HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-18 Prior Lake City Code \L\ 5.6/ AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE TITLE~, CHAPTER AMENDING THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 83-6. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 93-18 c! J';' C~~ /: t, ~ < V'~ rill r fI / "~" Fr ( "{ !' /:' f' ~ J 1\ v t. VII' \ 8 AND t.:,,: The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: ,/: .' l t" \. V 'J ,IIi d' " ~l'\ I :', r/ y'/ ., J ~/: I . Title': Chapter 8, is hereby added to the Prior Lake City Code to read as follows: CHAPTER 8 BUSINESS PARK DISTRICTS SECTION: 4-8-1: 4-8-2: 4-8-3: 4-8-4: 4-8-5: 4-8-6: 4-8-7: 4-8-8: Intent Development Review Committee Permitted Uses Conditional Uses Accessory Uses Lot Requirements Required Setbacks Design Standards in the BP District 4-8-1: INTENT: It is the intent of this Chapter to promote high standards of design and construction for business park uses in the City. These standards are set forth in order to enhance the visual appearance of each Business Park District within the City, to preserve the taxable value and to promote the public health, safety and welfare. 4-8-2: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE: Any proposed construction or alteration of buildings, structures or property within a Business Park (BP) District which requires a building permit under the provisions of the Prior Lake City Code must be reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC). The ORC shall consist of at least three members of the City staff to be appointed by the City Manager. It shall be the responsibility of the DRC to review all plans for proposed development within the BP District. If the DRC determines that the plans comply with the intent and standards of the BP District, a building permit will be issued. All decisions of the DRC may be appealed within thirty (30) days to the City Council, whose decision shall be final. The City Council shall make its decision within fifteen (15) days. The City Council may refer such an appeal to the Planning Commission for a recommendation before marking its decision. The ORC shall develop, with the approval of the City Manager, specific submission requirements and procedures to be followed for processing permit applications in the BP District and appealing the decision of the DRC. 4-8-3: PERMITTED USES: Permitted uses in a BP District are: (A) Offices. (B) Manufacturing fabrication, compounding, processing, packaging, treatment and/or assembly of products, goods and materials. (C) Utility services. (D) Wholesale use occurring within an enclosed building, but not involving live animals. (E) Warehouse, enclosed storage. (F) Business services. (G) Blueprint, photostat and printing shopsj (H) Research and testing laboratories. 4-8-4: CONDITIONAL USES: Uses allowed by Conditional Use Permit in the BP District are: (A) Storage or parking of vehicles larger than one ton capacity, provided that such vehicles are used in connection with a business located in the principal structure on site and are screened from view of adjacent residential property and public streets in accordance with the City's landscaping and screening ordinance. (B) Outdoor storage, provided that such use occupies an area no larger than fifty percent (50%) of the floor area of the principal structure and provided it is screened from view of adjacent residential property and public streets in accordance with the City's landscaping and screening ordinance. (C) Public buildings. (D) Animal and veterinary clinics, provided all animals are kept within the principal structure. (E) Heliport. (F) Retail sales or services to the public, provided that such use occupies no more than two thousand square feet (2,000 sq. ft.) of floor area in the principal structure. 4-8-5: ACCESSORY USES: Accessory uses allowed in the BP District are: - 2 - (A) Parking lots or parking structures for permitted or conditional uses. (B) Structures to enclose trash handling equipment and recycling equipment if built in accordance with the standards of this section. (C) Radio transmitters, microwave, and telecommunication towers, subject to Sections 5.2 and 6.12 of the Zoning Ordinance and Sections 5-4-4 and 5-5-12 of the Prior Lake City Code. (D) Outdoor display of products which are manufactured or assembled in the principal structure on site, provided that such use occupies an area not to exceed five hundred square feet (500 sq. ft.), and is paved with asphalt, concrete or other hard surface and clearly delineated as outdoor display space. 4-8-6: LOT REQUIREMENTS: The minimum lot size in the BP District shall be one acre, and the minimum lot width shall be one hundred feet (100'). No more than thirty-five percent (35%) of any lot shall be covered by structures. 