HomeMy WebLinkAbout00-09 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE 00-09 City of Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 701 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND REGULATION Of PUBLIC RIGHTS-Of-WAY IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST ,AND TO PROVIDE fOR THE ISSUANCE AND REGULATION Of RIGHT-Of-WAY PERMITS The City Council of the City of Prior Lake hereby ordains as follows: 1. Ordinance 00-01 of the Prior Lake City Council adopted on January 3, 2000 and published in the City's official newspaper on January 8, 2000, initiating a 120-day moratorium on the installation of any telecommunication facility in the public right-of-way, is hereby repealed. 2. Ordinance 00-06 of the Prior Lake City Council adopted on May 1, 2000 and published in the City's official newspaper on May 6, 2000 extending the moratorium by 60 days is hereby repealed. 3. The title of City Code Section 701 is hereby amended to read: Streets, Sidewalks, Public Ways and Public Rights-of-Way. 4. City Code Section 701 is further amended to add the following: 701.700: RIGHT-OF-WAY MANAGEMENT 701.701 Definitions: The definitions contained in Minnesota Statute S 237.162 and Public Utility Commission Rules S 7819 are hereby incorporated by reference. References hereafter to "subsections" are, unless otherwise specified, references to subsections in this Section. Defined terms remain defined terms whether or not capitalized. Applicant. Any Person requesting permission to excavate or obstruct a Right-of-Way. Emergency. A condition that (1) poses a clear and immediate danger to life or health, or of a significant loss of property; or (2) requires immediate repair or replacement of Facilities in order to restore Utility Service to a customer. Equipment. Any tangible asset used to install, repair, or maintain facilities in any Right-of-Way. Excavation Permit. A Right-of-Way Permit that allows the Permittee to excavate that part of the Right-of-Way described in such permit. 16200 Eagie Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Local Representative. A local Person or Persons, or designee of such Person or Persons, authorized by a Reg,istrant to accept service and to make decisions for that Registrant regarding all matters within the scope of this Section. Obstruction Permit. A Right-of-Way Permit that allows the Permittee to obstruct that part of the Right-of-Way described in such permit. Registrant. Any Person who (1) has or seeks to have its Equipment or Facilities located in any Right-of-Way, or (2) in any way occupies or uses, or seeks to occupy or use, the Right-of-Way or place its Facilities in the Right-of-Way. Supplementary Application. An application made to Excavate or Obstruct more of the Right-of-Way than allowed in, or to extend, a permit that had already been issued. 701.702 Registration and Right-at-Way Occupancy: (1) Registration: Each Person who occupies, uses, or seeks to occupy or use, the Right-of-Way or place any Equipment or Facilities in the Right-of-Way, including Persons with installation and maintenance responsibilities by lease, sublease or assignment, must register with the City. Registration will consist of completing an application on forms provided by the City and paying a registration fee to the City. (2) Registration Prior to Work. No Person may construct, install, repair, remove, relocate, or perform any other work on, or use any Facilities or any part thereof in any Right-of-Way without first being registered with the City. (3) Exceptions. Nothing herein shall be construed to repeal or amend the provisions of a City ordinance permitting Persons to plant or maintain boulevard plantings or gardens in the area of the Right-of-Way between their properly and the street curb. Persons planting or maintaining boulevard plantings or gardens shall not be deemed to use or occupy the, Right-of-Way, and shall not be required to obtain any permits or satisfy any other requirements for planting or maintaining such boulevard plantings or gardens under this Section. However, nothing herein relieves a Person from complying with the provisions of the Minn. Stat. Chap. 216D, "One call" Law. 701.703 Registration Information: (1) information Required. The information provided to the City at the time of registration shall include, but not be limited to: . Each Registrant's name, Gopher One-Call registration certificate number, address and e-mail address if applicable, and telephone and facsimile numbers. . The name, address and e-mail address, if applicable, and telephone and facsimile numbers of the Local Representative. The Local Representative or designee shall be available at all times. Current information regarding how to contact the Local Representative in an Emergency shall be provided at the time of registration. . A certificate of insurance or self-insurance: + Verifying that an insurance policy has been issued to the Registrant by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, or a form of self-insurance acceptable to the City; + Verifying that the Registrant is insured against claims for personal injury, including death, as well as claims for property damage arising out of the (i) use and occupancy of the Right-of-Way by the Registrant, its officers, agents, employees and Permittees, and (Ii) placement and use of Facilities in the Right-of-Way by the Registrant, its officers, agents, employees and Permittees, including, but not limited to, protection against liability arising from completed operations, damage of underground Facilities and collapse of property. + Naming the City as an additional insured as to whom the coverages required herein are in force and applicable and for whom defense will be provided as to all such coverages; + Requiring that the City be notified thirty (30) days in advance of cancellation of the policy or material modification of a coverage term; + Indicating comprehensive liability coverage, automobile liability coverage, workers compensation and umbrella coverage established by the City in amounts sufficient to protect the City and the public and to carry out the purposes and policies of this Section. (2) The City may require a copy of the actual insurance policies. If the Person is a corporation, a copy of the certificate required to be filed under Minn. Stat. 9 300.06 as recorded and certified to by the Secretary of State. A copy of the Person's order granting a certificate of authority from the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission or other applicable state or federal agency, where the Person is lawfully required to have such certificate from said Commission or other state or federal agency. (3) Notice of Changes: The Registrant shall keep all of the information listed above current at all times by providing to the City information as to changes within fifteen (15) days following the date on which the Registrant has knowledge of any change. 701.704 Permit Requirements: (1) Permit Required: Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no Person may obstruct or excavate any Right-of-Way without first obtaining the appropriate Obstruction Permit or Excavation Permit from the City. (2) Permit Extensions: No Person may excavate or obstruct the Right-of-Way beyond the date or dates specified in the permit unless such Person (i) makes a Supplementary Application before the expiration of the initial permit, and (ii) the Supplementary Application is granted. (3) Delay Penalty: Notwithstanding Permit Extensions, a delay penalty pursuant to Public Utility Commission Rule ~7819.1000 subp. 3 may be imposed. (4) Permit Display: Permits issued under this Section shall be conspicuously displayed or otherwise available at all times at the indicated work site and shall be available for inspection by the City. 701.705 Permit Applications: Application for a permit is made to the City. Right-of-Way Permit applications shall contain, and will be considered complete only upon compliance with the requirements of the following provisions: . Registration with the City pursuant to this Section; · Submission of a completed permit application form, including all required attachments. and scaled drawings showing the location and area of the proposed project and the location of all known existing and proposed Facilities. · Payment of money due the City for Permit fees, estimated Degradation Costs and other Management Costs, prior Obstructions or Excavations; · any undisputed loss, damage, or expense suffered by the City because of Applicant's prior excavations or Obstructions of the Rights-of-Way or any Emergency actions taken by the City; · franchise or user fees, if applicable. · Payment of disputed amounts due the City by posting security or depositing in an escrow account an amount equal to at least 110% of the amount owing. [Note: Pending adoption