HomeMy WebLinkAbout105-20 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 105-20 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 105.300 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE RELATING TO SALARIES OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBSECTIONS: 105.100: 105.200: 105.300: Motion: LeMair Second: Zieska CITY ELECTIONS, OFFICERS AND TERMS OF OFFICE COUNCIL MEETINGS SALARIES 105.100: 105.200: 105.201 CITY ELECTIONS, OFFICERS AND TERMS OF OFFICE: The City Council shall consist of a Mayor and four (4) Council members all of whom shall be residents of the City and should otherwise be qualified to hold public office pursuant to the laws of the State. Term of Office: The term of Mayor of the City shall be four (4) years commencing with the January 1, 1986 term of office. Except as hereinafter provided, Councilmembers shall be elected for four (4) year terms of office with two (2) Councilmembers being elected at each election. COUNCIL MEETINGS: Time and Place of ReQular MeetinQs: There will be at least two (2) regular Council meetings monthly in the City Hall. The City Council, by resolution, may schedule additional regular meetings or may cancel regularly scheduled meetings by majority of the Council vote. The regular scheduled meetings shall be held on the first and third Mondays of each month commencing at seven tRH:ly o'clock (7:00) (~) p.m., or such other times and dates as the Council may from time to time by resolution designate. When a regular meeting falls on the same day as that of an official holiday, the regular meeting shall automatically be postponed to the following day, or may be cancelled by rSEsll,ltisA sf a majority vote of the Councilmembers. www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 105.202 Procedural Reauirements of the Reaular Meetinas: (1) Regular Business Session: A regular business session shall be conducted at each meeting of the City Council. (2) Prepare Agenda: The Agenda for each regular meeting will be prepared by the City Manager and shall be available the Friday before the following meeting. 105.203 SDecial Meetinas: Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or any two (2) members of the City Council by writing, filed with the City Manager who shall then mail a notice to all the members of the time and place of meeting at least one day before the meeting. 105.204 Meetinas ODen to the Public: All said meetings should be open to the public. 105.300: SALARIES: The Mayor's salary and is herelly ee;taelisAeEl at fewr AwnElmEl se'/enty five Elellars ($475.00) per R'lenth. !he salary of each City Councilmember is hereby established at the followina month Iv rate: tAres Awnl;!ml;! seventy five l;!ellaF& ($a75.g9) par meRtA. TAe M:ayer's aRGt CSblRsilmemS9FE' s3lar:iBs sAQIIl=Je r=eviB'!:e9 BY the City CO\;IR~i1 every F.\f9 (2) ye:lffi OR eveR )'8aFt 31 tAe time the City Bl:Il;iget is ceAsiser=ed BY tRe Cel:JAGil. 105.301 105.302 105.303 105.304 105.305 2006 2007 2008 Mavor $645 $675 $710 Council member $520 $545 $570 This subsection shall take effect on January 1 st of tAe year next sWGGeeElin€l the City "'JiEle glgGlien. TRis pr:evisien sRall ee gffeGtivg danwary 1, 2002 2006. (amd. Ord. 00-03 - pub. 1/8/00). Per Diem: In addition to the salaries set forth in Section 105.300, Councilmember (for the purposes of this subsection, Councilmember includes Mayor) may be eligible for a per diem remuneration. Policv: The City Council deems it appropriate and prudent to remunerate City Councilmembers for participation in certain meetings. Such remuneration encourages Council members to become more informed regarding constituent issues and better representatives of the City. Per Diem Rate: For each eligible meeting attended, a Councilmember will receive $@ 50 to remunerate time spent and out-of-pocket expenses. Per Diem Reauests: A Councilmember requesting per diem remuneration for attending a qualifying per diem meeting shall do so on forms prescribed therefore. The request to the Finance Department shall indicate the number of meetings for which remuneration is requested, the date, time and organization conducting the meeting and the Councilmembers' role at the meeting. Qualifvina Per Diem Meetinas: The Finance Department shall approve per diem j.<;ODEisectiop 105 DRAFT 06-2005.doc ____._.__.__"~.~_""~"__._____,~____ ..._,.___'_~""'_"_'_'__"_'_____~~'_'."