4-8-7: REQUIRED SETBACKS: Within the BP District the following minimum setbacks shall apply: Front Side Rear Arterial & Collector Roadways Structure 30 ft 20 ft 30 ft 50 ft Structure 75 ft (abutting a Residential District) 75 ft 75 ft Parking Area, 15 ft Drive Aisle, Ground Sign (abutting a Residential District) 10 ft 10 ft 30 ft 4-8-8: DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE BP DISTRICT: (A) Building Materials. Exterior building materials of all structures shall be one of, or a combination of, the following: 1. face brick; 2. stone; 3. glass; 4. architecturally treated concrete; - 3 - 5. decorative concrete block whose color and texture is integral to the material (if not more than fifty percent (50%) of the building elevation faces any roadway). Plain, flat unpainted concrete block is not allowed, nor is any type of painted concrete blockj 6. cast-in-place or precast concrete panels; 7. metal panels with interlocking, concealed or tongue-and- groove seams and concealed fasteners, if the exterior surface finish is warranted by the manufacturer for twenty (20) years against blistering, peeling, cracking, flaking, checking or chipping (if not more than fifty percent (50%) of the building elevation faces any roadway); 8. stucco or other cementitious coating applied in a manner so as to create a harmonious design with other exterior materials. (B) Additions. Alterations and Accessory Structures. All subsequent additions, exterior alterations and accessory structures built after the construction of the principal structure(s) shall be of the same materials as those used in the principal structure and shall be designed to conform to the original architectural concept and general appearance. This provision shall not prevent the upgrading of the quality of materials used in a remodeling or expansion project. (e) Other Structures. Garages, screen walls, exposed areas of retaining walls, signs supporting structures and other areas of exposed permanent materials shall be of a similar type, quality and appearance as the principal structure. This provision shall not prevent the upgrading of the quality of materials used in a remodeling or expansion project. (D) Paving and Curbing. All parking areas and drives shall be constructed of concrete, blacktop or a similar durable hard surface free of dust. The periphery of all parking areas and drives shall be constructed with poured-in-place concrete curbing. (E) Loading and Service Areas. All loading and service areas shall be completely screened from eye-level view of adjacent residential properties and streets, except at driveway access points. Exterior loading docks or other means of handling materials brought to or removed from the site shall be on those sides of buildings which do not face any roadway or proposed roadway. (F) utility Equipment. All utility equipment, such as heating and ventilating equipment, meters and other devices shall be completely screened from eye-level view of adjacent residential properties and streets. If on the ground, the equipment shall be screened with a screen wall, berm or - 4 - landscaping. If on the roof, the equipment shall be screened with a parapet or screen wall of materials compatible with the principal structure. Vertical or horizontal wood slats, fencing or similar materials are not an acceptable screening material. (G) Trash Handlin9. Dumpsters, trash, trash handling equipment and recycling equipment shall be stored within the principal structure, or within an accessory structure of the same materials as the principal structure which is completely enclosed with closed doors and a roof. (H) Li9htin9. Lighting fixtures shall be of a downcast, cutoff type, concealing the light source from view and preventing glare from spilling into residential areas. Lighting levels shall be measured in foot candles five feet (5') off the ground or floor level. The following light levels shall be met: Lot line of adjacent residential property: 0.5 foot candle maximum Open parking areas: 1.0 foot candle minimum Covered parking facilities/ night (minimum): General parking and Pedestrian areas Ramps and corners Entrances and exits Stairwells 5 foot candles 5 foot candles 5 foot candles 20 foot candles Covered parking facilities/ day (minimum): General parking and Pedestrian areas Ramps and corners Entrances and exits Stairwells 5 foot candles 10 foot candles 50 foot candles 20 foot candles (I) Si9nage. 1. Wall Signs. Each principal building shall be allowed wall signage equal to ten percent (10%) of the area of the front building elevation facing a public street. No individual sign may exceed two hundred (200) square feet. For multi-tenant buildings with individual tenant entrances, all signage must be part of a master sign plan submitted and approved by the City showing the location and size of all proposed signs in relation to each exterior elevation and which coordinates the signage of the building in a consistent and harmonious fashion. Such plan shall be drawn to scale and indicate - 5 - building as well as individual sign locations and dimensions. For multi-tenant buildings with tenant entrances on a side of the building not facing a public street, additional signage on these building faces will be allowed up to five percent (5%) of the area of the front building elevation. 