by PUC. No agreement with Industry.] · When an Excavation Permit is requested for purposes of installing additional Facilities, and the posting of a Construction Performance Bond for the additional Facilities is insufficient, the posting of an additional or larger Construction Performance Bond for the additional Facilities may be required. (1) Permit Issuance: If the Applicant has satisfied the requirements of this Section, the City shall issue a permit. (2) Conditions. The City may impose reasonable conditions upon the issuance of the permit and the performance of the Applicant thereunder to protect the health, safety and welfare or when necessary to protect the Right-of-Way and its current use. 701.706 Permit Fees. (1) Excavation Permit Fee. The City shall establish the excavation permit fee in an amount sufficient to recover the following costs: . Management Costs; and · Degradation Costs, if applicable. (2) Obstruction Permit Fee. The obstruction permit fee shall be established by the City and shall be in an amount sufficient to recover the City Management Costs. (3) Payment of Permit Fees. No Right-of-Way Permit shall be issued before payment of excavation or obstruction permit fees. The City may allow Applicant to pay such fees within thirty (30) days of billing. (4) Non refundable. Permit fees that were paid for a permit that the City has revoked for a breach as stated in subsection are not refundable. 701.707 Restoration of Right-of-Way: (1) Timing: The work to be done under the Excavation Permit, and the Patching and Restoration of the Right-of-Way as required herein, must be completed within the dates specified in the permit, increased by as many days as work could not be done because of extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the Permittee or when work was prohibited as unseasonal or unreasonable. (2) Patch and Restoration. Permittee shall Patch its own work. The City, at its sole discretion, may choose either to have the Permittee restore the Right-of-Way or to restore the Right-of-Way itself. If the City restores the right-of-way, the Permit shall reimburse the City for the actual costs incurred by the City, plus reasonable management costs. · City Restoration. If the City restores the Right-of-Way, Permittee shall pay the costs thereof within thirty (30) days of billing. · If, during the thirty-six (36) months following such Restoration, the pavement settles due to Permittee's improper backfilling, the Permittee shall pay to the City, within thirty (30) days of billing, all costs associated with having to correct the defective work. · Permittee Restoration. If the Permittee Restores the Right-of-Way itself, it shall at the time of application for an Excavation Permit post a Construction Performance Bond in an amount determined by the City to be, sufficient to cover the, cost of Restoration. If, within thirty-six (36) months after completion of the Restoration of the Right-of-Way, the City determines that the Right-of-Way has been properly Restored, the surety on the Construction Performance Bond shall be released. (3) Restoration Standards. Restoration must return the Right-of-Way to the same condition that existed before excavation. Subject to this standard, plates 1 to 13, shown in Public Utility Commission Rules, parts 7819.9900 to 7819.9950, indicate maximum limits of restoration methods and area requirements the City can impose when a Right- of-Way User excavates in the public Right-of-Way. The City and Right-of-Way User may agree, in writing, to a lesser requirement. The Right-of-Way User is responsible for all of its work done in the public Right-of-Way, whether by employees, agents, or independent contracts. (4) Failure to Restore: If the Right-of-Way User fails to Restore the Right-of-Way in the manner and to the condition required by the City, or fails to satisfactorily and timely complete all Restoration required by the City, the City at its option may do such work. In that event the Right-of-Way User shall pay to the City, within thirty (30) days of billing, the cost of restoring the Right-of-Way. If Permittee fails to pay as required, the City may exercise its rights under the Construction Performance Bond. (5) Degradation Fee. A Right-of-Way user may elect to pay a Degradation Fee. However, the Right-of-Way User shall remain responsible for replacing and compacting the subgrade base material in the excavation and the degradation fee shall not include the cost to accomplish these activities. 701.708 Joint ApDlications. Registrants may jointly apply for Excavation and/or Obstruction Permits at the same time. Registrants who join in a scheduled Obstruction or Excavation performed by the City, whether or not it is a joint application by two or more Registrants or a single application, are not required to pay the Obstruction and Degradation portions of the permit fee. 701.709 (1 ) (2) 701.710 (1 ) (2) (3) 701.711 701.712 Registrants who apply for permits for the same Obstruction or Excavation, which the City does not perform, may share in the payment of the Obstruction or Excavation Permit Fee Registrants must agree among themselves as to the portion each will pay and indicate the same on their applications. Supplementary ApDlicatlons. Limitation on Area: A Right-of-Way Permit is valid only for the area of the Right-of-Way specified in the permit. No Permittee may do any work outside the area specified in the permit. Any Permittee which determines that an area greater than that specified in the permit must be Obstructed or Excavated must, before working in that greater area, (i) submit a Supplemental Application and pay any additional fees required therein, and (ii) obtain approval of the Supplemental Application. Limitation on Dates: A Right-of-Way Permit is valid only for the dates specified in the permit. No Permittee may begin its work before the permit start date or, except as provided herein, continue working after the end date. If a Permittee does not finish the work by the permit end date, it must (i) submit a Supplemental Application and pay any additional fees required therein, and (ii) obtain approval of the Supplemental Application. Other ObliQatlons. Compliance With Other Laws. Obtaining a Right-of-Way Permit does not relieve Permittee of its duty to obtain all other necessary permits, licenses, and authority and to pay all fees required by the City or other applicable rule, law or regulation. A Permittee shall comply with all requirements of local, state and federal laws, including Minn. Stat. ~~ 2160.01-.09 ("One Call Excavation Notice System"). A Permittee shall perform all work in conformance with all applicable codes and established rules and regulations, and is responsible for all work done in the Right-of-Way pursuant to its permit, regardless of who does the work. Prohibited Work. Except in an Emergency, and with the written approval of the City, no Right-of-Way Obstruction or Excavation may be done when seasonally prohibited or when conditions are unreasonable for such work. Interference with Right-of-Way. A Permittee shall not so obstruct a Right-of-Way so that the natural free and clear passage of water through the gutters or other waterways shall be interfered. Private vehicles of those doing work in the Right-of-Way may not be parked within or next to a permit area, unless parked in conformance with City parking regulations. The loading or unloading of trucks must be done solely within the defined permit area unless specifically authorized by the permit. Denial of Permit: The City may deny a permit for failure to meet the requirements and conditions of this Section or if the City determines that the denial is necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare or when necessary to protect the Right-of-Way and its current use. Installation Requirements. The Excavation, backfilling, Patching and Restoration, and all other work performed in the Right-of-Way shall be done in conformance with Engineering Standards adopted by the PUC or other applicable local requirements, in so 701.713 (1 ) (2) (3) 701.714 (1) far as they are not inconsistent with the PUC Rules. In the absence of PUC approved Engineering standards, the Permit fee shall comply with conditions imposed on Permitee by the City. Im.pection. Notice of Completion. When the work under any permit issued hereunder is completed, the Permittee shall furnish a Completion Certificate in accordance with PUC Rules to the extent such rules exist. Otherwise, the City Engineer shall have the sole authority to certify work under a permit as completed. Site Inspection. Permittee shall make the work-site available to the City and to all others as authorized by law for inspection at all reasonable times during the execution of and upon completion of the work. Authority of City. At the time of inspection the City