HomeMy WebLinkAbout98-1901/11/99 14:56 ~'612 284 6237 CAMPBELL KNUTSON ~ CIIAPTER 2 DOGS AND CATS SECTION: 10-2-1: 10-2-2: 10-2-3: 10-2-4: 10-2-5: 10-2-6: 10-2-7: 10-2-8: 10-2-9: 10-2-10: 10-2-I 1: 10-2-12: 10-2-13: 10-2-14: 10-2-15: 10-2-16: 10-2-17: 10-2-18: 10-2~19: 10-2-20: State Statutes Adopted License Required License Fees, Expiration Issue License, Tag Lost, Counterfeit Tags Kennels, License Required Animal Control Facility Bites and Rabies Unlawful Acts Nuisance Impoundment and Notice lmpounflment Records Reclaiming Dogs or Cats Break Open Animal Control Facility Potentially Dangerous Dog: Dangerous Dog RestrictS.OhS on. Potentially Dangerous Dogs Destruction or Removal of Dangerous Dogs Dangerous Dogs at Large Exemption from Provisions Penalty pLrRPOSE: The City recognizes that pets are an important part of ma_ay fsmilies. There is a need for an ordinance to be adopted for the purpose of protecting health, safety, and welfare of the citizens oi' the City and pets living in the City. The purpose of this Chapter is to balance the needs of pet owners with the needs of citizens who are not pet owners. Additionally, the licensing o:[' pets contained hereia~ is intended to provide a mechanism for the return of lost pets to their rightful owners. 10-2-1: STATE STATUTES ADOPTED: The provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sections 35.67, 35.68 and 35.~9, as ,amended, are hereby adopted by refcreuce and are incorporated in and made part of this Chapter as completely as if the same were set out in full. 01/11/99 14:S6 '~'612 234 6237 CAMPBELL KNUTSON ~003 10-2-2: LICENSE REQUIRED: No person shall keep al~y dog over 3 montl~ of age within thc City without securing a liccnsc from thc City. Thc City Manager shall keep a record of all licenses issued. (A) NEUTERED OR SPAYED DOGS OR CATS: Thc license 'fee for non- neutered or non-spayed dog or cats will be higher than that tbr spayed/n~utered dog or cats. In order to be eligible for the lower license fee the City Manager or the Manager's designee mu~t be presented with a certificate from a vemrinarian showing the dog or cat has been spayed/neutered and the date of the procedure. VACCINATION REQUIRED: Eve~/dog and cat shall bc vaccinated against rabies. Every application tbr a new or renewal license shall be accompanied by a certificate of vaccixJation front a veter~arian indicating the dog or cat has been vaccinated to protect it from rabies. 10-2-3: LICENSE FIgES, EXPIRATION: A license is issued ibr two (2) col~secutive yea]rs. The bi-annual license fee for male dogs or cats, neutered male dogs or cats, spayed female dogs or cats or unspayed female dogs or cats shall be set annually by the City Council. All licenses shall expke on December 31 of the second year following its issuance. The City Manager shall publish a notice of the necessity of obtaining a license to be printed in the official newspaper of the City one ti~e each year before October ist, Failure to publish notice shall not in any way invalidate any provisions of this Chapter. License fees shall not be prorated. 1(I-24: ISSIrF,, I,ICENSE, TAG: Upon payment o[ the license fee and proof of vaccination, the City Manager shall issue both a receipt and a suitable metallic tag to the applicant. The applicant shall affix the tag by a permanent metal fastenh~g to the collar of thc dog hi such a manner that the tag may be easily seen. 1.0-2-5-' LOST, COLrNTERlrEIT TAGS: Dog or cat tags shall not bc transferable and no re~nrts shall be made of any license fees. Upon presentation of a license receipt f(~r the current year, aud payment of a duplicate dog or cat tag fcc, a duplicate dog or cat tag may be issued by the City Manager if the original dog or cat tag is lost. The fee for obtaining a duplicate tag shall be $5.00. It shall be ualawlhl to counterfeit or attempt to counterfeit a license tag, or m take a legally placed license tag from ally dog or cat and place said tag upon another dog t)r cat. 10-2-6: KlgNNELS, LICENSE REQUIRED: No person shall maintain, within the City, a dwelling unit, as defined in the Zoning Code, where more than 3 dogs or cats or combination thereof are kept without securing a kennel license from 01/ii/9S ~4:S7 ~612 234 6237 CAMPBELL KNL~SON ~004 the City Manager. The fee for said license shall be determh~ed at the discretion of the City Council. 