2. Freestanding Signs. One freestanding sign per principal building is permitted in addition to wall signs. The freestanding sign may be no higher than six feet (6') above natural grade and no more than eighty (80) square feet in area per side, with a maximum of two (2) sides. Such signs shall not be located within a thirty foot (30') clear view triangle on corner lots and shall be set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from the property line or right-of-way line, whichever is greater. (Setback measurement will be determined from the closest part of the sign to the property or right-of-way line.) 3. Directional Signs. Each property shall be allowed three (3) directional signs of no more than six (6) square feet in area and no taller than four feet (4') above natural grade. Such signs may be placed near a driveway and shall be set back five feet (5') from the street right-of-way. The purpose of directional signs is to indicate entries and exits, office locations and other information necessary to direct people to areas on site. 4. Address Numbers. Address numbers no taller than twelve inches (1211) high nor less than four inches (4") are required on each building for identification purposes. 5. Ground Monument Sign. One common ground monument sign shall be allowed at each major entrance into the Business Park for the sole purpose of identifying the Business Park and/or listing the businesses therein. Such sign may be no higher than ten feet (10') above natural grade and no more than one hundred twenty (120) square feet in area with a maximum of two (2) sides. Such signs shall not be located within a thirty foot (30') clear view triangle on corner lots and shall be set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from the property line or right-of-way line, whichever is greater. (Setback measurement will be determined from the closest part of the sign to the property or right-of-way line.) (J) Noxious Matter. The emission of noxious matter shall be controlled so that no such emission crosses the lot line of the property from which it originates. Noxious matter shall mean any solid, liquid or gaseous material, including but not limited to gases, vapors, odor, dusts, fumes, mists or combinations thereof, the emission of which is detrimental to or endangers the public health, safety, comfort or general welfare, or causes damage to property. The owner of the property and/or the manager of the business shall comply with - 6 - a regular inspection schedule as approved by the City and shall submit reports of such inspections to the City. (K) Restricted Operations. Uses which are accompanied by an excess of noise, vibration, dust, dirt, smoke, odor, noxious gases, glare or wastes shall not be permitted. Noise, odors, smoke and particular matter shall not exceed Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards. Glare, whether directed or reflected, such as from spotlights or high temperature processes, as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be visible beyond the lot line of the property from which it originates. (L) Exceptions for Le9al Non-Conformin9 structures. For properties with existing development that are rezoned to BP, the following exceptions will apply. 1. For legal non-conforming structures in a BP'District, new construction projects for repairs, remodeling or additions to the structure do not need to meet the standards in this Chapter if the construction increases the size of a structure by less than ten percent (10%) or if it increases the assessor's market value by less than twenty percent (20%). If the construction project increases the size of a structure between ten percent (10%) and fifty percent (50%) or if it increases the assessor's market value between twenty percent (20%) and fifty percent (50%), all the standards in this Chapter do not need to be met, but will be required to meet a reasonable proportion of the requirements as determined by the DRC. 2. For the purposes of determining compliance with the standards in this Chapter, site work not involving the structures on site shall be considered separately from work on the structures. For legal non-conforming uses in the BP District, new construction projects for repairs, remodeling or additions to the parking lot, outdoor spaces, landscaping or other exterior areas do not need to meet the standards in this Chapter if the construction increases the size of these areas by less than ten percent (10%). Construction projects involving an expansion of an exterior area between ten percent (10%) and fifty percent (50%) need not meet all the standards of this Chapter, but will be required to meet a reasonable proportion of the requirements as determined by the ORC. For the purposes of this paragraph, adding one inch (1") or more of new material to an existing parking lot surface shall be considered an increase of one hundred percent (100%) of the area involved. - 7 - II. .' ,;:) /~ The list of districts set forth in Section 2.2 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: A-1 R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 B-1 B-2 B-3 1-1 1-2 C-1 S-D Agricultural Urban Residential Urban Residential Multiple Residential Mixed Code Residential Limited Business Community Business General Business Business Park Light Industrial Conservation Shoreland District -) . i r' " \ ~. .b";~) (t '/ (;' and Paragraph I-l as set forth therein is hereby amended to read as follows: 1-1 BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT is intended to promote high standards of design and construction for business park uses in the City. These standards are set forth in order to enhance the visual appearance of each Business Park District within the City, to preserve the taxable value and to promote the public health, safety and welfare. III. PERMITTED USES CONDITIONAL USES /... of the~- ~, f~\ ;;JJ 3 ~(J")J G \" \ ~ S;. ~ /-J.