may order the immediate cessation of any work which poses a serious threat to the life, health, safety or well-being of the public. The City may issue an order to the Permittee for any work which does not conform to the terms of the permit or other applicable standards, conditions, rules or codes. The order shall state that failure to correct the violation will be cause for revocation of the permit. Within ten (10) days after issuance of the order, the Permittee shall present proof to the City that the violation has been corrected. If such proof has not been presented within the required time, the City may revoke the permit pursuant to subsection Work Done Without a Permit. Emergency Situations. Each Right-of-Way User shall immediately notify the City of any event regarding its Facilities which it considers to be an Emergency. The Right-of- Way User may proceed to take whatever actions are necessary to respond to the Emergency. Within two business days after the occurrence of the Emergency, the Right- of-Way User shall apply for the necessary permits, pay the fees associated therewith and fulfill the rest of the requirements necessary to bring itself into compliance with this Section for the actions it took in response to the Emergency. If the City becomes aware of an Emergency regarding a Right-of-Way User's Facilities. the City will attempt to contact the Local Representative of each Right-of-Way User affected, or potentially affected, by the Emergency. In any event, the City may take whatever action it deems necessary to respond to the Emergency, the cost of which shall be borne by the Right-of-Way User whose Facilities were involved in the Emergency. (2) Non-Emergency Situations. Except in an Emergency, any Person who, without first having obtained the necessary permit, Obstructs or Excavates a Right-of-Way must subsequently obtain a permit, and as a penalty pay double the normal fee for said permit and double all the other fees required by this Section, the Permittee shall deposit with the City the fees necessary to correct any damage to the Right-of-Way and comply with all of the requirements of this Section. 701.715 701.716 (2) (3) (4) 701.717 Supplementa'Y Notification. If the Obstruction or Excavation of the Right-of-Way begins later or ends sooner than the date given on the permit, Permittee shall notify the City of the accurate information as soon as this information is known. Revocation of Permits. (1 ) Substantial Breach. The City reserves its right, as provided herein, to revoke any Right-of-Way Permit, without a fee refund, if there is a substantial breach of the terms and conditions of any statute, ordinance, rule or regulation, or any material condition of the permit. A substantial breach by Permittee shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: · The violation of any material provision of the Right-of-Way Permit; · An evasion or attempt to evade any material provision of the Right-of-Way Permit, or the perpetration or attempt to perpetrate any fraud or deceit upon the City or its citizens; · Any material misrepresentation of fact in the application for a Right-of-Way Permit; · The failure to complete the work in a timely manner; unless a permit extension is obtained or unless the failure to complete work is due to reasons beyond the Permittee's control; or The failure to correct, in a timely manner, work that does not conform to a condition indicated on an order issued pursuant to subsection Written Notice of Breach. If the City determines that the Permittee has committed a substantial breach of a term or condition of any statute, ordinance, rule, regulation or any condition of the permit the City shall, within two (2) business days of discovering the violation, make a written demand upon the Permittee to remedy such violation. The demand shall state that continued violations may be cause for revocation of the permit. A substantial breach, as stated above, will allow the City, at his or her discretion, to place additional or revised conditions on the permit to mitigate and remedy the breach. Response to Notice of Breach. Within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving notification of the breach, Permittee shall provide the City with a plan, acceptable to the City, that will cure the breach. Permittee's failure to so contact the City, or the Permittee's failure to submit an acceptable plan, or Permittee's failure to reasonably implement the approved plan, shall be cause for immediate revocation of the Permit. Reimbursement of City Costs. If a Permit is revoked, the Permittee shall also reimburse the City for the City's reasonable costs, including Degradation Costs and the costs of collection and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with such revocation. Mapping Data. Each Registrant shall provide Mapping information required by the City in accordance with PUC Rules. At the request of any Registrant, any information requested by the City, which qualifies as a "trade-secret" under Minn. Stat. ~ 13.37(b) shall be treated as trade secret information as detailed therein. 701.718 (1 ) (2) (3) (4) 701.719 Location of Facilities. Undergrounding. Unless otherwise permitted by law or an existing franchise, or unless an existing above-ground Facility is repaired or replaced, new construction and the installation of new Facilities and replacement of old Facilities shall be done underground or contained within buildings or other structures in conformity with applicable codes.l Corridors. The City may assign specific corridors within the Right-of-Way, or any particular segment thereof as may be necessary, for each type of Facilities that is or, pursuant to current technology, the City expects will someday be located within the Right-of-Way. All excavation, obstruction, or other permits issued by the City involving the installation or replacement of Facilities, shall designate the proper corridor for the Facilities at issue. Any Right-of-Way User with Facilities in a position at variance with the corridors established by the City shall, no later than at the time of the next reconstruction or excavation of the area where the Facilities are located, move the Facilities to the assigned position within the Right-of-Way, unless this requirement. is waived by the City for good cause shown. The City shall consider such factors as the remaining economic life of the Facilities, public safety, customer service needs and hardship to the Right-of- Way User. However, these factors shall not constitute determination. Nuisance. One year after the passage of this Section, any Facilities found in a Right-of-Way that have not been registered with the City shall be deemed to be a nuisance. The City may exercise any remedies or rights it has at law or in equity. including, but not limited to, abating the nuisance or taking possession of the Facilities and restoring the Right-of-Way to a useable condition. Any costs incurred by the City shall be considered an obligation of the owner of the Facility. Limitation of Space. To protect health, safety, and welfare or when necessary to protect the Right-of-Way and its current use, the City shall have the power to prohibit or limit the placement of new or additional Facilities within the Right-of-Way. In making such decisions, the City shall strive to the extent possible to accommodate all existing and potential users of the Right-of-Way, but shall be guided primarily by considerations of the public interest, the public's needs for the particular Utility Service, the condition of the Right-of-Way, the time of year with respect to essential utilities, the protection of existing Facilities in the Right-of-Way, and future City plans for public improvements and development projects which have been determined to be in the public interest. Relocation of Facilities. A Right-of-Way User must promptly and at its sole expense, with due regard for seasonal working conditions, permanently remove and relocate its Facilities in the Right-of-Way when it is necessary to prevent interference, and not merely for convenience of the City, in connection with: (1) a present or future City use of the Right-of-Way for a public project; (2) public health or safety; or (3) the safety and convenience of travel over the Right-of-Way. I TIris subsection is optional and could be applied only within certain specified districts of the City, i.e., the business district, or may be omitted entirely if Undergrounding is not a priority objective of the community. 701.720 701.721 701.722 (1 ) (2) 701.723 Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Right-of-Way User shall not be required to remove or relocate its Facilities from a Right-of-Way that has been vacated in favor of a non- governmental entity unless and until the reasonable costs thereof are first paid to the Right-of-Way User. Pre-Excavation Facility and Facilities Location. In addition to complying with the requirements of Minn. Stat. ~~ 216D.01-.09 ("One Call Excavation Notice System") before the start date of any Right-of-Way excavation, each Right-of-Way User that has Facilities or Equipment in the area to be excavated shall mark the horizontal and approximate vertical placement of all said Facilities. Any Right-of-Way User whose Facilities are less than twenty (20) inches below a concrete or asphalt surface shall notify and work closely with the excavation contractor to establish the exact location of its Facilities and the best procedure for excavation. Damage to Other Facilities. When the City does work in the Right-of-Way and finds it necessary to maintain, support, or move a Right-of-Way User's Facilities to protect it, the City shall notify the Local Representative as early as is reasonably possible. The costs associated therewith will be billed to that Right-of-Way User and must be paid within thirty (30) days from the date of billing. Each Right-of-Way User shall be responsible for the cost of repairing any damage to the Facilities of another Right-of- Way User caused during the City's work in the Right-of-Way or arise out of an response to an Emergency occasioned by that Right-of-Way User's Facilities. Right-of-Way Vacation. Reservation of Right. If the City vacates a Right-of-Way which contains the Facilities of a Right-of-Way User, and if the vacation does not require the relocation of Right-of-Way User's or Permittee's Facilities, the City shall reserve, to and for itself and all Right-of- Way Users having Facilities in the vacated Right-of-Way, the right to install, maintain and operate any Facilities in the vacated Right-of-Way and to enter upon such Right-of- Way at any time for the purpose of reconstructing, inspecting, maintaining or repairing the same. Relocation of Facilities. If the vacation requires the relocation of Right-of-Way User's or Permittee's Facilities; and (i) if the vacation proceedings are initiated by the Right-of- Way User or Permittee, the Right-of-Way User or Permittee must pay the relocation costs; or (i1) if the vacation proceedings are initiated by the City, the Right-of-Way User or Permittee must pay the relocation costs unless otherwise agreed to by the City and the Right-of-Way user or Permittee; or (i1i) if the vacation proceedings are initiated by a Person or Persons other than the Right-of-Way user or Permittee, such other Person or Persons must pay the relocation costs. Indemnification. As a condition for the use of a Permit issued by the City authorizing a Permittee to obstruct or excavate on or within a Right-of-Way for the installation, maintenance, or repair or Permittee's Facilities in a Right-of-Way, the Permittee shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from all liability or claims of liability for bodily injury or death to persons or property damage in which the claim: (1) allege a negligent or otherwise wrongful act or omission of the Permittee or its employee, agent or independent contractor in installing, maintaining, or repairing the Permittee's Facilities and alleges that the local government unit is liable, without alleging any independent negligent, or otherwise wrongful, act or omission on the part of the City; or (2) is based on the City's negligence or otherwise wrongful act or omission in issuing the Permit or in failing to properly or adequately inspect or enforce compliance with a term, condition, or purpose of the Permit granted to Permittee. Registrant or Permittee shall indemnify, keep, and hold the City free and harmless from any and all liability on account of injury to Persons or damage to property occasioned by the issuance of Permits or by the construction, maintenance, repair, inspection, or operation of Registrant's or Permittee's Facilities located in the Right-of-Way. A Permittee is not require to indemnify a local government unit for losses or claims occasioned by the negligent or otherwise wrongful act or omission of the local govemment unit, except; (a) to the extent authorized in clause (2) above regarding the issuance of a Permit or the inspection or enforcement of compliance with the Permit; or (b) when otherwise provided in an applicable franchise agreement. 701.724 Defense. A defense or indemnification of the City by a Permittee is deemed not be a waiver of any defense or immunity otherwise available to the City. A Permittee, in defending any action on behalf of the City, is entitled to assert every defense or immunity that the City could assert on its own behalf. If a suit is brought against the City under circumstances where the Registrant or Permittee is required to indemnify, the Registrant or Permittee, at its sole cost and expense, shall defend the City in the suit if written notice of the suit is promptly given to the Registrant or Permittee within a period in which the Registrant or Permittee is not prejudiced by the lack or delay of notice. If the Registrant or Permittee is required to indemnify and defend, it shall thereafter have control of the litigation, but the Registrant or Permittee may not settle the litigation without the consent of the City. Consent will not be unreasonably withheld. This part is not, as to third parties, a waiver of any defense, immunity, or damage limitation otherwise available to the City. 701.725 Abandoned Facilities. (1) Discontinued operations. A Right-of-Way User that has declared its Facility to be an Abandoned Facility must either: . Provide information satisfactory to the City that the Right-of-Way User's obligations for its Facilities under this Section have been lawfully assumed by another Right-of- Way User; or . Submit to the City a proposal and instruments for transferring ownership of its Facilities to the City. If a Right-of-Way User proceeds under this clause, the City may, at its option: + purchase the Facilities; or + require the Right-of-Way User, at its own expense, to remove it; or + require the Right-of-Way User to post a bond in an amount sufficient to reimburse the City for reasonably anticipated costs to be incurred by the City in removing the Facilities. (2) (3) 701.726 701.727 701.728 Abandoned Facilities. If a Right-of-Way User fails to comply with subsection, the City may exercise any remedies or rights it has at law or in equity, including, but not limited to, (i) abating the nuisance (ii) taking possession of the Facility and restoring it to a useable condition, or (iii) requiring removal of the Facility by the Right-of-Way User, or the Right-of-Way User's successor-in-interest. Removal. Any Registrant or Permittee who has an Abandoned Facility in any Right-of-Way shall remove it from that Right-of-Way upon demand of the City or during the next scheduled excavation, unless this requirement is waived by the City. Appeal. [Minn. Stat. !l237.163, subd. 5] A Telecommunications Right-of-Way user that: (1) has been denied registration; (2) has been denied a Right-of-Way Permit; (3) has had its Right-of-Way Permit revoked; or (4) believes that the fees imposed on it by the City do not conform to the requirements of Minn. Stat. !l237.163, subd. 6 may have the denial, revocation, or fee imposition reviewed, upon written request, by the City Council. The City Council shall consider any timely written request at its next regularly scheduled meeting. A decision by the City Council affirming the denial, revocation, or fee imposition will be in writing and supported by written findings establishing the reasonableness of the decision. Each party to the arbitration shall pay its own costs, disbursements, and attorney fees. Reservation of Regulatol'Y and Police Powers. A Permittee's or Registrant's rights are subject to the regulatory and police powers of the City to adopt and enforce general ordinances necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public. Severabiliw. If any subsection, sentence, ciause, phrase, or portion of this Section is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court or administrative agency of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. If a regulatory body or a court of competent jurisdiction should determine by a final, non- appealable order that any permit, right or registration issued under this Section or any portions of this Section illegal or unenforceable, then any such permit, right or registration granted or deemed to exist hereunder shall be considered as a revocable permit with a mutual right in either party to terminate without cause upon giving sixty (60) days written notice to the other. The requirements and conditions of such a revocable permit shall be the same requirements and conditions as set forth in the permit, right or registration, respectively, except for conditions relating to the term of the permit and the right of termination. Nothing in this Section precludes the City from requiring a franchise agreement with the Applicant, as allowed by law, in addition to requirements forth herein. THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT UPON ITS PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota this 19th day of June, 2000. ATTEST: t1 City Mana r Published e Prior Lake American on the 24th day of June, 2000. Affidavit of Publication Southwest Suburban Publishing State of Minnesota) )SS. County of Scott ) Stan Rolfsrod, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is the publisher or the authorized agent of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Shakopee Valley News, Jordan Independent, Prior Lake American and Savage Pacer, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 33lA.02. 