10-2-7: ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITY: The City Manager or designee shall designate an Animal Control Officer who shall contract for animal control services wkh a qualified animal control facility. Additionally, the City Manager or other authorized City official may make arrangements with local veterina~ian~, kennels or humane societies for thc cart and custody of dog or cats as may be deemed necessary. BITES AND RABIES (^) BITES: It shall be the duty of every person having knowledge of a bite by any dog or cat which o¢cl;rred within the CRy to report the same to the Prlnr Lake Police Depa~h~sent as soon as practlcal after the bite occurs. This report shall include a description of the dog or cat, the address of the owner of the dog or cat il' known, and, if known, the name, address and age of any person injured. ~) IMPOLrNDMENT: Any dog or cat which has bitten a pcrson may be immediately seized whether on or off rite owner's premises and q~aranthled for a period of at least 10 days. Where no current rabies vaccination of the dog or cat can be proven or upon written demand by the bite. victim to the City Animal Control Officer, the dog or cat shall be impounded at the City animal control facility. The owner shall be responsible for the impoundment costs and shall make arrangements in advance for the payment of these costs. Impoundment at CRv facility. In the case of au dog or cat with no known owner, the dog or cat shall be quarantined in the City animal control facility. If no owner can be identified, the dog or cat shall be treated as an unclaimed dog or cat and kept at the City animal control facility as set forth in Section 10-2-13 .(B). Impoundment at Owner selected facility. The owner znay provide impoundment at a City approved animal kennel or veterinarian, provided that until such provision is made, the dog or cat shall be irnpotmded in the City animal control facility. The owner shall notify the Animal Control Officer and shall fi~rnish written certification that the dog or cat is being impounded. For the purposes of tiffs Section, an approved animal ketmel shall mean a kem:el within or outqide the City limim that is approved by the City or the Animal. Control Officer or a kennel that has entered into an agreement with the City to keep dogs or cats in a ol/11/99 14:57 '~'612 234 6237 CAMPBELL KNUT$ON ~005 manner consistent with this and all other ordinances of the City. Upon expkafion of the required 10 days, if the dog or cat does not have any symptoms of rabies, it may bo released to thc owner after a licensed veterinarian has examined the dog or caL anti has agreed LC) the release.. (c) EI. YI~ANASIA: In accordance with state statute, if the veterinarian or animal control officer at the City animal control facility deems it necessary, the dog or cat shall be subject to euthan~.~ia by injection. The City may have an autopsy performed on any dead dog or cat or on any dog or cat euthanized while impounded to determine if it was diseased. 10-2-9: UNLAWFUL ACTS: (A) ALL DOGS AND CATS MUST BE LEASHI~.D: It shall be unlawl~l for any owner or keeper of a dog or cat to walk said dog or cat without the dog or cat being leashed, (B) RUNNING AT LARGE; No dog or cat shall run at large within the limits of the City. The term "run at large" shall mcan going on or about the public streets, alleys, public parks, school grounds or other public places, or on any private premises (e~cept tile prenfises of the owner or keepel' of said dog or cat), without the owner's permission, unless said dog or cat is effectively restrained by a chain or lea.~h, (C) WASTE REMOVAL: It shall be unlawful for any owner or keeper of a dog or eat to permit solid waste of the dog or cat to accumulate on the owncr's or keeper's premises for more than 24 hours. Solid w~mtes from the dog or cat must be inunediately removed from public property or private property of another and disposed of in a trash container. 10-2-10: NUISANCE: (A) OWNER RESPONSIBILITY: It shall be the responsibility of the owner or ke~per Of any dog or cat in the City, whether permanently or temporarily therein, to prevent such dog or cat from committing any act which comtittltes a mfisance. It shall be considered a nuisance for any owner or keeper of a dog or cat to allow a dog or eat to habitually or frequently bark, cry, meow or whimper; to frequent school gromxds, parks or other public areas while unrestrained; to chase vehicles; to fight with other dogs or cats; to chase and kill birds; to molest, defile, destroy 01/11/99 14:57 ~'612 234 6237 CAMPBELL KNUTSON ~006 any public or private property; or to leave excrement on any property, public or private. (B) IMPOUNDMENT FOR NUISANCE: The Animal Control Officer or police officer may i~sue a citation to the property owner and the owner of any dot or cat whicll has been permitted to habitually bark, cry, meow, whimper, howl, whine or emit any other loud or tmusual noise. Whenever the owner of snch dog or cat camlot be immediately located or who has failed, upon order by the Animal Control Officer or police officer, to prevent such dog or cat from making such noises, tim ga~h~ml Control Officer or police officer may seize, impound or restrain the dog or cat. (C) INTERFERENCE WITH ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER: It i.s unlawful for tile owaer o£ keeper of a dog or cat to interfere with any police officer, A~imal Control Officer or other authorized City employee in the performance of his/her duty to eifforce this Chapter. (D) COMMON LAW NUISANCE; Nothing in tlfi~ ~ection ts intended to limit the City or any individual from proceeding under any common law nuisance theory. 10-1l-II: IMPOUNDMENT AND NOTICE: (~) lmpotmdment, 'lime of Keeping: The City Animal Control Officer or designee may pick up and impound in the designated City animal control facility any dog or cat that commits any act constituting a nuisance or other viulafion of this Chapter. Notice of Impoundment: hnmediately upon the hnpounding of any dog or cat wearing a current license, the City Manager or designee shall make a reasonable effort tn notify the owner or such dog or cat of such impoundincilt and the conditions whereby the owner may regain custody of the dog or cat. Any oral notices shall hnlllediately be conlirmed ~n writing. In the instance of invalid or expired licenses thc City Manager or designee shall make a re~.~onable effort to notify the last known owner of such dog or cat nf such impoundment. (c) Method of Providing Notice: The City must give notice of the impoundment by delivering or mailing a notice to the person whose name appears on the license application of the dog or cat or by posting a copy of the notice at the residence of the owner stated on the licellse application or by delivering the 01/11/99 14:S8 ~'612 234 6237 CAMPBELL KNUTSON ~0o7 (D) notice to a person residing on the property, and telephoning, if possible. The notice must include: (1) a description of the dog or cat seized; the authority and purpose for the seizure; the time, place, and circumstances under which the dog or cat was seized; sad the locatioll, address, relepholle number, and contact person where the dog or cat is being kept; (2) a statement that a person claiming an interest in thc dog or cat may post security to prevcnL sale or eufl~mmsia of file dog or cat and may request a hearing concerning thc seizure or impoundment and that failure ix) do so within 5 days tff Lhe date o[ the will result ia the dog or cat being considered unclaimed and subject to the provisions of Section 1.0-2-1.3 (B). (3) a statement that all actual costs of the care, keeping, and disposal of thc dog or cat arc the responsibility of the person claiming an interest in the dog or cat, except to the extent that a court or hearing officer finds that thc seizure or impoundment was not substantially justified by law; and (4) a statement that a person claiming an interest in the dog or cai may request a hearing under axis subdivision by submitting a written request to the City Manager within the 5 day period. Impoundment of lnhnmnncly Treated Dogs or Cats: Pursuant to authority provided in state statutes, the City may seize dogs or cam which are being cruelly or imhuman¢ly treated. All dogs