}.l 1,1'''"''/ I 0.1 i"'- ../ /..... ,/ "Jy' , ',A'" \.J " <-.,.~ " ,J-" (j) ,- The I-1 Permitted Uses and Conditional Uses of Section 3 Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to read as follows: 1-1 BUSINESS PARK See Section 6.14 herein for a complete listing See Section 6.14 herein for a complete listing IV. The 1-1 District information of Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: r.l,~ [SEE CHART ATTACHED HERETO] _ ~ ()~".}J'}>r/" I V. A new Section 6.14 is hereby added to the Zoning Ordinance and shall read as follows: - 8 - 6.14 BUSINESS PARK REGULATIONS: A. INTENT: It is the intent of this Chapter to promote high standards of design and construction for business park uses in the City. These standards are $et forth in order to enhance the visual appearance of each Business Park District within the City, to preserve the taxable value and to promote the public health, safety and welfare. B. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE: Any proposed construction or alteration of buildings, structures or property within a Business Park (BP) District which requires a building permit under the provisions of the Prior Lake City Code must be reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC). The DRC shall consist of at least three members of the City staff to be appointed by the City Manager. It shall be the responsibility of the DRC to review all plans for proposed development within the BP District. If the DRC determines that the plans comply with the intent and standards of the BP District, a building permit will be issued. All decisions of the DRC may be appealed within thirty (30) days to the City Council, whose decision shall be final. The City Council shall make its decision within fifteen (15) days. The City Council may refer such an appeal to the Planning Commission for a recommendation before marking its decision. The DRC shall develop, with the approval of the City Manager, specific submission requirements and procedures to be followed for processing permit applications in the BP District and appealing the decision of the DRC. c. PERMITTED USES: Permitted uses in a BP District are: 1. Offices. 2. Manufacturing fabrication, compounding, processing, packaging, treatment and/or assembly of products, goods and materials. 3. Utility services. 4. Wholesale use occurring within an enclosed building, but not involving live animals. 5. Warehouse, enclosed storage. 6. Business services. 7. Blueprint, photostat and printing shops; 8. Research and testing laboratories. D. CONDITIONAL USES: Uses allowed by Conditional Use Permit in the BP District are: - 9 - 1. Storage or parking of vehicles larger than one ton capacity, provided that such vehicles are used in connection with a business located in the principal structure on site and are screened from view of adjacent residential property and public streets in accordance with the City's landscaping and screening ordinance. 2. Outdoor storage, provided that such use occupies an area no larger than fifty percent (50%) of the floor area of the principal structure and provided it is screened from view of adjacent residential property and public streets in accordance with the City's landscaping and screening ordinance. 3. Public buildings. 4. Animal and veterinary clinics, provided all animals are kept within the principal structure. 5. Heliport. 6. Retail sales or services to the public, provided that such use occupies no more than two thousand square feet (2,000 sq. ft.) of floor area in the principal structure. E. ACCESSORY USES: Accessory uses allowed in the BP District are: 1. Parking lots or parking structures for permitted or conditional uses. 2. Structures to enclose trash handling equipment and recycling equipment if built in accordance with the standards of this section. 3. Radio transmitters, microwave, and telecommunication towers, subject to Sections 5.2 and 6.12 of the Zoning Ordinance and Sections 5-4-4 and 5-5-12 of the Prior Lake City Code. 4. Outdoor display of products which are manufactured or assembled in the principal structure on site, provided that such use occupies an area not to exceed five hundred square feet (500 sq. ft.), and is paved with asphalt, concrete or other hard surface and clearly delineated as outdoor display space. F. LOT REQUIREMENTS: The minimum lot size in the BP District shall be one acre, and the minimum lot width shall be one hundred feet (100'). No more than thirty-five percent (35%) of any lot shall be covered by structures. G. REQUIRED SETBACKS: Within the BP District the following minimum setbacks shall apply: - 10 - Front Side Rear Arterial & Collector Roadways Structure 30 ft 20 ft 30 ft 50 ft Structure 75 ft (abutting a Residential District) 75 ft 75 ft Parking Area, 15 ft Drive Aisle, , Ground Sign (abutting a Residential District) 10 ft 10 ft 30 ft H. DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE BP DISTRICT: 1. Building Materials. Exterior building materials of all structures shall be one of, or a combination of, the following: a. face brick; b. stonej c. glass; d. architecturally treated concrete; e. decorative concrete block whose color and texture is integral to the material (if not more than fifty percent (50%) of the building elevation faces any roadway). Plain, flat unpainted concrete block is not allowed, nor is any type of painted concrete block; f. cast-in-place or precast concrete panels; g. metal panels with interlocking, concealed or tongue-and-groove seams and concealed fasteners, if the exterior surface finish is warranted by the manufacturer for twenty (20) years against blistering, peeling, cracking, flaking, checking or chipping (if not more than fifty percent (50%) of the building elevation faces any roadway); h. stucco or other cementitious coating applied in a manner so as to create a harmonious design with other exterio~ materials. 2. Additions. Alterations and Accessory Structures. All subsequent additions, exterior alterations and accessory structures built after the construction of the principal structure(s) shall be of the same materials as those - 11 - used in the principal structure and shall be designed to conform to the original architectural concept and general appearance. This provision shall not prevent the upgrading of the quality of materials used in a remodeling or expansion project. 3. Other Structures. Garages I screen walls, exposed areas of retaining walls, signs supporting structures and other areas of exposed permanent materials shall be of a similar type, quality and appearance as the principal structure. This provision shall not prevent the upgrading of the quality of materials used in a remodeling or expansion project. 4. Paving and Curbing. All parking areas and drives shall be constructed of concrete, blacktop or a similar durable hard surface free of dust. The periphery of all parking areas and drives shall be constructed with poured-in-place concrete curbing. 5. Loadinq and Service Areas. All loading and service areas shall be completely screened from eye-level view of adjacent residential properties and streets, except at driveway access points. Exterior loading docks or other means of handling ~aterials brought to or removed from the site shall be on those sides of buildings which do not face any roadway or proposed roadway. 6. utility Equipment. All utility equipment, such as heating and ventilating equipment I meters and other devices shall be completely screened from eye-level view of adjacent residential properties and streets. If on the ground I the equipment shall be screened with a screen wall, berm or landscaping. If on the roof, the equipment shall be screened with a parapet or screen wall of materials compatible with the principal structure. Vertical or horizontal wood slats, fencing or similar materials are not an acceptable screening material. 7. Trash Handling. Dumpsters, trash, trash handling equipment and recycling equipment shall be stored within the principal structure, or within an accessory structure of the same materials as the principal structure which is completely enclosed with closed doors and a roof. 8. Lighting. Lighting fixtures shall be of a downcast I cutoff type, concealing the light source from view and preventing glare from spilling into residential areas. Lighting levels shall be measured in foot candles five feet (5') off the ground or floor level. The following light levels shall be met: - 12 - Lot line of adjacent residential property: 0.5 foot candle maximum Open parking areas: 1.0 foot candle minimum Covered parking facilities/ night (minimum): General parking and Pedestrian areas Ramps and corners Entrances and exits Stairwells 5 foot candles 5 foot candles 5 foot candles 20 foot candles Covered parking facilities/ day (minimum): General parking and Pedestrian areas Ramps and corners Entrances and exits Stairwells 5 foot candles 10 foot candles 50 foot candles 20 foot candles 9. Si9nage. a. Wall Signs. Each principal building shall be allowed wall signage equal to ten percent (10%) of the area of the front building elevation facing a public street. No individual sign may exceed two hundred (200) square feet. For multi-tenant buildings with individual tenant entrances, all signage must be part of a master sign plan submitted and approved by the City showing the location and size of all proposed signs in relation to each exterior elevation and which coordinates the signage of the building in a consistent and harmonious fashion. Such plan shall be drawn to scale and indicate building as well as individual sign locations and dimensions. For' multi-tenant buildings with tenant entrances on a side of the building not facing a public street, additional signage on these building faces will be allowed up to five percent (5%) of the area of the front building elevation. b. Freestanding Signs. One freestanding sign per principal building is permitted in addition to wall signs. The freestanding sign may be no higher than six feet (6') above natural grade and no more than eighty (80) square feet in area per side, with a maximum of two (2) sides. Such signs