HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 10, 2006 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 PARK ADVISORY COMMII I EE MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 10th, 2006 MAINTENANCE CENTER 6:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of January meeting minutes 3. Heritage Committee 4. Parks, Athletics, and Recreation Facility Long Range Planning Task Force - Angie 5. Jeffers Park Improvements - AI 6. Lakefront Restoration & Fin Project Update (Goal #3) - AI 7. Ponds Restroom/Concession Building Update - AI 8. Wildwood Trail Sidewalk - AI 9. Spring Maintenance Activities - AI 10. Canoe/Kayak Rack at Sand point 11. Parks & Recreation Activities - Angie 12. Future Meeting Date a. May 8th , 2006 @ 6:00 pm at Maintenance Center Adjournment . www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 01/09/06 6:00-7:55 p.m. Members Present: Pat McFadden, Dick Carlson, Todd Loose, Cari Grayson, Tim Libert, and Mike Feriancek Staff Present: Angela Barstad, Al Friedges Citv Council Liaison Present: Cheri Dornbush Public Present: Scott Martini (Prior Lake Hockey), Mark Schroeder (PLAY) Meetinfl called t<<:, order at 6:00 om bv Mike Feriancek Aooroval of the December 12.2005 Meetine Minutes: Mike Feriancek motioned to approve the December meeting minutes and second by Todd Loose, approved Aooroval of Januarv Aflenda - Al Friedges added the following to the agenda: Kopp Farm Master Plan Update, DNR Access at Sand Point Beach, and Canoe Racks at Watzles. Mike Feriancek motioned to approve the January agenda, second by Todd Loose, approved. Introduce PAC to new Citv Council Liason - everyone in attendance introduced themselves to Cheri Dornbush, the new City Council Liason to the PAC. Parks. Athletics. and Recreation Facilitv Lonl! Ranl!e Planninfl Task Force - Mike Feriancek updated the PAC on the last PAR meeting. He stated there were 16, out of28, attendees at this meeting. They discussed what projected population amounts would be in 2015, which will impact the facility usage and needs. They discussed current deficiencies in existing facilities and they reviewed previously collected data on all available facilities. School district usage numbers for indoor facilities were discussed; the PAR still needs numbers from the hockey association on usage needs. The next PAR meeting is scheduled for 1/19/06, where small group discussions/work sessions will continue. 2006 Goals - Mike Feriancek discussed possible goals for PAC in 2006. Some goals that were discussed are as follows: Skatepark, Lakefront Restoration & Fin Project, Watzls boat slips evaluation, DNR access at Sand Point Beach, CIPs, Kopp Farm Master Plan, vandalism tracking in the parks (i.e. location/date/cost) Fee Schedules for 2006 - All fee increases that were recommended by the PAC were approved during the January 3rd, 2006 City Council meeting. 2006 CIP Proiects - Al Friedges explained how the CIP works and that this is a planning tool. Everything in the CIP goes through the City Council first. Al mentioned that the Stemmer Ridge www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 project would not be done in 2006. Al also mentioned that the maintenance department is starting to install lights at some neighborhood pleasure rinks so they can be used at night. Lakefront Restoration Proiect Uodate - Al Friedges stated that Management Area #1 (out of 8 areas) is completed. Management Area #2 has been started. Reed Canary, in Management Area #2 will be removed this winter by a new method of scraping which will be used on this site instead of using herbicides for eradication. Ponds Restroom/Concession Building Uodate - Al Friedges informed the PAC that the framing and roofing are done on the restroom/concession building as well as the rough-ins for the electrical have been completed. The installation of tile will begin on 1/12/06 and the plumber will be in to set the fixtures when the tile work is complete. In the spring, concrete will be poured with some financial support ofPLA Y. Concrete will be poured around the entire perimeter of the building that will be used for seating areas and picnic areas. This project should be complete by 5/1106. Kooo Farm Master Plan - Al Friedges asked the PAC if they have any ideas as to what should be done on the Kopp Farm property. There were no new suggestions at this time. Al is currently working with Hoisington Koegler Group to develop a master plan of the Kopp property. Al will continue to inform the PAC as the process progresses. Winter Blast - Angie Barstad informed the PAC of the upcoming Winter Blast, formerly the Community Sled and Skate party. It will be held at Lakefront Park on 1/28/06 from 10:00 am to noon. Along with sledding and skating, there will be a magician, slap shot challenge for prizes, donuts, coffeelhot chocolate, bon fire pit and wagon rides. Everyone is welcome. DNR Access at Sand Point Beach - Al Friedges informed the PAC that before the PAC meets with neighbors of the DNR access at Sand Point Beach, the PAC must inform the City Council of the recommended action. Al will present at a future City Council meeting, the recommendation of closing the current winter access through the beach and opening the DNR access for winter traffic. Once that presentation is made the PAC will meet with neighbors, probably in April of 2006. Canoe Racks at Watzls Beach - Tim Libert will contact Burnsville and Minneapolis to see what they charge for canoe racks at the lakes and if they make residents sign waivers. He will present his findings at the next PAC meeting. Mike Feriancek motioned to adjourn the meeting, Tim Libert second, approved. Meeting adjourned, 7:55 pm