or cats seized by the City or its Animal Control Officer for creel or i~humane treat~ent, must be held for redemption by the owner as set Ibrth in Section 10-2-13 unless, due to the condition of the dog or cat, a veterilmriaa authorizes euthanasia. Exceptions t~ Impoundment: Dogs or Cats may be i~mnedia[ely euthaaized if a licensed veterinary determines l) a dog or cat is diseased, vicious, rabid or exposed to rabies and cannot be impounded after a reasonable effor[ or without serious risk to the person attempting to impound or others, or 2) upon determination that the dog or cat is suffering and is beyond cure through reasol~able care and treatment. 01/11/99 14:58 ~'612 234 6237 CAMPBELL KNUT$0N (F) Length of Impoundment: All dogs or eats seized by or on behalf of the City must be held for redemption by tlse owner for at least 5 coasequtive days, not including days the animal control facility is closed. 10-2-.12: Impoundment Records: The City Animal Control Facility must maintain the fifllt~wing records of the dogs and cat~ in custody, and preserve the records for at least six months: (1) ~c description of ~c dog or cat by species, breed, sex, approximate age, and othe~ distinguisl~g treks; (2) the loca~ion at wlfich the dog or eat was ~eized; (3) the date of seizure; (a) the nzrne and address of the person from whom any dog or cat three months of age or over was received; and (~) the name and address of the person to whom any dog or cat three months of age or over was released. The records must be in a eas/ly readable form and open to the public during regular business hours. 10-2-13: RECLAIMING DOGS AND CATS: (A) Reclaiming impounded Dogs and Cats: Before reclaiming a dog or cat, the owner shall pay an iu~pounding fee as established by the City Council, plus the cost to thc City of kccping the dog or cat in the animal control facility. Undaimed Dogs or Cats: At the end of thc 5 day period described in Section 10-2-11 (C)(2) herein, 'all dogs or cats which remain unclaimed may be given to the Humane Society or an animal rescue organization, or it may bc sold to any person. If any dog or cat is not reclaimed, released to the Humane Society o~' animal rescue orgarfization, or sold, then it may be euthanized by injection. (c) Reclaimed Dogs and Cats: If an impounded dog or cat reqnires a City license, such license shall be obtained before the dog or cat is released. If the dog or cat requires a vaccination as a condition of the license, the animal may be released upon the payment of a $100 refundable deposit. The deposit shall 01/11/99 14:$9 ~612 234 6237 CAIIPBELL KI'~TSON ~009 be refmgled upon the presentation to the City of proof of the vaccinati(m and the issuance of a license. Failure to provide proof of vaccination, and l/censure within 20 days shall constitute a forfeiture of the deposit and shah subject the animal to impoundment. (D) Treatment: Any dog or cat which is hnpoundcd in the City anhnal control facility shall be kept with kind treatment and sufficient food, water, and shelter for thc dog or cat's comfort, in accordance with the laws o£ the StaLe of Minnesota. 10-2-14: BREAK OPEN ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITY: It shall be unla'arthl for any unauthorized person m break open the City animal control facility, or attempt to do so, or to take or let out any dogs or cats therefrom or to take or attempt to take from any ofticer or other designated City ofticia], any dog or cst taken up by him/her in compliance with this Chapter, or in any manner to interfere with or hinder such officer in the discharge of his/her duties under this Chapter. 