______'_______'0 remuneration only for meetings which meet the criteria set forth below: (1) Subcommittees of the City Council to which a Councilmember has been appointed. (Examples include Special Assessment Committee, Annexation Task Force) (2) Meetings of City Advisory Committees to which the Councilmember is the liaison. (Examples: Planning Commission, Parks Advisory Committee, Lake Advisory Committee, Business Advisory Council) (3) Meetings of bodies to which a Councilmember has been appointed the City Council's representative. (Examples: Prior Lake Spring Lake Watershed Commission, Orderly Annexation Board, MVTA) (4) Policy committee meetings or annual meetings or conferences of the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities, League of Minnesota Cities or National League of Cities. (amd. Ord. 01-08 - pub. 8/20/01 and effective 1/1/02) (5) Meetinqs at which the Councilmember is actinq as the representative of the City Council. (This Space Intentionally Blank For Future Amendments) This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 18th day of July, 2005. ATTEST: City M'!!J1- I ?ff~ Mayor !\COD[\S8cHon DRAFT 06-2005 doc . CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 105-20 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 105.300 OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE RELATING TO SALARIES OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Motion: !&Mail: Second: ~ Subsections: 105.100: City Elections, Officers And Terms Of Office 105.200: Council Meetings 105.300: Salaries 105.100: City Elections, Officers And Terms Of Office: The City Council shall consist of a Mayor and four (4) Councilmembers all of whom shall be residents of the City and should otherwise be qualified to hold public office pursuant to the laws of the State. Term of Office: The term ofMayor of the City shall be four (4) years commencing with the January 1,1986 term of office. Except as hereinafter provided, Councilmembers shall be elected for four (4) year terms of office with two (2) Councilmembers being elected at each election. 105.200: Council Meetings: 105.201 Time and Place ofRelZUlar Meetines:, There will be at least two (2) regular Council meetings monthly in the City Hall. The City Council, by resolution, may schedule additional regular meetings or may cancel regularly scheduled meetings by majority of the Council vote. The regular scheduled meetings shall be held on the fIrst and third Mondays of each month commencing at seven ~ o'clock (7:00) (~) p.m., or such other times and dates as the Council may from time to time by resolution designate. When a, regular meeting fallslon the same day as that of an official holiday, I the regular meeting shall automatically be postponed to the following day, or may be cancelled by rtsalt1tieR ae a majority YQte of the Councilmembers. 105.202 Procedural Requirements of the Regular Meetings: ' (1) R'egular Business Session: Aregularbusinesssession shall be conducted at each meeting of the City Council. (2) Prepare Agenda: The A~enda for each regular meeting WIll be prepared by the City Manager and shall be available the Friday before the fOllOWing meeting. 105.203 SneciaI Meetines: Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or any two (2) members of the City Council by writing, med with the City Manager who shall thenmail anotice to all the members of the time and place of meeting at least one day before the meeting. 105.204 Meetines Onen to the .fW2lk: All said meetings should be open to the public. 105.300: SALARIES: The Mayor's salary lill.ll is liereb) estftbli'lhesatfal:ti'h1:lfitif'esse (e~ fi ,e selIM" ($475.89) pei'meftth. the salary of each City Councilmember is hereby established ~ followine monthlv rate: tht-ee lil:lll.sl"es se. ell.t) [1. e sellal."3 ($3%.99) );lei' meRth. 'flie Mayer's and G6Meilmembel.'S' 3lH8ries sliall be l"uie l. es b) the G~ Ge1:tReil e-;e~ twe (9)) ear:> all. e. ell.) ears at tlie time tlie Oit) bl:lsget 13 eaRsisel"es b) the GaMeR. Mayor C 0 u n c i 1 Member 2006 $645 $520 2007 $675 $545 2008 $710 $570 This subsection shall take effect on January 1st of the year next succeeding the City-wide election. m1.... _ .. .l 11'. ~---CC......~..t-.~~".~,...,.~.,.,.^_~.,~,_~~._,.+..".~.~--,.,""..~..,. Affidavit of Publication Southwest Suburban Publishing State of Minnesota) )SS. County of Scott ) Laurie A. Hartmann, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the publisher or the authorized agent of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Shakopee Valley News, Jordan Indepen- dent, Prior Lake American and Savage Pacer, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 33lA.02, 33lA.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified as No. '7;7:l was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z. both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size of type used in the composition and publication of the Notice: a_ijklmnO~ ~ GJlJfltit/L Gfn~~ Laurie A. Hartmann Subscribed and sworn before me on GWEN M. RADUENZ I.'rrr,,~,; nr ,~;,~ v",".'CQOTA ~i;1 " ~~!..t ':~~.:,:~l.;~~;~~:,:n:~I.'~_~ ~ ",'''';i'-''''' My ..um;n""",, ~(~,,<, _an. J1. 2v10 RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... $22.00 per column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter................................. $22.00 per column inch Rate actually charged for the above matter.............................................. $11.18 per column inch