33IA.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified as No. '?~ 19 was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and si ftype used in the composition and publication of the Notice: Subscribed and sworn before me on .;..!'L"'''.~'- ~7I{~fw-:? Notary Public By: tan Rolfsrod, Gen al Manager or his designated agent e GWEN M. RADUENZ NOTARY PUBLIC MINNESOTA My CommisOoo ixpireo Jan. 31. 2005 RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... $12.00 per column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter................................. $12.00 per column inch Rate actually charged for the above maner............................................... $9.25 per column inch ..........--..... ~---------.T'r--"A_'-,.___... .~-- ._."._--.~_._-- satisfied the requirements of this Section. ::.~:.;-:-: the City shall issue a permil Conditions. The Cily may impose reasonable conditions upon the issuance ' of the permit and the performance of the . API'lican\tJt~toprtlteCtlllehclaltll!~ safety !!Dlf~Wel.I'irt'Q~1W~~Ilt'C.Sti'JI'lO" Prcltec:tthe. Right.of-Way,~~ts~; use~"" -.:rl .~i}r,! ::.!n(: '1'":' : ii,','-I "~;.hl,:""" "-~rl~ "701.706,' Peimit Fees;, ,... ExcaVlllion Peimit Fee: TheCity shall establish the excavation pennit teein an amount suffJCienttorecoverthefollowing costs: . Management Costs; and " Degradation Costs, if applicable. Obstruction Permit Fee. The obSllUction permitfeeshall beestablished . by the City and shall be in an amount' sufficient to recovertheCity Management ! Costs. . '.' ..1 Payment of PennitFees. No Right- of-Way Permit shall be issued before I payment of excavation or obstruction,'! permit fees. TheCity may allow Applicant' . III pay suchfees within. thirty (30) days of " billing. . " . . ,. .. "1 Nonrefundable.Permitfeesthatwere'! paidforapennitthattheCitybaarevoked ! for_breach.. stallldinsubsection are not .! refb:ndabIe. ,,(.;:~ :.." . ,-",,,-J' 'i:;r.~~.}-- T'1 .1' 'roI.707 : ReslxlraIiimofRigbt- i of-Way:. ',.:''', ~..;,l ,:..~,-':~_:::"'-;';'4:'~';";:: :,;'f . 'Tirning-.Thewod: to be done under .' the Excavation Permit, and the Patching and Restoration of the Right-of- Way as requiredhetein,mustbecomplellld within the dates specifiedinthe permit.in~ . by as many day.... JIlIort could not be:' ,done, because, of ',' eXtraordinary , citcum&tances beYo'nd" the control. of thej '..:;=:o~=';'i..prom.~!le!f~':j " . .Patchandll.estOration;Peimi~" Patch its own work. The City, at its sole 1 discretion, may choose either to have the. ' . Permitteeresto", the IUght-of-Way orto"] restore theRight.of-Wayitself. If the City ! restores the right-of-way, the PermiUhall 1 ,. reimburse" the City. for the lld1JaI eosts ., '-incurred by the -City,' plus _Dable I management costs, '.' . ." "J . '. City Restoralion. If the City ",.tores . .'~:::;:~~~:~(;rff~1 ,., ' ,,. If. during the thirty-six (36) months. j . followingsuchRestoralion,thepavement ' settles due to Permittee's' improper. , b......fimng. the Permittee shall pay to the '" .. City. within thirty (30}days or billing; all ; ... i. costsassociatedwithhavingtoeorrectthe' . . defOctjvewOlt...,;~", ....., ." .,':' ... ...,.1 'PermitteeRestOtatioJI". IfthCPeniiitiee ' Restores the Right-Of-Way itself, it shall"" '.' attIletimeofappli. ."'cationforanExcaWtion;. .Permit poll aConslruclion Perfotmance.' : ',' Bondinan&lllOWltdetenniJledbl'tlIeCity; '. to be. sufficient to caves tIte,. cost of' Restoration. . If. within lIiirty"six (36) I. . lIIOIIthsa1lercompletioBoftheRestoralion ! oftheRight-of-Way.theCitydetetmines j . that the Right-of-Wa, baa been properll' i Restored, the sunll)' onthC; OmstruCtiOJlC~ Performance BondshaU be."'""-L ,..' Restoration SlandaIdi. Restoration 1 mustretl\ft1theRight.of-W.ytothesame 1 condition tbat; exlsttlfbefore excavation. ' Subject iii this stImdlm1, plates I II> 13;.; shown in 'Public' Ulility Commission" Rules. parts 7319:990010, 7319.9950, .. indicate lIIIIllimum;Irmit& aftestoralioll . medtods and _. .. '. the City can imposewben ~ay User excavates in the public Right-of-Way. The C!ty ~d Right-of-Way User. may _.._.-..-... ............------'--.:-----" cov~~ =~~~ili~~o~=; -r;::;:--'--.701mJ2'--Regii~raTio~nd' workers. compensation and umbrell~ Right-of-Way Occupancy: coverage established by lhio City in Regi.trallon: EacIi Person who amounts sufficient to protect the City and occupies. uses, or seeks to occupy.or use, the public and taCllrl1' out the theRight-of-WayorplaceanyE<,iwpment and policies of this Section ~ orFacililiesintheRight-of-Way,lDcluding The City may ~ ~ eopy C1r th PersonS'with installation andmaintenance actual insurance polictes. If the Person i::; respons~bilities. by' .l~ase. ~ubIease. or a corporation. 8. copy of the eert:ificam:';l assignment..m!'15! re~ster wlth.~.City~ required to be filed under Minn. StaC~ RegistrationwllleonslSto!eompleting:m 300.06 as recorded and certified to by the' applicat!on onfo~ ~V1ded by the 9ty Secretary of State_ A eopy of the Person' and paymg a "'gtstrabonfee to the C.ty. Qrder granting a. certificate of authori; Registralion!'ri"rtoWorl<.NoPerson . from the Minnesota Public Utilities, may construct;. mstall, repatr. remove, i Commission orothecapplicable state or' reloc,ate,or~ormanyotherWorkon;?r, federal '"i!iacy." wheie tile; I'eOaft Ii';" use any FaciIlbes or any part thereo. In , ia.........lt:ICIUIrecf L-.c '. . ,,'r . ....'.....iQf:<.......wiUtOl1lfi* bein.g .o! ".-~..l.CO..mm. .to~... sd~., aoy.~.,;;u;;.ii~tiW!,n.-'I,~"."..'Q-,"g~f from ~~" "lIIIIIUSlOn or other._... I re$!~~'.~il.;;.;;; iIhan'g,;'l . f~~ti~~;~~1 tr:~~~~~:;~:':n shall keep all of tile infonnation listed J plaJit or maintain boulevard planbngs or i above ClUTentataIl times by prllvidingto I gardens in the "",..orthe Right-of-Way \ the City infonnation.. to chanw=s withiit.: between theirpropertyandthe _curb. , fifteen (IS) days follOwing tilt cIlIte on I Persons plantingormaintainingboulevanL t .. which the Regislr1Dt baa Irno....~of 1 plantings or gardens .~ not be-dioemed r anychange.'.j .. ;'......ii.o1 ,touseorOCCl1p~the;Righ~-of-",ay,~d! ~~b-.'P:/.."..r~~m..~rle.'~fFS.~!.i obstruct or excavate any Right-of.:way . However.n~~ereinrelie'f!':Sal'ersim. "'1 WlthoU.t .first' Obrainioa'theapptllPriate1 fro. m.eompIY11\gWl. ththe!'e?VlSlo.nsofthe ;Obslructio,:,Pennit or Excavabon.Pennirl MinD. Stal Chap. 2160, .~ c:aIr;~w. j !.fromtlle~tty:';:""'~/"'f#' .' 701.?03 cllegluF...~'on r .. Pennit Extensions:. No Person mayt. Ioformatto!".. i,bc"'~""""" .J. excavate or obstruct the Right-of-Way,: ,Informal1onReqttlred. The, =.':"~~~~~::~:1 ..::u~":~~s~'::..~. ~'~~.luCi.de~b1.at.t:: i Sup.pl~tary Application befllrerthe \lelimillldto: ./->. ",;..." /" .1 expiration of the initial permit, and(il~ the', ) BachR.l'gisirant'sname. GopherOne- , Supplementary Application is gralued j C3IUegibtioncertlficate number. I Delay Penalty: Not'NitliStanding' addresS and ernwJ addRlsI if applicable, I Permit Extensions; a delay penalty! and telephone and flCSimiIe J1l1IIIbers. '. . , pursuant to Public Utility Commission I . Thename, addressand..mailaddress, i . Rule(7819.IOOOsu~,:aY. beimposed.! ifapPlicable..andtelephoneandfacsimiIe '. I . . Penni!DispIay: 'tsiisuedanrler ! numbersoftheLoc:&'~entalive.1bei ~s Sectron shall be. COIIJpicuously I Local Represental1ve ordes.gnee shall. be i . displayed. or otherwise avai!abl!:at all! avai!ableatalltimes.Currentinformabon I g.":::ie~~~b~~aogi~1 R:~~~~::int:'E~~eJ;;',.\ ~0I.?05 . PermitAppliclations; I providedatth.tirneo~regtstranon.... ,;'. ~~c":'lon eo..' a permit ~s mad!'}c~the I . -I'- <~~~~~f~."2~: ty Right-of. WayPennit applications ' msurance. ..>,., .c;,...,... "'.,.f"....,.. shall eontain, and will be. eonsidered ' Verifyingthatan~ceponcyb.. ' eompleteonIy.uporrcompIiancewilhthe been i.~ued ta the Regutrant by an, ! . ~.of~foBowingprovisions: . insurancec,ompany1ic<insed~dobusiness.' . . R:egt~lraliOllwith theCity ptinuaotto in the Stale of Mint1esOta. 