HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 1316200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 PARK ADVISORY COMMI EE MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2000 SCOTT COUNTY LIBRARY LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM 6:30 p.m. . . . , ! . , Call to Order Approval of October 9, 2000 Meeting Minutes. Staff Reports a. Park Fee Study b. Thomas Ryan Memorial Park Concession Stand c. Fall Program Review/VVinter Program Preview d. PAC Membership Old Business a. No Skate Boarding Signs at Library New Business Future Meeting Dates a. Joint Meeting with City Council- December 4, 5:30 p.m., at Fire Station b. Regular PAC Meeting - December 11, 6:30 p.m., at Maintenance Center Adjournment www. cityofpriorlake, com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OCTOBER 9, 2000 The Parks AdviSory Committee meeting was called to order by Ron Ceminsky at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, October 9, 2000. Members present were Ron Ceminsky, Thea Fluhrer, Pat Heaney, Kathy Smith, Tom Schutz and Chad Storley. Sandi Fleck was absent. Also in attendance were Public Works Director Bud Osmundson, Assistant City Manager Susan Walsh, Parks Supervisor Al Friedges, and Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser. Mayor Mader and Councilmembers Gundlach, Ericson, Petersen and Zieska were present. September 11, 2000 Park Advisory Committee Meet Minutes: MOTION BY STORLEY, SECOND BY SMITH TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 MEETING MINUTES. Motion carried unanimously. Joint Meeting with City Council Assistant City Manager Walsh informed the members that a joint meeting with the City Council is scheduled for December 4, 2000. This will be held prior to the regular City Council meeting. Mayor Mader addressed the Park Advisory Committee members at this time. He pointed out that the members of the Parks Advisory Committee were appointed to support the City Council and were not appointed to work as a political action committee or to undermine the City Council or staff. He went on to state that the role of the appointed members is to work with the Council, support Council decisions whether they agree, or disagree and to represent the facts accurately. Mayor Mader referred to letters and faxes that contained incorrect information that dance classes would be cancelled, that the Mayor had voted for a 50% salary increase for himself and that the Mayor fired the Parks and Recreation Director. He also voice objection that members of the Parks Advisory Committee were circulating a petition to overturn decisions made by the City Manager during Lakefront Days. The Mayor stated that it is unacceptable for a member of this committee to come to the City Council meeting and be disruptive, and is in violation of the bylaws, respectful behavior and rules of decorum by slamming doors and pounding on the podium. The Mayor requested that the members of the Parks Advisory Committee decide whether they wish to be a member of the PAC or a member of the political action committee. Discussion ensued between the Council and the Parks Advisory Committee with regard to past conversations that had taken place with each other. Members of the Parks Advisory Committee noted their hard work and dedication to the City park system. The Mayor requested that the PAC members discuss these issues and advise the City Council at the December 4, 2000 joint meeting of the actions they intended to take to correct the situation. With the exception of Councilmember Ericson, the members of the City Council left the meeting. Playground Equipment Bids Councilmember Ericson stated that this matter was deferred from the October 2nd Council meeting to the October 16, 2000 meeting so Council would have time to review the proposals received from the four venders on the playground equipment. Members of the PAC felt the criteria used for selecting the two recommended vendors were appropriate. There was a consensus of the members that if the Council agrees to go with the lowest bidder that the matter should be referred back to the PAC prior to City Council approval. Councilmember Ericson left the meeting at this time. Park Fee Study Assistant City Manager Walsh advised that the City Council awarded the contract to complete the park fee study to Ingraham & Associates in the amount of $14,305. This study is being conducted since the City's park dedication fees have not been adjusted from the $13,000 per acre for many years while land sales are going for $30,000-$50,000 per acre. Thomas Ryan Memorial Park Concession Stand Parks Supervisor Friedges updated the members on the bid opening for the restroom/concession building. Bids were received in the major categories (earthwork, concrete, carpentry, electrical, painting) but not for some of the smaller categories. Friedges is currently seeking quotes for the smaller categories. It was noted that the original estimate of $145,000 is quite lower than what the total costs will most likely turn out to be. The architect claimed he had estimated $225,000, and Friedges informed the members that it could be built for approximately $176,000 if the City was the general contractor. Public Works Director Osmundson advised that he is working with the Metropolitan Council to receive approval to extend sewer to serve the new facility. Fall Program Review Recreation Supervisor Chris Esser reviewed the recreation programs for the fall and winter. The dance programs are going very well and enrollment is at 399 which is up from 351 students last year. Old Business Osmundson informed the members that a yield sign will be installed on Ponds Parkway where it intersects with Toronto. Staff is checking into having a stop sign placed on Busse Boulevard. Thea Fluhrer requested that staff look into having a "no in-line skating or no skate boarding" sign placed at the library. New Business - None The next meeting will be on Monday, November 13, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. Members requested that the meeting be held at the library if a room is available. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. S~~~_~i! ~Assistant City Manager Joint City Council/Parks Advisor Committee Meeting 6:30 p.m. Maintenance Center Lunch Room The Parks Advisory Committee was established to serve a specific role in City government and that role is to advise the City Council about park related issues. To effectively perform its responsibilities, the Park Advisory Committee and its members · must be credible to the City Council. Actions of the body or of individual committee members can enhance or undermine the PAC credibility. The PAC and/or its individual members have taken actions which undermine the effectiveness of the Advisory Committee from the Council's perspective. Such actions include, but are not limited to: · Failure to attend a PAC meeting resulting in meeting cancellation due to lack of a quorum. (Pat Heaney attended 2001 City Council Budget Workshop, apparently without being sure a quorum would be present for the PAC meeting.) · Intentional misrepresentation in newspaper. (Pat Heaney acknowledged that the article about Council pay increases was inaccurate and he was aware of that fact before placing the letter in the newpaper). · Intentional misrepresentation through fax correspondence. (Following the announcement of the reorganization, PAC members initiated a rumor that the dance program and recreation programs were next to be cut and distributed the fax to dance program parents). · Solicitation of petition opposing reorganization at Lakefront Days (Ron Ceminsky, Thea Fluhrer) This is an obvious conflict between the roles expected of a PAC member and the role of a member of the Citizens for Ethical Government. · Speaking at community organization meetings criticizing City Council policy and staff activities. (Pat Heaney spoke at a PLA Y meeting compromising his role as a PAC member.) The Council does not intend to debate these issues with the PAC. Instead, it will communicate its expectations of PAC members. 1. Regular attendance and participation in PAC meetings as provided in bylaws. 2. Refrain from distribution of misleading material in any medium. 3. Support the City organization and City Council. 4. Speak as a PAC member. Act as a PAC member. 5. Do not allow other interests / memberships to undermine the roles of a PAC member. 6. Communicate with Council liaison, Mayor or City Manager about concems or disagreements. Every PAC member has the right to express themselves as they wish on City issues. But, each PAC member also has the responsibility to recognize activities that are mutually exclusive of one another. Activities outlined above are not consistent with the responsibilities of PAC members. Consequently, any PAC member who does not wish to follow these simple standards should resign immediately. Either choose to resign, or meet the standards the Council has outlined. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AGENDA Joint City Council / Park Advisory Committee Workshop · PAC Action Steps in Response to Councilmember's concerns (reference Mayor's correspondence). 2 Playground Equipment Acquisition · 3. Other BUsiness. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Phl (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Prior Lake Park Fee Study Meeting 10:00 - 11:30 AM Monday, November 13, 2000 Agenda Review park and trail planning assUmptions: ~) Land use Transportation , 2) Review and edit Draft Park System Master Plan..--.-" ~3) Review and edit Draft Trail Plan. 4) Discuss land valuation process and information needs. ~ext steps: a.) Revise draft park and trail system plans based on staff feedback. b.) Initiate land v~n work.--~do~~- co[~,,o~~~~ c.) Prepare neighborhood park prototype and budget. d.) Prepare preliminary cost estimates - acquisition and development. e.) Compare costs with growth forecasts. f.) Determine preliminary park financial plan and per unit fee needs. g.) Prepare draft update of park fee/ordinance. h.) Staff review of updated park and trail plan, cost estimates and draft park fee/ordinance update. 6) Adjourn FRANK BOYL November 9, 2000 TO: SUBJECT: SUSAN WALSH AND LANI LEICHTY Lake Advisory and Park Advisory Committees As you know, vacancies exist on both the Park Advisory and Lake Advisory Committees. The Park Advisory Committee has six members and the Lake Advisory Committee four. On November 6th, I proposed, that the City Council bring consistency in the membership of each of our Committees. Accordingly, under my proposal each Committee would have five rather than seven members. My reasons for this proposal were: · Five members can represent the community as well as seven. · The quorum requirement is 3 for a 5-member body rather than 4 for a 7-member body. · Less paper and other forms of communication are required for the five-person body. The Council approved my recommendation and directed that implementation begin. The Lake Advisory Committee will be brought up to five by making one appointment. The Park Advisory Committee will be brought down to five through attrition on October 30, 2001 when three terms will expire. Please share this memo with the members of each advisory body. I would be happy to respond to any questions. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER