HomeMy WebLinkAbout95-01 Code Amendment - FeesCITY of PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 95-01 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE TITLE 9, CHAPTERS 4, 5 AND 7. The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: Section 9-4-4 (A) and the first sentence of 9-4-4 (C) of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-4-4: Connection Permits: (A) A permit must be obtained to connect to existing water service leads at the stop box. Whenever the water service connections are connected to the stop box, the owner must also simultaneously install the properly sized meter. "Upon installation, a seal shall be affixed to the water meter. Unless authorized by the City, breakage and/or removal of such seal shall be subject to a penalty of one hundred dollars ($100.00)." The fee for such permit issued shall be determined at the discretion of the City Council. (c) A connection fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) shall be charged per unit connected subject to an adjustment as determined by the City Council. II. Section 9-4-5 (F) of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby deleted as follows: 9-4-5: Payment of Permit Fees: (F) Any~Fesidentia~-bui~de~-e~nst.m¢t~ng-a-msident4a~-uni~-~F~uni~-s-whieh-a~e-to-be-~eFed-f~F- sate ~n-spe¢u~ati~n-wi~4a-a-designated-puFehase~-may~-up~n-app~ieati~n4~-the-Cit-y~eeei-ve- a defemaent-- of- wate~- and- sewe~- avaitab;. !;.ty- fees- umi4- such- time- as- t-he- wateF- is- to- be- tamed on4n-s aid-~esident-ial-un~en-s aid-builder-must--pay 4he-ent-i~e-amount,-. III. Section 9-4-10 (A) & (B) of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-4-10: Water Rates; Water Tower Charge; Delinquency: (A) 2. "There shall be a capital facility charge (CFAC) established per two month billing period for use by the City for sewer and water capital property purchases. The CFAC charge shall be determined by the City Council on an annual basis. The following capital facility charge fee schedule is effective upon the water billings beginning February of each year as follows: $5.00 for 1992 $7.50 for 1995 5. Residents failing to return their meter reading for two (2) consecutive billing periods will be billed a ten dollar ($10.00) service charge and the City will read the meter. "In the event the outside meter register is removed or disabled and a property owner refuses entry by city maintenance personnel for the purpose of verifying or obtaining a correct meter reading, the water service may be terminated by the City due to the occurrence of unmetered water usage." (B) Water Tower Charge: 1. The water tower charge shall be determined on an annual basis in accordance with a fee schedule effective January 1 of each year as determined by the City Council. The following fee schedule is effective through calendar year 1995: $150.00 for 1973 $250.00 for 1984 $150.00 for 1974 $250.00 for 1985 $150.00 for 1975 $250.00 for 1986 $150.00 for 1976 $250.00 for 1987 $150.00 for 1977 $350.00 for 1988 $150.00 for 1978 $350.00 for 1989 $150.00 for 1/1/79 - 07/31/79 $400.00 for 1990 $200.00 for 8/1/79 - 12/31/79 $400.00 for 1991 $200.00 for 1980 $500.00 for 1992 $200.00 for 1981 $500.00 for 1993 $200.00 for 1982 $600.00 for 1994 $250.00 for 1983 $700.00 for 1995 Said fees shall be placed in a fund maintained by the City to accumulate funds for the construction of water storage facilities and wells. IV. The first sentence of Section 9-5-5 (B) of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-5-5: Connection Permits: (B) A connection fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) shall be charged per unit connected subject to an adjustment as determined by the City Council. The first sentence of Section 9-5-9 (A) and the last sentence of Section 9-5-9 (C) of the Prior Lake City Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 9-5-9: Sewer Use Rates; Delinquency: (A) Rates: Effective February 1, 1995, a billing charge of two dollars seventy cents ($2.70) per one thousand (1,000) gallons of water consumption. (c) Separate Metering ... The charges for said usage shall be two dollars and seventy cents ($2.70) per one thousand (1,000) gallons of sewage flow during the period set forth above. VI. Section 9-5-10 (B) of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-5-10: Sewer Service Availability and SAC Charges: (B) Establishment of Charges: For the purpose of paying costs of reserve capacity allocated to the City each year by the Metropolitan Sewer Board, there is hereby established a charge for: 1. The availability of treatment works and interceptors comprising the metropolitan disposal system; and 2. Connections, direct and indirect, to the metropolitan disposal system. The charge imposed on each building or structure in the City, and each connection to the metropolitan disposal system directly or through the City's system, inside any sewer service area established by the Metropolitan Sewer Board, construction of which commenced on or after January 1, 1973. The charge shall be payable upon the issuance of a building permit or a connection permit, as the case may be, but no charge shall be due upon the issuance of a connection permit if a charge was paid upon issuance of a building permit. The charge for each building or structure shall be equal to the number of units of sewage volume which it will discharge, multiplied by the following: $275.00 for 1973 $475.00 for 1985 $300.00 for 1974 $475.00 for 1986 $325.00 for 1975 $525.00 for 1987 $350.00 for 1976 $525.00 for 1988 $375.00 for 1977 $575.00 for 1989 $400.00 for 1978 $600.00 for 1990 $425.00 for 1979 $650.00 for 1991 $425.00 for 1980 $700.00 for 1992 $425.00 for 1981 $750.00 for 1993 $425.00 for 1982 $800.00 for 1994 $425.00 for 1983 $850.00 for 1995 $425.00 for 1984 A unit of sewage volume shall be determined by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC). 1. Single-family houses, iownhouses and duplex units shall comprise one unit. 2. Condominiums and apartments shall each comprise eighty percent (80%) of a unit. 3. Mobile homes shall each comprise eighty percent (80%) of a unit. VII. Section 9-7-6 of the Prior Lake City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 9-7-6: Payment of Fee: Storm water management fee shall be invoiced bi-monthly. The amount due as shown on the invoice shall be payable on or before the twentieth of the month in which the invoice is issued. A- penalt-y- of- ten- percent- ~:10~)- per- bi--mon~ty- fee- shall- be- assessed- to- att- aeeounts t-hat--a~e-n~t-paid-in-fu~-by-t.he-due-date:-The-pena~-y-shal~-be-¢~mputed-~-the- repaid ba~anee-by-the-due-date-at--the-t~me~eaeh-bi-m~nt-hIy-statement-is-p~epaFed:-A~y- pFepaymem o~-o,,,e~paymem-of-eharges-shalt-be-~etaiaed-by-the-Cit-y-a~d-apptied-agai~ast- subsequent fee: This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 3 go day of ATTEST: City 1995. Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the 7~t, day of ~n~~ s, ~. ¥ ,1995 WATER 1.WRT