10-2-15: POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS: DANGEROUS DOGS: In addition to the provisions set forth in Sections 10-2-15 through 10-2-20, Minnesota Statl]tes Sections 347.50 through 3~,7.55 are incorporated her~in by reference. To the extent these State Statutes are inconsistent with the provisions of Sections 10-2-15 through 10-2-19, the provisions of this Chapter shall apply. For the purposes of this Section the following definitions shall apply: (A) DEFINITIONS: (1) POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG! A Potentially Dangerous Dog is any dog that: (1) when unprovoked, inflicts bites on a human or domestic animal on public or private property; (2) when unprovoked, chases or approaches a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public property in an apparent attitude of attack; or (3) has a 'known propet~sity, tendency, or disposition to attack unprovoked, causing injury or otherwi~e threatening the safety of humans or domestic a~fixuals. (2) DANGEROUS DOG: A Dangerous Dt:g is any dog that has: (1) without provocation, inflicted subs 'tantial bodily harm on a human being on public or private property; (2) killed a domestic animal without provocation while oft' thc owner's property; or (3) been found to be potentially dangerous, mxd after the owner lass notice that the dog is potentially dangerous, the dog aggressively bites, attacks, or endangers the safety of hm~ans or domestic animals. 41509 ~ 01/11/99 14:59 ~'612 234 6237 CAMPBELL I~IUTSON ~ 01o (B) DETERMINATION OF POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS OR DANGEROUS CLASSIFICATION (1) Notice: A City Animal Control Officer or other law enforcement officer may report to the City Manager who shall then determine whether a dog is potentially dangerous or 'dangerous. Upon a determination by the City Manager that a dog is 0otentially dangerous or dangerous purs~latlt to M!nnesota Statutes, the City Manager shall provide a Notice of Potentially Dangerous Dog or Dangerous Dog to the owner by persoimlly sel'vhag the owael' ol' person of suitable age at the residence of the owner. The notice shall describe the dog, the nature of the classification, and identit~ the officer who made the investigation or determination. The notice shall also state the owners right, within 10 days. to request a hearing before the City Manager for a determination as to the dangerous or potentially dangerous nature of the dog and disposition of the same. If the owner does not request a hearing within I0 days of said notice, the City Manager shall make such order as the City Manager deems proper. (2) Hearing: If the owner requests a hearing for determination as to the potentially dangerous or dangerous nature of the dog, the hearing shall be held before the City Manager at a date not more tl~an 3 weeks after the City receives a written demand for said hearing. The records of the Animal Control Officer s 'hall be ~dmissible for consideration without further foundation. After considering all evidence, the City Manager shall make a deterrrdnation based upon his or her judgment as to whether or not the dog is found to be potentially dangerous or dangerous and the City Manager shall make such order as the City Manager deems proper consistent with state law. Such order may include but is not limited to: the transfer of the dog to another facility outside the City limit.~, restricting the dog's activities, euthanasia of the dog; and reimbursement by the owner of ~he reazomable costs of tempol'avy hnpomadment and transportation of the dog. 10-2-16: RESTRICTIONS ON POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS: All potentially dangerous dogs must be registered with the Prior Lake Police Department wifl~ 60 days after the effective date of this Section. (A) Ownership of potentially dangerous dogs, including guard or attack dogs, that meet the definition of potentially dangerous dogs, within the City, 01/11/99 lS:0o ~'612 234 6237 CAMPBELL KNu'rsON ~011 with the exception of ownership by a public law enforcement agency, is subject tO file following regulatious: (1) Regi,~rafion: Potentially Dangerous dogs must be registered on forms provided by the City Manager, including a description of such dog, and giving the address of tine premises where the dog will be kept within the City and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner and handler. (2) Leash and Muzzle: No per'soil shall permit a poteiltially dangerous dog to go outside its kennel or pen unless such dog is securely leashed with a le'~sh no longer Uhan four feet (4') in length. No person shall permit a potentially dangerous dog to be kept on a chain, rope or other type of leash outside its kennel or pen unless a person is in physical control of the leash. Such dogs