0( "1bDn~f.1 . !hisS_OIl;. """"'''' "'.,....,..".. ielf. insurance acceptahle to me City; . J Submission of a ~~; , :V~gtllattheRegisttantisinsuied . f'" .. application form. including all required , agaiDsi'~laims for personal !niury,' I' . a....."-:lS,'!nd"scaIeddrawingsshowin f' including .deatIr.' ..'wen ascllblllS f(tr! the Iocationanrl area of the~..! . propertydaJlla&e':itisingoutofthe(i}use I' pt')le,ctlllld the< ~ ofCall':fitown ! andOCCl1Pancy:~ the Righ~f~Way by,' OXlslmgandpropo.ed'Faci!iti.....:,...l;_"".., ! the. Registrllttt,lts o~ficcrs,.ag;m~ i l'i1)oment,"!' money dice the€iCl.'~ ' employ_ lIDdi Ptmnne~. ~b'>"1 Pormttree.,estUIIaIl!dPearadllliOl1Cosl$' p~'an<l1l&'of Fat:iIilies'ltt the 1 'and oth~~a~ Clt,;!s;.priOl".. Right..oMVil.tl>Yi thtRegis~ Its O&struclionsorl!!lt_ons;',~" i oflicOrs,a&CDtsomnp~andh.....~, \ any undisputed losl. . darnaglf. or :. including; but not limited to; protectton ' ex~ sufferedll)< the City Ileeause"of ! againstliab.iIi~ atising from C!'IDp1ete4, Apphcant' ~ priorexoavationl rite...' operations.. damage of underground I ObstrucbonsottheRigfus.of_ Way or any-- , Facilities. and'c:01IaPse of property. . i.: Emergency actIons taltenby theCity; Nammg tlieC'~ as an additi~nal ' franchue or'!5erfees. if appllcable. insuiedas~wbom thecovm.'l!estequired PaymentofdispUled amounta due the herein"", m forr:e and applicable and for : City by gosling Security or depositing in whom defense will be provided as to all: an escrow account an amount equal to at suchcoverages;. .... " :_: least.IIO% .of the amount owing. '. [Note, Requiring that the CIl)< be notil!ed . ~dingadoption by PUC; No agreement thirty (30)daysinadvanceof~ation With Industry.] '.' of the policy ormatenal modificanon of a When, an~, Excavation -Permit is coverage' term; req~7sted fo~ .l~urposes" of installing . - addibonal Facilltie., and the posting of a Co~!Nction Performance Bond for the addibonal Facilitie. is insufficien~ the .........h..__ _4: __ _."........ .. '_ "~._;:';.':'-::'-::. ._--_...~; 70f:7i4-m_n-W~d ~';:with~~~""" a Permit .. Emergency Situations. Each Right- o~- W.y User shallimmedi.tely notify the . City of any event reganIing its Facilities'. which it considers to be an Em~y. '. ThelUght-of.Way Uscrmay proceed to take whate,:er actions are' necessary to . respond to the: Emergency. Within two business days after the occurrence of.the Emergency. the Right-of. W.y User shall apply for the: necessary permits. p.y the ' fees associated therewith and fulfill the restoftherequirements necessary to bring itself into compliance with this Section for the action& it took in response to the ! E...-1i~Y" "" ',;>~,."<:"r::""'_:_'<! . If the> City becomes aware Of iin \ . Elnergenl:y ~ ...JU~f-W", . I User's Facilities. the CitywilIattmnpt~.1 contacl die Local Represenwivc>.afeach 1 Right-of. Wily Useratfecled,orpn/"ntlAlly , at'{ectecf,bytheEmergency.Ii1anyevent, .' theCitymaytakewhateYeractianitdeems . necessary to respond to thco,EInergeDcy; , the cost of which. shall be baIne by the i Right-of.W.yUserwhoseP"aciliti~weRi i ~=~erg=.,;,;:~....j iiliinEuiergellcy. Ponaa...WIibout . j ,fintllaving~the~l;.1 .Ob$llUCtSar Exca.vatcSatlf~WIIlf .'j IIlUStSllbsequiml!y obtain apermit, audaS; . a. ~.typay double !be mrmal fee' fOf L Ilaul permit and dOuble ill the Otl)erfees : required. by: !hilt "SeCti0ll,!be Peimittee- . Ihalldepasit wilb.the., City the fees ~ to comctany damage to the I Right-of-Way and comply with all of the ! n:quirementsofthisSecliani '., '........ ""'1' .....~70t.;7!5.... ..;';"..'. $upp Ie ment.q.... . NoUflcal1on':It.the . Obstruction' or E;<cav8!lon .of.the Right-of_Way begillS I Ialer.otiluds soonerthan thcodate given on I' thcopermit,~ttee sb:illnotify theCity ; oftbeaccurate infarmalion as soon as this ' iDforma.tion g~:wa~-",,-:',~:::~'--:~-:; ~6l'.'-_:. '$.i 7!>t.716'\1;~ey~cation;.r:: III '.'Permits.;. .' - -,:,-. -'_,_(,''i'i;,..i''::'"",'" - · ";..'Sub$taDtia1Breach.The City reserve.. ibrigbt, asprovidedberein; to revoke ..1 . Right-Of~WayPennit..withoutafee~ ! jftbeieiuiubitaritiilbteachafthetemIJ i _Ind CaIldition& of iny siatute, OllliDanI't, ' I1!Jepnegulation.or..,ytnataialeondition i Of th~. permit A.IIlbstantial.bteach by.. ~lte!O shall inclnde. but shall not be " Iijnitedll>.!befoUa\Vlng;;.'. ..C.,;"" . , /'{:lbevicllalion"fllll'm*naiprovisiim . . of..the. ".'......~ .~ .Wa"Pedni. '1;'.- ...,........ .... "_'., ~~f '$".._ , .v.....,...l'.'i,~:!il'~:'::::,'''( . .... /lzJ _.ar,""'ptto 8'lade'3II1':' . ~.:'~~~.ro.fo..~~~'4 ~.....~.~:L.~,'1"~..i~.U.~~"M ,~.J. _ ... . .' ,)>~~A~t~~'~M: ~:;:-j;~.' ""/i41ymatilrial~Q(filet In ~appliCali<mfilc.,...Bigbt4W .\ Permit;: :;1 :', ~,~~'i,>';~~: ';;:;,,$1";;:;. ,.r<-,<:;" ,~;iJ;r:r';;, ..,t~, ~ .. ... . ThefaiI.a.....;;npIeiiIlie WOdt"iha j . !in><lY. maIlIle1'; unless a permirllltlmSilln . i . ...obIainedorunlesslbe~;, wm.'iIlIci.llh~~~ ,~~CIDltr8l;;ami;'W'.'N~.a"~~nO"1 . "''FIIlIIfaiJiml: to ,....eal;i'iwlliithiJdy'" ._._thatdaOsllOlconfonnl<la. condltic>n mdl~ted ClIIanorder issued' paISIIlIIIt to subsection . WrittmNoticeof&each. If the City . determines that th""Permittee' has . CllDllnilte,l"asubstaotiai breach of a term or condition of any statute; ordinance. IlIle, regplation or any.condition of the permifthe, City. sha1l. within !W1l (2). . businessd8y.lIfdiscoveringthevilllation, makeawrittmdemandupanthe~ttee . :':;::%:,:::~'~'~ ~-;;---'--"'''', -.. .-- , ("One Call ExCavatilm;~S~ : A,PenIIi_isbaQ.,perfo<m'.illIir,wUJItriD c<mfoflllllll<l" with ,aIIapplieabk: eodlls" andestablisbed rules and .egulati~.1lD<l is .esponsible for all """"d,One-m. ~e Right.of,Way.purSuant tlldlB'perIl1lt. . regardless of who doeS the'work; "" '. :.., . Ptohibitedn W01'~' Ex:cept: .iD"an>! Emergency,andwiththewrittm~'i of the City, ~Right-of:Way ~mt..! or Excavation may' be'. done'. ..hen '. seasonally prohibited arwticncondilians\ are 11IIIOSSClna\lle. fpUI1chv..ark;- , ,.; "">G . Intc<weltt..witkMight-of..yiay::,A,\ penniUeesha1lDOt...~bstN4taRight-of"1 'JIay IOthalfutnatUral f= and cleat. i . pB$sage of watetthroD~the ~~ or., olherwaterW&Yssha1lbeiDterfellid.iltiuU<. i vehiclesafthosedoingworl<i,B t!"'RiP~l; of.Way may nOt be p8rkedwitItiDlJfllO~". to a pe.rmit area, unless parke!t.Il1"', confotmance' witb" Ci~y' p~ng i . .egulatiOllS> The loading ot~g of ! ltUCks must be done SIllelY'Wlthin:dle ~ defined: permit areaumes- ~!'\ authllrized D1'the penmt.': ..;'. '''',,''":1 . ,,"Ol.71b,;:"Deaial,,~_eTbCI City maydenY a ....",,'tforfailnteUlJQeet'.1 . r-and-::._Ai......... . . ....... ......~ ;the~'''u....-.---.....,_. Section or if the City.~tbalithc:; denial is necessarylO.protcct,III!~{.~ safety. and. we1fareor wben~'tIJ.'. pioteCl the Rigbl-of.""ay IIIld.lISo:w:rcnt, use.' , ::_,;":~ ,~,,,I?,:~:r,~~ '",~:.:\' ;:, .. ;-;:}fJ,C-?,':''': :~~~::"(_:1_":'t:.- ";10t.7i2"'itn:!f"Hat:~" ,,;! . Requirements.. . The .E,,~valloo." baCtfll1ing' PatchingalldRestotatiOU;and" all ..th" . .l.A,~. in'theRight-ofJl'l o erWu'~ '. ,. ~~. no in confcirtl1allce.w..""; way.shal1be ~~.A-= '. ad" .......... .. ".."".' .....~-..! ~"'""""'~ uy_ u, ""'\ .PUC . or otber ..'apPlicablll''''. t. requiretDents. bl"so:"fat'li&theY'-:-nat' inconslsteritWitltthe l'UC Rulos.:'IW"!l*';j . absence of PUCapproved Ilngllle"nng. _dalds; the Permit fee sha1l..~mply j with conditiollS imposed on -~.by' , "., . ;.' _,' ....".-__,.",:~,in'v'...,.,.-,~ the:City..' .....,.. '" "';"~""". c.... ,701.713,,; ,~€Jn~",,'~~lt?;- .1<:_, '. Notice of Completion. WbeDthe",,~j UDder any permit issued bere~ .isv.. completed. the Permi~ si1al1 fUmisi! a. Completion CeltifieatelllaccoldlillCC'W!t1t 1 PUC Rui..to the eJ!.teIlt'~ .we.-ei<isl>'j Otherwise,. thO' City' Engineel' shaI1..I1e"fe'.. '.' the SIl1eailtbority to certify .....~lJIl\Ier;." pI~:"''''-.'''''''''-''''''i'''''''I''';'''' ~tas,(:om ~.' ""':'~~~t~~I, Sildmpection. Permitlee' ' thewotk.oite availabletatheCity and"",~ . all otbersas authori..ed"Il"'-;.fGs;~' inspectiOIl at all tellSonable times ~ ( !be~..'on of .and"{lO~..V.'~;,,~~~" the WVL_' ..',,>,,(- ,.>_'h<',., "-~ ""'. AUtl\Otity OfCity.' A\CtIiIt.""i illSpettillU the- CilYmalP ..,~.t,hc\!! illll"..u- eessi\iOll Of.8Il1',~.whicll"", a seriousthrOatta1lIe-lifMJealtfl;:'! :r~ ",well-being of.tlI6l""'JIcii;o";~ .. ../IbeCitymayis$u8'!"'!Ii'lbtD'i \helPenn1tteef<lr anywod:"~dIlOSoJIOC:' confotmtcl thetemlJ.oftliel*.""t~ app1icablestandalds. conditio~. r,Wes"" code5. N<<der si1al1 statetllatfai1l1le to. comet'!be vi<>llltion wilIlw _,em; .",..~'lIf_JIlIIliI!:'NjlbiD-'~" clap ....~:l#*.,......,dl... Permi_shaIl ~"""'lIIi-Qty that the violation ha ~ ....If ~ SIIchpro<>fhai natbeen~Within therequired time. the~ mayrevaltedle pennil p'ur.luant to subsection ':~:.~:;.c.-:::. :>;;-:: .,:.: :.:_~ ~-:-;-:-'-J:__'~_;_J;.;':---':"-':_: ';;_;. _~:';"'. -.,;. . ". _;. ...' ,'......". ., tbC Rigtii'* "W~trsetisrt.'" "iiferot"" lII1ofitsworkdiinelnthePUb~fo.