HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 11, 2005 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEE.TING MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2005 MAINTENANCE CENTER 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of MeetinQ Minutes a. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes 3. Old Business a. Follow-up Comments/Discussion regarding March 14th meeting with local athletic organizations. b. Advertising Signage Policy Update c. Spring Lake Regional Park Land Acquisition Update d. Boat Slip Reservation Procedures 4. New Business a. Plans and Specifications for Playground Equipment b. Announcement - All Park Advisory Committee members are invited to attend the City's Long-Range Planning Meeting at The Wilds on April 12. 2005 (6pm). 5. Future MeetinQ Date a. May 8, 2005 6. Adiournment www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FOR MARCH 14, 2005 The meeting was called to order at 6:20 pm, on Monday, March 14, 2005, at the Maintenance Facility. Members present were Tom Borger, Mike Feriancek, Todd Loose and Pat McFadden. Members absent were Dick Carlson and Ruth Harris. Councilmembers present were Mayor, Jack Haugen, Councilmember Jim Peterson, and Chad LeMair. Staff present included City Manager, Frank Boyles, Assistant to the City Manager, Kelly Meyer, Public Works Director, Bud Osmundson, Park Supervisor, AI Friedges, Recreation Supervisor, Kevin Cook and Recreation Secretary, Nancy McGill. Lori Carlson represented the Prior Lake American. Also in attendance were Scott Martini, PLSHA Liaison, Mark Schroeder, P.L.A.Y. Liaison, Joe Zieska, Council member Liaison was absent. This was a public meeting in which local athletic organizations have been invited to participate in a discussion regarding future facility needs and funding. There were 19 individuals present. Approval of the February 14. 2005 MeetinQ Minutes: . Motion by Loose to approve the February 14, 2005 Meeting Minutes. Second by McFadden. Ayes: 4. Nays: O. Introductions: Frank Boyles introduced and welcomed our new Recreation Supervisor, Kevin Cook. Kevin officially will start his new position on Wednesday, March 16, 2005. Kevin offers a diverse background in recreation and has been employed as a Park Director with the Minneapolis Park Board for the past four years and was responsible for the recreation programming and staffing of three Minneapolis parks, Longfellow, Nikomas and Bottineau. Kevin gave a brief overview of his background and expressed how he was looking forward to his new position with our city. Members of the Parks Advisory Committee, staff members and representatives from the school board and Prior Lake youth organizations introduced themselves. Future Facilitv Needs & FundinQ Mechanisms Round Table Discussion: Mayor Haugen read the Prior Lake Mission Statement from the 2020 vision and Strategic Plan. He noted that Prior Lake is a recreation oriented community and that the State of the City focuses on people, partnerships and programs. Haugen indicated that he felt it was necessary to call this type of meeting so that we can look at our needs, look at where we have been and look at where we are going from an individual activity or sport or facility perspective and how we can work together collaboratively to meet these needs. Through partnerships we can create more programs, enhance our programs and enhance a successful environment, and maximize our facility usage as we move forward. C.I.P. Public Works Director, Osmundson reviewed the C.I.P. 2005 projects as well as the C.I.P. Park Projects Summary draft for 2006-2010 that staff has just completed. The Capital Improvement Fund is funded through the capital park fund from development. Funding for shelters, playground equipment and trails are the most popular items since everyone uses them. The City Council will review these proposals at the May 2 meeting. Osmundson noted that the city does not have funds to build new athletic facilities until 2008-09. Boyles briefly talked about what procedures needed to be followed for referendums. Draft of the Prior Lake Outdoor Recreation Facilitv Inventory & Service Area Analvsis: Public Works Director, Bud Osmundson reviewed this draft which included facilities available in Prior Lake, city and school combined and based on current and future population for softball, T-ball, baseball, soccer, football, tennis, outdoor volleyball, outdoor basketball, outdoor hockey, swimming pools, skate parks, batting cages, and horseshoe courts. The facility standards represent the minimum recommended number of recreation facilities based on population or geographic service area. There was some discussion and explanations. There are six medium size slow