAC should look at recommending fees for next season in October and November. Currently the fees are $45 Resident, $90 Non-resident for season passes and $3 Resident, $6 Non-resident for daily passes. Summer Program Update: Recreation Supervisor Esser gave an update on the summer programs including; Hook a Kid of Golf, beach operations, Lakefront Pacer Run and the Lakefront Days Ice Cream Social. MRPA Award of Excellence: The City of Prior Lake received an award from the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association for the Hook a Kid on Golf program, which began the summer of 2001. The award was presented to Recreation Supervisor Esser at the August 5 City Council meeting and will be displayed in the lobby at city hall. PAC Vacancies: Chair Thea Fluhrer and Committee Member Tom Schultz positions will be open after the October 2002 meeting due to their term limits. There was also one position currently open on the committee. The city will advertise the openings and then interview for all three positions at the same time. The goal is to have new members ready in place by the November meeting. Parking Lot Lighting Project at Ponds Park: Public Works Director Osmundson discussed the design and plan of the lighting project at The Ponds Park. This $25,000 project is part of the CIP program and should be started this fall. New Playground Equipment Proposal: Public Works Director Osmundson discussed the new playground equipment at Deerfield, Fairway Heights, Meadow View and Timber Crest parks. Plans and specs will be prepared this fall and the PAC will be involved in the process. The equipment will most likely be installed starting next spring. Osmundson stated that the projects will be bid together in order to secure the best possible pricing. 2020 Vision & Strategic Plan Presentation: Recreation Supervisor Esser recommended a proposal that the beginning of the next meeting be in coordination with the City Council, Planning Commission and Lake Advisory Committee on Monday, October 14th from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at the Fire Station for a power point presentation of the 2020 Vision and Strategic Plan. The regular PAC meeting will be held immediately after the presentation, most likely at the Fire Station. Off Leash Dog Area: Recreation Supervisor Esser added this item to the agenda at the request of former PAC member Ron Ceminsky. Esser informed the PAC that preliminary discussions of an off leash dog area at The Ponds that had taken place approximately three years ago at the PAC level. At that time The Ponds was the recommended park for such a facility, however, at this time we are not restricted to that park only. Esser explained the concept of an off leash dog area and it's popularity in other communities with established facilities. Committee Member Helgestad recommended the issue be tabled until the neTM PAC members are appointed in order to get a broader representation of opinion. Other Business: Council Member Zieska briefly discussed the Lakefront Plaza project and the proposal for the Jeffers property and the city plans for the site. MOTION by Helgestad to adjourn. Second McFadden. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Heather Carlson, Recreation Specialist Sep 22 02 06:09p Brenda Kvitek 7157436725 p.S .: ih