~1 Way. wbether by emp1llyees. op:nts. !Il:' ,! "~~i~9D_"!!'''''U~~''\ .,.;,~ . . u>!J., 1.4$Mi.llle,~f,,\ Way User foils to Restore the Right-of-: .. . Way inthe,manner.and to-the_condition.: , . required' ~by _the City-, or: ',fails';" to'! .' satisfactorily and tilDely complete' all :. 'Restoration required by the City, the City . at its option may do such worl<. Inthad event the Rigltt-of.Way User shall pay to " .. the City.wlthiINhiity (30) days of billing. 1 .\ thecostof resto$itbe Right.of-Way.lf! Permitteefails ll>pay.. requited,theCity !~ may exercis...jt'~'<ights';::Ul1d.r.the,J ConsllUClian PerfOllllllllC!> Bond". ..f... .'.., Degradati<ln .~,A.Right-of.WaY:.,i . user may elect.to pay ..DegradotionFee. i However; tbe>o Right-of- WlIJ' .\l'sei.,ball..,i remain responsible' Jor.replacillg,'and : compacting thesubgrade base material in";. the oxcavation and the ,degradatiOl\' t...., shall not inclade the eost to: acCO\lIPli,/l ~ \hese'aclI' 'li" '. ..'..... . t VI e8. --....,. "-":'~'.".",""-'-'-""''';'''...''.!.'''.'.'';''''''..'' .. .' .. ,--:,-,,+,- '.' .~~'''~ , , ;-':/ "',)"''!,:';~i !is.'t~:~..._~~ 70.;708 'r:,;J~ni,,'AppJi~on'" . Re:gistranl&' .may .jnintly,,,,,ppl,.,.,jQ., Excavation.ancUorQbslNCtionPenn!ls'lll' the':~ti:me'.t::~;"~'\C'~1~-'::~~:~;:+~~lt~l:~:~_:&~ " "". :"'Registralitsi~wh<l.'1jOitf. !ind..,. schedoledo' Obstrncll.alt.:Qj\'. ",,,..l!alimt, perforrnedbytheCity\wbotbeJ;OI:DQt,kiJ., a j~int applica~i()tl py!'V~,o",'rD<>rei~ Regtstrantsorasmgie appIiClltW...1lte'.aot'<, reqaired to pay 'the. ObsttuetiothaD!i.l Degradatioa portiansot the permi~1ee-.,;;"l '.,',RegisUal1ts.w/lo"apply.;ior i pel1D1. 'IS. '~or. th..e .sam....e...Ob.. SltUC..tian. -or. '.J' Excavation:' whi~h th<;Cfly dq.. :liOk . perform, may'~ inthe:pa)!mentllf~' ObSltUetiOllOf' Excavatioi,..Permit'jF...,. RegistrantS musiagreeamimgthe\l1Sel-.., as to theportionelch willpa:l' IIIld il1liicate~ the same on their applicatiall$;d"" '1'\: 70t.709- "'5 u p.pIeIll4'd.u:y:.. Applicatiol!5i-' .~>e:\'~;~::<':"~ ~~~'~"'~'~~::,.,.c.;:,~~h Limilalion On~ :ARiSti~tif.w.ay.j ~t is ~alid' "",,y.Jor ,thj>.area llf.the:j Righl-af-Ways~in the pennii;N~ Permitte:,nDllY, do' my',. work iNtside..the: areaspeeifledinthe pc;imi1..Aiiy l'ennittee' which<letermit1es lhatSnareagre.rel'thanl that spedfiid..,;. ,the,. pelimit,must:bc> ObslI11Cted' 0< 'EllcaVllte\t.muot,tierore. workillgin that gieale!'~ OJ. submit 1ii . SupplementaIAppliClltion andpay:llnY' additional fees reqiUred il\eiein;and(li~ obtai~ a'pp~val~f th?Suppt~~CIltal AppiicatioJt;'t y.; "~-:;':.~, ".,'", ,:,~!""t;~~,:,,,",':~,:,:tl timitallO. .' n.ooDa. te.:.ARigb.t41t~.aaJj . Permitis~an1yforthe!fat..,SP"~ in the pelllIIil'. No-PennitteC-.may"beglnil5 wollrbefmethepetmitstartdate.....exeept as prb'tided1lel:ein;CIlt1tinue WlJd<ingaft,- thtend date. If aPermiotteedoeSnattinisti the worl< by thepermitenddate,itmuot(l) sutimif aSlippI9ren,taIiAppIitldi<>n."il1Cl pay IIll' '!dditiOlJOt:ree. ioq\iired t!rmeinI and' (i.)!'Obtlli""llppto..u,'oL.lb. s~r~;.~-;~~~.j.:r~1:~I'~~ ,701.7W ,....".,;liJ!bo;1'.6b1igatio<lso" COIIlJ!lianClil W~()tDr.:Liwsi Oblllining a Right-of.V(ay<I?ennil-dod nOt relieve Permittee- otilt&.d\ltyito obtai] . all other necessary permits;.lieenses, ail< authority and to pay ail rees required.b! the Ci~ or other applicablerule;:la"Co regulation. A Pennitteesilall comply will . alUeq\IirenIcmI.ailOOa4.tak;andfedm la'OlSjiJldnliiDkMiamStallJ 2:lJIiD.Q1-:.ft ..___.____..h._n-!,_.'.__u"-,'.,,-__ ~-C:l'''~-'''''''- n <4" "U"'U5U"I.UU.l.liiUlp.,_1l1l:UI.IWIl and 0peI3le IlIlY Facilities in the vacated Right-of-Way .and to.ernet.,upOQ. sucb Righl-of- Way at any time for thepurpose. of"""'nslructing, inspecting,maintaining 0[. repairing the same. '~"<'\' . "ReIocatiOllofFacilities.lfthe vacation requires !be relocation of Rigbt-of-Way tl'scr's or Permittee'sFacilltics;,IUI4(i) if the vac:atioo proceedings lIIe initiated by the Right-of-Way User or Peanittee, the Right-of-Way Useror Permittee 1D1IIt pay the reloc:ati()ncosts; or (il) if !be ..acation pmt:eedings lIIe initiated by the Cil)l, !be Right-of-Way Useror Pennittee musl pay !be relocation costs unless otherwise agniedto by .the City and the Right-of' . Way user or Permittee; ()r (iii) if the vacation proCeedings lIIe initiated by a l'ers()nor PersonsQthertban !beRigbt-of- Way user or Permittee, such other Person or Persons musl pay the relocation costs. ,701.72.3. . Indemnification, At. a CODdition for the Use of a Peanit issqed by !be City authorizing a, Pt:nnittee to obstruc:t or excavate on or withinaRight- of. Way. for the.:installatioD. mmnt"'nAn~e, or repair or. Permittee's Facilities. in a Right-of- Way,thePmnitteesballdefend, ir'tlomn1fy,and. hold harmI~'the City Iiomall Iiability~ claims()fJ.iabijjty for l>odilY:1~gor ~atII to. persons'.' or property. e in whieh tbecclaim: (I) Allege: a !Il'g[igent()r otherwise wrongful act or. omission of!be Peanillee or.its employee, agentorin~CODlllIl:tor miDsialIing, maintaining. or repairing the Pmnittee's Facilities andaUeges that!be loc:11 ....enlment.Wlit is liable. without aU"8iDJ any. indepeJ)dent. l\egli~.. or I ~se Wt'<>I!gfuI;,1ICl or ~OIlOn.' ,tbe part of !be City; or (2) i$ bIsed on thei Ci17'S ~ 01' Rtherwise WIl)ngdd .' act !'To_on in i,uuing the l'er!nit.or in.i failingto pro[l<ldy.or adequatelJ(.ir1spect., orenfon:e,c()mpli~ce wil!!il ter\l!,.: c:onditlo!"orIJlU1lOSeofl.bePempl~' , to r":""~gia~i"b~~~'j,~l l"".....ify. keep. and,hold the,Cln- free '1 and barmless ft()m!llly and.aU /jabilil)l on , acc:ountofinjurytpP_ns.()r~to I property~. by,,!!Ie~ of i P~mils..or .,Jiy.lt~~) eons(ruction.', "atfttcnanc~i - r.epJ,ir,dnspection~:or . 'Opei'atiOll Q~ I!:egj~s or Pmniltee's. ' FaciJjti..1llc:a!elI i!\tile Right-Q.€- Way. .. . . .".... A l'FnJittee is.nol require to . inder;nBify al<>cal &Oyetnment'unit for '. 10S4es or iLlims. .ocIasioned. by the; ; De;g!igent"or o~ wIongtlitaci or.' !'IIIiSsiOll of the. IocaI go.<mment Wli~ : .. ...~.(a) to ~...lent.autboDzed in; ..cIiiiiiiol'''aboYeil:~nIi""theissuance;of : >a....."':.,..''"'i-.,.,ffiI'~ ' .. of ::",,."~:J... .... '."~'li}1 ~~'!~~i1!"!W'."!'l'1 . '~1Lf~""i~,,,,,,,""."F'P"l .fiaDddse ^' :fl- . " .l;'!j;.'ff:'.,,,,,~,,.. 0, .__ ,.~.",,,;, .'" .. .... 2,*"1( "~; or. indemnification or l!!eCftJ' b!I...l. PmnitteeisdeemednotbeawBiVeiofany i defense or immunity otherwise availabre 1 to the City. A Peanittee, in defendingaD~ f' action on behaff of !be City; isentitlec1to assert every defense; or immunity that lile City could assert on its. own bebalf.. . ~:;.:x::;.;,;::.;::;:_:-:~;:.,;,_::.:,: 5aI"cty.- and - weIfare;cir"wlieii nec;;';s8ry i >;';';~:;':;'::-~c;:i ::c.::,::.-_.::::::-:,c-:.;-~-_'~'~~__~_~_;";::.;":':;';0~_ :~~1:.:...:"~..: ~':_:.~~~ .';' :.;;,~. . ,'..'. protecl the .Right.of-Way andils current to n:mcdy such "'olatlon..The. deJnand I use. . ~e CIl}< sbaII have the. power to sball stale that C~ued VlO1atiOns ~y . Pro~bil or limit lbe placement of new or be cause rorrevoc:allon of the penml. A I additional Facilities wilbin the Right-of- substamial breach.. as stated abov~. will : Way. In .malting such decisions, the City allow the ~; at his o~ bet di~on. to , shalIslrive 10 the extent possible to p1at:eadditionaiorrevisedconditionson i accommodate .aU existing. and POtential !be permit to mitigate and ",!"edY' the . ~ of the Right-of-Way, bu. shall be ' bn;acb. ,.... .' 1',. I gw~.pnmarilYbYCOD$iderationSOfthe' .,. ,:ResponsetoNotlceofBreach. w.;~ .' pob~c m~. the public~s needs for the 'tw~ty-four (24) boutS" of ':"=vtng 1 P1llti~arUlility Service,!beconditionof notitjcallOD of!be breacb, Permittee.ba11 I !be Righl-of-Way,!betime of ar with P!,'OVidetheCitywithaplan,acc:eptableto I resP<:"l.toessentialutilities.the~on ' tIieCity. that will cure. tile brea~b. t ofOXlSlingFac;litiesintheRighl-of_Wa'. Pennitt<e'sfaiJuJeto SO coDlacl the City. I !"Id fUlure Cilyplans:Cor pubI{.;' or the)eimitle;e'. fail!Ire.1q sub,mit an i ~vemenls:and devei!'pmenl projects' ! ~1ep1an;orFe.lltillo.:'..faiJure tof .;'~~~~~~Cl~,:,,;~~~~the 1 =~~;~:t~;~::c i . :701.719. :,Relocation" of j 1be'1'erInit.. ":"'""'.'.' "','.,.,<,....., . .1 Facifjti... A R!gh. 1-0.. f-Way U..... must , .". Rmnbursement. '. of Ci~. Casts. If. al promptly and at Its.oleexpense, with due! Permitis revoked; tbePeanittee shaUaIso resaro for se;uonaI. W:orki!lgCOnditi()~ i 'rcimJ!urSetheCityfortheCi!J"ln:asonable 1 ~~tly re"!ove 'and,.JeIocate, u.;fcosts, im:Iuding ~n <::osts and Facilities mthe.Right-of._W. ay when. ~is Jtbe"COSlI.' of coUec:ti.' ~ and.. te1ISOI1lIb. . .... .Ie. IIeCCs&ary to preyeatinlerferenee. and .. ! llIloineys' feesint:umdmClllll1t<:!ion WIth J!liO<CIy !OFOOnvenieJlC!!' of. !be,QIy."l: I' sueli,reVoc:ation: .... '.' "0' :}i~.i;('::;;"'~;H"i.Y . CODnec:lion with: (lb~ Qr fiUUre,/ ' ..lGUI7: .. . Mapp!ng blllL~ Cilf use of the R,igfll-of-Wal'.for;tipoblie '). R,..p.tra.n.V.sltaU. Prl>Vf4t .!ofappmg [ltQJect; \'2)PuIlIi~IlcaIthOFl.fllly' or (3) ! '.iId'onnalion .required by; thtlCllyill !be ~ and """venicnr;e oflravd ov": . "'ao:con:!anccwithm;Rure.t~lbO~ ,ll",Itighl-of-Way:.. ""'''H\;',o~."",.."c,;. "',:of' lUll .Registrant,: anY'In!ormat.