pitch softballlT-ball fields at the Ponds, not eight (8) and two (2) fast pitch softball fields at the Ponds. The school has seven (7) large soccer fields. Friedges explained that the soccer fields were identified as open play area so they can be utilized appropriately. There are no hockey rinks at Westwood School. This spring the city will purchase 40 acres of land at Spring Lake Regional Park to use for athletic fields. It has been a complicated process. Osmundson stated that the city's population is expected to double by 2030 and the outdoor facilities will fall way short of the needs. Athletic Oraanization Representation: Mary Haugen, Athletic Director of the Prior Lake Savage Schools. She indicated that a new pool will be constructed at the Hidden Oaks Middle School and new gymnasiums at newly constructed elementary schools with funding from the recent passing of the bond referendum. Schools do not have any facilities for hockey. Currently the school rents ice at Dakotah! Sport & Fitness but that is only one indoor rink. A need for more in-door space is desperately needed which a dome field might provide for multiple purposes. The School has partnered with both the cities of Prior Lake and Savage extensively for facility usage. Mark Schroeder, P.L.A.Y. (Prior Lake Athletics for Youth). This is a volunteer based program that provides youth football, volleyball, lacrosse, basketball, t-ball, baseball, softball and track. Approximately 4500 are registered annually. The most pressing needs for their group are intramural fields and gymnasiums. The basketball program is growing rapidly but the bond referendum should provide relief. The organization would like to see lights installed at Ryan Park to provide more field availability. A user fee of $25 per person has been implemented to contribute to these needs. Programs have shown a 15-20% growth each year and it is difficult to keep up with that. Scott Martini, Prior Lake Savage Hockey Association. Youth hockey program is targeted for youth through ninth grade. He passed out a growth projection sheet through 2010. He stated that it is difficult to depend upon outdoor ice and indoor ice is a necessity to provide a more competitive league. Martini said that he's heard that there has been a general concept that hockey rinks are losing money but he feels that with the proper management, the association can cover the operating costs. Currently the association works with the city and Dakotah! to schedule ice time. Future demands for ice will be 2000 hours. Without a facility, the possibility is very great that kids will be turned away. Steve May, Prior Lake Soccer Association. 450 kids (K_5th grade) involved in the spring and summer program and the main facility is at Ryan Park. The fall program has 900 kids. Ryan Park currently supports enrollment numbers. The travel teams are not supported by Ryan Park. Indoor space is rented at Soccer Blast in Burnsville. May predicts that by 2011 participation in the club's programs will nearly double and Ryan Park will not be able to support that. Field damage is another problem. Friedges, Park Maintenance Supervisor, said that "soccer yards" instead of "soccer fields" is a future possibility to provide open space that can be used as needed. Dave Drake, P.L.A.Y. Football coordinator. He indicated that games can be played at the old high school (Oakridge Elementary) to free up fields at the Ponds. Yvonne Anderson, YMCA. Anderson is the coordinator with YMCA for Shephards Path. A market survey has been done but nothing has been defined yet. There is a need for aquatics, recreation facilities for youth and seniors. The heavily wooded 80 acre area on Pike Lake Trail would be used for day camps. Alex Bunbury, Prior Lake Soccer Club representative has a joint partnership with Shepherds Path and is proposing the construction of an athletic dome structure to accommodate a field with special turf and would like to facilitate a hockey rink since he knows there is a serious need. He felt strongly that the facility should accommodate all groups. Mike Gresser, Laker Dome LLC. They are currently working with the school district and proposing a year round domed facility to be built on school property located at Oakridge Elementary. It would be modeled after the Irish Dome in Rosemount. They would like to incorporate two softball fields, one large soccer field and eight smaller training fields. This would be built on public land but privately owned. Dick Booth, representative from the School District added his comments. Mayor Haugen thanked everyone for coming and for sharing their needs. He said that by hearing the dialog creates a different sense of reality of what our community is facing. There