may not be leased to inanimate objects such as trees, pots, buildings and the like, In addition, all potentially dangerous dogs on a leash outside the dog's kennel or pen must be muzzled by a mttzzling device sufficient to prevent such dog from biting persons or other animals. (3) Conl'mement: All potentially dm~gerous dogs shall be securely confined indoors or outdoors in a securely enclosed and locked pen or lcmnnel, except when leashed and m,'fzled as above provided. Such pen, kennel or structure must have secure sides and a secure top attached to the sides. All structures used to confine potentially dangerous dogs must be locked with a key or combination lock when such animals are within the structure. Such srnlcmre must have a secure bottom or floor attached to the sides of the pen or the sides of the pen must be embedded h~ the grotmd no less than two feet (29. All structures erected to house potentially dangerous dogs must comply with all zoning and building regulations of th~ City. All such structures must be adequately lighted and ventilated and kept in a clean and sanitary condition. (4) Confinement Indoors: No potentially dangerous dog may be kept on a porch, patio, or any part of a house, garage, or other structure that would allow the dog to exit of its own volition, or any house or structure in which windows are open or in wkicb screen door or window screens are the only obstacles that prevent the dog from exiting. (5) Signs: AIJ owners of potentially dangerous dogs within the City, within 30 days of the effective date of this Section, shall post, in a 01/11/99 15:00 '~612 234 6237 CAMPBELL KNUTSON ~012 conspicuous place on the premises contah~ing such dog, a sign not less · an twelve inches by twelve inches (12" x 12") bering the legend, "Beware Potentially Dangerous Dog on Premises" including a warning symbol to infom~ children. Also included on the sign shall be a telephone number indicating where the handler of the dog can be reache& In addition, a similar sign is required to he posted nn the kennel or pen of such animal. (6) Insurance: All owners of potentially dangerous dogs must within 60 days of the effective date of this Section provide proof to the City Manager of liability insurance, naming thc City as an additional insured, in a single incident amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for bodily injury to or death of any person or persons or for damage m property owned by any persons which may result from the ownership, keeping or maintenance of such animal. It shall be unlawful for the owner of a potentially dangerous dog to fail to comply with the req3airements and conditions set forth in this Section. Any dog found to be thc subject of a violation of this Section shall be subject to immediate seizure and impoundment in accordance with Section 10-2-11 of ~is Clmpte~'. Failure to comply will result in the revocation of the license of such animal requiring immediate removal of the animal from the City. In additiom a misdemeanor citation may be issued to the registered owner of the dog or its keeper pursuant to Section ~ 0-2-20 herein. 10-2-17: DESTRUCTION OR REMOVAL OF DANGEROUS DOGS: Aider thc owner of a dog is given notice and an opportunity for a hearing as provided in fids subsection, the City Manager is authorized to order the dog he: (1) continued to be declared a Potentially Dangerous Dog, with appropriate restrictions (2) removed from the City, or (3) euthanized. The Ci~ Manager or l~ designaZed offickal shall take the dog into custody ff euthanasia is ordered, in which ease the owner shall immediately make the dog available m the Cky Manager or his designated official. 10-2-18: DANGEROUS DOGS AT LARGE: A Dangerous Dog ruiuling at large shall be apprehended by the Animal Control Officer and il' thc dog bears no identification which reasonably reveals im ownership, the Animal Control Officer shall hupound the dog. If the dog has not been chimed, it shall be euthardzed at thc end of th,, impoundment period. If the dog is claimed, the City Manager ~hall proceed as h~ Subdivision 10-2-15. 0]./11/99 15:01 '~'612 2-~4 6~':~7 CA.