()n '~:'~":'" NDlwi~tJii,.~, '!equestedb'Y tbeCity.which qualifies as a aRighl-of,Way UsetshallllOtbetllquiJed ':"lradi>-seael" under MinD; S!at. 13.n(b) ~=~~:~ar::~.~.ti: ..:~~'"llIe.~~t~o,? t favoro~aD()n-governmentalenlityunress' ",.llI.718 "':LlICaliO~\;,' of , '. and until the reas~lec;oats thereof an; . Jacillti...... "., '.:~'''' ".,. ,;",,,':""'c. . . firstpaidtotheRigbt-9f.W~Vser.:c ( :~:t!~g.'U~s"Q~se ; '" .~01.r,z0". ." ~r.ed;!<cavation :,penmttedbyIaWoran~~tranclIiae;, "'acilityandFacilitica~on.lnaddil;jon'ClCU1IiOssanexislillgaboVo-p>undpacility' . to. co'1'PJ.xjng,wil/i Ik.~i$ of JtiallOpaired Or replaced,ne\V.COJISlIjJc:tiOn,j ~Inn, Stat. '>21 6. D. .1l1",1l9. . (''On....CalI i . andthe. .1nstaII. aliOD.' Ofne\V!'~and. j AMcavatiOll Notice$~"j ~<>re the" !~ofoldFaciliti.,s~~done l Sl1ut~Ofllllylijght-Qf;\Vayeitcavation, : ~orOO~Wlthin~dingI \ eacbRigbl-Qf-WaYu'sertllalbasFacililiesor ~ _.m ~on,r~'r;!,~ i or Eqwpment m lbe area to be excavated . .lippIicab~ codes. I. ;'i'. . .::,.. ":',l'j; , sbaII. .m.arlt!behonzqn.llIIandappioximSte.: .. .Comdo~. Tbe,c.tymay:a'~lgnl vertic";' pIl!CODlenI Qf,p11 sa(<! Faeilities ' Specific' ~Wllhil! tl>>. Righl-of. . Any Righ&,of, Way llser",!19.e FlI!'ilill~ ' Way, orany partieular.segIDeD! theJeof.. I ,.are)C;SS t1uuJ, twenty (2Q)iDches,helo",a' I ....)":~.~ary.~~c~~. of . . . eoncrere.or ...phaIr SUd1!CC shall notify Pacilittes that IS .or, punuan~ to c:urrent \ .' """W()(\;jl;lllWy',lYilitthe; excavatioti.tecbnQlogy.lI,Ieqty~wilIlO1Deda.y i CODlractorto ~lablish the"~"'locali'o' . boo located WIthin the Right-of.WaY,.~ ! ofits PaciIiti d!be' --",.' n. . . vatintI; obstruction, or otbeF penmls . excavation. es an~~~ for~....theCityinYolvingtheiilsta1lati. '"", ,. " 70L721 .' ""'.r.. '. . 'l~lofF"aci1ities,sbaIl""'.W"'", t' ;Paciliti Wb . P.amag'.109l!!crorrep.. i:ortidorfor the Facilities at Iijgbt-o~Way~~~~mlil~:'~\. ,.........,P':..'r~I"!"ihi. I . ...inainlaiD, ""ppon. or 11II>..... Ri~-Of-::,":'4nfIijght-of-WayU....with.. Faci)ities f . .W." USer's Facilities to ~ i~ the dlraposilionatV1lnllt1l:ewithtl>>comdon r. ; QlJ!~lifMlIM!1nea>Iion"';;~;;:::i 'alaIlIi~edby!beCityshall,DOtau:rtban f t ....~.,..:.\liI~.,.p1bl;.~~~ .tbetlmeOfthe._reconstructi~.or t "-~.~lil~""li'~1O: 1 :aca.vationoftheareawhere~Facilitles I thatRighl-of-WaYUserandmustbel'1ii6~ 'amlix:ated, IDIIve;1ftc: Facilities to. the .- ~ lbirllf (30)da.ya frOm tbeidar....o! .' 'auigned Positinn wi~biJi th.. Iijgh~-of- i biUing.:ElicJ>Riglll-of-WayUsershallbe .. "Way. UDlesstbilrequiremeDt..is Waived .! teaPOIlS1b1e for tbe' cost af repairina any . 'bY.. the.Ci.ty for ioocl c:ansc. sIlown. The damagclD!be Facilities of another Rigltl- dtj mall, c:onsidc;r' ~ facIms ~ .the ot-W~ User. C1IIlSed during the City'S~CCOI1OlDIc:lifeof~Facilitl... um. wodt. mthe RiglU-of-Way orarise08tof .=. . saf<<r,customersem.ceneedsand anteaponse to an Emergency oecasioned .' to tfltj '"*' .. .. WlIJ.. User. by that. Right-of-Way U....'s Facilities. ,......"""--~~-0ti."" 701.72Z Righ.t'-<>f_Way .to... ..' "'''!l, ,.;.:..:.:....,.i,,',I....... Vacation. '.' '.. ,. . "T'. . .'~allIIrthepassage Reserv~tinn of Right. If the City --ofd.i.-~;;qF~~;';a VII<:ates; ~.Righl-of-Way which contains. Rigllt.of-Waythathavanocbeenregistered tltr:FllCIlitles~f.Right-of_WaYUser.and . with the City sbal1,be deemed. to be a ~ the' .vacatlon. does not .~ui,: the nuisance. ,The City may exercise any location of Righl-of.Way Us.. s oredi 'ghts 't bas at law.or in Penni!tee. FT' . rem es or n 1 tea~" to s aCl !l.es. the' Cuy sball equity. including,. but not limited to, Wa)' U;... :'for~tsclli~ and. all Right-of- abating tbenui.ance or taking possessi()n .' . ',.Vlpg "9 tlestnthevac:ated of !be Facililies and. restoring !be Rigbl- . of-Way to auseable cQndition. Any cost. incurred by the City sball be considered an obli~ation of tile owner of tile FllCllity. __::-'~~.J~_~-'_"__-'__. ...____.___~_. _ ...._ . '.;. .-;;..-: ---.:.:.~" . Each partyt,,'the arnitratio~ sb'an. pay its-own costs, disbursements, and attorney fees. 701.727 ,. Reservation of, Regulatory and Police Powers. A Permittee's or Registrant's rights are subject to the regulatory andgolicepowers of the City to adopt and enforce general , 'I>rdinances necessarytoprotect~~th, j :$8fety and welfare of the public. . ., . 101.728 Severability. If any: 'jUbsection. sentence, cJlIUIe, phrase, or I 'C:'fu~~s.:~~b';":~. : ~~rt.or . administralive agency of I .' i:ompetent jurisdiction, such portion sha1l i Det d.eemed sepuate., dis-tinct~ and j . indepeadent prl>vilion and such holding, i sbaJlDOtaffectthe w1idity oCthele1l1ainil)g : ."~~ =la.If:~~~'l' ,.cIetermine byafuull;DOJ>.appeaI8bleorder ;lfIatimy~",,~ued. ;\iuderlhia SllCtiOD~ IIIYporti"", Of tllisl :SeotioiliUegalot~~e,.lht,Rany I$UCb. pCrnnt,right,()t.ni~9l!-Branted 'Ilt deemed .to ~ beieundiif sha1l be :. eo.,.;derec! as a reV<ialblepmllil~th a . <'mutual light in either party II> ~ .. ."Withoutcauseu!>OD~sjxtY (1;0) days iwritten notice. .to tile. other. ,The ':i~ iU1d COIldili"lis of such a , irevocable pl;rlDjt.sh,,":,.~e th.. .samel 1;Rqui"'1llenlS \IIId~ as set f~rth I i.Ja. the penn. it, n. gbt.C!r.regl. ,tratlon.. t:'~~:7~~t~=~=ff :termi:nation:No . g in this Section ;(ll'<ClUdes'.ll!e-Ci\y.fro. .II! requ.irillg a i : ft8nchjse agieement wi~ theiA~liClUJt. , . is. allowed bylaw" In ad<lilion to 1 '<!'qlIirements forth ~. . .' :.. I ;S' ':., nus ORDINAN~SHALL TAKE I i:1!FFECT UPON, ITS PASSAGE AND . U'tlBUCAll0N. ,i.., .'.,..... .1 '!'ilJ'amdby theCityCounciI oCtheCity '.1. f'oCPrior ~~~SOlalbi~l~ dayof ...JUne, 200CL." "" '.' ,. """"'.' ;ATJ;EST:_ ., P.. .c...... .: iFraijklloyles . . ;CIIY Manager '.,. .. ...'j~t;'~~~~~~on . .". .:;..,~ -~-:-:.:.;-;.>:- ..'.."..... ......-..... '::::::::::~:';:::~:::::::'.:" <-i; ...-.....-.,.."....<-_.,:..,c.. '. '--"tta'swnscbrougJ,rag,;;~rlii~'r"cc'""", CitJo: under circum.stanc~s where the I. Regrstrant or P~llee IS required 10 I .indenuufy. the Regrstrant or Permittee. at I, Its sole cost and expense, shall defendthe 'C. ~ity in the suitif wriller! notice of the suit j,' 's ~mptly.giyen'to the~egistrantor.i Pemuttee WIthin ,I. period in 'which the, I Registrant or Permittee is not prejUdiced 1 by the IiIck or delay. of notice. . "4. "";'.;~."::'~"." . .. Ifthe~grstrantorPennilleei&,. required to indeumJ!y and defend,ftsbaD thereafter have. control of the .litigll:joir bUt the Registrant or ~""""iIot. settle theUligarion withouitlte CQi,~~' ::~Zd.~~~~';).i.' '., . ":,~ ,:>':,:\\~:;.'~,;'pItt~iSrjiQ~~jj:Jtbi,:,.. ,."' Jl8!lies.aWaiveroCanydefense.inutiiuiilY. - :::Cft;.Umirae~~~se~",~~'le':' .7.0,1.725 ,....,Ab an d ~~...:\f Facilities. . ". . '. ... Disconlinlied~';~'ARiiht~fS'{ Way User th_ has declared its Facility,to be an ~ Facility must either.." ','j Provide information" sfactofyk'. lhe Cil'Ythal the RiBhI-of-tay User's. obU.,wona for its. FaciIitieSlin<fej.tlliJ; ,~nl\ hav" been laWfu1iy assumed by' anotber Righl-of-WaYl1ser; nr/:!'-,1';IS'<'W ;.., ,'. Sullmit. ~ the City apnipoS,8rlincf !mtru'1'"',1ts for tranafiiiirlg ownership of IlsFaciIiti'1llotheCity.rtaRight-of.Way _ c User ~.underlhi~ ~ause,theCity. ,:.r~l~~~iW~;~:.ti~i' own expense to tCmOvo it;' ''',. ",::,/;:~;,'). :~':jtj,.o.li' .....!., ,i-equu:e' th.';;RiBbi. ,Ot'W"'ii~~';'::{".'''.'.' ;ahondinanlll11OllntsUtn_trild~.'. . the City for. ~iralJlYaiitiCieated costS '~~i~~tr~tt':;~ii,'~~e~!~~;, v';;. '. '.,: .,'.:.:,. " .:' '.': ..\.,.~," ';~'74:.;'.!;.~..; '<'~,\....'" c,. :i"';::I".,.,-",,, ':::1' ::i: A~don.d FaCiIliies, Illi"Right'Of_ " WaYVserfaiIsIO."!iIlipIywi!l!sUbsllCtion.' the.c,ily may'~~Y'RinediCsor' "rights itlraS!'tIaw liriJI,;qwiy;inCJiuIirig;.' holnotlimiteclto..(i)~ the "'once' Xii) taking ~ssession. of th~ Fac:'lfty and'; ~res'o.ring it 10 auseliblc! f'lDdition; or (Iii) " reqwnng removal ofl1k Faci1ity by the' . ,Right-of.Way Usei-, "'!lie ItfBht-Qf-Way1, g~s",~~=~~~~p~~' w~o bas an ~oned FaclIily'~:anY~ :Right-of.WayshaJJ remov~k liOni. thall Rig~l-of- WaYllpOndeiriliirdciftbc!Ciryor .' ;.l;!iIring lIIe,DeXl. ~ed exeavation.' . . 'n.. .lIDIesstllisrequi~lswaiVedbytheIY- .... .. f~ty7()I.72i):'-.~A~:~ ~IlI.If' '237,163,subd..51 AiToIo;coD1lllimiC3tiona-;~ ,Rii!'t-of. 'Y.X .!'R<,lbar:':~m .b8tbeen~ :~:~~kO~' ,. . ~ t1raI.$lffeeo~~...;.,......... . <-conform~~" : ~ 237.J61. 1libd.'6:may,~t1te- .denial, revocarioD,or .fee. imposition teviewed. upon~ ~ by the . ;f5!f~~1:=~J decision by the CIty Councilllllinningthe denial, revocation, or fee imposition will be in. writing and suPPOrted by written findings establishing the reasonableness of the decision. ,..- ~