is no question about the needs but the key question is how we get to that point in the future. Suggestions have been made to have a referendum, public and private ventures explored either dome concept or perhaps some other concept not even touched on yet. He would like the PAC committee to act as the sounding board and provide suggestions and staff to provide leadership. We do need to do something for the long term of our community by enhancing facilities and programs. He felt that this meeting is a very significant first step in working together to create these facilities for tomorrow. The Park Advisory Committee will have a follow up meeting on future needs during the next two months. MOTION by McFadden to adjourn. Second by Loose. Ayes: 4. Nays: O. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Nancy K. McGill /or~ n.;tm.. ..' . . ... (.. \i. 't:J . l~l it . . mJ \ } '\.: ,.. ./ ~J""'J\JIll>cfS,':/ <""-.o;..w.........,...# CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ADVERTISING SIGNAGE POLICY IN CITY PARKS !Jrl'l(/fl' )JjtfJ, .,~ Jt) . ; ~4F}" ~::r... I,'f .~ ~~..1~~:... " ...~_." In General The City is asked from time to time to allow for profit and not for profit organizations to erect advertising on sponsorship signage in city parks, playfields and buildings. The purpose of this policy is to clarify when, where and under what conditions advertising or sponsorship signage will be allowed. Interpretation and Revision The City of Prior Lake reserves the sole and exclusive right and authority to make interpretations of this policy or to make revisions to the policy as the City in its sole determination may deem appropriate. . Prior Lake City Code In the event of inconsistency between this policy and Prior Lake city code, the city code shall take precedence, with the exception of temporary signage. Findings The City finds that it is desirable to allow individuals and organizations to erect temporary or seasonal signage in city parks in accordance with this policy toJoster commerce for commimity businesses and to raise money and provide recognition for athletic associations-serving Prior Lake residents and businesses. For aesthetic and safety reasons however, the City reserves the right to limit sign size, material, content, location, color and display duration of the event provided that an application and fees have been submitted and the 10cationJasteners, size and color h~ve been previously approved by the Park and Recreation Department. All signage so created will be promptly removed and appropriately disposed of by the sponsoring party immediately following the event. Signs - Installation Installation of all signs shall be done under the supervision of and with the advanced written approval of the park maintenance division. Sign - Fees Seasonal sign fees shall be $50 per month or $350 per season. Temporary sign fees shall be $50. Fees may be waived for events which are of city wide benefit. Sign Maintenance/Replacement Sign maintenance and replacement is solely the responsibility of the sponsoring agency. The City shall not replace or repair any sign for any reason. Indemnification Sponsoring agencies shall indemnity the City for any and all liability or damages arising out of the application, erection, display or removal of signage contemplated by this policy. K:\PAC\Advertising Signage Policy.doc 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 Date: April 6, 2005 Attendees of the March l^~ Athletic Facilities Meeting Frank Boyles, City Manag.v Cancellation of April 11, 2005, Athletic Facilities Follow-up Meeting To: From: Re: At our March 14,2005, meeting, a suggestion was made that we conduct a follow-up session on Monday, April 11. We want you to know we are canceling this session in respect to your busy schedules. We would, instead, rather have you attend the Tuesday, April 12, 2005, 2020 Vision and Strategic Plan meeting scheduled at 6 p.m. at the Wilds Country Club. We will reschedule the athletic facilities follow-up meeting sometime in the next 60 to 90 days. In the meantime, we are sharing a copy of the March 14 Park Advisory Committee meeting minutes with you for your information. I hope that this change in schedule does not create an inconvenience for you. If you have questions, feel free to contact me at 952-477-9801. attachment www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 >ws::~t""o >-:l~ 1.fg~,,"'~"'(D ".. n H (S' ~ c.. 3 ~ ~ o' =.' CCIZl ~ =. g. ~. c: !l1 -< w ~~~ (b = (;' en - 0.. ~ ~. ~ CIl g'~~r1;' ~ - ::'" ~ ::: n' ~ ~ g n" :>:" 0 a :>:" ~ fqi~D.S::~S::S::~ CD ::. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !t'< '- Z o '" 3 (D f.~li~~~ ::J"1(D"'c.. 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