shall not be located within a thirty foot (30') clear view triangle on corner lots and shall be set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from the property line or right-of-way line, whichever is greater. (Setback measurement will be determined from the closest - 13 - part of the sign to the property or right-of-way line.) c. Directional Signs. Each property shall be allowed three (3) directional signs of no more than six (6) square feet in area and no taller than four feet (4') above natural grade. Such signs may be placed near a driveway and shall be set back five feet (5') from the street right-of-way. The purpose of directional signs is to indicate entries and exits, office locations and other information necessary to direct people to areas on site. d. Address Numbers. Address numbers no taller than twelve inches (12") high nor less than four inches (4") are required on each building for identification purposes. e. Ground Monument Sign. One common ground monument sign shall be allowed at each major entrance into the Business Park for the sole purpose of identifying the Business Park and/or listing the businesses therein. Such sign may be no higher than ten feet (10') above natural grade and no more than one hundred twenty (120) square feet in area with a maximum of two (2) sides. Such signs shall not be located within a thirty foot (30') clear view triangle on corner lots and shall be set back a minimum of ten feet (10') from the property line or right-of-way line, whichever is greater. (Setback measurement will be determined from the closest part of the sign to the property or right-of-way line.) 10. Noxious Matter. The emission of noxious matter shall be controlled so that no such emission crosses the lot line of the property from which it originates. Noxious matter shall mean any solid, liquid or gaseous material, including but not limited to gases, vapors, odor, dusts, fumes, mists or combinations thereof, the emission of which is detrimental to or endangers the public health, safety, comfort or general welfare, or causes damage to property. The owner of the property and/or the manager of the business shall comply with a regular inspection schedule as approved by the City and shall submit reports of such inspections to the City. 11. Restricted Operations. Uses which are accompanied by an excess of noise, vibration, dust, dirt, smoke, odor, noxious gases, glare or wastes shall not be permitted. Noise, odors, smoke and particular matter shall not exceed Minnesota Pollution Control Agency standards. Glare, whether directed or reflected, such as from spotlights or high temperature processes, as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be - 14 - visible beyond the lot line of the property from which it originates. 12. Exceptions for Le9al Non-Conformin9 Structures. For properties with existing development that are rezoned to BP, the following exceptions will apply. a. For legal non-conforming structures in a BP District, new construction projects for repairs, remodeling or additions to the structure do not need to meet the standards in this Chapter if the construction increases the size of a structure by less than ten percent (10%) or if it increases the assessor's market value by less than twenty percent (20%). If the construction project increases the size of a structure between ten percent (10%) and fifty percent (50%) or if it increases the assessor's market value between twenty percent (20%) and fifty percent (50%), all the standards in this Chapter do not need to be met, but will be required to meet a reasonable proportion of the requirements as determined by the DRC. b. For the purposes of determining compliance with the standards in this Chapter, site work not involving the structures on site shall be considered separately from work on the structures. For legal non-conforming uses in the BP District, new construction projects for repairs, remodeling or additions to the parking lot, outdoor spaces, landscaping or other exterior areas do not need to meet the standards in this Chapter if the construction increases the size of these areas by less than ten percent (10%). Construction projects involving an expansion of an exterior area between ten percent (10%) and fifty percent (50%) need not meet all the standards of this Chapter, but will be required to meet a reasonable proportion of the requirements as determined by the DRC. For the purposes of this paragraph, adding one inch (1") or more of new material to an existing parking lot surface shall be considered an increase of one hundred percent (100%) of the area involved. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this ~ day of 11 1993. ~ /~ Mayor City Manager; j J - 15 - CJ Z ~ 0 NNNN "! ..J 0000 WW;:) &t)&t)&t) cCcCcCcC 00000 ~~~ .....:.....:.....:.....: .....:.....:.....:.....:.....: ex:> 3:0:0- ..... ... ...... ... -- OU..J (1)<< (l)W::E Ot:o: &t) C!C!C!C! C! a:ZO N Lt)Lt)Lt) Lt)Lt)Lt)Lt) Lt)Lt)Lt)&t)Lt) CJ::>Z ~ C! cricricri &ri&ri&ri&ri vvvv LciLci&ri&riLci V ..... .- ... ..... w :E~ ::>0: ~w ~~ :EO ';ft.';ft.';ft. NNex:> NN-- ';ft.';ft.';ft.';ft. NNOO NNN('I') ';ft.';ft.';ft.~ NNOO NNNM ';ft.';ft.';ft.';ft.';ft. 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