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117-01 Rezone C-2 to C-3
117-02 Rezone T-TC to TC
117-03 CH21 Setback
117-04 Community Events
117-05 ROW Ordinance
117-06 Lake Ridge Apt
117-07 Charlie's on Prior
117-08 Motor Vehicle Sales
117-09 Sunday Off-Sale and Clean Up
117-10 Trillium Cove PrePlat PUD
117-11 Recreational Equipment
117-12 Architectural Design
117-13 Haven Ridge PrePlat PUD
117-14 Right-of-Way Amendment
117-15 Tower Antenna Amendment
117-16 Appeal Process
117-17 City Code Ordinance
117-18 Bluff Ordinance Amendment
117-19 Transitional Town Center Ordinance Amendment
117-20 Official Fee Schedule Amendment