~PBELL Ki~"rsoN [~o13 10-2-19: EXEMt~ON FROM PROVISIONS: Section 10-2-9 of this Chapwr shall nor apply w dogs or ca~s on laud zoned agricultural. However, no dog or cat from an area zoned for agriculture shall be pennk£ed to run aL large in any other area of the City. 10-2-20: PENALTY: Any person violating any provisions of this Chapter shall be gm/l~y of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than seven hundred dollars ($700.00) and 90 days in jail. OP. DIN~NCE NO. 98-15 C]T% OF PRIOR LAKE S~O'I~ COUNTY, IVflNNESOT. A AN ORDINANCE AIvlENDING -- · 'A't'rt.E 10, (X-IAFrER 2, OF THE . :' PRIOR LAKE ~t'!'Y CODE RELAT- ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF I~AOR.-LAKE ORDAXN$: ' Ttfl~ Teh, Chapt~ 7. $~'tion 10-2-11,10- The City A~m~ Control Offic.~' 5r ~) Notice ofln~oo~_~ Zam~'-'~ cat we~ing a cUn'ent Hceuse, the'City Man~= us de~.. ~e aball n~ke ~on- able e/fm~to n0tif~ the own~f~ costudy of the dog or ~t. Any ctralnotices sh~] ~'~m edintely be cotlfJx~nedlil wring. known own~ br ~uch dog = ~t City muat~ive not/ce of the ' ~lmpov~h~ent by delivering o~'mnH~s a person whuse n~ne appenrs on thelicense appian of the dog or cet or by P°sting a copy of the notice at the rusidenee 0f the owner stated onihe license ~ by delivering the notice to aperson xesid* 'ins on the prope~cy, md telepho~., if (1) a dusgriptico of the dog us cat unde~ which the dog ol'cet wus 5sized; and and contact person wh~'e the dog (2) a statmnent mas ~ l.qa~.~ _ an interest.in the dog or cat.inlay security to Prevent sale'Or e*~hnnn*t& Of the dog or cet and may requast a heating concerning the seiz~e o~ ~t land that fsilu~e tu ~10 So witi~n $ days 6f thedatuof theno~ce willi~ultin~ subject to thep~vislous of Section (3) a stemnent that all actualc~ts of o~ Ca/s~ the ~e~pOnsibili~' o f the pe/~n ~,,,i-_. minte~ustinthedog O~cat.~ tO the eXtellt that acotlrt or henyln~. ~ not sul~tantlelly justified by laW;, (4) a ~*~,~ent that ~pu~u ~ an Interast in the dog ~ cet may x~qug~ a ting i Mitten ~equest tu th~ City Maniger ' wlihth the $ day period. = (D) Impuun~nt of,inhnmnh.ely , T~_ -__t~_ DO.or Cats: putsuanttu~=[ · may seize doss o~ ca~ Whk. h : c~nally o~inhummdy t~eated~ A]ldo~s usi I cats seized 'by th~.city o~ ~ ~ ment must be bald fus zedemptlen by tl~ i owner ns s~t forth in section I0-2:13 Affidavit of Publication Southwest Suburban Publishing State of MinneSota) )SS. County of Scott ) Stan Rolfsrud, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is the publisher or the authorized agent of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Shakopee Valley News, lordau Independent, Prior Lake American and Savage Pacer, and has full knowledge of the facts hereiu stated as f~llows: (A) These newspapers have complied with the ~equlrements consi~uting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavi~ and identified as N~ was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the -'-~hed Notice and said Notice is hereby incorporated as peet of this Affidavit. Said notice was cot from the columns of the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to 7., both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind au~J. iize of ~pe used in the composition //q'/ ~/ Sta~ P~olfsr~d, General Manager ./ or his designated agent Subscribed and sworn before me on this/O~ayof ~. ,1998 ~qotary Public ~ RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial us~s for comparable space...... $11 ~50 pc~ column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter .................................. $11.50 per column inch Rate actually charged for the above matter ................................................. $8.37 per column inch , : merit must be be~a Ioz Ieaemp~on Dy t~c set fozth in Sec~on 10-2-13 ~ g~a~ the dog cure gs ~ behalf Of th~ City RECLAIMING DOOS ~ Coencil, plus ~he ~h~ dog oz ca~ ~ (1{~'1 Ullcln4med DOgS oz Cat~: At the fead~lth~ 5 day~ described m Sec [' :~ av~on ~ a~onof ~ ,,~' ~m~ut of a $1~ ~d~ ~ F~ m ~ ~f of v~- ~ ~ hws of ~m S~ of ~o~ ; [~ 1~18: D~G~OUS ~ AT ~OE: A D~g~ ~g P'~ins at ~ ~w~u~lY~v~ ~ o~, ~e ~ Co~1 0~ : ;~'~ ~ dos. u ~ d~s ~ ~ot' ,CoUncilthis ~thday crl'Y oF PRIOR LAKE BY: Wesley M. Madet MaYOr ~ B0yl~e~, City ManaSe~ . ~i'u~Eshed in the P~iov Lake American on Saturday OcL 10, 1~8; No.